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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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<p>Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

Edd Stone, <strong>Harry Allen </strong>or Catherine Quine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone</p>

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<p>Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong>, Harry Allen or Catherine Quine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson - Easy, predictable.</p><p>

<strong>Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero</strong> vs Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine - I smell shenanigans.</p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends - I think the fact it says "friends" is enough proof that they won't win. Oh plus it's the number one contender and one of the most over guys in the company.</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone - As funny as it may be to see Edd win, that wouldn't do anything for Blood in the end.</p>

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<p>FAN VOTE : </p><p>

Which FCK wrestler do you want to see Profiled next?</p><p>

Edd Stone, <strong>Harry Allen</strong> or Catherine Quine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado</strong> vs Boo Smithson</p><p>

Stephanie Blake & Maya Baquero vs <strong>Melody Cuthill & Catherine Quine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raul Hughes, Jeremy Stone & Harry Allen</strong> vs Team Deathstrike & Friends</p><p>

CAGE MATCH: <strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Edd Stone</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21623" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Furthermore.<p> </p><p> <em>WHO RULES IN ABSENTIA?</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> DECOLT RULES!!! In absentia!</p>
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<p><span style="font-size:36px;">Best. Diary. Ever.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Also,</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Boo Smithson</strong> vs. Troy Tornado</p><p> </p><p>

Tornado wins, we riot. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">No, really... we will.</span></p>

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THE TRIUMVIRATE are in the ring. DAN DALAY lounges on a throne, devouring an entire ham. MAVERICK stands perfectly still, expressionless, staring into space. JOHNNY BLOOD paces, keeping as far away from the others as possible. RICHARD EISEN watches them, somewhat amused. ADRIAN GARCIA holds a microphone, fidgeting.



In two days time, at FCK Easter, Dan DaLay is going to destroy Raul

Hughes and successfully retain his FCK title. See, Hughes has it in his

head that just because he’s knocked out everyone else with his Left

Hook, he’s going to do the same to Dan DaLay. That is not going to

happen. Harry Allen has it in his head that he is going to interfere in

this match and somehow cost DaLay the belt. THAT is not going to

happen. You people have got it into your heads that you’re going to see

a new FCK Champion. THAT is not going to happen. Mark my words,

Dan DaLay is going to win this fight. My Triumvirate are making it

their top and only priority. Nothing is more important than-


Catching a glance from Eisen, Johnny Blood burns through his limited supply of patience and snatches the microphone.



Jeremy Stone! Everywhere I go people are telling me I can’t beat you!

They’re wrong! I’m not that rookie you pushed around at The House

of Stone! Not any more! Tonight I’m going to show you exactly what

you’re in for at “FCK Easter!” when I rip your little brother apart! And

just in case you’re thinking about running to his rescue, look up!


Above the ring hangs a Steel Cage.



That is a Steel Cage! No one gets in! No one gets out! Edd Stone is

going to be locked in there with me and you are going to have no

choice but to watch! I’m gonna make him cry! I’m gonna make him

beg! I’m gonna make him bleed! And then I’m coming for you!


Having made his point, Johnny Blood barges past Maverick and Garcia, leaves the ring and marches up the ramp.




As the rest of the Triumvirate watch Blood’s exit, RAUL HUGHES slides into the ring and nails Dan DaLay with a LEFT HOOK! Terrified, Adrian Garcia clings to Maverick to protect him. Raul just stares them down, putting a foot on the unconscious DaLay’s chest.





Having made what would be a legal pinfall in their match on Wednesday, Raul leaves.


Jerry Eisen “Raul Hughes has just made a statement!”

Catherine Quine “If he lands that Left Hook on Wednesday Night, we’ll be looking at a new FCK Champion.”




“The following pre-recorded video is just a little slice of Dirty White Life”




In a bar filled with college students, THE DIRTY WHITE BOYS are embroiled in another epic bar fight, utterly destroying a cavalcade of preppy tools and jocks. In the middle of it all, BLONDE BOMBSHELL dances on the bar, talking to the camera.



Do you want to spend the night with The Dirty White Girl? Well the

Dirty White Challenge is just 2 days away. So if you’re interested

in having some fun, and don't mind a little Hardcore then come to

FCK Easter. Wednesday Night. March 10th. If you can survive the

Open Invitational Hardcore Battle Royal, I guarantee I’ll make it

worth you while. All. Night. Long.


