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A few little questions if anybody is kind enough to answer.


I had AJ, Shamrock, Jarrett, Bulldog and Psicosis appear on videos at Rising Stars. Am I right in saying I have to pay the usual appearance fee for them?


Will new promotions debut in the game over time on top of those already set to debut (such as HUSTLE in the past week) in the database?


I currently have new worker frequency set at medium. Is this a good setting to have for this database? (Carlito real world 2002)


Why when AJ has a C popularity in Great Lakes and Bulldog B- was their video so lowly rated?


Why is Jeff Jarrett such an egotistical bugger? :D

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Tuesday, week 2, January 2004

Skyhawk Arena, Martin, TN.


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v 'Super' Steve Corino

Daniels continues his improvement in TNA and looks strong against Corino. However, the match suffered a little as the two don't work too well together. Daniels picks up an impressive win against the former Hardcore Champion and continue his undefeated start in TNA, pinning Corino in 12:15 with a Last Rites. D


Jarrett's World Order arrive in their limo, including a medically cleared again Bulldog. Jarrett leads them to the arrive, and he hisses at the camera that Sting is going to feel his full wrath tonight as he doesn't want him in TNA. B-


Keiji Sakoda v Super Dragon

Very average match between two newcomers to TNA, and on this showing they will need to up their game if they want to stay on the main show. Super Dragon defeated Keiji Sakoda in 10:11 by pinfall with a Psycho Driver 2000. D-


Ken Shamrock comes out to the ring. He tells all watching that New Year Nightmare isn't just about closing the final chapter against Jeff Jarrett, but also by getting a measure of revenge against the two pesky morons who interferred in the Christmas Cheer submission match, Ernest Miller and Doug Williams, which will start tonight when he will show why Williams doesn't even belong in the match. Closing, he says he can't think of a better partner to have than Sting. C


Hardcore match for a Hardcore Championship match at New Year Nightmare

Balls Mahoney v The Sandman

Had this been ECW, this would have got a much higher rating. The two put on a good match, helped by their good chemistry. However, this is TNA and hardcore matches don't get as good a reception from the fans. In 13:09 Axl Rotten came down to his partner's aid, distracting Balls which enabled Sandman to blast him with a sick Singapore cane shot to the back of the head which earned him the win. D


Potter comes to the ring and tells the fans to look at tna.com following the show where the full card for New Year Nightmare will be posted. Before he can say anything else or make a Potter Promise, Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks down to the ring, his first appearance back since his metatarsal injury. He calls Potter a pompous prat and tells him he is sick of his goody two shoes way he runs things. He then viciously attacks him then fetches a chair, before snapping Potter's ankle in half in the chair. 'This segment didn't go down with a crowd who came primarily to see in-ring action'. Er... this is in the ring! E+


Beer Money v Caribbean Cool

This match was a little disappointing as I know these two teams can both do better. Caribbean Cool seem to have a bit of the boil of late and this continued in 15:15 when Robert Roode defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall with a DUI. D+


Ken Shamrock v Doug Williams

Shamrock made good on his promise and made Williams look a little ordinary, putting in a polished and focused performance and having the majority of the match. He won in 11:40 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C-


Sting comes down to the ring as Shamrock walks to the back. The two stop and shake hands before Sting enters the ring. He talks about how political Jeff Jarrett was back in WCW and it comes as no surprise to Sting that in the short time he has been in TNA, he doesn't seem to have changed a bit. Thankfully, TNA isn't solely run by Jeff Jarrett, which allowed TNA management to sign Sting to the roster, and Sting is now making it his business to ensure that Jarrett doesn't carry on his ways. TNA needs to be a better place before it can move onwards, upwards and even think about challenging McMahon and his World Wrestling Federation. C+


British Bulldog v Rey Mysterio Jr

Rey more than held his own against Bulldog and looked strong against him. When he was getting on top, Sheik Abdul Bashir came out for a second straight week during Rey's match. His distraction enabled Bulldog to attack from behind, hit the Running Powerslam and win in 15:03. C-



