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CGC: "That's Entertainment", The DeColt Tragedy

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Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:




The Fallout.


What is the condition of Alex DeColt? A top rope Chandler Back Cracker left Alex laying motionless on the canvas after the main event match last Friday at the Elimination pay-per-view, where he wrestled against Eddie Chandler for the #1 Contender spot against the World champion Ricky DeColt. Will Alex's career be over and if not, what is the seriousness of his injury?


Last night the DeColt brothers Jack and Steve scored DQ victories over the members of Prophecy. After Steve's match against Aether he was beaten down by the two monsters, with Jack nowhere to save him. How will Steve handle the situation? What is Steve's condition after a brutal Arabian Facebuster from Aether? Jack and Ares have unfinished business according to Jack, how will he retaliate?


Whippy The Clown was also a victim of the Prophecy as during his match against Sage he was blinded by the Black Mist which resulted the match to end in DQ aswell. Altough Whippy won the match, the title stayed in Sage's hands.


On this Sunday Jack DeColt will team up with the new CGC Tag team champions, the Youth Energy as they take on Elite: Dan DaLay & The Specialists. Aether and Ares will take on Ed Monton and Ryan Powell, and the participants in the Canadian title match will face some serious competition as Sage takes on World champion Ricky DeColt and Whippy will face the #1 Contender for the World title, "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler.



Don't miss Title Bout Wrestling, this Sunday on Maple Leaf Sports!





CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, January

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes



Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists

Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell

The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title

Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler



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Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists


I know Youth Energy just won the Tag Titles, but you're booking the DeColts as being up against it and The Specialists get some momentum for a Tag Title rematch with Youth Energy.


Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell


No brainer, one side is being built up as a dangerous heel duo, the other side it an over the hill veteran and a promising youngster enforced a face turn because he was like what...the number 5 heel in the company before the arrival of Aether and Ares and now must be something like number 7.


The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title


Inteference laden no contest/ double count out shenanigans


Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler


Building up the next World Title challenger.

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Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists - He won't even need to tag out.

Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell - Powell's turn seemed promising, but the monsters are on a roll.

The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title - Weird match. Go Ricky!

Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler - Whippy had his shot in the sun

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Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists

I smell shenanigans!


Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell

Some more momentum for the new duo.


The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title

His mighty powers will make Ricky throw up before the match. :D


Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler

No doubt in my mind. Maybe even by DQ with some DeColt interference.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, January

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes



Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists

Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell

The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title

Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler

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The Miskovsky Report

Part. 3






"Welcome back from our small break, I'm here in the studio with William Miles, the controversial Head Booker of CGC. We have talked about his start with the company, the first couple CGC events in January."


"The first pay-per-view of the year, CGC: Elimination, scored a nice PPV buy rate of 0.27. Some fans were really distracted of the amount of cheap finishes, especially the DQ endings in three consecutive matches. Why this happened?"





"The reason for the DQ endings was that the card was too packed. The event was 2½ hours long and had seven matches. My writing collided with the booking that George and Alex handled.. I had written too much stuff into one show.. So we had to improvise something, we couldn't just cut one or two matches into our pre-show since we had advertised them for weeks. In the end the DQ endings gave us a reason to continue the storylines which was a good thing eventually. The Jack vs. Ares storyline continued nicely, and so did Sage vs. Whippy among others because of the DQ endings. People wanted to see a rematch, a conclusion."


"The main two matches were quite long though.. The World championship match couldn't have been any longer, given DaLay's and Ricky's performance, especially in Dan's case. But it delivered nicely, and I knew that it was wise to give Alex and Eddie the main event spot. They really stole the show with their match which was just awesome. The last spot .. It was breathtaking, fans were really afraid that Alex was injured."


"What were your thoughts after Elimination?"


"All in all I think that Elimination was a great success. It was our first PPV of the year and truth to be told it was treated as a build-up PPV leading to the both days of the DeColt Wrestlefestival and In The Company Of Heroes. We had a long term plan going on and this was just a small PPV before the bigger ones."


"..Ratings wise, the next episode of Title Bout Wrestling was a huge success wasn't it?"


"Oh, definitely. The shows before the PPV got 0.45 and 0.44 rating if I recall correctly.. Then the first show after the PPV on week 3, the ratings jumped up to 0.59! It was amazing.. People really wanted to tune in and know what would happen after Elimination.. What was the condition of Alex and where the storylines would go after Elimination. The injury angle gave us a lot of choices for the future and on that very episode we learned that we could deliver with extra long angles and without even needing Jack or Steve wrestle at all."


