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Wrestlemania is tonight


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2 - Please can you try and limit the amount of stupidity. Reading the last few pages has been like being on IGN's board - painful.


I think we (Well, I only posted once) are only having fun. Can't be super serious or ultra witty all the time. I don't see the harm in it.

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I think we (Well, I only posted once) are only having fun. Can't be super serious or ultra witty all the time. I don't see the harm in it.


There's a difference between having fun and posting absolute garbage - the last couple of pages were just embarrassing to read. We have a fairly good standard on this board, far higher than most wrestling-related boards, and I'm not going to stand by and allow it to be dragged down to the levels of dribbling semi-literate idiocy found at places like IGN or GameFAQs.

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Great show for the most part, horrible main event though. Favourite was probably the Hardys match alongside of course Taker/HBK...enjoyed the Legends stuff too. Everything except Kid Rock was better than the main event, which could only have been worse if Kid Rock had interfered. Then again at least it would have been a slightly interesting moment, of which the match was devoid. To not have Taker/HBK main event was acceptable given the buildup to Orton/Trips, but to then have those two one on one, no interference etc, with all the outside factors in the feud, made no sense whatsoever.


Oh and the Colons won. LOL what a load of rubbish.

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There's a difference between having fun and posting absolute garbage - the last couple of pages were just embarrassing to read. We have a fairly good standard on this board, far higher than most wrestling-related boards, and I'm not going to stand by and allow it to be dragged down to the levels of dribbling semi-literate idiocy found at places like IGN or GameFAQs.


Sorry Adam i know i was one of the main contributors to that so im sorry

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I enjoyed the main event. A good clean finish, Triple H had to go over after getting punked for the last month (save last week). So Orton beat him last year, Trips gets the win back this year. Orton will probably get the win at Backlash, and they'll be separated in the draft.


Jeff is easily my least favorite superstar, but I loved the ending of that match. Good bit of continuity, since he's taken some REALLY stupid risks/done some really stupid things in his matches in the past that it comes back to get him this time. MITB from two years ago comes to mind, as well as a cage match against the Dudleys ages ago on RAW, where both partners had to escape. He escapes, and Matt is left inside so he gets the crap kicked out of him by the Dudleys and the Dudleys win the match.


The Legends stuff was pretty good, much better than I imagined it would be. Snuka didn't look half bad. He looked a million times better than a few weeks ago when he just looked awful. Piper pulled a Flair, circa 2001 wrestling with his shirt on. That whole angle was saved by Rourke, or it would have been an awful ending. Jericho still beats the legends, embarrassing Flair at the end, and because he was overconfident, and the bit with Rourke ended up being more of a quick fight, and not a wrestling match he can claim that he wasn't ready for it, or whatever. He doesn't lose anything from it. And by the end of his promo tonight we will have all forgotten that he was sent home with his tail between his legs. The Horsemen were famous for that, especially Flair.


At least the tag match wasn't on, and the Colons didn't pollute my screen. I find Carlito to be very bland, and haven't seen Primo, but I hear he will probably be the Shawn Michaels to Carlito's Jannetty (not in terms of overall popularity, simply in the fact that Primo will probably be the star after they break up).


MITB ended how it needed to end. Christian JUST came back. Finlay is the work horse, Kane has been neutered in the last who knows when, Henry is serviceable, but shouldn't be involved with the BIG belts. Kofi is not there yet (and may be better suited for tag/IC reigns), Shelton is athletic, but I can't buy him as a World Champ (not the way he's been built, especially as a heel), and if they hadn't given MVP the US title, they had a ready made storyline for him if he won. He gets the briefcase and gets berated by an uppermid heel (didn't pin anyone, you were lucky, everyone else was out that's why you got the case, whatever) and you show MVP show some self doubt at first, until he finally overcomes this heel and regains his confidence. By then, you start building him up again, and when a heel is champ you can have MVP challenge him, and possibly lose (need not get the title to be put over). If he wins the belt, that much better. But I digress. So really you only had Christian, who again, had just returned, and Punk who is bankable as a solid performer with a good character to build on. You can have him win this time, and be much better prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. He's already had one title reign under his belt, so he won't be caught off guard.


