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XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious

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I am still waiting on the Southern Justice push! lol.


Welcome to Jack Griffith's fan club. I'll send your member card and some memorabilia in the next few days. There's a catch though. You must now attend all XWA events wearing official Griffith merchandise while branding an awesome sign to show your support.


Mr Onu, president of the aforementionned fan club. :D

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ok, i am steamed. I know I put in predictions, and I was 6 out of 6 again. Stupid computer not saving my entries :mad:


Definitely wasn't on my list, D-Mack.


I think in future I need to put up a list of all those names who have predicted a good 24 hours before I am likely to finish up the contest just so people can check they went through. It'll be one way to bump the thread up a bit too as it quickly drops down the pages during each contest.


Thanks for the DOTM nomination though! :)

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I am still waiting on the Southern Justice push! lol.


Welcome to Jack Griffith's fan club. I'll send your member card and some memorabilia in the next few days. There's a catch though. You must now attend all XWA events wearing official Griffith merchandise while branding an awesome sign to show your support.


Mr Onu, president of the aforementionned fan club. :D


I find Griffith quite a tough guy to know what to do with. He's a main eventer because of his countrywide overness and isn't likely to become anything less until XWA gets nationwide coverage through TV or PPV - which will be a long time away yet! The likes of Americana and Rhino Umaga are well below him in terms of autopush.


That said, his skills aren't in the same category as a Deeley, Marlowe or DeColt. I certainly don't feel I can rely on him to main event show after show. Plus, he's on the decline (3 or 4 years past his best).


So I'm trying to use him as a gatekeeper type. Ideally, he'd be around about the Arena title picture or in a tag team, but the overness thing makes that difficult to manage so he's just a strong upper-carder at present. I'm trying to keep him a bit more interesting by having Citizen X show this interest in acquiring his services as I like Griffith and want to find good use for him.

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I like on the last show you went


33 to 2,000


Oh and I see the Christmas XWA logo. Amazingly.


Yeah I made a mistake on the attendance. The show at the Weston Gymnasium would have been a 300 sellout rather than the measly 33 - I'd just forgotten to alter it after some copying and pasting. But the 2,000 in the Midwest is accurate. It's just the difference between my main territory and the one I'm trying to build up.


Ah yes, its Christmas in XWA land right now! Mid December according to the Rylandian calendar!


You certainly look at things carefully - which is a good thing! :D

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