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SWF: Entertainment For The Masses

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Well, that was just beautiful :p You've fleshed out Eisen as far more humble, or at least concerned, than the 'generic rich selfish guy' stereotype. 'Tis rather good.


Steve Frehley vs Squeeky McClean


Frehley keeps on gathering momentum. McClean can keep his schtick going through angles, he doesn't need the matches.


Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee


Non title?


Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey vs Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore


Butternut SQUASH.


Bart Biggz vs Marc DuBois © (for SWF Shooting Star championship)


Routine defence. Who's the next 'legend' he'll hunt down? Or is Enygma not done? It's open.


Valiant vs Sebastian Edwards (Class of 2007)


The squashee becomes the squasher. Quite the food chain.


Robbie Retro vs Remo


Back to squashing...

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I'm impressed. You've put a lot of work in this diary so far and it shows! A great bunch of unique characters makes a sport entertainement promotion very enjoyable and I have a very pleasant read of the first shows. A nice twist also on the personnality of Eisen, as Nedew said, it's a much welcomed breath of fresh of air. Still, you have a lot of work to do with Scott, his amount of "X-Pac heat" is enormous. ;)
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MAIN EVENT: Steve Frehley vs Squeeky McClean

Squeeky McClean is the kind of character who doesn't need a win like this. He can gain "heat" in other ways, however, Frehely can gain something from beating a superstar that the fans hate.


Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee

I know people love BSC, for obvious reasons.. hah, but I foresee your cornerstone tag team coming away with the win here. Pad their victory total.


Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey vs Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore

It would be "booking suicide" to have Angry Gilmore lose to the likes of DWN and HH. They may be the future of your company (in the sense of talent), however, I'm a huge Gilmore mark.


Bart Biggz vs Marc DuBois © (for SWF Shooting Star championship)

Easy win for the champ.


Valiant vs Sebastian Edwards (Class of 2007)

The SWF Upper-Midcarder/Main Event needs new blood... Valiant could be that guy for you.


Robbie Retro vs Remo

While I would mark out for Robbie to win this match... it 'aint going to happen. Remo squashes the dancing fool.



I've been a lurker of this diary for awhile now and thought I'd finally start posting. Keep up the great work!

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Once again I'll state that I enjoy this diary and stand behind my nom 100%. However, I really really REALLY want to know those match/angle ratings. Even if they're just awful I'm curious to know how the fans reacted. I know how I'd react, but I'm curious how those virtual fans enjoyed all those club scenes.



Steve Frehley vs Squeeky McClean

Steve-o destroys the clean square.


Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee

Be the first! Push BSS to the MOON!


Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey vs Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore

Great talent all around, but Angry & Joe are at least midcard if not higher, while DWN is fairly unknown in the US. As a 4C fan I am forced to hate you for stealing the canadian star :D


Bart Biggz vs Marc DuBois © (for SWF Shooting Star championship)

Actually, I think Bart will pick up a DQ win because Enygma will interfere and bash Marc demanding a rematch.


Valiant vs Sebastian Edwards (Class of 2007)

I have no idea who that is, but considering the build up I think class of '07 picks up a win for a change.


Robbie Retro vs Remo

My money's on a squash match.

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“Alcohol! Dancing! Lewdness! SEX?! NOOOOO!!!”

Best. Line. Ever! :p


Steve Frehley vs Squeeky McClean

Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee

Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey vs Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore

Bart Biggz vs Marc DuBois © (for SWF Shooting Star championship)

Valiant vs Sebastian Edwards (Class of 2007)

Robbie Retro vs Remo

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Hefty writings there, Derek. I'm ashamed to say I skimmed certain chunks. :(


MAIN EVENT: Steve Frehley vs Squeeky McClean

Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole vs Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee

Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey vs Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore

Bart Biggz vs Marc DuBois ©

Valiant vs Sebastian Edwards

Robbie Retro vs Remo


Favourite characters at the moment are Joe Sexy and F.A.G. It's not quite a subtle as it could be, but I dig it. Why is Sexy teaming with Gilmore though? I... Has Gilmore even been on TV yet?

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A quick SWF hsitory lesson brings us back to Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore teaming under the name of Sexual Aggression... and also being SWF World Tag Team champions probably til about the time of Gilmore's injury. Seems logical to me, though of course you'll have to wait til the show itself to see the hows and whys. :cool::p
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Tuesday, January 24, 2008


LIVE! from the Connecticut Symphony Hall in front of a sell out 10,000 crowd


An enthusiastic crowd is pumped up for the show ahead and are further pumped up with a spectacular pyro explosion to start the show as the announce team hype up two matches for tonight’s card, explaining that after their misconduct while out celebrating the SWF’s last PPV, When Hell Freezes Over, they will be competing tonight in punishment matches against the very best the SWF has to offer. Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee will be in a non-title tag match with the SWF World Tag Team champions, The Amazing Bumfholes! And to top that off, tonight’s main event match will see Squeeky McClean punished for his rampage by facing “The Dark Destroyer” himself, former SWF World Heavyweight champion, Steve Frehley!