AJ Styles (champion) v Super Crazy

A good match, and as expected with the two combatants involved, plenty of high spots. AJ had the better of the match and showed just why he is the current champion. He gets the victory in 18:52 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 8 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C


Fans are expecting the show to go off air, but before it does, we go to the backstage area, where Jeff Jarrett is busy leading the entire JWO put a big beatdown on Sting. Jarrett tells a fallen Sting that it's not politics, it's power as the show goes off air. C+


Show rating: C-

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.02

Profit: $26,644

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Current New Year Nightmare card

Sunday, week 2, January 2004



AJ Styles v British Bulldog (D- heat)



AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)



CM Punk v The Sandman (E)


Number one contender match for NWA TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Revolution v Sexual Standouts (E)


Sting & Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett, Ernest Miller & Doug Williams (C+)


Potter v Samoa Joe (D-)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Sheik Abdul Bashir (D)


Abyss v Frank (E)


Spanish Announce Team v Briscoe Brothers (E-)



I was going to run this card today as I have plenty of time... but then I thought people might want to make predictions so I will do it tomorrow instead. :)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 4, January 2004

The Family Arena, St Louis, MO.


Billy Reil v Roderick Strong

Roderick Strong defeated Billy Reil in 5:50 by submission with a Stronghold. E


A music video is shown to promote 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett. B


Jillian Hall v MsChif

The two didn't click. MsChif defeated Jillian Hall in 7:43 by pinfall. F+


A music video is shown to promote British Bulldog. E-


Chris Chetti v The Inferno Kid

Chetti is rusty. The Inferno Kid defeated Chris Chetti in 9:47 by pinfall with a Powerslam. E-


A music video is shown to promote Ken Shamrock. C


Lash Leroux v Marc Montreux

Montreux was off his game, and is also affected by working through an injury. Lash LeRoux defeated Marc Montreux in 9:48 by pinfall with a Whiplash. E+


A music video is shown to promote Psicosis. C-


Adam Jacobs v Scoot Andrews

Andrews was off his game. Scoot Andrews defeated Adam Jacobs in 10:46 by pinfall with a Forces Of Nature. E+


A music video is shown to promote Sting. C


The wrestling has been pretty poor on this show.


Show rating: E+

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity

Attendance: 902

Profit: $5274

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AJ Styles v British Bulldog (D- heat)



AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)



CM Punk v The Sandman (E)


Number one contender match for NWA TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Revolution v Sexual Standouts (E)


Sting & Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett, Ernest Miller & Doug Williams (C+)


Potter v Samoa Joe (D-)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Sheik Abdul Bashir (D)

the Sheik is on a roll and has a string of upsets going, so add another notch


Abyss v Frank (E)


Spanish Announce Team v Briscoe Brothers (E-)

Briscoes are talented and would be a nice addition to the tag title picture


picking quite a few upsets to stir the pot. Not sure how long AJ will hold both titles, but thinking that may help get his momentum going

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A few little questions if anybody is kind enough to answer.


I had AJ, Shamrock, Jarrett, Bulldog and Psicosis appear on videos at Rising Stars. Am I right in saying I have to pay the usual appearance fee for them?


Will new promotions debut in the game over time on top of those already set to debut (such as HUSTLE in the past week) in the database?


I currently have new worker frequency set at medium. Is this a good setting to have for this database? (Carlito real world 2002)


Why when AJ has a C popularity in Great Lakes and Bulldog B- was their video so lowly rated?


Why is Jeff Jarrett such an egotistical bugger? :D


I think if you only have them in videos (offstage), then you DO NOT have to pay them -- only if they appear in a live promo or match.

not sure about the other questions. But think you may need to shake up the Rising Stars show a little bit. Stay cost effective, but needs to help popularity in these areas not hurt it

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New Year Nightmare 2004

Sunday, week 2, January 2004

Moby Arena, Ft Collins, CO.


