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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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<p>I just wrote a massive thing, answering a bunch of your comments, but instead decided to delete it and not completely shatter the fourth wall. Thanks for all of your comments and predictions. Every single one of them helps me, either by warming my heart of giving me obstacles to overcome. It's all great.</p><p> </p><p> I will, however, answer this.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21623" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just wondering how the rest of the world is coming on mabe an end of the month recap or something?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I had planned to do more of this stuff, but haven't for 3 reasons.</p><p> </p><p> 1) Writing the shows takes a long time as it is.</p><p> 2) The world hasn't changed much yet.</p><p> 3) I don't like breaking kayfabe. I guess we in the Frontier Combat Kingdom don't deny that other promotions exist, so it wouldn't strictly be breaking the fourth wall to talk about this stuff, but that sort of thing leaves me uncomfortable. It's like... I'm telling a story, but stopping in the middle to tell you how other books are coming along. </p><p> </p><p> I'll probably do something along those lines in the near future. It's just a case of finding the time, finding interesting things to talk about, and finding the balance between game mechanics and kayfabe that feels right.</p><p> </p><p> Rock on, y'all.</p>
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<p><strong>Johnny Blood </strong>vs Raul Hughes</p><p>

<em>Blood wins, possibly by interference from the 2nd Eisen team member</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danger Kumasaka </strong>vs Ed Monton</p><p>

<em>Has Ed Monton ever been successful in TEW diary history?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DaLay & Maverick</strong> vs Melbourne Blondes</p><p>

<em>Blondes stand no chance here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shady K vs <strong>Grease Hogg</strong></p><p>

<em>Makes more sense for Hogg to get a win, and then maybe a beatdown ensues</em></p><p> </p><p>

FAN VOTE</p><p>

Which FCK Superstar do you think the Teams should try to recruit first?</p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong>, Harry Allen or Edd Stone</p><p>

<em>I can see a situation where Eisen thinks having Faith on his team is a lock, but someone else tries to muscle in and grab him first</em></p>

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<p>You're a beautiful, beautiful man Self. Nothing like stable warfare <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Also, with regards to a 'rest of the world update', I could frankly care less. I'm here for FCK and FCK alone!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Raul Hughes</p><p>

<em>He's just joined Team Eisen, let's demonstrate why he's there.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danger Kumasaka</strong> vs Ed Monton</p><p>

<em>Got to keep him strong for the inevitable FIGHT FOR CHITOSE~! vs. Allen. Add to that Monton's recent job duties, et voila, Kumasaka wins.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DaLay & Maverick vs Melbourne Blondes</p><p>

<em>Good to see them here, but the Blondes have got as much chance of staying untouched as a hooker covered in meat at a... place filled with horny meat-men?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shady K</strong> vs Grease Hogg</p><p>

<em>Oooh, hard to predict this. Looking forward to the inevitable tag match though... which will be decided by Tornado interference right? </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em> But, i'll go for Shady K here. Because I like his name.</em></p><p> </p><p>

FAN VOTE</p><p>

Which FCK Superstar do you think the Teams should try to recruit first?</p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith</strong>, Harry Allen or Edd Stone</p><p>

<em>I'd say Allen's pretty much a dead-cert for Strong, and I can see Edd either opting out completely or being drawn to 'the darkside' by Eisen or Garcia, so Faith is the big free agent of the piece.</em></p>

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<p><strong>Johnny Blood</strong> vs Raul Hughes</p><p>

<strong>Danger Kumasaka</strong> vs Ed Monton</p><p>

<strong>DaLay & Maverick</strong> vs Melbourne Blondes</p><p>

Shady K vs <strong>Grease Hogg</strong></p><p> </p><p>

FAN VOTE</p><p>

Which FCK Superstar do you think the Teams should try to recruit first?</p><p>

Christian Faith, Harry Allen or <strong>Edd Stone</strong></p>

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Jerry Eisen “Are you ready for a FCKing great time? We’re just 5 weeks away from our next PPV spectacular ‘FCK Going to War!’ and the 3 generals; Sam Strong, Richard Eisen and Adrian Garcia are busy picking teams to fight for the ultimate prize; The Frontier Combat Kingdom. I’m Jerry Eisen, and even though I was supposed to be alone tonight, someone has taken the law into his own hands, and decided to join me. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vigilante of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, Harry Allen.”

Harry Allen “Well, you just looked so danged sad sitting on your lonesome, so I thought I’d mosey on out and lend a hand, Vigilante style. I hope y’all at home are paying attention, because we’ve got one heck of a Main Event tonight as ‘The Demolition Expert’ Raul Hughes takes on that angry varmint, Johnny Blood.

Jerry Eisen “Last week, Raul Hughes became one of the first members of Team Strong, while Johnny Blood sensationally defected from The Triumvirate, abandoning Team Garcia, to join Team Eisen. Tonight, these two warriors will go head to head for the first time ever, in our Main Event.”

Harry Allen “It’s gonna be one heck of a fight.”




A blinding white light fills the arena, accompanied by the sounds of an angelic choir. The entrance way EXPLODES in fireworks! Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” booms out across the arena! CHRISTIAN FAITH makes his way to the ring!





Challenges. “Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials

of many kinds”. Last week I issued an open challenge to anyone in

the Frontier Combat Kingdom who wanted to fight me. Danger Kumasaka

accepted, and I got to show you all what I do best. This week? Same

deal! If anyone wants to come out here and test Faith, now is your chance.




RICHARD EISEN and JOHNNY BLOOD make their way to the ring. Johnny practically stalks Faith, pacing back and forth, inexplicably furious. Eisen calmly picks up a microphone as Faith eyes the ‘Submission Demon’ in anticipation.



Don’t get excited, Faith, I’m just here to talk. I have a proposition for

you. In 5 weeks, the Frontier Combat Kingdom is Going To War, and

when that happens, I want you on my side.


Christian Faith just looks at him for a moment, before exploding in laughter.



Sorry... Just... Are you serious? Did you suffer a blow to the head recently?

I know SWF is dead and buried, but have you forgotten our entire history?

For ten years we tried to destroy each other, you made my life miserable,

I made your life miserable. There’s no way I’m going to forget the past,

let bygones be bygones, and join up with you, so I’m giving you 5 seconds

to come to your senses and get out of this ring, or I’m going to assume

that Blood is accepting my open challenge.