The first music we hear tonight is for someone we don’t often hear speaking, though whenever he does it is usually as impactful as his brutal in-ring offense, as Remo’s music begins to play through the hall. For once he is not escorted by the man who pays him a lot of money to do his bidding, Rich Money, and Remo makes his way into the ring in his wrestling gear and with a microphone in hand, clutching it like it’s personally offended him before he growls into it.


Remo: “Roll the footage”


From last week on Supreme TV we see Jack Bruce talking to the crowd.


“And I’d like to give a special thank you to a man who has always made sure that I’ve been given a fair shake here in the SWF, a man who has always had my back even if I haven’t asked him to, a man who without his help would probably be the SWF World Heavyweight champion himself by now… or without whose help, we would probably have Vengeance out here making this speech right now. Thank you, Christian Faith, for everything you’ve done for me and will hopefully continue to do.”


Remo scowls at the video as it plays on the giant screen but the crowd can sense Remo’s intentions as he once again growls deeply into the microphone.


“Jack Bruce, you say Christian Faith could be SWF World Champion instead of you. I beat him at When Hell Freezes Over. I know I can beat you too. Face me at Nothing To Lose, and I will be SWF World Champion.”


Remo throws the microphone to ringside and gets ready for a match as the announcers begin to say that Remo has a point and that they wouldn’t like to be the man about to step into the ring with him right now as Remo looks focussed.



Robbie Retro VS Remo


Popular midcarder turned rag doll, Robbie Retro danced his way to the ring and joked with the fans while Remo scowled at him and prepared himself to hand out one of the most vicious beatdowns witnessed on Supreme TV in quite some time. Retro tried to dance with Remo but had his brains quickly scrambled by Remo who proceeded to go through all of his big moves in sequence… overhead belly to belly suplexes… the Hit and Run (underhook knee strikes into single underhook suplex)… the Lumbar Puncture (double underhook backbreaker)… then a Rise and Shine (pull up to feet by wrist) straight into a Destroyer (snap STO). Retro had no choice but to sell like a champ as Remo squashed him like a champ.




Following the crushing defeat of Retro, Remo snarls into the camera that he wants his title shot before heading to the back.



We cut backstage to see Christian Faith opening doors and yelling out the name of Vengeance. The camera crew are having a hard time keeping up with Faith as he searches out the man who attacked him last week but Ana Garcia helps them out by managing to get in front of Faith, slowing him down by asking him questions.


Ana: “Christian Faith.. Christian! Please! Can you tell us what’s going on? What are you doing?”


Faith: “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m hunting for Vengeance.”


“But, Faith… it’s been a week since he attacked you. Why are you looking for him now?”


“He’s not the easiest guy to find when he doesn’t want you finding him. For a guy so obsessed with righting wrongs, he doesn’t seem too interested in listening to the truth. But he’ll be here tonight, that much I do know. Because when the SWF locker-room gets together, he knows he’ll be able to rationalise something they do into some kind of sin he can avenge. And tonight, I’m going to find him and I’m going to make him understand that I had nothing to do with the guitar that Jack Bruce used on him at When Hell Freezes Over.”


“But Faith, what if…”


“Ana, you’d best stay away from me. Vengeance isn’t exactly singing off the same hymn sheet as everyone else. I’ll be fine… just have faith.”


And with that, Christian Faith heads off down some stairs and deeper into the bowels of the building in search of Vengeance… but will he find him?



In Richard Eisen’s office we are greeted by Eisen looking fairly pleased with himself, reading from a sheet of paper


“Without a doubt, this youngster has all the physical and mental gifts required to be one of the brightest young stars the SWF has seen in years… He has a tremendous level of natural athleticism coupled with the charisma to make him a valuable asset… gifted… I rate him as the obvious star of the Class of 2007, a man who can achieve anything he sets his brilliant mind to… “The Natural” Sebastian Edwards is a superstar in the making”


Eisen looks over his sheet of paper and at the man standing before him, ready to wrestle and not looking at all intimidated by the SWF memorabilia surrounding him in Eisen’s office or by the most influential man in pro wrestling himself sitting before him.




“As you can tell, my handpicked trainers from the toughest wrestling school on the planet have singled you out for some of the highest praise I’ve ever heard. They aren’t even that forgiving on many of the established stars here in the SWF, which is why I’ve decided to give you a high class debut against another man that they have rated highly, a youngster who goes by the name of Valiant.”


Edwards: “Eisen, I don’t need your praise or your pep talks to know how good I am. Valiant is a talented kid, but he will never be as good as I am. I’m not just a gifted athlete or a charismatic superstar. I’m not an entertaining gimmick that can bring in a few extra fans or a wrestler who can sometimes get lucky to pull out a big win. I am Sebastian Edwards… and people call me “The Natural” because there is nothing that I can’t do. Tonight, is just the first step on my road to the SWF World Heavyweight championship, the only title in the world worthy of being strapped around my waist.”


A smile creeps across Richard Eisen’s face as the confident youngster continues to show no signs of intimidation or nerves at making his big time debut.


