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SOTBPW Viva La Lucha! (C-Verse)

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My name is Clayton Adams and my whole life I had one dream to compete in CZCW with some of the best athletes in the world. I trained my whole life for this opportunity, starting wrestling school at the ripe age of 14. My parents were never very thrilled of the idea, “it’s all fake” they would tell me as I would go to every live show that I could scrap up enough money for. My father took it extremely hard, especially when I decided to take up ballet at the age of 16 to help with my flexibility and coordination. He threatened to disown me, even went as far as calling me gay on more than one occasion. Of course I wasn’t, sure I never had a girlfriend, but who could find time between studying for school and perfecting the art of taking a bump.


When I graduated High school most of my friends went on to college, Stanford, UCLA, but not me I stayed at home with my parents working a part time job at a pizza shop so I would have enough money to continue training and one day land my dream job. I knew that all I had to do was meet with Cliff Anderson and he would see my dedication and desire to learn.


Last year I felt I was really coming into my own as a wrestler, I had been working the independent circuit for awhile now and felt I had enough to make a highlight reel of myself. My trainer, the legendary Steve Flash, helped me put together my reel and even offered to put more than a good word in for me. Who was I to say no? Everyone in the business admired Steve and if he was to praise me then surely Mr. Anderson would have no choice but to listen, all I had to do was sit back and wait.


Months would go by and there was never any mention of me getting called into the big leagues. Steve told me not to lose hope these kinds of things take time, but who was he kidding? My father was getting annoyed with my little “project” he had even started demanding I pay him rent for living there. The pizza shack wasn’t paying me nearly enough so I was able to train less and less each month instead paying for room and board with my parents. Steve had seen the decline in my attendance and asked what the problem was. I told him the story and he seemed to legitly show concern for me. He made a few more phone calls for me as the winter months came around that’s when he told me about the chance of a life time, Mr. Anderson wanted to have a sit down with me the first week of November. It wasn’t a job by any means, but I knew that he would see the same thing in me that Steve saw and find me a spot on the roster. I told my parents of the big break and they agreed to allow me to not pay the next month’s rent so I could focus on my training. As the days drew near I trained harder and harder realizing I only had one shot at this thing.


Finally the day had come, I put on my best suit…alright it was a polo shirt and jeans, still not bad for a kid making minimum wage at the pizza shack. Went I got to CZCW headquarters Mr. Anderson greeted me and gave me a quick tour of the facility. It was small but I didn’t care all I wanted to do was live the dream. After about an hour of talking business Cliff showed me to the ring where none other than Insane Machine was waiting for me, my heart literally skipped a beat, could this be real? I got into my wrestling attire and wrestled Insane Machine for about 15 minutes; it was like something I’d never experienced before. When we were done Mr. Anderson said he was truly impressed and I should be expecting a phone call in the weeks to come. Excited I raced back to the gym and told Steve all about it. He told me not to get my hopes up just yet, but I’m sure that’s something they just tell him to say so that his students don’t get a big head.


Weeks went by and I never heard from CZCW or Cliff Anderson. It was nearly Christmas and to say that my moral was at an all time low would be an understatement. Steve tried to cheer me up but it was no use, my dream had sailed and here I was now 20 years old and nothing to show for myself. I made my way home that night contemplating quitting. When I walked in my mom told me I had mail, assuming it was another bill I blew it off until after dinner. Mom had made my favorite Chicken and Dumplings, she really knew how to cheer me up. After dinner I went through my mail and it was just as I expected. Bills, bills, and some strange letter with a letter head I had never seen before…SOTBPW? Confused I opened the letter, then apparently screamed like a school girl because both my parents ran into the room with a look of grave concern on their faces. It seems Mr. Anderson had forwarded my highlight reel along with a personalized letter to a mister Jorge Ibanez who is the owner of this…Mexican? Company. Mr. Ibanez liked what he saw on the reel and said that judging by Mr. Anderson’s kind words I may have a future in the Lucha business. He went on to say that he would like to me give his company a call to arrange a tryout with his company, all expenses paid of course. My mother began to cry, and my father cursed asking what the hell I knew about Mexico? Good question.


After making the phone call and talking to Mr. Ibanez, who speaks surprisingly well English by the way, we decided that I would have my tryout the first Friday of the New Year; this should also give me some time to look up how wrestling works in Mexico.


My name is Clayton Adams and this is my Lucha story.




O.O.C. I have decided to do some double duty here. I am really loving my WCW diary and am not expecting it to go anywhere. However, I also love the C-Verse and no one has really found a nitch in the Mexican market. I'm hoping I can do that and have lots of fun in the process. As always feedback good or bad is always welcome.

