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<p>I've always been interested with the way the AI behaves in TEW - so much so, I often observe games for years on end, just to see what happens. There are some questions about the AI I have been meaning to ask, though.</p><p> </p><p>

Do AI bookers get owner goals?</p><p> </p><p>

Also, what does the booking stat really determine as far as the AI is concerned?</p><p> </p><p>

And finally, do AI bookers/owners fire workers based on out-of-ring developments, such as a negative relationship or any other random incident? Saying that, does the AI care about these factors and the reputation stat when it comes to hiring new workers?</p><p> </p><p>

I'm sure I have some other questions, but I've forgotten them!</p><p> </p><p>

But yeah, thanks in advance.</p>

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Do AI bookers get owner goals?




Also, what does the booking stat really determine as far as the AI is concerned?


Who gets hired, and to a lesser extent, the show grades (maybe +/-1)


And finally, do AI bookers/owners fire workers based on out-of-ring developments, such as a negative relationship or any other random incident? Saying that, does the AI care about these factors and the reputation stat when it comes to hiring new workers?


If there is a negative relationship between the head booker and a worker, their contract will usually not be renewed. I don't think reputation comes into play all that much, though it might if the fed's prestige is higher than the worker's reputation.

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Who gets hired, and to a lesser extent, the show grades (maybe +/-1)




If there is a negative relationship between the head booker and a worker, their contract will usually not be renewed. I don't think reputation comes into play all that much, though it might if the fed's prestige is higher than the worker's reputation.


Are you sure the AI bookers don't have goals? I wonder because everytime that SWF falls to Cult level it seems like they replace Peter Michaels or same goes in TCW.

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I don't think the AI uses owner goals, but poor performance will only be tolerated so long. SWF have dropped from Global to Cult five times in my game, and only changed bookers three times (Michaels > Hesketh > Michaels > Hesketh - quite why they don't approach me or NOTBPW's Larry Wood, I don't know...)
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Are you sure the AI bookers don't have goals? I wonder because everytime that SWF falls to Cult level it seems like they replace Peter Michaels or same goes in TCW.


Of course they do. All promotions may fire bookers when they drop in size.

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I don't think the AI uses owner goals, but poor performance will only be tolerated so long. SWF have dropped from Global to Cult five times in my game, and only changed bookers three times (Michaels > Hesketh > Michaels > Hesketh - quite why they don't approach me or NOTBPW's Larry Wood, I don't know...)


I remember, back in 07, seeing identical situations come up in my main game and in Dragonmack's NYCW diary - CWWF would hire Leo Davis, run out his nine months on the book, fire him, and hire Bart Biggz, before running his time out, firing him, and hiring Davis back. Over and over.


It does kind of amuse me.

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I remember, back in 07, seeing identical situations come up in my main game and in Dragonmack's NYCW diary - CWWF would hire Leo Davis, run out his nine months on the book, fire him, and hire Bart Biggz, before running his time out, firing him, and hiring Davis back. Over and over.


It does kind of amuse me.


In a way it's similar to the old school way of booking. One person would book for a few months, then they'd recharge their batteries while another person books for a few months. It kept things feeling fresh and prevented booking burnout

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Thanks for all the comments guys. Very interesting stuff!


I've just though of another question:


Does the AI book feuds?


I have noticed that often there is a random brawl booked in one show, and a match between the two brawl participants in the next. Is this just a coincidence or does the AI actually plan ahead?

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While they don't do "feuds" per se, they WILL milk good chemistry.


I've seen games where the same two people will fight eachother for the world title every single night over and over and over again ad naseum because the AI can milk some good ratings out of them.

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Thanks for all the comments guys. Very interesting stuff!


I've just though of another question:


Does the AI book feuds?


I have noticed that often there is a random brawl booked in one show, and a match between the two brawl participants in the next. Is this just a coincidence or does the AI actually plan ahead?


When Adam was previewing the game, I seem to recall some comments to the effect that the AI would occasionally utilise very basic feuds. Whether that's just skit-to-match, the occasional multi-match series, or what, I don't know - but I've found that if you look at results involving one guy in one fed for a while you can generally figure out what the 'gist' of a story was intended to be.

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The AI doesn't have the capability to advanced book for future shows, so the closest to a storyline it can do is a small, connected one night thing. What can look like a lengthy series of "milking" a pairing or even a lengthy feud is people just being paired up together based on a few things... those being alignment and card position (based largely on overness, of course). If overness isn't changing very much then the same pairings are likely to be pulled out a lot more and so you'll see "feuds" developing.


