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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Like Self before me, I am stunned on an ongoing basis by the sheer volume of differing emotions Edd Stone creates. Is he a face? Is he a heel? Did he win Best Character within FCK and this diary a Best Character DOTY award, while raising the same questions and superkicking lamps?


It seems quite genuinely to be in the eye of the beholder. Now, I'll admit, there are a lot of places where I'm deliberately playing with heel and face definitions, but Edd isn't one of them.


I'll give my thoughts properly at some point.


Not sure I deserve any kind of mention with regards to Edd any more. You've written for him a lot more than I have. ;)


Weirdly, I've met more guys who remind me of Edd Stone after writing the character than before. I guess my time in college was too boring to have bumped into dudes like that.


My answer to "Is he a babyface/heel?" is always "Do you like him?". In FCK, I always wrote Edd to be a babyface. Even though he wrestled babyfaces and heels in equal measure, I wrote him to be entertaining, liked, and relatable. The family aspect was my favourite element of the character, because I related to it so strongly. I grew up not living up to my father's expectations. I grew up in the shadow of a brother. Edd isn't me, but I've been in similar shoes. That grounds him, and makes matches more interesting than good guy/bad guy.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 December 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.30)


Held at Pengrowth Place (The Prairies)


Attendance: 1,421





Steve Smith – Charlie Thatcher – Autumn Gleeson


  • In the opening bout, Wolf Hawkins once again was forced to put his belt on the line against a fellow champion – in this case, John Pathlow, the All-Action Champ, who pushed Hawkins hard before getting laid out by Acid, allowing Hawkins time to recover and hit the Full Moon Rising for victory. (Rating: B+)
  • A video was played showing JeriLynn Stone's rise to champion, intercut with the sheer undefeated streak of the Leading Lights, ahead of her title defence at Psycho Circus.
  • Elimination Protocol did battle with Team VIPER, with Kirk Jameson nailing The Bullseye to put Miyazaki down after Enforcers Brandon Smith and Mikey James got involved in the match, giving Elimination Protocol their second victory and the first earned in-ring. (Rating: B)
  • Team KOBRA's bad night continued, with Raku Makuda pinning Suzanne Brazzle – after the leader of the Enforcers, Jack Marlowe, made his presence felt apparently on Makuda's behalf. (Rating: B-)
  • Team KOBRA performed their bokken shots as the announce team debated the number of matches involving assaults tonight, and the question of who was hiring the Enforcers given Makuda and the Protocol are unaligned.
  • The Easy Riders put up a spirited fight, but ultimately lost to the Kreed when Art Reed forced Peter Hopper to tap out. (Rating: B+)
  • Jack Marlowe came out again to announce the main event; Rhino Umaga and Frankie Perez, who may participate in the Unsanctioned match mooted for Psycho Circus, will face off against the Bulldozer and the Dragon. He then went on to reveal that the client for this one had asked to be made known; uncontracted wrestler Joe Money, who came out of the crowd to note that “My money spends as good as anyone else's. It's not even Canadian.”
  • In that main event, Perez and Umaga put up a spirited fight, weathering the storm well as the two Enforcers involved tried to put them down. Jack Marlowe intervened during the match, nailing Umaga, but Perez made the save and Umaga was able to rally and pin Brandon Smith. (Rating: B)


Show Rating: B+

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btw, wouldn't their interference have ended the match anyway, given that interference isn't allowed in that match?


Iron Man stip - disqualifiable offences simply count as falls. Problem is, ELITE attacked them both. So technically, it's arguably 3-3 rather than 2-2, but who would care?


And who the hell is Joe Money? He's not Maverick, Johnson, nor Deeley...


Joe Money is the guy who has the unused Joe Money alter ego in the 2008 data, and I assume still has it in 2010.


As you can hopefully see by the fact he was let near a microphone, he is not John Maverick. (Those of you who check the render thread will already have known Joe by the alt I'm using. Those of you who pay attention to the archive section on the CGC blogs should know the identity of at least two of the three Js, especially if you think about Joe's latest blog).

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We're just one night away from Psycho Circus, the last TCW show of 2009. But people have a lot to go through before we get there...


Wolf Hawkins will once again be making sure TCW fans start the night off right, though we doubt the champion himself will be as keen - as during this month alone, he will now have defended the World Heavyweight Championship against the International Champion, the All Action Champion, one of the Tag Team Champions and the Hard-Hitting Champion, among others. Chris Rockwell looks to step up the night before whoever is champion tomorrow faces off against five other men in an elimination match - the others involved getting named tonight.


Six-man action comes next, as the Machines team with Sean Deeley to take on Elimination Protocol - allied with the masked man who took Cornell to the limit, UK Dragon. The Protocol notched up their first win last night - will this be number two?


They've spent much of the month distracted, but they still have to wrestle. Eternal Party take a break from their scavenger hunt to take on Tooth & Claw, looking to further prove a claim to the Tag Team contendership.