A short video is shown of AJ Styles training in preparation for defending two championships in one night. This didn't go down as well with the crowd as expected. D-



AJ Styles (champion) v Psicosis

These two had met a number of times before in the recent past, and because this match showed little different from their previous encounters, the crowd were voicing their displeasure with a "Same old shit" chant coming from a small section of the crowd. This annoyed me as I thought this was a banker of a opener to get the show off to a good start. Styles is victorious in 12:37 following a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. E+


Lash LeRoux v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

Tenay and West announced this as a bonus match added to the pay per view this afternoon. It may as well have not been as it was rather disappointing. Daniels continues his winning TNA start with another strong performance getting the win in 6:31 by pinfall with a Last Rites, but the crowd never really got into it, in fact, they've just not got interested yet. D-


This continued when Potter is shown, his ankle being checked over by a doctor. The doctor advises that Potter doesn't wrestle tonight, but Potter tells him to strap it up and protect it best he can, as he needs to teach Joe a lesson in manners and respect. The crowd are very quiet, and this is not a patch on New Year Nightmare 2003 so far. It needs a big improvement. E+


Briscoe Brothers v Spanish Announce Team

Things don't improve when Spanish Announce Team make their TNA debut. The crowd is now virtually dead when SAT pick up the win in 10:13 when Joel Maximo defeated Jay Briscoe by pinfall with The Spanish Fly. D-


Abyss v Frank

Some improvement. These two show they can work really well together. Frank shows he could be somebody to be wary of in TNA as he stands toe to toe with the much larger and menacing Abyss, not backing down once. Abyss' size and strength advantage prevails however, when he beats Frank in 11:52 by pinfall with The Black Hole. D+


Sting is in the back, and he says the reason he has a problem with Jarrett's politics in WCW was that he never wanted the young talent to develop for fear they would take his spot. He had heard this was also the case in TNA and in the short time he has been here he has no other reason to believe otherwise. Jarrett is selfish and his ego tells him he has to be top dog. "Things have to change Jeff!" C


Number one contender match for the NWA TNA Tag Team Championship

Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Revolution v Sexual Standouts (with Midajah & Mickie James)

With numerous talented wrestlers in the ring at once, one would expect a good quality match. Well, no. Abyss v Frank was better than this. At times the match more resembled one confused mess than a wrestling match. It was out of one confused mess that Beer Money picked up the victory and number one contendership when in 17:36 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Nova by pinfall with a DUI. D


Samoa Joe is walking backstage, screaming for Potter to show himself. He doesn't. Is this going to be TNA's worst pay per view yet? E+



Hardcore match

CM Punk (champion) v The Sandman (with Axl Rotten)

At last a good match, and from an unlikely source - the hardcore division which usually doesn't deliver. Plenty of weapons usage and blood, and a sick kick from Punk on Rotten where Rotten's head was sandwiched between Punk's boot and the side of the ramp, knocking him legitamately out cold. With Rotten out of the equation, it became one on one and Punk was on the verge of victory when Balls Mahoney ran out, shocked everyone by blasting Punk in the head with a chair which allowed Sandman to hit a top rope leg drop in 15:37 and get the pin. The Sandman wins the TNA Hardcore title. C-

While The Sandman is in the ring celebrating, a groggy Punk grabs a microphone at ringside. He shocks everybody by saying he is sick of Jeff Jarrett, he is sick of Potter and he is sick of all the bullshit that goes on in TNA. "I quit!" and he storms out. C-


Potter v Samoa Joe

While the two showed good chemistry, Potter is clearly suffering the effects of Joe's assault on Explosion on Tuesday, his ankle clearly being a much bigger problem than he let on before the match. Due to this, Joe is in the ascendancy for almost all of the match, defeating Potter in 5:45 by pinfall with an Island Driver. C


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett is shown breaking into the locker of Ken Shamrock, looking through it before pulling out his World Championship match contract. He tucks it down the side of his tights and leaves. B-


Rey Mysterio Jr v Sheik Abdul Bashir

A good match, and one where Rey could and probably should have won it on a couple of occasions. Rey's slump continues as does Sheik's good run when Bashir picks up another surprise victory in 18:33 by pinfall with a Magic Carpet Ride following interference from Samoa Joe. Joe is quickly becoming a major thorn in TNA since his return on Explosion this past week. C-