As for owner goals, I'm not sure about those. I THINK the AI promotion do get them which is why you will sometimes see (especially at the top level) people sometimes getting fired for dropping a size (owner goal) or just falling down the rankings (owner goal)... though signings are harder to tell, as by their very nature it's a block to NOT signing people and if they don't sign them then that might not prove much. Could run some tests to have some very popular guys each with a key stat below the C- threshold that effects most goals and a second below the B- level. If the AI behaves differently and signs different people each time then you'd be able to almost confirm that they have goals.


Hiring/firing preferences are reflected by stats. Signing friends and family (for example) and firing people they don't like will become more likely with hiring/firing set to "with heart".

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I've always wanted to know if bookers will go out of their way to hire their friends and family, even if there might be someone who's a bit more suitable for the job


AI bookers will never hire someone they don't need. Their 'Roster Size' preference determines how far above the 'ideal roster size' they'll go, and they won't just hire friends just because they're friends.


If a position becomes available that someone they have a positive relationship with can fill, they do tend to pick that person over other candidates regardless of talent. For example, Mitch Naess developed a friendship with Christian Price (of all people...) in my game, and as soon as Nelson Callum was stolen from them (by me :D), Price was hired. No offence to the guy, he ain't bad, but I'm fairly sure he wouldn't have got a job with PSW (being a Canadian who's never worked in the USA) if it wasn't for the friendship with the owner.


On the flip side, they're much less likely to fire friends when they need to fire someone, even if said friend is an obvious choice for the chop.


The AI doesn't have the capability to advanced book for future shows, so the closest to a storyline it can do is a small, connected one night thing. What can look like a lengthy series of "milking" a pairing or even a lengthy feud is people just being paired up together based on a few things... those being alignment and card position (based largely on overness, of course). If overness isn't changing very much then the same pairings are likely to be pulled out a lot more and so you'll see "feuds" developing.


Actually I'm fairly sure Adam said that the AI does actually book what can loosely be termed 'feuds'. They don't have definitive storylines with set angles and such (the angles during shows only relate to that specific show's main event, or other big match, or are just random angles), but certain workers will face each other in various matchups over the course of a few shows. That could, obviously, be down to the 'main event face not already booked vs. main event heel not already booked' style of booking the AI uses, but I'm pretty sure Adam did mention something about the AI using simple feuds. Especially in a big promotion, with lots of main eventers (so therefore much less chance of Face A and Heel B randomly being matched up), you still see 'feuds' developing.

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As for owner goals, I'm not sure about those. I THINK the AI promotion do get them which is why you will sometimes see (especially at the top level) people sometimes getting fired for dropping a size (owner goal) or just falling down the rankings (owner goal)... though signings are harder to tell, as by their very nature it's a block to NOT signing people and if they don't sign them then that might not prove much. Could run some tests to have some very popular guys each with a key stat below the C- threshold that effects most goals and a second below the B- level. If the AI behaves differently and signs different people each time then you'd be able to almost confirm that they have goals.



Interesting.... This reminds me of how some games Darryl Devine or (in '07 Frankie Dee) weren't immediatly signed up by SWF/TCW. I always thought it was just randomness, but secret owner goals might be interesting...

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Well BHOTWG always nets Samoan Machine and if you play them the owner goal is almost always no one from cult or above. Anyone ever experience Samoan Machine not getting snapped up by BHOTWG? (Not when you sign him as SWF of course.)


I've never seen Samoan Machine not go to Burning Hammer. I've tried countless times to sign him at the start, including many many times with Supreme. But he always chooses BHOTWG.

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If a position becomes available that someone they have a positive relationship with can fill, they do tend to pick that person over other candidates regardless of talent. For example, Mitch Naess developed a friendship with Christian Price (of all people...) in my game, and as soon as Nelson Callum was stolen from them (by me :D), Price was hired. No offence to the guy, he ain't bad, but I'm fairly sure he wouldn't have got a job with PSW (being a Canadian who's never worked in the USA) if it wasn't for the friendship with the owner.


On the flip side, they're much less likely to fire friends when they need to fire someone, even if said friend is an obvious choice for the chop.


Just wondering (since this has come up in the mod I'm doing), does this apply to protege/mentor relationships?


I really need this biased hiring implemented atm, and I'll stick them on a friendship/loyalty thing is I have to, but mentor/protege is more realistic.

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