One on one next; Matthew Keith's match at Psycho Circus is fixed, but before he gets there, he must take on renowned luchador Ultimate Phoenix.


Mr. Cornell himself made the semi-main event, which will see Johnny Bloodstone take on Zimmy. Both are very strong performers, both of whom will be hoping to be in the big match at Psycho Circus, and both of them will certainly be looking for the win here.


The main event, however, sees TCW turn its attention from the ELITE back to the other, arguably the bigger, threat - Generation Omega, and Phil Vibert's upcoming buyout. Tommy Cornell teams with the supreme legend, Christian Faith, against Faith's opponent the following night - Remo Richardson - and his Generation Omega ally Joey Minnesota.


Prediction Key:

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell


Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon vs. Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw


Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy


Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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So we got three Js: Joe, John, and Jake.


Joe is probably not Joe Sexy, as I'm pretty sure SWF would still have him. Unless they lost him during their Cult stint...oh, and I can't find a Joe Money in my pictures folder. /shrug


Can't find Joe Money in the Alter Egos for my database...


Oh. There he is. Interesting...


Okay, so John and Jake...John can't be Maverick, as Sean's bio says he replaced Maverick in '07.




So that means John is...wait. If Joe is Joey Poison, then Jake must be Jack Giedroyc. Meaning John is...Jon Jetson?


What the hell is going on? And Joe isn't Joey Poison; I know who Joe is. But there's no John worth having/that makes sense for a debut, and Jake...Idol? Who the hell is Jake? Jacob? Jacob Jett?


Oh...yeah, Jacob wouldn't be bad. Kinda young, but good.


But John can't be a Saudi, since there are none in the data (well, 2010's data). So what's the opposite of a Saudi? Oh, someone with John as their last name?


You already have Nate Johnson. Ray Johnson's a ref...Rolling Johnny Stones? No. And that guy doesn't exist yet, so...


Okay, there is no John. The group, then, is

Joey Poison

Jack Giedroyc

John Maverick


I'm so glad that I don't care about the angle so that I don't have to think about these things.

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I'm calling Joe Sexy, John Greed and Joey Poison as the three, I have no logic on it, I basically feel SWF hit cult and released those two, Joey could be a heel named Jake, god knows I tried not to think about this too much.


All I know is all of them will try and fail to powerbomb Edd Stone...fools


The more I have a look at Eidenkoek, I think he may have been right with the Jacob Jett analogy, just to add him to the All Action Division.

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You are wrong on two counts, Eidenhoek, and have seriously overthought the others for someone who doesn't 'have to think about these things'.


EDIT: Card for Saturday Night Showcase posted on the previous page.

Isn't that always the case for hiim, though?

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Sexy's beyond doubt (fun fact, he's Joe Money in TCW in my game, too...), and I think Jacob Jett is spot on (which means Katie Cameron, right? RIGHT?)


And given PS's penchant for charisma-free, fence-post dull , A* spewing technicians, John Maverick seems likely... :p but I'd pay good money to see Greed in that trio.

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For what it's worth, John Greed is still locked up on a written with the SWF.


...I just looked at his stats - not great, but another 70+ Psych is a good thing to have around - and his match history - 20 matches, only 1 win, and that was part of a six-man tag at the start of the year - and I can say that I'd sign him if I was still looking for ELITE guys and he were available.


He is on 9 overness across the USA.

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OOC: I think this got lost in the flurry, and it looks likely I'll get this show up over the weekend. So... a rare repost.


We're just one night away from Psycho Circus, the last TCW show of 2009. But people have a lot to go through before we get there...


Wolf Hawkins will once again be making sure TCW fans start the night off right, though we doubt the champion himself will be as keen - as during this month alone, he will now have defended the World Heavyweight Championship against the International Champion, the All Action Champion, one of the Tag Team Champions and the Hard-Hitting Champion, among others. Chris Rockwell looks to step up the night before whoever is champion tomorrow faces off against five other men in an elimination match - the others involved getting named tonight.


Six-man action comes next, as the Machines team with Sean Deeley to take on Elimination Protocol - allied with the masked man who took Cornell to the limit, UK Dragon. The Protocol notched up their first win last night - will this be number two?


They've spent much of the month distracted, but they still have to wrestle. Eternal Party take a break from their scavenger hunt to take on Tooth & Claw, looking to further prove a claim to the Tag Team contendership.


One on one next; Matthew Keith's match at Psycho Circus is fixed, but before he gets there, he must take on renowned luchador Ultimate Phoenix.


Mr. Cornell himself made the semi-main event, which will see Johnny Bloodstone take on Zimmy. Both are very strong performers, both of whom will be hoping to be in the big match at Psycho Circus, and both of them will certainly be looking for the win here.


The main event, however, sees TCW turn its attention from the ELITE back to the other, arguably the bigger, threat - Generation Omega, and Phil Vibert's upcoming buyout. Tommy Cornell teams with the supreme legend, Christian Faith, against Faith's opponent the following night - Remo Richardson - and his Generation Omega ally Joey Minnesota.


