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The wrestler who recently signed who was announced to appear at Lockdown has a torn ACL. He was scheduled to miss around three months of ring action, but went for surgery which was a success and this has reduced recovery time down to just three weeks. He may still appear at the show.

B-Boy has followed Samoa Joe and signed a written deal with Pro Wrestling NOAH.

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 2, May 2004

Spartanburg Auditorium, Spartanburg, SC.


Jeff Jarrett is standing mid ring with a mic at the start of Rising Stars. He reminds Scoot Andrews and Vic Capri they are both on probation tonight. He also reminds other competitors that they need to impress or they are fired. He tells fans they are in for a treat tonight, as not one but two of his World Order are competiting... new acquisition Frank and the National Champion, Steve Corino. He also reminds people that he has a surprise lined up for Lockdown. C-


Keiji Sakoda v Vic Capri

The two show pretty good chemistry. Keiji Sakoda defeated Vic Capri in 6:54 by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. Jeff Jarrett walks out. He tells Capri that was worse than last week and "you're fired!" D-


Amy Dumas v MsChif

Amy was really off her game tonight. Amy Dumas defeated MsChif in 7:34 by pinfall with a Lita Bomb. E


Amazing Red v Scoot Andrews

Amazing Red defeated Scoot Andrews in 8:38 by pinfall with a Code Red. Jarrett appears and tells Andrews he still isn't convinced and he is still on probation. Next week, he's going to face Sabu. D


Frank v Jason Cross

Major upset! Jason Cross defeated Frank in 7:45 by pinfall with The Crossfire. Jarrett comes out and publically berates Frank, finishing by telling him his World Order may as well go to Lethal Lockdown in a three on four match if this is how he performs. Cross is safe and how! D-



'Super' Steve Corino (champion) v Tony Mamaluke

'Super' Steve Corino defeated Tony Mamaluke in 11:51 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. 'Super' Steve Corino makes defence number 4 of his TNA National title. Jarrett comes out and is impressed. He offers Mamaluke a place on the main roster, a delighted Mamaluke accepts. C-


Show rating: D+

Attendance: 1000 (sellout)

Profit: $3598

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Lockdown 2004

Sunday, week 2, May 2004

Don Haskins Center, El Paso, TX.


All tonight's matches are held inside a steel cage.


(Pre show - Lou Fisto defeated Ariel in 11:47 by pinfall with a Diving Star. Lou Fisto makes defence number 2 of her TNA Ladies title. E rating)


Sting pulls up to the arena in a yellow sports car. Ominously, a long black limo pulls up behind him. Sting steps out and waits, it's almost certain that Jarrett, and maybe his World Order, are in the limo. Sure enough, Jeff Jarrett steps out... but nobody else. Sting says "You son of a..." before laying into Jarrett. The two brawl around the parking lot, and it's quite even, until the rest of Jarrett's World order pile out of the limo and Sting gets a beat down. C


Briscoe Brothers v Spanish Announce Team

An average match to start with, as these two teams face off again. The Briscoes turn the tables on the Maximos on this occasion however and pick up a good win in 11:32 when Jay Briscoe defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with a Briscoe Bashed. D


Amazing Red v Super Crazy

This was disappointing, the worst X Division match in some considerable time (not including Rising Stars). Crazy's experience gave him the edge and enabled him to overcome the plucky Red in 12:50 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. D-


Sting is in the back, still mad and still hurt from the parking lot beatdown at the start of the show as he clutches his neck. He warns Jarrett that enough is enough. Sting has stood by so far and watched as Jarrett has not heeded his advice and carried on doing what is right for Jarrett and not for TNA. Sting says that tonight, Lethal Lockdown will just be the beginning, and he is not going to rest until this company is on the right path. B-


Winner gets a National Championship match at Bound For Glory 3

Marc Mero v Spanky

Mero is still showing signs on ring rust three months after debuting in TNA! I think he must need some WD40 (or whatever the American equivalent is). Mero is on top of the match but gets all ****y. This gives Spanky an opening, and he takes full advantage, earning a title shot at Bound For Glory 3 in 11:49 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread No. 2. Best match of the night so far... but that isn't really saying much as yet. D+


'Super' Steve Corino is backstage, "Congratulations on your win Spanky, it now means you lose to me at Bound For Glory 3". E+



