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TNA: Everything Is On The Line!

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Chapter 1:


The War Within and Without.






After a hard week’s work and an equally busy week on the horizon I was settling in to watch the TNA ppv.


I surveyed my surroundings checking if I had everything necessary; six pack of cold Heineken check, Doritos check, guacamole sauce check, remote check, comfy chair check, big plasma TV check, ppv ordered check.


Usually I am quite excited by TNA’s ppv’s especially lately as the Main Event Mafia vs. “The Frontline” (, as far as it still existed,) storyline and Foley vs. Jarret intertwined with it was coming along nicely. Granted a lot was still hit and miss but given the reviews and ratings they where making progress.


Tonight though after the always exciting X-Division match, which always leaves me wondering why they have lessened the attention on the division, I was finding it hard to stay awake.


I must have dozed off at some point as I woke up in my chair covered in chip parts and surrounded by the smell of stale beer and the buzzing of a blank television screen.


Then it hit me! That one image, that haunting disturbing scene, I think I will never get it out of my head:



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPzEDz2ADi0&hl=nl&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPzEDz2ADi0&hl=nl&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




That swerve, that swerve just to swerve and that served no purpose at all. I couldn’t believe it all that hard work building up Joe and the Originals, all the tension all the potential gone with one swerve I just couldn’t believe it I refused to believe it.


Forgoing my regular morning routine I went straight to my computer to see what the fall out was looking like. Oddly enough I couldn’t find anything I even went so far as checking wresltecrap.com and ending up on a dog pound for a wrestle related game but nada.


So I decided my only option was to go too the source. I hadn’t been in contact with the people I knew in TNA much as of late as things where seemingly going fine and I didn’t want to start any rumours or rock the boat so to speak.


I decided to give Terry a call to see what he knew and what the fallout had been.


Me: Heya Terry how you been mate?


Terry: Fine man how have you been? Good to hear from ya.


Me: You know the usual, keeping busy.


Terry: Good to hear man, knowing you this isn’t just a social call so what’s up?


I started to explain the image in my head and wanted to know what the reaction within TNA was and how this all came about.


Terry: Let me call you back in a couple of minutes okay and I will let you know.


A couple of minutes? What the F*ck was going on? The fallout musta been real big if even Terry didn’t really know and he works for them for gods F*cks sake. I was in a state of complete confusion and started thinking a shower and a nice strong cup of coffee and an Advil might help get me straight again. Just then my telephone started ringing.


Me: Hey it’s me is that you Terry?


Terry: Sure is.


Me: So what have you found out?


Terry: Well I am glad you called as it took a lot of work to figure out but its true.


Me: Godd*mmit I know it’s true! I just want to know the fallout!


Terry: Well so far it seems that everyone is happy with it and its all going to plan, I just wonder how you know about it.


Me: All going to plan? Who’s plan? Has Vince lost his mind again and taken total control? Wait…… How do I know about it? How do you mean how do I know about it ?


Terry: How you know about the planned finish for Slammiversary 7.


Me: Planned finish? I just saw the ppv last night! That’s how I know!


Terry: Last night was Sacrifice not Slammiversary, pal are you feeling ok?


Me: Wait Sacrifice…… Dammit yeah it was Sacrifice man I was in such shock when I woke up I was all mixed up.


Terry: You telling me nobody told you? It was part of a dream the Angle vs. Joe finish?


Me: I’m not sure what it was a dream, a prophecy, destiny or some kind of divine intervention of the wrestling gods. But I know one thing for sure this should not come to pass and I will not, can not let it happen!


Terry: What do you mean?


Me: It means I am coming back, and with a vengeance!

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I consider that an anti-dynasty altough I did slip in a slight reference if you spotted it hehe.


My real competition is Togg who is doing great work. I probably won't beat him graphics and website wise (unless he agrees to help) but hope to contend none the less and I feel I have an entertaining story to tell. Also I am running TNA at Cult and not National which is a big difference from the start and also makes it more challanging.


Thanks for all the feedback so far and keep it coming hehe.

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I consider that an anti-dynasty altough I did slip in a slight reference if you spotted it hehe.