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I landed in Acapulco, Mexico early Friday morning excited about the day to come. My excitement ended quickly however when I realized no one here spoke English! As I asked a local cab driver for directions to SOTBPW all I received in response was a look of be wilderness. Panicking only slightly I rushed to a nearby store inside the airport only to discover my money was useless here. I began to wonder if this was all just a cruel joke and I would be lost here forever. As I scanned over the crowd of locals my heart leapt when I saw a small Mexican looking man holding a sign that read:

Senior Adams


Well my first name wasn’t senior, but I decided to take a chance and approached the man. I explained to him that my last name was Adams, and was more than pleased when we laughing said I was the man he was looking for.


From there I was taken by car about 45 minutes down the street to what appeared to be SOTBPW headquarters. Once there I met with that man in charge Mr. Ibanez who was very quick with his pleasantries. He explained to me that this wouldn’t be a normal tryout. This was actually going to be a dark match on their weekly TV show against one of their top heels Enrique Merino. My research of SOTBPW reminded me that Enrique was one half of the tag team Los Sickness. He played a vampire gimmick and from what I had seen on youtube he was an above average flyer. I could learn a lot from this man, the question was would he teach me?


Mr. Ibanez led me to the training facility where Enrique and a man by the name of The Gatekeeper were waiting on me to go over the match. My heart was racing, this was so much bigger than anything I had been part of before, this was an actual match in front of more than just a couple of people…let’s just hope my nerves don’t get the best of me.


Meet My Opponent:




Name: Enrique Merino

Age: 25

Push: Upper Midcard

Pop: D+

Gimmick: Vampiric

Rumble: D-

Technical: E+

Flying: C

Entertainment: C

Performance: B-

Physical: C+


Outlook: Merino is one half of the 3 times tag team champions Los Sickness. He is currently in one of the biggest stables in Mexican history La Alianza Del Terror. Merino looks like he will not only be a fixture in the main event scene for awhile, but it also looks like he will be a massive part in what happens here in SOTBPW.


O.O.C. My next post is going to be a complete roster of people, titles, etc. My question to you, the reader, is would you prefer a detailed report like the one above for each person I face. Or would you rather have all of this for each person on the roster post?


It's also worth mentioning that while I plan to write this in the perspective of a young up and comer I'm still going to give detailed show reports and keep it like a regular diary not just follow my wrestler.

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I am excited by the intro, and looking forward to seeing a Mexican promotion. Mexico is one of my favorite regions to play in.


Thanks man. It's mine as well just because of all the characters they have. There are more than a few people who I think I could write about for hours on end.


Sign Extranjero Loco!


Or someone with talent.



I actually gave him a developmental deal in my SWF game... he's turning into a bonafide future superstar there.


Thanks for the advice I'll look into that. I just ran my first show and used all except 3 workers, so I will definatly be bringing in at least a few new guys.


To the option question.. I don't really know but I will say this: Don't burn yourself out with those long bios. It'll take a while for you to describe everyone on the roster. Looking forward to this :)


Thanks for the reply man it's greatly appreciated. I agree whole heartedly on how long it will take that's why I was leaning towards doing it as I wrestler them. The issues with that then becomes it's harder to "emerse" you guys in my story if you don't have all the pieces up front.



Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you in this diary.

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Main Event:


Axxis Jr. (C-)

Champagne Lover (B)

El Demonio ©

El Fuerza (B-)

Pablo Rodriguez (B)



Upper Midcard:


Blood Raven (D+)

Enrique Merino (D+)

Mario Heroic (C-)

Mexican Ghoul (D)

Tijuana Vampire (D+)





El Diamante Azul (E+)

Junior Youth (E+)

Leon Joven (E+)

Lobo Blanco (D-)

Mexican Beast (D)

Pirata Malvado (D-)

Rebel De Loco (D-)

The Cannonball Kid (E)


Lower Midcard:


Gonzalo Rubio (E-)

Magik (E)

Verdugo Estupendo (E+)

Vincente Romero (E)






Hysteria (E-)

Reaper Cicero (E-)

Reaper Dante (E-)



Enhancement Talent:


Demon Seed (E-)

The Masked Avatar (F-)





Jennifer Heat (Champagne Lover)

Lucia (Leon Joven)



Mateo Hidalgo


Color Commentator:


Eduardo Prieto





Fast Navarro

Referee Ramirez



Road Agent:


The Gatekeeper



Jorge Ibanez


Tag Teams:


Circus of Death (Reaper Cicero and Reaper Dante)

Las Pesadillas (Mexican Ghoul and Mexican Beast)

Los Jovenes (Leon Joven and El Diamante Azul)