"It was a start and a good sign of things to come. I knew that we would get bigger and bigger and that our ratings would just keep rising up."














CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 3, January

Stephenville Arena, The Maritimes. Attendance: 984



Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia







Jack DeColt has an interview hyping his team of Youth Energy and himself taking on Dan DaLay and The Specialists in a tag match.




"First things first. Ares, I'm not done with you. You don't beat up women like that, like in our match at Elimination where you kicked Farras Hesketh unconscious which resulted in a DQ ending for the match. We're not finished, not by a long shot. At "Luck Of The Draw", I will not hold anything back. I don't care if you summon your friends to attack me.. I'll destroy anyone who dares to cross my path of rage."


"Next week, Marie will return. If you or anyone else tries to even touch her.."


"You can only do that over my dead body."


"Tonight.. I have the new CGC World Tag Team championships with me.. The Youth Energy, Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson. These two daredevils are the future of CGC, championship material from top to bottom. And just like at Elimination, the Elite will lose."


"Ares.. If you're listening. You're more than welcome to interfere in the match. Come .. And get some. I'm begging you."


Grade: B-

Mitch: "Hello and welcome to CGC Title Bout Wrestling! We started off with an intense promo from Jack DeColt, the match is scheduled next!"




Jack Decolt & Youth Energy vs. Dan Dalay & The Specialists




The match goes back and forth with Jack and Dan dominating their opponents, until all hell breaks loose and everyone rush into the middle of the ring. Youth Energy throw the Specialists out of the ring and follow them, hitting two fantastic top rope moves from the ring to the outside but sadly both daredevils miss their moves as Specialists avoid the aerial attacks. Jack gets left alone for a while as the Elite take control, making frequent tags, keeping themselves fresh. Finally Jack has to tag Lee into the ring where he faces Dan. Dan signs for Specialists who charge across the ring and drop Jack and Shane off the apron to the ringside. While Specialists keep the teammates of Lee away, Dan uses the opportunity to his advantage and hits the DaLay Down (Inverted Piledriver) to Lee and gets the three count in 8.30.


Winners: The Elite (Dan DaLay & The Specialists) via Pinfall

Grade: C-

Mitch: "Ouch, Lee is out cold. Shane Nelson dives into the ring and tends his tag partner while Jack is irate because of the loss."

Adrian: "George, your boys are really out of control. Another impressive victory for the Elite!"

George: ".. Jack will get rid of his demons, I'm sure."

Mitch: "Wait, what's this?"


Steve DeColt is in the backstage, his forehead in multiple stitches from the last weeks attack by Aether. Steve is waiting for Jack to pass by.




".. Hey Jack."




"Don't scare me like that.. I thought you were Ar-"


"Doesn't matter. I've got only few questions for you."


"Where were you.. When I was getting my ass kicked, courtesy of Ares and Aether at Elimination?"

".. I'm.. Sorry. I left the arena right after my match against Ares, I was so pissed off. How could I have known that they would attack you?"


"You know.. I'm still in pain and I won't be wrestling tonight. I had another question to you.. Will you leave Marie behind aswell, if you lose your temper?"


Jack loses his temper as he confronts Steve, coming face to face with him. Jack is full of anger, clenching his fist but he doesn't take matters into his own hands as he slowly calms down and just walks away, leaving Steve not taking his eyes off his brother.


Grade: B-



Aether & Ares vs. Ed Monton & Ryan Powell

http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png / http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/CGC/play3.png


Ed and Ryan tried their best but just couldn't match the intensity of the two freaks as Aether and Ares defeated Powell and Monton in 5:18 when Ares defeated Monton by pinfall with the Running Big Foot.

Winners: Aether & Ares via Pinfall

Grade: D+




Ricky DeColt comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, thanking the fans for their support at Elimination, before eventually getting interupted by The Sage, who's again carrying the mysterious box.


"Hah.. Worldd Champion.. Againssst the Canadiaan champion. Am I making.. A sacriledgee by beiiing, the championn..?"


"Rickyy.. Watch closely."


Ricky stands tall and unafraid of Sage, who has scissors and carefully cuts a little thread of Ricky's hair and then throws it to the box along with the other items.


