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Official Major Upsets Thread

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Wow, what a shocker,


Murilo Santinho def. Palmer Lette by Submission !


>'Grande Urso' Murilo Satinho competes against Palmer 'Daddy Bear' Lette in the ALPHA-1 Heavyweight division.

>We are underway!

>Lette narrowly misses Satinho with an uppercut.

>Satinho quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.

>There's a takedown attempt from Satinho.

>Satinho is surprised by a vicious countering uppercut, but he avoids it at the last second.

>Lette looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Satinho ends up grappling for supremacy with Lette.

>Lette and Satinho seperate and we're back to a stand-off.

>Satinho avoids a jab and scores with a nice jab.

>Lette takes a jab to the cheek.

>Satinho scores with a jab.

>Satinho avoids a quick jab and hits a stinging jab

>Satinho snaps off a crisp jab.

>There's a takedown attempt from Satinho.

>Satinho is forced to use his gloves to deflect a sudden counter punch.

>Satinho uses a jab to keep Lette back.

>Moving in closer, Satinho looks like he may want to wrestle Lette.

>Lette finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.

>Satinho looks to scoop his opponent up for a slam.

>Lette defends it well though, and slips away from Satinho.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>Satinho counters a jab with a nice punch.

>Lette sneaks a glance at his corner.

>Satinho steps in closer to force the issue.

>Satinho catches Lette with a solid jab.

>Lette hits a jab.

>Satinho throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Lette.

>To counter, Lette fires off a strike but only finds the gloves.

>Both fighters throw strikes at the same time, both miss.

>Satinho uses a nice jab.

>Lette throws a combination but doesn't do any damage.

>Satinho doesn't let Lette settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.

>Satinho comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Lette tries to avoid Satinho.

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Lette avoided Satinho.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Satinho looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Lette.

>Lette is pulled into a grapple.

>Satinho attempts to pick Lette up for a slam.

>Lette is able to block it and pull away from him.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.

>A tight round, but definitely 10-9 in favour of Satinho.

>And here we go, round two!

>Satinho hits a great punch, Lette is momentarily wobbly!

>Satinho uses a nice jab.

>Lette side-steps a barrage of big punches and hits a punch.

>There is an exchange of strikes, but neither fighter does any damage.

>Lette slams a crisp punch into the gloves of Satinho, but can't follow up.

>Satinho steps in to put some pressure on.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Satinho throws a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown.

>Lette throws a vicious uppercut first, but it just misses.

>Satinho hits a barrage of big punches on Lette and knocks him down!

>With his opponent down and groggy, Satinho moves in and tries to secure an arm.

>Satinho has a kimura and gets it fully applied...Lette has no choice but to tap out!

>The winner, by Submission, is 'Grande Urso' Murilo Satinho!

>Official Result: 'Grande Urso' Murilo Satinho defeats Palmer 'Daddy Bear' Lette (Submission in 3:44 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good.

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<p>something makes me guess this is an upset</p><p>

Soulemayne Ya Konan over Terron Cabal</p><p>

>It's time for the main event of the evening! 'The Baddest Man In MMA' Terron Cabal goes head to head with 'The African Dream' Souleymane Ya Konan in the SIGMA Heavyweight division with the SIGMA Heavyweight title on the line. </p><p>

>Round one begins!</p><p>

>A straight jab by Cabal keeps Ya Konan from advancing.</p><p>

>The fight slows as Ya Konan sits back and allows Cabal to circle.</p><p>

>Cabal scores with a series of quick punches.</p><p>

>Cabal hits a crisp jab.</p><p>

>Ya Konan glances a right hand strike off the side of the left shoulder.</p><p>

>Cabal steps in closer to force the issue.</p><p>

>Cabal shoots in for a takedown.</p><p>

>Ya Konan attempts to avoid Cabal as he shoots in.</p><p>

>The takedown is unsuccessful, Ya Konan avoided Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal steps in and unloads with a nice sequence of jabs.</p><p>

>Ya Konan comes in, looking for a quick takedown.</p><p>

>Cabal strikes first and manages to rock Ya Konan with a solid punch!</p><p>

>Cabal steps in and unloads with a nice sequence of jabs.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.</p><p>

>The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.</p><p>

>Ya Konan looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal is too quick, and manages to hit Ya Konan with a good clean jab.</p><p>

