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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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Adrian Garcia wants to punish Harry Allen. What do you think the stipulation should be for his match with Jeremy Stone?

Submission Match, Last Man Standing Match or Stretcher Match


Johnny Blood & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

Troy Tornado vs Haru Kurofuji

Stephanie Blake vs Catherine Quine

Harry Allen vs Jeremy Stone


Those picks look kinda familiar.... :eek:

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Adrian Garcia wants to punish Harry Allen. What do you think the stipulation should be for his match with Jeremy Stone?

Submission Match, Last Man Standing Match or Stretcher Match


Johnny Blood & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

Troy Tornado vs Haru Kurofuji

Stephanie Blake vs Catherine Quine

Harry Allen vs Jeremy Stone - Draw when the Triumverate run in.


Glad to see this back.

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Raul Hughes knocks out Jeremy Stone!



By the way FCK-fans, this week's Fan Vote is a little close to call. You don't want Adrian Garcia to have to make the decision himself, do you? Please help ;)

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Adrian Garcia wants to punish Harry Allen. What do you think the stipulation should be for his match with Jeremy Stone?

Submission Match, Last Man Standing Match or Stretcher Match


Johnny Blood & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

Troy Tornado vs Haru Kurofuji

Stephanie Blake vs Catherine Quine

Harry Allen vs Jeremy Stone

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Adrian Garcia wants to punish Harry Allen. What do you think the stipulation should be for his match with Jeremy Stone?

Submission Match, Last Man Standing Match or Stretcher Match


Johnny Blood & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

Or the match may be thrown out. But can't see Blood & Maverick winning.

Troy Tornado vs Haru Kurofuji

Stephanie Blake vs Catherine Quine

Harry Allen vs Jeremy Stone

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JOHNNY BLOOD and MAVERICK glare at each other as ADRIAN GARCIA talks incessantly to a irritated RICHARD EISEN. Loud 80’s Rock Music kicks off and the lights go nuclear as...




The DIRTY WHITE CREW make their way through the crowd. Dressed as a slutty Nurse, BLONDE BOMBSHELL bumps and grinds with every fan, male and female, in her path. GREASE HOGG and LEAD BELLY follow, hooked up to IV’s marked “100% pure alcohol”. They seem to have a nice buzz going.


B.B rolls into the ring and starts grinding against Maverick, who... doesn’t move... not even a little. She uses her stethoscope to check for a heartbeat. Is this thing on? Johnny Blood shoves her. The DWB attack!



Johnny Blood & Maverick . . . Lead Belly & Grease Hogg



The D.W.B dominate with wild brawling and raw power until Blood surprises Grease Hogg with an amazing snap belly-to-belly suplex. The Triumvirate work over Hogg’s back. Emotionless, Maverick uses tried-and-tested holds while Blood just stomps the crap out of his spine. Maverick tries to finish it with a Piledriver, but Hogg back-body-drops him and makes the tag! Lead Belly runs wild! Big throws! Hard clotheslines!


Grease Hogg tags back in, the D.W.B looking for a big double team move, but Johnny Blood floors Hogg with a Raging Elbow (Charging Discus Elbow Strike) low-bridges Lead Belly out of the ring, and plancha’s out after him. Watching from ringside, Richard Eisen looks impressed.


Maverick puts Grease Hogg in a Boston Crab. His back is in excruciating pain! He has to tap!




HARRY ALLEN slides into the ring and hits Maverick with the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) Referee Valentine looks up from tying his shoe just in time to see Grease Hogg making the cover.




Harry Allen and The Dirty White Crew meet up in the crowd to share a few beers. Harry gives his hat to a lucky fan. Meanwhile, in the ring, a furious Blood yells at Maverick.






RAUL HUGHES arrives at the arena, and comes face-to-face with JEREMY STONE. The two warriors stare each other down, until Jeremy extends a hand. Raul shakes it. Satisfied, they go their separate ways.









DHARMA GREGG catches up with HARRY ALLEN, who has a big smile on his face.



Harry, you just attacked The Triumvirate for the second week in a row,

but are you sure that’s wise? I mean, they’ve already put you in a Last

Man Standing match against Jeremy Stone tonight as punishment for

your actions.



Punishment? Boy howdy, Garcia must have gone stir crazy. This ain’t

no punishment. It’s an opportunity. Tonight, I’m gonna be fightin’ in the

biggest match of my career, against one of the best in the business.

It’s a chance to really see what I’m made of, and I can’t wait.


Garcia. I ain’t gonna be threatened. I ain’t gonna go away. Y’all messed

with me, now I’m gonna mess with you. 3 weeks from now. FCK Easter.