Trust me! There’s nothing I’d rather do than kick your ass right now! If

Eisen didn’t want you conscious, I’d already be pounding your face into

oblivion! It’s about respect, Faith! Garcia didn’t respect me! He wanted

me to play second fiddle to that fat f*** in the crown! Richard Eisen respects

me! That’s how I know I’m on the right team! For some reason he respects

you too, so fall in line like a good little soldier before I rip you apart! Just

like I did to Edd Stone two weeks ago! Just like I would have done to

Jeremy Stone if he hadn’t been saved by the clock! Just like I’m going

to do to Raul Hughes tonight!



Let’s cut to the chase, Faith. You’re past your prime. You may be fooling

these idiots in the crowd, but I know you too well. I can see it. The old war

wounds catching up to you. You said it yourself, for 10 years, I made

your life a living Hell. Do you really want to fight me for another decade?

Personally, I could keep going forever. I’m a billionaire with endless

resources, and with today’s technology I can screw you over from the

comfort of my own home. But you... do you really want another decade

of looking over your shoulder, of wondering what tortures I’m going to

dream up for you next? Pretty soon, your body will fail, your spirit will

break, and I’m still not going to stop... Unless you join me.


I don’t want you as my lackey, I don’t want your services for the rest of

your life. I just want 2 nights. If you come to ‘FCK Going To War!’ as a

member of Team Eisen, our battle will be over and I’ll never bother you

again. Or you can refuse, and you can look forward to spending the

rest of your life looking over your shoulder. The choice is yours.


Christian Faith deeply considers this, as Richard Eisen and Johnny Blood leave the ring and head up the ramp.





Jerry Eisen“Two ultra-tough veterans about to go at it, but Harry, I gotta ask, what’s with you and Chitose?””

Harry Allen “Honestly? I ain’t got a clue. She’s a sweet kid, but she seems terrified of her Pa.“


The two veterans beat the Hell out of each other with stiff chops and forearms. Monton looks to be getting the upper hand, when Danger barks something in Japanese, causing Chitose to hurry onto the apron and distract Monton just long enough for Danger to score a High Knee Strike, ramming his bulky knee-brace into his opponent’s jaw. Danger locks in a series of painful holds, stopping occasionally to cackle or stop his Daughter from cheering to exuberantly. Monton fights back with a few punches, but a series of stiff knee strikes allow Danger to lock in the Aurora Surfboard Vice (Combination Surfboard/Neckvice) Monton taps.




Chitose is ECSTATIC at her Father’s victory, jumping for joy as she climbs into the ring. Danger yells at her to stop embarrassing herself, but she can’t contain herself. She’s so happy. Danger slaps her.


HARRY ALLEN leaps over the Announce Booth and gets in Danger’s face. After an intense staredown, Danger leaves, dragging his daughter with him. Chitose looks sad, but reluctantly follows her Father.




Loud 80’s Rock Music kicks off and the lights go nuclear as THE DIRTY WHITE CREW make a typically lengthy entrance, LEAD BELLY and GREASE HOGG taking their time in getting themselves and every fan around them as drunk as humanly possible, accompanied by a writhing, gyrating BLONDE BOMBSHELL.


Jerry Eisen “The Dirty White Boys are looking for some payback over how Troy Tornado treated Blonde Bombshell last week.”

Harry Allen “I guess ruining Troy’s little music video weren’t enough.”


TROY TORNADO makes a far less animated entrance, completely surrounded by an army of Bodyguards, led by KNUCKLES and SHADY K.


/w Lead Belly & B.B GREASE HOGG VS SHADY K /w Troy Tornado & Knuckles



Jerry Eisen “Apparently Grease Hogg issued this challenge to Troy Tornado, but Tornado refused, saying “If you want to get to me, you’ve got to go through my people” ”

Harry Allen “Sounds like plain ol’ cowardice to me. ‘tho that Shady K’s a big son of a gun, that’s for sure.“


The two massive men clash, throwing hands like nobodies business. Shady has the edge in strength, powering his opponent to the mat on several occasions, but Hogg fights back in an unstoppable drunken fury, sending the Bodyguard reeling. Knuckles tries to interfere, but Lead Belly cuts him off, triggering a massive brawl between L.B and the army of Bodyguards. Grease Hogg lends a hand, blindsiding into the Bodyguards and knocking a few unconscious, before making it back into the ring unharmed. Shady K throws a big clothesline, but Grease Hogg ducks and hits the Grease Spot (High Knee Strike) for the win.




Lead Belly and a victorious Grease Hogg aren’t done yet, they start battling their way towards Troy Tornado, but Knuckles leads him to safety.



For years, Jeremy Stone has been a powerful figure in the Canadian Wrestling scene, but he’s also been a silent one. Until now. Several weeks ago, FCK CEO Sam Strong sat down with Jeremy in his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia and conducted and exhaustive 6 hour interview, covering every facet of the life of the Canadian Wrestling Machine.


As a preview of this exciting upcoming DVD release, specially selected excerpts will be airing each week on ‘FCK Mondays!’.








JEREMY STONE and SAM STRONG are mid-interview. Jeremy sips of a cup of coffee, as Sam glances at the walls of the study, covered with wrestling trophies, awards and Championship belts, as well as dozens of framed photographs, featuring Jeremy with some of the biggest names in wrestling, past and present. Front and centre, a photograph of an 11 year old Jeremy with his legendary Father, Dan Stone.



What was it like growing up in the famous Stone household? Three

brothers, one sister, all of whom have become huge stars in the wrestling

world, and of course, your Father, Dan Stone, who in the 70’s and 80’s

was considered one of the best wrestlers in the world.



“One of?” Back then, he was THE best, at least to people in Canada. If

you walked into any Canadian classroom in the early 80’s and asked

“Who would win a fight, Dan Stone or Superman?” every single one of

them would have said “Dan Stone” without a moment’s hesitation.


He wasn’t around much when we were growing up. Road schedules being

what they were, and him being in such demand, sometimes months would

go by and we wouldn’t see him. He’d be on the television though, and in

newspapers and magazines and on the radio, so he was a constant

presence in our lives, even when he was away.


When he was home though, everything was better. Our Mom would instantly

be in a great mood. The phone would never stop ringing. All sorts of people;

fans, reporters, other wrestlers, would show up on our doorstep just wanting

a few moments with the great Dan Stone... and most of them would bring

presents for us, to try and earn his favor.


