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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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oh ok :)


EDIT: Here is my first render attempt using the lighting




Nice work. Glad to see you're not done rendering. :)


I everyone leaving a few blank spots on their rosters for free agents? Our are you filling them to the max?


KP-1 is going to be filled out I think. Might even be one or two over the minimum reqs.


I've finished up bios on a decent portion of the roster. Here are a couple of them that I've done renders for.


Ryuji Koga


The enigmatic Ryuji Koga is a talented worker who has only recently emerged as a force in the Japanese scene. He had spent the majority of his career as an ultra-serious technical wrestler, focusing on dismantling his opponents in the ring, but was always held back by his rather average athletic ability, however, and struggled to make an impact with any of the various promotions he worked for.


The opening of KP-1 presented him with another opportunity to make his mark and, this time, Koga would do just that. It was there that he debuted the mysterious, brooding persona that has become such a hit with the fans, allowing him to showcase previously unseen levels of charisma. He also began to augment his technical background with a more direct, brawling style and, as a result, has become a much more versatile worker. He has established himself as one of KP-1's most popular workers, and looks poised to become a true breakout star for the company.


Toshiro Arai


"The Golden Boy" Toshiro Arai is a versatile youngster who is consistently named as one of the most promising workers in Japan. Debuting in late 2007, Arai created a tremendous buzz for his performances with a variety of small independent promotions in his home region of Kanto. He quickly became known not only for his athleticism and ability to work with a wide range of opponents, but also for his ****y, disrespectful style. He signed on with KP-1 midway through 2009 where he took his "Golden Boy" persona up a level, dying his hair a brilliant platinum. He soon became a key player with the Victory-AC group in their rivalry against the more traditional BUSHIDO faction. He has also made appearances for the American CLAW promotion, highlighted by a fantastic match against the sensational WhipLash.


It is interesting to note that despite his naturally arrogant persona in the ring, he is a well-liked member of the roster backstage, known for his loyalty and respectful attitude.


Makoto Okada


Makoto Okada is a tremendous lightweight competitor from Japan who is becoming something of a cult sensation in his homeland. On his debut, he was a solid, if unspectacular, cruiserweight who always seemed to be overshadowed by the highlight-reel athleticism that some of his peers possess. After several years of toiling in relative anonymity, he realized that his career was in danger of stalling before it ever really began. Seeing this, Okada took drastic action. He took a one year hiatus from competition, using the time to bring his body to peak physical condition through countless hours of conditioning and weight-lifting.


He returned to the ring in 2008 a much different worker, densely muscled and boasting a hard-hitting offense more typically seen in the heavyweight ranks. Fans soon dubbed him "the Warrior Monk", in reference to his shaved head and almost religious training regimen. He joined KP-1 shortly after its opening, and has established himself as one of their top talents.

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Nice bios that make me feel as though I've got to up my own game, now :)


Thanks. :D


I have a tendency to get a little long-winded when I write bios, but in a from-scratch world like this I like to get as much info packed in there as possible.


I'm curious, does anyone else have any plans for a Japanese promotion? I've got some ideas for how the wrestling landscape might look over there, including what I think is kind of a cool backstory, but I don't want to take over the scene.


The history I thought up for Japan is that it was dominated since the 70s by a national-sized promotion that was headed up by a big star. He died a few years prior to the start date, leaving the company in the hands of his talented but divisive protege. This caused a rift in the promotion, with many of the other stars banding together to form their own company and sparking a war between the two. Essentially, this would leave Japan with two at-war, cult-sized promotions at the top, with several smaller promotions, like KP-1, trying to step up and challenge them.


That was my rough idea anyways. I think it would be kind of neat, but obviously it's not my call as to how the backstory sets up. I just figured I'd throw that out there so we could get some kind of history worked out, similar to how the US has been.

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Nice bios that make me feel as though I've got to up my own game, now


Agreed, my bios suck compared to those!


I am not sure if anyone else is doing Japan. Therefore, I think your backstory would be great as Japan seems to be your area. Like I said earlier I known next to nothing about Japanese wrestling so it is cool that we have someone on here that knows what they are talking about and is willing to build that scene up.


I was thinking of doing my next promotion in either Canada, Hawaii or California. The promotion would be a gimmick heavy comedy promotion. All the gimmicks in this promotion would be off the wall stupid.

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I thought you were done rendering



I was when I wrote that, but my life started to get back together so I've decided to try doing it again.:)


excellent work on the bios jtlant :)


on a side note, are we naming our own characters or are there a list of names already?

