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Lack of Psychology ?

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Just had a match between Jack Bruce and Squeeky McClean


Jack Bruce- B- Psych


McClean- B Psych


the match was only 8 minutes long and i got a lack of psychology note


just wondering how that happens when both of them have decent psych?:confused:

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Prolly a wrestler type vs type or size vs size or placement on the card problem. EG one of or both of the combatents don't like one or more parts of their opponent. No way to know these other then testing and cheking out the news stories that reveal them.
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the only problem i see with that is that both of them are middleweight entertainers, and both of them are main eventers currently.


the only thing i think could be a problem is consistency, but McCleans is an A* and Bruce has a B. but i dont know if that has anything to do with it or not?

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It's just one of those things that happens without much explanation. some guys just don't seem to work well together, regardless of stats or chemistry. Don't try to rationalise it, just make a note of it and move on. Although another way to look at the psychology stat is that it's a certain percent chance of telling a good story. That match may have just happened to be one of those nights where they tried something and the story just didn't work. Sometimes even the best of us get it wrong.


Was the match at least good?

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It's Jack Bruce, he seems to lack psychology in every match againts people, whose psychology is under B+


That would be my answer as well. For having what look like decent Performance skills, Bruce gets those lack of psychology and lack of selling notes quite often, I find.

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Jack Bruce is a main eventer in SWF which is Global, he needs to have an opponent with high psychology to not have the penalty, try checking it out with your other main eventers with B- to B psychology:D


McClean has a B psychology. He can carry an 8 minute match. Why would the size of the fed have an effect on how well someone can carry a match?

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In my NOTBPW I had lack of psychology on my matches between ME and upper mids.


like Eddie Chandler B+, Art Reed B and Sean Deeley B+, this happens when they are not fighting anyone with A psychology.


Maybe, its a performance based promotion thing or a size thing:p

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the only problem i see with that is that both of them are middleweight entertainers, and both of them are main eventers currently.


the only thing i think could be a problem is consistency, but McCleans is an A* and Bruce has a B. but i dont know if that has anything to do with it or not?


well, for two main eventers, their psychology is pretty low. B and B-? That might have something to do with it.

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Just had a match between Jack Bruce and Squeeky McClean


Jack Bruce- B- Psych


McClean- B Psych


the match was only 8 minutes long and i got a lack of psychology note


just wondering how that happens when both of them have decent psych?:confused:


Bruce's psych isn't good enough to avoid psychology notes in SWF with the starting data. The magic formula for SWF is having a psych somewhere in the B range (Enygma doesn't get many of these notes with a B), but the safest bet is going to be a B+, which means using guys like Enforcer Roberts, Angry Gilmore, and Rich Money.


As far as the "only 8 minutes" argument, 8 minutes is pretty much the dividing line for any psychology notes with guys like Bruce (who gets mild psychology notes often). Running a 4-7 minute match won't have a penalty, whereas 8-10 tends to result in a mild penalty.


But a mild lack of psychology note isn't the end of the world, either. I doubt those two got a C rated match.

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it got a B, but it disappointed me because i was expecting at least a B+ to an A from two guy who have A to A* popularity in America. Especially since SWF is rated more on Popularity than Performance, but i suppose when it comes to actual matches that is really taken into effect.
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Some people forget about the third man in a 1 vs 1 match... the referee. If he's unhappy he'll get in the way of the match, throw off the timing of counts and pacing of the match by generally being off his game. If your referee is unhappy, he can have a negative effect on any match he's in so if possible, always make sure to have your best AND happiest referee do the main matches otherwise he can cause two great workers to underperform a bit and cause the psychology note.
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Boosting a match rating also involves the RA, Referee and the announce team. They should have good stats, good morale and good chemistry (announce team):D


Entirely unecessary if their skills are strong - I've had enough A* matches without any issues or chemistry notes to know.


What they want is the same thing your tag team still wants even with good chemistry - good relevant skills.


Yeah, you risk misleading people into thinking announce team chemistry is actually important. Just like worker chemistry, it's a nice bonus (the cherry on top) but it's not the most important thing. You still want them to have the best possible skills. Otherwise, you get stupid people like me trying every possible combination of announcer/color commentator, looking for chemistry notes.

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