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The Explosion show with the D+ rating. Look at your last 2 matches (the main events). They were both D to D+ and that's what the fans remembered most. If they were mid card and you had AJ, Super Crazy-Mystery, or Seaman Stains vs Sheik at the end you may have ended up with a C rating. The first match (or 6 minute angle) and last 2 matches carry a lot of weight in those card ratings. (notice the Rising Stars where Potter's main event scored a C- and raised a card of E's up to a D+)

Sting still has too much ring rust to carry a quality match in those key positions.....and the tag champs don't seem to be garnering much excitement either (sort of like Punk's first hardcore reign). Maybe due to Bulldog's suspected drug issues - which bodes well to a possible title change in the near future. Not sure if the other tag teams are over any more or not.


I'm surprised you only made $30,000. Most of the cards were turning in bigger profits than that. You must have some high behind the scenes expenses (your production costs too high? Merchandise not turning a profit? or maybe it's the travel expenses or something else. Certainly worth looking into). Nonetheless, it's exciting news and much better than some of those early triple digit losses. Hope that .03 weekly buy rate is an indication of another record monthly buy for the Survivor 2 PPV! Happy days are here again!!

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Tuesday, week 1, February 2004

Detrick Gym, New Britain, CT.


Sting's music plays and he walks out to the ring. He reminds everybody how he beat Ernest Miller last week, and his first major obstacle on his final journey appears at Survivor 2. In the big six way for the NWA TNA Championship, one of the men he will face is Jeff Jarrett. "Things need to change in TNA Jeff... Potter has started the ball rolling and I will ensure you don't interfere." Sting is sure that Jarrett will have some tricks up his sleeve, but tonight Jarrett will see why Sting is one step ahead of him. A very good opening to tonight's Explosion. B-


Frank v Jorge Estrada

Frank is showing some talent and could be one for TNA's future. He frustrates Estrada in this match, as whenever Estrada gets on top, Frank finds a way to get back. Estrada's frustration boils over in 8:46 when he is disqualified for a low blow. D-


X Division Championship qualifying match

Jimmy Yang v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

Daniels stock continues to rise with a good win over Yang. The match isn't a classic, but Daniels' popularity is slowly rising in TNA, and as a result, all over America. This is good news for TNA, as I see Daniels as a long term prospect in TNA. The match ended in 9:54 by pinfall with a Last Rites. D+


A short video is shown promoting Psicosis, showing clips from some of his recent wins. C


Beer Money v Revolution

Revolution looked like they were reeling from last week's loss to the tag champions, while Beer Money warmed up well for Survivor 2 with a good win. The match was mediocre at best, but Beer Money came out of it looking in good form for Sunday. Beer Money got the win in 7:48 when Robert Roode defeated Nova by pinfall with a DUI. D-


Abyss v Sabu

Two of the six combatants in Survivor 2's Monster's Ball match faced off but the two just didn't click, which lead to an awkward match that had little flow or interest. Abyss got an important win in terms of momentum in 8:18 by pinfall with The Black Hole. E+



England's Glory (champions) v Sexual Standouts

Mystery put in a poor performance tonight, which dragged this match down a little. Because of this, Sexual Standouts didn't team as well as normal and never threatened to win the title tonight. England's Glory wins in 7:34 when Doug Williams defeated Seaman Stains by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. England's Glory make defence number 4 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


Rey Mysterio Jr & Spanky v Psicosis & Super Dragon

The best night so far tonight saw four of the X Division face off in tag team action, who face each other in singles action at Survivor 2. Plenty of fast pace action and near falls made for an entertaining match which kept up plenty of interest. The finish was in 13:44 when Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Super Dragon by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. C-


Ken Shamrock is seen getting up from what appears to be a beating. Three members of Jarrett's World Order - Joe, Miller and Bashir, are seen retreating in the background. Shamrock lets out his roar and starts thrashing the backstage area. C



AJ Styles (champion) v Jimmy Rave

Some could argue Rave is unworthy of receiving a title match, and that is a valid point, but AJ is a fighting champion. Rave puts up one hell of a fight in what will probably turn out to be the opportunity of his career, but AJ's superiority ultimately shows in 15:41, winning by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 11 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D+


