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Wrestlemania is tonight


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My brother got tickets to the show as he lives right outside of Houston, TX and decided he should do it, finally. This will be his first WWE live show and he got to meet Shawn Michaels already, he just sent me pics and I'll post them here soon. He's excited about the show...


I'm not so excited, it's about time to see Jeff vs. Matt, I think they are probably the longest lived tag team who haven't broken up for personal reasons in-story. I think so...


Orton/HHH will be exciting, these two put on great matches all the time, and together, I mean come on! This will be match of the show :D

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I'm really, really exited. Many great matches on the card but I'm just afraid that the main event of Triple H vs. Orton will be a huge letdown after all the other great matches in the card. I'm looking forward to the MITB, Hardy vs. Hardy and Michaels vs. Taker. I also hope that there will not be any major injuries during the matches and during the show, it'll be a big disappointment if one match ends because of an injury.
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Okay, Derek, Candyman, maybe I should have highlighted the key phrase in that last post of mine. IF the issue Fredreed raised persists long enough


That in my mind is a pretty big if right now. And that's even assuming you believe it's a valid issue. To be fair I don't watch often enough or consistently enough to be able to say whether I believe in his point at all. From what I can see, they seem to be positioning young talent pretty well at the moment. But even if you disagree as Fredreed seems to, you gotta figure it would be several years before they'd be nearing trouble from it.


And I'm sorry but yes WCW was a shock. Should it have been in retrospect? Maybe not. But even with the warning signs, that was a pretty big golden goose to see killed. Companies of that size with that long a history weren't failing at the beginning of this decade as routinely as they seem to have in the last eight months or so. The crumbling have been a slow process. But the actual collapse happened quickly. Mere weeks before it happened, possible resuce scenarios were still flying around. True, none of them would ultimately come about. But for those of us who don't read the Kellers and the Meltzers and all, it was still a pretty DAMN!! kind of moment when the McMahons appeared on Nitro and finished the process off.

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Wrestlemania is tonight


Speaking on WWE, I like watching WWE but the only reason that haven't switched to watching TNA Wrestling is because of superstars like Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Jerry Lawler, and I also primarily don't like the fact that even though wrestling is not real, I don't like that you have superstars like Chris Jericho , or Randy Orton kicking people in the heads like Randy Orton loves to do I don't like that. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton were both great superstars when they first broke into the wrestling business but now they have allowed their egos get the best of them. Chris Jericho keeps forgetting that sooner or later nobody in the WWE will tolerate his behavior. As for Randy Orton he's just plain stupid with the way he acts. Vince honestly doesn't care I don't think. Speaking Of Chris Benoit when he murdered himself Vince didn't care he spoke about it but that was it, Vince doesn't care about anything except for himself just like Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero is a perfect example of someone who cares more about about herself then about the superstars. I mean let's face it when Eddie Guerrero died who cared about that not Vickie, Chavo cared about Eddie's death not Vickie, Vickie cares about one thing and that is the estate he left behind when he died. Now I don't know if this is a act on her part or if this is her true feelings toward Eddie's death. In conclusion I let me say that the WWE is better off without Vickie then with her as GM.

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I agree with justtxyank


Jericho and Orton are doing their character, I doubt Orton goes out on the streets and kicks some random person in the head


And I don't know how Vickie felt when Eddie died but if I remember right she was there when Rey won the title and was in tears.


I'll take what you say as you just don't read what happens backstage, this is all fake and it's like Vince McMahon says, it’s an entertainment business

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Speaking on WWE, I like watching WWE but the only reason that haven't switched to watching TNA Wrestling is because of superstars like Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Jerry Lawler, and I also primarily don't like the fact that even though wrestling is not real, I don't like that you have superstars like Chris Jericho , or Randy Orton kicking people in the heads like Randy Orton loves to do I don't like that. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton were both great superstars when they first broke into the wrestling business but now they have allowed their egos get the best of them. Chris Jericho keeps forgetting that sooner or later nobody in the WWE will tolerate his behavior. As for Randy Orton he's just plain stupid with the way he acts. Vince honestly doesn't care I don't think. Speaking Of Chris Benoit when he murdered himself Vince didn't care he spoke about it but that was it, Vince doesn't care about anything except for himself just like Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero is a perfect example of someone who cares more about about herself then about the superstars. I mean let's face it when Eddie Guerrero died who cared about that not Vickie, Chavo cared about Eddie's death not Vickie, Vickie cares about one thing and that is the estate he left behind when he died. Now I don't know if this is a act on her part or if this is her true feelings toward Eddie's death. In conclusion I let me say that the WWE is better off without Vickie then with her as GM.