Even when he was home we didn’t spend a great deal of time with him.

He wasn’t that kind of Father. He wouldn’t play with us or take us to hockey

games or anything like that. Sometimes Vickie would curl up on his lap

during his business meetings, but other than that we just sort of stayed

oot of his way and watched... and just seeing how people treated him.

With such respect, such love, we couldn’t help but worship him, and

want to follow in his footsteps.



Was that his plan? To have his children follow him into the sport?



I have no idea. He certainly proud of us now, but he’s never talked aboot

it being a plan. When I first told him I wanted to be a wrestler, I had no

idea what he’d say. I was 16 years old, standing in front of the mighty

and powerful Dan Stone, the man the Announcers said “could know all

of your weaknesses just by looking at you” and I was terrified. Terrified

that he’d tell me I wasn’t good enough. Terrified he wouldn’t want me

trying to follow in his footsteps... but I’ll never forget the look on his

face when I told him. He didn’t say anything. He just looked at me,

and nodded. That was enough...


Aboot 6 months later, Winter 1983, “Gorgeous” George DeColt dislocated

my Father’s elbow, which is ironic considering how George’s career

ended, and for the first time in our lives, the Stone kids had their Father

around the house 24-7. Which was... Different... For me anyway. I’d gotten

so used to staying oot of his way when he was home, it was like the

house had been cut in half. I always respected my Father, but at that point

I never really knew him. It was like a stranger being in the house. Danny

and Vickie loved it, but I was getting frustrated, and so was he. Even after

a couple of days, he was getting restless... so he decided to start training

me. No warning. Just one day he dragged me oot of bed at 5am and

took me to a freezing cold shack on the edge of our property, now

lovingly referred to as the House of Stone.



Not a freezing cold shack any more.



Well... It still gets pretty cold in the winter. Every day, before and after

school, my Father would kick my ass. He’d make me run drills until I

collapsed with exhaustion, or just grapple with me, grinding me into the

floor for hours at a time. He kicked my ass every single day, and he did

it all with a injured elbow. At first, when we’d grapple, I made a point of

avoiding his arm, because I didn’t want to hurt him, but after a few days

I was throwing everything I had at it. It wasn’t doing me all that much

good, but it was the first big lesson he taught me. Find a weakness and

exploit it. You have to be prepared to do what it takes to win.


There were times when I hated training. Times when I hated him... but

day by day I could feel myself getting stronger, getting tougher, getting

smarter. Plus it was time with my Father. The first real time I’d spent with

him. For 6 hours a day, for months, it was just me and him, in a freezing

cold shack, getting to know each other. We barely talked, but there’s no

way better to get to know a person than to fight them, and I spent 6

hours a day getting to know my Father.


I feel sorry for Danny and Duane and Vickie, because they never got that

whole experience as kids. They’re all close now, as adults, but when

they were trained, I was the guy kicking their ass in that freezing cold

shack. Which was great for me, almost cathartic, revenge for all of the

times I had to get them oot of trouble... but they never had what I had

at that age with our Father, and that would have meant the world to them.







CATHERINE QUINE is in the ring, looking at the crowd with disgust.



Sam Strong, Richard Eisen and Adrian Garcia are fighting for control of

the Frontier Combat Kingdom, and while I’m not “equipped” to be part

of their teams, if any of them plan to clean up the… sigh… “FCK Women”

division, I’m more than willing to lend my support. Not only is the name

juvenile and demeaning, but serious consideration has to be paid to

the calibre of women allowed to compete in it. “Pretty” girls with fake

boobs who like ripping each other’s clothes off are not real fighters.


If I could name one person who epitomizes my point, it would be Melody

Cuthill. However, if I could name a second, it would be Dharma Gregg.

Dharma is a former stripper. She used to take her clothes off for money.

Now I know you male chauvinist pigs probably like that, you probably

want to see her rip off my clothes, then rip off her clothes, and have

us roll around, our sweating, slippery, writhing bodies pressed up against

each other... but that’s not going to happen. Unlike Dharma Gregg,

I’m a real fighter. This Cat’s got claws.






Dharma practically skips her way to the ring, incredibly happy to be in front of a crowd, showing off “the goods” in a very revealing outfit. Catherine looks on in disgust.


Jerry Eisen “You think you know a person... I spent two months sitting side-by-side with Catherine, and sure, I knew she wasn’t a huge fan of Eye Candy matches, but I never knew she had this much anger inside her.”

Harry Allen “I don’ reckon this fight’s gonna be as one-sided as The Cat thinks. What Dharma lacks in professional fight experience, she makes up for in pure enthusiasm.”


The Cat immediately spears Dharma out of her boots, and lays in the beat down with stomps, palm strikes, and tight holds. Dharma rolls out of the way of a second spear, and comes back with the aforementioned enthusiasm, but The Cat counters an attempted Dharma Initiative (Bronco Buster) into a Powerbomb, climbs up top, hits the Flying Elbow Drop, before locking in the Cat’s Cradle (Magistral Cradle) for the win.








CHRISTIAN FAITH grabs a snack, as ADRIAN GARCIA circles him, jabbering incessantly.



... so what does your current representation charge? The ‘standard’ 10%?

That’s criminal. THAT is the sign of an agent who doesn’t care aboot

his client. If you sign with me, Adrian Garcia, Agent to the Stars, you

can forget all aboot that ridiculous 10% and I’ll provide my services for a

low, low - wait for it - keep waiting - here it comes... 9.8%. That’s money

in the bank, my friend, and in this economic climate, you can’t

afford NOT to take me up on it.


Extremely irritated, Faith pushes past the Agent to score himself some chicken.



Not enough? Of course it’s not enough! Let’s talk aboot your contract.

Let’s talk incentives. If Team Garcia wins, and I get official control of the

Frontier Combat Kingdom, I can renegotiate your contract and get you

everything you could possibly want, and more! Screw your 15% PPV

bonus. I’ll get you 20%. Screw flying First Class, I’ll get you a private

plane. Screw having to turn up and fight every week, I’ll get you twice

as much money to sit at home... After “FCK Going to War” that is...

BUT WAIT! There’s more!


Faith puts a hand over Garcia’s mouth and shoves him against a wall.