Ken Shamrock v Super Crazy

Shamrock is still mad following JWO's attempt to beat him down earlier, and his opening attack is so ferocious that Mark Johnson has to warn him he is on the verge of being disqualified. This enables Crazy to surprise Shamrock and gain the upper hand. He stays on top of Shamrock for some while, with Shamrock seemingly unable to counter Crazy's largely aerial assault. Shamrock does come back though, and gains momentum heading into Survivor 2 by earning the win in 19:52 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C-


Jeff Jarrett comes out. His promo is interrupted by the symbol/voice of Sting appearing on the big screen, much to Jarrett's annoyance. Sting is really getting into his head now. Meanwhile, road agents observe that Jarrett is getting a little stale in his current role. Hmmm... C


Show rating: C-

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.03

Profit: $12,016

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Survivor 2 card

Sunday, week 1, February 2004



Elimination match

AJ Styles v Sting v Samoa Joe v Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C heat)



Cage match, win by team escape only

England Expects v Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (D)



Ladder match

AJ Styles v Amazing Red v Rocky Romero v Super Crazy v Sheik Abdul Bashir v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)



Monster's Ball

The Sandman v Axl Rotten v Balls Mahoney v Sabu v Abyss v 'Super' Steve Corino (E)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D-)


Psicosis v Spanky (D+)


Frank v NOSAWA (F+)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 1, February 2004

Cabarrus Events Center, Concord, NC.


Potter is in the ring and tells the sellout crowd he has a big surprise and treat for them. He announces that in the opening match tonight will be none other than the legend himself, Sting! Out walks Sting and the crowd in attendance can't quite believe it and pop big time. C-

Sting v Chance Prophet

Sting is still showing some ring rust and was also off his game tonight. Better get that out of the way prior to Sunday. Sting defeated Chance Prophet in 7:32 by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock. D-


Rick Michaels v Roderick Strong

The two didn't click which made for an awkward bout. Roderick Strong defeated Rick Michaels in 6:57 by submission with a Stronghold. E+


Spanish Announce Team v Jason Cross & Jeremy Lopez

Spanish Announce Team defeated Cross & Lopez in 11:48 when Joel Maximo defeated Jeremy Lopez by pinfall with The Spanish Fly. D


Potter v Ken Anderson

Potter looked good, but the match went on for too long given his opponent. Potter defeated Ken Anderson in 17:05 by submission with a Sharpshooter. D-

It's then Potter's turn to get a surprise, as Jeff Jarrett blindsides him and smashes him over the head with his guitar. He continues the assault for a full six minutes, and Potter ends up looking in a very bad way prior to Survivor 2. C-


Show rating: D

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity overall

Attendance: 1000 (sellout)

Profit: $2478

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Predictions for Survivor



Elimination match

AJ Styles v Sting v Samoa Joe v Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C heat)

AJ is worn out from the ladder match, X-title defense. If Samoa Joe can stay healthy, he needs a good psuh. Maybe losing title in a match like this won't hurt his momentum too much -- but he pick up steam as he goes back after the title with convincing fashion. His rematch with Joe should be a headliner in a couple months



Cage match, win by team escape only

England Expects v Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (D)

I expect them to lose the tag straps soon, but not here. Maybe the other 3 teams can have a 3-way to determine who the #1 contender is. I know there are high hopes for Beer Money. So far, none of the teams have caused any excitement



Ladder match

AJ Styles v Amazing Red v Rocky Romero v Super Crazy v Sheik Abdul Bashir v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)

almost went with an upset here with Sheik or Daniels. But I think AJ goes all out in this one trying to put on a BIG TIME match.



Monster's Ball

The Sandman v Axl Rotten v Balls Mahoney v Sabu v Abyss v 'Super' Steve Corino (E)

Corino needs rewarded for coming back into the fold. He's the greatest Hardcore Champion of all time (match quality)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D-)

Even tho Rey is splitting time with the evil empire up north, he's still a national star and good draw. Like to see a match with him vs Samoa Joe


Psicosis v Spanky (D+)

could be an upset. Spanky could fire up the crowd. With all these big name Luchas, maybe a Rising Stars venture to Mexico could be in order/


Frank v NOSAWA (F+)

not sure who he is, but he's been a mainstay.