Blonde Bombshell hops off the bar. GREASE HOGG and LEAD BELLY, the last men standing, pour an entire keg of beer over her. B.B poses seductively, soaking wet, clothes clinging to her lithe, toned body.





Jerry Eisen “We got word earlier today that Troy Tornado will be part of The Dirty White Boy’s Hardcore Invitational at FCK Easter.”

Catherine Quine “I wonder if he’ll bring his Bodyguards for that too.”


Troy’s army of Bodyguards stop Boo as he shyly shuffles down to the ring, suspecting he’s just a common Hobo. As Referee Sparrow sorts out the confusion, Troy takes Boo out with a Baseball Slide.


Tornado rolls him in the ring and starts hitting high-impact moves, taking his sweet time over each one. Boo fights out of a DDT attempt and surprises Tornado by locking him in a Crossface Chickenwing. Tornado fades fast. Luckily for him, one of his Bodyguards distracts Referee Sparrow, allowing Tornado to hit a Low Blow and the Cyclogenesis (Reverse Underhook Driver) for the win.






Two particularly large Bodyguards drag Boo to his feet. Troy grabs an Electric Guitar and a microphone.



You may have noticed two new members of my entourage. Meet Knuckles

and Shady K. They’re going to be in charge of my security, and

providing back-up raps for tracks 3, 7 and 14 of my new album “Storm

Warning” out April. They’ll also be with me when I enter the Dirty

White Boy’s Hardcore Battle Royal this Wednesday.


Tornado cracks Boo over the head with the Guitar.



Expect more of that at FCK Easter.






HARRY ALLEN arrives at the arena. DHARMA GREGG rushes over to him.



Harry! Several weeks ago you promised to interfere in Dan DaLay’s

title defense at FCK Easter! Well, that show is just 2 days away and

after all of Adrian Garcia’s attempts to punish you, have you changed

your mind?



Boy howdy, Dharma! “Interfere”? You make it sound like such a bad

thing. The way I see it, The Triumvirate are already plannin’ on cheatin’

their way to victory on Wednesday, so all I’m doing is levelin’ the playin’

field and makin’ sure the best man wins. If that scares Adrian Garcia

and his boys, well... I guess that says a lot.


There’s a SCREECHING of tyres. Harry tackles Dharma to safety moments before a CAR SLAMS INTO WALL BESIDE THEM. The vehicle quickly backs up and speeds away, but not before Harry gets a look at the driver.







Jerry Eisen “Opponents in two days. Partners tonight. How will Melody Cuthill and Catherine Quine co-exist?”


Melody dominates Maya with a fast paced high flying combination, finishing with an agile dropkick. The Cat tags herself in and hits the same combo, finishing with an even flashier dropkick. “Anything you can do...” Stephanie charges at both of them, shrieking like a banshee. Melody and Quine take it in turns arm-dragging her, trying to out-do each other in speed, skill and power.


Maya surprises Melody with a vicious neckbreaker and drags her over to Stephanie. They beat her down with shady tactics and misdirection, until Melody hits a Rana and makes the tag! The Cat cleans house with Palm Strikes, before leveling Stephanie with a Spear, climbing up top and nailing a perfect Flying Elbow Drop. She’s about to make the cover when Melody comes flying off the opposite turnbuckle with a picture perfect elbow of her own. “I can do better, bitch!” Quine makes the cover.




Jerry Eisen “Who is the best female fighter in the world today? Melody Cuthill or Catherine Quine? We’ll find out Wednesday night at FCK Easter.”






DAN DALAY snoozes on his throne. ADRIAN GARCIA paces back and forth, so nervous he nearly has a heart-attack when his PHONE RINGS.


ADRIAN GARCIA (on phone)

Is it done? What? What do you mean you “missed”?


There’s a SCREAM from outside, and a series of BANGS. Adrian tries to wake up DaLay, but to no avail. The door flies open!




HARRY ALLEN storms in, backing Adrian Garcia into the corner.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, Harry! We had nothing to do with it!



You expect me to believe that? I saw your boy, Maverick.



You did? I mean... What? Mav... Maverick? How could he do such a...

It was all his idea, I swear! I tried to stop him! Please don’t hurt me!



I ain’t gonna hurt ya, but I do want something. Maverick. He just tried

to take me out with a car, and if I’m right it’s not the first time. I want

revenge. Make it happen.