Dan DaLay’s gonna defend that title and I’m gonna be there at ringside

to make sure he loses it. That ain’t revenge. That’s Justice!





Jerry Eisen “Well folks, Catherine has left the booth for her match, but I guess this is my lucky day. I’m joined by the woman she’ll be fighting 3 weeks from now at FCK Easter. Melody, welcome.”

Melody Cuthill “Good to be here. I’m looking forward to seeing what Catherine Quine can do.”


Quine attacks with lightning fast arm drags and a highly athletic Cartwheel Splash. She tries a backdrop, but ducks her head too soon. Stephanie kicks her in the face, and attacks with hair-pulls, back-rakes, and eye-gouges. Finally Quine gets lucky, countering a Rana into a Powerbomb.


After battering her opponent with Palm Strikes and a Spear, Quine climbs up top and hits a perfect Flying Elbow Drop. Quine stares at Melody as she rolls Stephanie up in the Cat’s Cradle (Magistral Cradle).




Jerry Eisen “So Melody, what do you think?”

Melody Cuthill “Not bad, but she’s going to have to do a lot better than that to stand a chance against me.“




RAUL HUGHES marches to the ring and grabs a microphone.





Last week I beat Jeremy Stone. He gave me the fight of my life, but I

knocked him out. If I can beat him, I can beat anyone. Dan DaLay! You

say you’re defending that title at FCK Easter, well I want that shot.

You’ve got 10 seconds to give it to me. Or else.


Raul glances at his clenched left fist.



10... 9... 8...


People love countdowns. “7... 6... 5... 4...”. DAN DALAY and ADRIAN GARCIA hurry out.





Whoa whoa whoa! Who do you think you are? You’re challenging us?

You’re threatening us? In case you’ve forgotten, DaLay beat your ass

a few weeks ago. What makes you think things would go any different

if you fought again? And as for your little Left Hook. It may knock out

lesser fighters, but not Dan DaLay. You beat Jeremy Stone? Big whoop.

You got lucky. There’s nothing you can do to...


Raul leaves the ring and marches straight for them. Adrian panics and hides behind DaLay. The two Heavyweights get in each other’s faces.



I’m not gonna ask again.


The staredown continues. Fists are clenched. Teeth are bared.



You’re on.


Dan DaLay fakes a punch. Raul doesn’t flinch. Raul fakes a Left Hook. Garcia screams and DaLay covers up. Satisfied, Raul leaves.







Age 33

Hailing From Grande Prairie, Alberta

Height 6’7

Weight 345lbs

Accomplishments CGC World Champion (Aug00-Feb01)

CGC Canadian Champion (Apr03-May04)

CGC Tag Team Champion (Nov01-Apr02) w/ Maverick

Frontier Combat King (Feb09-Current)

Signature Move DaLay Down (Belly-to-Belly Piledriver)


Dan DaLay has always been big, and he’s never had a problem with using that to his advantage. The most feared bully in the history of Grande Prairie Composite High School, it wasn’t until he was introduced to wrestling that he found a proper outlet for his need to dominate those weaker than him.


Much like his stablemate Johnny Blood, DaLay was trained to fight by one of Canada’s greatest wrestling families, in his case the DeColts. Unlike Blood however, he was far from a star pupil, and was booted out of The DeColt Power House for his careless and lazy attitude. He started taking fights wherever he could find them; independent shows, bars, parking lots, but while he was undefeated, he was unfocussed. That all changed when he met young upstart sports agent Adrian Garcia, who wined him, dined him, and they’ve been inseparable ever since, cutting a bloody path of destruction through CGC, laying waste to the DeColts for over a decade.


The 5th draft pick of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, Dan DaLay celebrated Valentine’s Day as the first ever FCK Champion.





Troy Tornado arrives with a cadre of Bodyguards, who surround the ring.


Jerry Eisen “Once again FCK plays host to some top international talent. Welcome Haru Kurofuji.”

Catherine Quine “He’ll face stiff competition from Troy Tornado, who was very impressive last week.”


Kurofuji attacks with martial arts kicks until Tornado scores an ‘accidental’ nut-shot. Referee Valentine tries to pause the fight, but is glared at by the Bodyguards. Troy nails the Starmaker (High Velocity Flying Forearm) before wearing Haru down with high impact maneuvers, taking his time over each one, making sure to set up Kurofuji just right.


Kurofuji fight back after Tornado takes too long setting up a Tornado DDT, but Troy hits a Thrust Kick and destroys him with the Cyclogenesis (Spinning Reverse Underhook Driver).