Prediction Key:

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell


Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon vs. Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw


Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy


Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell

Nope, Rockwell isn´t going to be the next champ.


Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon vs. Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

More over.

Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw



Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Phoenix haven´t done nearly enough to get a win here.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy

I still see Bloodstone being too big name for Zimmy to overcome.


Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Tough one so I take the easy way out and say that this is draw.

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell


Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon vs. Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw


Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy


Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell

Wolf will not lose.


Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon vs. Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Yeah but no.


Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw



Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix



Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy

Yeah but no.


Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Draw! Triumph!

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 4 December 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.68)


Held at the Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West)


Attendance: 19.464





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Chris Rockwell

There's a kind of uncertainty to a lot of the blows exchanged here, to a lot of the slams, as Hawkins and Rockwell are awkward, wrestling one another, and while both men are very good – and do their best to compensate – it's far from perfect.


Still, both men stay hungry, and Rockwell does a good job of going after the various niggling aches and weak spots Hawkins' month of hell has put him through, while Wolf battles back hard, looking to finish it early.


Wolf has to know that the longer this match goes, the more it favours a submission/MMA style fighter like Rockwell, and he works had, but it's never quite enough.



And then they come. Chandler. DaLay. Money. Jett. Maverick. They target both men in the ring – but they're answered, almost immediately, by others.



Law. Golden. Wade. Umaga. Rockwell rallies on the rescue, standing with the Three Amigos. Moments later, the injured Hawkins makes his presence felt too, and the two sides fall into a standoff.

Match officially ruled no contest

Rating: B





Shout At The Devil begins to play and Mayhem Midden makes his way out. He looks around with a slow, sour smirk.


“...Right,” he says heavily. “OK. We're playing it like this, are we?


“Rhino, you've got it. TCW will give you some time at Psycho Circus for your Unsanctioned match. Frankly, I'd stip the hell out of it, but they ain't under contract.”




Chandler has the mic. “Doesn't matter – we refuse anyway.”


Midden looks hard at him. “You're aware it's this or we press charges on several counts of assault, a few of which have put people in hospital, right?”


“Joe's got lawyers. Good ones. Great ones.”


Money shoots a smirk at the crowd, mouthing “you know you love it,” to the hard camera.


Midden frowns. “Well, if that's how you want-”




The Board's Representative stares at him. “Give me that again?”


“We win this match, and we want contracts here. The road to real money, and all of us 'cept Joe could always do with some more.” Jett nods.


“You want me to reward you. That's what you're saying?”


Chandler shrugs. “We're the original gang of pro wrestling, Midden. We're ELITE – and you need us a LOT more than we need you.


“Hell, we just put Ricky Dale Johnson on the shelf – you think we can't write our own ticket anywhere?”


“I think you can't do it here.”


“I think we're offering you first shot – because over the last two years, you have stolen from ELITE. You owe us payback. We're going to have our payback.


“You want me and Dan in a match, you put contracts on the line.”


Midden stares at him for a long moment. “Five contracts is a bit much,” he says. “How about this... you five. On the other side, Rhino Umaga. Frankie Perez... and the Three Amigos.”


DaLay smirks. Money raises his eyebrows, surprised, but nods judiciously.


Jett takes a step back, frowning, while Maverick remains completely impassive.


Chandler makes eye contact with DaLay, Money, and then Jett, ignoring Maverick entirely. He raises his microphone to his lips.


“You got yourself a match.”





Elimination Protocol & UK Dragon


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

The Machines & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

There's nothing here that isn't excellent, but even after their first victory, the Protocol clearly aren't being treated as potential threats here, and that does affect how the crowd react to this.


It's a big match nonetheless. Deeley and Jameson put on a blistering display in the early going, but then it starts to get serious. With Jameson temporarily down, Brent Hill looks to put an exclamation point on the action with a King of the Hill – only to be nailed mid-air by a UK Dragon springboard rana.


Dragon eats the Ammo Dump by Anderson, and in turn Kirk Jameson nails the Bullseye, but Sean Deeley breaks that one up. He goes for the Sure Shot armbar but Jameson bails – and as Technique looks to jump Deeley from behind the International Champion pivots smoothly and locks down the Front Choke Lock, forcing a very rapid submission.

The Machines & Sean Deeley defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B





Backstage, the camera catches the New Wave walking with a purpose, wheeling a large container which appears to be heaped with all manner of odd items, clearly the results of an efficient scavenger hunt.


Wherever they're headed must be important, and Duane Fry mentions that officials are standing by to check the scavenger hunt results off.



They wheel the container round a corner and past Edd Stone, who is reading a newspaper with a hole cut in it to look through - a hole through which you can see his entire face. They get another three paces, then pause, turning to look at him.