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Jimmy Yang

Again, a match that isn't quite... good. Maybe the cage card format doesn't agree with the fans, maybe the booking isn't quite as good, maybe the wrestlers just aren't performing. We'll see later. In this one, Bashir looks every inch the current champion as Yang struggles to get any consistant offence in until late on. By then, it's too little too late though as Bashir retains in 13:38 by pinfall with a Magic Carpet Ride. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 10 of his TNA X Division title. D+


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Psicosis

Again, another match just short of good. It's an even contest, with Daniels showing he is now able to compete with the best the X Division has to offer. Heck, Psicosis has even had World Title matches in TNA and Daniels showed he is a more than capable opponent. Psicosis however emerges with the duke in 13:40 by pinfall with a Guillotine Leg Drop. D+


Jeff Jarrett is in a locker room flanked by his World Order. He tells Sting he doesn't give a rat's ass what he thinks. Everybody saw what happened earlier and how superior the JWO are. Where were Sting's buddies? Lethal Lockdown will be no different, Sting might get a few shots in here and there, but JWO will come out on top as always. Plus, he has a little surprise... C+



Beer Money (champions, with Midajah) v Caribbean Cool

It's just not quite happening tonight. Another match which was OK, but just not quite there. Both teams showed good teamwork and had around equal offence and by the time the match had finished, only Carlito wasn't bleeding thanks to the cage being utilised as a weapon by both teams. The end came when Beer Money handcuffed Colt Cabana to the cage with handcuffs that had been passed to them by Midajah, which enabled them to double teams Carlito and put him away in 16:31 when Robert Roode defeated Carlito by pinfall following a DUI. Beer Money make defence number 8 of their NWA TNA Tag Team titles. D+


Lethal Lockdown

Sting, AJ Styles, Potter & Rey Mysterio Jr v Jarrett's World Order (Jarrett, Corino, Williams & Frank)

Even this match didn't quite live up to expectations, even if it is the best of the night (so far?). Jarrett and AJ started things off with AJ just getting on top as the five minutes approached. Corino then ran in and AJ got a two on one beatdown for the next two minutes before Potter came to his rescue. Potter busted Jarrett open on the cage while AJ nailed Corino with a pelé. To the relief of Jarrett and Corino, Williams came down to give them back the numbers advantage, although with Jarrett and Corino having taken some punishment, it took a short while until the JWO were back on top. Mysterio came down next and rather than enter through the door, he climbed up the cage and flew off the top, taking out all three of the JWO with a cross body, which gave his team the opening to fight back. Frank's emergence didn't have the effect that Corino and Williams did, and Sting entered last which prompted the roof with weapons to lower.

Then it was mayhem. Sting and Rey didn't bleed, but everybody else did. The highlight of the night came when AJ had Frank lying on a table, before leaping off a ladder (nearly knocking himself out on the cage roof) with a moonsault through Frank and the table, taking them both out of the match. With everybody becoming worn down, out from the back came Marc Mero, with some bolt cutters. He cut open the padlock to the cage door, nailed Sting with a knockout punch and handed a guitar to Jeff Jarrett. He smashed the guitar over Potter's head, laying him out. Williams and Corino then double teamed Mysterio as in 30:31 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett pinned Sting with The Stroke. C-


A video plays hyping Ken Shamrock vs. Abyss, including Shamrock hitting a belly to belly suplex on Abyss and Abyss powerbombing Shamrock through the stage. C-

As we wait for the match between Ken Shamrock and Abyss to commence, Don West and Tenay run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C-


Ken Shamrock (champion) v Abyss

A slightly disappointing Lockdown is ended with a good match. Shamrock is feeling the effects of the power bomb through the stage on Tuesday, which gives Abyss the upperhand for large portions of the match. After 12 minutes, he hits a Black Hole Slam, but Shamrock has the wherewithall to be able to roll out of the ring and drop to the floor, much to Abyss' frustration. Shamrock tries to put Abyss in the Ankle Lock twice, but Abyss powers out on both occasions. Battered and bruised, Shamrock puts in a massive effort in 17:46 by pinfall.to hit a belly to belly suplex and get the win. C

Having picked up the victory, Ken Shamrock celebrates in the ring. C-


Show Rating: C-

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 6242

Buy Rate: 0.33

Profit: $92,182

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TNA News


The latest round of TNA drug tests have been completed. Ariel and Joel Maximo both gave a clean result. Rey Mysterio's result was a positive for steroids. He has been told this is his one and only chance to become clean. Mysterio released a short statement on the TNA website saying that TNA are right to be testing wrestlers and he intends be clean from now on. When Mysterio is randomly tested again, he will be comprehensively tested.

