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TEW 07/08 Kamchatka's Logo Thread

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Can I get a logo & Banner for my promotion called Elite Pro Wrestling.. design and everything is completely up to you.


You see if you say design and everything up to me then you never know what the hell Ill give you..





Do say if this isn't what you pictured and you want something else (I doubt it is what you pictured)

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You see if you say design and everything up to me then you never know what the hell Ill give you..





Do say if this isn't what you pictured and you want something else (I doubt it is what you pictured)


Dude!!! :eek:


Your imagination astounds me everytime you come up with these. Absolutely awesome!!!



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You see if you say design and everything up to me then you never know what the hell Ill give you..





Do say if this isn't what you pictured and you want something else (I doubt it is what you pictured)


I think everyone should say that design and everything is up to up. Damn man.

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I think with that ELITE logo I must have been influenced by my childhood with Pogs..


..Moving on.


Can I get a logo for a US promotion called KANZEN Pro. Umm not sure what really to suggest in terms of design but the company is a bit like CHIKARA so if the logo could be kinda cartoony?


I've spent the last 30 minutes of my illness trying to work out how the logo should look but still have no idea :o




How about really close to CHIKARA?





If anyone can provide me with the Kanji for Kanzen (Perfect/Complete) then I could include it..

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Hmm might have to be thicker.


Yo Kam,

RPW still needs a banner if you're interested. The real logo I'm interested in though is for a 'Promotion' called "Black Canvas Grappling". Evil wrestlers have taken over GCG and have sworn to tear down the promotion and rebuild it as BCG. I'd like it similar to the current GCG set up, but with an evil looking Lion as the center animal and a darker, far more twisted set up all 'round. No rush on this, whenever you get a chance man.


- Sonfaro





I cursed slightly under my breath when I finished the Elite logo and realised id be doing pretty close to the same style for the BCG logo. Oh well must be Pog night.


EDIT: And went for a little bit of fun with the RPW banner.. tell me if its too trippy.




Word to your mother its RAP II Pro Wrestling.. or atleast thats what I keep on reading.

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You see if you say design and everything up to me then you never know what the hell Ill give you..





Do say if this isn't what you pictured and you want something else (I doubt it is what you pictured)


I can only hope he doesn't like it so I can reappropriate it for something of mine! :p


Oh well must be Pog night.


Get used to it, because I think pog logos may become quite popular after these :)

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Hmm might have to be thicker.







I cursed slightly under my breath when I finished the Elite logo and realised id be doing pretty close to the same style for the BCG logo. Oh well must be Pog night.




Kam... You are truley amazing. Truley.


I mean my goodness Kam, That is awesome!!!


- Sonfaro

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The other would be for a darker image - SWF in red on a black background. The idea for this one is for the letters to be so bold that it's almost a mass of red, rather than individual letters. The concept would be for an ultra-serious R-rated SWF, with violence ramped up and the kiddies turned away at the doors.


However, if you get an idea for that one and want to run with it, please feel free - I'm all for encouraging creativity as I suspect you'll turn up something cool :D


Thanks, and as I said these would be for the future, so if other people's are more urgent then please deal with them first.




A few random possibles.. The final one I tried playing with the idea of a bit of a red glow which I felt might fit in the idea of neon. Let me know if any of these fit the bill or something else is required..

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Very clever piece. The skull logo reminds of those anime shows like Bleach, which is refreshing because seeing the word Elite you could have just gone the simple path of making the logo look regal and whatnot. I think the cleverest thing was to include the word Elite in the right eye socket, where its highlighted by not dominating the logo so that it fits comfortably with the entire piece. 8.8/10






This one here has to be your most professional yet. Without a doubt it could easily be used as a real world logo. NJPW wishes they could have this as their logo. Where on earth did you get such a great Lion's Head? Or if you made it yourself absolutely amazing work. 10/10


And Sonfaro, I think you could totally go nWo using this logo. What I mean is that you could split the GCG into two factions a la WCW vs nWo with GCG and BCG..that'd be totally cool. Might try doing it myself.

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You see if you say design and everything up to me then you never know what the hell Ill give you..





Do say if this isn't what you pictured and you want something else (I doubt it is what you pictured)


It's not what I pictured but it's awesome.. I was looking for something with a skull or kind of dark .. thank you so much..


And I really didn't have anything planned out for the design.. I just thought that you would've taken the regal way like a lot of people do. That's the only reason why it's not what I pictured.. but I love it, and again thank you!

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Very clever piece. The skull logo reminds of those anime shows like Bleach, which is refreshing because seeing the word Elite you could have just gone the simple path of making the logo look regal and whatnot. I think the cleverest thing was to include the word Elite in the right eye socket, where its highlighted by not dominating the logo so that it fits comfortably with the entire piece. 8.8/10




This one here has to be your most professional yet. Without a doubt it could easily be used as a real world logo. NJPW wishes they could have this as their logo. Where on earth did you get such a great Lion's Head? Or if you made it yourself absolutely amazing work. 10/10


And Sonfaro, I think you could totally go nWo using this logo. What I mean is that you could split the GCG into two factions a la WCW vs nWo with GCG and BCG..that'd be totally cool. Might try doing it myself.


That was the idea. Though with a logo that cool, I may have BCG win the war now!

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A few random possibles.. The final one I tried playing with the idea of a bit of a red glow which I felt might fit in the idea of neon. Let me know if any of these fit the bill or something else is required..


Can we get banners for this too, Kam? And maybe the 'Supreme TV' logo done in the same way?


Great work, btw.


EDIT: Sorry if I'm barging in here, JC. Just think those 3 alt SWF logo's are fantastic. Love the SWF but the blue logos don't really sit well with me.

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How about this?




I know it's probably too soon for me to chime in with yet another request, but at the risk of being a pest, I feel oddly compelled to ask for a banner for this bad boy, one of the logos that I like the best.



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Hmm might have to be thicker.







I cursed slightly under my breath when I finished the Elite logo and realised id be doing pretty close to the same style for the BCG logo. Oh well must be Pog night.


EDIT: And went for a little bit of fun with the RPW banner.. tell me if its too trippy.




Word to your mother its RAP II Pro Wrestling.. or atleast thats what I keep on reading.


That RPW banner is trippy, but mother of Jebus that BCG logo is freaking insane! :eek:

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I think with that ELITE logo I must have been influenced by my childhood with Pogs..


..Moving on.




How about really close to CHIKARA?





If anyone can provide me with the Kanji for Kanzen (Perfect/Complete) then I could include it..


Thats awesome Kam, really appreciate especially with the comedy match aspect coming up in 2010 too :)


And that BCG logo christ theres just something about starting a promotion in real life and using that logo due to the sheer brillance of it for everyone to see...:)

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