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Diary Preview Thread

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As I see my RPW diary take a nosedive its place on the boards after some bad timing I remembered an idea I was kicking around. It's not a diary, but this is probably the place to discuss it. While I love this forum, I miss not having a signature. And while I am not asking for us to receive one, I think I found a way to get the best part of the signature which is being able to showcase your diary, a diary index thread.


Basically this is how it would go. Each author would get one post in the tread to place a small preview of their diary as well as announcement such as their last update, title changes, and whatever you want to add. The first post would be the actual index which would have each author in alphabetical order so a person doesn't have to hunt through the thread. However for this to work we would need the mods help as we would need them to delete multiple posts in the thread as well as random comments and ideally to sticky it so it's right on top for people see.

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On the whole I'm digging it, Orange. However, The Takeover come off as Comedy midcard Heels (which they could well be in your 21CW, who am I to judge) and WW & Daniel Black Francis come off a tad bland.


Suggestion! Put some Welsh into Welsh Warrior's promo. If he's truly proud to be a Welshman, he'll know the language (although I only know enough to say "I like your hair" and mumble through the National anthem)


Suggestion! Daniel Black Francis has always struck me as a guy who lives life going with the flow. It's all good. His promo comes off a bit stilted to me. Lots of singular sentences. Sounds almost robotic. I do like the last 2 lines though.

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Like the vignettes Orange.


One thing with the Welsh Warrior one though....


The last line is:


"But my future in 21CW is only in one place....." Then you post the logo for 21CW.


For me that reads like..... "But my future in 21CW is only in one place... 21CW"


Which is a bit redundant. Maybe.....


"But my future in wrestling is only in one place..."


insert 21CW LOGO

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Like the vignettes Orange.


One thing with the Welsh Warrior one though....


The last line is:


"But my future in 21CW is only in one place....." Then you post the logo for 21CW.


For me that reads like..... "But my future in 21CW is only in one place... 21CW"


Which is a bit redundant. Maybe.....


"But my future in wrestling is only in one place..."


insert 21CW LOGO


It was the T.V logo, sort of implying that you could only see him on THAT show.


But I'm liking the constructive critiscm, keep it coming!

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Rip looked a bit surprised at leaving Erik and Jean out of the Invitational tournament as he replied “You sure about that? They're our two best wrestlers but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt”.


Couple of notes. You've got a solid starting idea, as the opening isn't too cheesy or stilted. No "I won the lottery and bought MAW" or "My phone rang..." :D


Two bits of concern though.


1) The "Rip injured me and felt guilt and gave me a job at MAW" plot has/is being done very well by James Casey's MAW. I'm not saying that just because he did it no one else can, but keep in mind that at least that part was done very well and as it's still a currently running diary comparisons will be made. Not just that you're both doing MAW, but you're both approaching the Owner/Booker relationship from the same perspective. Now, there are plenty of differences, but just to warn you that you'll have to work hard in the beginning to differentiate your diary from the other MAW diaries. Look at it as a challenge, not an obstacle.


2) The line I quoted seems a little...odd. At the start of the sentance, Rip is showing conservative caution. He's definitly not happy that the best wrestlers won't be in the RIC. However, without even a transition he flips 180 and says "but it's ok, I'll go with it." It makes Rip go from a character with depth to a 2D yes-man and destroys depth. You've got a great idea, start from differing booking points. Not putting Jean and Strong in the RIC? Yay, you've got a hook that people will want to read further to see how you can put on an RIC without MAW's best in it. BUT you need to develop real personalities to make them stay, to make them care. The opening posts are always harshest because they give the reader their "first impression" and if their first impression is that the characters aren't mature, don't have depth, that they won't challenge the booker then interest may wane. I know that if I was reading a diary, and got to a point where there would be some great conflict to read, and then the conflict was assuaged with a "I don't agree, but I'll go with it anyway" one line post, that'd be a major hang-up for me.


Hence the length of this point :D



tl;dr Solid ideas, just need a bit of polish to tighten up the characters and differentiate from the other MAW diaries out there.

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Yeah, it's far from finished so some ideas on refining things is a big help.


Looking at the part again, it does look like Rip goes from unhappy to happy in the space of a sentece about the main event taking away the two best workers from the Invitational tournament. I'll re-work it so it shows he's not happy about it but Christian persuades him to give it a go and if it goes wrong, it falls back onto him, not Rip.


