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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Excellent work jtlant :)



ok, here is my first Federation imput and the family associated with it :)



Western Calgary Championship Wrestling


And now the Erickson family :)

Kevin Erickson.............Laura Erickson..........David Erickson.......Matthew Erickson




I plan on adding to the bio more when I have time :)

Great work trell. I think I found the Stones of this Universe.

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Excellent work jtlant :)



ok, here is my first Federation imput and the family associated with it :)



Western Calgary Championship Wrestling


And now the Erickson family :)

Kevin Erickson.............Laura Erickson..........David Erickson.......Matthew Erickson




I plan on adding to the bio more when I have time :)


Nice work, should be a fun fed. Everyone loves a wrestling dynasty. :D

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Just wondering from the Render guys out here any suggestions on making the skin come out more tan? I have one idea but before I post it I want to give it a try and see how it comes out.


Well, there's a couple ways you can go about changing skin tones without actually using a different skin texture.


For minor tweaks, I just add a bit of color to my main light source. Can't add too much, as it'll affect everything in the scene, but a little bit of color can have the desired effect on the skin tone.


For more major changes, you can pull down the Surfaces tab and adjust the diffuse color of the whole figure. Just make sure to go back through and set the eyes, teeth, and anything else you don't want changed back to white.


Of course, you can also open up GIMP or Photoshop, open up the texture you're using, and then tweak the color and save it as a new file, then load that into DAZ via the dropdown bar under the diffuse color selector. Either way works fine.

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and the 6th person for WCCW


Tyrese Williams



Amazing render right there. I would sign him without any talent and just based on his looks...Man I sound just like Vinnie Mac.



Of course, you can also open up GIMP or Photoshop, open up the texture you're using, and then tweak the color and save it as a new file, then load that into DAZ via the dropdown bar under the diffuse color selector. Either way works fine.


I found a way in photoshop that makes it come out nice. If you google the skin color you are looking for and then take that picture into photoshop you can make a new layer on your orginial skin textures and then use the fill option and then set that layer to mulitply and set the opiticy to around 50% it works real good.


Edit: Incase someone else wanted to know.

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Thanks for the complement guys, here is another one from me


Vincent Rauner





EDIT: Another one before I go to work for 12 hours :(


Valdemar Nordin



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Looking good guys. I really love that blue background. When I saw the poll come up, I thought the colour might be a bit too intense, but with the lighting, the renders so far are looking great.


I wish I was any good at delegating tasks and trying to organise things, as sharing the workload for a mod is definitely the way to go. Good luck with it.

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Just one profile for right now...


Solomon Hazard


Solomon Hazard is a menacing heavyweight from St. Louis who is known for punishing his opponents with his phenomenal strength. He is best known for his work in Japan where, despite being fairly average in the ring, he has become a popular attraction due to his size and raw power. Before his time in Japan, he worked the Midwestern U.S. as a fairly standard monster heel, never really managing to seperate himself from the pack of other similarly skilled big men. Though the decision to move across the Pacific seemed like a big risk, Hazard proved up to the task, showcasing a previously-unseen ferocity on his debut in Japan. It was at this time that he began to implement some more realistic striking into his attack, punctuated by his two big finishing moves: A wicked running knee to a kneeling foe's head known as Hazardous Material, and a sternum-splitting double elbow drop from the second rope known as the Hazard 2 Your Health.

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The United Super Stars Revolution isn't so much of a revolution these days, but back in 1977 it was the most innovative thing in Europe, being the first European company to focus their product on angles and storylines focused on stars mainly from the Eastern Block. Unfortunately, the company's innovation stopped in around 1981 and it remains much the same product it was during the Cold War.


In the past, however, USSR (the promotion, not the country in which they were based) managed to claw their way to the top of European wrestling, in part thanks to the intelligent booking of original owner Pyotr Fedotova and on the backs of their two most prized workers, Viktor Koslov and The Tzar. The glory days came to an abrupt end in 1994, following the tragic death of Fedotova.


USSR may not be at the top anymore, but their showcase of muscle-bound heavyweights will always attract a few fans looking for old school nostalgia, and for the first time ever.






Might tweak that description, but the idea is a company based out of Russia that is based heavily in on the hulking heavyweights from the various countries of the former Soviet Union (and in Eastern Block in general). Obviously they made themselves the USSR as well in order to showcase their pride of the motherland. The were once upon a time a Cult level company, but have since fallen to Regional as fans have, sadly, stopped caring for their guys whose top selling point is usually how big and scary they looked. Indeed, it's like USPW (if they fell to Regional!)... but with a Russian twist.