I can't add anything to the Michaels/Taker match that hasn't already been said. I'm usually against having non-title matches ME big events, unless there's been a proper build to it, which I didn't feel this had. Great match. Lackluster build.


The Cena match I thought was acceptable. Great bit with getting them both up for the FU, until Edge jumped off.

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To be fair, a lot of us the up WAY past our bedtimes. I for one tend to get a bit cranky if I don't get all tucked in by 1am.


that plus it was harmless fun.


tbh im still trying to recover from Taker vs HBK like i said before my heart actually stopped for a moment at that 8 count....

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that plus it was harmless fun.


tbh im still trying to recover from Taker vs HBK like i said before my heart actually stopped for a moment at that 8 count....


For me it was when he nailed the second Sweet Chin after tuning up the band. I legitimately thought it was over.


And CQ...Primo the star? Never. The guy just looks weird and is boring. Carlito will probably never make it big now which is a damn shame, a couple of years ago he was on the brink of the main event.

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Star relative to Carlito. Perhaps Primo is James Storm to Carlito's Braden Walker down the line? I will admit to not having seen much of either (I usually don't watch SD), but Carlito needs to keep the fro for anyone to give a damn.
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At least they give a damn whatsoever, Primo's nothing and never will be...Carlito's already done more than Primo ever will, I'm almost sure xD Either way them going over M&M was a shame, but hopefully after a brief stint chasing the belts go back where they belong.
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that plus it was harmless fun.


tbh im still trying to recover from Taker vs HBK like i said before my heart actually stopped for a moment at that 8 count....


One of the best matches ever. I knew KNEW, Undertaker would win, but I found myself thinking "maybe, just maybe..." and I was actually rooting for HBK to end the streak.


HBK deserves so much credit. He is the best performer ever. The way he does the little things to sell a match is unmatched. Him kicking and squirming when he got caught for the Tombstone sold it more than usual.

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One of the best matches ever. I knew KNEW, Undertaker would win, but I found myself thinking "maybe, just maybe..." and I was actually rooting for HBK to end the streak.


HBK deserves so much credit. He is the best performer ever. The way he does the little things to sell a match is unmatched. Him kicking and squirming when he got caught for the Tombstone sold it more than usual.


i Knew taker would win but i was like "no no HBK can't beat him"


second tombstone and kick out my poor cat got thrown across the room...

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Nicole Scherzinger couldn't get a note right at the beginning of the song. Easy on the eyes, not so much on the ears. Lillian Garcia must've been laughing her arse off. :D


"Money in the Bank" Ladder Match

Not a bad match, but not as good as past MITB matches. Disappointed that Punk won it, I was hoping Kane would get the win (although I knew it wouldn't happen) and actually be given a push again, rather than being a big jobber. (is it weird that I was slightly excited when Mark Henry was climbing the turnbuckle to jump on the group?!)


Kid Rock

Need I say anything about this? Hopefully next year we'll have New Kids On The Block... /end sarcasm


25 Diva Battle Royal

1. As much as Santino amuses me, this was a wasted opportunity to actually give one of the divas the title of “Miss Wrestlemania”. Beth Phoenix is constantly referred to as being a “Slammy Award Winner”, this could've just been another way of giving someone that something extra to their character.


2. I thought it was quite rude, especially to the returning divas, not announcing who was in the match. It was a stupid too because it sounded like the announcers didn't have a clue who was in the ring. :rolleyes:


3. No Trish Stratus?! :eek:


4. Joy Giovanni eh, eh... ;)


Chris Jericho vs. Legends

1. If it hadn't been for Steamboat this match would've been pretty much unwatchable. Snuka looks like he'd fall over if there was a slight breeze and even Piper couldn't pull off a legitimate looking kick.