Troy’s Bodyguards swarm the ring and pull Kurofuji to his feet. Troy picks up an electric guitar.



Album’s out April...


Troy CRACKS Kurofuji over the head with the guitar.



There’ll be no encore.






ADRIAN GARCIA and DAN DALAY arrive back at the Triumvirate Locker Room. DaLay is pumped up.



Don’t worry about a thing, Danny. Raul’s got nothing on you. You

beat him before, you’ll beat him again. This is your title! At FCK

Easter you’re gonna destroy Raul Hughes!




JOHNNY BLOOD barges in, looking even angrier than usual.



What was that??? You just gave away my title shot!



Johnny. Can we talk about this later?



No more later! When I hired you, you promised that I’d get that belt

around my waist! I did everything for you! What does Raul Hughes have

that I don’t??? What does Dan DaLay have that I don’t???



We’ve both got wins over Jeremy Stone. You got one of those?


DaLay chuckles. Johnny Blood storms out, slamming the door behind him. He looks like he’s going to decapitate the next person he sees. He doesn’t notice RICHARD EISEN watching him.





He’s right, you know.



Yeah??? About what???



About Jeremy Stone. I’ve been doing a little research on you. Reading

up on your history, and I’ve got to say, it’s impressive. Over the past

eight years you’ve beaten them all, you’ve crushed everyone in your

path. Except for him. Jeremy Stone. The man who trained you, your

old ‘mentor’. Trouble is, no matter who else you beat, that’s all

anyone remembers. You’re the guy who stood against the House of

Stone and failed. Until you beat Jeremy, they’re never going to take

you seriously.


Richard Eisen starts to walk away, leaving Blood deep in thought.



By the way, good work against the Dirty White Boys. If it wasn’t for

Maverick and the Cowboy you probably could have taken them.








BEAVO THE BEAVER-BUZZ BEAVER is being filmed by a Camera Crew. He strikes a ridiculous pose, holding aloft a can of Beaver Buzz.


BEAVO (talking into camera)

Feeling low on energy? Want a little more ‘oomf’? Then drink

Beaver Buzz! The energy shot with altitude.



For the love of... CUT! It’s ‘Attitude’ you moron ‘ATTITUDE’.




EDD STONE takes off the head of his BEAVO costume.



Sorry. My bad. I sometimes read “T” as “L”... Long story, I was once...


Edd trails off mid-sentence as he notices...




TROY TORNADO heads for his GIGANTIC TOUR BUS. Grinning like a madman, Edd gives chase, leaving the camera crew perplexed and furious. Just as he reaches Tornado, several Bodyguards tackle him.



Hey Troy. ‘sup?


Edd is hauled to his feet. Without looking at him, Troy takes his can of Beaver Buzz and signs it.



Stay in school.



Cool. I’ll get right on that. Hey! You wanna hang out? We could

hit a club, or play some pinball in your bus...



I don’t ‘hang out’ with fans.



I’m not a fan! Well... I am a fan, but I’m a wrestler too. Edd Stone.

We’ve met several times.



Oh, you’re a wrestler? Why didn’t you say so? Tell you what, I’m a

little busy now, but how about we do something next week? Say, get

in the ring and fight... Sound like fun?



Not really... How about beer pong?


Tornado signals his Bodyguards, who throw Edd into a dumpster.



That’s cool. Catch you later.









Jerry Eisen “The rules for the match are simple. The first person to beat his opponent so badly they can’t stand up, wins the match.”

Adrian Garcia “Move over. I want a front row seat to see Harry Allen get his ass handed to him.”

Jerry Eisen “Am I the only one curious as to why you got Jeremy Stone to do this? You don’t exactly run in the same circles.”

Adrian Garcia “Unfortunately no. He never returns my calls. However, Stone is a competitor. You book him in a match and he’ll do everything in his power to win. He’s not going to stop until he knocks Harry unconscious. That’ll teach him for threatening my Triumvirate, eh?”

Catherine Quine “I think Harry has a chance here. He’s been on a hot streak lately, whereas Jeremy has lost his last two matches. Harry’s younger, faster, and I’d even go as far as to say that this Last Man Standing Match favors his high impact style.”

Adrian Garcia “It does? Stupid Fan Vote...”


The two fighters shake hands and the fight is on.


Harry starts things fast, running the ropes and using his superior quickness to keep Jeremy at bay, striking with hit-and-run tactics. Inevitably he gets caught and taken down to the mat, where Jeremy dominates, wearing him down with painful holds. Harry has plenty of fight left in him though as he battles free and rocks Jeremy with a vicious enziguri.