“Your match is up next. Good luck.”


“Save the luck for people who need it, Eisen.”



Valiant VS Sebastian Edwards


Two great young talents clashed in this match, with Valiant getting a lot of cheers and Edwards getting a fairly lukewarm reaction, as often happens to youngsters making their debut in the SWF. But the crowd quickly picked up as the two young stars put on a fast paced exciting match, with Valiant brawling energetically and Edwards showing a lot of depth as he brawls, wrestles and even takes to the air to get the upper hand. Edwards shows a lot of confidence and competence in this one, controlling Valiant for significant portions of the match leading up to the finish, with Valiant looking to connect with a V-Split (swinging Uranage/Rock Bottom) only for Edwards to land on his feet and quickly lock in a deep crossface chickenwing, taking Valiant to the mat and locking in a body scissors. With the hold proving impossible to escape and causing a lot of pain, Valiant has to submit.


WINNER: “The Natural” Sebastian Edwards


Despite a pretty tough match, Edwards barely looks to have broken a sweat and quickly heads to the back after his decisive victory. On his way he is greeted by a small applause from another of the Class of 2007 graduates, “Superstar” Robert Greene. Greene offers Edwards his congratulations on winning against a tough opponent and then offers a handshake… Edwards takes one look at it and walks off, leaving Greene with a thoughtful look on his face.



Richard Eisen watches SWF Supreme TV live on his monitor when suddenly his office door flies open and Enygma storms in.


Enygma: “I want you to make a rematch, me against Marc DuBois. If he’s going to quest to beat all the SWF World Heavyweight champions then I’m going to make sure he has to do it the right way.”


Eisen: “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Enygma.”


“Don’t mess me around Eisen, you own the company and you can do whatever you want. Give me DuBois, one on one. That’s all I ask.”


“Enygma, as a former SWF World Heavyweight champion you know what it’s like to carry the gold. You aren’t the only one who wants a shot at DuBois, he is the reigning SWF All Action champion, as you know.”


“I don’t care about the title, I just want a shot at him. And if he can beat me, fairly, in the middle of the ring then I’ll leave him be.”


“But that’s the problem, Enygma. Other people do want a shot at him. To be perfectly honest, you would have more chance of getting a match with him if you did want the title belt. You’d even get it sooner.”


Even under the mask you can see Enygma working out what is going on and his frustrations seem to subside a little while he works out the best course of action. Richard Eisen never takes his eyes off the former champion.


“Fine, have it your way Eisen.”


“Excellent. If you can beat two top All Action contenders over the next two weeks, I’ll give you your rematch with Marc DuBois at the Nothing To Lose PPV. With the All Action championship on the line.”


Enygma turns towards the camera and makes a few final statements before heading out of Eisen’s always busy office.


“DuBois, I know you’ll see this. I told you I’d get you back in the ring. You’d better look forward to facing me at the PPV.”



Bart Biggz w/ Jessie VS Marc DuBois ©

For the SWF All Action Championship


Unaware of the news that he could be facing former SWF World Heavyweight champion Engyma in just a couple of weeks, DuBois maintains his usual ****y demeanour heading into this match against the well rounded half of the Biggz Boyz tag team and a former All Action champion in his own right, Bart Biggz. At ringside Jessie gets the fans behind her boy while DuBois tries to dictate the pace and tempo of the match, grounding his opponent whenever he gets the chance. But Biggz can’t be held down all the time and he uses a lot of quick moves to gain the upper hand for himself, using the ropes to launch a variety of attacks throughout the match. With momentum on his side, Biggz goes for a 10 punch in the corner on the champ but ends up getting hit with a snake eyes from DuBois, who then uses the opportunity to get the momentum needed to his the Marc of Excellence (roll through German suplex) out of the corner and hold onto it for the three count.


WINNER: Marc DuBois, successfully defending the SWF Shooting Star Championship



Superstar Profile: LOBSTER WARRIOR



A former SWF North American champion, Lobster Warrior has been entertaining the SWF fans with his zany antics since his debut in March 2003, along with the other members of the popular Underwater Union group. For four years the group achieved a lot of success but it was only in 2007 that Lobster Warrior has emerged as a major force in the SWF, with the dissolving of the Underwater Union allowing Lobster Warrior to showcase a new focus and a new level of intensity.


As 2007 drew to a close Lobster Warrior found himself considered by many as a top contender and he was one of the six men who contended a brutal ladder match for the opportunity to earn a Golden Opportunity, the chance to have an SWF World Heavyweight title shot… and while Lobster Warrior didn’t win the match, he cemented himself as top superstar in the SWF with his performance in that match and he looks to build on this in 2008, which could see him break out and become a true force in the Supreme Wrestling Federation.



We cut backstage to a locker-room where we see Frederique Antonio Garcia looking at himself in a mirror that is being held up by a man we haven’t seen much of lately, Garcia’s quiet hired muscle, Andre Jones. An approaching voice in the hallway startles the two and Garcia hisses at Andre to hide himself, prompting Andre to hide in the corner with behind the mirror as Garcia tries to look nonchalant.


