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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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American Elemental vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


Elemental gets a build as a threat to The Circus


Hell Monkey vs. Joss Thompson w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Kill Switch w/ "The Circus"


The Circus doesn't take 2 losses in one night


Fumihiro Ota vs. Burning TAKA


Ota is already moving up and TAKA isn't really going anywhere right now


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Teddy Powell

[Non-Title Match]


Its non-title so Powell gets the win to make him seem like a viable contender and then loses a title shot to Phoenix.



|| X-WA Main Event ||


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Silver Shark


Kingsbury finally gets his shot at the title, but Acid will kick his ass.

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X-WA "Shockwaves" - PPV Event

4th week of March 2009


Angle: The Chase for the Championship...

Grade: B+


The show opens with a taped promo from Nemesis in his temporary office. While standing before a black, white, and red X-WA banner on the wall; Nemesis would go on to address tonight's big announcement on WHO will be the NEW #1 CONTENDER to the X-WA X Championship. In a brief statement, the X-WA owner stated that, as of right this second, he is unsure of who he believes deserves the shot. Noting that there are many viable superstars that could all carry the challenge well... He ultimately tells the crowd that he will address the X-WA superstars, as well as the crowd, later on tonight! After reviewing tonight's action he will then make a landmark decision about who will ultimately challenge Acid for the X-WA X Championship at next month's PPV... "X-WA eXcessive Force".


American Elemental vs. Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus"


The opening match of "Blitzkrieg" was not only the perfect intro to the show but it also personified what the X-WA is all about.... High-paced, "Shock & Awe", jaw-dropping modern action. The overall tone to the match was set early as AE used every aerial spot he could to try to subdue the Circus's Snap Dragon. At one point, even put his entire body on the line, landing a flipping forward tuck aerial assault off the top rope & square on Snap Dragon, who stood on the outside at the time. At points, we would see "The Circus" tempt to get involved, however, it wasn't until AE had shocking found a way to slip out of a top rope hurricanrana from Snap Dragon... Ultimately turning it into a top rope powerbomb! The crowd would absolutely errupt at the sight of the high impact move, however, just as AE staggers to his feet to go for the pin... We see Kill Switch & Whippy The Clown rush into the ring and quickly assault the X-WA youngster from behind. The referee would quickly call for the bell as it all looks like "doom & gloom" for AE. However, just as the bells is finishing being run... AE is able to slip out of the ring and slowly back peddles up the rampway... Raising his arms in victory, pissing off "The Circus" (seeing how they HAD to get involved so Snap Dragon wouldn't loose outright to the newcomer) and making his way to the back with his second victory in the X-WA under his belt. (even if it was by dubious means... He had the win himself, however, was screwed out of the clean victory by the ever sadistic "Circus").


Winner: American Elemental over Snap Dragon in 9:58 via DQ when Whippy the Clown & Kill Switch interfered.

Grade: D+


Angle: Rules from on high...

Grade: D+


Just as the match comes to an end and we are gearing up for the next match-up, We hear word from the X-WA announcers (Steve Smith & Ernie Turner) that the next match has been altered from its previous layout. Due to the inability for "The Circus", "Next-Gen Trio", and Hell Monkey's trio to compete alone (without anyone running in and causing all hell to break loose).. The next match-up will be wrestled under the rule that NO ONE MAY INTERFERE. If they do, then not only will the attacker be fired but the entire TRIO will be eliminated from the X-WA roster. Both announcers make it clear that the orders were just sent down from the X-WA owner, Nemesis, and will be implemented following the commercial break.


Hell Monkey vs. Kill Switch vs. Joss Thompson

No Interference Allow - or else - FIRED


With eliminating outside interferences.. This match-up would prove to be one of the greatest of the night. Hell Monkey was seen in full control from the onset of the match. Using his ruthless aggression to practically take two guys at one time. This would serve him well until Monkey began to ignore the "Next-Gen Trio" member... Instead, focusing all of his wrath on the "Circus" member (for obvious reasons). Hell Monkey would be seen wailing into Kill Switch as the two men brawled around the ringside area... All the while, Joss Thompson is standing in the ring awaiting their count-out. When Joss finally did get involved it would spark a huge run for both he & Kill Switch. As they worked together to defeat Hell Monkey... one thing was obvious... Despite not having anything in common... Kill Switch & Joss Thompson were competing strongly as a two-headed monster. However, that would also come crashing down after Joss Thompson tried to steal a pinning combination that was rightfully Kill Switch's. This would push both Thompson and Switch to go at it as Hell Monkey slowly tried to pull himself to his feet.


In the end, Hell Monkey was seen trying to attempt a moonsault, off the top rope, on a standing Kill Switch. As he landed the move, his momentum would allow Kill Switch to hit the mat and then roll over Monkey's shoulder... Landing aside Monkey (who is now laying face down beacuse of impact)... Finally latching in a crossface submission hold. As Joss Thompson is seen trying to stagger to his feet on the outside, Kill Switch would wrentch back on the submission hold... Harder and harder... However, Hell Monkey never taps. He looked to be in a lot of pain but Monkey NEVER willingly said that he quit. With that being said, however, Hell Monkey would slip out of conciousness due to the submission hold... Ultimately forcing the X-WA referee to stop the match in favor of Kill Switch... (As he didn't want to see Hell Monkey's career, and possibly life, end right before his eyes).


Winner: Kill Switch over Hell Monkey in 11:44 via Referee Stoppage.

Grade: C-


Angle: The deterioration of a once superstar...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to see Jack Griffith seated in the middle of a darkened room. His head facing downward... his body slumped in a steel chair... All in all, It looks as if the man could be dead. However, just then, we would hear Jack Griffith begin to speak about his misfortunes in life... All the while... Not lifting his head or adjusting his body posture. He talks of a destructive home-life that would not only rip his family apart... but would also scar him for the rest of his life. It almost seems as if he is letting go of his "Psycho babble" (what some refer to as the type of speech you acquire after seeing a "shrink") as he continues to dive into his destructive past.... How he had lost himself in Alchohol following a loss of life in his family at an early age... Becoming a run-a-way and living on the streets of New York. From there, he would go on to talk about his "rise" in the SCCW... How he had finally found something productive for his pain... his misery... As it gave him the ability to "release his demons" through Violence. However, he would then go on to say that his demons never really left him alone... That he would once again fall victim to the very drug that he had been abusing since he was 10. He would briefly explain his downward spiral from public fame to private misfortune. Finally coming to a point where he cronicles WHY his debut loss to Vicente Marquez had sent him overboard. The fact that he thought he had come so far... Far from the darkened days that once left him gripping to conciousness in some sleezy motel... He thought he had his life back on track to once again succeed at the only art form he's ever been labeled as "good" at (Wrestling). However, the loss showed him exactly what he was... what others had always pegged him as... A "train wreck". He would go on to say that it was too much to take... That he no longer wants to run from the person he knows he is... That he has finally succumb to the disease that has plagued him for most of his life. Finally saying that it isn't so much that he hates Vicente... but that Vicente is a personification of what he is not. Clean cut, loved, appreciated... Optimistic.... In the end, Griffith would go on to say that what we saw at "Shockwaves" is who he really is... A plagued soul... A soldier of misfortune... A reaper of self-degradation.



Fumihiro Ota vs. Burning TAKA


Despite Burning TAKA losing more matches in the X-WA than he's won (actually, I don't know if I've ever booked him to win).... He's always been a top producer from a grade stand-point in almost every show. In what was the surprise match-up of the night, Burning TAKA really took it to Fumihiro Ota.. Pushing him to the limit through out the entire match. The controversial international figure was seen, through-out the match, as a viable oponent for the X-WA Main Eventer. At one point, TAKA was so close to picking up the win that it even shocked the referee! TAKA caught Ota with a back elbow, trying to reverse a belly to back suplex, and when he was thrown over... Landed on his feet. As Ota spun around to survey the damage, TAKA lunged at the former TCW Stand-out and delivered a mind numbing pele kick to the side of Ota's head. The impact would make such a loud thud that you could hear it echo through-out the entire arena. In the end, TAKA would only recieve a two count... however... was only a second away from picking up a career-changing victory here in the X-WA.