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Id be really tempted to suggest integrated womens wrestling for USSR. Though I always think that will end in trouble with the AI as it will then go and hire women wrestlers who definitely dont fit the bill. Maybe womens division?


I might. Also might change the name, though it should have something in the initials that hints at the Soviet Union.


And I do hope we get some work done on future workers. Have to be sure there's plenty of roided up Ukrainians ready to join up with USSR (or whatever it might become!)

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Here's a few more bios from The CLAW....


Crusher LaRue, (born April 19, 1949), was a top-level wrestler during the 1980s, and one of US-A's most hated heels. Though he was a bit undersized, (he was always a little small for a 'crusher'), his great interviews and his supremely villainous cunning almost always drew in the fans. A severe knee injury cut short his in-ring career, but he was a natural as manager of a top heel stable for several years. His post-US-A career saw him take control of a small promotion in the North West, called Montana Mountain Wrestling. He would see them through a series of highs and lows, before they finally shut down in the Spring of 2001. After that, he seemingly vanished from wrestling's radar, until he popped up in The CLAW late in 2006, signed on as a colour commentator and road agent after his son John Boy LaRue was brought in as the company's head booker.


The son of famous wrestling star Crusher LaRue, John Boy LaRue, (born March 21, 1981) is a high flying independent sensation from the US North West, who drew rave reviews around the wrestling world for his outstanding 2008 match with Toshiro Arai in KP-1. Perhaps The CLAW’s single most dependable wrestler, he’s been described as the glue that holds the company together, having been brought in by K.J. Karter to serve as head booker back in 2006. Many of the company’s most popular storylines have come directly from his hand, and his influence in Japan has definitely been a key factor in their success.


Ricardo "The Beast" Ruiz, (born January 4, 1976), is a really intense fighter who grew up on the mean streets of Chi-Town, USA. He's notorious among the independents for his ruthless personality, but his cold-hearted warrior persona is usually a hit with the fans, and his unique wrestling style - which blends his extensive background in the martial arts with traditional grappling - usually makes for exciting television. They call him 'The Beast' because he likes to destroy folks in the ring, and his battles with Apache Joe over the Arena Championship in Chicago Live Action Wrestling alone are worth most of the troubles that he might cause backstage. Well, some think so, anyway.


Kato Kobaya, (born September 12, 1980), is the son of famous Japanese wrestling star Kajiro Kobaya, and a rising independent star in his native land. A friend and training partner of John Boy LaRue, he joined him in Chicago Live Action Wrestling in 2008, and has since been a big hit with the American audience. His physically intense match-ups with LaRue alone brought him some fame in the company, and his unique wrestling style quickly made him a cult favorite among The CLAW's target audience. He teamed with LaRue and Johnny Dallas to win the Trios Live Action Series in 2009, one of the year's most talked-about shows. He sometimes wrestles as KOBA in his native Japan, and elsewhere in the US.


Silent Pop, (real name Tyler Pearce, born April 14, 1986) is an undersized lightweight from Vancouver, who’s known for overcoming usually larger foes with his dazzling speed and high risk aerial attacks, and while he’s far from the greatest technical wrestler around, his flash usually more than makes up for his shortcomings in the ring. He’s become a cult favorite in Chicago Live Action Wrestling, with his silent, mysterious persona as part of the ultra-exciting Dynamo 3D group, alongside “Wiley” Willie Jackson and Burning Thunder. Outside the ring, he’s said to be one of the most approachable wrestlers around, always willing to hang out with the fans and sign autographs.


“Wiley” Willie Jackson is an enthusiastic brawler from the South side of Chicago, who’s as well known for his admittedly impressive dance moves as he is for his startling array of kicks and aerial assaults - his Flying Frog Press is particularly impressive. He made his name on the independent circuit as the villainous Wiley Willie, but, a confirmed fan of the Chicago Hitmen, he joined The CLAW as a baby face in the Spring of 2009. There, he’s developed quite a following in the dynamic young stable, Dynamo 3D, alongside perrennial favorites Burning Thunder and Silent Pop.


And then, just for kicks and giggles...