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Survivor 2

Sunday, week 1, February 2004

Stephen C. O'Connell Center, Gainesville, FL.


Jeff Jarrett is walking into the arena, his World Order nowhere in sight. Shamrock attacks him, delivering a vicious flurry of punches which Jarrett has no answer for. Shamrock ends the brutal assault by throwing him through the windshield of the JWO limo. Jarrett is left bloody and barely conscious. C+



Ladder match

AJ Styles (champion) v Sheik Abdul Bashir v Amazing Red v Rocky Romero v Super Crazy v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

A match that disappointed a bit. While we were expecting a fast paced, aerial based match, it didn't quite live up to expectation. The high spot was Daniels performing a moonsault from the top of the ladder onto AJ, Red and Rocky. This is also what led to the end of the match. With the aforementioned four sprawled on the arena floor, Bashir took the opportunity to drop kick the ladder into Crazy's face. With Crazy now in a mess, Bashir slowly climbed the ladder and retrieved the X Division Championship belt in 21:36 in somewhat of a surprise outcome, but Bashir continues his recent win streak. Sheik Abdul Bashir wins the TNA X Division title. D+


A music video is shown to promote Beer Money. Roode's relative lack of popularity offset Storm's high popularity in the South East. E+


Frank v NOSAWA

A shortish and mediocre match with nothing of any real note occuring. Frank is on top and picks up an easy enough victory in 6:42 by pinfall with Call Frank. Frank warned NOSAWA and the crowd about the danger of using drugs after the match. Are you listening Bulldog?! D


A music video is shown to promote Abyss. Not received well despite Abyss being popular in the region. E+



Monster's Ball match

The Sandman (champion) v Axl Rotten v Balls Mahoney v Sabu v Abyss v 'Super' Steve Corino

All six combatants spent the last 24 hours in isolation with no food and only water. All six are chomping at the bit to tear into each other, while Sandman gets over his 24 hour fast by downing six cans of beer during his entrance. Rumours that Abyss ate six children backstage are untrue. No children were harmed during the making of the show. In the ring, it soon becomes obvious that Axl and Balls are not after winning the title themselves, their sole intention is for The Sandman to keep it. It looks bad when Abyss Black Hole Slams Axl into a pile of thumb tacks while Balls and The Sandman are brawling with Corino... but Sabu makes the save, only for The Sandman to come into the ring and hit a White Russian Legsweep on Sabu onto the same pile of tacks and picks up the win in 15:53. The Sandman makes defence number 3 of his TNA Hardcore title. D


Jeff Jarrett is seen backstage with a doctor. Jarrett is still in a very bad way following Shamrock's assault at the start of the show. The doctor says there is no way Jarrett can wrestle tonight, and Jarrett is that far out of it he can't even give out a response. B


Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon

Lucha Libre action and like the X Division ladder match earlier, doesn't quite live up to expectations. Rey's greater experience and ability shows here as he stops his recent downturn since losing the iron man match at New Year Nightmare. During one of the few times Dragon was on top of this match, he made a mistake by missing a springboard back elbow, which allowed Rey to win in 13:45 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. D+


Potter gets a microphone and tells all watching that even though Jarrett is out of the six way for the NWA TNA World Championship, he has made a phone call and has got a new wrestler to become the sixth man in the match. Surprisingly, the crowd are dead in this. E+



Cage match - Victory only by both members of a tag team escaping the cage.

England's Glory (champions) v Beer Money v Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team

Best match so far of Survivor 2. It was hard to tell who really had most of the match as with eight competitors locked in a cage, there were always people fighting and action in abundance. Highlights in this match were the first ever Tower of Doom from the turnbuckles in TNA (Bulldog and Colt Cabana the lucky two not in it) and SAT hitting The Spanish Fly from the top of the cage on Carlito. Following this carnage, Storm hit a Last Call on Williams and he climbed out of the cage in 18:35, leaving Williams, Carlito and both Maximos left in the cage and won Beer Money the match. Beer Money win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


Samoa Joe was backstage, demanding to know from Potter who the sixth man is and why Potter is being unfair and not informing the other four participants in the match. D-


Psicosis v Spanky

Despite a definate lack of psychology which caused the match to drift a little, this was still a really good bout. Both men gave and received with each men showcasing their talent really well. Given the quality of this match, it should push both men up the pecking order considerably. The end came in 22:35 when Psicosis connected with a Guillotine Leg Drop. C+


Sting is seen in a darkened area backstage, making his way to the ring. C



Elimination match

AJ Styles (champion) v Sting v Samoa Joe v Potter v Ken Shamrock v ???