"Mmm.. Haa.. The signnsss. Are cclear. I had a feelinng .. It would happennn.."


"What would?"


".. "Amm I my brother'ss keeeper?", someonee .. Will say, askk.. Yes.."


"Whatt hast.. Thouu done? The voice of .. Thyy brother's bloodd crieth unto meee.. From the ground."


"Andd noww.. Art thou cursed from the earth.. Whhich hath opened herrr.. Mouth to receive thy brother'ss bloood from thy haaand.."


"When thoou tillest the grounddd.. It shall not henceforth.. Yield unto thee her strength.. Aaa fugitive aaand a vagaboond shalt thou.. Bee in thee eeearth."


Sage stops for a moment until he comes closer to Ricky, raising his voice.


"Ricky.. Art thouu.. .. Cainn.. Or Abell..?"


Sage stares at Ricky, who doesn't like what he's hearing. Ricky looks around, feeling really uncomfortable, until he has to release the frustration by slapping Sage across the face! The bell rings and the match is on!


Grade: C

Mitch: "And we are underway! Sage vs. Ricky, champion vs. champion!"




The Sage vs. Ricky DeColt - Non-title



Sage starts the match strong, using slightly illegal moves to gain the advantage; Thumb to the eye, raking Ricky's face across the ropes and such. Eventually Ricky gets some momentum build up with a series of nice moves, ending the combo with a kneel kick which sends Sage trough the ropes. Sage gets up and starts walking to the back, in an attempt to get himself counted out since he's had enough when suddenly Whippy The Clown comes running from the ramp and sends Sage back into the ring. Sage starts cursing Whippy but having his back turned on Ricky, the DeColt 45 (Roll Inverted DDT) ends Sage from his misery as Ricky takes the pinfall victory over Sage in 10.43!


Winner: Ricky DeColt via Pinfall

Grade: C+

Alex DeColt is shown on the GoldenTron to everyone's surprise and receives a huge pop from the fans at Stephenville Arena. Alex is lying comfortable at a bed, wearing a neckbrace.




"Hi everyone.. It's Alex here, via satellite connection coming to you live from my home."


"First of all.. I've received hundreds, literarily thousands of "get well soon" letters and e-mails from you loyal and kind fans. I can't thank you enough. Everyone's been really supportive and helpful.. Thank you so much."


".. Most of you saw the match at Elimination.. Right near the end of my match against Eddie Chandler at Elimination .. He reversed my top rope move into a "Chandler Back Cracker".. The last thing I remember from the match was that I was falling down on my back from the turnbuckle.. Then it's just.. Blurry. I felt a sting.. Like an electric charge had gone trough my body. And then I couldn't move, my whole body was just numb."


"I don't know the exact terms of these things.. I'm not a doctor. But my doctor described my injury as a whiplash injury .. Which are associated with pain and decreased range of motion in the head and neck. I can't move my head from side to side.. I've been having bad headaches, dizziness, and .. Tingling in my arms. Altough I have regained some feeling back in my arms."


"I have no idea of.. How long I will be out.. When I'll come back. But I promise to each and everyone of you that I certainly will. And when I do.. I'm gonna raise hell like never before. I'm shooting for the World Championship and become a four time CGC World champion.. It's been two years since I have held that title."


"I'll be back. Depending on how speedy my recovery is, you will see me at the CGC shows in the near future."


Alex receives a huge pop from the friendly crowd, and eventually an "Alex! Alex! Alex!" chant starts, colliding with the "Please come back!" -chants.


Grade: A

Mitch: "Wow.. Can you hear that chanting from the fans? I can't even hear my own voice!"

George: "I hope that Alex would hear the sounds aswell.."

Adrian: "Oh please. He should just rest.. It's going to take a long, long time until he's back in full condition.. Or even be the same ever again. Speaking of injuries, watch as Chandler will break Whippy's ankle, next!"