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I was when I wrote that, but my life started to get back together so I've decided to try doing it again.:)


excellent work on the bios jtlant :)


on a side note, are we naming our own characters or are there a list of names already?


Naming our own, this project has very few rules.. if any.

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Agreed, my bios suck compared to those!


I am not sure if anyone else is doing Japan. Therefore, I think your backstory would be great as Japan seems to be your area. Like I said earlier I known next to nothing about Japanese wrestling so it is cool that we have someone on here that knows what they are talking about and is willing to build that scene up.


I was thinking of doing my next promotion in either Canada, Hawaii or California. The promotion would be a gimmick heavy comedy promotion. All the gimmicks in this promotion would be off the wall stupid.


Well, I'm by no means an expert on Japanese wrestling, but I feel like I know enough to make it work. I'm just naturally drawn to the style of it, I'm not really sure why. I'm trying not to be tied down by the way wrestling in Japan has traditionally been presented in both the real world and C-verse. I figure since we're creating the history from scratch, we can decide what style has historically been most popular with each region. I've been toying with the idea of having the formerly dominant promotion be sort of like a more realistic USPW, complete with the gimmicks, strong face/heel divide, and aging roster.


And I'm glad everyone seems to like the bios. :)


I was when I wrote that, but my life started to get back together so I've decided to try doing it again.:)


excellent work on the bios jtlant :)


on a side note, are we naming our own characters or are there a list of names already?


Thanks. :D


I've been naming all of mine on my own. If there is a list of names, I'm unaware of it.

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Well, I'm by no means an expert on Japanese wrestling, but I feel like I know enough to make it work. I'm just naturally drawn to the style of it, I'm not really sure why. I'm trying not to be tied down by the way wrestling in Japan has traditionally been presented in both the real world and C-verse. I figure since we're creating the history from scratch, we can decide what style has historically been most popular with each region. I've been toying with the idea of having the formerly dominant promotion be sort of like a more realistic USPW, complete with the gimmicks, strong face/heel divide, and aging roster.


And I'm glad everyone seems to like the bios. :)




Thanks. :D


I've been naming all of mine on my own. If there is a list of names, I'm unaware of it.


Yeah, the only limit is your own creativity :)

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So, have we had much discussion on where the "key" (high importance) regions are in each country/area? I'm thinking we might want to go ahead and get the regional importance all set before we go too much further, since it will have a huge impact on how the mod plays.
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Figured I would contribute with 2 wrestlers (A tag team) off the UK scene I've been using in a few games recently. May also help in the process with looking for a dojo name.

The Second Gen Experience (I'd have their relationship set as best friends, experience together maybe a B+ or higher)


Zack Richard Arnold

Birth Date: July 1989

Wrestling Debut: July 2008


"The Flash Attraction" Zack Richard Arnold is a English born high flier famed for being the son of legendary British wrestler Tony Arnold (Otherwise known as "The Dark Assassin"). Zack grew up in the business from an early age going on the road with his Dad to various venues around the United Kingdom and at times across Europe on certain tours as he got a bit older.


At the age of 15 Zack began training at the "Mickey Steel Hard Knocks Academy" where he learned to produce his super junior style under the watchful eye of Mickey, his father and Peter Anderson (The father of Tag Team partner Sean Anderson).


Both Sean and Zack entered the wrestling world in the Summer of 2008.


Wrestling for the now defunct UK Indy Alliance promotion Arnold and Anderson formed the "Second Gen Experience" playing off the roles of their fathers in the business but adopting a arrogant persona in the process before moving around the UK and Europe scene.


What's next for the 2 lads? Only time will tell


Sean Anderson

Birth Date: January 1990

Wrestling Debut: July 2008


"Sublime" Sean Anderson is a Irish wrestler known well by most people in the wrestling industry for being the youngest of 3 sons by legendary Irish wrestler Peter Anderson. Unlike his brothers Patrick and James; Sean took a more 21st century wrestling style full of exciting moves and heart racing moments. However being trained by his father, Tony Arnold and Mickey Steel at the "Hard Knocks Academy" proved beneficial for Sean as he developed a better technical ground game; something usually seen in men of his size.


It was at Hard Knocks that Sean met Zack Richard Arnold and the two began competing together under the name "The Second Gen Experience" working primarily as heels making a mockery of their fathers status in British Wrestling.