I know i'm going to have to work hard to differentiate from James diary but hopefully people won't expect it to live upto the quality of it as it's just superb :).

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On the whole I'm digging it, Orange. However, The Takeover come off as Comedy midcard Heels (which they could well be in your 21CW, who am I to judge) and WW & Daniel Black Francis come off a tad bland.


Suggestion! Put some Welsh into Welsh Warrior's promo. If he's truly proud to be a Welshman, he'll know the language (although I only know enough to say "I like your hair" and mumble through the National anthem)


Suggestion! Daniel Black Francis has always struck me as a guy who lives life going with the flow. It's all good. His promo comes off a bit stilted to me. Lots of singular sentences. Sounds almost robotic. I do like the last 2 lines though.


I do think that this issue will evolve as the diary moves on, as the people I would like to be the comedy midcard tag team are still very low on the card.


But that's just my view of Leo Price, look at his photo, it screams ****y yet slighlty dumb jerk!

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I know i'm going to have to work hard to differentiate from James diary but hopefully people won't expect it to live upto the quality of it as it's just superb :).


I seem to be getting a lot of love, one way or another, today - which I'm not going to complain about.


I liked the line about Rip finding the bar next to rehab. It's worth noting that Rip is sober nowadays - crossed the line, letting his liver recover, doesn't even touch Kaliber...


It might be interesting if, for example, Rip was playing the dope, in order to set your character up for a fall down the line. Or it could be a test to see if you're going to try and swindle him somehow - when you pass the test, you realise that Rip's still got his faculties about him, and when you've been in danger of going off the rails (drink, booking, going to war with SWF) he's been able to guide you back on track again.

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As I see my RPW diary take a nosedive its place on the boards after some bad timing I remembered an idea I was kicking around. It's not a diary, but this is probably the place to discuss it. While I love this forum, I miss not having a signature. And while I am not asking for us to receive one, I think I found a way to get the best part of the signature which is being able to showcase your diary, a diary index thread.


Basically this is how it would go. Each author would get one post in the tread to place a small preview of their diary as well as announcement such as their last update, title changes, and whatever you want to add. The first post would be the actual index which would have each author in alphabetical order so a person doesn't have to hunt through the thread. However for this to work we would need the mods help as we would need them to delete multiple posts in the thread as well as random comments and ideally to sticky it so it's right on top for people see.


Interesting idea. Could work, but it would depend heavily on the set up and lay out and such.

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since this is a thread for new diaries, I am looking to team up with a writer on a new diary.


I would like to handle the technical side, to create and interactive reading experience. to help create a new level of reader involvement. and try some things both graphically and with page layout that different than most of what we currently see.


I am open to any kind of diary, and will not step on the writers toes, but would like to be treated as a collaborator and not just the page designer. And would reciprocate by taking any feed back on layout or feature implementation.


I will admit up front that time is scarce so the project will move slowly, but is something I will commit to, So if some one is up for it as a second project or something, that is cool with me, or if you too have less time than you used to and want a reduced schedule that could also be a plus.


If you are wondering what the crap I am talking about, head over to my [thread=35203]world from scratch diary[/thread] and take a look the level of interactivity and see if any ideas strike you.


I would love to do this real world but I am down for cornellverse.


if you are interested respond here or by PM, it would be great to talk over concept before diving in to make sure we were on the same page.

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since this is a thread for new diaries, I am looking to team up with a writer on a new diary.


I would like to handle the technical side, to create and interactive reading experience. to help create a new level of reader involvement. and try some things both graphically and with page layout that different than most of what we currently see.


I am open to any kind of diary, and will not step on the writers toes, but would like to be treated as a collaborator and not just the page designer. And would reciprocate by taking any feed back on layout or feature implementation.


I will admit up front that time is scarce so the project will move slowly, but is something I will commit to, So if some one is up for it as a second project or something, that is cool with me, or if you too have less time than you used to and want a reduced schedule that could also be a plus.


If you are wondering what the crap I am talking about, head over to my [thread=35203]world from scratch diary[/thread] and take a look the level of interactivity and see if any ideas strike you.


I would love to do this real world but I am down for cornellverse.


if you are interested respond here or by PM, it would be great to talk over concept before diving in to make sure we were on the same page.


So you would only make the graphics/code stuff?

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So you would only make the graphics/code stuff?


