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help please on tv deals

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i am running a regional sized fed in the usa..i have seen somewhere that at this size i can get a tv deal...so every time networks are scheduling i apply for a new show...for some reason i am always rejected...please can someone explain why this is...
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Well if you're regional, it's unlikely you'll have nation-wide popularity, and for any network catering to the entire country that's what they're looking for. You should be after a much more local TV station.
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Well if you're regional, it's unlikely you'll have nation-wide popularity, and for any network catering to the entire country that's what they're looking for. You should be after a much more local TV station.


Except TV networks like that are a rarety.


Yes, at Regional you CAN get a TV deal, but being Regional alone isn't what you'll need.


Once I've hit regional I always start building the same foundation, getting as much popularity as I can in my home region (I aim to have a C or C+ in popularity, not importance mind you, before I hit Cult), and try and build two other regions in my home country to the point where they'd qualify for Regional on their own (E+).


I've done this twice, once in the USA and once in Europe, and both times I managed to get a TV deal when I had about a C- in my home region for importance and E+s in importance in the other two regions I've been holding shows in.


Getting that home region up will be key financially, as it should provide more than enough money to cover your losses when you start holding shows in the less popular areas.

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Yeah, the key is that you need decent popularity in the majority of places covered by the network. Q-TV for example only covers Quebec, so 4C can get a deal with them reasonably quickly, whereas Pop! Network covers the whole of the US and parts of Canada (IIRC) so you'll need to be much bigger.


The size of the station is also important, as is the current wrestling industry level.

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Regional can be a very, very long stage for a company... try broadening your audience by running weekly shows in parts of the country you've spilled over into and a monthly event in your home territory. If you're in the South West, you might want to work on parts of Mexico to get a deal with the station that covers SW and parts of Mexico.


Remember, a TV station wants you to be at least somewhat popular in any region it broadcasts in.

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