Faith: “Vengeance!? Vengeance!!”


Garcia looks stunned to see Christian Faith kicking the door open before continuing on his quest. Andre peeks out from behind the mirror when he hears the door close again.


Andre: “I don’t think that was him, boss.”


Garcia: “I don’t pay you to think, Andre. Hide behind your mirror, I hear another voice coming.”


Andre gets back into his hiding place and sure enough moments later Joe Sexy appears in the locker-room looking a little out of breath, as if he’s been up to something…


Sexy: “Frederique! I didn’t expect to see you here…”


“I just happened to be passing by… that idiot Christian Faith just came by here looking for Vengeance, I thought I’d better wait here and tell you… just in case.”


“Just in case of what?”


“In case… uh, say you look a little flushed, sweetie. Is something bothering you?”


“Actually, yeah. An old partner of mine has found me and I just can’t get away. They’re following me everywhere, saying we’ve got plans tonight and that I’ve got to go do what they say. But I don’t want to…”


Garcia raises an eyebrow at the idea of Joe Sexy running away from one of his old conquests and it doesn’t take long for him to come up with an idea.


“Hey Sexy, I’ve got an idea. You hide behind that mirror over there… don’t mind Andre, he’s just doing what I told him to do… and when your old partner comes in here looking for you, I’ll get rid of them for you. Just like I did with Christian Faith a few minutes ago.”


“Uh.. why was he.. never mind. Um, sounds good. Don’t let them find me. I don’t wanna do it any more!!”


Joe Sexy hides behind the large mirror, looking slightly perplexed as Andre Jones pulls himself from behind it and moves over to stand behind Garcia… even following his movements to ensure that he is always behind Garcia. After a little getting ready, we can hear someone else coming along to the locker room and it’s the first time we’ve seen their face in quite some time.



Angry Gilmore


It takes Garcia a few moments to process what Sexy really meant when he was talking about a partner, but during those moments Gilmore is quick to show his intensity and eagerness to get back into action.


“Where’s Joe?! We’ve got a match in a minute and he’s wandered off again! That’s his problem! He never can FOCUS!!”


“And what’s your pr….”


Gilmore doesn’t look at all pleased but notices that Andre Jones is trying to signal something to him behind Garcia’s back, tipping his head towards Sexy’s hiding place behind the giant mirror. Garcia plays with his feather boa, unaware that Andre is selling Sexy out behind his back.


“Joe, I know you are behind the mirror! Don’t make me come over there and drag you from behind it! We’ve got a match next, we’re picking up right where we left off! First, we beat these kids and then… we’re on track to get back the SWF World Tag Team titles!”




Sexy sounds like a child being told he’s been grounded as he emerges from his hiding place, checking his reflection in the mirror quickly before being frogmarched out the locker room by Gilmore.


“Curses… well there goes my plans for the evening… still, that’s no reason for me to look anything less than fabulous. Andre, the mirror.”


Garcia clicks his fingers and Andre once again moves the mirror into position for Garcia to preen himself into fabulous condition once more, which is where we leave them before we head back to the ring.



Davis Wayne Newton & Heath Harvey (The Triple Threat) w/ Nelson Callum VS Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore (Sexual Aggression)


The young graduates from the Class of 2007 entered this match first to a low key reaction from the crowd, despite being the apparent babyfaces for this match. But when Gilmore made his return in front of a live crowd for the first time since being injured in a failed attempt at the SWF World Tag titles against the Samoan Wildboyz, the crowd popped big time. This match was all about putting over Angry Gilmore as he dominated most of the match against the talented youngsters, coming out on top in some slick chain wrestling battles while Joe Sexy sulked in his corner. Only a handful of tags were made in this match but in the end it was Gilmore picking up the pinfall victory on Heath Harvey, dropping him with the Anger Management (front Russian legsweep/The Stroke) while Sexy made sure Newton couldn’t interfere.


WINNERS: Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore (Sexual Aggression)



Backstage we join Brandon James and Emma Chase as they leave Richard Eisen’s office, with them coming face to face with the reigning SWF North American champion, Rich Money, on his way to the office. The two men briefly size each other up and the tone, while seemingly cordial on the surface, is certainly not lacking in hostility either.


Brandon: “Rich…”


Rich: “Brandon… fancy meeting you here.”


“Likewise. I imagine you also have some business with Mr Eisen.”


“Naturally, he values my opinion very highly… and it seems he may also value yours more highly these days too, ever since you won your Golden Opportunity.”


As ever Emma is carrying the Golden Opportunity briefcase around, inside of which is a contract for a SWF World Heavyweight title shot to be taken at any time, as long as an official SWF referee is around. Unlike most men around Emma, Rich can barely take his eyes away from the briefcase.


“Richard Eisen is a businessman and knows the value of some of my assets. It’s in his interest to listen to what I have to say.”


“Well, I won’t keep you as I have business to attend to myself. But a friendly word of advice… that Golden Opportunity is almost priceless… almost worth more than money could possibly buy. Use it wisely.”