As the end of the match grew near... No one could tell who would really walk away as the winner. Both men were going back and forth through-out the match and there was a moment where someone was seen as being in FULL Control (minus the pele kick/pin). In the end, Fumihiro Ota would start to pull away with a string of combination strikes... Finally ending the last combination with a fierce back elbow of his own... TAKA would stagger away holding his face... Which would give Ota enough time to slip-in and catch TAKA off-guard with his front face marienete spike called "The Ota Spike". With TAKA out cold... Ota would pick up the 3 count.


Winner: Fumihiro Ota over Burning TAKA in 13:41 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: Say it 'aint so... Steve

Grade: C-


A video is now shown of Steve Flash following the hanious assault levied upon him by "The Next-Gen Trio" at "Shockwaves". The video would show a bloody Flash being loaded into an ambulance and rushed to the Hospital. While in the Hospital you would see the, still bloodied, Flash being wheeled into emergencey surgery... Creating a very tense overtone. From there, we would cut to Flash's surgeon... Proclaiming that Flash had suffered severe injuries following the assault. The doctor would elaborate by saying that Flash had signs of internal bleeding when he was brought to the Hospital and that knowledge, along with his glaring injuries, would mark him as a "high risk patient". As the video comes to a close we would see Steve Flash laying in a hospital bed.. Motionless as we cut back to the doctor saying "I've worked with athletes before... I've never seen anything this bad. It looks like he was in a car-wreck more so than competing in the ring." Also, finally leaving us with this eery phrase - "Over what I've seen... I don't see how Steve [Flash] could continue to compete with the severity of his injuries. He was clinging to life and I just don't see him ever getting back to that level [of ability] again. He may be forced to retire". The overall tone of the video leaves the entire crowd silent as everyone believes they may have seen "The King of New York" wrestle in his last match at "Shockwaves". This would inspire an aggressive chant of "F*ck you Next-Gen" from the crowd... As we cut to a commercial break.


Ultimate Phoenix vs. Teddy Powell


It was obvious from the onset of the match that the crowd was firmly behind Ultimate Phoenix. Despite Teddy Powell being a babyface himself... it seems that he has become another "name" again.. in yet another company. Just as it was in DaVE before... For some reasons the fans just don't seem to really take to this guy. However, that is what fuels him internally... And as the fans were showing their love for Phoenix... You could see something trigger in Powell's mind... As if to say "its go time... Me against the world". That very mentality had Teddy Powell wrestling out of his mind through out most of the match with a kind of focused determination we've never seen from him before. At one point, Powell was able to score a 2 1/2 count following a top rope sunset flip into a powerbomb. However, somehow... Phoenix found a way to kick out.


Both men would hold nothing back, however, as the match went on... It seems that the crowd began to lose interest. Maybe it's because Phoenix has yet to really be challenged as the Arena Champion (despite getting pushed the wall by Powell tonight).. Or maybe it was, yet another, poor reponse to Teddy Powell... Either way, it was easy to see that the crowd was starting to grow tired of the match. Just as that started to really show... we saw Stric Lee Bizness (the challenger this past week on "Shockwaves" for the Arena Championship) come out of the back... Slowly... Methodically.


At one point, Stric Lee Bizness was seen attacking a groggy Teddy Powell as he struggled to get back to his feet on the outside. The referee, unaware of what is going on, would spin around just as Stric Lee would push the, now more so groggy, Teddy Powell back into the ring. Phoenix, seemingly pissed off as to what is going on with SLB getting in his business STILL after losing last week, goes to confront SLB.. Extending his body through the middle rope and pointing down at SLB... Telling him to "get out of here"...."you lost your shot... get out of here". However, just as Phoenix spins back around to continue the match with Powell.... Teddy is seen sliding in and connecting with a snap DDT in the middle of the ring. Phoenix's head would bounce square off the mat as Powell would quickly roll himself into a pinning situation... Getting the shocking three count over the Arena Champion in a non-title match.


Winner: Teddy Powell over Ultimate Phoenix in 11:53 via pinfall.

Grade: D-


Angle: Screw this...

Grade: C+


We cut backstage to see brand new X-WA backstage announcer, Jonathan Owens, making his debut by looking to score a groundbreaking interview with the X-WA X Champion, Acid. As Jonathan turns the corner and walks squarely infront of the arena's boiler room... He takes a second to collect his thoughts and then slowly enters the ring. We switch to a camera angle, inside of the boiler room, as Jonathan is heard calling out to Acid in a very shaky, almost terrified, tone. He continues to do so until we see Acid with his back turned to the camera & Jonathan. His body is rigidly breathing heavily as it almost sounds like he's hyperventilating. Jonathan would call out to Acid, once again in a very shaky tone, as the X Champion (with title laying on the floor next to him) would slowly spin his head around... Leaving his body facing the pipes before him. As Acid's chest spins around glistening with sweat in a bright red light that hangs overhead... We see trails of blood running across his chest. Acid, still breathing extremely heavily and standing in a gargoyle like stance, lets out a loud roar of a yell.. As Jonathan quickly drops the micraphone... Proclaiming "Screw this" as he runs out of the room. We now fade to black as the X-WA X Champion is seen slowly twisting his body back towards the pipes and seemingly clawing at his own chest while facing away from the camera.


William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir vs. Silver Shark w/ "The P-G Squad"


This match would pose two high profile superstars who are both coming off of major loses at the X-WA's last PPV Event, "Shockwaves". That reason alone would deliver a sense of urgency to the match. As the match began to start, We would see "The P-G Squad" trying to taunt Vladimir from the other side of the ring... dancing around, sticking their tounges out at him (yes... When I say "P-G" i mean... "P-G" with these guys. ha), and ultiamtely trying to draw him into a fight (one they would most likely lose however). This would enrage Kingsbury as he would seemingly take that out on Silver Shark in the ring. Stomping him into the matt on several occasions and yelling "Get up" at the tail end of the assault every time. Kingsbury, not allowing Shark to get back to his feet, would often be seen stomping the fingers of Shark... Kicking the side of his head... and even slapping him around as if he was a defenseless child. At one point, Kingsbury was seen choking Shark with the bottom rope (near Vladimir) as the referee scurried to break the hold. As he was forced to do so... We would see Vladimir continue to pull him down across the rope.. Choking him the entire time.


This would cause the rest of "The P-G Squad" to run around the ring and confront the Big man (Much to the crowd's delight). However, all it took was a right-handed haymaker & a big boot from Vladimir to send both men crashing to the floor in a matter of 5 seconds. Obviously out matched by the big man.. It seems that Kingsbury is on the verge to win yet another match through the sheer force of Vladimir.


However, no matter what Kingsbury would do to Shark.... Silver Shark would always kick out of the pinfall that would follow. Continuing with his impressive streak... (just as he did against X Champion, Acid at "Shockwaves").. Silver Shark would always find a way to escape the loss and ultimately it was this that would be Kingsbury's downfall. Kingsbury, becoming increasing pissed off about Shark finding a way to kick out, begin to show signs of a massively short temper. Becoming almost reckless with his approach as the pressure of keeping Shark on the matt begins to outweight his mind. This would lead to Silver Shark ultimately gaining the upper hand for a large stretch of the match... Reversing almost everything Kingsbury had for him and, at one point, even gaining a 2 count with a slingshot roll-up.