My real competition is Togg who is doing great work. I probably won't beat him graphics and website wise (unless he agrees to help) but hope to contend none the less and I feel I have an entertaining story to tell. Also I am running TNA at Cult and not National which is a big difference from the start and also makes it more challanging.


Thanks for all the feedback so far and keep it coming hehe.


I can't specifically see a reference to my diary. Mind if you point it out for me? I'm at cult currently aswell.

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I consider that an anti-dynasty altough I did slip in a slight reference if you spotted it hehe.


My real competition is Togg who is doing great work. I probably won't beat him graphics and website wise (unless he agrees to help) but hope to contend none the less and I feel I have an entertaining story to tell. Also I am running TNA at Cult and not National which is a big difference from the start and also makes it more challanging.


Thanks for all the feedback so far and keep it coming hehe.


Yep, Togg is running a great one it's going to be hard but I think you can get it done.

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The pitch.






The following days where a frenzy of activity as I started making calls to people still in the business that I knew and those connected to TNA in order to test the water.


In retrospect admitting to Terry that I was intent on a return might not have been the best choice. I like and trust the guy but I have learned form experience that trust only goes so far in this business.


So far though nothing had been leaked and no rumors where flying around so I decided I could divulge that bit of information to more people and see how they reacted and what they would think.


Also if anything would leak I would have a potential suspect as I paced the time between calls where I showed my hand so to speak.


Terry himself had been very positive and so had been most of the other feedback I had been given. I heard a lot of stories about the current plans within TNA and what the people I spoke too thought about it and wanted to ad and change. This concurred too a large extent with my own plans and vision so I thought there would be a good base for me to work with.


My main concern would be the reaction of the current people within TNA creative. The only two I was certain of that where a part of creative at this point where Vince and Jeff and maybe Mick. In the end though only one person really mattered and that was Dixie.


After all the phone calls and some feverish note taking and coffee induced night time brainstorming and writing on my part I thought I was prepared as I would ever be if I wanted to do this fast. And fast it needed to be done if I was to change the direction things where heading and get that image out off my head.


It was now Wednesday morning and I was expecting Dixie’s phone call at 10 O’clock. I was a bit high strung given all the coffee and energy drinks. So far I had forgone the temptation of a good Whisky or even a couple of Heineken as I wanted to be as sharp as I could possibly be. I couldn’t sleep anyway as that image haunted me every time I closed my eyes.


9.50 Rummaging through my notes checking if I got everything in order.


9.53 Getting nervous and feeling bit nauseas. Decided coffee would help.


9.55 Coffee didn’t help, ran too the bathroom.


10.00 Ring, Ring, dam I forgot she had a reputation for punctuality that was rare for this business, although pleasently refreshing in my current circumstances it wasn’t good.


10.00 And 20 seconds, made a dive for the phone with my pants on my ankles and made it just in time to avoid it going to voicemail.


Me: *pant, pant* Hello is this Mrs. Carter?


Dixie: Yeah it is and please call me Dixie, is everything all right?


Me: *huff puff* ah yeah ehm, I was just downstairs when the phone rang had to run op the stairs.


Dixie: Oh I was under the impression you lived in a bungalow.


Me: *breathing getting more even* Eh yeah its one of those new two story bungalows. Anyways that’s beside the point.


Dixie: Yes you are quite correct. So I have ascertained that you are interested in working for us in a creative capacity?


Me: Well I have never heard it described like that but basically yeah.


Dixie: Ok, in what way do you think you could be of use to TNA and how would you describe your role?


The following hours went by in a blur as I regained my composure and discussed all the ideas I had, how I could be of use to TNA, what I envisioned for TNA in the future going all out but holding back the parts my sources told me Dixie might not agree with on first glance.


Dixie: Ok that all sounds very interesting but as you know we run a tight ship here in TNA and we work with and as a creative team. The best I can offer you at this time is a spot on that team for an evaluation period of four months at a low level salary.


Me: I’ll take it! And I won’t disappoint mam. I will be on the next flight to Orlando and will head straight to soundstage 21. Anything to get that image out off my head.


Dixie: Please like I said call me Dixie and I will have Terry pick you up at the airport and help you settle in, no need to hop on the job that quickly. Oh and what was that last part?