2. I'd been hoping for a while that it would've just been Ricky Steamboat vs Chris Jericho, simply because we've seen Piper and Snuka wrestle recently, but it's been years since Steamboat's been in the ring (at least to my knowledge). After seeing the match, I was left with a “what if?” thought because Steamboat looked phenomenal out there for his age.


3. I almost wet my pants with excitement when Steamboat rolled up Jericho, ala his match against Randy Savage at Wrestlemania III. Thought for a split second there that he'd get the win. :(


4. Mickey Rourke looked like he really didn't want to be there, seemed like it took him an hour to get in the ring too. :rolleyes:


5. I'd have much preferred it if Jericho had won, started a promo about how great he is and every legend should stay out of his ring etc. Cue Stone Cold heading to the ring, Jericho starts with, “and here's the biggest hypocr....” *stunner*... *beer celebration*...


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

Had a feeling that Matt would win this one, and I was hoping he would too. I don't think it lived up to the hype, especially when you know what these two are capable of.


JBL vs. Rey Mysterio

1. What the Hell was up with Rey Mysterio in that face paint?! Made about as much sense as having Kid Rock on the show. :rolleyes:


2. I fast forwarded this match because I didn't want to see it, I just wanted to know the finish. Imagine my surprise when I must've blinked and missed the whole match. Completely pointless, i'd rather have seen Kid Rock again.... ok, maybe not. :p


The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

1. Completely stole the show, as I thought it would. With two superstars as high profile as 'Taker and HBK there was no doubt in my mind that this should've been the main event.


2. I thought 'Taker must've broken his neck for sure when he jumped over the ropes and went straight down head first. :eek:


3. Thought 'Taker might've broken his neck when HBK reversed the Tombstone into a DDT too, that looked nasty! :eek:


4. Moonsault into a Tombstone = awesome beyond words. :cool:




Hall of Fame stuff

Didn't watch this because i'd seen the Hall of Fame ceremony and I was very surprised/shocked at how dull Austin's speech was. :confused:


Edge vs. John Cena vs. Big Show

Didn't watch this because Cena = meh, Edge = can't stand the sight of him, Big Show = terrible as the big monster giant, storyline = awful.


Triple H vs. Randy Orton

Didn't watch this because Triple H was going to win and Orton is about exciting as a watching paint dry on growing grass.


Overall, disappointing. Says a lot that I couldn't even be bothered to watch the two main title matches.

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25 Diva Battle Royal

2. I thought it was quite rude, especially to the returning divas, not announcing who was in the match. It was a stupid too because it sounded like the announcers didn't have a clue who was in the ring. :rolleyes:


Chris Jericho vs. Legends

5. I'd have much preferred it if Jericho had won, started a promo about how great he is and every legend should stay out of his ring etc. Cue Stone Cold heading to the ring, Jericho starts with, “and here's the biggest hypocr....” *stunner*... *beer celebration*...


Completely agree with both of these. Having previous divas like Molly Holly return is 100% pointless if they're not going to have an actual entrance and be introduced. And I was waiting for Stone Cold to interrupt Jericho's post-match antics.

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Wrestlemania is tonight


I was thinking about that with Roddy Piper, Piper looked like he was out of shape and basically out of tune in the match. rating 5/10


In the triple threat match I thought that John Cena had help picking up both the big show and edge, because let's face it can anybody really pick up 735 LBS and then throw them both on the mat unless maybe it's Mark Henry. rating 5/10


As far as the hardy match went down, I thought that Matt hardy should have been the one to lose simply because of the way their making him act on the show. They need to bring back Lita. rating 4/10


In the Randy Orton, Triple H match I think that Randy Orton is way overrated on the fact of how he acts. As far as triple H goes he might be the only one that put's on a good act. The match was good, I give it 9/10 rating.