Edd superkicks the lamp. We hear a low chuckle – recognisable as Gorgon laughing – and the sounds of a scuffle. By the time the camera crew get some lights active, it's possible to see Eternal Party and Gorgon wheeling that container into the officials' room. Lying on the floor next to the prone Wave are scattered, half-hearted attempts at fulfilling the hunt by the Eternal Party.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AguilaAmericana_jhd2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LoboBlanco.jpg

Eternal Party vs. Tooth & Claw

Back from commercial, and Eternal Party look confident as the match begins, with Fry receiving confirmation through his headphones that Eternal Party have aced the scavenger hunt and will be facing the British Lions tomorrow.


Tooth & Claw put up one hell of a fight – notably when American Eagle nails a flying headscissors to Stone and a tornado DDT to Lover simultaneously – but Eternal Party have them well in hand, with Lover playing possum in the later stages only to floor Lobo Blanco with a Lover Stunner and make the pin.

Eternal Party defeated Tooth & Claw

Rating: B





Breakin' The Law hits, and Tommy Cornell heads down to the ring, mic in hand. The crowd roar their approval at seeing him, and he goes so far as to glad-hand a few of them. It's hard to believe that a year ago he was one of the most hated wrestlers in the company.


He raises a microphone, taking a few more moments just to bask in the crowd reaction. “We apologise for the interruptions,” he says. “Now, I figured to spend this week sorting out a few last matches to settle what five guys are going into the World Heavyweight Championship elimination bout.


“You might've noticed... this is not exactly what happened. I've spent most of this week figuring legal angles.


“But! We promised you a six-man elimination contest tomorrow night.


“And I've been watching what TCW wrestlers have been doing all month. So here it comes.


“Aaron Andrews – you're in. You were good when you came into TCW, and you've just gotten better. Proud of you, son – so you go in.


“Eric Tyler – twenty minutes and Aaron couldn't put you away. Now I've seen him beat you before, and I've seen him get better since, and I dug up your records. I don't think it's just Freddy Huggins that's been scoring you wins lately. You're in – and I want you to think about this, Eric, but this just might be your very last shot at a World Championship. Don't hold back.


“Next two choices are really one choice. They won earlier tonight. Been winning for a while – and they're pissed, right now. Last week, their buddy, their protege, got taken out. Brent Hill, John Anderson, hope you're listening. Either one of you could be the champion this time Monday.


“I remember picking the pair of you for the Syndicate, way back when. You've fought alongside Wolf. You know him. I trust you to go the distance.


“Last choice... was going to be Troy Tornado. But the man seems to've abducted Jack Bruce, neither of them are answering their cells, and whatever's actually going on there – for all I know it's just some crazy rock star bender – he's clearly too busy playing silly buggers.


“So I made a match tonight. Johnny Bloodstone, Zimmy – both of you want shots, both of you are good fighters, but neither of you have convinced me that this month, with this match, you're ready for it.


“Tonight – you get the shot. Win this one and you're in the big shot tomorrow.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Ultimate Phoenix puts on an amazing display in the early going, blitzing a cocky and confident Keith with a barrage of spectacular stunts.


However, there's only so long you can run the high risk route, and once Matt Keith figures out a pattern in time he turns the tables, meeting a flying shoulderblock with a leaping high knee. That stuns Phoenix, and that leaves Matt in perfect position to systematically dismantle the luchador and hit the Neutron Plex, picking up the pin.

Matthew Keith defeated Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: B





Cornell exits a door backstage, closes and locks it, and pauses to adjust his tie before turning and heading down the corrridor. A sign in the background reads GARAGE.





Tommy stops and turns – and sees Joe Money, leaning against the wall near his office door, behind him, arms folded.


“The hell do you want?” Cornell asks. “And why are you even still here? Security said they turfed you all out.”


“Security took five thousand apiece to let me stay behind,” Money shrugs. “Got a proposal for you.”


“Not interested.”


“You need twenty million dollars.”


Cornell had been turning away, but here, he stops dead. A muscle tenses in his neck for a moment and he turns around. Money is grinning.


“You know you want it,” he says. “Buying into the company is just smart business. What do you say?”


Cornell looks at him for a long moment. “I say I don't know you from Adam. More to the point, I don't know you... from DaVE.”


Money sighs. “If I was with Vibert, brother, you'd already be in my portfolio. You don't need to do much to make a fortune if you follow the right rules, and I've followed 'em all my life.”


Cornell shrugs. “I still don't know you.”


“Alright...” Money shrugs in turn. “The deal remains open for one week. Do your due diligence. One week from now, you can get twenty million... but only if you also cough up five million of your own shares.”


He grins. “You don't have much of a choice, Tommy. I'm here to help. You know you love it.”


With that, Money backs off, touching his hand to his brow in mock-salute.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Zimmy

This one never quite gets to blistering, but it comes pretty close, at points. Bloodstone looks to keep Zimmy grounded, while the Darkwave man outpaces him, striking hard and laying in a stunning array of kicks and innovative aerial stunts.


Early on, Bloodstone keeps his temper perfectly even. As time goes by, however, that becomes harder and harder to do. And when Zimmy starts to get the upper hand, Bloodstone's famous temper explodes for the first time.


