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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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To be fair, JL doesn't belong in that match. If there were a corresponding female DeColt for balance, then sure, but by herself it doesn't work.


If it were me, I'd be doing anything and everything to get Duane back from across the pond. Could you talent trade for him and/or Dan Jr.?

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To be fair, JL doesn't belong in that match. If there were a corresponding female DeColt for balance, then sure, but by herself it doesn't work.


If it were me, I'd be doing anything and everything to get Duane back from across the pond. Could you talent trade for him and/or Dan Jr.?


I really can't see NOTBPW wanting to give me what's needed to have the first all-Stone/all-DeColt match if they can avoid it, so I won't be going for Dan. I might take a look at Duane, though - good thought. We've got the Elemental connection to BHOTWG, after all...

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A real challenge for Elimination Protocol is in the offing tonight, as they face arguably one of the toughest new tag teams in TCW - Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak, the Freedom Fighters.


This is going to be followed by a TCW mainstay, Giant Tana, in one on one competition with Julian Watson. Can the technician overcome the size and skill of the giant Samoan?


The Conquering Kings face a duo which is new to competing as a team - and one of which has never wrestled here before. "Perfection in Action" is what Kashmir Singh promises, and his tag partner is the man who accompanied him to the ring for his first outing - the man known only as Zeus.


Alicia Strong has lobbied for another match, looking to set up a win streak which could rival the Leading Lights and secure a title match in that fashion. To that end, she'll be in action tonight against Amber Allen - who hasn't been doing as well as she'd hope of late, but does have wins on record. Can she topple Strong's delusion that this company exists to give her a title opportunity?


An excellent technical display is likely to happen next. While this is non-title, the British Lions will want to maintain momentum especially as they've no idea yet who they'll be facing at Psycho Circus - and that may make Global Tradition's job tonight harder still.


The score is currently 0-1, challenger's advantage - Freddy Huggins has the lead going into Match 2 of the Best of Seven series against Sean Deeley. Could the International Championship be in serious danger by the end of the night?


And the main event is going to be a big one. With the Hard-Hitting Championship on the line, Jeremy Stone has asked to add a stipulation of his own alongside the No Holds Barred stipulation - this contest will be a 30-minute Iron Man match, as Chris Rockwell faces one of the toughest challenges yet.


Prediction Key:

Elimination Protocol vs. Freedom Fighters


Giant Tana vs. Julian Watson


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Kashmir Singh & Zeus


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition (non-title)



Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (0) vs. (1) Freddy Huggins



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Elimination Protocol vs. Freedom Fighters

Like there would be much question in this one.


Giant Tana vs. Julian Watson

Doing more.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Kashmir Singh & Zeus

I go with more established team.


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen

Strong is doing more.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition (non-title)

I don´t see Tradition getting a win even in non-title match.



Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (0) vs. (1) Freddy Huggins

Deeley ties the series to one each.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jeremy Stone

I go with draw here.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Freedom Fighters

Because hell yeah!


Giant Tana vs. Julian Watson



Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Kashmir Singh & Zeus



Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen



British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition (non-title)




Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (0) vs. (1) Freddy Huggins

Freddy takes a strong early lead, then Sean pulls it back, then they're neck-and-neck to the final match.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jeremy Stone

I predict interference.

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Elimination Protocol vs. Freedom Fighters




Giant Tana vs. Julian Watson


Tana had a feud semi recently, Watson sank without a trace post Syndicate.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Kashmir Singh & Zeus


Weeks of hype packages and an invading (maybe, dunno if Zeus came from CGC recently) talent don't lose to guys who hardly ever make it off the B-show.


Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen


Yeah no.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition (non-title)


Lions are so far above GT as to be out of sight.



Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (0) vs. (1) Freddy Huggins


Maybe something a little different... losing four matches on the trot would make Freddy look bad even if he won three in a row.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jeremy Stone

I'm never sure what to make of this division. It worked when it was introduced, but it just seems really superfluous now. All-Action, International, Tag Team, World just works. Hard-Hitting's niche is odd, and I can never figure out exactly where on the card the members of the division are. I actually kinda see Jez as above this belt...