British Bulldog is walking towards the arena prior to the World Championship match. He's well over in Mid South, nearly as much as Jarrett, so why do the crowd hate this? E-

As we wait for the match between AJ Styles and British Bulldog to commence, Don West and Tenay run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C


AJ Styles (champion) v British Bulldog

This match reflects the pay per view as a whole. A bit flat. AJ is feeling the effects of a second championship match tonight and as the match wears on, Bulldog, fresh as a daisy coming into the match gains the upper hand. He's about to put AJ away with the Running Powerslam when Styles wriggles free and gets a three count with a fast roll up in 21:48. AJ Styles makes defence number 9 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D+


The camera cuts backstage where we find Ken Shamrock warming up in his locker room. He stops his workout and goes to his locker. He notices it has been forced open, then notices his contract is missing. He lets out the Shamrock roar before punching the locker, denting it, and leaving. Steam can nearly be seen coming out of his ears. C


Ken Shamrock & Sting v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett, Ernest Miller & Doug Williams

Sting showed some ring rust, while Miller didn't last the distance. The JWO used their man advantage well, managing to subdue the popular team of Sting and Shamrock for long periods, largely through cheap tricks. Sting receives the hot tag, and Stinger Splashes first Miller, then Jarrett and finally Williams in three different corners. He hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Miller when Shamrock tags himself back in. Rather than cover Miller or lock him in the ankle lock, he instead yanks Jarrett off the apron, nails him with a stiff right and puts him in the ankle lock on the arena floor. Jarrett is tapping like mad and the bell rings. Sting is yelling from the ring at Shamrock "What are you doing?" When Shamrock hears the announcement he has been counted out, he lets out the Shamrock roar, takes back his contract from Jarrett before entering the ring. He takes down Williams MMA style then mounts him, throwing a barrage of punches. Miller attacks from behind but Shamrock brushes it off, performs a single leg takedown and traps Miller in the ankle lock. Miller is tapping when Shamrock sees Sting standing over them. Sting just shakes his head at Shamrock and walks away. D


Show rating: D

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity. I was very disappointed with it.

Attendance: 4994

Buy rate: 0.22 (new record by 0.08)

Profit: $48,790

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Tuesday, week 3, January 2004

Alumni Arena, Savannah, GA.


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v B-Boy

Tenay and West are excited about Monty Brown coming to TNA and here he makes his debut. Unfortunately, the two just don't click together and this shows in their performance. Monty dominated in match with it finishing in 2:31 by pinfall with The Pounce. E+


Potter walks down and welcomes Monty Brown to TNA as he is leaving after his match. Before he informs TNA's fans about what is happening at Survivor 2, he wants to talk briefly about Rising Stars first. Potter says that some more established TNA stars will be performing on Rising Stars every so often to help assist the newcomers develop their talents and that he will go into more detail at this week's show. Now, onto Survivor 2...

The theme to Survivor 2 will be that the champions have to survive, or in AJ's case, survive twice. All four men's titles will be defended, and the champion will have to survive to defend their title. First of all, the Hardcore Championship match will see the first ever Monster's Ball match. The Sandman will have to defend against Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Abyss and 'Super' Steve Corino. AJ's first point of call will be a ladder match for the X Division Championship. His five opponents will be determined by a series of qualifiers over the coming weeks on Explosion. England's Glory will defend their Tag Team Championship against three qualifying teams in a cage escape match. Finally, AJ will defend the NWA TNA Championship in an elimination match against Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, Samoa Joe, Sting and himself. Oh, and should any champion lose their title beforehand, the new champion takes their place in the championship survival match. And that is... the Potter Promise. The crowd likes this. Amazing what a catchphrase can do, if you smell what I'm cooking. C-


Tag Team Championship qualifying match

Spanish Announce Team v Adam Jacobs & Todd Sexton

Road Agent for this match, Don Muraco must have been smoking something during this match. When he gave me his post match analysis he told me that Jose Maximo was off his game, only to later tell me that he put in a good performance.