I would not mind being involved in some of the planning, but if all a writer wants is graphic code writer, then yes for the most part.


I have some features in mind, that may play a part in how the story is told, and am hoping what ever writer I link up with will have some cool interactive ideas of their own.


so I envision a works split something like this:



Story ideas: 80%

writing: 80 - 100 %

lay out & interactive IDEAS: 50%

graphics: 0 - 20 % (depending on how many pics we need to edit)

Coding layout: 0%




Story ideas: 20%

writing: 0 - 20 %

lay out & interactive IDEAS: 50%

graphics: 80 - 100 % (depending on how many pics we need to edit)

Coding layout: 100%


So it will really be a partnership, with both of us concentrating on our strong suits.

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Well I can be up for that mistaken. If you want to start right now (it's a 2002 game save, with adjusted stats to my likening) I could play June off (I am at week 1) or start from June WK2. As long as I have the freedom to continue book WrestleCrap of course.
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<p><em>I wrote this while simultaneously writing my openings for the Grey Dog MMA dynasty. Quite simply, I was going to use this prologue to start something here in the spirit of infinitywpi’s Coastal Zone work: small write-ups, very casual, very fun, not as time-consuming as my previous outings. I just edited it (though I probably still missed something! </em><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em>). I don’t know if I’ll ever use it, as I can’t decide which promotion to tackle. Then again, I purposely wrote it in such a way as to give me the flexibility to choose whatever I wanted.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Oh, and if you’ve never played WMMA, then this will make no sense to you. If I were to use it, I'd probably throw in a picture of the Grand Avatar and Mittens Blurcat somewhere.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Prologue</strong></p><p><strong>

Masters of Puppets</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The mysterious figure bit down hard on his cigar, grinding it between his teeth. The darkness hid not only his face, but his frustration. The cards have not been kind to him on this night. He was down thousands of dollars, and was just about ready to fold. But the Grand Avatar had one more trick up his sleeve, quite literally an ace he kept hidden for special occasions.</p><p> </p><p>

Sitting across from him was a beautiful brunette in her mid-thirties. She held her cards up to a laptop sitting right next to her. The high definition screen displayed a large, scary cat figure. A robotic voice suddenly resonated through the laptop speakers.</p><p> </p><p>

“Avatar? What do you wish to do? Fold, or…”</p><p> </p><p>

The Grand Avatar wished his opponent was actually in the room with him so that he could read his or her facial expressions. But the mysterious Mittens Blurcat preferred anonymity at all cost, which is why he or she, preferred to be called ‘M’. Avatar clenched his teeth once more; he had to stall. If he could get distract Mittens with some chatter, then perhaps he could quickly exchange cards without his assistant noticing. “Listen, M, I’m still thinking here. After all, this could be it for me, and it’s not like we play all that often anymore. You’re busy pulling strings in the world of mixed martial arts, I’m busy pulling strings in professional wrestling. Two urban legends…so, what are you up to? Made any mistakes recently.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Mistakes? My dear Grand Avatar, I rarely make mistakes. The mixed martial arts company I…coerced Lance Decker…”</p><p> </p><p>

“The Texas billionaire?”</p><p> </p><p>

“…the same; the company we started in 1999 has flourished tremendously. The mixed martial arts industry as a whole has been shaped the way I more or less intended. What of your exploits?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Well…” This was his chance; with quickness and precision, two cards were exchanged. M’s assistant didn’t seem to notice, or did she? “Let’s see, Cornell is nipping at Eisen’s heels just the way I wanted him to. Getting Sam Keith over there was easier than I thought. Kikkawa walking out on Burning Hammer went pretty smoothly, though I need to apologize to you. INSPIRE was never supposed to compete on your turf. Let’s see, what else…Edd Stone, the prodigal son, was probably the easiest thing to pull off…the death of DAVE, exactly as I planned…I did make a couple of mistakes here and there though.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Really? Such as?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Hmph,” Avatar had to suppress a grin. The likelihood he would win this hand had now doubled to 69.84%, if his mental calculations were correct. His math was almost never wrong…almost. “I messed up the sizes of a bunch of promotions. 21CW is easily my biggest screw up. I made them way too big for their own good. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a case of one step back, two steps forward for them. PSW should be farther ahead then they are now…and don’t get me started on BSC; I have no idea how or why they exist. That they’re still around makes me think there’s another puppet master running around.”</p><p> </p><p>