In the 25 divas battle royal I thought that the whole thing was a farce because they already had all the divas in ring fighting each other. Having Santino dressed up like a woman was terrible and even making him dance was even more terrible. rating 3/10


Overall I think that this year's wrestlemania was better then last years. however I do think that the WWE still needs better matches to fill the show.

overall rating of this year's event 6/10


like have more matches like hair vs. hair or a boxing match featuring Evander holyfield vs. the big show. these would be better matches then having brother vs. brother.

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Wrestlemania is tonight


There is a reason for the triple H vs. Randy Orton match getting 9/10 rating, it's simple I felt that this match was the most realistic match in Wrestlemania, all the rest of the matches were unrealistic The worst match of the evening was the 25 divas battle royal match. having Santino dress up as a woman was indeed a very bad idea, I don't know who thought of it but they need to go back to school, and that dance of his was even more horrible then him wearing the dress.

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When I saw Mickey Rourke, I thought, very clever, that's Ausin in a very good costume, he's gonna take off the hat and the tash, and stunner the ass off Jericho. And what I get is some pretentious actor throwing a punch that takes down a future WWE Legend.


Did some other actor punch Chris Jericho after Mickey Rourke did? You do know he was a professional boxer, right (and was undefeated, too)? "Pretentious" isn't a word you'd use for a guy who gives up a movie career to fight people for a living. "Stupid," maybe, but pretentious? Never.

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Perhaps a bit late, but Wrestlemania has finally sunk in enough for me to judge it.


* = Bad!

** = Meh!

*** = Fine!

**** = Great!

***** = Awesome!

  • Money in the Bank *** Saved by Shelton, Kofi and Christian's balancing act. Learning ftw.
  • Kid Rock Concert * Apparently quite good live. The crowd weren't mic'd very well.
  • Miss Wrestlemania Battle Royal * No entrances. A total cluster.
  • Santina Dances **** Great stuff! The crowd went banana!
  • Chris Jericho vs The Legends ** Fine for what it was. I'm now a Steamboat mark. You've Still Got It!
  • Jericho & Rourke Face Off ** If only he'd won the Oscar. Maybe then people would care.
  • Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy *** I wanted so much more. Not long enough. Not epic enough. Awesome finish.
  • Rey Mysterio vs JBL*** Not a match, but a good angle. JBL bows out in style.
  • Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker ***** If you don't think this was the best match on the show, you don't understand wrestling.
  • John Cena vs Big Show vs Edge *** Solid match. Some nice moments, and Cena is crazy-strong.
  • Randy Orton vs Triple H *** A fine match, well-executed, with a decent story behind it. Just... flat. Anti-climatic ending.

A fine show, but not Wrestlemania-level to me. It missed that Floyd Mayweather/Donald Trump level attraction, and Kid Rock... well... the segment could have been good if it were a relevant, modern star. Wrestlemania should be THE show to appeal to the mainstream. You need celebrities in the crowd, celebrity ring-annoucers, HOWARD FINKEL ANNOUNCING THE MAIN EVENT... It was just missing something.

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Here's a quite from earlier in this thread, made days before WM.


I'm really, really exited. Many great matches on the card but I'm just afraid that the main event of Triple H vs. Orton will be a huge letdown after all the other great matches in the card.


I'm not sure if I replied to this thread already but the only thing I have to say about this years Mania is that if it hadn't been for the Taker vs. Michaels classic, this wrestlemania would have been a huge disappointment and one of the worst Manias in a long time. XXV was completely one match PPV and that one match saved the event. The one match that will be remembered for years to come while all the other matches were somewhat bland and easily forgotten. As much as I liked the MITB and Taker vs. Michaels, other matches didn't live up to the expectations. It'll be interesting to see what the WWE will do with next years Mania, knowing that both Championship matches bombed with Taker vs. Michaels being clearly the best thing in the show.


Next year you can't live up to that Taker - Michaels match, it can't be done.. I'd love to see Michaels getting the last World title run by next year. On another note people are quite bored to see Triple H headlining Mania.. They need to elevate the young stars with potential within the year for the next Mania to succeed.

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