That's... why the Blood Rush doesn't connect. Sam Sparrow's unsighted, but the hard and fast shining wizard is cut off when Bloodstone drives a hard punch straight into Zimmy's groin.


Then he really goes to work, savaging Zimmy and bloodying him before locking in the Bloodstone Mutilation. Zimmy taps, but Bloodstone holds on... and on... and doesn't break, even after a count of ten. Sparrow promptly reverses the result while calling in security.

Zimmy defeated Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: B+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell vs. Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Minnesota starts for Generation Omega, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, eager for the kickstart. Across the ring, Faith and Cornell stand with heads together, discussing and apparently disagreeing, but in the end it's Faith who stands against Minnesota in the opening.


The bell rings and they close, fast. Faith slips out of the lock-up to a go-behind, but Joey hooks the leg, blocking a German, elbows free and swivels on the spot, driving a knee into Christian's midsection.


He sets for a DDT, only for Faith to twist free in turn, fluid in motion as ever. By the time the two are face to face, Faith is already swinging a punch.


The impact drives Joey back two paces, but he surges back – only to run straight into another, and another.


The crowd are starting, as always, to get behind the Supreme Legend. Minnesota manages to block the fouth punch and lands one of his own; Faith doesn't stagger half so bad from it, though, and the duo alternate punches for a few moments before Minnesota realises his mistake, instead nailing a crisp dropkick and rolling out of the ring.


Remo comes in with a grin and Faith meets him confidently, fists raised. The supreme specimen promptly boots him in the gut and boosts him up, going immediately for the Destroyer. Faith counters, showing great awareness and astonishing athleticism for his age, into a Makuda roll – ONE, TWO – NO!


Remo powers out. He comes up fast with a charging lariat and Faith ducks it – but Faith promptly tags out.


Cornell enters cagily as Remo beckons him in. The two circle for a while, the Generation Omega man smirking, while Cornell looks over at him... and slowly starts to grin that old, cocky, confident Cornell grin.


He beckons Remo in, ducks the lockup – Russian leg sweep - rolls Remo onto his front, locks in an armbar with a painful amount of torque, wrenching the arm far back, knee buried into the small of Remo's back for extra leverage.


Despite this, when Remo flexes hard – Cornell goes flying off him.


Tommy rolls back to his feet as Remo stands, shaking out the arm. Cornell's face isn't so cocky anymore. He drops down into a big legsweep, taking the big guy down, and scrambles to mount for a series of punches. It goes well for a while, then Remo kicks upward, showing amazing flexibility for his size, catching Tommy in the back of the head.


Cornell goes rolling forward and crashes out under the bottom rope – and Faith nails a diving fist drop from the top rope! The tag is effectively made, and Christian doesn't let up. He hauls Remo back to his feet, hits the ropes – leaping elbow staggers Remo but doesn't take him down.


Boot to the gut from Faith and a snap DDT to follow up. The supreme legend drags Remo up and tries to whip him to the corner – but Remo don't budge. He yanks Faith into him, grabbing a belly-to-belly, and just launches the other man into the air.


Christian crashes to the mat hard. He seems dazed, out of it, but he reaches out, grabbing the ropes and pulling himself up. Remo charges smugly, going for a spear, and on apparent total instinct Faith sidesteps, sending the big man flying through the middle ropes and out of the ring.


Minnesota promptly re-enters, grinning at the sight of a target so obviously befuddled. He snap suplexes Faith and goes for a cover but on the count of two, the supreme legend's shoulder pops up on reflex.


The grin vanishes from Joey's face as he reassesses.


Faith is hauled upright and peppered with punches to the jaw and chops to the chest, then Minnesota boosts him up onto his shoulders, clearly looking for the Empire Spiral – but Faith shoves him off, into the turnbuckles! The Supreme Legend is awake again!


LEAP OF FAITH – Minnesota dodges! He sets for the Minnesota Salute – Faith is there with a Faith Hammer! Another! Another! A – Joey ducks – German suplex by Minnesota! Both men up – Northern Lights suplex! ONE, TWO, THR- Cornell makes the save!


Faith rolls out of the ring, only to be waylaid by Remo on the outside. The two start brawling and, inside the ring, Tommy notices. He ducks a lariat by Minnesota and hits a baseball slide to the outside. Both Faith and Remo hit the guardrail and tumble over it!


In the ring, meanwhile, Minnesota nails Cornell from behind, boosting him up in his turn for an Empire Spiral, but Cornell, too, slips clear and nails a back suplex.


Joey comes back with a spinebuster, unleashing a torrent of stomps, then drags him back up and whips him to the corner. A running clothesline is followed by Minnesota boosting Cornell to the top rope and scrambling up himself, during which we get an intercut of Remo and Faith brawling through the crowd.


Joey balances on the top rope alongside Cornell, catches sight of the hard camera, and grins. “This one's for you, Wolf!” he yells, before sending them both flying out and backward with the Solo Spanish Fly.