I swear to God, if you keep talking I’m going to put your head through

this wall.


Faith releases the terrified Sports Agent, and walks away.



I have a Power Point presentation if you’re interested!





Jerry Eisen “Not sure if Garcia’s sales pitch impressed Christian Faith, but here are two loyal members of Team Garcia, ready for action.”

Harry Allen “I ain’t their biggest fan, but DaLay & Maverick are two mighty powerful fighters with tag team experience, that could be very important at ‘FCK Going to War!’”.


Stanz & Belushi impress early with several powerful double team moves, but are quickly overwhelmed by the size and experience of DaLay & Maverick. The Triumvirate isolate Stanz in their corner, the emotionless Maverick doing the bulk of the damage, working over the leg and repeatedly trying to lock in a half-crab. DaLay occasionally tags in to deliver a few clubbing blows or big slams.


Belushi gets the tag and runs wild, but the comeback is short-lived. DaLay decapitates him with a Big Boot and drops him with the DaLay Down (Belly-to-Belly Piledriver) for the win.









RAUL HUGHES shadowboxes, warming up for his match. SAM STRONG watches approvingly.





I hear you’ve been looking for me, Sam? I think I can guess why.



Can you blame me? You’re in demand, Chris. You’re a difference maker.

Now, I could waste your time giving you a big sales pitch, telling you why

you should fight for me, but I’m not going to do that. I’m just going to

tell you the same thing I told Raul Hughes and Jeremy Stone. You’re an

amazing fighter, I respect the Hell out of you, and I’d be honored if you

fought for Team Strong at “FCK Going to War!”


Christian Faith considers. He seems conflicted. Sam Strong is surprised.



Listen, Sam. It’s not that that I don’t respect you. You helped me out a

lot when I first started, but… I came to the Frontier Combat Kingdom to

fight the best, and looking at your team, I see two of the best. Jeremy

Stone; Canadian Legend, the greatest in-ring technician on the planet.

Raul Hughes, MMA legend, the man with the deadliest punch this sport,

any sport, has ever seen. I gotta admit, I’m tempted to sign up and team

with them, but I’m more tempted to sign up elsewhere just so I can fight

them. Those are dream matches, Sam. That’s what I came here for.



You’re really gonna do this to me, Chris? You’re gonna go fight for Garcia?

For Eisen?



I don’t know… I’ll get back to you.




/w Richard Eisen JOHNNY BLOOD VS RAUL HUGHES /w Sam Strong



Harry Allen “Well if it ain’t Mr. Popular! Howdy, Mr. Faith.”

Christian Faith “Hey guys. Mind if I take a seat? I’ve been going over this “FCK Going to War” decision all night, and I’ve decided to just sit back, relax, and enjoy watching two of the best fighters in the Frontier Combat Kingdom go head-to-head. Maybe it’ll give me some clarity.”

Harry Allen “Much like the Incredible Hulk, or my Uncle Jim-Bob once he gets a few drinks in him, the source of Johnny Blood’s power is in his infinite rage. He’ll keep comin’ at you, and he ain’t gonna quit.

Johnny Blood “But some say his greatest strength is also his biggest weakness. His anger can cause him to lose focus, and when you’re fighting someone like Raul Hughes, it only take a moment, one lapse of focus, and he’ll knock you out.”

Harry Allen “Deadliest punch in the game, and ain’t no mistake.

Christian Faith “I’m on the edge of my seat.”


Both warriors keep a wary eye on Christian Faith as they climb into the ring, before turning their competitive glares towards each other. They share a tense handshake.


Johnny Blood immediately tries to take the fight to the ground, but Raul fights him off with powerful strikes, working a Muay Thai clinch and laying in some stiff knees. Blood explodes with a suplex out of nowhere, before angrily wrenching Raul in a variety of painful submission holds, but Raul is too strong to stay down.


Frustrated, Blood loses focus, ripping the pad off one of the turnbuckles. He prowls after Hughes, but the Demolition Expert catches him with a Right Cross, and follows up with an unstoppable array of vicious punches. Jabs. Gut punches. Superman Punch! Hughes scores a takedown, works his way to full-mount, and starts throwing hands in a violent display of ground & pound. Blood looks to be in trouble, until he catches Raul’s left hand, twists, and suddenly locks in a cross-arm breaker, roaring with rage, pulling for all his worth. Raul fights his way free, but the damage is done.


Blood attacks the arm in a frenzy, alternating between a variety of hammerlock-assisted suplexes, and simple, direct stomps, yelling and cursing, practically foaming at the mouth. Raul battles back, his Right fist proving almost as effective as his Left. Looking for the knockout blow, Hughes throws a Left Hook, but Blood ducks and his fist slams into the unprotected turnbuckle. Raul screams in pain, giving Blood to opening to twist the injured limb into a hammerlock, and use it to lever Hughes into a small package, just barely keeping his shoulders down for 3.




As Raul fumes, clutching at his injured arm, an angrily smug Johnny Blood quickly bails out of the ring and heads up the ramp with Richard Eisen. Christian Faith gets up from the Announce table, microphone in hand.





Samuel 24:12. “This is what the Lord says: I am giving you three options.

Choose one of them for me to carry out.” All night, I have been given

options regarding “FCK Going to War!” Richard Eisen wants me to fight

for his team. Adrian Garcia wants me on his team. Sam Strong wants

me on his team. It’s a tough choice, and you know what… It’s not one I

feel qualified to make. See, this fight is over who gets control of the

Frontier Combat Kingdom, and I’m pretty new here. I don’t know who’s

the best man for the job… but I know some people who do.


I am hereby hijacking this week’s Fan Vote so I can let the fans decide.

“Which team should Christian Faith join? Team Eisen? Team Garcia?

Team Strong?" It’s up to you.





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Eisen tries to recruit Faith... B


Harry confronts the Kumasaka’s... C-

Dirty White Entrance... C+


Jeremy Stone Interview... B-

Catherine Quine Promo... C+


Garcia tries to recruit Faith... C


Strong tries to recruit Faith... B


Faith leaves it up to the fans... B+


“The Marksman” gives this show a C

Early reports put the rating at a 0.21


Next week's card.


Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone

Knuckles vs Lead Belly

Akinori Kwakami vs Harry Allen

Johnny Blood & Catherine Quine vs Jeremy Stone & Melody Cuthill



Who should Christian Faith join?