Okay okay okay! FCK Easter! You and Maverick. I’ll make it happen.


Satisfied, Harry starts to walk away.



But if I’m doing something for you, you’ve got to do something for me.

If I make this match, I need you to call off your attack on Dan DaLay.

Let him fight Raul Hughes on his own. That’s fair, right?


Casting a glance at the slumbering DaLay, hugging an entire roast chicken, Harry sighs and leaves.



Fine. I’ll let Raul knock him out his own. I just want Maverick.



Any chance I can get this in writing?










Chugging Beaver Buzz like there’s no tomorrow, EDD STONE watches as a couple of FCK Bunnies finish erecting a to-scale replica of the chain-link Steel Cage wall in his locker room.



Haha... “Erecting”.


Getting a pissed-off thumbs up from the Bunnies, Edd psyches himself up, does a couple of quick stretches, and charges, running a few steps up the chain-link and kicking off into a perfect backflip. Well… almost perfect. He over-rotates, slips upon landing, and lands hard on his ass. The Bunnies look worried.



So you girls wanna hit a club later? There’s this new place called “Hor”

which I think might be right up your alley.


Clearly uninterested, the FCK Bunnies leave, passing JEREMY STONE on the way out.





Well, look who it is. “My Hero” Jeremy Stone. Hey, I saw a kitten stuck

in a tree earlier, maybe you could go suplex it unconscious... jerk.


JEREMY STONE (sighing)

I thought I could help you to-



Well I don’t want your help. Didn’t want it last week. Don’t want it tonight.

You know, I could have sworn I told you to leave me alone, but every

week you seem to find an excuse to get all up in my business. Take last

week. Me and Tornado were having this totally awesome bonding

moment, but you went and ruined it by “saving me”. Troy thinks I’m a

loser now. Instead of being knee deep in his groupie-castoffs tonight,

I’m gonna get my ass kicked by a raging psychopath.



I can help you beat Blood-



You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Another chance to be the hero? Screw.

You. I can do this on my own. I mean, it’s a cage match, simple enough.

As soon as I figure out the springy-factor I’ll be bouncing off the walls like

a Champ.



Edd, he’s going to kill you!



And whose fault is that?


Looking sad, Jeremy leaves, but not before leaving his little brother a CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF JOHNNY BLOOD, covered in post-it notes of tips and hints. For a moment, Edd is touched.


Team Deathstrike; DANGER KUMASAKA, AKINORI KWAKAMI, NICHIREN AMAGAWA & HARU KUROFUJI try to formulate a strategy as their opponents make their entrances. Danger’s daughter CHITOSE gazes at HARRY ALLEN in awe as the Vigilante arrives.





Jerry Eisen “This Wednesday, Jeremy, Harry and Raul each take on a member of Adrian Garcia’s Triumvirate.”

Catherine Quine “Clearly Garcia wants to soften them up before then, so he’s sending in Team Deathstrike.”

Jerry Eisen “Who’ve been recruiting... apparently.”


All Hell breaks loose from the get-go as Team Deathstrike completely ignore the tag rules and mob their opponents. Nichiren wrestles Raul to the ground. Akinori stuns Harry with vicious strikes. Haru uses his agility to keep Jeremy at bay. Danger directs traffic, cackling and casting disapproving looks at his daughter Chitose whenever she starts enjoying herself. Raul battles back with powerful punches. Harry explodes with amazing speed. Jeremy suplexes everyone in sight.


Amidst the chaos, Danger catches his daughter cheering on Harry, so leaves the ring to yell at her. Harry Allen wipes him out with a rolling suicide dive, landing on his feet and giving her a wink. Chitose is smitten. Haru Kurofuji nails Harry with a springboard plancha.


Inside the ring, Nichiren sneaks up behind Raul and LEFT HOOK! Nichiren is out cold! Haru springboards in and LEFT HOOK! Haru is out cold! Akinori sneaks up behind Raul and STONE HOLD! Jeremy Stone locks him in the Stone Hold (Crossface) Akinori taps!








Age 23 years old

Hailing from Downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia

Height 6’0

Weight 222lbs

Specialty Moves Party’s Over (Seated Faceplant) Shooting Star Legdrop

Past Accomplishments

2006 Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup Winner (/w Duane Stone)

4 x NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion

2 x NOTBPW Young Lion Champion

When Canadian wrestling legend Dan Stone retired and formed NOTBPW, it seemed inevitable that his kids would mirror his success. Jeremy Stone united the old regional Alberta & Quebec belts to create the NOTBPW Title. Dan Jr held that belt until the company folded in the 2009 Draft. Victoria became one of the greatest female wrestlers in history and Duane brought the Stone name to glory in Japan. Then there’s Edd... who is best known for repeatedly climbing out of limos with no pants on.