Ryland University Hall - Ryland University Hall is a comfortable, modern venue sitting on the campus of one of England's top centers for higher learning. South UK, Small


Philadelphia Metro Center - Home to the Philadelphia Metro Stars, the Metro Center is a sleek, modern venue that first opened its doors in the Spring of 2004. Tri State, Medium


Trombley Arena - The Trombley Arena in London is one of England's oldest and most highly regarded venues. A countless array of concerts, fights, and wrestling matches have been held there over the years. South UK, Medium


And finally...


Broadcast America - Begins in March 1962, Very Big size, Medium patience, Nuetral wrestling, Low risk levels, High finances, shows throughout the US and Puerto Rico


Hope some of those are useful...



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I feel I should start with the workers I know the most about going into this.


Hail, "The Iron Curtain" Viktor Koslov


"The Iron Curtain" Viktor Koslov made his pro-wrestling debut for USSR in the first match of their first show and has remained with the promotion ever since. At seven feet tall and musculature like a bodybuilder, Koslov was one of the single most imposing figures in wrestling then, and even at 48 years old he still is today. By 1980, Koslov had risen to the to rank of USSR's top babyface (in contrast to other companies, where men of his stature would be nothing more than monster heels), and his career-long blood feud with The Tzar is hailed as the defining story in Eastern European wrestling. Though The Tzar has long since retired, Viktor remains the top dog of (the now smaller) USSR, frequently destroying his typically younger competition with his highly intense, brutal style of wrestling.

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Figured I would contribute with 2 wrestlers (A tag team) off the UK scene I've been using in a few games recently. May also help in the process with looking for a dojo name.

The Second Gen Experience (I'd have their relationship set as best friends, experience together maybe a B+ or higher)


Zack Richard Arnold

Birth Date: July 1989

Wrestling Debut: July 2008


"The Flash Attraction" Zack Richard Arnold is a English born high flier famed for being the son of legendary British wrestler Tony Arnold (Otherwise known as "The Dark Assassin"). Zack grew up in the business from an early age going on the road with his Dad to various venues around the United Kingdom and at times across Europe on certain tours as he got a bit older.


At the age of 15 Zack began training at the "Mickey Steel Hard Knocks Academy" where he learned to produce his super junior style under the watchful eye of Mickey, his father and Peter Anderson (The father of Tag Team partner Sean Anderson).


Both Sean and Zack entered the wrestling world in the Summer of 2008.


Wrestling for the now defunct UK Indy Alliance promotion Arnold and Anderson formed the "Second Gen Experience" playing off the roles of their fathers in the business but adopting a arrogant persona in the process before moving around the UK and Europe scene.


What's next for the 2 lads? Only time will tell


Sean Anderson

Birth Date: January 1990

Wrestling Debut: July 2008


"Sublime" Sean Anderson is a Irish wrestler known well by most people in the wrestling industry for being the youngest of 3 sons by legendary Irish wrestler Peter Anderson. Unlike his brothers Patrick and James; Sean took a more 21st century wrestling style full of exciting moves and heart racing moments. However being trained by his father, Tony Arnold and Mickey Steel at the "Hard Knocks Academy" proved beneficial for Sean as he developed a better technical ground game; something usually seen in men of his size.


It was at Hard Knocks that Sean met Zack Richard Arnold and the two began competing together under the name "The Second Gen Experience" working primarily as heels making a mockery of their fathers status in British Wrestling.


As the start of 2009 began it could be seen that Sean was the more gifted of the two; while still teaming with Zack he was getting a lot more attention from bookers and promotions in the UK and Europe


What is next for the 2 lads? Only time will tell



NOTE: late for school, will finish 2nd one later

Here is my go at Zack



now Sean


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Another Tag team for WCCW(the tag champs)


Keita Sugihara...............Teruhi Sugihara



and not sure if we are doing this but I did tag champs for WCCW pics



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Just wanted to say, my gosh these renders are beautiful.


I'm still working my way through iNY, might think of redoing the promotions style to make it key focused at mainstream rather than modern.


If anyone has any requests for logos feel free to send them to me.

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Just wanted to say, my gosh these renders are beautiful.


I'm still working my way through iNY, might think of redoing the promotions style to make it key focused at mainstream rather than modern.


If anyone has any requests for logos feel free to send them to me.


Why not make it a promotion both Modern AND Mainstream?


You know, angles, storys, based someone on popularity... but with Modern style wrestling.

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