Team Eisen, Team Garcia or Team Strong?

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I really do try not to exaggerate, but this is quite possibly my favourite diary. Ever.


Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone - Shame not to see him on the show, but can't wait 'til next week's then! He's got a lot to say I'd imagine, and I can even picture him on Team Eisen...

Knuckles vs Lead Belly - Even things up, make it 1-1.

Akinori Kwakami vs Harry Allen - Foregone conclusion really.

Johnny Blood & Catherine Quine vs Jeremy Stone & Melody Cuthill - Quine can't win *everything*, and I don't see Blood finally beating Stone in a throwaway intergender TV match.



Who should Christian Faith join?

Team Eisen, Team Garcia or Team Strong? - Quite frankly, for the lulz.

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Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone

Go Eddy! Go Eddy!


Knuckles vs Lead Belly

Once again, the bikers overpower their opposition.


Akinori Kwakami vs Harry Allen

Do it for Chitose, Harry!


Johnny Blood & Catherine Quine vs Jeremy Stone & Melody Cuthill




Who should Christian Faith join?

Team Eisen, Team Garcia or Team Strong?

Stay good, Christian! Stay good!

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Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone - Everyone's favourite Stone!

Knuckles vs Lead Belly - Heels gotta get something sooner or later in this feud.

Akinori Kwakami vs Harry Allen Go Harry!

Johnny Blood & Catherine Quine vs Jeremy Stone & Melody Cuthill - Cat is rocking at the moment.



Who should Christian Faith join?

Team Eisen, Team Garcia or Team Strong? - Storyline potential gold...

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Just wanted to drop in to say congrats on the DOTM win, and that I've quite enjoyed what I've read of the diary, so I will try to keep up with it. Keep up the good work, Self.


Cheers. It's just dawned on me that I haven't brought this up yet in my thread. Co-Winner of May's C-Verse DOTM. WHOOOOO! The egomaniac in me is a little bummed about not winning it outright (damn you and your awesome diary, BigPapa!) but to be honest, I didn't expect to be in the running yet. I thought it would take a couple more months to get the fanbase, and really figure things out in my head to make this show run at 100% awesomeness.


Anyway, to all you FCKers who voted for me...




... and if you didn't vote for me, ignore the blonde and the black chick. They're only for voters. They're not for you!


Ooh. Any chance someone can break the tie on this Fan Vote? It's 2-2-2 and the whole reason I put it to a vote is because I didn't want to have to make this decision


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Haru Kurofuji vs Edd Stone

Knuckles vs Lead Belly

Akinori Kwakami vs Harry Allen

Johnny Blood & Catherine Quine vs Jeremy Stone & Melody Cuthill




Who should Christian Faith join?

Team Eisen, Team Garcia or Team Strong?

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Jerry Eisen “FCK me! We have a great show for you tonight as we count down to “FCK Going to War!” the PPV spectacular that’s only 4 weeks away. I’m Jerry Eisen, and my guest at the Announce table this week is SWF Legend, and recent addition to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, Christian Faith!”

Christian Faith “Great to be here, Jerry. The votes are in, and the fans have decided my fate… but before I announce which team I’ll be joining in 4 weeks time, I want to talk about tonight’s Main Event. Fresh from her tour of Japan, Melody Cuthill will team with Jeremy Stone to fight the anti-social duo of Catherine Quine and Johnny Blood.”

Jerry Eisen “We all know the story between Stone & Blood, reaching back to 2001. The greatest student to come out of the House of Stone; Johnny Blood has become obsessed with beating his former mentor, and that obsession has made him twisted, bitter, and overcome with rage. However, Catherine Quine’s issues with Melody are a tad more confusing. The Cat has been on a crusade recently, claiming that the FCK Women division, and the athletes who comprise it, are “demeaning to real female fighters” and pinpointing, of all people, Melody Cuthill.”

Christian Faith “Bizarre. I mean, Melody is certainly attractive… downright smoking actually, but she has the skills to back it up. Another who has spent some time at the House of Stone, she’s about as much of a “real female fighter” as you’re ever going to see.”




A blinding white light fills the arena, accompanied by the sounds of an angelic choir. Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” booms out across the arena! CHRISTIAN FAITH gets up from the announce desk and enters ring!





Decisions. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from above.”

Last week, Sam Strong, Richard Eisen and Adrian Garcia all asked me

to join their teams for ‘FCK Going to War!’. I had a tough decision to

make, but seeing as I’m pretty new here, and this fight is for control

of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, I thought I’d let the fans decide my

fate. The votes are in. The decision is made. At ‘FCK Going To War!’

Christian Faith fights for TEAM STRONG!


But a word of warning to Jeremy Stone and Raul Hughes. I’m here to

test myself against the best Canada has to offer. Christian Faith vs. Jeremy

Stone? That’s a dream match. Christian Faith vs. Raul Hughes? That’s

a dream match. We may be teammates at ‘FCK Going to War!’,

but after that…








STEVE DECOLT arrives on the ramp to a HUGE ovation, the crowd cheering on the returning hero. He has a cast on one arm, and holds a microphone in the other.



That’s right! Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Do not adjust your television.

Live, in color, and available in HD, The Raging Bull is back! Back in

The Maritimes! Back in the Frontier Combat Kingdom!



Christian Faith, you’ve been coming out here, week after week, talking

about dream matches. You want to fight Jeremy Stone, Raul Hughes,

Dan DaLay, Johnny Blood... You want to fight all the biggest names in

Canadian Wrestling… but there’s one name, ONE NAME, you seem

to have forgotten, and if you stop talking, and take a moment to just

listen, you’ll hear that name on the lips of everyone in this arena…


DeColt listens intently as a chant starts to pick up throughout the arena. “Steve De-Colt… Steve De-Colt… Steve De-Colt! Steve De-Colt!”



That’s right! Steve DeColt! The Raging Bull! The man who… Wait…

Wait a minute. I’m looking at the expression on your face, Faith, and I

can see something’s bothering you. I know what you’re thinking. You’re

thinking that I have a reverberating bicep. You’re thinking that only a fool

would go after Christian Faith with a cast on his arm. Think again,

Faith, Steve DeColt’s no fool!


Steve DeColt flexes, and the cast cracks and explodes off of his gigantic, full-healed bicep.