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To be fair, JL doesn't belong in that match. If there were a corresponding female DeColt for balance, then sure, but by herself it doesn't work.


I don't think gender balance is necessary (shocker!). Dangerous's TCW is based around skill. Can you do the do when the lights come on? He has Lauren Easter, who can do that easily. No reason why JeriLynn can't at least hold up her end of the bargain. She doesn't have to be the 'monster' of the family. She's more than well suited to be the wild card (the one that the DeColts don't have 10+ years of tape with which to scout her).


Yes, traditionally, it would be best to have a female DeColt as an opposing force for JeriLynn but there have been numerous times during his time in charge that Dangerous has said 'screw tradition, let's do what makes sense'. What makes the most sense (assuming he can't get Duane to go the 'traditional' route) is to have all the available Stones go against all the available DeColts.


And yes, I feel weird saying this to the person who created JeriLynn Stone. :p

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I'm never sure what to make of this division. It worked when it was introduced, but it just seems really superfluous now. All-Action, International, Tag Team, World just works. Hard-Hitting's niche is odd, and I can never figure out exactly where on the card the members of the division are. I actually kinda see Jez as above this belt...


The HHC is a floating belt, and is the very definition of a floating belt. Looking back in the day, it seems like there was meant to be a Division built around it, a chance for Tough Guys Who Like To Fight to make a niche, but there was so much else going on that there wasn't really room.

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The HHC was conceived as a way to keep people like Baine, Peak, Law, and smaller brawlers who might hit the main event (Ino, to a lesser extent) happy and give them something to do without risking the main event.


I wanted to play up No Holds Barred as being different to No DQ, though, so between that and storylines I made the first champion Sam Keith, and his first big loss ended up coming to Sammy Bach as I tried to find Bach something to do. Bach lost to Pete off the fanvote, which was ultimately the first time the belt was held by someone like the desired champion; however, by this stage, Baine was depushed, Remo was busy and not in a position to be Pete's primary challenger, and like hell was I letting Marat hold it.


And so the HHC ended up going with Chris Rockwell, whose particular submission style at least fitted what I wanted. So it really has lost its way, and that's down on my list of things that need fixing.


Remo is due to have a good long run with it at some point, but honestly, in hindsight, I wouldn't have introduced the HHC, I'd just have played up No Holds Barred as what TCW normally has feuds escalate to first and allowed myself an extra mental slot per PPV for storyline blowoffs.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 18.61)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.36 )


Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia)


Attendance: 12,086




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver


There is no pyro, this Tuesday, after the opening video ends. There's a clear reason for that; as the elevated camera pans the entranceway, every single active and contracted TCW wrestler is gathered there – from Aaron Andrews to Zeus, the Balcony Express to M.A.D.



Not everyone is dressed to wrestle, but everyone looks series. In the foreground stand Andrews, Christian Faith, and Rhino Umaga, shoulder to shoulder.



The camera pulls back from the entry way. Stood in the centre of the ring, with Charlie Thatcher by his side, is Mayhem Midden. He raises a microphone to his lips.


“As you can see,” he begins, “everyone's here. And this time, thanks to Aaron, thanks to Christian, thanks to Rav,” and the three leaders nod their heads in turn, “they all plan on staying here. If there is another attack by outside influences, it will face serious repercussions. At this point, seven men are in the hospital or undergoing physio before they can be cleared to wrestle again. It seems unlikely that Tyson Baine will appear in a TCW ring again.


“Those three men rallied this group together. And I promise you, boys – if you come after TCW again, you'll regret it. Eddie, Dan, you and I don't have to butt heads – but if we do, you'll find mine is a LOT harder than yours.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KirkJameson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WarrenTechnique.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NemePeak.jpg

Elimination Protocol vs. Freedom Fighters

The Protocol have run a horrendous gauntlet the past few months, but they've also clearly been learning the whole time they've been in this situation. Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak are two of the most dangerous men TCW offers, and with both of them being to some degree 'Nemesis guys', they're often on the same page.


And yet, Warren Technique and Kirk Jameson show signs of being able to take the fight to them. A double-lariat staggers Peak, and the Protocol then take him down with a stereo suplex.