He covers – ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Joey seems stunned and frustrated by this. He drops a knee across Cornell's head, then picks him up again, boosting him up – but this time, to block the Empire Spiral, Cornell grabs the top rope.


So Joey just flips him forward and over it, sending Cornell crashing to the floor.


Vibert seems ecstatic. Joey, meanwhile, picks his moment and measures the distance from the apron. In approved Johnny Martin fashion, he takes three steps and soars off with an elbow, only for Cornell to roll out of the way.


Both legal men are down. Neither Remo nor Faith is even near the ring. Eugene Williams makes the count as he has to. While Minnesota and Cornell both stir, however, neither man makes it back to the ring in time.

Christian Faith & Tommy Cornell fought to a double count out with Joey Minnesota & Remo Richardson

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Prediction Key:

UNSANCTIONED MATCH - Should ELITE win they will earn TCW contracts

ELITE (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, Jacob Jett, Joe Money, Maverick) vs. TCW (Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez, Rhino Umaga, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)


TCW All Action Championship

John Pathlow © vs. Acid


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly


TCW International Championship


Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 - 2 Freddy Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party


Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr


Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill vs. Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy

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UNSANCTIONED MATCH - Should ELITE win they will earn TCW contracts

ELITE (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, Jacob Jett, Joe Money, Maverick) vs. TCW (Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez, Rhino Umaga, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)

That stipulation makes ELITE winning look like the most likely option.


TCW All Action Championship

John Pathlow © vs. Acid

Ok, for once I just pick who I want to win.


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

I´d say McFly but I DWN is getting huge push so might as well have hin win here.


TCW International Championship


Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 - 2 Freddy Huggins

This will be 3 - 3 after six matches so I give Deeley this one in order to not to make it look so one sided.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party

I would like to go with Eternal Party but somehow I doubt it, mainly because I expect Guide & Scout to interfere after what happened in last show.


Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Faith seems to be a little bit of a gatekeeper these days and Remo does have the skills and overness to win.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr

I still go with JeriLynn.


Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith

I think that the real feud will be between Matthew and Greg so Matthew wins this one.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill vs. Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy

Interesting challengers but though all of them are good none are top name right now so Wolf retains.

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UNSANCTIONED MATCH - Should ELITE win they will earn TCW contracts

ELITE (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, Jacob Jett, Joe Money, Maverick) vs. TCW (Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez, Rhino Umaga, Rick Law, Rocky Golden) The challengers need to start with a win


TCW All Action Championship

John Pathlow © vs. Acid Betting Canadian...


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly Now there's more of a big deal being made of DWN, a win here - cheap, most likely - is the only choice


TCW International Championship


Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 - 2 Freddy Huggins To keep it interesting, Deeley needs to pick up a win here. Assuming you intend to use all seven matches, of course...


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party Eternal Party didn't earn their shot, as such, so I don't see them taking the titles. Still, the Lions haven't lost to them before, I think, so EP could exploit that.


Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert Flip a coin - but Remo's younger


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr Just in case JL does make the big match, she needs to drop the title first


Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith Frees Matt up for Greg


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill vs. Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy Placeholder match, as it's hard to see any of the challengers taking the title on from this point

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UNSANCTIONED MATCH - Should ELITE win they will earn TCW contracts

ELITE (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, Jacob Jett, Joe Money, Maverick) vs. TCW (Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez, Rhino Umaga, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)


I can't imagine you going to all this trouble then NOT having ELITE get into the company.


TCW All Action Championship

John Pathlow © vs. Acid


I always think of Acid as pretty seriously capped out -- I think because he had that popularity cap in Monkeypox's game.


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

DWN is getting a huge push, but he can lose to McFly and still have a huge push.


TCW International Championship


Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 - 2 Freddy Huggins


Deeley going down 0-3 and still winning it back to Game 7 seems a little TOO much.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party


Eternal Party is about angles -- they don't need a title to stay interesting.


Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Faith is a legend, but he's aging and not great at actual wrestling. Remo is a big brawler who can actually get it done in the ring.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr


I don't know. Maybe Starr's partner interferes. But has Starr even done a singles match before?

Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith

This is a rough one. I always want to go with Art, but Greg vs. Matt is the logical conclusion to this feud. So Art plays the sidekick. Fair enough.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill vs. Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy


Yeah -- not a lot of top-tier challengers here. Small chance this leads into tension between the Machines... but I hope not.

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UNSANCTIONED MATCH - Should ELITE win they will earn TCW contracts

ELITE (Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, Jacob Jett, Joe Money, Maverick) vs. TCW (Chris Rockwell, Frankie Perez, Rhino Umaga, Rick Law, Rocky Golden)



TCW All Action Championship

John Pathlow © vs. Acid

His championship reign has to go somewhere.


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

Davis Wayne Newton is, after all, a man of his word.


TCW International Championship


Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 - 2 Freddy Huggins

Deeley levels, then draws ahead, then Freddy equalises, then we see who takes it in the end.


TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party

The Lions have had a good run, but yeah, Edd might be carrying on his championship gold quest.


Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Because he's much younger with better upside.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr

Not yet.


Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith

Hard to say no.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill vs. Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy

Because Wolf vs. Tommy at Malice In Wonderland.

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TCW Presents Psycho Circus


Sunday Week 4 December 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.30)


Held at the Toronto Olympic Stadium (Ontario)


Attendance: 35,823




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous


TCW: Year In Review



The traditional opening video for Psycho Circus chronicles the big moments of the year. The main foci are Wolf Hawkins's year – the Syndicate folding, winning the Shot at the Top, taking the World Heavyweight Championship, forming Generation Omega, warring with Cornell, overcoming every challenge to date – Matthew Keith's year – holding the Tag Championships, being injured by the Easy Riders, coming back, turning heel, feuding with his family, the formation of the Kings of Wrestling, driving a wedge between Bloodstone and the Blonde Bombshell, all the way through to Art Reed tonight – Edd Stone – breaking away as a singles talent to taunt and chase Aaron Andrews, allying with Champagne Lover, putting on spellbinding matches for the International Championship, warring with Canadian Elemental, destroying lamps, and finally challenging for the tag titles – Aaron Andrews - winning the International Championship, losing it due to Joey Minnesota, maturing as a fighter, allying with Cornell and, later, Peak, and becoming someone TCW fans love to cheer – and Art Reed, coming from also-ran All Action contender to spellbinding tag champion, putting on a blinder of a match against the British Lions, conceding the belt to GenOme only to go on and win the Three Kings Trophy, going forty-five minutes with the World Champion, and stepping up to the plate time and again.


Mixed in there are the title victories of Sean Deeley, the British Lions, John Pathlow, Chris Rockwell, and Texas Pete, as well as UK Dragon's incredible performance against Cornell, Kirk Jameson taking Johnny Bloodstone to the limit, Christian Faith debuting, Remo Richardson's unstoppable juggernaut of a run, JeriLynn's championship win and the redemption of her father that goes with it - and Joey Minnesota's succeeding, periodically, where Hawkins couldn't.








For the powerhouses of TCW, Maverick is an absolute nightmare, and when you combine his vicious, wrenching holds with the aerial innovation of Jacob Jett – who seems to have settled into TCW's lucha libre tag rules as if he'd been doing it all his life – the results are nasty.


And that's before you add in the tactical nous of Money and Chandler and the savagery and sheer power of the Giant Among Giants – as Adrian Garcia, on commentary, repeatedly refers to Dan DaLay.


But don't assume that ELITE had this all their own way; Rick Law takes DaLay off his feet, though it takes three Long Arms of the Law to do it; Rocky Golden at one point catches Jett into his signature twisting overhead powerslam, and Chris Rockwell and Maverick collide like they were always meant to wrestle one another.


And as if to make matters worse, there are weapons. Chandler came with a slapjack. Jett's boots flash steel in places, seeming metal rather than traditional padding. DaLay has his bullwhip with him, though he foregoes it during the match – awkward, to say the last.


At least Rhino Umaga brought a weapon – favouring, as Charlie Thatcher does, the baseball bat – and there are chairs aplenty here, with Golden proving surprisingly adept at their use; slams, DDTs, and typical chair shots all look more than a little nasty.


It does seem, after fourteen minutes or so, that TCW might be able to squeak out a win – there are flash pinfalls here and there, big moments elsewhere, Rockwell lands a chair-assisted splash on Maverick – despite the ELITE war being brought.


Umaga is battling Chandler in the centre of the ring. Law sits slumped in the corner, recovering. Joe Money and Chris Rockwell brawl on the outside. A victim of a Rocky Road, Jacob Jett leans against the announce table, head down. DaLay drips blood at the side of the ring, Rocky Golden prone beside him.


Maverick looks to blindside Umaga, but Frankie Perez is there to stop him, sneaking up behind him with a running release German suplex.


Perez pops up into a crouch, and for perhaps the first time in his TCW career he receives genuine tears as he stalks the two legal men. Finally, it looks certain, two on one, that TCW actually can beat ELITE. Not only that they can but that they will.


Umaga draws the chair back for a huge smash. Gasping for breath, Chandler presents both hands, fingers raised, grinning wildly in defiance.


And Frankie Perez delivers a brutal hook kick into the chair, driving it into Rhino Umaga's head, felling him.


Chandler looks stunned. Perez looks down at what he's done, then rolls out of the ring, walking back up the aisle.


Chandler stares, checking his surroundings, but Jett is back in the ring with him now, ready to back him up. On the outside, Money hits the Wall Street Crash (a Tiger Driver) on Rockwell.


ELITE have the ball well and truly in their court. Jett vaults to the top rope and out on a second motion with a flawless, textbook moonsault. Chandler covers – and picks up the victory, tainted though it be.


