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Wrestlemania is tonight


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I think I just shed a tear for Taker. probably his best match at Mania


Lol Ya think?? It was easily Taker's best match at Mania or anywhere else. It was probably the best match in Mania history. Good look to Trips and Randy trying to top that...

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I feel bad for show, cena, edge, orton, and HHH. how in the hell do you even try to beat that match.... Savage comes out at the end of the Orton, HHH match and elbow drops orton through the announce table and says don't kick elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oooooo yeah
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I paid for Hardy vs Hardy and I got what I paid for. Then they through in Taker vs Michaels and well just wow. I always forget that as big as taker is and as old as he is he can still go that long in a match. Taker won and Michaels looked great and now I am satisfied with my Wrestlemania purchase.
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