Los Sickness (Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino)





La Alianza Del Terror (El Demonio, Enrique Merino, Pirata Malvado, Tijuana Vampire and Verdugo Estupendo)

Redemption (Blood Raven, Mexican Beast, Mexican Ghoul, and Pablo Rodriguez)



Titles: (In order of prestige)


Campeon De Mundo:


Champagne Lover (Week 1 November 2007 – Present)


Campeones De Parejas:


Los Sickness (Week 1 August 2007 – Present)

Campeones De Trios:


Vincente Romero, Junior Youth and Hysteria (Week 1 July 2007 – Present)


Campeon De Menor:


Pirata Malvado (Week 1 September 2007 – Present)

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My Vitals:



Name: The Masked Avatar

Age: 20

Push: Enhancement Talent

Gimmick: Old School Face

Rumble: E

Technical: E

Flying: D

Entertainment: C

Performance: B

Physical: B



Northern Mexico: 0.0

South Eastern Mexico: 0.0

West Central Mexico: 0.0

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SOTBPW Proudly Presents:

Lucha Libre

Live from Auditorio Del Estado in Acapulco, Mexico

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)

Aired On: Los Deporte Hoy



Pre Show:

The Masked Avatar Vs. Enrique Merino


Minutes before my dark match with Merino I was handed a very ugly green and pink mask by The Gatekeeper. He explained to me that tradition dictated that I wear the Masked Avatar mask until an official contract was reached. I didn’t really mind either way you looked at it I was about to compete in front of 2,000 people that’s 100 times more people than my biggest show. I came out to the ring with no music at all, not even a spot light on me so people could see me coming. Merino however, came out to “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed. He was flanked on both sides by his partner Tijuana Vampire and Verdugo Estupendo. The fans booed and hissed at the three members of La Alianza Del Terror which I guess made me the face by default. Something new to me was the two of three falls rule in Mexico. Apparently that’s standard matches down here and it took Merino about 30 seconds to get the first pin on me. After that I regained my composure and even got a couple of minutes of offense in before going for a 360 splash off the top rope only to get pushed off by Tijuana Vampire. As I clutched the back of my head in pain Merino picked me up and began toying with me much to the displeasure of the fans. Finally in just under 5 minutes he scored his second his second pin of the night over me and won the match with relative ease.


Enrique Merino defeated The Masked Avatar in 4:56 by pinfall with a Virus Infection.

Rating: D+



Main Show:

Circus of Death Vs. Las Pesadillas


Circus of Death came to the ring first and while having a very unique gimmick they fail to connect with the fans at all. Las Pesadillas has the advantage strictly based on awesome masks. Mexican Beast looks like he perhaps had a fight with a bear and to make him even more badass it looks like he won. This was the case in this match where he treated Reaper Dante like the bear and pummeled him with stiff right hands. When Dante looked like he had enough Mexican Beast hit him with a sick looking modified shoulder breaker that scored the victory.


Las Pesadillas defeated Circus Of Death in 6:11 when Mexican Beast defeated Reaper Dante by pinfall with a Beast Breaker.

Rating: E+



Rebel De Loco Vs. Demon Seed


This was a fast paced match between the technician Demon Seed and the flyer Rebel De Loco. Rebel proved to be at one with the ropes hitting an amazing looking Pescado, or a plancha, in American terms. He then hit a 450 senton followed by a Twisting Moonsault for the win.


Rebel De Loco defeated Demon Seed in 5:54 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Twisting Moonsault.

Rating: D+



After the match Rebel De Loco grabbed the mic and told Pirata Malvado to watch his back because he is coming for his title.

Rating: D



Gonzalo Rubio Vs. Leon Joven W/ Lucia


Leon Joven came to the ring with the lovely Lucia, which normally would be a good thing, except these two couldn’t play off each other to save their life. To make things worse things only got worse from there. Joven hit a diving spear on Rubio but the fans didn’t seem to come to life at all. Rubio would then get some offense of his own getting Joven in a Crossface, but Joven made it to the ropes in time before he had to tap. Joven would then get back on top after hitting a flying shoulder block followed by a Moonsault.


León Joven defeated Gonzalo Rubio in 8:48 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Moonsault.

Rating: E+



Vincente Romero, Junior Youth and Hysteria Vs. Magik, The Cannonball Kid and El Diamante Azul


Hysteria had the best looking match in this one looking like something out of a sci-fi movie. His partner Junior Youth had a pretty good showing hitting The Cannonball Kid with a running bulldog and reversing an atomic drop by doing a black flip over his opponent and hitting dropkick.