Catherine Quine “If Jeremy has a weakness it’s his head. Edd Stone busted him wide open at “FCK Valentine’s Day” and Raul knocked him out just last week.”


Harry focusses on Jeremy’s head and neck, with stiff kicks, neckbreakers, DDT’s. Jeremy looks to be in trouble, until he decapitates Harry with a Rolling Wheel Kick and unleashes a ton of suplexes. He can’t quite put Harry away though, as The Young Gun keeps fighting back with astonishing speed and agility.


The fight goes back & forth. Harry’s Tornado DDT is countered into a Northern Lights Suplex 1..2..3..4..5... Jeremy’s Twilt-A-Whirl is countered into a DDT ...3..4..5..6..7... Harry climbs up for a Moonsault, but Jeremy cuts him off with a German Suplex off the second rope 1..2... Not waiting for the count, Jeremy lifts him up and nails another German... and another... and another... He tries one more, but Harry flips to his feet and goes for the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) Jeremy launches him with a final German Suplex over the top rope and onto the floor. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!




Jeremy Stone helps Harry back into the ring and the two warriors shake hands. Respect was earned.


JOHNNY BLOOD rolls into the ring. Harry offers to stick around, but Jeremy motions that it’s okay for him to leave, and climbs in after





Everywhere I go, people are telling me that I need to beat your ass!

You know what??? They’re absolutely right! For too long you’ve been

“the guy I can’t beat” and I’m sick of it! So here’s what we’re gonna do!

4 weeks from now! FCK Easter! You and me! We’re going to finish

this! I am finally going to rip you apart and prove that I’m a guy to be

taken seriously! And don’t even think about refusing! Adrian Garcia

will give me any match I want!


Completely calm, Jeremy just watches Blood pacing, getting angrier and angrier.



Really? He didn’t give you a title shot.


Johnny Blood explodes, throwing a Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strike). Jeremy ducks and launches him through the air with the German Suplex. Blood rolls out of the ring, pride hurting more than his body. Johnny fumes as the crowd laugh at him and cheer on their hero, Jeremy Stone.

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This was the worst Main Event in “FCK Mondays!” history. Now, that might sound harsh, it was still a good fight, but the crowd just weren’t all that into it. Jeremy Stone has just come off two losses (his longest losing streak for years) so has probably lost some of his rabid, cult-like fanbase. Even with that, nobody thought Harry Allen stood a chance, so the crowd weren’t entirely sure how to react. It was probably a waste of the Last Man Standing concept too.


It looks like two more matches have been made for FCK Easter. Joining the rescheduled Cuthill/Quine match, it’s going to be Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay for the FCK Title, and (probably) Johnny Blood attempting to finally get a victory over the man who trained him; Jeremy Stone. We’ve seen both fight before (for free!) so... Yeah.


Here’s tonight’s show, all rated up for y’all.


The Dirty White Crew arrive... B-


Raul & Jeremy shake hands.... B+

Harry Allen Promo... B-


Raul Challenges Dan... B+

Profile: Dan DaLay... B


The Triumvirate Argue... B-

Edd Stone in a beaver outfit... C


Johnny Blood challenges Jeremy... B+


“The Marksman” gives this show a C+

Early reports put the IC-TV Rating at 0.15


0.15. That is not a typo. Not only did this have the worst Main Event in FCK history, but it also brought in it’s lowest rating on IC-TV. Since it’s debut, “FCK Mondays” has been getting between 0.22 and 0.25, but tonight’s show saw it drop significantly. Why? There are many potential reasons.


  • Tonight’s Main Event - Harry Allen has never looked like more of a threat, but he doesn’t have the name value to carry a Main Event. If this is true, the ratings will probably be back up next week.
  • Dan DaLay As Champion - ‘nuff said.
  • The Lack Of Wrestling - Bell-to-Bell, this episode had just 36 minutes of wrestling. That’s 40% of the show, the lowest match-angle ratio of any wrestling show currently on TV. BTW I didn’t include entrances in this.
  • The Risque Product - There are half-naked women everywhere on this show. I expect most parents aren’t letting their kids watch. Wrestling being so popular with children these days (and so often targeted at them OMGSUXXLOL) that’s gotta hurt the ratings.


Next week’s card, according to FCKwrestling.ca



Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen

Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine


*According to my sources, Maya usually wrestles as “Miss Mexico”


Until next time, keep on shootin'


"The Marksman" Marky Mark

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One of the few diaries I'll consistently read every word of, and with good reason. DaLay as champion, Allen main-eventing, fleshed out characters like Edd and Jeremy Stone, it's all there.