As the start of 2009 began it could be seen that Sean was the more gifted of the two; while still teaming with Zack he was getting a lot more attention from bookers and promotions in the UK and Europe


What is next for the 2 lads? Only time will tell



NOTE: late for school, will finish 2nd one later

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Figured I would contribute with 2 wrestlers (A tag team) off the UK scene I've been using in a few games recently. May also help in the process with looking for a dojo name.

The Second Gen Experience (I'd have their relationship set as best friends, experience together maybe a B+ or higher)


Zack Richard Arnold

Birth Date: July 1989

Wrestling Debut: July 2008


"The Flash Attraction" Zack Richard Arnold is a English born high flier famed for being the son of legendary British wrestler Tony Arnold (Otherwise known as "The Dark Assassin"). Zack grew up in the business from an early age going on the road with his Dad to various venues around the United Kingdom and at times across Europe on certain tours as he got a bit older.


At the age of 15 Zack began training at the "Mickey Steel Hard Knocks Academy" where he learned to produce his super junior style under the watchful eye of Mickey, his father and Peter Anderson (The father of Tag Team partner Sean Anderson).


Both Sean and Zack entered the wrestling world in the Summer of 2008.


Wrestling for the now defunct UK Indy Alliance promotion Arnold and Anderson formed the "Second Gen Experience" playing off the roles of their fathers in the business but adopting a arrogant persona in the process before moving around the UK and Europe scene.


What's next for the 2 lads? Only time will tell




NOTE: late for school, will finish 2nd one later

If no one minds and I can have some open creativity I have a good idea for these workers images, including the fathers. I will complete these if now one minds.

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If no one minds and I can have some open creativity I have a good idea for these workers images, including the fathers. I will complete these if now one minds.


I defiantly don't mind man


I've been using C-Verse alt pics for them because of my lack of graphical skills so to see them really 'come to life' as it were would be great mate :)

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It looks like I'm the only one working on Japan at the moment, I'll go ahead and post the two cult-sized promotions that I've envisioned at the top of the Japanese scene.


This is still very much a work in progress, and most of my time on this has been spent filling out KP-1's roster, so if anyone has any characters they'd like to see in either promotion, feel free to say so. I've got a handful in mind, but there will be a ton of room on the rosters if everyone is fine with the inclusion of these two companies.


Rising Sun Wrestling Association


The Rising Sun Wrestling Association is the oldest active promotion in Japan, having been formed back in the early 70s. Quickly rising above the competition on the strength of a young and talented roster, RSWA established itself as Japan's top promotion by the early 80s and never looked back, with top stars like Haru Nagata, Hiroyoshi Hirasawa and Crusher Yamato becoming household names. Their brightest star however, was Gotaro Masuda.


A founding member of the company, Masuda eventually rose to the position of company president and guided them to an unprecedented period of prosperity in the 90s. His rather sudden death from illness in early 2006 created a power struggle in the promotion, with Masuda's divisive protege Kunimichi Kitou assuming the role of president. This proved an extremely unpopular move with much of the roster, and lead to the resignation of long-time stalwarts Nagata and Yamato, who shortly thereafter announced the formation of GRCG, sparking a promotional war.


Golden Road Championship Grappling

Golden Road Championship Grappling was founded in 2006 by longtime RSWA stalwarts Haru Nagata and Crusher Yamato following the duo's resignation in protest of Kunimichi Kitou's appointment as company president. Their vision was of a more realistic product, featuring more lively matches and less of the ridiculously over-the-top characters which had become so prevalent in RSWA in recent years. Joined by a sizable group of like-minded workers, Nagata and Yamato's new promotion became an immediate force, severely damaging RSWA's reputation in the process. In the years since, GRCG has built up a strong following in the west, around its home base in Kinki, though RSWA maintains a firm hold on the eastern portions of Japan.


The two sides have been locked in a war since their split, with each small GRCG victory further infuriating the petulant Kitou, driving the chances of a mutual truce down to nil.


I'm just throwing these out there to flesh out the scene a little bit. If anyone has anything they'd rather see in Japan then feel free to add it in.

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Excellent work jtlant :)



ok, here is my first Federation imput and the family associated with it :)



Western Calgary Championship Wrestling



Western Calgary Championship Wrestling is one of the origional federations in canada. They are quickly rising up the ranks again in canada after a drop in popularity after the "Hardcore" Era of the 90's. The owner Kevin Erickson has retired and now he has put his 2 sons in charge of bringing in the crowds


And now the Erickson family :)

Kevin Erickson.............Laura Erickson..........David Erickson.......Matthew Erickson




I plan on adding to the bio more when I have time :)

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