Vincente Romero, Junior Youth and Hysteria defeated Magik, The Cannonball Kid and El Diamante Azul in 9:48 when Hysteria defeated El Diamante Azul by pinfall with an Anarchy Hook.

Rating: D-



Blood Raven Vs. Pirata Malvado


Two great flyers in this one…but only one pirate. Malvado went for the early win with a Frog splash off the top rope, but Raven reversed the pin only managing a 2 count. Raven would hit an amazing Dragonrana just missing a three count. Pirata would get the advantage back however after Diving Headbutt then using the ropes to make the pin.


Pirata Malvado defeated Blood Raven in 9:43 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D+



Malvado jumps out of the ring next and digs around in a small bag he brought to the ring. He then proceeds to bring a marker into the ring. He then turns Raven face down and begins to draw a treasure map on his back. Laughing Malvado puts the X right on the backside of Blood Raven then screams to the crowd “I’ve found me booty!”

Rating: D+



Axxis Jr. Vs. El Demonio


Finally getting into the meat of the show, these two didn’t disappoint. Axxis started things off first by playing off the crowds cheers and delivering hard right hands to his opponent. Demonio would battle back countering his punches with rights of his own. Axxis would then slingshot his opponent into all four turnbuckles and the crowd would eat it up. He would then climb the top turnbuckle going for a sunset flip, but El Demonio would counter falling onto his opponent and getting the near fall. From there El Demonio would battle back with hard lefts and right then a devastating DDT. Then end would come when El Demonio locked in the Eternal Agony, a modified Sharpshooter that forced Axxis to tap.


El Demonio defeated Axxis Jr. in 15:29 by submission with an Eternal Agony.

Rating: C



After the match the rest of La Alianza Del Terror entered the ring and began a brutal assault on Axxis. The attack lasted several minutes until Redemption came running down to the ring and La Alianza Del Terror fled before a fight could ensue.

Rating: D+



Mario Heroic Vs. El Fuerza


Fuerza made his much anticipated debut to SOTBPW but not before Heroic took 10 minutes coming to the ring. Heroic made his slow entrance showering himself with rose petals and kissing the hand of any female in sight. After the official finally made Heroic get into the ring he proved that he was an amazing athlete, and more importantly he hid many of the glaring flaws Fuerza has. The match only lasted over 11 minutes a whole one minute longer than Mario’s actual entrance. Despite El Fuerza’s clear lack of talent he was still able to hit a series of high power moves to include a Powerbomb almost out of thin air.


El Fuerza defeated Mario Heroic in 11:37 by pinfall with a Powerbomb.

Rating: C



After the match El Fuerza celebrated with the fans, but Mario was beside himself. He attacked El Fuerza the first chance he got and didn’t stop until the SOTBPW champion Champagne Lover hit the ring to protect his friend.

Rating: C+



Final Rating: C-

TV Rating: 0.06

Notes: Despite the lower rating than I wanted I will still consider this a success due to this being the first show I booked in Mexico and with SOTBPW.



My Stat Changes:

Popularity in South Eastern Mexico: Change from 0.00 to 2.00

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After the show concluded I went back to the locker room to shower where I was congratulated by a few of the guys for a solid performance. I was a little skeptical of it myself but after sitting down with The Gatekeeper and Enrique, yes that’s his real name I asked, I discovered that of the seven matches of the night we were probably the fourth best match. Granted Enrique did most of the work, but I’ll still take a little credit.


After a quick shower I was told to head to the board room where Mr. Ibanez, The Gatekeeper and Pablo Rodriquez (apparently he’s the head booker, who knew.) were waiting on me. We exchanged pleasantries and then it was business as usual. Mr. Ibanez said he was pleased with what he saw from me today, and while I’m in no way a huge asset to the roster I can be of use. He then produced a contract from his brief case and said I would be used as the jobber The Masked Avatar for now and be on a PPA salary of 100 dollars per show. He then went on to explain that most of the guys on the roster were sharing apartments and he suggested I get with them to see if someone needed a roommate. Well it wasn’t the small fortune I was hoping for, but even Steve Flash had to start somewhere…right?



O.O.C. I'm not sure how much of the backstage stuff I'm actually going to do. I did this one to tie up the loose end of me not having a contract. I'll leave it up to you guys though would you want to see some of the dealings backstage, or would you rather just me focus on the in ring stuff.

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Solid first show. I'm not a huge fan of backstage stuff in general, but I may be in the minority. If you could do something interesting with it, meeting your opponents, one per show, introducing their characters in that way, I might go for it.


As someone who isn't very familiar with Mexico, I'd love some pictures included with the matches. Your descriptions of the characters are pretty vivid (I love Heroic's entrance) but... I'm a visual guy. I like pictures.