>Cabal hits a flurry of quick punches on Ya Konan.</p><p>

>We move into the second half of this round.</p><p>

>Cabal fires off a looping punch, but Ya Konan avoids it.</p><p>

>It seems that Ya Konan is happy to let Cabal circle for the moment.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Cabal.</p><p>

>Strikes from Cabal keep Ya Konan from stepping in too close, and he is forced to step back.</p><p>

>A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan can't get the takedown, Cabal defended it well.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Cabal.</p><p>

>He pulls Cabal into a grapple.</p><p>

>Ya Konan seems to initiate a break, and the two fighters step apart.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Cabal.</p><p>

>Ya Konan eats a stiff counter punch and almost goes down!</p><p>

>Cabal moves in and uses a flurry of quick punches to sting Ya Konan.</p><p>

>A straight punch from Ya Konan fails to land.</p><p>

>Cabal steps in to put some pressure on.</p><p>

>Cabal scores with a series of quick punches.</p><p>

>We're into the final minute of the round.</p><p>

>Moving in closer, Ya Konan looks like he may want to wrestle Cabal.</p><p>

>A counter punch catches Ya Konan above the eye.</p><p>

>Cabal moves in and uses a flurry of quick punches to sting Ya Konan.</p><p>

>The time is up, and that's the end of round one.</p><p>

>I have to give that round to Cabal, but only a 10-9.</p><p>

>There's the bell and round number two begins!</p><p>

>Cabal avoids a barrage of punches and hits a sequence of quick punches.</p><p>

>Ya Konan uses a right hook, but misses.</p><p>

>Cabal comes in closer to press the issue.</p><p>

>Cabal hits Ya Konan with a flurry of jabs and straight punches.</p><p>

>Moving in closer, Ya Konan looks like he may want to wrestle Cabal.</p><p>

>Ya Konan gets caught with a punch though, and he is momentarily wobbly!</p><p>

>Cabal avoids a straight right and hits a flurry of quick punches to sting Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Cabal.</p><p>

>Ya Konan can't get near enough to engage, Cabal uses strikes to keep him out of range.</p><p>

>Cabal hops around from foot to foot, looking for an opening.</p><p>

>Not letting up, Ya Konan quickly steps in closer to attack Cabal.</p><p>

>Breathing very hard, Terron Cabal is looking ragged.</p><p>

>Ya Konan comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal uses his strikes to stop Ya Konan from getting close enough to grapple.</p><p>

>Moving in closer, Ya Konan looks like he may want to wrestle Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal uses his strikes to stop Ya Konan from getting close enough to grapple.</p><p>

>Ya Konan counters a jab by hitting a nice punch.</p><p>

>Cabal circles as he plans his next move.</p><p>

>Ya Konan quickly gets in closer, looking to attack.</p><p>

>Moving in closer, Ya Konan looks like he may want to wrestle Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal is pulled into a grapple.</p><p>

>We move into the second half of this round.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is trying to muscle Cabal up against the cage.</p><p>

>He does so, and now has Cabal pinned to the cage.</p><p>

>Ya Konan keeps Cabal up against the cage with wrestling, racking up almost a minute of solid control.</p><p>

>Cabal is controlled up against the cage for over a minute, completely unable to break free.</p><p>

>Terron Cabal looks very, very tired.</p><p>

>With Cabal stuck against the cage, Ya Konan tries to complete a takedown.</p><p>

>Cabal shows stubborn resistance to the takedown, and eventually turns it so that Ya Konan is the one with his back to the cage.</p><p>

>Souleymane Ya Konan looks very tired out there.</p><p>

>Cabal steps back from Ya Konan and looks to unleash some strikes.</p><p>

>Ya Konan catches Cabal with a flurry of small strikes.</p><p>

>Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.</p><p>

>We're into the final minute of the round.</p><p>

>Moving in closer, Ya Konan looks like he may want to wrestle Cabal.</p><p>

>Cabal finds himself pulled into a grappling contest.</p><p>

>Ya Konan is trying to muscle Cabal up against the cage.</p><p>

>Ya Konan manages it, and controls Cabal up against the cage.</p><p>

>Round two ends as time expires.</p><p>

>That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Round three begins!</p><p>