Whippy The Clown vs. Eddie Chandler



Just as Sage started off strong against Ricky, Whippy does the same thing against Eddie Chandler who seems to have trouble with Whippy's unorthodox style of wrestling. Whippy's leaps, saults and handstand moves are hard to counter even for the "Fabolous" and thus Whippy scores some near-falls during the first ten minutes. Eventually Whippy goes for the Joke's On You, a flying butt press, which Eddie counters into a low angle german suplex! Eddie keeps Whippy in the groud succesfull for the next 3 minutes, switching holds and locks, circling around Whippy. Finally Whippy gets up and hits a hurricanrana, sending Eddie leaning on the second rope. Whippy bounces from the ropes and tries to jump on Eddie's back but Eddie rolls out of the way and thus Whippy goes trough the ropes to the outside. The Sage emerges from under the ring and while Eddie has the referees attention, Sage smashes his staff across Whippy's head, the staff shatters into little pieces across the ringside. Sage rolls the busted open Whippy back into the ring where Chandler, not exactly knowing who did the damage, locks in the Fabolous Stretch. Whippy has no choice but to tap out in total time of 14.10.

Winner: Eddie Chandler via Submission

Grade: B-

Adrian: "I told you so.. Another victory for the Elite!"

Mitch: "Oh c'mon, Sage interfered!"

Adrian: "Who? I didn't see anyone."

Mitch: "..."

George: "Keep on fighting you two.. I'm going to announce something special."


George DeColt comes to the ramp and reveals upcoming matches for CGC: Luck Of The Draw.





"Sage. I've had just about enough of you and your antics. At CGC: Luck Of The Draw you will defend your Canadian title against Whippy The Clown in a rematch for the title. Just as with all matches at Luck Of The Draw, the match stipulation will be decided live at the pay-per-view. This time you will not get away with intentional DQ or Count out loss, I promise."


"Other matches that will take place in LOTD are of course the World championship match between the champion, Ricky DeColt and the challenger, Eddie Chandler. And Jack DeColt will have his rematch against Ares and just like with all other matches on the card, the match stipulation will be randomly chosen on the live broadcast via lottery."



George slowly walks back, leaving the fans excited and looking forward into the PPV where anything can happen..



Grade: B

Overall Grade: B

Rating: 0.59




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Great show. Got to love how easy it is to get good grades with the DeColts (and most of the roster on SWF) by using promos effectively. Makes it a lot easier to get away with using your TV to push storylines and work up guys doesn't it. ;)
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Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:




Steve DeColt will make his return into the ring against Zeus Maxmillion, Youth Energy will be making their first Tag title defence against Soldiers Of Fortune and in our double main event, the two finest of The Elite Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler will be making an open challenge for anyone to answer and in our Main Event Jack and Ricky DeColt will face the former World Tag Team champions, The Specialists! Don't miss Title Bout Wrestling, Sunday, only on Maple Leaf Sports!!






CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, January

Moose Jaw Centre, The Prairies


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???

Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists



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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Even though I love Zues and usually push him to the moon, Stevie's got this one.


Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Your champs aren't losing on the first defense


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. Ed Monton/Joey Poison

Pretty much random selections for the opponents, as I have no idea who you're putting them up against. I think it's too early for Alex to be stepping back into the ring.


Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists

The DeColts take an easy victory

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt


Steve gets the win in his return


Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team


Champs retain


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???


Open squash


Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists


Even when The Specialists were the Tag champs, I still would have gone for the DeColts here.

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???

Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists

A boring card (hey, they can't all be winners), that will no doubt have a nice surprise via an angle.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, January

Moose Jaw Centre, The Prairies




Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???

Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists

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OOC: I'm an idiot.


I did it again. Damn it! Just bought WMMA2 today, played it, started making notes on the notepad.. But the thing is. I had just woken up, you know, exited to play the game, just clicked on some text file, deleted everything in it, played the game, made some notes and saved.


Guess which file that was?





Every move description, youtube links, storylines, advanced booking for atleast 3 to 4 months and the next show report (50% done).. Gone.


And this isn't the first time this has happened. I feel so stupid. Be not afraid though, I remember each and every move and such (and I can check them from WreSpi II), and I can easily view the used music videos and such from the previous reports. And I have the storylines memorised in my head aswell. So this is just a small setback and nothing was lost completely, it'll just take time for me to regroup. And btw, thank you everyone who voted for me in the Rookie DOTM, it means a lot to me. And it really helps me to rewrite all that stuff in the lost notepad thingy and continue doing the diary with the same passion as I know that people have followed and are interested in the diary. It'll get better and better, I promise. Expect the show be up today or tomorrow. :)

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OOC: I'm an idiot.