So please don't stop it or i'll have to cry :p


Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?


Maverick vs Raul Hughes


Title challenger vs. Champion's team-mate. Hmm...


Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen


Rather un-main event duo vs. Main-eventing fully-fledged character. Hmm...


Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone


Probably the only debatable match on the card, and my Edd man crush refuses to let me go for anyone else :p Although he has a chance, if Tornado wins he can just blow Stone off, but if Edd wins he'll have something to prove...


Maya Baquero vs Catherine Quine


Even with Mexico debuting, she's got no chance against Quine. Squash-tastic!

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Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?

Two for the price of one!


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Kept strong for his title shot.


Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen

Plucky underdog face pulls it off - although I wouldn't be surprised to see it go the other way.


Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Edd Stone is the universe's buttmonkey.


Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine

Keep strong the one who's got a match coming up.


*According to my sources, Maya usually wrestles as “Miss Mexico”

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Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?

I'm a fan of FCK, and I'd rather my beloved babyface hero went up against the wrinkly old unknown Japanese man than both of the foreign devils. :p


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Danger Kumasaka vs Harry Allen

Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine

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Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen

Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine



excellent dynasty you have going on here self, I finally had time to read it from the beginning and it is great. :)

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Very very good, as always. Particular favourites are Edd Stone (obviously!) and Blood, but Hughes, Tornado and Harry Allen were all very entertaining to read over the past few shows.


Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen

Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine

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Adrian Garcia doesn’t think Harry Allen has suffered enough. Which member of Team Deathstrike do you think can do the most damage?

Akinori Kwakami, ‘Danger’ Kumasaka or Both?


Maverick vs Raul Hughes

Team Deathstrike vs Harry Allen

Troy Tornado vs Edd Stone

Maya Baquero* vs Catherine Quine

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OOC: I've been busy this week so I skipped my usual Thursday cheap-bump, but seeing as I just got nominated for DOTM I thought I'd bump myself up from the 3rd page.


Thanks for all of your comments. I giggled with girlish glee for every single one.The Fan Voting was interesting this week... on a psychological level. Some voted for what Garcia should do, while others voted for what Harry Allen would prefer. Very interesting, and something I'll have to consider in the future.


Anyway, far be it for me to bump with some kind of content, so here's something I whipped up.




Jeremy Stone launches Harry Allen out of the ring

with a German Suplex


Episode 8 is 99% written, and will be up Monday. Same time. Same place. Rock on, FCK-fans.

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HARRY ALLEN waits in the ring, killing time by lassoing random FCK Bunnies. His ribs are heavily taped up.




ADRIAN GARCIA arrives on the ramp, with TEAM DEATHSTRIKE in tow. DANGER KUMASAKA cackles as his daughter CHITOSE straps on his kneebraces for him. AKINORI KWAKAMI leers at her.



Harry! We all know you don’t want to fight tonight, eh. Look at you. Your

ribs are all taped up, you were in a hellacious match with Jeremy Stone

last week where you were suplexed over the top rope and landed

on the unprotected cement. You’re hurt. You don’t want to fight. So let’s

make a deal. Call off your plans to cost Dan DaLay the title at FCK

Easter and apologize for attacking my Triumvirate... and I’ll call this

match off.


Harry doesn’t even have to think about it for a second.



I ain’t calling it off and I ain’t apologizing. You hit my partner with a

car. You messed with me and now nothin’s gonna stop me messin’

with you. So send whoever you want, because whether I’m hurt or not,

I’ll tan their hides just like I’m gonna do to your boy, DaLay.


Furious, Adrian Garcia sends Team Deathstrike to the ring.





Jerry Eisen “Harry Allen is determined in his quest for justice. He’s not going to be threatened.”

Catherine Quine “The deck looks stacked against him tonight. Not only does he have injured ribs, but Danger has both his daughter Chitose and his protege Akinori Kwakami on the outside.”


Harry starts fast, keeping one step ahead of the veteran, landing a series of arm drags, dropkicks and an awesome springboard back-elbow. Akinori hits a cheap shot on The Vigilante’s injured ribs.


Cackling, Kumasaka uses every trick in the book to overpower Harry and work over the ribs with his heavily braced knees. Outside, his daughter Chitose applauds, but Danger yells at her until she stops. Fighting out of a headlock, Harry mounts a comeback, again using his speed to his advantage, evading Danger’s every attack and scoring the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) out of nowhere!