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Meet My Opponent:






Name: Tijuana Vampire

Age: 29

Push: Upper Midcard

Pop: D+

Gimmick: Vampiric

Rumble: D-

Technical: E-

Flying: C

Entertainment: C

Performance: C+

Physical: C+


Outlook: Identical to his partner in nearly every way, this makes my next opponent pretty easy to write about. Tijuana is one half of the 3 times tag team champions Los Sickness. He is currently in one of the biggest stables in Mexican history La Alianza Del Terror. Tijuana looks like he will not only be a fixture in the main event scene for awhile, but it also looks like he will be a massive part in what happens here in SOTBPW.



SOTBPW Lucha Libre

Quick Picks:


Champagne Lover and El Fuerza Vs. Mario Heroic and ???

Pablo Rodriquez Vs. Enrique Merino

Blood Raven Vs. Pirate Malvado

Rebel De Loco Vs. Junior Youth

Hysteria Vs. Axxis Jr.

The Cannonball Kid Vs. Vincente Romero

El Diamante Azul Vs. Demon Seed

The Masked Avatar Vs. Tijuana Vampire

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Never count out a mystery man, that's what I always say.


Champagne Lover and El Fuerza Vs. Mario Heroic and ???

Pablo Rodriquez Vs. Enrique Merino

Blood Raven Vs. Pirate Malvado

Rebel De Loco Vs. Junior Youth

Hysteria Vs. Axxis Jr.

The Cannonball Kid Vs. Vincente Romero

El Diamante Azul Vs. Demon Seed

The Masked Avatar Vs. Tijuana Vampire

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SOTBPW Proudly Presents:

Lucha Libre

Live from Auditorio Del Estado in Acapulco, Mexico

Friday Week 2 January 2008

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)

Aired On: Los Deporte Hoy



Pre Show:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TheMaskedAvatar-1.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TijuanaVampire-1.jpg

The Masked Avatar Vs. Tijuana Vampire


This match was about a carbon copy of the one I had last week. Tijuana has a very similar style to his partner Merino. The main difference was Tijuana actually bit me on more than one occasion, a move I’m sure my girl friend would not like, lucky for him I don’t have one. I was allowed a whole lot more offense in this one lasting a whole minute and a half before the first fall took place. Of course Tijuana Vampire had complete control after that hitting a missile dropkick from the top rope and reversing a figure four leg lock making me scramble to the ropes from there he went for his signature move the Vampire Bite which is a modified Springboard bulldog.


Tijuana Vampire defeated The Masked Avatar in 5:09 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Vampire's Bite.

Rating: D



Main Show:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ElDiamanteAzul.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DuberryExcess_alt1.jpg

El Diamante Azul Vs. Demon Seed


Demon Seed has perhaps the silliest mask in the business and for such a cool name it really doesn’t do him justice. I think that may be the reason the crowd didn’t get behind this one, but then again I’m the new guy. Demon Seed started the action off fast however hitting a cross body on his opponent before he ever got into the ring. Azul would battle back stiff right hands and a DDT on his own on the outside before the referee would make them being it back inside. Once inside Azul would continue to dominate getting the first win with a small cradle. This would infuriate Demon Seed and he would battle back for the second fall scoring a pinfall with a submission after a Boston crab. The third and final fall would come after a series of aerial moves to include a Moonsault leg drop, a mushroom stomp and an amazing 630 senton which he so cleverly named a Blue Steel.


El Diamante Azul defeated Demon Seed in 6:31 at two falls to one after winning the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Blue Steel.

Rating: E+


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TheCannonballKid.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/VincenteRomero.jpg

The Cannonball Kid Vs. Vincente Romero


A bit of a rematch from last week as Romero’s team defeated Cannonball Kid’s team in a six man tag match. This match was much different with Romero not functioning well without any partners. Romero started things off with a traditional three punches then bounce off the ropes. Cannonball Kid would turn the tide quickly however connecting with a spinning heel kick as he came off the ropes. Romero would take control of the match again after a missed splash but lose it again after mounting his opponent in the corner. Cannonball Kid would show amazing strength power bombing his opponent before he could land all ten punches. He would then perform a Cannonball Drop which is really just a fancy name for a Frog Splash.


The Cannonball Kid defeated Vincente Romero in 7:14 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Cannonball Drop.

Rating: D



The cameras would go backstage next where Champagne Lover is preparing for his tag match whilst talking to his girlfriend Jennifer Heat.


Jennifer: “All I’m saying is this isn’t a good career move for you. Think about your future, think about us!”


Champagne: “He is my friend Jen, are you telling me you wouldn’t do the same for your friends?”