Technique works over Andrews' leg, while Jameson demonstrates his lethality with a series of running knees – but in the end, Peak takes Technique out, tagging in his partner to allow Aaron to finish this one with the spinebuster – and authority.

Freedom Fighters defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B





Power begins to play, and as the TCW faithful know well now that means Rhino Umaga is coming to the ring – which he does, microphone in hand, and his own new “Hit Problems HEAD ON” T-shirt proudly on display.


He enters the ring and looks around before raising the mic. “Can't see either of 'em,” he says.


“But I'm thinking you're listening... so here it is. I get where you're coming from, ELITE. We're wrestlers here. We understand picking a fight outside the match. I sure understand people targeting you to try and get the win.


“Now, me and my family, we know what we can do. We prefer to do our thing bell to bell. But that ain't it for everyone.


“You boys ain't with TCW. You haven't got no contract. But you got health insurance, and you got beef with us, so I'm gonna do just what I do; call it how I see it and hit the problem head on.


“This Sunday, end of the year, Psycho Circus, one of you can meet me in the ring in an Unsanctioned Match. I haven't checked this with the office, but I don't care if it's on camera, we just need a bell, a ring, and a referee and I can-”


Crippler by Sodom begins to play and Umaga cuts off, looking at the ring entrance, eyebrow raised.



Frankie Perez stalks down to the ring, grabbing his own microphone and going nose to nose with the big Samoan.


After a long moment, he raises his own microphone. “I could have sworn I made this clear,” he says. “You've gotten in my way, and I'm making sure that stops – and I'm making sure at Psycho Circus. Been way too long since I picked up a PPV win bonus.”


Umaga looks at him for a long moment, then grins. “I got in your way? All I did was beat you, Frankie. And if it's you and me Sunday, I'll do it again... for my PPV win bonus.


“But you know what? Let's see if I can't help you out.”


He turns back to the hard camera. “ELITE versus Umaga and Perez. Unsanctioned. If you want to see those assholes get the tar beat all the way out of them, make some noise on the forums. We'll make it happen.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TanaTheMighty.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg

Giant Tana vs. Julian Watson

Umaga's cousin gets a strong showing here, with Watson managing to dominate the early going by what Saunders describes as 'shenanigans' but Azaria correctly identifies as a blistering sequence of armlocks designed to wear down the huge Samoan's body strength.


Nonetheless, Tana's happy-go-lucky manner allows him to turn that one around, rapidly, playing to the crowd and weathering the storm before coming back with his usual entertaining, unorthodox, but highly effective offence, finally sinking Watson with his signature Big Fat Samoan Squash to confirm the victory.

Giant Tana defeated Julian Watson

Rating: B-





The camera goes elsewhere and we see the New Wave stealthily creep out of a building and down its ornate external steps – then straighten up and run off. Both are wearing backpacks.



Nearby, Eternal Party have arrived.


“What the – we had an arrangement with-” Edd blusters. “THEY STOLE-”


Champagne Lover rests a calming hand on Edd's arm. “Edd,” he says softly. “The janitor was willing to take our money. Do we know this will be reported as theft?”


“Well... no...”


“You remember the conversation we had about creating chaos?”


Edd grins. “Yeah.”


“No, the one about how it can hurt us if we don't think first?”


“Pfft. That one wasn't as fun.”


Lover shakes his head. “We still need a set of hockey pucks, one with each logo of an Allan Cup winning team,” he reminds Edd. “And I still don't even know what an Allan Cup is, so this is on you.”


Edd nods. “We just lost out on the official set,” he says. “OK... Look, there's a sports store there. Go buy...” His lips move as he mentally counts, “sixty-eight hockey pucks. I'll take care of the logos.”


“Sixty-eight? How long's this thing been going?”


“Since 1909. This was centenary year,” Edd says as if this should be wildly obvious to any human being.


Lover stares. “You had all the winners memorised so you could eliminate duplicates?”


Edd shrugs. “You should see what I'm like at family trivia contests. I blame Jezza.”


Lover shakes his head, trudging toward the store.