So here’s what I’m going to do... You’re joining Team Strong at ‘FCK

Going To War!’? Well in that case, I am going to join Team Garcia…


The crowd are appalled at this idea. BOO!



Hear me out, guys, I’m going somewhere with this. See, I don’t particularly

want that rat-faced weasel winning this war, but I know for a fact that

at some point during ‘FCK Going to War!’ there’s going to be a match.

One on one! A member of Team Strong vs. a member of Team Garcia.

Christian Faith vs. Steve DeColt. American Superstar vs. Canadian Hero.

Dream match! The type of match that everyone will remember for the

rest of their lives, the type of match you’ve been asking for ever since

you came to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, so I have just one question

for you, Faith… Do you want it? The Raging Bull wants it.


DeColt turns to one side of the crowd…





The crowd ROAR in approval. DeColt turns to the other side.





Another ROAR of approval. Steve DeColt points directly at Christian Faith.



Do YOU want it?



Yeah. I want it.





The crowd respond; “DECOLT RULES!”.



Dan DaLay & Maverick . . . . DC Rayne & ET Howard



Jerry Eisen “Here come two of Steve DeColt's new team mates, although I don’t expect them to be palling around the water-cooler any time soon. The Silent Threat Maverick, and the reigning Frontier Combat King, Dan DaLay.“

Christian Faith “Quite possibly the most dominant duo in the Frontier Combat Kingdom, they’re fighting ‘Natural Storm’ a young team who have been running roughshod over the American independent circuit for quite some time now.”


Maverick dominates his opponents, clinically dismantling them both with an emotionless assault to the left knee. DC & ET Try to double team The Silent Threat, but DaLay makes his sizable presence known with clubbing blows and gigantic slams. Maverick continues the efficient attack on the knees, until Garcia signals him to tag DaLay, who decapitates DC with a Big Boot, and finishes ET with the DaLay Down (Belly to Belly Piledriver)








A giggly DHARMA GREGG looks up at the gigantic form of SAM STRONG.



Sam Strong, it’s been 2 weeks since you announced our next PPV event,

but people are dying to know more about what’s going to happen at

‘FCK Going to War?’ Can you clue us in?



Sure thing. The event will comprise of 10 fights, fought over 2 nights at

the Quebec Stade Uniprix, Montreal. Whichever team wins the most

matches, wins the prize. Now we haven’t quite decided what those

matches will be yet, probably a mix of one-on-ones, three ways, tag

matches, maybe a ClusterFCK. However, one match we know for sure

is the Main Event of Night 2, the grande finale. Dan DaLay, the reigning

Frontier Combat King, with defend his title against a member of Team

Strong, and a member of Team Eisen, in a Three Way Dance.



Sounds awesome. With Christian Faith joining you earlier tonight, you

don’t have a shortage for options in that match. Which of your

guys is getting the title shot?



As thrilled as I am to have Chris on my team, he’s pretty new to the

Frontier Combat Kingdom, and he hasn’t earned the shot yet. It comes

down to Raul Hughes or Jeremy Stone. Both have came within a hair

of beating DaLay over the last few months, so either one has a great

chance of winning the belt. So next week, they are going to fight. One

on one. Raul Hughes vs Jeremy Stone. The winner gets the title shot.



Cool. One last question. Any idea who’s gonna be your fourth member?



Looking at my team, I’ve got an amazing technical wrestler in Jeremy

Stone. I’ve got one of the best strikers in the world in Raul Hughes.

I’ve got an absolute workhorse in Christian Faith… but versatility is the

key, and there’s one area I’m lacking in, and I know exactly who can

fix that. As soon as I track him down, I’m pretty confident I’ll have my

4th member, and the perfect team to boot.


/w Tornado & Shady K KNUCKLES VS LEAD BELLY /w B.B & Grease Hogg



Jerry Eisen “The Dirty White Boys are still trying to get their hands on Troy Tornado for slapping Blonde Bombshell 2 weeks ago.”

Christian Faith “Last week Grease Hogg beat Shady K, but Tornado got away unscathed. Will things be different this week?”


Lead Belly completely overpowers Knuckles from the outset, tossing the Heavyweight around with frightening ease. A distraction from Shady K allows Knuckles to battle back with some brutal punches, but L.B powers through with clotheslines and charges into the turnbuckles, before hitting the RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) for the win.




A massive brawl erupts, Grease Hogg and Lead Belly battling through a mass of Bodyguards, trying to get their hands on Troy Tornado, but Shady K leads the Rock Star to safety.







SAM STRONG and HARRY ALLEN walk side-by-side down the corridor.



So you’re in?



Heck yeah, I’m in.



Great. Welcome to Team Strong. If you want in on that title shot, I can

put you in the Raul/Jeremy match next week, make it a threeway?


They enter the “Team Strong” locker room, to find…




RAUL HUGHES and JEREMY STONE, glaring at each other from across the room. Jeremy does squats to warm up for his match, and Raul does curls to rehab his injured arm. You could cut the tension with a knife.



You know what? I’ll get the next one.



Fair enough. Your match is up next. Need some backup?



No thanks, Mr. Strong. I’m fine on my own.





Jerry Eisen “Danger Kumasaka clearly isn’t happy with his daughter’s crush on The Vigilante, so he’s sending his protege after him.”

Christian Faith “Harry Allen is one of those guys who has impressed me of late. His speed, his agility and pure heart make him a tough opponent for anyone.”


Akinori tries to take it to the ground, but Harry Allen explodes with a string of faced paced arm-drags, dropkicks and Ranas, completely wrong-footing Akinori and leaving him open to an amazing twisting, springboard back elbow. Outside, Danger yells something unintelligible, handing Chitose a chair and frantically pointing at Harry. Chitose shakes her head in objection. Danger rears back his hand, and… Harry wipes him out with a Somersault Plancha!


Harry rolls back in the ring, but is taken down with a chop block. Akinori works over the leg, nailing three savage knee breakers in quick succession and laying in the stomps. He looks over to Danger for approval several times, before going for the Kwakami Pain lock (Elevated Texas Cloverleaf). Harry fights free and unleashes, hitting Akinori from every conceivable angle, capping it all off with the Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter). Harry climbs up top. Danger tries to intercept, but The Vigilante’s too fast, and destroys Akinori with the Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fist Drop) for the win.