And with that Rich Money shows himself into the office of the SWF boss, closing the door quietly behind him as Emma and Brandon stay in the hallway, speaking ominously


“We should keep an eye on him, Mr James, just like he kept his eyes on this case. He has a lot of money, there could perhaps be a chance to leverage some of his wealth in our favour if we played it right.”


“As ever, Miss Chase, you are right. This is another situation we’ll need to keep a close eye on while we wait for the right moment.”



Meanwhile, elsewhere in the SWF locker room we are met by the fun loving group of Groucho Bling, Elmo Benson, Dawn the Cheerleader and their friend, Lumpy Stevenson. Rather unusually, they are all sitting on a couch and facing a door that is slightly open… and when we look up we can see that perched on top of the door is a bucket of… something gooey. The motley crew of funsters are talking about who they think might fall for the prank.


Various names are thrown around, with Lumpy mentioning that Christian Faith is still hunting for Vengeance while the rest of the group assure him that Faith has already been around and found no signs of the psychotic monster lurking in their locker room. Lumpy’s paranoia continues as he wonders about someone like Vengeance… or Runaway Train... or Richard Eisen walking in while the rest speculate about it being more likely that it would be Frederique Antonio Garcia or the Death Row team. In the end, they hear footsteps approaching and a hush falls on them before the door swings open and the bucket spills goo all over…




Eric Eisen!


Eric looks in shock as the group explode in laughter, except for Lumpy who hides behind the couch in paranoid fear, and poke fun at Eric for falling for the prank. You can almost see Eric’s anger rising as he turns red in the patches of face we can still see beneath the goo and he yells…


Eric: “I’ll get you for this!!! You’ll see!!!”


As Eric storms off, the High Concept group just explode in more fits of laughter while Lumpy is clearly worried about the possible ramifications for playing a prank on the son of the owner of the company.



Randy and Zimmy (The Amazing Bumfholes) VS Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee (The Pain Alliance)

Non-title match


The announcers explain that this match is a punishment match for BS Scott and Kurt Laramee for their actions in the club that we saw last week on Supreme TV. Their constant arguments have been getting increasingly intense over recent weeks and spilling even beyond their matches and the Bumfholes take early advantage of another argument at the start of this match to launch a high flying aerial assault against their would-be challengers. The non-title nature of this match may be a punishment, but both members of the Pain Alliance are also smart enough to realise the potential ramification of a victory in this match, and fight back with some hard brawling tactics, trash talking the SWF World Tag Team champions at every opportunity.


The momentum of the match swings back and forth pretty quickly as the Bumfholes capitalise on every little mistake, disagreement and clash of egos from their opponents but this match eventually ends up in a wild ringside brawl as the Pain Alliance goes back to what they do best, hardcore brawling. The Bumfholes try to fight back but find themselves up against the barriers, the ring steps and the ringposts as the non-challengers find their element. But this isn’t a hardcore match and the referee, while lenient enough to allow some leeway with the rules is still administering a count and when he reaches ten he is forced to throw this match out, ruling a double count out.


RESULT: Double Count Out


With the Bumfholes clearly not in their element, the Pain Alliance realise that they have probably just blown a fairly big opportunity to make a mark and begin to argue over who’s fault it is that they lost the match. Neither man can remember who the legal man even was and so the argument gets physical as each man tags the other during their argument before we finally cut to Richard Eisen’s office…



… where Eric Eisen walks in covered in goo. Richard raises an eyebrow at the sight of his son covered in goo, but doesn’t betray any hint of emotion before that. Eric, on the other hand, lets fly with a rapid fire series of slurs and insults, prompting Richard to ask him to slow down and repeat what he is saying so that he can understand him.


“High Concept! Elmo, Groucho, Dawn… they did this to me! They left a sign on the door promising free food inside and when I opened the door they poured this… this… GOO on me! I’m Eric Eisen, they can’t do this to ME! I want them punished for this!! I want them FIRED!!”


“Now Eric, calm down and think about what you are saying. If you fire them, then how are you going to get even with them, hmm?”


“They won’t have a job, damn it!! I don’t care what happens to them, lets see how they do on the unemployment line!! I’ll make sure those stupid, childish, petty ….”


“Eric, this isn’t how an Eisen deals with their problems.”


“They’ve embarrassed me for the last time!!”


“I doubt it…”




Eric scrapes some goo from his hair and shakes it off his hand to the floor, allowing us to see how bug eyed he has become at his father’s seemingly uncaring attitude to this latest sleight against Eric Eisen, the center of all the universe, at least in his own head.


“Eric, last week you came to me and wanted revenge on Jack Giedroyc for beating you on the PPV. I gave you the match you wanted, and he won. This week, you come to me demanding that I fire three of our most popular stars in Groucho Bling, Elmo Benson and Dawn the Cheerleader. What will it be next week? Fire Christian Faith for looking at you the wrong way?”