Jorge Estrada has left TNA after he refused to open talks on a contract extension.


Other News


TNA again went up against WWF on pay per view. Judgement Day drew a 30,000 capacity crowd and a 12.11 buy rate. Raw the next night only drew a 8447 crowd.

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Blasts From The Past


Thought I would post the first ever Impact and pay per view cards (in brief) since I started this story a few months in.



Week 2, May 2002

Robert Roode drew with Matt Striker (F)

America's Most Wanted beat England Expects (Doug Williams & Nigel McGuinness) (D-)

Carlito beat Alex Shane (E-)

AJ Styles beat CM Punk, Frankie Kazarian and Jimmy Rave (D-)

Samoa Joe & Psicosis beat Colt Cabana & Jimmy Yang (D)

Chris Candido beat Kid Kash (D-)

Road Warrior Animal beat Jerry Saggs (D-)

Tatanka beat Road Warrior Hawk (E+)

Sabu beat Terry Funk and Shane Douglas (D)

Show rating: D



May Madness

Week 3, May 2002

Extremists (Sabu & Terry Funk) beat England Expects (D-)

Samoa Joe beat Alex Shane (D-)

Hacksaw Jim Duggan beat Robert Roode, Carlito and Matt Striker (E+)

Mickie James beat Jillian Hall to retain the Ladies Championship (E-)

Legion of Doom beat America's Most Wanted for the vacant Tag Team Championship (D-)

Abyss, King Kong Bundy & Vader beat Jimmy Yang, Colt Cabana & CM Punk (D-)

AJ Styles beat Frankie Kazarian, Kid Kash and Psicosis to become the first X Division Champion (C-)

Potter beat Brian Knobbs (C+)

Rey Mysterio Jr beat Chris Candido (C+)

Shane Douglas beat Bam Bam Bigelow (E+)

Jeff Jarrett beat Tatanka (C-)

Dan Severn beat Ken Shamrock (D)

Show rating: D+

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Tuesday, week 3, May 2004

George M. Sullivan Arena, Anchorage, AK.


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring and calls out the NWA TNA Champion, Ken Shamrock. Shamrock has no qualms about facing Jarrett and out he comes. Jarrett tells him the road to Glory starts now and calls Shamrock a paper champion. He then asks him who has he defended his belt against. Jarrett tells him his version of the answer and it is not the best TNA has to offer. Shamrock differs and asks Jarrett if he wants to be shown right now that nothing is further than the truth. Jarrett backs down and begs him off, saying he wants to win his title on the biggest stage TNA has. Shamrock calls him a "chicken shit" and starts leaving the ring. Jarrett hits a cheap shot to the back of the head with the microphone, laying Shamrock out before he puts the boot into him. Sting comes rushing to the ring and Jarrett rolls out. Sting picks up Shamrock's dropped mic, and tells Jarrett he wants him. He wants to knock sense into Jarrett so TNA can move onto the right path. "Name the time and place Jeff". Jarrett tells Sting not so fast. Sting has to prove his worth to Jarrett. If Sting can beat all of Jarrett's World Order, then he can have his match with Jarrett. His first opponent will be the newest member of the JWO, Marc Mero, at Bound For Glory 3. Sting looks annoyed. C-


A music video is shown to promote Keiji Sakoda. C-

Keiji Sakoda v Super Dragon

This is a good match to kick things off featuring two competitors who are still finding their feet in TNA. It's another match that does the X Division proud, with Sakoda picking up a rare win in 7:01 by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. C-


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Tony Mamaluke

From a quality X Division match to a lacklustre one, which given the two combatants and their promising recent form is a disappointment. Daniels was expected to win, but Mamaluke pulled off a mild surprise as his roll continues in 8:55 by submission with a Sicilian Stretch. D-


A short video segment is shown which details Rey Mysterio's training regime. Despite the diminutive Mexican being popular, it bombs. D-



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Matt Cappotelli

Probably Bashir's easiest defence to date and also a match that didn't set the arena alight. Only mildly better than the Daniels v Mamaluke match, the X Division has dropped off a little in the past couple of weeks. Bashir wins comfortably in 6:41 by pinfall with a Magic Carpet Ride. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 11 of his TNA X Division title. D