Chitose is ecstatic. She tries to stay clam, but can’t help but smile, especially when Harry gives her a wink. Danger yells at her, dragging her to the back.



You ain’t gotta go with him.


Chitose is conflicted, but goes with her father, looking sad.







STEVE DECOLT, ripped and shirtless, hangs out in the corridor, surrounded by smitten FCK Bunnies.




ADRIAN GARCIA approaches, beaming, accompanied by MAVERICK, expressionless as always..



Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve. You sight for sore eyes, you. Welcome

back! I knew you’d see the light and join me eventually. Now I know you’re

excited to start training with your new team mates, but first... Maverick!


On cue, Maverick drops a massive pile of contracts on the table next to DeColt.



You’re joking, right?



Don’t worry. You don’t need to read them. It’s just agent jargon - percentages,

rights fees, power of attorney - Nothing you’d be interested in. Just initial

each page and sign at the end and you’ll be a proud member of my

new Triumvirate!



Ooh... this is awkward. Sorry to burst your bubble, Garcia, but The Raging

Bull has no interest in joining your little club. I’m on your team purely

so I can fight Christian Faith. Now when ‘FCK Going To War!’ comes

around, I’ll happily fight a couple more matches for you, because Steve

DeColt likes to fight, and this is going to be one of the biggest shows in

Canadian Wrestling history, but I’m not joining the Triumvirate, I’m not

training with you, and I’m not giving you my power of attorney. Hey

Maverick, did you seriously sign this? Blink once for yes, twice for no.


Maverick doesn’t blink at all.



...but, but, but-



If you don’t like it, I can go someplace else. I think Johnny Blood’s

getting lonely on Team Eisen.



No no no... No need to... um... It’s fine. Just fine.



That’s what I thought.


Steve DeColt shoves past Maverick, leaving a distraught and frustrated Adrian Garcia.


HARU KUROFUJI is in the ring, stretching, getting ready for his match against the high-flying Edd Stone. The 24 Hour Party Animal’s wacky techno music begins, but there’s no sign of him. Eventually, a member of the FCK Ring Crew runs down to ringside and hands a note to Jerry Eisen at the Announce Desk.


Jerry Eisen “Oh man. Apparently Edd Stone isn’t in the arena tonight.”

Christian Faith “What kind of man doesn’t show up when he’s booked in a fight?”

Jerry Eisen “I guess this match is a forfi-









Jerry Eisen “Looks like all that time off has made The Raging Bull eager to fight. You must be looking forward to this, Faith, you get a closer look at what you’ll be up against at ‘FCK Going to War!’ “

Christian Faith “DeColt talks a big game, but let’s see if he’s really recovered from that injury.”


DeColt dominates early, out-powering, out-punching and out-wrestling Kurofuji, launching into his signature offense; Russian Leg Sweep, Legdrop, DeColt Thrust (Double Handed Throat Thrust)! Kurofuji launches some kicks at DeColt’s formerly injured arm, but the limb is stronger than ever, and the domination continues with a big Spinebuster, an effortless Delayed Vertical Suplex, and the DeColt Stampede (Running Spike Bulldog) for the win.




Jerry Eisen “A decisive comeback for The Raging Bull! Any thoughts, Christian?”

Christian Faith “I said I wanted to fight the best Canada has to offer. It looks like I will be at ‘FCK Going To War!’ “


For years, Jeremy Stone has been a powerful figure in the Canadian Wrestling scene, but he’s also been a silent one. Until now. Several weeks ago, FCK CEO Sam Strong sat down with Jeremy in his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia and conducted and exhaustive 6 hour interview, covering every facet of the life of the Canadian Wrestling Machine.


As a preview of this exciting upcoming DVD release, specially selected excerpts will be airing each week on ‘FCK Mondays!’.






JEREMY STONE and SAM STRONG are mid-interview. Sam looks at a photograph on the wall, of Jeremy, his brother Dan, and the 2001 graduates of the House of Stone. All strike ridiculous poses, with huge smiles on their faces... except for one, a sullen, angry looking kid with a dyed red goatee.



Let’s fast forward to 2001. After training your siblings, you seemed to

develop a taste for teaching, which led to the creation of The House of

Stone, now one of the most famous training camps in wrestling

today. How did that come about?



It was aboot... 1999... 2000? Something like that. Me and Danny were

at the top of our game, fighting hour-long draws over the NOTBPW

Canadian Title... and we wanted to give something back, to pass on

the knowledge and skills we had gained. So when we weren’t beating

on each other in the ring, we were fixing up that freezing cold shack on

the edge of our Father’s property, we were putting together training

programs based on what our Father had taught me, and we were

scouting for potential students.



Which was a different way to do things. Usually trainers let students find them.



We weren’t interested in doing that. We only wanted to train guys

who could become Champions. We wanted the best, so we went all

around Canada, inviting anyone and everyone to free one-hour training

sessions. We were cramming 50 - 100 athletes into small gyms and

running the same drills my Father put me through. Whoever could survive

the full hour would get to join the camp. Very few managed it. I think in

one session we managed to find 3 guys who could handle it, but most of

the time no one made the grade. We set the bar high. We wanted

the best of the best.



Which describes your first Class, the Class of 2001, perfectly.



Definitely. We got some phenomenal fighters in that first year. Art, Benson,

Greg, Taylor, Derek, John…



Johnny Blood?



He wasn’t going by that back then, but yes. Johnny Blood... When I first

met, John, he reminded me a lot of myself. He learned fast, always had

gas in the tank, and was driven. He wanted to be a fighter more than

anything in the world, he even hitchiked 250 miles from Battleford to Regina

just to get to the tryout. He was that dedicated, and he was honored

to be training with me.



This doesn’t sound like the Johnny Blood I know. What changed?



I... Well... The difference between him and me is that when I fail at

something, I am driven to improve, I take the frustration and push it

outwards, into my training, and I do everything in my power to right the

wrong, to master the skill, to turn that failure into a success. With

Johnny, it goes inwards. All of that frustration eats away at him and turns

into anger and hatred, hatred for whoever he feels is responsible...

and at the House of Stone, I was responsible. It’s the way I train people,

I was kicking their asses for hours at a time, just like how my Father

trained me. None of them liked it, but Johnny hated it, and he’s been

obsessed with paying me back for “humiliating” him ever since.


