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New To The Game...Which Best For...

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Hey Guys,


For Fathers Day I get to purchase one of these great games. :D


I have been sifting through thread after thread from TEW05, 07, AND 08.


Which one has the best MOD to run eighties wrestling, especially old NWA, Mid Atlantic, etc.?


I have seen and read many of the dynasties using the DOTT mods and they look great!


Just wondering which of the TEW games could I buy tonight and download a mod that would have me having a Flair VS Dusty fued going before bed time?


Does TEW08 have those 80's mods? I know TEW07 did.


Did TEW05 have those?


I really want to spend some time having Magnum smack Nikita for stomping on the American flag!


I guess I am dating myself, huh? I mean showing my age, not "dating"...well you know what I mean.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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I think 08 is the better game but if you are looking for the best dott mod that would be for 07, 08 has one but it is still beta but playable as i am playing one right now. I really suggest getting 08 and playing the dott mod, if you are playing as one of the "bigger" companys like macw, wwf, awa or wccw they will run perfectly well. Some of the "smaller" one might have a few hickups but nothing that make it not playable.
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I highly suggest 08. While the Death Of The Territories mod is still in beta, it doesn't change the facts that:


1. It's still a terrific mod

2. 08 is vastly superior to 07


And, while you may be interested in the 80s of the real world (really a great time period for wrestling, wasn't it?), I have to pimp out the default data, the CornellVerse. It's the data the game was balanced around, and for some the excellent balancing makes it funnest database to play as. Sure, you don't know any of the people on account of them being fictitious... but if you ever get the free time you should give it a chance.


Again, 08 is the superior product to 07, and as I said the 80s real world mod is still excellent, even if it's still being tweaked.

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And, while you may be interested in the 80s of the real world (really a great time period for wrestling, wasn't it?), I have to pimp out the default data, the CornellVerse. It's the data the game was balanced around, and for some the excellent balancing makes it funnest database to play as. Sure, you don't know any of the people on account of them being fictitious... but if you ever get the free time you should give it a chance.


Definitely agreed. And it doesn't hurt that you have USPW in the CVerse which has a definite 80's sports entertainment type feel with the gimmicks and powerhouse love on the originial roster. Or NYCW which is aging badly according to the backstory but attempting to run a territorial age type product. Either one of those could be a good CVerse intro for you once you play DOTT some and get comfortable with the game features.

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DOTT for TEW 07 is a lot of fun, it's an older game with less features than TEW 08 but I still load it up once in a while because the database makes it worth playing.


TEW 08 is the better game in my opinion, but nobody has the old school data sorted out for it yet so if you are strictly interested in playing 1980s style your options are to either get TEW 07, or to get TEW 08 and convert the data, make some changes because things won't convert perfectly or hope the DOTT finishes up work on the 08 version sometime soon.

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I think people aren't playing DOTT because of the BETA title in it. Otherwise no one would be saying its not just as good as 07, everyone's in the right area, stats have been adjusted, there is nothing wrong with the 08 version. Its BETA in name only really. 08 is vastly better than 07.
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