“No buts, Eric. I’ve already given you some of what you wanted and for that, there will be consequences. Next week, as a result of Jack Giedroyc defeating Enforcer Roberts in a match you requested, he will be rewarded… with a match against Rich Money for the SWF North American championship.”


“You can’t be serious!”


“I’m a very serious man, Eric, a trait you don’t yet share. But don’t misunderstand me. What happened to you shouldn’t be encouraged either… but I won’t be firing any of those involved, that would be rash.”


“So you’re still going to punish them?”


“Perhaps, though not because of who the prank happened to, merely because of the prank. Now go get yourself cleaned up Eric… I don’t want any more goo in my office than is necessary.”


Eric ponders complaining again but realises that he has probably got the best result he could really have expected in the circumstances, so heads out of the office. The announcers then put over the announcement of the Rich Money vs Jack Giedroyc match for the North American title being a big thing, and wonders what happened between Richard Eisen and Rich Money during their meeting earlier in the night…



Superstar Profile: RUNAWAY TRAIN



Since the turn of the millennium, Runaway Train has cut a swathe of destruction through the SWF, tempered only by the man known simply as The Guru. Train is a 2 time SWF World Heavyweight champion and was the man who ended the 27 month unbeaten streak and World title reign of “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley. Seemingly almost invincible, Runaway Train’s unpredictable and violent tendencies have seen him destroy almost everyone who has dared to stand on the rails before him.




The Guru, the only man who can control Runaway Train’s inner rage has proven to be a vital asset, not only as the handler of Runway Train but as a temporary match maker for the SWF in Richard Eisen’s absence. In 2008 this duo will be sure to once again have the SWF World Championship in their sights, although they will face stiff competition from a new breed of SWF superstar and their constant rival, Steve Frehley.




Steve Frehley VS Squeeky McClean


The announcers once again make sure the viewing public understand that this match is a punishment from Richard Eisen to Squeeky for his rampage in a club that everyone saw last week on Supreme TV. They also hype up Squeeky as a guy who could be a world calibre wrestler if he could just concentrate on wrestling instead of trying to “help” everyone to overcome their own personal demons. Even on his way to the ring Squeeky brings one of his flyers with him and hands it to a particularly overweight gentleman in the front row and wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavours… moments later, The Dark Destroyers music begins to play and Squeeky can’t help but feel an ominous feeling that things may not quite be about to go his way as the crowd watch Steve Frehley emerge from his pyro, completely unphased by it even as it surrounds him. Frehley marches down to the ring and as he enters, stares down his opponent for the night with a glare that would scare all but the toughest of men… something that Squeeky certainly isn’t.


Squeeky tries his best to get away from Frehley in the early goings, hiding in the ropes but after doing this a third time Frehley pull shim out by the back of the tights briefly lets go as the ref admonishes Frehley for not giving a clean break, leaving Squeeky to fall over and then end up in the clutches of Frehley. To Squeeky’s credit, he puts up a fight against the former SWF World champion, using a few short cuts to get the advantage and trying to take out Frehley’s left knee with some focussed offense. The match goes for quite some time with Squeeky working over the knee before Frehley eventually kicks him away with the power of both legs, sending Squeeky hurtling across the ring as Frehley gets to his feet quickly, catching Squeeky running towards him and absolutely decimating him with a monstrous Dark Destroyer Spear. Frehley plays to the crowd as they pop, then pulls Squeeky up to his feet and then up to his shoulders, before spinning him off with a Frehley’s Comet (F-5) to pick up the three count.


WINNER: Steve Frehley


As Frehley celebrates the big screen comes to life with a backstage image… it’s dark and hard to see what it is of but it eventually becomes clear that we are looking at the body of Christian Faith, lying on a concrete floor somewhere. Standing over him is the shadowed and menacing form of the psychotic Vengeance uttering his famous words…


Karma… Justice… VENGEANCE!



Quick Results for Supreme TV


- Remo challenges Jack Bruce to title match: B+

- Remo defeats Robbie Retro: B-

- Christian Faith hunting Vengeance: B+

- Class of 2007 debut promo, Eisen introduces Sebastian Edwards: C-

- Sebastian Edwards defeats Valiant: C

- Robert Greene tries to shake hands with Edwards, denied: E

- Enygma wants DuBois, Eisen proposal accepted: B-

- Marc DuBois defeats Bart Biggz to retain the SWF Shooting Star championship: C

- Superstar Profile: Lobster Warrior: B+

- Angry Gilmore return, looking for Sexy, Frederique and Andre Jones around too: C+

- Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy defeat Davis Wayne Newton and Heath Harvey: D+

- Rich Money and Brandon James confrontation: B-

- High Concept/Dawn/Lumpy prank Eric Eisen: C-

- The Amazing Bumfholes vs Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott goes to double DQ: C

- Eric Eisen makes demands of Richard Eisen, Richard makes Giedroyc vs Money for next week: B

- Superstar Profile: Runaway Train: B+

- Steve Frehley defeated Squeeky McClean: B

- Vengeance attacks Christian Faith: A*



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Yay! Ratings :D


Good show, with a lot of characters coming together nicely. I'm really enjoying the F.A.G / Joe Sexy relationships, including the side characters. I'm looking forward to seeing how Andre and Gilmore play into this story. Very cool. The Sexual Aggression teams makes sense to anyone who has played as SWF I guess.