As Silver Shark had Kingsbury reeling... He was seen taking to the air... Trying to win the match-up with his internationally known aerial skills. However, just as Shark was seen trying to land a missle drop-kick on Kingsbury (who stands in the middle of the ring.. barely able to stand).. Vladimir is seen reaching up and pushing upwards on the top ropes ever so slightly... Just enough not to be seen, however, enough for it to break Sharks' balance. Shark would end up falling off the top rope and stradling the top rope... As his body fell off the ropes and was on its way crashing to the matt... Kingsbury would rush in and catch him off guard... pulling him up and ultimately exicuting a crucifix powerbomb ("Razor's Edge") toward the corner of the ring where Vlad stood. From there, Kingsbury would pick up, yet another, cheap pinfall.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Silver Shark in 13:31 via pinfall.

Grade: D+


Angle: The NEW #1 Contender is...

Grade: C+


Kingsbury's match comes to an end as we instantly hear Nemesis's theme music blare over the arena's PA system. The crowd, errupting at the sight of the X-WA owner, would watch on as Nemesis piles into the ring slowly.. mic in hand. As his music would come to a haulting stop, Nemesis would quickly get onto the mic and remind the crowd that the #1 Contendership is still to be addressed. He would go on to say that after reviewing tonight's show... He knows exactly who he wants to challenge for the X Championship at "eXcessive Force" in April. However, before he can go any farther, Kingsbury is seen jumping on the mic himself... Telling Nemesis to "cut the crap" and "name him the #1 Contender". Nemesis, taken back a little by Kingsbury's rude break-in, would begin to slowly laugh with a devilish tone. Finally, getting in Kingsbury's face (inches from his nose) as Vladimir stands aside. Nemesis would go on to tell Kingsbury that "he will NOT be the #1 Contender"... Telling Kingsbury that he "hasn't shown the ability to deliver when given the chance". Kingsbury, goes absolutely crazy as he throws a mini-temper tantrum in the ring. Nemesis, still smirking a little after his response, would tell Kingsbury to "stand up and take it like a man"... Citing that Kingsbury "has yet to prove himself as a TRUE threat to the X Championship". Kingsbury, who is absolutely beyond himself right now, continues to throw a temper tantrum in the ring as Nemesis then turns towards the crowd and proclaims that the NEW #1 Contender is.........


However we would not hear from Nemesis for the rest of the night....


Rather, as the X-WA Owner was about to unvail the new #1 Contender... We would watch on as Kingsbury points to Nemesis (while Nemesis's back is turned... As he looks to the crowd) and Vladimir ends up plowing the "Fallen Angel" over from behind. Vladimir would be seen stomping Nemesis into the matt... Finally lifting him up off the ground and powerbombing him straight back down. Nemesis would land rather awkwardly on his upperback & shoulders... As he laid motionless on the mat. Just then members of the "P-G Squad" as well as a few other babyface superstars would be seen sorrounding the ring... coming to the aide of the X-WA owner. However, despite having the numbers in their corner, none of them actually climb into the ring... Afraid of the big bad russian who outweights all of them by at least 150 pounds.


As the show comes to its close... We see William Kingsbury III frantically motioning for the babyfaces to come into the ring and "get some". Yelling at the top of his lungs... Adrenaline pumping... Kingsbury is seemingly at his witt's end. We finally fade to black as we see Vladimir standing rather stoekly in the middle of the ring... right next to "the man with a death wish"... William Kingsbury III.






Overall Show Grade: D+

Show Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)

TV Rating: 0.45 (+ 0.12)

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- Show Thoughts -


* This is the first time that I've ever had fun booking Jack Griffith. Maybe it's because most times in games I don't end up fleshing out my characters as much as I do while I'm writing a diary, however, I'm absolutely in love with his persona. Yes, He's a "train wreck" but for a reason. He should continue to be a strong character for the Diary. (Strong characters don't always mean winning matches though)


* Nemesis/Kingsbury/Vladimir is starting to really take shape as well. I wanted to build this slowly and really build it on a reason for them to hate eachother versus just all of a sudden saying "hey.. You're the boss. I hate you". ha. This way, Kingsbury has a reason to hate the boss... and Nemesis has a reason to want to destroy his employee. All in all, this feud should really give me a lot of options down the road.


* I'm finding it hard to really use Acid. It's funny because he is my top superstar, my X Champion, and probably the most insane character I have on the roster... however... I have found myself focusing on other superstars more because I wanted to build more storylines than just someone chasing Acid's championship. I do need to get him some more matches though and also some more airtime to really show off his character, however, tonight was really the first night where he got some face time. Acid sums up the X-WA to me... So, I'm looking to try to incorporate him more.


* I know that the show didn't end up that well grade wise, however, I'm hoping that giving newcomers some air time will ultimately help them grow in popularity.. and thus... making my show grades better down the road. My product level is set at 80% so I only get around 18 minutes each TV show to devote towards storylines. So, I need to be very selective about what "goes on". However, with a roster of really talented characters, Acid wrestling more, and building popularity for certain guys... I should hopefully pull better ratings as we go.




All in all, I hope you enjoyed the show!! Feedback is always greatly appreciated!



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To close every (in-game) month, I plan on posting a "Best of [Month]" award system. Not really to hand out awards per se.. but rather to allow those who are just starting to read the diary a chance to know the highlights from this last month (in-game).


Each in-game month will have a slew of "awards" followed by a reason for why they were selected..


With the final episode of "Blitzkrieg" for March 2009 in the bag... I thought now would be the best time to post this before I get into "Blitzkrieg" for the first week of April 2009.


"Best of March 2009"


Superstar of the Month: Acid

Reason: The first ever X-WA X Champion would be enough to warrant Acid the "Superstar of the Month" in March of 2009. However, he also developed a 2-1 record with his only loss coming in a 3 on 3 match in the 2nd week of March. One of his victories came at the X-WA's March PPV Event, "Shockwaves", where he defeated Silver Shark... Headlining the show and ultimately proving himself as the top superstar in the X-WA.


Match of the Month: Acid over Steve Flash in a Steel Cage Match for the X-WA X Championship, X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", 1st Week Of March 2009.

Reason: Probably the greatest match in the X-WA's short history came about this month on their first ever telecast of "Blitzkrieg". Taking place in the very first week of the month, Acid was victorious over "The King of New York" Steve Flash, however, many complain that Flash was "screwed" out of the win due to "The Next-Gen Trio" slamming the door shut on his head while attempting to exit the cage door. All in all, the match pulled the strongest rating of the month and really set the tone for the rest of the diary.


Angle of the Month: "The Next-Gen Trio" crowns Steve Flash as "The King of New York".

Reason: This is a sentimental favorite of mine since I had been mulling over how to progress the "Next-Gen Trio" vs. Steve Flash feud at "Shockwaves" for days. After hours of thinking it over, and taking inspiration from various TV shows/movies, I decided to have the "Next-Gen Trio" physically and psychologically destroy Steve Flash in a way that would spark controversy. Steve Flash, The proclaimed "King of New York", was assaulted by the Trio in a back alley at "Shockwaves"... "Crowning" him through a hanious attack (read "Shockwaves" to get the full jist as it's too long to quote). Finally leaving the supposed "King of New York" laying for dead... In the city he seemingly "rules". The angle did two things for my diary... Showed the "Next-Gen Trio" as a true threat and overall controversial figure... and Also, did the unthinkable having Steve Flash absolutely destroyed due to an accomplishment (being the "King of New York") that he has never openly accepted (due to his blue collar mentality. Not one to bask in his own glory but rather just get the job done).


Trio of the Month: "The Circus"

Reason: This could have easily gone to "The Next-Gen Trio" for their war with Steve Flash, however, "The Circus" has come away with countless wins this month and have raged an epic war with Hell Monkey (and to a lesser extent, the rest of Monkey's trio). While they actually captured the 6 Man Championships in February.. They sucessfully defended them at "Shockwaves" in March... Defeating the rag-tag trio of Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, and American Elemental. Wins aside, "The Circus" has become one of the most feared trio's in my diary for their "lack of societal rules".