The road to this match has been long and hard and sometimes brutal. AJ has been defending both belts every week, sometimes on the same night, including a tough ladder match earlier when he lost the X Division Championship. Sting is still on his comeback trail and struggling to shake off ring rust as he had been out of the ring for so long. Potter took a beating on Explosion five days ago and isn't at one hundred percent. Shamrock's rage has been purely aimed at Jarrett in recent weeks, so his focused doesn't seem to be completely on the match. Only Joe has found the road to Survivor 2 relatively comfortable. Then there is the unknown element, the last minute replacement for Jeff Jarrett...

Marc Mero is introduced, shocking everybody. Nobody even knew he was in TNA.

The match is good. AJ goes well despite his exertions earlier. Potter is struggling following his beating earlier in the week. Sting is getting there but is still a little rusty and is exhausted by the end. Mero does not fare well, he's rusty too and is exhausted when he is eliminated. Shamrock and Joe look dangerous and as the match goes on, it is those two who look the likelier winners.

Mero is eliminated first, after around 12 minutes when he taps out to Shamrock's Ankle Lock. Joe is next gone on 22 minutes when he was looking strong, when Potter and Sting doubled up hitting a Clayhead and a Scorpion Death Drop, with Sting getting the pin. Potter doesn't last much longer, only a couple of minutes when Sting disposes of him after two Stinger Splashes. The match passes 30 minutes and Shamrock is the only one of him, AJ and Sting who looks to have much left in the tank. AJ somehow manages to counter an Ankle Lock and gets Shamrock in position for a Styles Clash and hits it. Shamrock is gone. As AJ hauls himself back up in a corner, Sting charges... misses a Stinger Splash, AJ rolls him up and keeps him down for the three count, winning in 36:46. AJ is on his knees with a look of relief on his face.

The order of elimination was Marc Mero first, then Samoa Joe, then Potter, then Ken Shamrock, and finally Sting. AJ Styles makes defence number 12 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C

Having picked up the victory, AJ Styles goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people. C+


Show rating: C

Show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity

Attendance: 5222

Buy rate: 0.13

Profit: $32,709

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I pretty much pulled an 0'fer on the ppv picks. lol


was your event going up against another PPV or something? Buy rate was half what it was last time - ouch! had to be a disappointment to your accountant. I'm guessing you booked a 10,000 seat arena too so it was only half full. Your homebase just isn't turning out - have they been too saturated with too many visits? It was a good show for you though and something good to build on.


looking forward to seeing how you bounce back

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Ha ha, yes. I didn't do that deliberately fella. I've already planned all the next five weeks through to Wrestle Fest.


I don't think it went up against another pay per view, though I'd have to check.


Tri State is beginning to get larger crowds than Mid South and South East now. Maybe the others are getting a bit burnt out. Maybe having the weekly pay per view, Explosion, has something to do with it.


A TV deal looks unlikely as well. Looks like Explosion will be running for another three months yet. It's a bugger for trying to get stories going.

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oh I don't worry about getting the winners all wrong. Just offering ideas - some that may work some that may not. lol - if things go south then you know my way was better ;) - lol.


Wonder if you can run ur angles on the Rising Star shows.

Good to see the Tri-State joining the fold. Now that you've stemmed the financial drain, maybe you can visit your homebase less and get them hungry for your product again (and build the other areas up some in the process). Take advantage of the crowd boosts for a PPV event. It'll be great to get 4-5 hot areas for TNA

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Tuesday, week 2, February 2004

Lantz Arena, Charleston, IL.


Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring, flanked by his World Order. He says it is time to end this, he wants his TNA back. He's been watching Potter pamper to the fans for too long and he thinks that Potter has been doing a poor job running TNA. It's time for change. However, Jarrett knows Potter won't just give up his position of authority. So he has a proposition. The two will meet at Wrestle Fest one on one. If Potter wins, Jarrett's World Order will disband. If Jarrett wins, Potter hands over his position of authority to him. Jarrett says he wants an answer by the end of the show. Jarrett doesn't mention Sting once during the segment. B-



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery

Bashir makes his first defence against Mystery, a man who has been on a steady rise ever since entering TNA, more recently in a tag team with Seaman Stains. The opening bout is an entertaining affair, with the championship coming within Mystery's grasp on a couple of occasions, only for Bashir to dig deep and kick out. Bashir takes a couple of short cuts to get the upperhand and wins an open contest in 14:04 by pinfall with a Magic Carpet Ride. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 1 of his TNA X Division title. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Chance Prophet

A significantly less entertaining affair and a match in which Brown looked strong throughout. He overcomes Prophet in 8:52 by pinfall with The Pounce, but by this time, some of the crowd were having toilet breaks and stuffing themselves with hot dogs and burgers. D-


A short music video is shown to promote Psicosis. C


Frank v Slyk Wagner Brown

This wasn't a bad match, and was just shy of being good. Two wrestlers who show promise in TNA, maybe this is the present version of what the future might be. The match itself was an open affair with Frank just edging it in 9:34 by pinfall with a Call Frank. D+


Sting walks to the ring, and says how dismayed he is with Jeff Jarrett. This is exactly what Sting has been saying in recent weeks, Jarrett only cares about himself and those who will do his bidding for him. Sting knows Potter can get the job done at Wrestle Fest, but just in case he doesn't, Sting will be waiting in the wings to take down Jarrett, and the whole of his World Order if need be. C+


Abyss v Keiji Sakoda

Although the match went on for a fair while, in all truthfulness, Sakoda never really got into a position to be able to win the match. Abyss was too big and strong for him and has been on a bit of a wave of momentum of late. He picks up the win in 12:29 by pinfall with The Black Hole. D


Briscoe Brothers v The Extremeists (Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney)

This match is the low point of the evening. Thankfully, it was also the shortest match. The Extremeists were looking good in the match when they got shocked by the Briscoes in 7:23 when Mark Briscoe defeated Balls Mahoney by pinfall with a fast roll up. Next please... D-


A short music video is shown to promote Rey Mysterio Jr. Piscosis video getting a considerably better rating than Rey's?! D-


Sting v 'Super' Steve Corino

Sting is still showing some ring rust but despite this, he and Corino put on a good, hard fought match. A match that ebbed and flowed, Corino did come close a few times to causing a minor upset. Sting got into his Stinger, Scorpion flow and finished Corino in 15:53 by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock. Corino has been impressive in recent weeks, despite this loss. C-



AJ Styles (champion) v Sabu

Ken Shamrock enters the arena once both wrestlers have made their entrance. He says it is for him to cash in his World Championship match contract he won back at Pain Game. He tells AJ and Sabu not to worry, he's not having his match tonight. He is going to have his match at Wrestle Fest, where he will face whomever the champion is in a thirty minute Ultimate Submission match. Shamrock leaves and the match is on. C-

AJ seems a little bothered by Shamrock's unexpected arrival and Sabu has the upper hand early on. AJ needs to buck his ideas up or he won't even be facing Shamrock. He does.

What I, and I presume most of the crowd, thought would be a highly entertaining, mostly aerial based match, turned out to be a disappointment. The two didn't seem to be on the same page when it came to putting the match together, and it harmed the contest.

The end came when Sabu missed an Arabian Facebuster, which enabled AJ to win in 22:09 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 13 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D


Potter appears backstage and congratulates AJ on another successful title defence. He addresses Jeff Jarrett, tells him he has given his proposal careful consideration and tells him he accepts on one condition. There is no outside interference, it is one on one. Wrestle Fest is shaping up to be big...

Meanwhile it's observed that Potter needs something to freshen up his character. That's interesting, the same was said about Jarrett very recently too... C+


Show rating: D+

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 4271

Buy rate: 0.03

Profit: $9676

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Current Wrestle Fest 2004 card

Sunday, week 2, March 2004



30 minute Ultimate Submission match

AJ Styles v Ken Shamrock (C- heat)


Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett ©

If Potter wins, JWO disband. If Jarrett wins, he becomes the authority in TNA. Outside interference leads to immediate firing.



