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SOTBW or cult level related question

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I'm currently running a game with SOTBW and having quite a blast with it so far. My only concern is that with SOTBW, and maybe cult promotions in general, it says I can schedule BIG monthly events if I want to but the game starts out with only two BIG shows later in the year and more MEDIUM shows earlier in the year. Does this mean I have to progress to get good attendance at BIG shows or can I just schedule BIG shows for the whole year and still get good attendance/money coming in?
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I'd try a single Big show and see if the benefits work for you.


Edit to add: Basically, Big shows will require more investment from yourself, investment that should be countered by running in a larger venue, and the attendnant bonuses from attracting more fans.


A Big show in the same venue, however, seems unlikely to be a profit maker for you, unless the difference in attendance is so great that it somehow makes up for it.


Give it a go and see what happens - I've never actually made this switch, as by the time I got to Cult in '07, I was over enough to score a PPV deal, and all my events became PPVs.

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I'd imagine it'd be wise to run Big shows once you can (assuming you can't get a PPV deal).


Big shows WILL attract more fans than Medium ones, and the amount of ticket sales you make should more than counter the cost of a larger venue and booking a few extra workers. My reasoning? PPVs bring in as many people to the arena as a Big show would, meaning the actual money made from attendance should be comparable. PPV revenue, however, isn't much to brag about early on. That increase in ticket sales, however, is and it's the number one reason my Cult level EWA makes money at the end of the month. Were I to have a PPV deal without any of the revenue from it, I'd still barely be in the green.


So yes, run Big events if you can. PPV would be better, however, as you can get slightly more money thanks to the deal itself, and I'm pretty sure it can be 30 minutes shorter than a Big event.

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