Disappointment of the Month: Burning TAKA

Reason: Pulling off a stagering 0-3 record in the month of March, Burning TAKA never seemed to gain any ground. He had some great matches over the month, don't get me wrong, however, I never found a way (or the mindset) to really give him a proper push.. let alone... one win.

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Things seem to be going well so far. Steve Flash's injury is disturbing as I'd much rather see him then languish on the sidelines. Kingsbury is coming into his own and taking out Nemesis is a good way to make a mark for himself. I see a one of coming out of retirement match up for Nemesis. I like The Circus but their fued seems to be faltering a bit I think I'd like to see them more volatile and dangerous. I don't think you need to do too much more with Acid I think he is a silent and efficient killer his on screen time should be dismantling opponents in the ring, that's where i think he's best served. And don't worry about TAKA every company needs at least one whipping boy. Not everyone on your roster can make it big, some one needs to be the loser.
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Things seem to be going well so far. Steve Flash's injury is disturbing as I'd much rather see him then languish on the sidelines. Kingsbury is coming into his own and taking out Nemesis is a good way to make a mark for himself. I see a one of coming out of retirement match up for Nemesis. I like The Circus but their fued seems to be faltering a bit I think I'd like to see them more volatile and dangerous. I don't think you need to do too much more with Acid I think he is a silent and efficient killer his on screen time should be dismantling opponents in the ring, that's where i think he's best served. And don't worry about TAKA every company needs at least one whipping boy. Not everyone on your roster can make it big, some one needs to be the loser.


Thanks for the feedback Apupunchau! I agree with you that "The Circus" should be more volatile and dangerous. When I developed the Trio that's what I had in mind. A reckloose bunch of societial misfits ("Clockwork Orange" like...), however, as the "weeks" went on... I found myself focusing more on other superstars more. So, I kind of lost touch with what I wanted out of "The Circus" and sadly they became more of a hardcore trio.


With that being said, however, I'm looking to transition them back more towards their original design over the next few episodes.




EDIT: I've updated the roster section.. Adding a Trio's section as well as the new X-WA Interviewer, Jonathan Owens. Also, if you're new to the diary... Check back on the last page (Page 7) and read the "Best of March 2009" award listing to find a summary of the high points of the diary spanning over the "First month".

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NEWS: X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg, 1st week of April 2009 - Card Released!


The X-WA has released their upcoming "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card. The show is set to be an X-plosive affair as Vicente Marquez is making his return following a vicious assault by Jack Griffith at "Shockwaves"... He will be teaming up with Hell Monkey's rag-tag Trio to face off against Jack Griffith and "The Circus". This match alone could potentially tear the arena apart as all 8 men are fixing for an all-out battle! Here is the card as follows:




Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad


"The Next- Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"

[Trio Match]


Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness


Vicente Marquez/Hell Monkey/American Elemental/Enygma Extreme vs. Jack Griffith/Kill Switch/Whippy The Clown/Snap Dragon

[4 vs 4 Match]


|| X-WA Main Event ||


Acid vs. The Cyclone

[Non-Title Match]




* Nemesis has vowed to declare the new #1 Contender for the X-WA X Championship!

* Will William Kingsbury III and Vladimir pay for their attack on the X-WA owner last week?[

* We will recieve another report on Steve Flash's health from the New York hospital that is treating him.


Nemesis was suppose to announce the number one contender to the X Championship last week on "Blitzkrieg", however, was assaulted before he could relay his choice. Instead, the X-WA owner was laid out by Vladimir at Kingsbury's decree. Will Nemesis be able to finally announce the new #1 contender this week? Also, what will happen when Vicente Marquez finally gets his hands on the man who put him out of action since "Shockwaves"? Finally, who will stand-up to "The Next-Gen Trio"? The youngsters are considered to be "public enemy #1" to those in the X-WA Locker room, as well as the fans of New York, following their sadistic assault on the Indy Legend, Steve Flash. Tune in to find out what unfolds!


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad

"The Next- Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"

Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Vicente Marquez/Hell Monkey/American Elemental/Enygma Extreme vs. Jack Griffith/Kill Switch/Whippy/Snap Dragon

Acid vs. The Cyclone

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Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad


TAKA finally gets his win


"The Next- Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"


Um squash


Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness


draw Stric Lee is the real competitor to Phoenix's title but Teddy beat Phoenix in non title and it'd be silly to see him lose here.


Vicente Marquez/Hell Monkey/American Elemental/Enygma Extreme vs. Jack Griffith/Kill Switch/Whippy/Snap Dragon


Tough choice but the heels to get a win before the next PPV


Acid vs. The Cyclone


Really The Cyclone.... even non-title The Cyclone will lose. Hell Donnie J shouldn't be anywhere near the title holder.


Nemesis is sadden to declares that he has no choice but to declare Kingsbury the number one contender but he says that Kingsbury has to go through him first. Kingsbury wins but only with the help of Vladimir so he faces Acid at the next PPV but Nemesis declares himself special guest ref and costs Kingsbury the match.

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Really The Cyclone.... even non-title The Cyclone will lose. Hell Donnie J shouldn't be anywhere near the title holder.


hah, So much hate for Donnie J on these boards. ;) I actually like the guy. Especially with a different gimmick, as the surfer boy thing was really boring to me and wouldn't work well in the X-WA (unless played as a heel).

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"The X-WA Xplosive Report w/ Ernie Turner"



Hey X-WA Fans... "Shock" here!


It's been a crazy past 2 weeks here in the X-WA. How "Shockwaves" turned out was exactly why I signed with this company back in January. Who ever saw the attack on Steve Flash coming as it did? Sure, I thought that the Trio would find a way to avenge their loss to the Indy Legend, however, I would have never dreamed it would have ended up that way. Holy crap. I've been in this industry for quite some time now and I've never seen an assault like that. No wonder there has been such a crazy stir around the action at "Shockwaves" as the Flash attack alone would call any wrestling promotion into question. However, that's the X-WA... take it or leave it.


The X-WA's goal has never been to appease the soccer moms of the world. From the very beginning... The very first production meeting... Nemesis declared that the X-WA would not be, yet another, "Sports Entertainment - Run of the Mill" Kind of company. We would stand out on our own... Either succeed through our destructive means or "die by the very sword". While the Flash and Marquez attacks were borderline excessive violence... What else do you expect from a company that has, so far, built its name upon Psycho's and misfits?


That's not to say that the entire X-WA roster is nothing but psychotic time-bombs waiting to implode (even though... I'll be honest... The vast majority of the roster is)... We do house some of the best and brightest indy talent from around the world. I think that's why the assault on Flash was that much more shocking. It wasn't "The Circus" that delivered the assault... It wasn't yet another mental-case who received the assault. It was "The Next-Gen Trio", largely a youngster group of egocentric ass-holes, practically destroying a stand-up, blue collar, "tough as nails" kind of supestar like Steve Flash. All in all, If Flash is able to bounce back from his injuries... You can expect to see a sense of absolute redemption ushered in by Mr. Flash himself.


To change the focus for a second... Everyone keeps on asking me who the new #1 contender is set to be at "eXcessive Force". Since Nemesis was unable to make the announcement last week on "Blitzkrieg"... Almost everyone I run into on the street, in the grocery store, at the bank... It doesn't matter... They all keep asking me who will be named the #1 Contender... With most saying that there is "no way that Nemesis will give it to Kingsbury after this". To be honest, I have no idea who is slated to challenge Acid for the X Championship... but what I do know is don't count out Kingsbury. Sure, the tandem of Kingsbury and Vladimir did take out the X-WA owner last week.. However, Nemesis is the first man to know that a simple attack shouldn't take someone out of the running. Nemesis has made a career off of being assaulted over and over again... It's not a personal thing to him. He knows that the youngsters out there (kingsbury as one of them) are just looking to make their impact on the industry and he's just happy to have them here in the X-WA. So, while he may seem like he isn't happy with Kingsbury, he ultimately is happy to have him on the roster.