Love the Superstar profiles, and how little Eisen cares for his kid. High Concept are getting enjoyable, in a PG kinda way.


Cool beans.

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Despite a pretty tough match, Edwards barely looks to have broken a sweat and quickly heads to the back after his decisive victory. On his way he is greeted by a small applause from another of the Class of 2007 graduates, “Superstar” Robert Greene. Greene offers Edwards his congratulations on winning against a tough opponent and then offers a handshake… Devine takes one look at it and walks off, leaving Greene with a thoughtful look on his face.


Devine ? Wha ?


Still, Edwards is already one of my favorite. Exactly my type of heels. I also like the direction of the Garcia, Sexy, Gilmore, Jones storyline. One also has to wonder who or what will be able to stop Vengeance.

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Devine ? Wha ?


Still, Edwards is already one of my favorite. Exactly my type of heels. I also like the direction of the Garcia, Sexy, Gilmore, Jones storyline. One also has to wonder who or what will be able to stop Vengeance.


Darn it! Knew I'd miss one somewhere... the Sebastian Edwards character is one I've modelled heavily off an e-wrestling character I called "The Natural" Damian Devine... who I obviously modelled heavily on a few Cornellverse guys in the first place. Got to resist the urge to type in Devine instead of Edwards, has been edited to make more sense now. :)


As ever, thanks for the feedback. And I KNOW you are reading if you spot mistakes like that, so that makes me happy. :D

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Good diary hope you can keep it goin,

and nice to see at least one of the alts i did getting used in a diary,

that Sebastian Edwards/Rick Stantz alt is mine:D


At least thats One FIN Hasnt done.:rolleyes:

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There's still a Devine in there :p


Really enjoyed that show, the High Concept angles are great, I love the Sexy/Garcia/Gilmore/Jones angles (not just from this show), and like how Gilmore seems to be ultra-competitive upon his return :D

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and nice to see at least one of the alts i did getting used in a diary,

that Sebastian Edwards/Rick Stantz alt is mine:D


At least thats One FIN Hasnt done.:rolleyes:


It's a good feeling isn't it? I remember how chuffed I was when Bigpapa started using my Remo :D


Great show as ever derek, I love the breakup of segments as well into an overall story arc over the weeks, you don't cram too much into each show.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Thursday, January 24, 2008</span></strong></p><p> <span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/ChristianBlack_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Christian Black, SWF Head Writer</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> It’s been another long day for the young Head Writer of the SWF, with a creative meeting piggybacking onto a house show that followed on from travelling… the mood lighting in the hotel room at least soothes some of his mental stress as he lies back in bed, laptop sitting in his lap as he pours through some more notes and observations from the recent house show pairings. The sheer wealth of information at his fingertips, so much of it as casual observations and throwaway notes is what has carried him to the position he finds himself in today. So much hard work, categorising people, catching their little quirks and developing them… watching to see if people have that special little spark together or if they just crash and burn together… trying to avoid dealing with the backstage politics as small alliances form and dissolve in the locker-room…</p><p> </p><p> <em>Order among chaos.</em></p><p> </p><p> There are just so many variables that things can change every day, with even the best laid plans being subtly tweaked today leading to a giant storm several months down the line. Trying to understand the nuances of some of the carnival of weird that is a pro wrestling locker room would be too much for even a highly experienced business manager to deal with, but Christian Black doesn’t just have to deal with those characters.. he has to deal with the on screen alter-egos of each and every one of them, leaving him with almost 60 fake personalities floating around in his own mind, each clamouring for space from their real world counterparts.</p><p> </p><p> <em>It could easily drive someone mad.</em></p><p> </p><p> Not only has Black found himself in a position of power that he never thought he’d ever achieve, but he’s also managed to maintain a strong relationship with the owner of the SWF and the locker room too. That in itself is almost a superhuman feat although it’s likely a honeymoon period before something goes wrong and things kick off. Wrestling may be scripted, but it’s not just a weekly TV show featuring strong characters in faux athletic contests… it’s a reflection of life. And even in life there are face and heels. Christian Black likes to think he’s one of the good guys… which means that all too soon there will have to be someone that comes along and acts as his antagonist, the heel that tries to topple everything the face has worked so hard to achieve.</p><p> </p><p> <em>It’s inevitable.</em></p><p> </p><p> But for the time being, Black intends to make the most of his grace period so he can continue to push things forward. While not exactly his domain, though still pertinent to his job, Richard Eisen earlier announced that the SWF had successfully negotiated to have the next PPV, Nothing To Lose, aired across most of the major countries in the world. With a grin on his face, Eisen launched into a list of countries that were about to get SWF programming pumped into their home for a nominal fee while everyone agreed that Supreme TV needed to get back on air in Canada before it could air across the rest of the world too. Efforts were going to be made, but resources were limited and only so much success could be achieved over the next month.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Limits are made to be pushed.</em></p><p> </p><p> Black realises he’s been reading the same page of his notepad for several minutes and that he’s typed nothing for almost half an hour. Tiredness and fatigue after another long day are setting in once again but he’s not yet ready for sleep, and the dreams that will bring him. Putting the laptop to one side, he swings his legs out the king sized bed and makes full use of the in-room coffee maker before returning to bed. He pops a couple of caffeine pills from the side of his bed and washes them down with a couple of mouthfuls of bitter coffee, black and unsweetened as ever. No point in diluting it if you want to get the full effect.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Back to work he goes…</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22409" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p> </p><span>http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/SWF/SWF.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">TV 3 (1 left til PPV)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN EVENT: Jack Giedroyc vs Rich Money © for the SWF North American championship</strong></p><p> Elmo Benson vs Remo</p><p> Groucho Bling vs Runaway Train</p><p> Robert Greene vs Sebastian Edwards</p><p> Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy (Sexual Aggression)</p><p> Enygma vs Brett Biggz</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bull" data-cite="Bull" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22409" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>.. and nice to see at least one of the alts i did getting used in a diary, that Sebastian Edwards/Rick Stantz alt is mine. <p> </p><p> At least thats One FIN Hasnt done.<img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hah! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> "Simpsons did it!" / "Did Diddy do it?" - South Park. I'm more than happy to share the spotlight, it's just that I've done so many alts that in the end some of them end up used on diaries. Derek_b, I voted for you in the Rookie DOTM. This is going to be a great diary when you get it going properly and in full speed, I'm sure. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> MAIN EVENT: Jack Giedroyc vs <strong>Rich Money</strong> © for the SWF North American championship</p><p> Elmo Benson vs <strong>Remo</strong></p><p> <strong>Groucho Bling</strong> vs Runaway Train</p><p> Robert Greene vs <strong>Sebastian Edwards</strong></p><p> Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs <strong>Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy (Sexual Aggression)</strong></p><p> Enygma vs <strong>Brett Biggz</strong></p>
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Very very entertaining. Hard to pick favourite characters when there's so many great ones, but Sexy/F.A.G., both Eisens, and the High Concept group all stand out as being unexpectedly brilliant. (Faith, Bruce, Money, Vengeance and Big Smack Scott are EXPECTEDLY brilliant, obviously.)
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Jack Giedroyc vs Rich Money © for the SWF North American championship