Me: Never mind Dixie, and yeah I would like to get on the job as quickly as I can could you arrange for the rest of the creative team to meat me somewhere, my pal Terry can drive me there.


Dixie: Sure I can arrange that although they won’t like it on such short notice but if you are adamant about it I guess it can be done. I didn’t know you and Terry knew each other by the way?


Dam might have overplayed my hand here but hell it will be worth it.


Me: Yeah we go way back ehem, anyways hope to see you later tonight Dixie.


Dixie: Ok till tonight 20.00 ok for you?


Me: That will be just fine.


Ok its happening it’s really happening best pack my suitcase, hit the showers, brew some coffee, on second thought better not ok water for will do for now then and maybe I can catch some Z on the plane…… Plane! Dammit need to book a ticket and where is that dam passport!


I finally got all my stuff together and got myself in an almost decent shape and hailed a cab outside my door.


“Where too?” the driver asked I answered; “Too the airport my good man and beyond!”

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Great to see you decided to start the diary. I'm glad you see as competition and I really hope u stick it to me so i can raise my game too. I'm sure it will be interesting competing. The offer of the graphics still stands :D. I'm sure I can get some cool unique graphics sorted out for you. Just drop me a PM.


Look forward to reading and I am already hooked on the mystery booker :D. Good lucky with the diary, not that you’ll need it

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Not a bad start, but I'm curious to how you handle the TNA roster in shows. I hope you do your best to capture Scott Steiner's natural awesome.


Or maybe even show us a TNA that is more than 60% angles involving Kurt Angle!

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Thanks for all the great feedback guys and yeah I really thought that trying to prevent the Swerve for the sake of Swerve would be a good starting point for a diary. Next post will be me arriving in Orlando and meeting the creative team ,after that a preview of the first show and then the first show.


Again thanks for all the feedback its making me more excited then I already was,


PS If you think you know who the mystery user character is drop me a pm if you guess right you win a mystery prize hehe.


Edit: Starting roster will come after the first show.

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Arriving in Orlando.




Some time later I arrived at Orlando International Airport. Unfortunately I was in worse shape then when I stepped out the door earlier that day. I had hoped to get some sleep in the plane but for some reason that image still haunted me.


After being held up at the baggage claim because they wanted to check my luggage, who can blame them I was looking like a bum, fortunately that also meant no cavity search, I came out to the arrivals section. There was an unfamiliar face holding a sign with my name on it and he instantly waved at me. At least I was still a bit recognizable.


Man: Hi nice to meet you, had a rough trip I see. I am Terry.


Unfortunately this was not the Terry I knew but for better or worse I suspected I would get to know him more in the future.


Me: Hi Terry, yeah you can say that again. So where do we meat the creative team?


Terry: Don’t you want to freshen up first or something?


Me: Nah best get straight to business.


Terry: Yeah, I heard that about you. Well they are waiting for you at the Impact Zone or soundstage 21 if you will. They aren’t too happy tough being called in on such short notice but Dixie told them you where adamant.


Me: We can make nice later right now I am just interested in getting on the job.


Terry: Man something musta really lighted a spark up your behinds! Did they do a cavity search and pull a rocket outtah there?


Me: Actually you are not too far from the truth there buddy. Now let’s get going shall we?


Luckily it wasn’t too far a drive to Universal Studios and Terry sensed I wasn’t really in the mood for idle chatter. Might have been a mistake on my part not to make use of the opportunity to play nice but at that time I was only interested in one thing and one thing only.


When we arrived I was kinda disappointed at the size of the actual set and accommodations but could definitely see that the potential was there. As we came to a door Terry pointed me to go in and made to leave.


Me: Aren’t you coming in? I thought you where a part of it?


Terry: Nah mate I’ll let the guys inside fill you in on how it’s organized, see ya.


Well that was one assumption dispelled guess there could be any number of people behind that door then. I remember thinking too myself:


Please no Vince, please no Vince.

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The meeting and more.




I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. I might not be looking in the best shape but my mind was sharp as ever and I really needed to make a good first impact if I wanted to get my way. Just as I was about to knock on the door it opened for me and low and behold I looked straight into this face:





Oh great there goes that hope.