Outside of the ring, Akinori repeatedly tries to peek under Chitose’s kimono, much to the young girl’s distress. Harry wipes him out with a somersault plancha. Harry gives Chitose his hat, before climbing into the ring and nailing Danger with the Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fist Drop) to get the win.




Harry Allen leaves through the crowd, celebrating with his fans. As Akinori helps his mentor up, Chitose gazes at The Vigilante with awe.






“The following pre-recorded video is just a little slice of Dirty White Life”




In a scuzzy Biker Bar in the middle of nowhere, THE DIRTY WHITE BOYS are embroiled in an epic bar fight, tossing guys around at will, having the time of their lives. In the middle of it all, BLONDE BOMBSHELL writhes around on a table, talking to the camera.



Do you like Hardcore? We do. At FCK Easter the Dirty White

Boys are offering a Dirty White Challenge. It’s an Open Invitational

Hardcore Battle Royal and the winner gets to party with me; The Dirty

White Girl; Blonde Bombshell. Come one. Come all. I’ll keep you up.

All. Night. Long...


The only ones left standing, GREASE HOGG and LEAD BELLY smash beer bottles over each other’s heads, roaring with laughter.





Jerry Eisen “Last week Johnny Blood challenged Jeremy to a match at FCK Easter. That match has been signed, and in 9 days Blood will get another chance to finally defeat his old mentor.”

Catherine Quine “Jeremy doesn’t seem fazed by the challenge. Cool, calm and collected, he’s ready to fight anyone, anytime, anyplace.”


Jeremy dominates from the get-go, first controlling Amagawa on the mat, then launching him through the air with picture-perfect suplexes. Nichiren fights back with a couple of chops, but Jeremy hits a Rolling Wheel Kick, a big Shoulder Breaker, and locks him in the Stone Hold (Crossface). Amagawa taps!








JOHNNY BLOOD watches Jeremy celebrate on the monitor. The very sight of which fills Johnny with intense rage. RICHARD EISEN approaches.



So you’re going to fight Jeremy again?



Yeah! You gotta problem with that???



Not at all. I think it’s a good move. It’s just...



Just what???



Do you really think things are going to go any different this time? I

took the liberty of watching some of your old matches against The

Canadian Wrestling Machine and they all seem to end the same way.

You’re doing fine. In control. Then all of a sudden you get mad. You

get angry and you lose focus. And he beats you. It’s happened every

single time, and it’s going to happen again.


Johnny hurls the monitor against a wall and advances on Eisen.






Unless what???



Unless you turn the tables. You get him angry. You make him lose focus.

Find his weakness and exploit it. That’s how you beat Jeremy Stone.



So what’s his weakness???


Shrugging, Richard Eisen walks away.





Troy Tornado arrives with a cadre of Bodyguards, who surround the ring. Impressed by the muscle, Edd raises his hand, looking for a High-Five. Troy ignores it.


Jerry Eisen “This match came together last week. Edd just wanted to hang out and make friends, but Tornado wanted to fight instead.”

Catherine Quine “It’s wrestling, Jerry. Friendship’s got nothing to do with it.”


Edd uses his superior speed and agility to strike out with flashy kicks and pointless flips, much to the crowd’s delight. Furious at being upstaged, Tornado flees outside to the safety of his Bodyguards. Edd launches himself at him with a crazy Somersault Suicide Dive, taking out half a dozen Bodyguards... but not Tornado, who was pushed to safety at the last second. Tornado decapitates Edd with the Starmaker (High Velocity Flying Forearm).


Back in the ring, Tornado beats Edd down with high impact moves, taking his sweet time over each one, until Edd flips out of an Electric Chair Drop and fights back with every head scissor known to man (including one made up in mid-air) Edd climbs up top, but gets distracted by a Bodyguard. Tornado cuts him off and delivers the Cyclogenesis (Reverse Underhook Driver) from the second rope to get the win.




Tornado’s Bodyguards swarm the ring and drag a dazed Edd up to his feet. Troy grabs an Electric Guitar.



Album’s out April...




JEREMY STONE sprints down to the ring, wading through Bodyguards to rescue his little brother. Tornado flees, followed by the few Bodyguards that Jeremy hasn’t knocked out with his devastating suplexes.


Jeremy tries to help his brother up, but Edd shoves him away and leaves, sulking.






Watching on a monitor backstage. JOHNNY BLOOD smiles.









Age 31 years old

Hailing from Los Angeles, California

Height 6’2

Weight 252lbs

Past Accomplishments Former TCW International Champion (Feb06-Dec06)

Specialty Moves Cyclogenesis (Reverse Underhook Driver) Starmaker (High Velocity Flying Forearm)


For Troy Tornado, music is his life. Wrestling is a means to an end. Trouble is, he’s not much of a musician, and despite sending out hundred of demo tapes in his youth, his ‘unique’ brand of self-important emo-rock wasn’t selling.