Prophecy v Sexual Standouts

Two days after Abyss' biggest match of his career and in his return to tag team action he puts in a stinking performance. Thanks to Chance Prophet carrying through the match, his team prevails as Mystery and Seaman Stains struggle to cope with the difference in size. Mostly thanks to Abyss, the match is another one below average, in which Prophecy prevail in 7:52 when Abyss defeated Mystery by pinfall with The Black Hole. I wonder if they predicted that. D-


Sting is backstage, expressing his disgust at Jeff Jarrett's attitude and actions. Ultimately TNA will suffer, and as it is Jeff's company, he will suffer. The only reason Sting cares so much about it is his dislike for Vince McMahon and the WWF (large cheer!) and TNA is the only promotion in the States that has the potential to overcome them. Sting says that if he has to go through the entire JWO then he will do so as by doing so, they and in turn Jarrett, become weaker. C+


Frank v Potter

After the substandard quality of the last few matches, it's pleasing to have such a good match, especially as it included Frank who has been very mediocre of late. Frank's recent inclusion in the JWO has surprising sparked his down turn, but despite defeat here, his performance and the match was much better, so maybe facing Potter is the kickstart he needed. Potter prevails in 9:35 by submission with a Sharpshooter. C+


AJ Styles v Doug Williams

Since AJ has become beltless, he's dropped back a level or two and so has his matches. This one against Doug Williams was much like his previous few, ok but short of good. AJ hits a pelé and a springboard forearm before earning the win in 12:33 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. D+


Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring again. He tells Sting to stop talking such nonsense. TNA has more fans, more viewers and is making more money than it ever has since it opening. If that isn't growth, then what is? You prove your worth to me Sting, and I'll face you. Now, Shamrock... you've been walking around the past couple of months thinking you're the big shot, thinking you're Mr Invincible. Newsflash, you're not. Who was laying on the mat earlier Kenny? Get used to that position, you'll be like that at Bound For Glory 3, and I'll take back my belt. Jarrett may have two top wrestlers coming at him, but he's focused on winning back the championship. C


Lucha Libre Tag Team Match

Psicosis & Super Crazy v Rey Mysterio Jr & Amazing Red

An entertaining match, the fans of TNA seem to have taken a liking to the fast paced, lucha libre style of wrestling... but then in Psicosis, Crazy and Rey we have three of the best at it. Red is holding his own mind. A fast paced match throughout with plenty of aerial moves, it is Rey and Red who emerge the victors in 19:54 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Super Crazy by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. C


Ken Shamrock is backstage and tells Jarrett that it is very easy to beat somebody up when you sneak attack them from behind. He calls Jarrett yellow, saying that he's afraid of facing him one on one. Newsflash, you've got to at Bound For Glory 3. C



Ken Shamrock (champion) v 'Cowboy' James Storm (with Midajah & Robert Roode

Argh, the two not clicking has dampened my main event of the night and the show's rating is going to suffer. Garry Morere made a good, pre emptive call by sending Roode to the back before the match started. With the numbers game much more even, Shamrock was able to not worry about Robert Roode and hence was in control for much of the match. Midajah was a mild distraction on a couple of occasions, but nothing she nor Storm did could derail the champion as Shamrock wins in 16:43 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 7 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D+


Show rating: C-

Attendance: 4537

Buy rate: 0.05

Profit: $770

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Current Bound For Glory 3 card

Sunday, week 4, June 2004



Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett (C heat)



Beer Money v Doug Williams & Frank (E)



'Super' Steve Corino v Spanky (D-)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Tony Mamaluke (E)



Lou Fisto v Amy Dumas (F+)



Sting v Marc Mero (D)



Psicosis v Super Crazy v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D-)


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Amazing Red v the newly signed, recovering from injury, unnounced wrestler (D-)


Potter v Abyss (D)


Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (E)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Slyk Wagner Brown (E-)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 2, May 2004

The Wavehouse, San Diego, CA.