Edd looks around for a long time and sees a kid exit the hockey museum, nose deep in a beautifully-printed history book.


He superkicks the kid, grabs the book and, muttering “Logos sorted,” under his breath, takes off at a run for the store.


The camera goes back toward the child – who does bear some familial resemblance, now he's seen for a length of time.


“Well,” Azaria says heavily, “I guess those two teams preferred the idea of committing crimes to sticking around and dealing with ELITE.”


“Also,” Silver adds, “there were probably other copies of that book. You know, on sale.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KashmirSingh_jhd2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZeusMaxmillion.jpg

Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Kashmir Singh & Zeus

There's a certain dependability to the Kings, but here they're up against speed and power. That's speed in one case and power in the other, certainly, and for a while there that's the Kings' big advantage; they outpace Zeus and attempt to overpower Kashmir.


It works, for a while, but it doesn't work well enough; Kashmir starts to turn the tide, and once

Clark Alexander is reeling, he's easy prey for the power of Zeus.


This rapidly sets up for Singh to nail the Singh It Back on Kingman, securing a pinfall and the victory again.

Kashmir Singh & Zeus defeated Conquering Kings

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AliciaStrong.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmberAllenALT2.jpg

Alicia Strong w/ Phil Vibert vs. Amber Allen

There wasn't such a great reaction in the prior match for longshots and relative newcomers, especially outside the nation where Singh's little reputation holds, but here, the women seem to be fighting almost under the brand of TCW Women rather than their own name recognition.


Alicia and Amber are well-trained and this is a match far from Alicia's father's usual style, with much of it being mat-based, Amber working the legs and firing off the odd kick, while Strong attempts to power through holds and keep her own locked down by strength alone.


Eventually, though, the game of hold and counterhold isn't enough to get the duke – and Alicia realises this first, nailing the Strong Arm Tactic despite the damage done to her legs and promptly making the pin.

Alicia Strong defeated Amber Allen

Rating: B-




The camera goes backstage for a moment, as there seems to be some disappearance happening somewhere just off this corridor to judge by the sounds. The camera – and thus the audience's view – rushes toward the noise.



Rounding the corner, there's a brawl going on. On one side is Jack Bruce, and the four men struggling with him are...


...not ELITE.



Troy Tornado, Randall Hopkirk and the Balcony Express all have torn T-shirts, rumpled hair or developing bruises. Nearby, a car idles, the rear door open.


Eventually, they manage to get Bruce locked down – Troy and Randall holding an arm each, the Express each lifting a leg – and they bundle him into the back seat, three of them piling in above him while Randall Hopkirk takes the wheel and the car drives off.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpg

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Global Tradition

There's nothing to this one but technical excellence on both sides.


That's by no means a criticism. O'Curle and JD Morgan kick this one off with a frankly stunning display of rapid holds and counters before JD tries punching his way clear – only for it not to work, as Merle takes him down and Bryant has to make the rescue.


Bryant and Walter Morgan shift the style up a bit, making with throws, locks and takedowns before Morgan manages to counter the One Shot Drop, unleashing a front Russian legsweep before tagging out. O'Curle locks in the Celtic Wreath to ensure the victory.

British Lions defeated Global Tradition

Rating: B+



0 – MATCH 2 – 1

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Freddy Huggins

As with the prior match, the sheer speed of this one is pretty spectacular. Counter and assault is the bread and butter of both men, to the extent that Deeley, in particular, seems to have adapted a strategy based entirely on reversals, taking Huggins down with a move that flows from the challenger's initial assault.


The result of that is fluid, fast, and fun wrestling – and indeed, despite the seriousness of the contest, both men can be seen smiling at intervals, especially when they have the upper hand.


Freddy counters the Sure Shot near the end and goes for a Huggins Kiss; Deeley ducks it, but Freddy is able to block the Front Seated Choke and connects with a second Kiss attempt to score the pinfall.

Freddy Huggins defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B+





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg

Chris Rockwell © vs. Jeremy Stone

The fans find themselves somewhat split here, and Rockwell seems comfortable playing to that, Stone a little less so.