Beer Money v England's Glory (E+)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Frank (E+)



10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match

The Sandman v Sabu (E)


Samoa Joe v Rey Mysterio Jr (D+)


Sting v Marc Mero (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Abyss (E-)


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D-)


Spanish Announce Team v Sexual Standouts (E-)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 2, February 2004

Shakopee Center, Shakopee, MN.


Jeff Jarrett is seen via a video feed. He berates the Rising Stars show and tells the young guys that feature on this show that when he wins back power on Wrestle Fest, if they aren't up to doing a job in TNA, they won't be in his TNA. B


Briscoe Brothers v Wild Boys (American Wild Child & B-Boy)

Briscoe Brothers defeated Wild Boys in 8:33 when Jay Briscoe defeated American Wild Child by pinfall with a Briscoe Bashed. E


Rocky Romero v Scotty Riggs

Rocky Romero defeated Scotty Riggs in 9:55 by pinfall with a High Speed. D-


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Adam Jacobs

Jacobs was really off his game. 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels defeated Adam Jacobs in 10:52 by pinfall with a Last Rites. E+


Potter v Scoot Andrews

Andrews was also really off his game. Potter defeated Scoot Andrews in 11:31 by submission with a Sharpshooter. D

Potter got the mic after the match and tells Jarrett, whereever he is listening from, he's going to do his damnedest to keep TNA in good hands. And that is... The Potter Promise. B-


Show rating: D

Attendance: 717

Profit: $1454

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let's see how bad my picks are this time (lol):


AJ Styles v Ken Shamrock (C- heat)

This match is up Shamrock's alley, but somehow the champ will prevail.


Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett ©

If Potter wins, JWO disband. If Jarrett wins, he becomes the authority in TNA. Outside interference leads to immediate firing.


as much as we all want to see Potter win, Jarrett and that pesky "clause". Besides, the JWO has a little more road to run before they start imploding.



Beer Money v England's Glory (E+)

new champs retain title against the former champs. not a lot of heat on any of your 3 minor title matches.



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Frank (E+)

Sheik should make a decent X champ for a while. Frank is moving up the ranks though and could be a better title contender in a couple more months.



10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match

The Sandman v Sabu (E)

Sabu has been a disappointment in recent matches (like with AJ). Sandman needs a new challenger as the old ECW guard hasn't impressed the fans yet. (maybe Samoa Joe or Monty Brown)


Samoa Joe v Rey Mysterio Jr (D+)


Sting v Marc Mero (D+)

Mero's debut in the title match at Survivor was barely a blip. Hoping he and Sting can have a good match, but Sting is the mega star here


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Abyss (E-)

Alpha Male has not been very active - and his last match sent the fans to the concession stand for snacks. Not expecting a lot out of this one - just a lot of hard-hitting. Abyss should win


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D-)

Daniels pulls the upset over one of your top 100 wrestlers - which hopefully helps him gain some name reconigition


Spanish Announce Team v Sexual Standouts (E-)

quickly rising as my new favorite team. SS needs a little more seasoning as a team (not sure how they compare to Beer Money) but can see them in the title picture later in the year. It's fun watching them grow from nothing to hopefully a household name some day. Just going to take a few wins like this along the way. SAT should set their sights on some matches against the England's Glory.


on another note, hard to fathom the Rising Star show is getting almost as good a rating as the Explosion ppv's. Hopefully, some of the kids are improving and gaining some popularity on these cards. If Jarrett wins, will the Rising Star experiment be scrapped?

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Tuesday, week 3, February 2004

Chisholm Trail Coliseum, Enid, OK.