“I would think BSC would be right up your alley?”</p><p> </p><p>

Avatar shrugged his shoulders, keeping a straight face. “Hey, I love hot chicks as much as any red-blooded testosterone male.” He paused for a moment staring at M’s assistant, causing her to blush slightly. “But there are other things I prefer watching them do than…wrestle, unless it’s serious competition. By the way, I think I’ll go all in.” Avatar shoved the remainder of his chips towards the center of the table. He’d still be down but winning this hand would recoup much of what he lost this night.</p><p> </p><p>

Or so he thought; his full house of aces and nines would surely win…</p><p> </p><p>

“FOUR OF A KIND!” Avatar threw his cards against the wall, frustrated. A moment later, he regained his composure. “Heh, well played M. You beat me.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Considering how much money you won from me last time, it seems only fitting. By the way, next time we meet, I would appreciate it if you wore a short-sleeved shirt. It would…put my mind at ease. Good night, ‘Grand Avatar’”</p><p> </p><p>

“Good night, M.”</p><p> </p><p>

The Grand Avatar rose from his seat and left the private room. Despite losing, he held a greater number of victories over M overall, and he had plenty of money invested worldwide. In the meantime, he contemplated some of the miscalculations he had made influencing the landscape of professional wrestling. Perhaps it was time for him to rectify one of his errors with a more…hands-on approach.</p>

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Just a random idea I've had a few times that could be done any number of ways - Sam Keith and his kids. I don't know that you would want to start it right at the beginning of 2008, given that Keith just joined TCW. But have it start around the time that the Keith boys debut. You could either have them all join a smaller promotion - take your pick - or start one up on their own. There are endless options in that regard - include Nemesis, maybe Vibert or Stallings at the backer. Could make for an interesting diary.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just a random idea I've had a few times that could be done any number of ways - Sam Keith and his kids. I don't know that you would want to start it right at the beginning of 2008, given that Keith just joined TCW. But have it start around the time that the Keith boys debut. You could either have them all join a smaller promotion - take your pick - or start one up on their own. There are endless options in that regard - include Nemesis, maybe Vibert or Stallings at the backer. Could make for an interesting diary.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was actually talking about a TCW diary the other day where Sam, his children, and the other Proton Lock expert would become key by the end of 2008-early 2009.</p><p> </p><p> It's one of the three or four post-Philly-Pro ideas.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I was actually talking about a TCW diary the other day where Sam, his children, and the other Proton Lock expert would become key by the end of 2008-early 2009.<p> </p><p> It's one of the three or four post-Philly-Pro ideas.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Funny, I've toyed with a TCW diary, too, with the Keith family playing a key role. I doubt that would happen for me anytime soon, as the SWF diary takes up too much time and I really don't want to get away from it anytime soon. Though the possibility of having two writers doing a similar project has always intrigued me...</p><p> </p><p> I'd love to see you take TCW on, PS.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Funny, I've toyed with a TCW diary, too, with the Keith family playing a key role. I doubt that would happen for me anytime soon, as the SWF diary takes up too much time and I really don't want to get away from it anytime soon. Though the possibility of having two writers doing a similar project has always intrigued me...<p> </p><p> I'd love to see you take TCW on, PS.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It may happen once Philly Pro finally comes to whatever end it comes to. There's also a very goofball project around there and a co-op diary has been mooted near me.</p><p> </p><p> But the highly sporadic and short-lived nature of TCW diaries to date leaves me curious to take a shot at it...</p>
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Just a question, what did you guys think about my show layout on the last event, anything I should do different ? Anything I should add to the show, and don't say grades, cause those are coming up <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just a random idea I've had a few times that could be done any number of ways - Sam Keith and his kids. I don't know that you would want to start it right at the beginning of 2008, given that Keith just joined TCW. But have it start around the time that the Keith boys debut. You could either have them all join a smaller promotion - take your pick - or start one up on their own. There are endless options in that regard - include Nemesis, maybe Vibert or Stallings at the backer. Could make for an interesting diary.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If there's one thing I wish I had in FCK it's a Father-Son dynamic to play with (the Eisens don't count). Anything with the Keiths would be really cool. I'd steer clear of Vibert & Nemesis (almost becoming cliches at this point) but Stallings... could be a fun character.</p>
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