Rockwell pulls some tricks that would be dubious in any other match – but as he doesn't use a weapon, it's all legal. Meanwhile, Jeremy finds his own ways to cause trouble – his holds probably aren't illegal, but that could be because some of the ones he pulls out haven't been used in the past three decades – holds beloved of his father and fallen from favour.


So the “cattle catch”, as Azaria – after a long moment – identifies the hyperflexing trapped-hand neck crank to be – is something that seems to take Rockwell by surprise, and which Stone utilises to great effect even as the announce team have to think aloud, reconstructing the biomechanics of the hold to understand precisely why it's so painful.


It gives the challenger the first fall, in the end, as Rockwell is unable to find a non-agonising way to escape.


Rockwell will ultimately recover that fall, hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, holding on, and executing a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster off the impact, the two of them winding Stone sufficiently that Rockwell makes the pin.


Stone responds by going to the unusual playbook, with a hapkido-style finger lock, stressing Rockwell's right index finger almost to the point of breaking. Rockwell manages to fight through the pain, kicking free and nailing a huge roaring elbow for a second pin, going one fall up, only to find himself sucked down into a guillotine choke lock, tapping out at the twenty-five minute mark – two-all and only five minutes to go-



Eddie Chandler hits the ring. He's not the only one; DaLay is there, bullwhip in hand, and so's a third man, one of ELITE's 'three Js' – Joe Money. Money has a weapon of his own; Rockwell eats a fireball from Money's lighter and wad of flash paper, keeping the champion down.



Rick Law hits the ring first; Chandler cuts him off, but Rhino Umaga adds to the assault, the two of them putting Chandler down before DaLay big-boots Law down. He grabs Umaga, holding him as Money sets up a second fireball – but Edd Stone superkicks Money down, turning to check on his brother before eating a thrown Umaga.


Chandler, Money and DaLay abruptly bail at this potential five-to-one odds. For the first time, their assault hasn't had long enough to put anyone down for the count – but time has ticked on too far; neither of the wrestlers are able to recover and secure the victory.

Chris Rockwell drew with Jeremy Stone

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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1. Nice shoutout to Blake there.

2. Did you just debut David?


1. I really couldn't resist.

2. I needed a nine year old Canadian who could bump. It pretty much had to be a Stone, right? ;)


Interesting turn of events with Joe Money, and Ed pulling a face move as well. Can we make him World Champion yet, if only to p-off Eidenhoek more :p


To be fair, as well as rescuing his brother, Edd DID just superkick a kid and steal his book.

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Interesting turn of events with Joe Money, and Ed pulling a face move as well. Can we make him World Champion yet, if only to p-off Eidenhoek more :p


Not a face move, just a TCW move. It's TCW vs. The ELITE at the moment.

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For what it's worth, folks, the next CGC blog post is finished - but Photobucket isn't letting me log in at the moment so I can't upload it. It'll be up once I can.




Like Self before me, I am stunned on an ongoing basis by the sheer volume of differing emotions Edd Stone creates. Is he a face? Is he a heel? Did he win Best Character within FCK and this diary a Best Character DOTY award, while raising the same questions and superkicking lamps?


It seems quite genuinely to be in the eye of the beholder. Now, I'll admit, there are a lot of places where I'm deliberately playing with heel and face definitions, but Edd isn't one of them.


I'll give my thoughts properly at some point.

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Edd Stone gets the most reaction I think because he is the most likely person you could meet in everyday life. Yeah there's rockstars and egomaniacs in TCW and FCK before it, but most people do seem to know someone, or are that person that is Edd Stone in real life, the cartoon joker that takes nothing seriously and has the best time, is the 24 hour party animal, but can still back it up when he needs too.


Edd Stone is how I want to be at University when I go.

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Edd Stone gets the most reaction I think because he is the most likely person you could meet in everyday life. Yeah there's rockstars and egomaniacs in TCW and FCK before it, but most people do seem to know someone, or are that person that is Edd Stone in real life, the cartoon joker that takes nothing seriously and has the best time, is the 24 hour party animal, but can still back it up when he needs too.