I did it again. Damn it! Just bought WMMA2 today, played it, started making notes on the notepad.. But the thing is. I had just woken up, you know, exited to play the game, just clicked on some text file, deleted everything in it, played the game, made some notes and saved.


Guess which file that was?





Every move description, youtube links, storylines, advanced booking for atleast 3 to 4 months and the next show report (50% done).. Gone.


And this isn't the first time this has happened. I feel so stupid. Be not afraid though, I remember each and every move and such (and I can check them from WreSpi II), and I can easily view the used music videos and such from the previous reports. And I have the storylines memorised in my head aswell. So this is just a small setback and nothing was lost completely, it'll just take time for me to regroup. And btw, thank you everyone who voted for me in the Rookie DOTM, it means a lot to me. And it really helps me to rewrite all that stuff in the lost notepad thingy and continue doing the diary with the same passion as I know that people have followed and are interested in the diary. It'll get better and better, I promise. Expect the show be up today or tomorrow. :)



Ouch... I'm fully aware of how much the feeling you get sucks when you do something like that.


But it could've been much worse. You could've deleted the CGC game itself by accident.


And hopefully you know what direction those storylines you deleted are going in as well.

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Never bet against a DeColt

Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Insanity if they lose the belts this early

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???

I'm always a fan of the mystery box

Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists

Seriously, never bet against a DeColt

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Ouch... I'm fully aware of how much the feeling you get sucks when you do something like that.


But it could've been much worse. You could've deleted the CGC game itself by accident.


And hopefully you know what direction those storylines you deleted are going in as well.


Yeah. But it only takes time to write everything again. Like I said I have all the big storylines memorised and have advance booked few events in the game :) So it's not that big of a deal in the end, the notepad just makes writing much quicker and especially the process of finishing up the event on the forum.

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Notepads are the way to go. Hell, I write my shows up in Microsoft Word, fully formatted, every picture in place. I print out the documents and put the show in their own little folder, for easy reading in the future.


Actually I don't print them, but that doesn't sound like a half-bad idea come to think of it. I need to buy a holepunch.


Hard luck, dude. Looking forward to it when you get on your feet again. Maybe if the DeColts won more you wouldn't have these little accidents.

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Notepads are the way to go. Hell, I write my shows up in Microsoft Word, fully formatted, every picture in place. I print out the documents and put the show in their own little folder, for easy reading in the future.


Actually I don't print them, but that doesn't sound like a half-bad idea come to think of it. I need to buy a holepunch.


Hard luck, dude. Looking forward to it when you get on your feet again. Maybe if the DeColts won more you wouldn't have these little accidents.


That's a brilliant idea.


So next time a hurricane whipes out my power I can be like "oh well, I still have my NYCW shows!"


And that will singlehandedly save Houston from the riots... and zombies.

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Lol! Zombies are fans of NYCW....actually that makes sense :p



Anyway, predictions followed by feedback as I'm finally caught up!


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

Steve needs a win and Zeus just happens to be a bump in the road


Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

Youth Energy needs the win to build up their street cred as champions


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. ???

I hope vs. Ares & Aether, but I could also see a working agreement from 4C or maybe a Japan org bringing in a big name tag team. Either way, The Elites needs some wins, especially Eddie needs to be built up before his title fight.


Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists

Either a) DQ win or B) Jack abandons Ricky because he thinks he sees Ares or c) Jack & Ricky win but get beaten up. I predict more DeColt brotherly tension and that Ricky gets beaten up again!

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 4, January

Moose Jaw Centre, The Prairies. Attendance: 1,000



Mitch Naess - George DeColt - Adrian Garcia







George DeColt is in the backstage, interviewing the CGC World Tag Team Champions, Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson, Youth Energy.




"Hello and welcome to CGC Title Bout Wrestling! I have the World Tag Team champions here with me as tonight they will make their first title defence against the Soldiers Of Fortune!"


"Lee, tell me about the match back at Elimination PPV where you and Shane won the tag titles."




"I don't know where to start. I mean, it was just awesome.. It's our third title reign with the CGC World Tag Team titles but it feels like it's the first. Every title reign has meant a lot to us and this one will no doubt be no different. I promise that we'll give our best when defending these belts and hopefully provide the CGC fans with the exitement and quality of matches they are used to."


"Shane, your thoughts?"