X-WA Rumor Report


+ Is the next Number #1 contender going to be from "The Next-Gen Trio"? While their attack on Flash was seen as hanious by many (especially those in the media), Nemesis has made it very apparent that he respects the young trio's determination to "get to the top". Will he grant one of them an early enterence into the Main Event? Rumors say that it could be on the way...


+ It's been rumored that William Kingsbury III may be bringing in, yet another, personal bodyguard. It's been stated that William Kingsbury II (his father) is not happy with his son's overall win/loss record so far in his brief pro-wrestling stint. So, it has been rumored that his father will be sending down yet another bodyguard to "ensure that Kingsbury changes course". Not many know whether this rumor is really true, however, it couldn't hurt the "struggling snob"...


+ Is a Flash family member looking to take a stab at becoming a pro wrestler? While this report is still very sketchy, at best, it's been rumored that a member of the immediate Flash family may be looking to dive into the sport. Many are speculating that it may be over the recent attack on Steve, however, without any real backing with this story... This still sits as a rumor...


+ Has "The Circus" found a new member? It's been reported for a few weeks now that the demonic trio may be looking for another member to fill the ranks. However, it seemed as if the idea had fallen by the wayside as of late. With that being said, there has been a few names thrown around (not all within the X-WA currently) who may fill that void.. however.. It's still uncertain.

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Nemesis has made a career off of being assaulted over and over again... It's not a personal thing to him. He knows that the youngsters out there (kingsbury as one of them) are just looking to make their impact on the industry and he's just happy to have them here in the X-WA. So, while he may seem like he isn't happy with Kingsbury, he ultimately is happy to have him on the roster.


Lol, I want that boss!


+ It's been rumored that William Kingsbury III may be bringing in, yet another, personal bodyguard. It's been stated that William Kingsbury II (his father) is not happy with his son's overall win/loss record so far in his brief pro-wrestling stint. So, it has been rumored that his father will be sending down yet another bodyguard to "ensure that Kingsbury changes course". Not many know whether this rumor is really true, however, it couldn't hurt the "struggling snob"...


I quite like this idea, that the Father would butt his own head in to ensure that their legacy and the Kingsbury "name" is upheld, even if it means taking the initiative from his son. If he wasn't William Kingsbury III I might almost feel sorry for him.

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Lol, I want that boss!




I quite like this idea, that the Father would butt his own head in to ensure that their legacy and the Kingsbury "name" is upheld, even if it means taking the initiative from his son. If he wasn't William Kingsbury III I might almost feel sorry for him.


Who wouldn't want a boss who was cool with getting his butt kicked? hah jk. My thoughts were that Nemesis has made a career out of being an impactful wrestler... So, while he would be mad at Kingsbury for the attack... He would ultimately know that it's Kingsbury trying to make a name for himself. Then again, The above quote was done in the voice of Ernie Turner (X-WA Commentator)... So, Nemesis may not be as "okay with it" as Ernie makes it out to be. ;)


Also, Kingsbury is one of my fav. characters for that exact reason. We don't even need to KNOW who his Father is... What he did to have so much money/success to the family name... All we need to know is that he's not only having to live up to his own idea of success.. but.. He also has his father in the corner.. Constantly afraid that his son will "poison the Kingsbury name". So, it gives a heel character a little bit of sympathy... however at the same time... He's a snobby little prick.. So that sympathy doesn't seem to stick! ha.


Thanks for the feedback Crayon!

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TotalExtremeWrestling.com vs. X-WrestlingAmerica.com

One of the things that I love about writing a "TEW Diary" is the ability to blurr the lines a little bit. From the get-go (with this diary) I wanted to provide both a kayfabe and realistic version to the chain of events within the X-WA. In a sense... Give both sides of the coin when it came to storylines, match reviews/previews, new characters, etc.


For the most part, up until now, I've been using the "website" TotalExtremeWrestling.com as my major source if information. However, I wanted to also deliver a "kayfabe" side of the action as well. So, I've decided to create a thread post that will rival TotalExtremeWrestling.com's realistic approach with a more Kayfabe website being the official X-WA website (X-WrestlingAmerica.com). Here is how it breaks down:






Whenever you see a post with the image for TotalExtremeWrestling.com to the upper left corner... Take the information below to be the "realistic" approach to what is being said. In a sense, treat it as PWInsider.com-like. An independent website that speaks more about the inner workings of the wrestling industry than a source of kayfabe entertainment. Overall, the "website" will stand as a way to get in-game ("Behind the scenes like") information that will speak more towards the actual situation at hand.


Examples of what you will see on these posts:

* If a superstar is really injured and how long they may be out of action.

* Any "backstage problems" that arrise and how it may have been handled.

* New signings and/or superstar releases for the X-WA (using real names).

* New Relationships that form between X-WA superstars (due to radio interviews, etc.).

* Information of companies outside of the X-WA (ie: SWF, TCW, USPW, etc.).







Whenever you see a post with an image for X-WrestlingAmerica.com to the upper left corner... Take the information below to be 100% "Kayfabe Entertainment". In a sense, what you would see on WWE.com. There will be very little focus, if any, on anything realistic and everything will be slanted primarily towards pushing the overall company tone regardless of the information being distributed. Information on these posts may be doctored to fit storylines and will not be absolute truth.


Examples of what you will see on these posts:

* Upcoming TV & PPV Cards and previews (no longer on TotalExtremeWrestling.com posts).

* Kayfabe stories (storyline slanted Injuries).

* New Characters with the X-WA (not using real names. Only character names).

* Out-of-Show Interviews and Challenges.

* Character development stories.




All in all, I wanted to bring something "new" to my diary and allow for there to be "two sides of the story" to everything. That doesn't mean that you're always going to see the same stories on both sites but it also gives me the ability to let certain things out in different ways... Ultimately, making it seem more realistic in the end (the battle of company kayfabe vs. insider information).


Along with these posts... There will still be an occassional "Xplosive report with Ernie Turner", Month-End Awards (to sum up the months actions for new readers), and other misc. add-ons.


Hopefully this adds to the overall experience for you... as a reader of this Diary!








(...I can't sleep.... damn insomnia :( )

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Love the idea of splitting it up. And love the X-Wrestling America font and anything else you did with it. Actually kind of shows up the totalextremewrestling one. Poor little banner. *sniff*


Thanks Crayon! I thought splitting them up would end up bringing some new info to the forefront and make it easier to follow the diary from a realistic stand-point. (As if you were an internet wrestling junkie... Checking out PWInsider.com-like websites but also checking out the X-WA website... On an endless path of finding info. ha)



hah, Yea I thought about updating the "TotalExtremeWrestling.com" banner, however, It's hard to break away from the banner as it's from the original game. Plus, it is so different than the X-WrestlingAmerica.com banner that it really sets the two apart and makes it easier to know which post is what (outside of different little things to make the two posts look different from one an other).

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad

"The Next- Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"

Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Vicente Marquez/Hell Monkey/American Elemental/Enygma Extreme vs. Jack Griffith/Kill Switch/Whippy/Snap Dragon

Acid vs. The Cyclone


I am glad to see this running. Keep up the great work.


Trevor L.

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad

"The Next- Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"

Teddy Powell vs. Stric Lee Bizness

Vicente Marquez/Hell Monkey/American Elemental/Enygma Extreme vs. Jack Griffith/Kill Switch/Whippy/Snap Dragon

Acid vs. The Cyclone


I am glad to see this running. Keep up the great work.


Trevor L.


Thank you for your picks, Trevor. The "Blitzkrieg" results could be up sometime today... If not, then you'll see them tomorrow!

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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

1st Week of April 2008


Angle: The return of the fallen...