Jennifer: “Not if it meant facing an unknown opponent. You are the SOTBPW champion doesn’t that mean anything to you?”


Champagne: “Not when it means not backing my friends.”


Champagne leaves the room and Jennifer looks none to happy about it.

Rating: C



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Hysteria.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/AxxisJr.jpg

Hysteria Vs. Axxis Jr.


I really want to push Hysteria due to having my favorite mask, unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Hysteria would start us off however immediately trying to rip off the mask of Axxis Jr. an act that isn’t taken lightly at all in Mexico and the fans were immediately against it. Axxis, with mask still on, would battle back hitting a slingshot splash and getting the first pin with a sunset flip. The second fall would come not long after that with Axxis hitting his famous Gravity Axxisault which is a flipping Neckbreaker.


Axxis Jr defeated Hysteria in 5:55 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Gravity Axxisault.

Rating: D+



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RebeldeLoco.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/JuniorYouth.jpg

Rebel De Loco Vs. Junior Youth


Junior Youth comes to the ring in skiing goggles something I’ve never understood. He is a solid flyer however who seems to have especially good chemistry with Rebel. Rebel would use the same moves as last week hitting a plancha and going for a running bulldog, Youth would counter however by flipping off the second rope and drop kicking Rebel out of the ring. Rebel would climb back in and get the momentum back hitting a Twisting Moonsault for the win.


Rebel De Loco defeated Junior Youth in 8:39 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Twisting Moonsault.

Rating: D



After the match Pirate Malvado made his way to the ring before Rebel De Loco left. The two exchanged words but no punches were thrown as Rebel made his way up the ramp however he was attacked by Los Sickness, much to the pleasure of Malvado.

Rating: D+



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BloodRaven.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/PirataMalvado.jpg

Blood Raven Vs. Pirata Malvado


This was a heavily requested rematch after the way last week ended. Malvado refused to put his title on the line but he still fought as if it was. Blood Raven landed a frog splash early but only got a two count. Malvado would battle back hitting a Moonsault leg drop but again this would only get him a two count. Like last week these two would battle to have an amazing match but in the end it was tainted this time after Malvado used some type of foreign object on Blood Raven when the ref wasn’t looking.


Pirata Malvado defeated Blood Raven in 11:37 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Rating: D+

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/PabloRodriguez.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/EnriqueMerino.jpg

Pablo Rodriguez Vs. Enrique Merino


The two biggest factions in all of Mexico do battle here, and after how the last match ended all of Redemption decided to come stand in the corner of Pablo to ensure the same thing didn’t happen. The referee never had a chance in this one when he wasn’t trying to break up an illegal move inside the ring he was trying to break up a brawl on the outside. After over ten minutes of back and forth wrestling the ref finally lost complete control and each member of Redemption and La Alianza Del Terror would enter the ring and cause the double DQ.


Pablo Rodriguez drew with Enrique Merino in 12:58 at two falls each, with the final fall ending with a double disqualification.

Rating: C



The brawl would continue inside the ring with neither side getting a clear advantage. After several minutes and dozens of officials they were finally able to be separated.

Rating: D+


After the match Mario Heroic would make his way done to the ring with a rose in his mouth. He danced what looked to be the Toga with himself while trying to swoon all the ladies in the front row. He would even take one girl by the hand and kiss her hand before giving her the rose. A closer look showed she had on a Champagne Lover shirt and judging by the look on her face she wanted nothing to do with the rose, of course Heroic was to involved in himself to realize any of this. After ten minutes he would finally climb into the ring and grab the mic.


Mario: “Thank you, thank you; you’ll all beautiful; well not as beautiful as me, but then who is?”


(The crowd would start to hiss and curse, but Mario didn’t seem to hear them.)


Mario: “It is time for Mexico’s sexiest fighter to again step into the ring this time against that coward Champagne Lover. While it’s obvious he tries to mimic my boyish good looks, no one can match this naturally beautiful long flowing hair.”


(The crowd actually starts to throw things at Heroic, but again he sees this as an act of love.)


Mario: “Thank you for showering me with your gifts, but really they aren’t necessary. As many of you know I am here to announce who my partner for the upcoming match will be and after much consideration I’ve decided to get someone who is on the same scale of attractiveness as my opponent Champagne Lover; that is why it gives me great honor to announce my partner…El Demonio!”


Hells Bells begin to play over the PA system as Mario gives off a devilish laugh.

