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HBK is the best ever


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I am the biggest Steamboat mark in the world (boyhood idol) and I love Sting. Flair is awesome, and I think Randy Savage is the most underrated worker of all time. Bret Hart was amazing.


Shawn Michaels is heads and shoulders, unequivocally, beyond a shadow of the doubt, the best of all time. I've never seen him have a bad match, and he always brings out the best in everyone. Everything he does in the ring makes the match a little bit better, and whether he wins or loses, his opponents ALWAYS look good.


It's a shame to me that the E hasn't given him a title run in 7? years while Randy Orton and HHH get to bore me to death in the main event of Wrestlemania. I know HBK doesn't need a title reign to validate his career, but he should get one none the less.

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I am the biggest Steamboat mark in the world (boyhood idol) and I love Sting. Flair is awesome, and I think Randy Savage is the most underrated worker of all time. Bret Hart was amazing.


Shawn Michaels is heads and shoulders, unequivocally, beyond a shadow of the doubt, the best of all time. I've never seen him have a bad match, and he always brings out the best in everyone. Everything he does in the ring makes the match a little bit better, and whether he wins or loses, his opponents ALWAYS look good.


It's a shame to me that the E hasn't given him a title run in 7? years while Randy Orton and HHH get to bore me to death in the main event of Wrestlemania. I know HBK doesn't need a title reign to validate his career, but he should get one none the less.





HBK is both brilliant on the mic and in the ring, especially considering he's now 43. I will say HHH deserves his spot at the top, but Orton will always be questionable in my eyes. Nothing bugged me more last night than seeing him bounce off the ring post and the... roll into the ring?! He's a slightly above average wrestler with a slightly above average look with next to no charisma. If I ran a company he'd be the type of guy who I use as midcard filler for folks who have no one else to feud with at the moment. How he ever ascended to the Main Event in the WWE is beyond me.


Meanwhile, HBK is both one of the most entertaining workers on the microphone and puts in amazing matches, and he's not in the title picture?

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Consistency is the man's middle name. He even made a great match out of Batista. I will always love and respect Shawn Michaels due to the performances he gives out. you'd think his run up to 1998 was enough, but no. He comes back four years later and still rocks the house like no other. Triple threat at WMXX = classic. vs. Angle = iconic. vs. Vince in a hardcore spotfest = memorable. vs. Cena = awesome(and their Mania match was miles better than the overrated one-hour fest they put on Raw weeks later). vs. Flair = memorable once again. And now we come to this year where Shawn tops himself again, along with another great worker in Undertaker.


The day those guys retire(which isn't in long) will be a sad day indeed.

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but Orton will always be questionable in my eyes. Nothing bugged me more last night than seeing him bounce off the ring post and the... roll into the ring?! He's a slightly above average wrestler with a slightly above average look with next to no charisma. If I ran a company he'd be the type of guy who I use as midcard filler for folks who have no one else to feud with at the moment. How he ever ascended to the Main Event in the WWE is beyond me.


Couldn't disagree with you more... Orton selling to the ring made sense as a way to escape Hunter (Albeit questionable)... his original ascent to the Main Event was very questionable but lately Orton has been one of the best heels in wrestling... he has carried the feud vs. Hunter lately as Hunter has done the same old **** he always does (Look like a monster, rinse, repeat).


Michael's does deserve a title run though. Match ruled live!

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I've always been a fan of Shawn's. I was too young to really know him when he was just turning into HBK, however, my earliest memories was of him and Bret Hart. Their match-ups were absoultely ridiculous... And even though I was young.. I could tell that they were the cream of the crop in the industry.


Fast forward to now... And Shawn is STILL that man. Sure he has a little wear and tear on him and can't quite do the explosive things he once did when he was younger (Small things... The spring in his step is a little slower these days), however, he has actually improved with age and is, hands down, the strongest performer in and out of the ring in the WWE.


I'd LOVE to see a title reign for Shawn but I honestly don't know if we'll see it anytime soon. Then again, with that being said, I wish.. wish.. wish that the WWE would do the smart thing and put the title on him. I'd love an HBK/Orton campaign for the title or an HBK/CM Punk program. Shawn as the veteran champion and the others as the younger talents nipping at his heels.


If not that, It'd be great to see EDGE move over to RAW and have the two feud over the title. I don't know if I've ever seen the two work a match together (I'm sure they have... it escapes me though). Two men who give it their all in the ring... Would spit out some great, classic, match-ups.

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If not that, It'd be great to see EDGE move over to RAW and have the two feud over the title. I don't know if I've ever seen the two work a match together (I'm sure they have... it escapes me though).