Grade: D


The show opens with the returning Vicente Marquez standing before a black and white X-WA backdrop. The shot, a rather tight one at that, shows the obvious pain that Marquez is still working through following Jack Griffith's surprise attack at "Shockwaves" (which left him out of last week's "Blitzkrieg" due to medical complications from the attack). Marquez, taking a deep breathe... Trying to keep his cool (as it's been a consistent trait with Marquez since he joined the X-WA), begins to rip into Jack Griffith for his impromptu attack backstage at the last PPV event. Marquez would even go as far as to say that EVEN GRIFFITH would not be able to break his spirit... His love for life... Because if the streets of Mexico didn't break him... Jack Griffith sure as hell wouldn't be able to either. Using his difficult childhood stories as a backdrop, Marquez would go on to say that Griffith and He are polar opposites... Vicente has faced trials and tribulations and he came out on the other end.. Focused, Still optimistic, and prepared for life's journey. However, Jack Griffith has done nothing of the sort... Allowing his pain, his agony, his addiction to destroy the very life that he once adored. In closing, Vicente looks square into the camera and tells Griffith that he feels "sorry" for the struggling psychopath... (Even following the attack he endured by the man)... Pointing out that Griffith has to "resort to violent acts" inwhich to be seen a relevant here in the X-WA... (hinting to the fact that Marquez does not have to do so... rather... his obvious talent in the ring is what he can count on for success.... and ultimately... Respect.).


Burning TAKA vs. Velocidad


The match-up between these two brought two glaring situations to the forefront. Firstly, Velocidad is way to "green" and unknown to be a consistent superstar on screen. Secondly, While Burning TAKA is an absolute "freak" in the ring (ability wise)... He can't go toe to toe with everyone and put on an amazing match (as I had first thought). These two notions were seen through out the entirety of the match as TAKA completely out-wrestled the young Velocidad. Most X-WA matches are seen as a "tug-of-war" with both men equally getting in their shots... however... this match did not carry that same tone. Velocidad was able to exicute, pretty much, a handful of moves through out the entire match as Burning TAKA was in complete control from start to finish.


When the match came to an end, We would see Burning TAKA catching Velocidad going for a diving back elbow... Instead, Planting him in the middle of the ring with a reverse spinebuster! Velocidad's head would bounce square off the matt as TAKA quickly rolled him over for the three count.


Winner: Burning TAKA over Velocidad in 5:54 via pinfall.

Grade: F+


Angle: We did what was told...

Grade: D+


We cut backstage to see "Public Enemy #1"... "The Next-Gen Trio" standing within their own personal locker room (as if they shared with anyone else... It would probably create some sort of a riot due to what was done to the high respected.. Steve Flash). The youngster trio would waste no time.... They're heard ripping into the man who they may have ended the career of.... Steve Flash. Never letting up, The Trio focuses their verbal onslaught on the fact that they may have done "the unthinkable" by attacking Flash... However, they were just "Following orders." A confusing response none the less, however, The Trio would go on to say that NEMESIS himself told them (live on air) that they would need to "prove themselves" before they could ultimately be seen as threats here in the X-WA. His back-handed advice (never thinking it would end up this way) would serve as the "Next-Gen Trios" motivation for the assault on Flash... Citing that Steve Flash is the most adored superstar in the X-WA (in their eyes... without reason)... and that their actions were merely an act of "pulling the blindfold off of the X-WA fans".... Saying that Steve Flash was nothing more than a has-been, a washed up fool, a man who never made it past New York (which would insight the crowd to boo like crazy). In the end, "The Next-Gen Trio" said that they don't mind the death threats.... They don't mind the hatred that has been bestowed upon them following the attack... because they feel that they did what was needed for them to advance in the X-WA.


Finally landing one last pot-shot saying that "Flash would be better as a Vegetable" anyways as his family wouldn't have to suffer through years of personal torture... Watching their father, their husband, their role model... "TRY" to still compete... However, ultimately make a FOOL out of himself to the masses.


"The Next-Gen Trio" vs. "The P-G Squad"

3 on 3 - Trio Match


"The Next-Gen Trio" is argueably THE most hated figures in the X-WA's short history. This was evident through out most of the match as fans were seen throwing trash into the ring from the very start. At one point, a full trash can was even thrown square into the ring, barely hitting P-Phunk... However... slamming into the side of Francios Cartier... Knocking him to the ground. This would send the crowd into an absolute furry as a chant of "F*ck you Next-Gen" would be heard roaring through-out the arena. Cartier, along with the other members of the Trio, would be seen practically getting into fights with members of the crowd through the duration of the match. At one point, X-WA security was forced to push Joss Thompson away from a grouping of aggressive men seated in the corner of the ringside area. Punches were almost thrown, chaos was continuing to ensue... All stemming back to The Trio's assault on Steve Flash at "Shockwaves".


The match itself was pretty much one-sided from the get-go. While "The P-G Squad" has more established names (Silver Shark - who just headlined "Shockwaves" against Acid for the X Championship - to say the least), The "Next-Gen Trio" was just simply more talented, more determined to pick up the win (inspite of the crowd's reaction). Whenever any member of the "P-G Squad" was able to get and upper hand in the match... It would normally follow with that superstar running around the ring and celebrating with the crowd. Even if it was just a simple monuever... They would absolutely lose their focus... Instead, looking to celebrate with the crowd.


In the end, Jacob Jett was seen distracting P-Phunk with a expletive laced confrontation, from outside of the ring. As P-Phunk would spin back around to continue his focus on the legal man... Joss Thompson.. Joss would be seen connecting with a stomp to P-Phunk's chest... Finally following it up with a twisting cradeled piledriver. The crowd would boo like crazy as Joss slowly, almost as if he was taunting the fans, pins P-Phunk... Getting the three count.


Winner: "The Next-Gen Trio" over "The P-G Squad" in 9:55 via pinfall. Joss Thompson getting the physical victory over P-Phunk.

Grade: D-


Angle: He can't be done... Can he?...

Grade: C-


A taped video is shown now documenting the recovery process for "The Indy Wrestling Legend", Steve Flash, as he continues to progress following a hanious assault by "The Next-Gen Trio" at "Shockwaves". The begining of the video shows Steve Flash sitting in his hospital bed... His chest wrapped tightly, both of his eyes are black, and a nasty gash is seen running across his hairline extending to the middle of his forehead. Dry blood is seen plastered around his sown gash; as Steve Flash looks to be in terrible physical condition. The video would then go on to show Flash trying to survive through a stint of rehab.. Pushing himself harder and harder... Finally collapsing on the floor as he comes to the close of his rehab workout. As we see Steve Flash, on yet another day working through his rehab, we would hear Flash's doctor talking about the severity of his condition. While it looks like Flash is working his way towards once again stepping into the ring... The doctor tempers that response with saying that "currently, Mr. Flash is focused more upon being able to walk consistently without pain. He's very far from any sort of evaluation whether he will be able to compete once again, however, he is showing progress and his fighting spirit has brought him this far. He should be very happy with where he is today based upon his condition when he was first brought to the Hospital." Those words linger in the air the video comes to a close... Showing Steve Flash slowly trying to get out of his Hospital bed... All of this seen in slow motion (showing the true severity of his condition... still... after the "Next-Gen" attack).


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Teddy Powell


This match was a perfect example of a grizzled veteran (in a sense) versus a young upstart superstar looking to make an impact. Teddy Powell, a former DaVE stand-out in the tag division, has had a shaky start here in the X-WA. He's been in a few high profile matches, however, never have seem to come away with the "big victory"... Until... Last week when he defeated the X-WA Arena Champion in a non-title match-up. The match would go on to shock everyone... but Powell... Who knew he could keep up as a singles superstar if given a chance. Meanwhile, on the other side, Stric Lee Bizness has seen the same situation arrise... Being the sole #1 contender to the X-WA Arena Championship since the companies opening, however, unable to defeat the very man that Teddy Powell just upset last week.