"It sure did feel great when I hit that missile dropkick on Bobby and landed on top of Fate, pinning him for the one two three at Elimination. It was a solid, fast paced match, the one that suits us the best. We have once again proven to everyone else that Youth Energy is here to stay, that we aren't to be overlooked. A lot of people might forget that we are as experienced as the Specialists or the Soldiers Of Fortune."


"What is your strategy going into tonights match against the Soldiers Of Fortune?"


"Hit and run, absolutely. We have to keep the pace up and be careful not to get caught by the bigger guys. We know how dangerous Destiny and Fate can be."


"Ladies and gentlemen, your World Tag champions, Youth Energy!"


Lee and Shane pose with the belts as the segment ends.


Grade: C+

Mitch: "Good evening from here also, it's Mitch Naess here along with Adrian Garcia."

Adrian: "Elite double main events here tonight folks! Watch as Dan and Eddie tear any two challengers who dare to step into the same ring. And in our main event watch as the Specialists will defeat Jack and Ricky Decolt.. The stereo superkicks will echo here tonight!"




Zeus Maxmillion vs. Steve DeColt

In a quick squash, Steve hits the DeColt Stampede on Zeus in just over six minutes and gets the pinfall victory over the "Bronzed God" Zeus Maxmillion.

Winner: Steve DeColt

Grade: C

Mitch: "We now go backstage where our beloved Hotstuff Marie is in George's office with Jack Decolt!"


George and Jack DeColt are backstage along with Hotstuff Marie who receives a good pop from the crowd.




"Marie, it's great to have you back!"




"Thank you George. I've missed everyone so much."


Steve DeColt walks into the office.




".. Hi Jack. Marie, Dad."


"Marie, how you're been doing?"


"I'm ju-"




"She's fine.", Jack interrupts.


"Sorry but we are in a hurry, I have some warming up to do.. And I have to find Ricky as we have a match tonight against the Specialists. Lets go Marie."


George and Steve look confused as Jack takes a strong grip of her fiance and the two leave George's office.


Grade: B-

Mitch: "Well that one was certainly weird. Next, the CGC World Tag Team titles are on the line! Youth Energy versus Soldiers Of Fortune! Stay tuned!"







Youth Energy © vs. Soldiers Of Fortune - CGC World Tag Team

In another quite short match the Youth Energy used their strategy well as they were too quick for the Soldiers. Lee gets the pinfall victory with a flying body press on Fate as they made their first defence of their tag team titles.

Winners: Youth Energy

Grade: D-

Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler walk into the ring. Eddie picks up the mic.




"Now. We had announced an open challenge to any two competitors on the roster to face the best of the Elite, DaLay and myself, the "Fabolous" Eddie Chandler. So, come out wherever you are so that we can get this over with.", Chandler drops the mic and waits.





After a moment, Whippy The Clown's music starts and he comes out with Ryan Powell! Eddie and Dan start to laugh until the two guys hit the ring and drop them to the ground with dropkicks! The match is on!


Grade: C+

Adrian: "Are you kidding me? A clown and a rookie? For christ's sake.."

Mitch: "Hey. Whippy is a great wrestler and so is Ryan. I can smell an upset here!"

Adrian: "Well I can smell yet another decisive victory for the Elite. Just watch."




Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy The Clown & Ryan Powell

In a great match DaLay and Chandler faced Whippy and Ryan who seemed to have great chemistry when teaming together. Chandler and DaLay had trouble with Whippy's unorthodox style of wrestling until they took out Powell with illegal use of a foreign object while the referee wasn't watching. Powell got busted open but stayed in the corner while Whippy had to do all the work. Whippy lasted against Eddie and Dan for a while but ultimately the numbers gained and he had to tag Ryan in. Ryan hit couple of nice moves before going for the Star Treatment (Shooting Star Press) which Chandler avoived by rolling away. As Ryan crashed and burned, Chandler had no trouble locking in the Fabolous Stretch (takedown into a Double Armbar, wrenched back to put enormous pressure on the back and neck) which left a bloody Powell no choice but to tap out in 15.21.

Winners: Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler

Grade: C+


Adrian: "I told you so."

Mitch: "But they cheated?! That's not a decisive victory."

Adrian: "Ryan tapped out, how more decisive can it be?"

Mitch: "It's still not right.."






Jack and Ricky DeColt, along with Hotstuff Marie, are shown backstage as they are heading into the ring for our main event of the evening.