Wow really?

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Incidentally, to answer the original question, I'm going to be passing on Wrestlemania. Not that it doesn't look like a good card. But I just lack the passion for the E's product these days.


And you know I was thinking about it yesterday morning while watching TNA's replay of Impact. I never watch the original telecast. Getting up and watching the replay on Saturday morning is better because it feels more like happier, more diverse wrestling times that way. But I may be losing my passion for mutli-hour wrestling telecasts in general. I'm usually pretty happy with TNA's shows. But even while I enjoyed most of the material, I did find myself looking at the clock often and thinking, "Man it's only been a half hour?" or whatever point it was in the show. And I can't tell you the last time I watched a full RAW or Smackdown. I don't know if that's a pacing issue on the part of the companies or if it's more a case of I've just been falling out of love with TV and movies in general in recent years. But Lord do I miss single hour wrestling shows.

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With all the recent talk about "It's bad to post about pirated stuff, illegal downloading." I am unsure as to whether or not I should post this, and if I shouldn't then by all means delete this and forget I ever said anything but.....


Does anyone know a site that will give us a live stream of the show?

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Speaking on WWE, I like watching WWE but the only reason that haven't switched to watching TNA Wrestling is because of superstars like Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Jerry Lawler, and I also primarily don't like the fact that even though wrestling is not real, I don't like that you have superstars like Chris Jericho , or Randy Orton kicking people in the heads like Randy Orton loves to do I don't like that. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton were both great superstars when they first broke into the wrestling business but now they have allowed their egos get the best of them. Chris Jericho keeps forgetting that sooner or later nobody in the WWE will tolerate his behavior. As for Randy Orton he's just plain stupid with the way he acts. Vince honestly doesn't care I don't think. Speaking Of Chris Benoit when he murdered himself Vince didn't care he spoke about it but that was it, Vince doesn't care about anything except for himself just like Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero is a perfect example of someone who cares more about about herself then about the superstars. I mean let's face it when Eddie Guerrero died who cared about that not Vickie, Chavo cared about Eddie's death not Vickie, Vickie cares about one thing and that is the estate he left behind when he died. Now I don't know if this is a act on her part or if this is her true feelings toward Eddie's death. In conclusion I let me say that the WWE is better off without Vickie then with her as GM.




Regarding Mania, I won't be watching it live, but I'll definitely watch it sooner than later, even though the card could be better, and some of the matches could've been built better (Edge vs Show vs Cena reminds me why a PG approach to wrestling sucks: cartoonish storylines), but...this is Wrestlemania, and usually the E delivers at Mania

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With all the recent talk about "It's bad to post about pirated stuff, illegal downloading." I am unsure as to whether or not I should post this, and if I shouldn't then by all means delete this and forget I ever said anything but.....


Does anyone know a site that will give us a live stream of the show?


No, as I have a concious. Like a man who is about to shell out £15 for a canadian, a jock and a fat guy to swap punches. And I'm looking forward to it.


EDIT: I put Woman, and I'm a dude, so I think thats a typo. Or I'm sending myself mixed signals...

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The WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo vs. World Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz Unified Tag Team Championship Lumberjack Match has been pulled from tonight's WrestleMania XXV pay-per-view broadcast.


WWE Universe moderator Corey issued the following statement in his blog this afternoon: "UPDATE: 4:26 p.m. ET: I just received word that tonight's Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Lumberjack Match between The Colons and The Miz & John Morrison will open tonight's WrestleMania, as an exclusive pre-show match that will only be seen on the WrestleMania DVD."


It is unknown whether WWE will stream the match on WWE.com as they did with the dark match battle royal last year.

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