Originally heralded as the future of the Stone legacy, young Edd has for the most part been a crushing disappointment to his family. Instead of adopting the Stone’s trademark efficient, technical style, he likes to fly, using moves that often don’t make sense or hurt him more than his opponent. Instead of being a quiet, responsible member of community, Edd likes to party, hitting clubs and headlines with extraordinary vigor. Instead of being eager for competition, Edd frequently skips matches when he finds something more fun to do... or is hung-over.


Trained by his eldest brother Jeremy at The House of Stone (Edd’s “Worst Year Ever”) The 24 Hour Party Animal became the talk of the wrestling world in 2007 when his own Father fired him. Exactly which straw broke the camel’s back is unclear, although waking up naked in a fountain at a popular Canadian theme park can’t have helped.


But despite everything, Edd is still a Stone, and with that genealogy come certain advantages, such as natural fighting instincts, extraordinary ring awareness and the ability to absorb a tremendous amount of punishment. Plus, he’s still very young, so if he can clean up his act, get serious, and learn a little common sense, who knows what he could achieve in the future?










RAUL HUGHES walks the streets of the run-down neighborhood where he grew up.



The mean streets of Chicago. Kill or be killed. A tough place to grow up.

Only child. Single Mom. No one to look out for me... so I had to look

out for myself.


Raul is in his gym, teaching several young athletes to grapple. Local children watch, in awe of their hero.



When you’re born nothing, you stay nothing. Unless you fight to be

something better. I found heroes. Men who fought their way up from

the bottom. Men like Dan Stone, Rocky Streets, Powerhouse Patterson.

They made something of themselves, and so did I. Punch by punch.

Knockout by knockout.


Raul breaks through dozens of planks of wood with his killer Left Hook.



Dan DaLay doesn’t deserve to be called Champion. He’s had everything

handed to him, an army doing his dirty work. That’s not a Champion. A

Champion doesn’t make the odds, he overcomes them. One knockout at a time.


Raul’s Left Hook smashes a dent into a brick wall.









Jerry Eisen “This match will be under traditional cage rules. Pinfall or Submission is the only way to win. No disqualification. No interference. No escape.”

Catherine Quine “I have a feeling Edd might be out of his league here. To stand a chance he’s going to have to try to use the cage to his advantage, as a launching pad for his high flying abilities.”


Edd offers up a High-Five, but Blood just glares at him.




JEREMY STONE comes to ringside, looking concerned. Edd yells at his brother to go away, but Johnny seems happy he’s here. The Bell rings and the fight is on!


Blood tries to take the fight to the mat, but Edd dances out of his reach and scores with a multitude of wacky kicks, sending Johnny reeling! Edd takes a moment to moonwalk over and yell at his brother. It’s all under control, bitch!


Johnny Blood surprises Edd with a German Suplex. He locks his hands, picks Edd up and hits another... and another... and another. Happy to have grounded him, Johnny locks Stone in a variety of exotic holds, but for every one, Edd seems to instinctively know the perfect escape. Twisting out of a Rolling Leg Lock, Edd celebrates with an impromptu Macarena. His joy is short lived at Blood rams him into the cage-wall.


Furious, Blood repeatedly throws him into the cage, over and over again, periodically stopping to lay in some stomps. Roaring with rage, Blood goes for one big, final throw, but Edd suddenly runs up the chain-link and springs off with a backflip. Perfect landing! Edd unleashes a variety of innovative and athletic Rana’s, using the cage itself as a springboard. Edd goes for the Party’s Over (Seated Faceplant) but Johnny snaps him over with an Overheard Belly-to-Belly Suplex into the turnbuckle.


Johnny’s rage hits new heights, stomping the crap out of the 24 Hour Party Animal and repeatedly suplexing him into the cage walls. It’s an equal opportunity beating, every inch of Edd’s body getting pounded into oblivion. Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! Brainbuster! Furusawa Armbar!