Edd Stone is how I want to be at University when I go.


Back...5 years ago? If I wasn't insane running around all the time in my orange jacket, and if I wasn't 5'7", and if I wasn't dealing with sucking at college...


Yeah, if I met Edd Stone, punch to the face. Who the hell are you pulling the "practical jokes" and having an "allegedly hot" sister?


Edit: And now I read up, spoiling some matches, and learn that all of you are against me. YOU WILL ALL BURN dammit the internet won't burn and now my laptop is ruined.

But if it's ruined, then HOW CAN I POST THIS FUFUFUFUFUFU dammit I'm Edd Stone ._.




What's Midden's charisma/entertainment values?


Aaron Andrews and Eddie Peak are two of the most dangerous men TCW offers,


Peak? Sure. Andrews? Uh...

Remo, Kholov, Train, Horatio (lolzpun)...hell, even Tana or any of the Samoans are more dangerous.


You just did something very interesting. First, a few backstory notes:


1. Aside from making Champagne Lover a racist (bad heat) and Edd Stone's lackey, (heat, though admittedly biased) I like the guy. He was fine, straight man to Edd Stone. Then you made him racist against Umaga and suddenly I didn't care about either of them.


2. I like Samoan Destruction, Inc. as a team. Don't much care for the characters, so you've had an uphill battle with me.


That Rhino promo? Reminded me of a video game. Like...hell, Day of Reckoning II, Jericho or Christian or whoever (Edge?) coming out, talking about who took out the champ...then confrontation...SURPRISE TAG MATCH!!1...pretty cool.


Admittedly, you've paired a guy I don't care about (Rhino) with a guy I dislike very irrationally (Perez-still with Vibert in my head) against a group I don't care about (ELITE). So it's...it's a match with cool buildup but what can't be a good payoff.


btw I'm calling tag chemistry and an A* match.


a blistering sequence of armlocks designed to wear down the huge Samoan's body strength.


psh, Watson, you silly. Armlocks damage the arms, not the torso. Do a bear hug.


Wait, he's fat. DAMMIT I CALL HAX


one with each logo of an Allan Cup winning team


1. That's not a Stanley Cup, then.


2. Van Allen belts?


Yeah, I'm...weird.


(For the record, from Wikipedia)

The Allan Cup is the trophy awarded annually to the national senior amateur men’s ice hockey champions of Canada. It has been competed for since 1909. In 2011, the competition took place in Kenora, Ontario and was won by Clarenville Caribous hockey club of Newfoundland and Labrador.

OMG SPOILERS FOR THE FUTURE! Also, those aren't places; they're dogs.


shrugs. “You should see what I'm like at family trivia contests. I blame Jezza.”


Another Edd Stone that mystifies me.


Oh, you're in Kamloops? aka Australian Fruit Loops?


Whatever happened to Seduction seductizing Conquering Kings into...I dunno...something releOH GOD THEY'RE ALIGNED WITH KINGS OF WRESTLING YES YES YES YES YES YES




daniel bryan clap clap clapclapclap


I just, through a totally-awesome and in no way odd as hell train of thought, realized Julian Watson's next gimmick: Dr. Watson.




Eventually, they manage to get Bruce locked down – Troy and Randall holding an arm each, the Express each lifting a leg – and they bundle him into the back seat, three of them piling in above him while Randall Hopkirk takes the wheel and the car drives off.


That's not odd.


Especially since Hopkirk's picture isn't topless or anything.




Bruce ain't gonna like dis...


I'm sad the Lions didn't get an A*.


Man I am so glad Huggins is winning matches.


Wait, what's this? ONE OF MY FAVORITE YOUNG GUYS IN NOTBPW LOSING TO A NOBODY WHO SUCKS? Apparently Jesus hates me because the rapture dun left me here in New Hell.


turning to check on his brother before eating a thrown Umaga.


omnomnom fo'samoa


btw, wouldn't their interference have ended the match anyway, given that interference isn't allowed in that match?


And who the hell is Joe Money? He's not Maverick, Johnson, nor Deeley...


Wait, you don't have Maverick on the roster yet. So that means it is John Maverick.





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