Jeff Jarrett reminds Scoot Andrews that he is still on probation and tells everybody else he is not in a good mood tonight, so somebody will get fired. C


Ric Blade v Roderick Strong

Roderick Strong defeated Ric Blade in 6:21 by submission with a Stronghold. Jarrett comes out and tells Blade his performance has made it really easy for him... you're fired! E



Lou Fisto (champion) v Gail Kim

Lou Fisto defeated Gail Kim in 8:43 by pinfall with a Diving Star. Lou Fisto makes defence number 3 of her TNA Ladies title. E-


Ken Anderson v Marc Montreux

Ken Anderson defeated Marc Montreux in 9:32 by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb. Jarrett appears and tells Montreux to stop making an ass of yourself playing a stereotypical Frenchman... in fact, stop making an ass of yourself in TNA... you're fired! E


Adam Jacobs v Mike Quackenbush

Jacobs was off his game tonight. Mike Quackenbush defeated Adam Jacobs in 6:48 by pinfall with a Quackendriver. Jarrett is here again, he says he really is in the firing mood tonight. Jacobs... you're fired! D-


Sabu v Scoot Andrews

Sabu defeated Scoot Andrews in 12:05 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster. Jarrett his here again! He tells Andrews he's had enough chances... you're fired! Jarrett has fired every male loser tonight! He says Rising Stars may not have a future after tonight... D-


Show rating: D-

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 946

Profit: $4072

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Tuesday, week 4, May 2004

Lyndonville State Fairgrounds, Vermont


Sting walks to the ring to a raptuous reception. Don West on commentary bets Mike Tenay $50 that he will whinge about Jeff Jarrett. Tenay keeps his money in his pocket but Sting indeed talks about Jarrett. Sting vents his disbelief at Jarrett's actions on Rising Stars last week where he fired no less than four wrestlers who have a promising future. He asks Jarrett how he can build for the future when he's alienating the wrestlers who will be the future? He also bemoans the fact that Jarrett is hiding behind his World Order and won't face him unless he beats every one of them. Sting says if it's what he has to do, he'll take down Jarrett's World Order one by one. C


Cocky Connection v Doug Williams & Frank

Doug and Frank team together as a pairing for the first time and things start well for Jarrett's World Order. They look good as a unit and despite the Connection's greater experience teaming together, they were no match for the JWO pairing who got the win in 11:04 when Frank defeated Johnny Devine by pinfall. D+


Carlito v Slyk Wagner Brown

Carlito has the better of Slyk as his class shows over the relative newcomer to TNA. The average match ended in 10:20 by pinfall with a Cool Breaker. D


A music video is shown to promote Psicosis. C-



Beer Money (champions, with Midajah) v Briscoe Brothers

Jay Briscoe was off his game but he was helped by his brother Mark looking really good. They troubled the champions on occasion, but struggled to get into a position to put them away. Beer Money worked their way through the match and made a successful defence Beer Money make defence number 9 of their NWA TNA Tag Team titles. D


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Super Crazy

A good match despite Monty being off his game. West bets Tenay $100 that Monty's strength will have the better of Crazy's speed... but it only happened on the few occasions he managed to keep up with him. Crazy picks up the win in 14:21 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. C


Ken Shamrock is in the back, telling Jeff Jarrett that he has no qualms about facing anybody one on one at any time, any place. The key is facing, not attacking from behind. Jarrett should wear yellow shorts at Bound For Glory 3 as that is what he is, where as Shamrock is bad ass. Shamrock switches to a bad ass gimmick which is given an initial B+ rating. B-


AJ Styles v Marc Mero

Maybe I should change Mero's name to Mr Rusty. AJ gets back on track with a good win over the veteran which will put him high in line to get another title shot sometime soon. He wins in 12:54 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C-


A music video is shown to promote 'Super' Steve Corino. C



'Super' Steve Corino (champion) v Colt Cabana

Colt comes out with a new blue collar gimmick, which is given an initial B+ rating. The match is a good affair with both competitors getting in their fair share of offence. Colt comes close to winning his first TNA singles title on a couple of occasions but it is Corino who prevails in 13:34 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. 'Super' Steve Corino makes defence number 5 of his TNA National title. C


Jeff Jarrett comes to ringside and congratulates Corino on his win. He calls out Shamrock, telling him he will show him he's not yellow and will face him like a man. Shamrock doesn't hesitate in coming to the ring, but Corino joins Jarrett by his side. Undeterred, Shamrock lays into Jarrett, but Corino comes to his aide and the numbers game has the better of Shamrock, as he gets left lying face down on the mat by Jarrett for the second straight week. C


Abyss v Sting

The two don't click which makes for an awkward main event. Abyss shows he is capable of competing at this level by being a handful for Sting throughout the match. The old hand has to dig deep down to emerge victorious in this one in 17:55 by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock. D+