Initially just using his natural ability to kick ass as a way to pay the bills, Troy got his big break in TCW when he successfully auditioned to replace Jack Bruce as the Lead Singer of wrestling/rock group; Painful Procedure. However, bringing in Tornado was the beginning of the end for the group. He became immediately drunk with power, and his lust for the spotlight, frequent mood swings and explosive Diva-like tantrums shattered the group.


With his new solo album “Storm Warning” due to hit stores worldwide in April, Tornado has once again climbed aboard his gigantic tour bus, surrounded himself with the best Bodyguards his record label’s money can buy, and made his way to a new territory; the Frontier Combat Kingdom, to try to make people buy his music.





Jerry Eisen “With The Cat hitting the ring, I’m once again joined by the woman she’ll be fighting at FCK Easter, Melody Cuthill.”

Melody Cuthill “Quine should be careful getting in there with Maya. I’ve seen some tapes of her. This girl can really move.”


Maya uses lucha-style rolls and springboards to stay out of reach of The Cat, but Quine adapts and dominates with Palm Strikes and Arm Drags. Maya uses a thumb to the eye, and sets up for a Frankenrana, but Quine shoves her off the turnbuckle, nails a Flying Elbow Drop, and rolls her up in the Cat’s Cradle (Magistral Cradle) for the win.




Jerry Eisen “A commanding performance from The Cat. What did you think?”

Melody Cuthill “She’s certainly lost the ring rust. She might even provide a challenge now.“






EDD STONE paces in his locker room. DHARMA GREGG enters.



Edd! I just saw what happened. Are you okay?



No, I’m not okay! I’m gonna rip his throat out... I’m gonna kick his stupid

bald stupid head in...



Wait. Bald? You’re not talking about Troy Tornado are you?



What? Why would I? He’s a cool dude. He beat me in a match, and had his

entourage help me up. It was a touching moment... until Jeremy decided

to barge in, suplexing guys, sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong.

I told him to leave me alone, but no, he decides to embarrass me

in front of 2,000 people. Again!


There’s a loud BANG! Is someone kicking the door in? BANG! The door flies off it’s hinges as Edd screams.




Pissed off as always, JOHNNY BLOOD. Edd visibly relaxes.



Oh. Johnny. It’s you. For a second there I thought it was someone scary.


Johnny slams Edd against a wall, forearm to throat.


EDD STONE (struggling to breathe)

Dude? What’s up?



I don’t like you! I don’t like your brother! I don’t like your Father! I don’t

like your entire family!


EDD STONE (still struggling)

Preaching to the choir, man.



So here’s what we’re going to do! I need a warm-up match to get me

ready to fight Jeremy at FCK Easter and you’re the closest thing to a

Stone I can find! Next week! You and me! We’re gonna fight! If you

thought getting thrown off the stage hurt! Just you wait!


Johnny releases Edd and begins to storm out.



Oh yeah. I forgot it was you who did that. You won’t believe how

much cash that got me. C’mere I owe you a hug.


Johnny whirls around and belly-to-belly suplexes Edd into some lockers.



And just in case you’re planning on running away. I’m making it a

Cage Match. See you next week.







Emotionless, MAVERICK does squats, as a nervous ADRIAN GARCIA circles him. DAN DALAY lounges in the corner, a disgusted FCK Bunny feeding him grapes.



I don't think I need to explain to you how important this is, Maverick. Now

we all know Dan DaLay is going to destroy Raul Hughes in 9 days

at FCK Easter, but... there’s a tiny, TINY chance that Raul might

get lucky. I need you to snuff out that chance. Completely and utterly.

I’m counting on you, Maverick. We’re all counting on you. Don’t let

us down. Just watch out for the Left Hook... and the Right Cross...

Basically anything to do with his fists... Oh, and if you happen to break

his arm, there’ll be a nice bonus in it for you, eh. Let’s go.


Maverick marches to the ring, followed by a frantically nervous Adrian Garcia. Several FCK Bunnies carry in The Frontier Combat King, Dan DaLay, upon his throne and place him down at ringside. He demands his escorts feed him grapes!





Jerry Eisen “Two weeks ago Hughes shocked the world by knocking out Jeremy Stone, earning him a title shot against Dan DaLay at FCK Easter.”