Edge and Michaels had a brief feud in 2004 when HHH was the champion, it led to some good matches and a Street Fight I believe. They had another Street fight in early 2006 in the whole DX vs Rated RKO debacle.

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HBK is both brilliant on the mic and in the ring, especially considering he's now 43. I will say HHH deserves his spot at the top, but Orton will always be questionable in my eyes. Nothing bugged me more last night than seeing him bounce off the ring post and the... roll into the ring?! He's a slightly above average wrestler with a slightly above average look with next to no charisma. If I ran a company he'd be the type of guy who I use as midcard filler for folks who have no one else to feud with at the moment. How he ever ascended to the Main Event in the WWE is beyond me.


Meanwhile, HBK is both one of the most entertaining workers on the microphone and puts in amazing matches, and he's not in the title picture?


Agree on HBK, hugely disagree on Orton. Orton's in-ring skills aren't great, but "average look" and "next to no charisma" is just incorrect. Are his mic skills great? No. But look at what he can do to the crowd with his facial expressions- he's right up there with the Undertaker in that department. And "above average" look? He's 6'4 and sculpted! Once he put on some weight in Evolution it was obvious he would eventually be a top guy.


As far as HBK goes, there's no question but that he is one of the best in-ring performers in WWE history. I think sometimes people excuse his mic skills, which are good, but not exceptional, because he's so charismatic and well-liked.


But you have to keep in mind that in the real world the business isn't about putting on wrestling matches (contrary to TEW), it's about making money. And the champion is generally the guy best able to make the company money. While HBK is loved by those in the business, he doesn't have nearly the crossover appeal of a guy like Cena, and doesn't have that "instant credibility" from casual and non-fans because he's in his 40's, has thinning hair, and isn't particularly big. I just don't see WWE making HBK the face of the promotion absent some old-school HBK power play where he threatens to retire unless he gets one last run.

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Why is there still this Orton hate? He isn't incredible in the ring, (although he is improving), but he is the best heel the WWE has, and when you consider Edge and Jericho are knocking about, that is saying something. His character is probably the most captivating in a while, and while his promos used to be rather boring, they are now suddenly, really, really good.


Still, I'm going off-topic. Shawn Michaels before the back injury, even if he was a bit of a d*** backstage, was the best wrestler I have ever seen. Even now, Michaels is one of the best when he's on-form. One of the only gripes I have with him is that he has a tendency to "phone it in" sometimes - and while Michaels doing that is still better then 99% of the WWE Roster, you can really tell the difference when he is really trying, like at WrestleMania with the Deadman.


If really is Michaels' last year (I think the Undertaker has a couple more years in him at the level he is working at, and I'm suspecting they'll go to 20-0), then I really hope he has more matches with Undertaker and one last title run. Someone on the Rajah forums suggested Michaels/Jericho at WM 26 with Michaels as the Champion in the Main Event for his last match and I would personally love that.

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Regarding Orton, I belive he's earned his spot at the top, he's got a great look, a great finisher(s), decent wrestling skills, and his "rag doll" selling is awesome. Promo wise he's improved a lot, although last Raw's promo was awful.


On topic now, HBK is definitely one of the best, and has been involved in the best matches on the post-Attitude Era, his match with Kurt Angle at Mania 21 is, to me, a five star match and the best in this decade, with Rock/Austin at Mania X-7 and Taker/Michaels at this Mania close behind.

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I am the biggest Steamboat mark in the world (boyhood idol) and I love Sting. Flair is awesome, and I think Randy Savage is the most underrated worker of all time. Bret Hart was amazing.


Shawn Michaels is heads and shoulders, unequivocally, beyond a shadow of the doubt, the best of all time. I've never seen him have a bad match, and he always brings out the best in everyone. Everything he does in the ring makes the match a little bit better, and whether he wins or loses, his opponents ALWAYS look good.


It's a shame to me that the E hasn't given him a title run in 7? years while Randy Orton and HHH get to bore me to death in the main event of Wrestlemania. I know HBK doesn't need a title reign to validate his career, but he should get one none the less.


Couldn't agree more. Undertaker vs. HBK was absolutely fantastic and a joy to watch, and HBK is indeed the best ever. Especially at Mania.

Orton vs. HHH was incredibly boring. Why HHH has to put on a borefest every year at Mania in the main event is beyond me.


I don't have much love for Flair, Sting or Hart, though, but that's a different discussion. :p

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When I was a kid I used to absolutely love (not in that way) Bret Hart. Had posters of him and everything.


HBK one of my faves though, just so entertaining. HBK vs Taker just an amazing match and other recent HBK matches I can think of as being awesome are the hour long match with Cena on an episode of Raw, the Mania match vs Angle and a Last Man Standing match against HHH at one of the Royal Rumbles 3/4/5 years ago.

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