Rating: C



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ChampagneLover.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ElFuerza.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MarioHeroic.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ElDemonio.jpg

Champagne Lover and El Fuerza Vs. Mario Heroic and El Demonio


This match didn’t go as planned at all after I learned that El Fuerza has creative control. The match itself was a great one with Mario Heroic timing his tags so he was never in the ring at the same time as Champagne Lover. Of course as the story goes towards the end of the match Champagne Lover would get his shot at Mario and use it to his advantage. He would hit a sunset flip on Mario then tag in his partner to finish him off, however Mario battled back and tagged in his partner. El Demonio nearly got the win, but El Fuerza was to big for him to pick up and the botched spot would be a victory for the good guys.


Champagne Lover and El Fuerza defeated Mario Heroic and El Demonio in 10:50 when El Fuerza defeated El Demonio by pinfall

Rating: C+



Final Rating: C-

TV Rating: 0.06

Notes: Well the creative control would throw a wrench in one of my main storylines, but no big deal I still think I can get around it.


My Stat Changes:

Popularity in South Eastern Mexico: Change from 2.00 to 4.00

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Meet My Opponent:




Name: Mario Heroic

Age: 29

Push: Upper Midcard

Pop: C-

Gimmick: Mysterious

Rumble: D-

Technical: C-

Flying: C+

Entertainment: B-

Performance: B-

Physical: B-


Outlook: If you haven’t guessed yet, Mario Heroic is probably my favorite character in this promotion. He has amazing charisma and solid skills all around making him a huge asset to the company. Right now Mario is feuding with El Fuerza and it’s not going very well for him. The most unique part of Mario Heroic is he elaborate entrances and of course his love for himself. Mario has just signed a PPA contract with CZCW meaning his stock in the US is going to start to rise which could mean trouble for the rest of us down south.



SOTBPW Lucha Libre

Quick Picks:


El Fuerza Vs. El Demonio

Los Sickness Vs. Las Pesadillas

Lobo Blanco Vs. Gonzalo Rubio

Rebel De Loco Vs. Verdugo Estupendo

Junior Youth Vs. The Cannonball Kid

Reaper Cicero, Reaper Dante, and Hysteria Vs. Velocidad, Leon Joven and Magik

The Masked Avatar Vs. Mario Heroic



A Beauty Contest between Lucia and Jennifer Heat who will win?

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SOTBPW Proudly Presents:

Lucha Libre

Live from Auditorio Del Estado in Acapulco, Mexico

Friday Week 3 January 2008

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)

Aired On: Los Deporte Hoy



Pre Show:


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TheMaskedAvatar-1.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MarioHeroic.jpg

The Masked Avatar Vs. Mario Heroic


Mario is being used later tonight for the beauty contest so why not get a free match out of him? Sadly, there was no bug entrance here, by the time the fans had filed in we were already in the ring. Mario started things off with some solid technical moves. He locked Avatar in a full nelson then slammed him to the match where he locked in a side head lock. Avatar got some minor offense in this one to include a back flip off the top ropes that nearly scored the victory. Mario would get two consecutive pins here both by his finisher the Heart Attack had Mario actually jumps onto my shoulders from behind then flips backward driving my head and chest to the mat for the easy three count.


Mario Heroic defeated The Masked Avatar in 5:52 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Hero Attack.

Rating: D+



Main Show:


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Velocidad.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/LeonJoven.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Magik.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ReaperCicero.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ReaperDante.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Hysteria.jpg

Velocidad, Leon Joven and Magik Vs. Reaper Cicero, Reaper Dante and Hysteria


Velocidad made his debut tonight by racing to the ring with spiked gloves and a cape (he would lose the cape when the match started). Velocidad shows a lot of promise performing such moves as The Frankensteiner, a backward Moonsault and a vicious flying back elbow. Hysteria would show he was the star of his team getting the offense back in their favor by drop kicking Magik into the corner where all three men would pummel him. The end of the match came when Magik defeated Reaper Dante with a Sit-out Powerbomb which he cleverly renamed a Sit-Out MagikBomb.


Velocidad, León Joven and Magik defeated Reaper Cicero, Reaper Dante and Hysteria in 10:07 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Magik defeated Reaper Dante by pinfall with a Sit-Out MagikBomb.

Rating: E+



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TheCannonballKid.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/JuniorYouth.jpg

The Cannonball Kid Vs. Junior Youth


The Cannonball Kid seems to be out to single handedly get revenge on everyone who beat his team two weeks ago. Junior Youth either just came from a snow storm or is afraid his opponent is going to use an eye gouge to beat him, either way he never took off his ski glasses. Cannonball Kid tried to end things early but after missing a Cannonball Drop Junior Youth made quick work of him hitting an Idolizer, a running bulldog where he twists off the second rope and lands a DDT.


Junior Youth defeated The Cannonball Kid in 9:27 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with an Idolizer.