>Ya Konan slips out of the way of a leg kick.</p><p>

>Ya Konan fakes a lunge.</p><p>

>Not letting Ya Konan settle, Cabal moves in closer.</p><p>

>Cabal is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan uses movement to keep out reach, meaning Cabal cannot get close enough to grapple.</p><p>

>Terron Cabal looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion.</p><p>

>Ya Konan sneaks a glance at his corner.</p><p>

>Cabal doesn't let Ya Konan settle, stepping in closer to impose himself.</p><p>

>Cabal uses a combination of three punches to get Ya Konan to cover up, then shoots in looking for a takedown.</p><p>

>Ya Konan sees the takedown coming and tries to move.</p><p>

>Ya Konan avoids the takedown attempt.</p><p>

>Ya Konan steps back to avoid a kick to the body.</p><p>

>Cabal throws a couple of jabs, then chooses to shoot in on Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan tries to step away from the takedown.</p><p>

>Ya Konan avoids the takedown attempt.</p><p>

>Cabal throws a kick to the body but Ya Konan avoids it.</p><p>

>Ya Konan fakes a lunge.</p><p>

>Not letting up, Cabal steps in closer to pressure Ya Konan into action.</p><p>

>Cabal comes in, looking for a quick takedown.</p><p>

>Cabal can't get the takedown, Ya Konan defended it well.</p><p>

>We move into the second half of this round.</p><p>

>Ya Konan throws a combination but doesn't do any damage.</p><p>

>Not letting Ya Konan settle at all, Cabal comes in closer.</p><p>

>Ya Konan counters a weak leg kick with a jab to the cheek.</p><p>

>Cabal circles as he plans his next move.</p><p>

>It seems that Ya Konan is happy to let Cabal circle for the moment.</p><p>

>The gas tank looks empty on Souleymane Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan steps in but an exchange of strikes goes nowhere.</p><p>

>Not letting up, Cabal quickly steps in closer to attack Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Cabal comes in closer, looking to wrestle with Ya Konan.</p><p>

>Ya Konan keeps himself moving out of range, not wanting to grapple.</p><p>

>Ya Konan steps in to attack but takes a stiff jab.</p><p>

>Ya Konan catches Cabal with a barrage of big punches and puts him down on the ground!</p><p>

>Ya Konan dives in and gets ready to unload on Cabal.</p><p>

>Ya Konan lands with some hard punches...Cabal isn't able to stop them, and the referee has no choice but to leap in and stop it!</p><p>

>'The African Dream' Souleymane Ya Konan takes the win by TKO!</p><p>

>Official Result: 'The African Dream' Souleymane Ya Konan defeats 'The Baddest Man In MMA' Terron</p>

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>The co-main event is up next. Luiz 'The Tarantula' Machado will battle Sophan Sastrowardoya in the XCC Featherweight division.

>And here we go!

>Machado throws a barrage of big punches but Sastrowardoya is quick to move out of range.

>Machado tries for a jab but Sastrowardoya moves out of range.

>Machado comes in, looking for a quick takedown.

>Machado doesn't get the takedown, Sastrowardoya saw it coming and was equal to it.

>Machado is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Sastrowardoya.

>He pulls Sastrowardoya into a grapple.

>Machado, controlling the grapple with Sastrowardoya, tries to scoop him up for a slam.

>Sastrowardoya defends it excellently though, slipping behind and taking the back of Machado!

>Sastrowardoya attempts a rear naked choke.

>The rear naked choke is in deep, Machado has to tap out!

>The winner, by Submission; Sophan Sastrowardoya!

>Official Result: Sophan Sastrowardoya defeats Luiz 'The Tarantula' Machado (Submission in 2:27 of round 1). The match was rated as being Fantastic.

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I really haven't had any big upsets. In almost all of the fights I have done so far, the guy who should win ends up winning. This makes it much easier to try and build up prospects but I am a bit worried that the top guys in each division will become overly dominant.
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I just had my first major upset with EBCC (Eastern Bloc Championship Combat, my own company in Eastern Europe populated mostly by old guys).


George Laurent easily defeated Greg Atteveld for the Lightheavyweight title in my first show, and since then has been my P4P best fighter.


So I figured I'd feed him Jasper Osmond in his first actual title defense. Osmond proceeded to slap on an armbar to force a submission out of Laurent, and go from number six in the LH ranks to being the champion. Which means as soon as he defends the title, he'll lose to Santiago Tosso when I try to feed him to Osmond.