Vince: Hiya we been waiting for ya come, heard you and Terry talking so I thought I’d open the door for ya.


Me: Yeah thanks, actually I was under the impression that Terry would be part of this.


Vince: No he’s not involved in the creative aspect he just does talent relations.


Ok is it me or is that a strange concept? In the wrestling business you can only be as creative as the talent at your disposal. Who to hire and who not to hire should be in immediate connection with what plans you have and stories you intend to tell.


As I was led into the room I saw that there where only three other people present, one I expected and had come prepared for the other was a relief but also a bit of an unknown factor as it came to the booking side of things. You be the judge who I mean by which





Mick: Hey, hey good to see ya there pally boy!


As he gave me a hug, Foley always was the intimate type even with people he didn’t know very well.


Jeff: Good to see ya and welcome aboard my baby, welcome to the TNA family.


He gave me an overly firm handshake and his voice sounded sincere, but his body language gave me the impression he was skeptical about my presence.


Me: So it’s just the four of us? I had at least expected Dutch to be here too.


Jeff: Nah him and Savio (Vega) have decided on a project over in Puerto Rico and have left on amicable terms, they have taken Hector (Guerrero) and Willy (Urbina) with them as well.


Mick: Don’t forget about Andrew!


Jeff: Yeah Thomas went with them as well, we gave them our blessing and we hope for them to succeed.


Me: And what about Tenay, Borash and Cornette?


Jeff: They aren’t as involved as they used to be but we still consult them on occasion, sometimes they sit in on the meetings. Anyways what you wanted us here in such a hurry for?


Me: Well to see what you had planned for tomorrow’s Impact and see if I could be of help with that.


Vince: Tomorrow’s Impact!? I changed my schedule for that! Hell I could be watching cartoons right now!


Me: Huh what do you mean?


Mick: Cut him some slack will ya Vinny boy, he clearly doesn’t know.


Vince: Off course he knows! He knows we tape our shows, we tape em two shows in advance! Hell everyone knows it!


Dammit I knew this. How could have I forgotten. Must have been that dream it’s all its fault hell it’s the darn reason I am here and now I have already lost two shows I could have tweaked.


Me: Sorry these last couple of days have been hectic it’s my fault. I just really want to help you see. Anyways know that we are all here we can at least talk about some long term plans and ideas.


Vince: We will see about that, seeing as we got it all planned out till Bound For Glory. We are still unsure about some parts of it but most of its set in stone.


Jeff: Yeah me, Vince and Dutch before he left have pretty much worked it out it’s stored in my office together with the tapes of the next two weeks worth of Impact.


Me: Oh ok well guess there isn’t much I can do then. You say you have it all written out already?


Vince: Like anyone could remember all that stuff.


Jeff: Just think of it as the TNA Bible for the upcoming months. No one really knows the contents but we do live by it.


Mick: Ah come on cheer up guys we instead of arguing we are all here so let’s use this opportunity to have some fun together whatta ya say? Yeah!


Jeff: As tempting as that sounds Mick I gotta get back to my little girls.


Vince: Yeah me too I have to see my car… ehm children.


Me: I am up for it Mick, I just need to make some calls and freshen up at my hotel before we go okay?


Mick: Now we are talking I am sure we will Have a Nice Night! Hehe.




Mick drove me to the hotel where Terry told me I had a room until I could find a place and get settled. Mick stayed down in the lobby while I went to freshen up. First tough I had an important call to make.


Me: Scott is that you? It’s me.


Scott: Yeah it’s me, heard you where coming down TNA way.


Me: I need you to do something for me.


Scott: When isn’t that the case? What’s in it for me?


Me: How about long term gainful employment?


Scott: So what is it you want?


Me: You up for a round of Bible Burning?


Scott: What!?





The following morning I was feeling a lot better, even tough I was slightly hung over after drinking with Mick, because I knew everything had gone to plan. Scott having sent me a text message before I went to bed. Now only to figure out what that buzzing noise was that had woken me up. As I cleared the cobwebs I realized it was the Telephone.