The match itself was quite non descript between two new teams to TNA. Joel Maximo won the match in 6:07 by pinfall with The Spanish Fly on Adam Jacobs. D-


X Division Championship qualifying match

Amazing Red v Mike Quackenbush

This match was only slightly better, which is a little disappointing given Red's ability to wow crowds. He was one step ahead during this match and outclassed Quackenbush in 7:34 by pinfall with a Code Red. D


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring with his World Order. He tells all that Sting talks a load of crap. He asks Sting when the last time was that he ever helped anybody. He then remarks that Shamrock is mentally unstable and makes it unsafe for workers in TNA. He needs medically treatment to solve his anger management issues. He finishes by saying that surviving is what he has good at, so the title is coming home at Survivor. B-



The Sandman (champion, with Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) v Sabu

Certainly not a Sandman v Sabu ECW classic. Certainly some blood. Axl and Balls both interfere in the match on a couple of occasions, but with it being hardcore rules, the referee can do nothing about it. Sandman picks up the win with a lot of help in 12:42 by pinfall with a White Russian Leg Sweep. The Sandman makes defence number 1 of his TNA Hardcore title. D


Tag Team Championship qualifying match

Caribbean Cool v Revolution

TNA seems to be losing it's way a little. The lowercard matches have become mediocre at best and this is continuing the worrying recent trend. Caribbean Cool are the stronger team here and earn another championship opportunity when in 10:06 when Carlito defeated Frankie Kazarian by pinfall with a Coolness Personified. D+


Potter is backstage, and has some words for Samoa Joe. He warns him that becoming an enemy of the person who runs TNA is not a good idea, and if he carries on what he has done this past week, Potter will see to it that Joe never goes far in TNA. The crowd don't like this, probably because he didn't say his catchphrase. E+


X Division Championship qualifying match

Rocky Romero v Super Dragon

Another decidedly average match where people in the crowd were visiting the concession stand, going to the toilet, washing their hair or whatever. Maybe it's me... maybe a weekly pay per view formula doesn't work long term. Well... there is another six weeks of this at least... Rocky wins in 10:01 by pinfall with a High Speed. D-


Sting walks out, with Mike Tenay really building him up. He thanks the TNA fans for the very warm welcome he has received in TNA and announces he has his first singles match next week on Explosion against Ernest Miller. C



England Expects (champions) v Beer Money

Another so so match, both teams have put on much better matches before. Beer Money had England Expect's number on this one and with them all set up to put Williams away, Bulldog pulls his partner out of the ring, he collects their championship belts and they walk off, allowing Beer Money to win by count out in 14:29. D

Before England Expects reach the sanctuary of the back though, Potter intercepts them. He tells them as a result of their little trick tonight, Beer Money have a win over them and have now automatically qualifying for the tag team escape match at Survivor 2. I may as well give up trying to run angles on Explosion... E+



AJ Styles (champion) v 'Super' Steve Corino

Styles and Corino save tonight's Explosion from being a complete disaster as they put on a solid match. Corino celebrated signing a contract extension by giving AJ one hell of a fight, assisted somewhat by the fact AJ had two matches in one night only two days ago. AJ pulls through in 22:29 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 10 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


Show rating: C-

Show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity. I'm left scratching my head as to how.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.01

Profit: $26,588

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 3, January 2004

Cone Fieldhouse, Salem, OR.


Alan Funk v Jason Cross

Funk was rusty and the two didn't click, which made for an awkward bout. Jason Cross defeated Alan Funk in 5:34 by pinfall with The Crossfire. Terrible. E-


Potter walks out and says that was rubbish. He tells the fans in attendance that we had a meeting earlier and said that performances need to improve. We agreed that might be partly Potter's fault as I am putting new stars against each other, so starting tonight, a couple of more established stars will be appearing on Rising Stars each week to try and help the developing wrestlers. The show must improve though, as with TV contract negotiations starting up against soon, TNA might get their TV slot back soon. Rising Stars is put on notice! D-


Lou Fisto v Marc Montreux

Lou Fisto is still rusty but Lou Fisto defeated Marc Montreux in 7:06 by pinfall with a Diving Star. Another bad match. E-