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Sigma Light-Heavyweight Champion Niko Soldo fought Mike Watson in the main event of my last show, the pre fight run down basically said that Soldo was going into the fight as a major underdog with no advantages at all. After three rounds going back and forth between the two leaving both men at the point of exhaustion Soldo comes out in the fourth round and lands a head kick to KO Watson.


I was really surprised about this one, i seriously thought Watson was going to destroy Soldo in the opening round.

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>It's time for the main event of the evening! 'The Man With No Nickname' Sean Morrison will battle 'The Wrecking Ball' Lucas Mueller in the GAMMA Lightweight division with the GAMMA Lightweight title on the line.

>Round one begins!

>Morrison is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Mueller.

>Mueller is pulled into a grapple.

>Morrison is looking to muscle Mueller back against the cage.

>Morrison does it, Mueller is stuck with his back to the cage.

>Morrison smothers Mueller against the cage, keeping solid control for almost a full minute.

>Mueller is controlled up against the cage for about thirty seconds.

>Mueller is controlled up against the cage for about thirty seconds.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Morrison tries to maintain control, but Mueller wrestles his way out of trouble and turns it so that Morrison ends up backed against the cage.

>With Morrison stuck against the cage, Mueller tries to complete a takedown.

>Mueller gets the takedown; Morrison tried to fight it off but it was a battle he wasn't going to win.

>Mueller is left in half guard.

>Mueller attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position.

>Morrison comfortably blocks the attempt and keeps Mueller in half guard.

>Morrison tries to sweep Mueller but doesn't get anywhere.

>Time expires and we come to the end of round one.

>I think Morrison took that round, 10-9 on my score card.

>We are back underway!

>Moving in closer, Morrison looks like he may want to wrestle Mueller.

>Mueller is pulled into a grapple.

>Morrison is looking to muscle Mueller back against the cage.

>Morrison manages it, and controls Mueller up against the cage.

>Morrison tries to throw an elbow, but Mueller takes the opportunity to turn his opponent around so that Morrison ends up backed against the cage instead.

>Mueller attempts to wrestle Morrison to the ground.

>There's a short struggle, but Morrison simply doesn't have enough to defend it and is soon taken down.

>Mueller ends held by Morrison in half guard.

>Mueller looks to get past the half guard.

>Mueller isn't able to pass from half guard thanks to the tenacious defence of Morrison.

>Morrison tries to sweep Mueller but can't do it.

>Mueller begins trying to get his leg free of half guard and get a better position.

>He can't quite manage to get past half guard on this attempt.

>Mueller blocks Morrison as he tries a transition to full guard.

>We pass the halfway mark of this round.

>In half guard, Mueller begins working to get side control.

>He finds himself unable to get past the half guard on this attempt.

>Morrison tries a sweep from the bottom of half guard, but doesn't budge Mueller.

>We have one minute of the round remaining.

>Mueller throws a few strikes, but they are without venom.

>The time is up, and that's the end of round two.

>There was very little to separate them in that round, but I'll give that one 10-9 to Morrison.

>We are back underway!

>Mueller comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.

>The takedown doesn't work, Morrison stuffed it.

>A straight jab by Mueller keeps Morrison from advancing.

>Morrison doesn't press the issue, allowing Mueller to circle.

>Morrison looks to be trying to close the distance between them.

>Mueller is pulled into a grapple.

>Morrison is trying to push Mueller so that his back is up against the cage.

>He does so, and now has Mueller pinned to the cage.

>Mueller is controlled up against the cage for almost an entire minute, unable to break free.

>We move into the second half of this round.

>Mueller is trapped against the cage and held there by Morrison for roughly thirty seconds.

>Morrison tries to keep him up against the cage with wrestling, but Mueller struggles and doesn't let himself get controlled.

>With Mueller stuck against the cage, Morrison tries to complete a takedown.

>Morrison gets the takedown; Mueller tried to fight it off but it was a battle he wasn't going to win.

>Morrison begins trying to pass the guard.

>He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.

>Morrison blocks Mueller as he tries a sweep from the guard.

>The time runs out on round three.

>Close, but that round goes to Morrison, 10-9 on my card.

>There's the bell for the start of the round!