Show rating: C-

Attendance: 4182

Buy rate: 0.04

Profit: $11,782

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Current Bound For Glory 3 card

Sunday, week 4, June 2004



Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett (C+ heat)



Beer Money v Doug Williams & Frank (E+)



'Super' Steve Corino v Spanky (D-)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Tony Mamaluke (E)



Lou Fisto v Amy Dumas (F+)



Sting v Marc Mero (D)



Psicosis v Super Crazy v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D-)


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Amazing Red v the newly signed, recovering from injury, unnounced wrestler (D-)


Potter v Abyss (D)


Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (E-)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Slyk Wagner Brown (E-)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 4, May 2004

Herrin Civic Center, Herrin, IL.


Jeff Jarrett reminds everybody that he fired four workers last week due to poor performance, and he's not afraid of doing the same again tonight if people don't perform up to his required standard. He reveals Potter will wrestle in the main event. C


Chino Martinez v Kaos

Chino Martinez defeated Kaos in 7:55 by pinfall with a Top Rope Leg Drop. Out comes Jarrett... Kaos, I warned everybody... You're fired! D-


Jimmy Rave v Reckless Youth

Youth was off his game, which given the good match is surprising. Jimmy Rave defeated Reckless Youth in 9:43 by pinfall with a Rave Clash. C-


Amy Dumas v Sara Del Ray

The two show good chemistry in the best female match for some time in TNA. Amy Dumas defeated Sara Del Ray in 8:44 by pinfall with a Lita Bomb. D-


Potter v The Ram

Potter defeated The Ram in 18:55 by submission with a Sharpshooter. The match was too long given who was involved. D+


Show rating: D+

Attendance: 787

Profit: $2396

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Rave vs Reckless Youth!! solid match!!!

Could be the Rising Stars experiment has found a couple guys who are ready for the prime time!!


Now if the Fallen Angel can start turning in those kind of matches!

I remember the hint on Mystery (his moves remind us of ____). left blank to keep your mystery alive but I always liked watching that guy when I lived in Nashville and he was on Music City Wrestling (hosted by Bert Prentice). Even more reason for him and Seaman "evan K" Stains to bring home the tag team gold in the near future.


Another very profitable month!!! great job on the turnaround. By the end of the year, you should have a bit of cash in the bank again! I know you are making some inroads into the northeast, so Now I guess the question is how far away from taking the show "National" are you?

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Still some way from National. While popularity is now good across the States (top three at C- and the rest on D+), the importance is still lower.


This leaves a problem with Rising Stars. With popularity increasing, Rising Stars using just developing/promising wrestlers now isn't good enough. If I am to keep Rising Stars, I'll have to start using 'fringe' talent, which of course will cost more money and might make the show unfeasible financially.

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Tuesday, week 1, June 2004

Binghampton U. Events Center, Binghampton, NY.


Jeff Jarrett has a mic and tells Shamrock he wants to apologise for the cheap attacks on him the past two weeks. He is giving Shamrock a peace offering and asks him to work with him, so the two of them can ensure that TNA rules wrestling. Shamrock marches down, is heard to shout "bullshit" before rushing Jarrett, taking him down MMA style and mounting him, raining punches on his head. Jarrett wriggles away and out of the ring, angrily pointing at Shamrock as he backs up the ramp. C


Jason Cross v Rocky Romero

Not a good match, Cross' recent acceptable performances and shock win on Rising Stars does not transfer over to Explosion. Rocky hasn't been very active of late but he picks up an easy win here in 6:36 by pinfall with a High Speed. D-


Spanish Announce Team v Amazing Red & Keiji Sakoda v Cocky Connection

Joel Maximo put in a good performance in what was an average match. It was the first time Red and Sakoda had teamed together in TNA and it showed. SAT pick up the win in 10:54 when Joel pins Sakoda. D


A music video is shown to promote Homicide's forthcoming arrival in the promotion. Homicide was intended to originally debut at Lockdown. C



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Tony Mamaluke

A good match which again highlighted Mamaluke's rapid rise into an X Division contender from Rising Stars. Both men put in an equal amount of offence and the uncertainty of which way the match would go helped to make it good. It ended in a draw in 15:00 when the time limit expired. C-


Mystery v Psicosis

An even better match between the man of mystery who gets all the ladies he wants and a wrestler who is on the fringe of the main event. A small upset occurs in 12:54 when Mystery gets the duke by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C+