A music video is shown to promote Rey Mysterio Jr. C


Adam Jacobs v Vic Capri

No better. Adam Jacobs defeated Vic Capri in 9:43 by pinfall with a Georgia Bulldog. E


A music video is shown to promote 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett. B-


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Reckless Youth

'Preacher' Christopher Daniels defeated Reckless Youth in 10:37 by pinfall with a Last Rites. D-


A music video is shown to promote Sting. C


Abyss v Xavier

Abyss defeated Xavier in 9:56 by pinfall with The Black Hole. E+


Show rating: E+ :eek:

The show has hurt TNA's popularity

Attendance: 530

Loss: $8400

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Current Survivor 2 card

Sunday, week 1, February 2004



Elimination match

AJ Styles v Sting v Samoa Joe v Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (D+ heat)



Cage match, win by team escape only

England Expects v Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (D-)



Ladder match

AJ Styles v Amazing Red v Rocky Romero v ??? v ??? v ??? (E+)



Monster's Ball

The Sandman v Axl Rotten v Balls Mahoney v Sabu v Abyss v 'Super' Steve Corino (E-)


The following matches were announced on tna.com

Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (E+)

Psicosis v Spanky (D)

Frank v NOSAWA (F+)



On Explosion next week

Sting v Ernest Miller (C-)

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looks like maybe your weekly PPV's going to a national audience may have actually HELPED your big ppv's buyrate!!! I know you were concerned that it might take away from it. Sorry that the show didn't do so well, but you bounced back nicely on the next Explosion


What I find strange is the music videos are BIG HITS on your Rising Stars shows, but most of the angle segments flop on Explosion. Maybe start the Rising Stars with a music video (6 minutes) and end it with one as well (6 minutes). If the formula works like it's supposed to, it should boost the show rating (as long as you continue to get C's and better)

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TNA News


CM Punk has become the second wrestler to leave TNA in recent weeks and sign a developmental deal with WWF and has been assigned to Ohio Valley Wrestling. Internet reports also quoted him as saying he was glad to leave and he will never work for TNA again. He had only signed a long contract extension a couple of months ago so TNA management are disappointed with Punk's conduct.


Rey Mysterio Jr has also signed for OVW, though this is on a pay per appearance deal which allows him to continue competing in TNA.


Other News


Chris Harris has already been called up to the main WWF roster.


Japanese star Toshiaki Kawada was caught in possession of soft drugs. No confirmation of any charges have been published yet, nor has Pro Wrestling NOAH commented.

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looks like maybe your weekly PPV's going to a national audience may have actually HELPED your big ppv's buyrate!!! I know you were concerned that it might take away from it. Sorry that the show didn't do so well, but you bounced back nicely on the next Explosion


What I find strange is the music videos are BIG HITS on your Rising Stars shows, but most of the angle segments flop on Explosion. Maybe start the Rising Stars with a music video (6 minutes) and end it with one as well (6 minutes). If the formula works like it's supposed to, it should boost the show rating (as long as you continue to get C's and better)


I think Sting having his first TNA match helped the New Year Nightmare buy rate. :)


Angles don't go down well on Explosion, which means without a TV deal at the moment it's difficult to build up for the main pay per views. What I can't fathom is why the likes of Potter, Shamrock and Sting can do good angles, yet Bulldog, who only has Jarrett who is more popular than him throughout America, can't get a well rated angle for love nor money.

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I think Sting having his first TNA match helped the New Year Nightmare buy rate. :)


Angles don't go down well on Explosion, which means without a TV deal at the moment it's difficult to build up for the main pay per views. What I can't fathom is why the likes of Potter, Shamrock and Sting can do good angles, yet Bulldog, who only has Jarrett who is more popular than him throughout America, can't get a well rated angle for love nor money.


I ran into the same thing with Jake the Snake Roberts. He had good overness, his entertainment skills are high, but he always flops in angles or promos. in my world, Sullivan returning to the darkside and joining with Snake may help him out a bit.