The match itself was another prime showing of a high flier versus a ground-based submission artist. Powell we seen, from the very get-go, trying to set the pace of the match-up. He would be seen pushing Stric Lee Bizness to the limit on many occassions (one being where he was able to land a top rope elbow drop on a fallen SLB... Althought it showed to be a major impact... It only got Powell a 2 count in the end)... however, as the match began to progress... Powell's high octaine style of wrestling began to become his downfall (as with most X-WA superstars... being that we're a modern company). Stric Lee started to work over the leg of Powell... ultimately slowing him down... To a point where, Powell was looking to use another top rope attack... however... Was unstable, due to his leg, and that couple seconds of him regaining his balance would prove to be his ending point... As... Stric Lee Bizness ran up on him, while standing on the top rope, and took Teddy off the top rope with a high-rise belly to belly overhead suplex. Powell hit the mat extremely hard... clentching his back in pain as Stric Lee Bizness would await for him to get back to his feet... Finally ending it all with a butterflied powerbomb into a back-breaker.


Winner: Stric Lee Bizness over Teddy Powell in 13:31 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: A Convoluted Fate...

Grade: D-


As the Powell/SLB match-up comes to a close... We begin to hear Steve Smith and Ernie Turner (X-WA Announcer and Colour Commentator) talk about how Powell, Phoenix, and Stric Lee have worked themselves into a "Convoluted Fate". Citing that Phoenix is the X-WA Arena Champion and has defeated Stric Lee Bizness on two different occasions... however... Teddy Powell defeated Phoenix last week on "Blitzkrieg" and then Stric Lee defeated Teddy here tonight! Ultimately drawing the lines (in a hinting manor) that we could see a triple threat for the X-WA Arena Championship somewhere down the line... maybe "eXcessive Force"?


Vicente Marquez, Hell Monkey, Enygma Extreme, and American Elemental vs. Jack Griffith and "The Circus"

4 vs. 4 - Grudge Match


From the onset of the match.. Vicente Marquez was obsessed with the chance to get his hands on his attacker, Jack Griffith, from "Shockwaves". Still showing signs of injury from the assault, Vicente would be seen in the middle of the ring... starting the match... And calling for Jack Griffith to "be a man" and face him in the ring. That wouldn't happen as Griffith would rather stand along the side and watch Snap Dragon start the match-off.


That's pretty much how most of the match went as Jack Griffith found a way to escape the attack of Vicente Marquez throug-out the entire match. The only time they ever were seen going one on one was when Marquez was struggling to get back to his feet following a dominate sequance versus Kill Switch. Griffith would "Cherry Pick" his way around the ring... beating down Marquez until Vicente was seen starting to regain a "second wind". At that point, he was quick to tag in Whippy the Clown. In no way wanting to give Vicente the chance to "get even".


As the match progressed, it became harder and harder for the X-WA referee to keep up with the action. All 8 men were starting to become unraveled and the match-up itself became increasingly sloppy as it became more about a "bar fight" (in a sense) than an actual technical match-up. The that things went on... the more it became obvious that the X-WA ring wasn't going to house this war any more. The competitors started to spill into the crowd and the overall ringside area... Each man trying to destroy the other with various objects set around the area. Vicente was even able to get his hands on Jack Griffith for a few minutes... Pounding him into the ground and seemingly "losing his mind" in the attack! However, Jack Griffith would find a way to use a fire estinguisher square in the face of Vicente...Sending him to the ground holding his face in pain as Griffith would ultimately take full control of their war once again... Beating the already injured Marquez all over the ringside area in a truly vicious fashion.


In the end, the referee calls for the bell following a ten count as none of the competitors are anywhere near the ring. Instead they are bound and determined in their personal fights... Which are now starting to spill even farther from the ring. The one major understanding from this match is... If Hell Monkey's trio and "The Circus" are bound to face off one last time for the X-WA Six Man Champoinships... It can't be in the ring anymore...


Winner: DRAW in 13:35 due to double count-out.

Grade: D+


Angle: Finally... The NEW #1 Contender is...

Grade: C


After a week full of suspense and lingering questions... The moment had finally come for Nemesis to declare the NEW #1 Contender for the X-WA X Championship. The "Fallen Angel of the SWF", The Wrestling Legend, and owner of the X-WA... Nemesis... would be seen walking down to the ring to address the matter. While in the ring, Nemesis would waste no time... Calling out William Kingsbury III to join him in the ring. The crowd, shocked that Nemesis would want Kingsbury anywhere near him following the attack from last week, begins to boo like crazy as Kingsbury makes his way down to the ring with his trusty Bodyguard, Vladimir, at his side. While in the ring... Nemesis would stair down the young "rich snob"... Raising the overall buzz in the arena that Nemesis may actually pick a fight here tonight (Despite being retired and also being the owner of the X-WA... No longer an active wrestler).


Nemesis would use the next few minutes to rip into Kingsbury... Calling him a "money punk" (someone who acquires fame and opportunity through "old money" from their parents) and, even going as far as to say that Kingsbury would be NOTHING without Vladimir. This would erange Kingsbury to the point where it looks like he may be mulling over the idea of having Vladimir attack right then... Destroying the rest of the segment and haulting YET ANOTHER #1 contendership announcement.


Coming to the end of his verbal jab on Kingsbury, Nemesis, would take a firm step towards the man... Now... eye to eye... Inches from eachother (and more importantly... Vladimir). The X-WA owner would once again reiterate that Kingsbury will NOT be the #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship at "eXcessive Force". Citing that even though Kingsbury made a historic decision last week (by attacking Nemesis)... That his gesture had fallen flat and that even Nemesis himself, who understands the need to "shake things up" to get to the top, felt that Kingsbury ultimately made himself out as a "coward" by having Vladimir continue to fight his battles for him.


This would send the crowd into a massive pop for Nemesis as Vladimir steps in for a second... Only to have Kingsbury lightly put his hand out (not looking at Vladimir the entire time) as if to say "Let the man speak".


In the end, Nemesis informs Kingsbury that the decision was an easy one... As THE new #1 contender has done nothing but PROVE himself since he joined the X-WA (Something Kingsbury has NOT done during the same time frame)... Finally, Nemesis would point towards the enterence ramp and say... "Your NEW #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship...... is....."


Just then the music hits... The crowd knows exactly who it is....


...and out walks....


Fumihiro Ota


The arena is going absolutely crazy as Ota slowly steps out of the back and stands at the beginning of the enterence way. He would be seen letting out a warrior's roar... all the while... Stretching his arms out to the side... Flexing his lean physique... and ultimately soaking in the moment!


Back in the ring, William Kingsbury III is throwing, yet another, temper tantrum.... As the man he had once "screwed" out of the X-WA X Championship opportunity is now the one who is getting the title shot over him. Nemesis is seen standing outside of the ring now... Looking up at Kingsbury with a sly smirk upon his face. Kingsbury, having an absolute "meltdown", is seen leaning through the ropes.. Pointing at the X-WA owner in an childish tirate... Complaining about Nemesis favoring Ota over Kingsbury.


In the end, Nemesis... still holding that sly smirk on his face... slowly begins to shake his head... mouthing the words... "You F*ck with me... you little punk... you get it in return."


Acid vs. The Cyclone

Non-Title Match


Since the X-WA's "birth"... There has been one man who has personified the overall tone of the company... That man is the X-WA X Champion, Acid. A complete monster of a man, Acid is considered, by many, to be one of the most menacing figures in pro wrestling history (in the X-WA that is). Often seen as a demonic figure of animlastic furry... Acid is truly THE most dominant force in the X-WA currently.


So when you try to match him up with a guy who has had relatively no success in the X-WA in The Cyclone... What do you get? If you thought the answer to this question would be an "absolute squash"... Think again.