Elmo Benson vs Remo

Groucho Bling vs Runaway Train

Robert Greene vs Sebastian Edwards

Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy (Sexual Aggression)

Enygma vs Brett Biggz

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Jack Giedroyc vs Rich Money © for the SWF North American championship

Elmo Benson vs Remo

Groucho Bling vs Runaway Train

Robert Greene vs Sebastian Edwards

Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy (Sexual Aggression)

Enygma vs Brett Biggz

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<p>Oh yeah, predictions...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

MAIN EVENT: Jack Giedroyc vs <strong>Rich Money </strong>© for the SWF North American championship</p><p>

Elmo Benson vs <strong>Remo</strong></p><p>

<strong>Groucho Bling</strong> vs Runaway Train - <em>This seems crazy but High Concept HAVE to get a win or I'll be sad. And since Elmo can't beat Remo, will call DQ-type victory here.</em></p><p>

Robert Greene vs <strong>Sebastian Edwards</strong></p><p>

Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs <strong>Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy </strong>(Sexual Aggression)</p><p>

<strong>Enygma </strong>vs Brett Biggz</p>

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<p>derek, congrats! You're the first person to actually make me care about SWF.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, predictions!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong> vs Rich Money © for the SWF North American championship</p><p>

<em>I know it's not a PPV, but then again it IS only a midcard title. Jack deserves some build</em></p><p>

Elmo Benson vs <strong>Remo</strong></p><p>

<em>Elmo tries shenanigans but Remo breaks his arms</em></p><p>

Groucho Bling vs <strong>Runaway Train</strong></p><p>

<em>Back to back squashes? Groucho tries shenanigans, Runaway breaks his legs.</em></p><p>

Robert Greene vs <strong>Sebastian Edwards</strong></p><p>

<em>Sounds like Sebastian is getting a push...</em></p><p>

Kid Toma and Akima Brave (Samoan Wildboys) vs <strong>Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy (Sexual Aggression)</strong></p><p>

<em>Stars in a storyline vs. Jobbers just thrown in there.</em></p><p>

<strong>Enygma</strong> vs Brett Biggz</p><p>

<em>Enygma gets built up before the PPV</em></p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for including the ratings! It really helps put things into perspective. I'm kind of surprised that DWN produced such a low match grade, but then again he's just breaking into the US market.</p><p> </p><p>

Would it be possible to have some bio info about the new "class of '07" recruits. Pictures with a blurb maybe? All the other characters are clear because I can dive into the Cverse and read up about them, but these guys are a blank for me, little more then a name. </p><p> </p><p>

Of course, maybe that's how you intend it to be?</p>

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