For you, maybe Bulldog doesn't have the required skill set (entertainment values, charisma, etc) for him to do a good angle. In which case, have Jarrett with him. Bulldog will learn and improve from Jeff.


If Wildcat Harris lasts as long in the WWE as he did in real life, you might be able to resign him very soon. lol

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Bulldog has D for microphone, B- for charisma and C for acting. Maybe I should gag him!


I didn't know Harris was ever in the WWE. What did he do after he left TNA in real life?


We're on about Steve Corino in our little discussion elsewhere... His popularity in Tri State (B) and South West (C-) is quite high, he's D+ in TNA's two main territories currently but he's D or worse everywhere else. He's actually more popular in three regions of Canada than in most of America.

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Since Mid-Atlantic and Tri-State were your next two most popular regions (D), maybe Corino can help draw in the Tristate and get them up to D+ (and eventually C-) rating. And maybe he can tag along with the Rising Stars to the southwest and give them a little boost. has to be a fine line though if you're wanting to keep the Rising Stars show remotely break-even (you can afford a small loss if it helps popularity and skills since Explosion is doing so much better on ppv).


as for Bulldog, I'm not sure a muzzle is enough since even his music vids are bombing. Maybe next time put the England Expects as a team in the video. or have them together with Jarrett and let Jeff do most of the talking. worst case, find someone different for the music vids. Everyone else seemed to do alright. The Rising Stars experiment may be ending soon. Hoping some good has come from it.


oh and Wildcat was in WWE from January to August 2008. Think he had 2 matches before being released. he said it was "the most miserable time in his life and career."

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I think Sting having his first TNA match helped the New Year Nightmare buy rate. :)


Angles don't go down well on Explosion, which means without a TV deal at the moment it's difficult to build up for the main pay per views. What I can't fathom is why the likes of Potter, Shamrock and Sting can do good angles, yet Bulldog, who only has Jarrett who is more popular than him throughout America, can't get a well rated angle for love nor money.

I'm guessing that Davey is set to have a drug problem (which is accurate, obviously.) I recently read that if someone is a druggie in-game, their segments have a tendency to bomb (makes sense...if the dude's spaced out on drugs, he's probably not going to be able to perform very well.) That would also explain olympia's problems with Jake Roberts, considering Jake is a notorious drug user.

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Tuesday, week 4, January 2004

Jadwin Gym, Princeton, NJ.


Potter stands on the ramp and tells the crowd he has booked three title matches for tonight's show, in addition to the Sting v Ernest Miller, and the challengers are not quite who you might expect. Challenging for the Tag Team Championship, it's Revolution's turn to have their rematch from New Year Nightmare. Challenging for the Hardcore Championship will be Nate Webb and challenging for the X Division Championship will be... Jose Maximo and that will be the first match. The crowd does wonder if Potter has gone nuts, and he finishes his segment by saying he will wrestle on Rising Stars, to get a first hand taste of what he needs to do with that show. And that is... the Potter Promise. C-



AJ Styles (champion) v Jose Maximo (with Joel Maximo)

A good match to kick off Explosion this week. AJ is too classy for Jose, so Joel spots an opportunity to interfere. When he does, rather than throw the match out, referee Mark Johnson throws Joel Maximo out instead. AJ gets back on top and takes the expected win in 13:23 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 3 of his TNA X Division title. C


Samoa Joe v Tony Mamaluke

Joe was much the stronger in this match which suffered in quality by the two not clicking. Joe overpowers Mamaluke for much of the match and wins in 5:36 by pinfall with an Island Driver. D


Sting enters the ring. He tells the fans that this is probably the last journey he is embarking in his wrestling career and he wants it to be one that he and the fans will remember. He starts with his match against Ernest Miller tonight and teaching Jeff Jarrett some humility is just one of the junctions he will have to cross. C+



The Sandman (champion, with Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) v Nate Webb