Potter opens the show and is about to run down what he has lined up for the fans tonight when Jeff Jarrett interrupts. He tells Potter he better get used to not having his own way, because after Wrestle Fest, Potter won't be in charge. He won't be able to tailor the show to suit him, he won't be able to suck up to the idiots in the crowd. Potter cuts him off, and tells him he is still in charge and will be past Wrestle Fest. Tonight however, Jarrett will be in a match, against Rey Mysterio Jr. And that is... The Potter Promise. See, the catchphrase works. :)C


Amazing Red v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

It's a shame these two aren't more popular, as this match deserved more credit than it received. The two are decent wrestlers who are capable of putting on an exciting match. While this wasn't either of their best matches, it was far from shoddy. Daniels continues to show promise and wins in 9:59 by pinfall with a Last Rites. D


Briscoe Brothers v Revolution v Sexual Standouts (with Melina Perez & Midajah)

A good match in the developing tag team division, and maybe this is a vision of the future of it. If the so called lesser teams can put on a match of this quality, then why can't the more established teams do so too? This was a little different also in that three competitors were in the ring at once with each team tagging as they would in a regular two on two tag match. Unfortunately, this got a bit confusing for poor Garry Morere at times. The end came in 12:49 when Mystery defeated Jay Briscoe by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C-


Spanky is shown sitting in the crowd watching the show, while next to him are those fans who just have to make fools of themselves in front of a national audience by pulling funny faces or gurning. C-



The Sandman (champion, with Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney) v Frank

More hardcore horrors. Hopefully this will be the worst match of the night. Axl & Balls take the opportunity to interfere in the match, which enables Sandman to pick up an easy victory in 8:52 by pinfall with a White Russian Leg Sweep by the broadcast table. The Sandman makes defence number 4 of his TNA Hardcore title. D-


Marc Mero v Rocky Romero

Mero is still rusty, but calls upon his years of experience and also a few underhanded tactics to beat the youngster. He even won using a cheap trick in 8:03 by pinfall using a handful of tights with one hand, and his other hand holding on to the middle rope. Rocky is incensed by Mark Johnson tells him he didn't see it. D+


Sting appears in a dark, secluded backstage area. He warns Jeff Jarrett that ultimately he is coming for him, so TNA can have a bright and prosperous future and grow to combat and overcome the McMahon halfwit wrestling on WWF. TNA pops wildly, while McMahon probably popped a gasket if he saw it. B-



Beer Money (champions) v Spank Wang

Maybe I spoke to soon. Maybe the problem lay with (one half of) the former tag team champions. Too bad they have a rematch at Wrestle Fest. Anyway, Spanky really shone in this match, clearly hanging around with the sort of people who pull faces on TV helps. Both teams are improving significantly in terms of working together as a cohesive teams, as the double team moves in this match were an improvement in what had been seen previous. Beer Money keeps their titles in 14:29 when Robert Roode defeated Jimmy Yang by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Beer Money make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


A music video airs hyping the promotion, including shots of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Sheik Abdul Bashir. This doesn't prove as popular as they are individually. E+


Ken Shamrock v Samoa Joe

This was expected to be a submission clinic, and it wasn't too far off. It turned out to be ideal preparation for Wrestle Fest for Ken Shamrock. It was a good match, almost very good. Shamrock had Joe trapped for a full two minutes before in 17:42 Joe submitted to the Ankle Lock. C+


Rey Mysterio Jr v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett walks out with a mic during his entrance, and tells everybody in the TNA locker room that when he gets TNA back at Wrestle Fest, it will be his way or the highway. Sting must be in the back thinking that is as Jeff Jarrett as Jeff Jarrett can get. B-

The match itself was of good quality. Rey played the underdog very well here, as there were a few times he looked down and beaten only to mount a serious comeback. The difference maker turned out to be Samoa Joe, as his appearance at ringside got Rey's attention meaning Jarrett won in 21:55 by pinfall with The Stroke after a distraction from Samoa Joe. Rey seems to have become a little stale though. C+


Show rating: C

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.05

Profit: $33,483

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Current Wrestle Fest 2004 card

Sunday, week 2, March 2004



30 minute Ultimate Submission match

AJ Styles v Ken Shamrock (C- heat)


Potter v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett ©

If Potter wins, JWO disband. If Jarrett wins, he becomes the authority in TNA. Outside interference leads to immediate firing.