The Cyclone (Donne J to many on the indy scene) gave everything in this match. It was easy to see that he knew what he was up against and the masked veteran didn't let any opportunity go to waste. At one point, towards the middle of the match, The Cyclone was seen as being an equal of the X-WA X Champion... Both men pushing the limits of what is possible. At one point, The Cyclone was able to land a rolling top rope tornado DDT on the unsuspecting Acid... only picking up a two count, however, the move itself would signify that The Cyclone was ABLE to keep up with the sadistic champion.


The Cyclone would land a few more, almost shocking, impact moves upon the X Champion... However... In the end, Acid was too much for him to keep up with. As the match began to progress into its later state... Acid was seen pulling away and coming into his own... In full control of the action in front of him. As The Cyclone, in a last ditch effort, tried to land a top rope hurricanrana (as Acid stood in the middle of the ring)... Acid was able to catch him in the process and ultimately powerbomb him down to the mat... However, that wasn't enough... Right after the impact of the powerbomb... From there, Acid would butterfly Shark's arms from behind with one arm going across his back... Rolling him over on onto his back (on top of Acid... Who keeps his shoulders off the matt)... Just as Acid would dig his forearm into the throat of Silver Shark... Wrentching his head backwards. Shark, struggling to breath, as he kicks his legs... Looks to tap, however, can't since his arms are being butterflied. Instead, in between gasps of breathe he struggles to say that he taps out.


Winner: Acid over The Cyclone in 14:54 via submission.

Grade: C





Overall Show Grade: C-

"Blitzkrieg" Attendance: 4,349

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.46 (+ 0.01)

Prediction Winner: Apupunchau - (3 out of 5)

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STORY: The X-WA moves into a NEW ARENA!



The X-WA has officially announced the purchase of a small brooklyn-based boxing arena this afternoon. The building, in the heart of Brooklyn - New York, will be designated as the "home arena" for the X-WA for the foreseeable future.


Shortly after the deal was made... X-WA Officials were hard at work personalizing the small arena and bringing its overall attendance max to 5,000 people by opening up the balcony overlooking the ring.


This is the only photo that we currently have of the NEW X-WA Arena.



[A view of the X-WA Arena from the Commentators table]



The X-WA has noted that their first ever live event at the New "Home Arena" will be this next week on "Blitzkrieg" (2nd week of April 2008). It should also be noted that the company plans on taping the full exent of their events from said Arena... Truly making the building their "organization base".


When reached for comment about the new move... X-WA Owner, Nemesis, was quoted in saying:


"Since day one, We've always wanted to tape our events in one home location. Not only to have a consistent place for X-WA fans to come and see a live event but so that our audio and visual employees had a specific layout for our weekly tapings. This way we can manipulate our surroundings much better as we move forward with our organization."


"It was our goal to turn any initial profit, that the company made, towards purchasing a small space in the Brooklyn area. Just as most professional sports teams have their own home arena... We too, here at the X-WA, will have our own arena to base our events out of."


There is no doubt that the X-WA owner will have something up his sleeve for the first taping in our new arena... Making the night a historic moment in wrestling history...





(The X-WA Arena picture has been added to "Page 1" of the overall diary. For those who are newbies to the Diary... Page 1 is where all company information is present (Such as: Finances, Product, etc.), as well as, all X-WA superstars on the roster are present (with allignment, History of X-WA Achievements, Gimmick, and Character Synopsis.)


... Also ...


[THANK YOU to FlameSnoopy for giving me the image & customizing various signs, etc.]

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STORY: Fumihiro Ota is the NEW #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship.




After weeks of speculation... After months of retribution... And hours after the announcement was officially made by the owner of the X-WA... It's now set in stone. Fumihiro Ota has been named the NEW #1 Contender to the X-WA X Championship... Ultimately pitting the former TCW Stand-out with the personification of Evil... The X-WA X Champion.... Acid.


The match has been officially set for the X-WA's upcoming April PPV event, "eXcessive Force". As it stands right now, we only have two episodes of "Blitzkrieg" before the ultimate showdown.... Which is certainly enough time for these two men to ready themselves for the match of their careers!


For those who are new to the X-WA... Fumihiro Ota was set to via for the X Championship on our very first PPV event, "Til the last man stands". However, due to an edict passed by Nemesis... The three competitors viaing for said championship (Acid, Fumihiro Ota, and Steve Flash) were all "fair game" up until the match. If one of the competitors were assaulted to the point where they were un-able to compete... Then the attacker of said superstar would be granted their spot in the X Championship match. Ota, a promising X-WA superstar, was said to be a "front-runner" for the Championship win... Until... He was shockingly assaulted by the personal bodyguard of William Kingsbury III. Fumihiro was deemed medically un-able to compete at the event and Kingsbury would ultimately take his spot in the Championship match.


From there, Fumihiro Ota would spend the last month and a half chasing the very man that put him out of action at the February PPV. Cheap shots, DQ's, and all-around "cowardness" (on the part of Kingsbury) would ensue... Keeping Ota from the Retribution he obsessed about. In the end, Fumihiro Ota was successful in defeating William Kingsbury III at the X-WA's March PPV Event, "Shockwaves", after Nemesis "equaled out the sides"... Taking Vladimir out of the match-up from the onset.


Which brings us to now... Quite possibly the greatest moment in Fumihiro Ota's career... As he will via for the X-WA X Championship on just two weeks. Can the "Sensational Ota" find a way to overcome all-odds once again... This time... Claiming the X Championship for his own? ... or... Will the blood thirsty animal... The X-WA X Champion... and THE most dominant force in the X-WA... Acid... Find a way to retain his championship once again?


Order "eXcessive Force" Today to watch this historic match-up!

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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card.

[2nd Week of April 2008]


The official card line-up for this weeks "Blitzkrieg" telecast is as follows:




Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith


Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago


Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

[six Way Table Match]


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

[X-WA Arena Championship]

[special Referee: Stric Lee Bizness]



|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid

[Non-Title Match]



* X-WA Arena debuts with this "Blitzkrieg" telecast.

* Experience the fallout of Kingsbury/Nemesis following Ota being named the #1 Contender.



As stated above, This will be the first ever live event by the X-WA in their new "home arena". Chances are, for such a historic night, the event will be chalked full of memorable moments. Make sure to tune in (and leave any predictions behind as well) this week as "Blitzkrieg" comes straight to you from Brooklyn, New York.


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid

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Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith


Silver Shark has been a recent contender for the title and would look truly weak should he get a second chacne with a loss here. But Jack needs to look like a psycho so a DQ win.


Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago


Sorry Mikkel time to do the job.


Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey


Only because I personally want to see a huge huge push for The Circus. Although this could really go anyway


Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell


Stric doesn't want Powell to win so a DQ win when Phoenix gets The Bizness


Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid


I don't want to see Acid lose until he actually loses the title.

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Great Diary. It feels like the old-school ECW if you ask me (which you can't ever go wrong with that. I miss the old-school ECW). You've done enough though to make the characters your own and not just a carbon-copy of other "real world" superstars.


Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid



Keep up the good work

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Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid


Hard to call that six way high flier, I originally went for that nefarious monkey man but on quick consideration I'd put money on Whippy with that fresh greasepaint look.


Loving all of the hard work you're putting into this diary sir. It certainly shows its a labour of love and the layout means I can keep on coming back to it and be able to keep track. Damn cool.

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Silver Shark vs. Jack Griffith

I feel bad for him in my EWA game, where BHOTWG gave him a two day title run with the Junior championship. Seriously, two days.

Francios Cartier w/ "The Next-Gen Trio" vs. Mikkel Drago

Just a guess!

Vicente Marquez vs. American Elemental vs. Burning TAKA vs. Jacob Jett vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Hell Monkey

I mark out for ol' Americana

Ultimate Phoenix © vs. Teddy Powell

Phoenix retains

Fumihiro Ota vs. Acid

Ota cheats to win, giving Acid added incentive for a title match

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