Rating: D



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/VerdugoEstupendo.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RebeldeLoco.jpg

Verdugo Estupendo Vs. Rebel De Loco


It seems Pirata Malvado has called in his stables muscle to take care of the man coming after his title. Estupendo would hit some hard right hands on Rebel but he would bounce back with a running drop kick. Estupendo proves harder to take off his feet than originally expected, and after a second tried drop kick, Estupendo swatted Rebel away like a fly and continued his viscous assault. Rebel would however get the momentum back and barely miss a twisting Moonsault, however Estupendo decided enough was enough and picked Rebel up before performing a nasty Piledriver that got him immediately disqualified for dropping his opponent on his head.


Rebel De Loco defeated Verdugo Estupendo in 10:50 by DQ

Rating: D+



After the match Malvado would rush down to the ring and together him and Estupendo would work on the neck of Rebel.

Rating: D-


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/GonzaloRubio.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/LoboBlanco.jpg

Gonzalo Rubio Vs. Lobo Blanco


Blanco is perhaps the most bland of all the wrestlers on our roster, he came to the ring in an all white mask and to the music of “Play that Funky Music”. His in ring skills were decent but again nothing to flashy, ending the match with a cross body press for the win.


Lobo Blanco defeated Gonzalo Rubio in 7:33 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall.

Rating: E+



Next up is the beauty pageant where the egotistical Mario Heroic made his way down to the ring. He put a completely different spin on this however, instead of having the ladies walk out separately to show off their gowns, he had them on either arm as if they were escorting him to the ring. Then when it came time for them to “strut their stuff” in the ring, he instead told each of them to name their favorite quality about him. This went on for several minutes until finally it was time to name the winner. As if he would have it any other way, Mario named himself the sexiest person alive and named himself the winner.

Rating: D+



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TijuanaVampire-1.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/EnriqueMerino.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MexicanBeast.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/MexicanGhoul.jpg

Los Sickness Vs. Las Pesadillas


Los Sickness is by far the best tag team on the roster, although Merino was a little off his game tonight. Los Sickness is the master of the double team, on more than one occasion they would lure their opponent into the ring getting the ref involved so they could take care of the other. The ending of the match came when Merino blew a strange mist into the face of Mexican Beast. Beast seemed to be blinded and instantly hit the mat in pain. This prompted the referee to call for the bell but the damage was done.


Las Pesadillas defeated Los Sickness in 13:58 when Enrique Merino was disqualified while fighting Mexican Beast.

Rating: D+



Champagne Lover is backstage next with his girlfriend Jennifer Heat who is furious about what happened.


Jen: “You have to do something baby, I should have won!”


Champagne: “You’re beautiful to me isn’t that all that matters?”


Jen: “No it’s not all that matters. I deserve that crown, and I expect you to stand up for me.”


Champagne: “What do you want me to do?”


Jen: “I want you to act like a man, and show that punk Mario you won’t take it.”


Jennifer and Champagne Lover star at each other for several minutes before Jennifer storms off.

Rating: C



http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ElFuerza.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ElDemonio.jpg

El Fuerza Vs. El Demonio


El Demonio is the leader of the biggest heel stable in wrestling, you would think that would mean he would take the win wouldn’t you? It seems El Fuerza is the C-Verse version of Hulk Hogan and I am really going to have to figure out how to work around this guys creative control…not to worry, I’ll figure something out.


El Fuerza defeated El Demonio in 15:52 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall

Rating: C



Final Rating: C-

TV Rating: 0.06

Notes: This seems to be the plateau for me, I really can’t seem to get any higher. My first PPV is right around the corner let’s see if we can improve there.



My Stat Changes:

Popularity in South Eastern Mexico: Change from 4.00 to 6.00

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Meet My Opponent:






Name: Leon Joven

Age: 23

Push: Midcard

Pop: E+

Gimmick: Old School Face

Rumble: F+

Technical: F

Flying: D

Entertainment: E+

Performance: D+

Physical: D+


Outlook: Leon is going to be the "toughest" match I have yet. Everyone else I have faced could easily hold their own in the ring, this isn't the case for Joven who is still really young. The biggest thing he has going for him is his flashiness which the fans do seem to enjoy. The future isn't very bright for Joven unless I see his skills take off in the future.



SOTBPW Lucha Libre

Quick Picks:


Pablo Rodriguez Vs. Tijuana Vampire

Ultimate Phoenix (On Loan) Vs. Mario Heroic

Axxis Jr. Vs. El Demonio

Rebel De Loco, and El Diamante Vs. Verdugo Estupendo and Pirata Malvado

Hugo Garrido Vs. Nomad

Hysteria Vs. Lobo Blanco

The Masked Avatar Vs. Leon Joven

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