Guest commentator - 'Super' Steve Corino

Despite having the numbers advantage at ringside, Sandman doesn't use them in this match, or indeed even need them. Corino remarks it is going to be much tougher when Sandman faces five men at Survivor 2. Webb is wearing the proverbial crimson mask fairly early on and takes quite a beating from The Sandman with his Singapore cane, chairs, cookie sheets and signs. Sandman picks up a comfortable win in 10:58 by pinfall with a White Russian Leg Sweep. The Sandman makes defence number 2 of his TNA Hardcore title. D+

After the match, The Sandman gets in Corino's face at the announce table and the two stare each other down. Neither breaks the stare, and the crowd rumble in anticipation. C


X Division Championship qualifying match

Mystery v Super Crazy

A good match between two contrasting opponents with a similar wrestling style, which compliments each other well. Crazy picks up a well fought victory in 11:51 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. C


A short video plays highlighting the X Division, including Rey Mysterio Jr, Psicosis and Christopher Daniels. C-


X Division Championship qualifying match

Seaman Stains v Sheik Abdul Bashir

As good as, though not as high flying as the previous match, against two completely contrasting opponents who matched up very well in the ring. A very even match was edged by Bashir in 11:45 by pinfall with a handful of tights. C


Spanky cuts a short promo about his match at Survivor 2 against Psicosis, saying how Psicosis will get spanked. Ooo er! C



England's Glory (champions) v Revolution

A little disappointing as it was pretty much a generic tag team match with little in the way of outstanding action. Bulldog and Williams use cheap double teams to get the upper hand and win in 14:23 when Doug Williams defeated Frankie Kazarian by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. England's Glory make defence number 3 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


With everybody expecting to go straight into the Sting v Miller main event, the cameras suddenly cut to Ken Shamrock and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett going at in the crowd, attacking each other near the seats and the concession stands before battling through an exit at the rear of the arena. C+


Sting v Ernest Miller

A disappointing way to end the show. Sting is still rusty while Miller found the twenty minutes rather tiring. Jeff Jarrett showed up, looking a little beaten following his brawl with Shamrock, but managed to blindside Sting while Mark Johnson's back was turned. It wasn't enough though, as Sting came back at Miller hitting the Stinger Splash, Scorpion Death Drop and finishing Miller with the Scorpion Death Lock in 19:59. D


Show rating: D+

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity. (How was it only D+? Only two segments were less than D+ and nine were better!)

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.03 (Explosion record)

Profit: $24,832

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Current Survivor 2 card

Sunday, week 1, February 2004



Elimination match

AJ Styles v Sting v Samoa Joe v Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C- heat)



Cage match, win by team escape only

England Expects v Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (D-)



Ladder match

AJ Styles v Amazing Red v Rocky Romero v Super Crazy v Sheik Abdul Bashir v ??? (E+)



Monster's Ball

The Sandman v Axl Rotten v Balls Mahoney v Sabu v Abyss v 'Super' Steve Corino (E)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (E+)


Psicosis v Spanky (D+)


Frank v NOSAWA (F+)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 4, January 2004

Mayan Theater, Los Angeles, CA.


Potter is in the ring saying he's come here today to try and help boost Rising Stars. He wants to boost it's popularity, he wants to boost TNA's popularity and he wants to boost TNA's rising stars. C-


Ken Anderson v Rick Michaels

Both men were really off their game, not a good way to impress on your debut. Ken Anderson defeated Rick Michaels in 8:47 by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb. E-



Gail Kim (champion) v Ariel

Gail Kim defeated Ariel in 6:23 by submission with an Octopus Stretch. Gail Kim makes defence number 4 of her TNA Ladies title. E


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Sicodelico Jr

Sicodelico was rusty. The match went on for too long given who was involved. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated Sicodelico Jr in 7:49 by pinfall with The Pounce. E-


Abyss v Adam Pearce

Abyss was off his game. Thanks big man, you're supposed to be helping. Abyss defeated Adam Pearce in 8:44 by pinfall with The Black Hole. E+


Potter v Slyk Wagner Brown

Potter defeated Slyk Wagner Brown in 11:31 by submission with a Sharpshooter. Potter gets on the mic after the match and says that out of all he has seen tonight, Slyk has been the only one to show any potential. C-


Show rating: D+

Attendance: 654

Profit: $1140

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