Grade: B-



Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. The Specialists


Jack starts off strong against Bobby Thomas as Jack blocks every submission attempt by Bobby. Jack continues to just pound away on Bobby who is in trouble until he gets the tag to Nate Johnson who finally gets the momentum shifted as he takes Jack down with a series of moves, ultimately holding Jack in the ground with a boston crab. Jack powers out of the move and gets a tag to Ricky who lands several good strikes on Nate, who escapes a DeColt 45 attempt by Ricky and tags in Bobby. Bobby gets the best of Ricky as he grounds him, attacking his legs in particular. While this is going on, Nate drops off the apron and sneaks behind of Jack, pulling Jack's legs under him which results in Jack hitting his jaw to the apron! Nate whips Jack into the ring steps to inflict more damage. Ricky notices this and is just about to jump from the turnbuckle on top of Nate but is interrupted by Bobby who hits a beautiful top rope double underhook suplex on Ricky, but only for a two count! Jack gets up and goes for a lariat on Nate, but misses as Nate ducks. Nate hits a superkick which connects, Jack falls down, knocking his fiance Marie along with him! Marie hits the guardrail hard and drops to the ground unconscious, Jack is also out cold, laying on the ringside floor. Steve DeColt comes running down the ramp and goes to check the condition of Marie. Steve heroicly lifts Marie and carries him to safety, to the backstage. Meanwhile Bobby and Ricky are in the ring, exchanging blows when Bobby goes for a brainbuster but Ricky reverses it into the Decolt 45 while he's up in the air! Cover! One, two, three!! The match is over!

Winners: Jack & Ricky DeColt

Grade: C


Mitch: "Yes!"

Adrian: *facepalm*



Ricky DeColt celebrates in the ring when he hears the crowd screaming. As he turns around he barely catches a climpse of Ares's big boot as he gets knocked out by the wild man with the Running Big Foot. The Specialists quickly leave the ringside while Ares goes over the announcers table and picks up a chair. Ares closes in on Jack, who plays possum for a moment until grabbing Ares's tights and slamming him hard on the steel steps! Ares gets busted open by the impact while Jack goes under the ring in search of something. Jack picks up trash can but as he turns around he finds himself staring at the ceiling once again as Ares was waitin for him, and leveled Jack down with a sickening chair shot. Ares gets on top of Jack, turns the chair upside down and starts smashing it down on Jack's throat and chest. Out of nowhere, Ricky DeColt dives from the ring on top of Ares and attacks him! Ares rolls on the ground while Ricky gets quickly back to his feet, picks up the chair and smashes it across the face of Ares who slowly back down with each chair shot!


Ares slowly walks up the ramp with a twisted smile on his face, leaving Ricky and the staff members tending Jack who is seen coughing blood on the floor as the show ends.

Grade: C+


Overall Grade: C+

Rating: 0.59





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News from January 2008


- GCG and WLW rose to Cult status.


- Kevin Jones became the new head booker of UK promotion Ring Of Fire.


- SWF signed written deals with Darryl Devine, Steven Parker, Eric Tyler and Chris Caulfield. Nevada Nuclear was called up from development. BHOTWG signed Samoan Machine into a written deal, Eisaku Hoshino into a short term deal and Hell Monkey into a PPA deal.


- Saori Nakadan sustained a Chronic Knee Pain and will be out for 3 months. DJ Reason sustained Reverberating Bicep and will be out for a month.


- USPW signed a PPV deal with U-Demand. SWF signed a deal with United Kingdom Choice.


CGC News:


+330,182$ in January. B popularity in British Columbia, C- elsewhere in Canada. PPV Buy Rate 0.27, Highest TV show rating 0.59.







Preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling on Maple Leaf Sports this Sunday:


With just two episodes away from CGC: Luck Of The Draw pay-per-view things get heated! Eddie Chandler has a special challenge for Ricky DeColt, if he chooses to accept it. The Elite members Eddie and Dan DaLay will take on the members of the Youth Energy on singles match and also on the show Whippy and Ryan Powell will face The Sage and Aether of the Prophecy. More matches to be announced for the PPV so don't miss this Sunday's edition of Title Bout Wrestling!






CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 1, February

Varsity Arena, Ontario


Dan DaLay vs. Lee Rivera

Whippy The Clown & Ryan Powell vs. The Sage & Aether

Ricky DeColt vs. ???

Eddie Chandler vs. Shane Nelson



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