Jeff: Get your ass down here pronto there’s been a major f*ck up!


Me: Oh really what’s happened?


Jeff: I’ll tell you when you get here just hurry up dammit!


Me: Ok, ok hold ya horses I am coming.


Jeff: You better be here in no more then thirty minutes buckaroo or else!


And with that he hung up. I arranged for a cab to pick me up in five minutes and managed to squeeze in a quick shower before I got dressed in the clothes I wore the last day not having had time to unpack yet.


I arrived at the Impact Zone thirty five minutes later and went to Jeff’s office. Jeff didn’t seem to notice my tardiness as he was in all kind of states.


Jeff: Good you are here, Vince and Mick should be arriving shortly. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck!


Me: So what is up?


Jeff: What’s up? What’s up? I’ll tell you what’s up that is what’s up! Up in flames that is!


As he said this he pointed towards the back of his office desk. As I walked over I noticed a big black hole instead of where I supposed the drawers used to be.


Jeff: It’s all gone, gone what the hell are we going to do!


Me: What’s all gone?


Jeff: The book that’s what gone! The whole script leading up to Bound For Glory! Not to mention the tapes of the upcoming two Impact episodes!


Me, while trying to sound sincere,: What a shame.


Jeff: And on top off that Dixie wants us to cut back on the amount of talent as she has four people in mind for written contracts. So we have to figure out who that is going to be and write them out of the storylines!


Me: Four workers coming in, that's interesting.


Jeff: Well more three and they aren’t certain yet the other one wanted more money before committing to TNA.


At that moment Mick and Vince came in and asked what was going on. After Jeff explained the situation to them you could cut the tension with a knife. Just at that moment a staffer walked in and handed Jeff a note.


Jeff: Oh for f*cks sake now Rob Terry goes and gets himself tested positive for steroid abuse. I told him to watch it with that ****! Hell he is fired the dumb idiot. Should serve as a good example too.


Vince: Now never mind all that what the hell are we going to do!


Me: I might have some ideas……..

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Impact 1 preview.




In the first qualifying bout for the King of the X Mountain, Homicide takes on Doug Williams at the same time burning for revenge for what they did too his partner Hernandez.


Matt Morgan faces an unnamed opponent in a bid to further impress the Main Event Mafia.


The first round of the Queen of the Mountain newcomer Tara wants to follow up on her impressive form so far against fellow newcomer Ayako.


Beer Money Inc. won the 3D invitational and look to continue their form taking on veteran tag team wrestler BG James and not yet named tag partner.


Abyss finally gets his hands on "Dr." Stevie but will he be able to overcome the mind games and his own problems and come out with a victory?


And in our Main Event the new godfather of the Main Event Mafia faces none other then TNA Original "The Fallen Angel" Daniels! Who will be the first to qualify for the King of the Mountain Match?


This and much more on an all new action packed episode of Impact!


Bonus points for picking the mystery opponents, Debuts and Re-Debuts will be noted as such, keep in mind its from Sacrifice onwards. Monthly winners recieve a choice of prizes. Runner up wins an appointed prize.


Quick Pics:

(Faces left Heels right.)


Homicide vs. Doug Williams


Re-Debut vs. Matt Morgan

Re-Debut =


Tara vs. Ayako


BG James and ???? vs. Beer Money Inc



Abyss vs. Stevie Richards


Daniels vs. Sting

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Good work on this, HH. I'm not that often a big reader of real world diaries (and I have no real justification as to why), but I'm definitely going to try to keep up with this one.


Thanks Bigpapa coming from you that is high praise and I am busy catching up on your diary atm. Love the random thoughts and like the shows of what I have read so far and I dislike SWF hehe. Go TCW!


Edit: credit goes to Togg for the preview banner. And get predicting the prizes are worth it! lol

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Homicide vs. Doug Williams


Re-Debut vs. Matt Morgan

Re-Debut = Bobby Lashley


Tara vs. Ayako


BG James and ???? vs. Beer Money Inc

????= Kip James, Sean Waltman or Konan, my money however is on Kip James


Abyss vs. Stevie Richards


Daniels vs. Sting


Shall we also have a guess at the prizes lol:D

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