A music video is shown to promote Rey Mysterio Jr. I forgot his failed drugs test which make the segment bomb. D-



'Super' Steve Corino (champion) v Potter

Another really good match, one where Corino repeatedly targeted Potter's knees, which he has a past history of injuries. The fight went outside of the ring, where Corino struck Potter's knee against the ring post using a steel chair. This enabled him to win in 15:54 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. 'Super' Steve Corino makes defence number 6 of his TNA National title. C+


Robert Roode attacks Jose Maximo backstage, and leaves him down and out. This angle bombs despite both being popular in Tri State. Is there something I don't know here..? E


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Seaman Stains

Stains can't follow his partner's surprise victory earlier in the night, though Jarrett is on the next level to Psicosis so it was always going to be a tougher task. He wins with much to spare in 11:54 by pinfall with The Stroke. It's noted by Don Muraco that his character needs a desperate change. C-


AJ Styles is walking backstage when he stops, almost as if he feels someone watching him. He looks around, doesn't see anyone, and so continues walking. Seconds later, a shadowy figure emerges from hiding, having been there the whole time, and runs off. C



Ken Shamrock (champion) v Rey Mysterio Jr

A good night of wrestling is finished off with another really good match. Rey gave as good as he got and was Shamrock's stiffest test since he won the title for a second time. Shamrock's submission based fighting overcomes Mysterio's aerial attack though Jr in 18:43 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 8 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity. Johnny Devine was slightly overused.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.08

Profit: $38,384

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Current Bound For Glory 3 card

Sunday, week 4, June 2004



Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett (C+ heat)



Beer Money v Doug Williams & Frank (E+)



'Super' Steve Corino v Spanky (D-)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Tony Mamaluke (E)



Lou Fisto v Amy Dumas (F+)



Sting v Marc Mero (D)



Psicosis v Super Crazy v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D-)


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Amazing Red v the newly signed, recovering from injury, unnounced wrestler (D-)


Potter v Abyss (D)


Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team (E)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Slyk Wagner Brown (E-)

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Rising Stars

Thursday, week 1, June 2004

Shakopee Center, Shakopee, MN.


Jeff Jarrett comes out and says he is leaving Rising Stars. He has got rid of the majority of the deadwood who are cash suckers and Rising Stars should be left to rot. It won't for now though, and he is assigning the job of looking after it to Potter, who will also wrestle on it each week as it is "all he is good for". Jarrett switches to an authority figure gimmick which is given an initial C rating. C-


Johnny Devine v Mike Quackenbush

Johnny Devine defeated Mike Quackenbush in 5:42 by pinfall with a Five Star Moonsault. D-



Lou Fisto (champion) v MsChif

Lou is still rusty. Lou Fisto defeated MsChif in 8:43 by pinfall with a Diving Star. Lou Fisto makes defence number 4 of her TNA Ladies title. E-


Jimmy Rave v Keiji Sakoda

Keiji Sakoda defeated Jimmy Rave in 11:49 by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. D+


Potter v Chance Prophet

Potter defeated Chance Prophet in 18:55 by submission with a Sharpshooter. Potter switches to a Fan's Own gimmick which is given an initial B+ rating. The match went on for too long given who was involved. D


Show rating: D

It might have hurt TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 1000 (sellout)

Profit: $5928

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Still some way from National. While popularity is now good across the States (top three at C- and the rest on D+), the importance is still lower.


This leaves a problem with Rising Stars. With popularity increasing, Rising Stars using just developing/promising wrestlers now isn't good enough. If I am to keep Rising Stars, I'll have to start using 'fringe' talent, which of course will cost more money and might make the show unfeasible financially.


Rising Stars may have run its course - or going to have to stay in the D+ areas (still need to get D or better matches though to stay viable and improve your standing)

Hopefully you found a couple new stars (like rave and reckless youth) and helped get some guys needed exposure. Maybe some of your lower priced mid-carders (stains, mystery maybe?) can help draw some better ratings and keep the cost low enough.


Nice win for Mystery over Psicosis!!

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I really like the concept of Rising Stars, it's why I introduced it. However, it's also it's biggest problem. With my TNA gaining in popularity, keeping Rising Stars going in it's present format is going to now hold TNA back.


I've thought about using more established wrestlers, but the majority are on wages that are high enough to then making Rising Stars lose money most or all weeks.


Hence, it might have to go.

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