Outside, Jeremy tries to fire up the crowd and re-energize his brother. It distracts Johnny just long enough to allow Edd to launch a Super Kick! Johnny catches the foot easily, spins him around and decapitates him with a vicious Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strike) Blood makes the cover. 1... 2... Johnny lifts his shoulder up.


Jerry Eisen “Oh come on! He’s had enough.”


Johnny continues to destroy Edd Stone as Jeremy starts to look worried. Blood hits a Belly-to-Belly Superplex but refuses to make a cover. He briefly locks in the Stone Hold (Crossface) but releases it before a screaming Edd can tap. Blood sets up for the Bloodrage Mutilation (Modified Camel Clutch) but instead of locking it in, punishes Edd with violent crossface strikes.


Seeing Edd no longer able to defend himself, Referee Sparrow calls the match.




Referee Sparrow tries to unlock the cage door, but Johnny knocks him out with a Raging Elbow and takes the keys. Jeremy tries to climb the cage to come to his brother’s aid, but Blood knocks him off as he climbs. Blood bludgeons Edd with the keys, busting him wide open. Edd bleeds like a stuck pig, begging for the beating to stop. It doesn’t. Jeremy keeps trying to get in the ring, but Blood won’t let him. For good measure, Johnny Blood hits Edd with the Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex).


Johnny Blood stands over his victim, calm, confident, in control. Outside the cage, Jeremy glares at him, rage in his eyes.


Johnny Blood smiles.

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Well folks, “FCK Easter!” is just two days away, and even though I’ve got tons of homewo- I mean, real work to do, I’ll be attending the show live, bringing you a full report. Besides, one of the FCK Bunnies accidentally gave me her phone number wrong last time, so I have to track her down and get it right. She’s gonna be psyched to see me. I’m such a stud.


Fun show tonight. Nobody thought Edd stood a chance against Blood, but Johnny’s on such a roll, hated by all the casuals that it turned out as one of the hottest Main Events for weeks. The rest of the fights were equally predictable, but given that they’re preparing for the PPV, a bunch of one-sided fights to hype the stars are acceptable.


Tonight’s show...

The Triumvirate talk... B+

Slice of Dirty White Life... B-


Car nearly hits Harry... C


Harry makes a deal... C+

Edd & Jeremy talk... B-


Profile: Edd Stone... C+

Raul gets pumped... B+


Jeremy & Blood stand off... A


“The Marksman” gives this show a B-

Early reports put the rating at 0.16


Here’s the card for “FCK Easter!” courtesy of FCKwrestling.ca. It should be a fun show, although it seems a little light on matches, with only 5 announced. Maybe something wacky and unexpected will happen. Edd took an almighty beating in tonight's cage match, so his participation is up-in-the-air at the moment.


  • FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©
  • Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone
  • Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill
  • Maverick vs Harry Allen
  • The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine


Rest assured, I'll be there, front and centre, holding my "Steve Flash for Champ" sign high for all the world to see... Oh, and if you see a woman sitting next to me who looks old enough to be my Mom, I don't know her. Until next time, keep on shootin'.


"The Marksman" Marky Mark.

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

Maverick vs Harry Allen

The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine


More expected awesomeness... can't wait for the PPV and I'm hoping you don't do anything to blow off the Jez/Blood feud yet. I'm hearting that so much. :)

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©


Too early to lose it.


Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone


Only by DQ or the like though, so he doesn't *really* beat him.


Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill


I'll be honest, I don't care about this one :o


Maverick vs Harry Allen


At least one face has to win surely?


The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.


Gotta love those unannounced participants!



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine


I mark for you Self :D

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* FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

* Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

* Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

* Maverick vs Harry Allen

* The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.

Leading to all manner of shenanigans!



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

Blood/Stone (heh) is epic, but it's an epic instalment in a long-running feud. Raul versus the champ for new-minted gold? New and thus interesting. As a fan I'd look forward to the 'go-to feud' maybe a hair more, but Dan and Raul is new to me - could flop, could rock.

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Call it for the champion's advantage.


Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone



Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

Your regular competitor gets the rub (hur hur hur) from your colour commentator.


Maverick vs Harry Allen

Because seriously, Harry cannot lose this one or his push just disintegrates.


The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.

Edd Stone as surprise entrant knocks everyone out with his full-body cast and FINALLY GETS SOME!




What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine


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All wonderful comments so far, but this...


Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill


I'll be honest, I don't care about this one :o


As much as you've hurt my feelings (I should record my hissy fits and put them on YouTube, I'd be an overnight sensation) I found it supremely helpful. My FCK Women division isn't exactly lighting the world on fire. I'm going to have to do something about that in the future. Cheers.


But every single comment fills my heart with joy, making the hours I spend on this worthwhile.

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* FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay © - Too early for DaLay to lose, but this one can't be over for a while, surely. Shenanigans occur.


* Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone - Calling Blood getting the win, leading to a Stones vs Blood/Maverick feud, maybe?


* Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill - Without sounding like I'm jumping on a bandwagon here, these two aren't doing much to interest me. Please don't take that as a major criticism, as you have pretty much the entire top 10 of my favourite current dynasty characters... but they're not amongst them.


* Maverick vs Harry Allen - These two are BOTH in my top few favourite current dynasty guys. Allen needs the win, though.


* The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants. - Shot in the dark, I have a feeling either Knuckles or Shady K will get the surprise victory leading to problems between Troy and his bodyguards. Either that, or Edd Stone, baby!


Having said that, Stephanie Blake winning would make the vignettes VERY interesting. :)



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine - Cuthill vs Quine DISTANT 3rd of these - Maverick vs Allen is far better. Of the top two, very hard to pick but the belt gets priority.

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

Maverick vs Harry Allen

The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.




What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

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Even though I won't be around, here's some predictions. Great stuff, keep it up so I have more to read in September.


FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

Maverick vs Harry Allen

The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants. - Edd Stone. The comedy is something that must be written.




What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

Maverick vs Harry Allen

The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.




What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

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FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

Short title reigns are lame.

Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

Because he's an unstoppable badass.

Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

She's younger and needs it more.

Maverick vs Harry Allen

So he can go on to face DaLay.

The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.

I realise that means I'm selecting multiple people. I just think there's going to be a huge surprise in there.



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

Always go with the title match.

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* FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©


The great thing about a guy like Hughes, whose power derives mostly from one feared move, is that he can lose and stay legitimate just by not hitting the move. He can also win and not harm the other guy, because it's already been established that hitting the move = victory. The only thing that would seriously harm Hughes as a force is if he hit the left hook and it didn't take DaLay out. Which seems like a waste, given how much Hughes and his hook have been built up. But it's too soon to take the belt off DaLay. So no left hook, victory for DaLay, that's it.


* Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone


Because you can't get Blood from a Stone. (Also: because Stone already took one upset loss, and has to be kept strong. If he can't beat the guy who just pummeled his brother into the canvas, he's going to look like a total chump.)


* Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill


I actually do care about this match, though I'd care more if the women's division had more than 1.5 valid competitors. Cuthill's going to retain the title, and then she's going to have nothing to do indefinitely. Well, unless she ends up fighting the guys again.


* Maverick vs Harry Allen

Now, THIS is a match I do not care about. Maverick is such a gatekeeper, and unless they're four hundred pounds, I don't mark for gatekeepers. As for Allen... eh. He wants revenge, he keeps getting hit with cars, fair enough. He'll probably keep looking for revenge, and nobody will hit him with a car, which is cool, but not wanting a guy to get hit by a car doesn't equal marking for him.

* The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.


You saw them take out that whole biker bar... like a bunch of mismatched tag fighters, comedy rock stars, and... "unannounced participants" are going to stop them.



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine


I'm all about championship matches and matches with championship implications. Neither Blood nor Stone strikes me as a champion, at least not in the next 6-8 months. (Stone just lost to Hughes. I'd guess the next champ is Steve DeColt. Steve DeColt!)

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* FCK TITLE MATCH: Raul Hughes vs Dan DaLay ©

* Johnny Blood vs Jeremy Stone

* Catherine Quine vs Melody Cuthill

* Maverick vs Harry Allen

* The Dirty White Challenge, featuring Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, Troy Tornado, Knuckles, Shady K, Ed Monton and Danger Kumasaka, Akinori Kwakami, Haru Kurofuji, Nichiren Amagawa & several unannounced participants.

Leading to all manner of shenanigans!



What do you think is the true Main Event of FCK Easter?

DaLay vs Hughes OR Blood vs Stone OR Cuthill vs Quine

Blood/Stone (heh) is epic, but it's an epic instalment in a long-running feud. Raul versus the champ for new-minted gold? New and thus interesting. As a fan I'd look forward to the 'go-to feud' maybe a hair more, but Dan and Raul is new to me - could flop, could rock.

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