Catherine Quine “But tonight he’s going to have to face Maverick, a fearsome warrior in his own right. A submission specialist, you can bet he’s going to go right after that Devastating left arm of Raul Hughes.”


The two fighters forgo the handshake, content with glaring at each other. In between mouthfuls, Dan DaLay yells at Raul, distracting him just long enough for Maverick to jump him.


Maverick goes straight for the arm, clinically twisting Raul in numerous hammerlocks and keylocks, ending each sequence with an attempt to lock in a cross-armbreaker. Hughes lashes out with a Right Cross, and follows up with a variety of powerful punches, thoroughly out-boxing the technician.


Raul Hughes launches a Left Hook, but Maverick ducks and takes him down with a shoulder-stunner. Maverick continues his assault on the left arm, dissecting the elbow and shoulder with tried and tested holds and pinpoint kneestrikes, repeatedly trying to lock in a cross-armbreaker.


Raul fires up and suddenly takes Maverick down with a Double-Leg, and starts laying in the ground & pound. Adrian Garcia gets worried, picking up a chair and sliding into the ring. Hughes spots him and rears back his left fist... Garcia shrieks, dropping the chair. Maverick sneaks up behind Hughes, going for a Sleepe- LEFT HOOK! Maverick is out cold! Referee Sparrow calls it!


WINNER - RAUL HUGHES after 12:45


Raul grabs Adrian Garcia by the scruff of the neck, hoists him up in a military press, and hurls him at Dan DaLay, taking the FCK Champion down.

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It seems like The Marksman’s sources are drying up, I’ve got very little to report on this week’s show. Tornado/Edd Stone was a fun fight. The crowd weren’t as into it as I was, but I thought something was clicking. Two new FCKers debuted, Maya Baquero and some young Japanese guy whose name I can’t remember, but they were both beaten decisively so I don’t see much of a future for either of them.


Here’s a rundown of tonight’s show.


Harry & Garcia Argue... C+


Dirty White Skit... B-


Johnny Blood talks to Richard Eisen... B-


Jeremy makes the save... C+

Profile: Troy Tornado... C


Johnny challenges Edd... C-

Psyching up Maverick... C-



“The Marksman” gives this show a C+

Early reports indicate this show got a 0.16 rating


The rating’s up, but not by much. I guess last week’s dip isn’t just a one-time thing. I expect next week’s Cage Match should help boost ratings a bit.


Next week’s show, as reported by FCKwrestling.ca



Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?

Edd Stone, Harry Allen or Catherine Quine


Troy Tornado vs Boo Smithson

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine

Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen vs Team Deathstrike & Friends

CAGE MATCH: Johnny Blood vs Edd Stone


Until next time, keep on shootin’.


“The Marksman” Marky Mark.

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Fun fun fun, loved the Edd/Blood confrontation most of all... saddens me to see you only getting a C+ for the show when we all know it's way more awesome than that. :)



Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?

Edd Stone, Harry Allen or Catherine Quine


Troy Tornado vs Boo Smithson

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine

Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen vs Team Deathstrike & Friends

CAGE MATCH: Johnny Blood vs Edd Stone


Popularity based promotions SHOULD be relatively predictable most of the time, fans dig familiarity and that leads to a fairly strong ladder system. At least, that's my take on the way things should end up being booked a lot of the time and so I'm going with the more obvious winnners in this FCKfest. :)

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<p>Allen, Allen, Allen! Harry is fast becoming one of my favourite CVerse characters - at least your portrayal of him. Edd, Jeremy, Tornado and the Garcia heels are all very enjoyable as well.</p><p> </p><p>

FAN VOTE :</p><p>

Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

Edd Stone, <strong>Harry Allen </strong>or Catherine Quine</p><p>


Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone</strong> & Harry Allen vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone</p>

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<p>FAN VOTE : </p><p>

Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong>, Harry Allen or Catherine Quine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood </strong>vs Edd Stone</p>

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<p>Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

Edd Stone, Harry Allen or <strong>Catherine Quine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone </p><p>

<em>I will laugh my ass off if Edd pulls off a win, thereby boosting Johnny to levels of rage Bruce Banner has never experienced, but I don't really expect it to happen.</em></p>

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<p>FAN VOTE :</p><p>

Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong>, Harry Allen or Catherine Quine</p><p>

<em>We love you Edd!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

<em>Sorry, Boo. You're too good at making other people look good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<em>Obviously, to keep the PPV match hyped.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

<em>Team Deathstrike are yet to pull off a solid win, while these three are nearly unstoppable.</em></p><p> </p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone </p><p>

<em>Edd Stone remains the universal buttmonkey.</em></p>

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