Johnny Blood has lost his way. Professional wrestling is a sport. When

that bell rings, you do everything in your power to win, you have to...

but when you take the fighting beyond that, when you attack people

backstage, when you throw people off of stages, when you trap people

in a cage and beat them into a bloody pulp... that crosses a line. That’s

not what I taught my students. That’s not the House of Stone way.








JOHNNY BLOOD and CATHERINE QUINE make their way to the ring together, accompanied by RICHARD EISEN



Christian Faith. I don’t know why I expected better from you. I gave you

the chance to wipe our slate clean, but once again you threw that chance

away. You should have joined me, instead of putting it in the hands of

these idiot fans. Now, when Johnny Blood leads my team to victory at

‘FCK Going To WAR!’, when he wins himself the FCK Title and wins

me the keys to the Frontier Combat Kingdom... you’re going to pay.



None of you think I can do it, do you??? None of you respect me! For

8 years I have destroyed everyone who stood in my way! I have cut a

bloody f***ing path through everyone put in front of me! Except Jeremy

Stone… AND THAT CHANGES TONIGHT! I don’t care if it’s a tag match!

I am going to destroy Jeremy Stone! I am going to rip him apart! I am

finally going to do what has been just out of my grasp my entire career!

I’m going to make him tap! I’m going to make him cry! I am going to

make him beg!


Catherine Quine takes the microphone out of Blood’s hand. For a moment, it looks like he’s going to decapitate her.



People seem confused about why I don’t like Melody Cuthill. For the

record, it’s NOT because I’m jealous and it’s NOT because she “almost

beat me” at “FCK Easter!” Melody Cuthill is the epitome of what’s wrong

about the… sigh… “FCK Women” division. I’m not saying she doesn’t

have skills, but she got those skills by smiling at the right people, wearing

skintight outfits, flashing her perky breasts and “sucking up” to people

like the Stones. She doesn’t know what it means to be a real fighter.

She may spent time at the House of Stone… but I guarantee she spent

most of that time laying flat on her back with her legs behind her head.





Christian Faith “That was uncalled for by The Cat. I’ve talked to Melody a couple of times backstage, and she’s a nice girl from Nebraska who has worked hard to be where she is. I know Melody was already looking forward to a rematch after The Cat’s questionable win at ‘FCK Easter!’ but after that little tirade I expect sparks to fly in just a few moments.”

Jerry Eisen “It’s hard to make a prediction here. Jeremy Stone and Johnny Blood have very similar styles. Melody Cuthill and Catherine Quine have very similar styles. This could come down to whichever team can gel together the best.”


The girls kick things off, Melody eager, Quine strangely reluctant, finding excuses not to lock up. Melody gives her no choice, attacking with fast-paced, high-flying, arm-drags, head-scissors and springboards that turn The Cat inside out, upside down and scurrying to her corner.


Blood tags in, wanting Jeremy, but getting an eager Melody instead. Blood tries to wrestle her to the ground, but she’s too fast, too flexible, striking back with hit-and-run tactics, until a frustrated Blood finally catches her with a perfectly executed overheard-belly-to-belly-suplex. Jeremy tags in, and after an intense staredown, the two rivals go head to head, hold-for-hold, counter-for-counter in a technical master class. Blood gets frustrated, shooting in too soon for a suplex. Jeremy pivots perfectly, nailing his own suplex. Stone hoists Blood up for a Shoulder Breaker, but Quine spears him, allowing Blood to ram him shoulder first, full-pelt into the corner post.


Johnny Blood beats down the Canadian Wrestling Machine with a variety of suplexes, angry submissions and furious stomps. The Cat helps out, tagging herself in whenever Jeremy looks particularly weak, and tagging out soon after. Blood goes for the Bloodrage Mutilation (Modified Camel Clutch) but Jeremy powers out of it, picking Blood up on his back, ramming him into a couple of turnbuckles and getting the tag to Melody!


Melody Cuthill springboards in, taking out Blood and Quine alike with lightning fast flurries. Blood snatches her up for a German Suplex, but she lands on her feet, and Jeremy nails Blood with a Rolling Wheel Kick. All Hell breaks loose. Stone and Blood battle to the outside as Melody and The Cat go move-for-move in the ring with a cacophony of counters, concluding when Cuthill reverses a Powerbomb into the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper).


Before she can make the cover, Johnny Blood decapitates her with a Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strike). He throws another at Jeremy, but The Canadian Wrestling Machine ducks and launches him through the air with a Stone’s Throw (Exploder Suplex) Johnny Blood rolls outside. Jeremy chases him out with a suicide Dive. Melody struugles to her feet, but Quine nails her with a Flying Elbow Drop, and wraps her up in the Cat’s Cradle (Magistal Cradle) for the pin.




Jeremy check on his partner as The Cat bails. Outside, Johnny Blood is furious, throwing a fit.


Jerry Eisen “Johnny Blood technically won, but I don’t think he’s going to be happy until he makes Jeremy Stone tap in the middle of the ring.”

Christian Faith “Night folks!”





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Faith meets DeColt... B


Sam Strong explains stuff...B


Dirty White Brawl...C+

Team Strong Chat... B


Team Garcia Chat... B


Jeremy Stone Interview Part 2... C+

Blood & Quine give good promo... B+



"The Marksman" gives this show a C+

Early reports put the rating at a 0.22


Next Week's card, courtesy of FCKwrestling.ca


Raul Hughes vs Jeremy Stone

Knuckles & Shady K vs The Dirty White Boys

Danger Kumasaka vs Harry Allen

Christian Faith vs Maverick

Dharma Gregg vs Melody Cuthill (Pudding Match)

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Raul Hughes vs Jeremy Stone

Knuckles & Shady K vs The Dirty White Boys

Danger Kumasaka vs Harry Allen

Christian Faith vs Maverick

Dharma Gregg vs Melody Cuthill (Pudding Match)



Enjoying this so far, Self. Caught up this morning and thought I'd jump aboard with some picks. :)

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Raul Hughes vs Jeremy Stone



Knuckles & Shady K vs The Dirty White Boys

They've won every other time so far...


Danger Kumasaka vs Harry Allen

Youth triumphs over EEEEEEEEEVIL!


Christian Faith vs Maverick

Because it's Christian Faith!


Dharma Gregg vs Melody Cuthill (Pudding Match)

No, seriously.

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