>Mueller slams a crisp punch into the gloves of Morrison, but can't follow up.

>Morrison seems to be waiting for Mueller to make a move.

>Sean Morrison is breathing very hard.

>Morrison looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Mueller.

>Morrison grapples with Mueller, who made no attempt to escape.

>Mueller, controlling the grapple with Morrison, tries to scoop him up for a slam.

>There's the slam! Morrison is planted onto his back, and pulls guard.

>Mueller starts trying to work to get past the guard.

>He does excellently, getting past the guard and into side control.

>Mueller looks to get a mount.

>Mueller takes the back instead, Morrison rolled over rather than get mounted.

>Lucas Mueller doesn't look like he has much left in the tank.

>We go past the halfway point of this round.

>Mueller fires away with punches, and Morrison is taking powerful shot after powerful shot!

>With Morrison taking a beating, the referee has to stop the match!

>The winner, by TKO; Lucas Mueller!

>Official Result: 'The Wrecking Ball' Lucas Mueller defeats 'The Man With No Nickname' Sean Morrison (TKO in 2:57 of round 4). The match was rated as being Good.

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  • 1 month later...

Biggest upset in my game has just happened in GAMMA 79 - Buddy Garner lost a decision to Bernard Blue, in what was supposed to be an easy recovery fight for Garner after losing a very tight title challenge against Neil Napier in his previous match.


Other than that, most of my shocks seem to either involve Nate Macreary losing to someone he should destroy (Merman, Crawford, Kowalski (a fairly rubbish regen)), or Christian Mountfield beating someone that should take him out fairly easily (eg LeToussier, Rivero, Rubenstein)

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Biggest upset in my game has just happened in GAMMA 79 - Buddy Garner lost a decision to Bernard Blue, in what was supposed to be an easy recovery fight for Garner after losing a very tight title challenge against Neil Napier in his previous match.


Blue seems to have a really unpredictable ability to upset world class guys out of the blue.

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Bradley Dixon subbed Jonathan Huang in the first round a couple of shows ago in what was suppose to be a easy tune up fight to get Huang back on the winning track following his first loss. Also, Jens Halle destroyed Jim Carpenter in the first round in Jim's first match back in SIGMA following a 7-0 round in GAMMA.
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Tim Boyer over Hassan Fezzik by TKO Head Kick 1st Round


Thought this was just a fluke that messed all my plans up so I had them rematch and it happened again.


Tim Boyer over Hassan Fezzik by TKO Head Kick 3rd Round


I put Tim Boyer up against Rick Stanley and Rick Stanley beat him like a 1st grader. Maybe Boyer just had Fezziks number.

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GAMMA 43, "Pretty Boy" Danny Akabaro (0-0) knocked out "Mr Awesome" Carl Ratfcliffe (16-4) in his first ever MMA fight. Was expecting Ratcliffe to take it easy but Akabaro was immense. He now has 2-1 record, while Ratcliffe lost his next two fights to make himself 16-7. The fight was given "Upset of the Year" of the award by Blurcat.


Edit: Unbelivable...I decided to give Ratcliffe a rematch to get back on the win coloumn...and Akabaro has done it again. Ratcliffe had him dominated first round, had him in mount, took his back. Then 2nd round Akabaro comes out swinging, knocks him down, stands over him and knocks him out cold. 1:04 of the 2nd round and the upset is repeated.

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Other than that, most of my shocks seem to either involve Nate Macreary losing to someone he should destroy (Merman, Crawford, Kowalski (a fairly rubbish regen)), or Christian Mountfield beating someone that should take him out fairly easily (eg LeToussier, Rivero, Rubenstein)


Happens a lot with guys like MacReary, Allen LeFleur, and Marlon John cause they have no hardly any submission division and keep wanting to take guys to the ground.


And guys like Christian Moutfield, Mario De Souza, and Ieoyoshi Yama****a trapping their opponent in guard for three rounds and getting a last minute submission from half guard.

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Kanezane Fuji just submitted Hassan Fezzik in the 4th round to take the heavyweight title in my latest event. That is probably the biggest upset for me. Fezzik was previously undefeated including 3 wins over Kikuchi, 2 wins over Foster and 2 wins over Ivanov. He also had victories over Boniek and Arai, so I definitely wasn't expecting Fuji to take him out.
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