Beer Money v England's Glory (D-)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Frank (E+)



10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match

The Sandman v Sabu (E)


Samoa Joe v Rey Mysterio Jr (D+)


Sting v Marc Mero (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Abyss (E-)


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D-)


Spanish Announce Team v Sexual Standouts (E)

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Estrellas de Levantamiento

Jueves, semana 3, Febrero 2004

Auditorio del Estadi, Mexicali, Northern Mexico


Don't worry, the rest of it will be in English. :)


A music video airs hyping the promotion, including shots of Rey Mysterio Jr, Psicosis, and Super Crazy. C+


Psicosis v Chino Martinez

Psicosis looked good. Psicosis defeated Chino Martinez in 7:23 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Senton. D


Super Crazy v Shark Boy

The two didn't click at all. Super Crazy defeated Shark Boy in 7:50 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. D


Rey Mysterio Jr v NOSAWA

Rey looked good out there. Rey Mysterio Jr defeated NOSAWA in 9:31 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. C-


Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy

The psychology lacked at times and the match had a tendency to drift a little. The announcing from Eric Bowen did not match the quality of the match. Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Psicosis and Super Crazy in 21:34 when Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Psicosis by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. C+


Show rating: C+

Can be considered a success and should have increased TNA's popularity

Attendance: 100

Loss: $13,700

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Tuesday, week 4, February 2004

Chiles Center, Portland, OR.


Mike Tenay is backstage, interviewing Jarrett about his upcoming all or nothing match against Potter at Wrestle Fest. Tenay asks Jarrett what plans he has for TNA should he win and take over. Jarrett replies that it is his way or the highway and also that loyalty will be rewarded. C



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Seaman Stains

Not the greatest bout to kick off the in ring action and certainly not the best that the X Division has ever produced. A workmanlike performance from Stains but he comes up short as Bashir sneaks the win in 9:12 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. D


Prophecy (Abyss & Chance Prophet) v Wild Boys (American Wild Child & B-Boy)

Dud. Snoozefest. Boredomsville. And that is with a boost from the announce team! Prophecy dominate in 5:53 when Chance Prophet defeated American Wild Child by pinfall with a Doomsayer. E


A music video is shown to promote Spanky. This is more entertaining than the entire tag match just endured. C


Another rather mediocre match from what can be termed the X Division. The in ring action needs to really pick up tonight or this show will be lowly thought of. Spanky is on top in this one for most of the match, and triumphs with relative ease in 7:34 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread No. 2. D


Caribbean Cool v England's Glory

Things don't improve any at all with two mainstays of the tag team division. Both Colt and Bulldog were off their games which only hindered things. Caribbean Cool are the victors in 12:35 when Carlito defeated Doug Williams by pinfall with a Coolness Personified. D-


Sting comes to the ring to a rapturous welcome. Things might pick up a bit now. He warns Marc Mero that he's getting back on top of his game and the old Stinger will be back for Wrestle Fest. He then addresses Jeff Jarrett and questions what kind of loyalty he really means... loyalty to TNA or loyalty to Jarrett. Sting expresses worry for the future of TNA in Jarrett's hands. C


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Samoa Joe

Monty puts up a great fight against Joe, and for most of the contest it is a good fight. Monty is just getting on top when Joe distracts the referee by pulling him into a corner. This allows Abyss to run in, hit the Black Hole Slam on Monty and run back out. Joe takes advantage and wins in 13:40 by pinfall with an Island Driver. A little better. D+


Rey Mysterio Jr is in the ring when a masked attacker hits the ring and leaves Mysterio down and out. The masked attacker looked about the size of Samoa Joe, who's body shape is fairly unique. C+

Rey Mysterio Jr v 'Super' Steve Corino

A much better match, easily the best of the night (so far?) and this despite the two not clicking particularly well. It's an even matchup, with both men showcasing their trademark moves. The end came in 15:31 when Samoa Joe appeared again, hooked Rey's leg when he was running off the ropes and allowed Corino to hit the Old School Expulsion for the pinfall victory. C


Ken Shamrock gets on the microphone, and tells him while he has all the respect in the world for AJ Styles, he has picked a match that takes AJ out of his comfort zone and thus is confident of winning. C


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

Ken Shamrock is guest commentator.

A long match between two fairly well matched competitors with similar styles. It wasn't as good as I had hoped though. While Daniels threatens, he can't get in a position to put AJ away, who wins in 23:45 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 14 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. Shamrock applauds AJ from the announce table as Explosion goes off air. D+


Show rating: D+

Show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 2513

Buy rate: 0.02

Loss: $19,641

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