After a long moment, Azaria sighs. “That's it, then,” he says. “Frankie Perez will go down in the record books as giving ELITE the win. And the scary thing is, that might just be unfair to ELITE.”

ELITE defeated TCW

Rating: B





The big screen comes to life. Art Reed sits in one of the crowd's seats at the Toronto Olympic Stadium, obviously earlier in the day, feet up casually on the seats directly in front of him, hands lightly clasped, looking out as TCW road crew assemble the ring, crowd barriers, pyro rigs and set up the big screens.


“This wasn't my Olympics,” he says softly. “Mine came years later, in Australia. Just before I was trained as a wrestler...


“I got my training at the House of Stone. Jeremy and Dan taught me everything Mr Stone taught them. Duane taught me how to fly like the Black Cobra.


“I've learned from the best.” He smiles. “The Stones. Kunomasu-san, who honoured me by bringing me from my American travels to Japan, where I fought against and alongside him. Eric Tyler, when the School of Tradition was new. My long-term sparring partner Acid. My friends – even if we set out to beat hell out of each other every time we get in the ring – Johnny and Bobby, Greg and Benny.


“And my tag partner – the other Greg – and his father, Sam. A man who came to the House of Stone one year and looked at a bunch of fresh-faced rookies – and we've all been champions since – saw the potential in every single one of us – and gave me a hold.


“The Dread Lock is another of Sam Keith's inventions, but he gave it to me, free of charge. We weren't wrestling for the same company. It didn't look like we were ever going to,” he smiles, “though sometimes life is good. Sam taught me the move because he saw me going far.


“I didn't really understand that until the summer of 2008. When Sam's boys came here, I began to understand. Suddenly I was the veteran, match-hardened, a former champion who would be again, and here, in front of me, were some incredibly promising rookies.


“When Sam came to team with us, and brought his boys with him, I was honoured again as only Jeremy and Kunomasu-san had before. He chose to align with me and Johnny. He chose us, singled us out.


“He trusted us with his sons' training. And when Matthew was injured, I stepped up to stand by Greg. It's been good to us – you don't need me to tell you that. We kept that title for months, and we won a trophy alongside Johnny against the toughest competition here.


“Matthew... took it badly, I think. That the success of he and his brother wasn't unique...


“But we never wanted this. We weren't just allies. We were friends. And everything was based... I thought everything was based on mutual respect.


“Matthew's recent actions have been all but the opposite of that. I respect what he can do in the ring... but I'm not going to stand by while he tears his family apart.


“Tonight, Matt... tonight it all ends. I wish it didn't have to.” He shakes his head slightly. “There's a part of me that wishes we could team again. I doubt it... but maybe one day. In wrestling, you never know.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey_alt4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg

John Pathlow © vs. Acid

Ever wondered what it would be like to see John Pathlow wrestle himself?


In all sorts of ways, that's the best way to describe the goings-on in this contest, this match. Acid's mirror-image act is played to the full when he finally faces off with someone else as heavily influenced by Japan.


The traditional battle of one-upsmanship between high-fliers here is exactly move for move, highspot for highspot, and – somewhat eerily – sequence for sequence, exactly as Pathlow would do it.


Logic dictates that Pathlow has to be happier with the moves, more comfortable and more confident. On the other hand, Acid has on occasion wrestled Pathlow before. It's rare, to say the least, that Pathlow has wrestled himself – and at times, his own mannerisms seem to surprise him, something the wrestlers play up from time to time for comic relief.


Acid eventually gets Pathlow downed, springing to the top rope and dropping the mirror for a moment to soar with the Acid Rain Bomb - but here, Pathlow regains the advantage, having faced that move before. He moves clear and nails the School of Tradition's masked man with a 1st Dan, picking up the victory.

John Pathlow defeated Acid

Rating: B+





Hero of the Day by Metallica hits, and the Toronto crowd explode in anticipation fulfulled. They recognise this song in a way that perhaps nobody else does; instinctively, from other half a decade's use by George DeColt's second son.


All smiles, relaxed and confident, Alex DeColt steps out from the entryway in jeans and a CGC T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He looks around the Olympic Stadium and, on cue, as the music swells triumphantly, raises his left fist in the air – and over thirty thousand respond as one. The noise redoubles.


In that clenched fist is a microphone. Alex gestures, and the crowd fall silent in a heartbeat. He raises the microphone to his lips and holds it there for juuust long enough for the crowd to start chanting.


”A-D-C! A-D-C! A-D-C!”


With a grin, Alex punches the air again – and the crowd do the same. He gestures, and they fall silent, and still grinning, Alex shakes his head. He tucks the mic into his jeans pocket and extends his left arm to the side – and begins to run, sprinting down the aisle, around the ring, and back up to where he stood before, allowing everyone close enough to glad-hand him.


Atop the entrance ramp once more, he pauses and the chant breaks out again. He gestures – and they fall silent. Again he raises the mic to his lips.


“It's OK, Toronto,” he announces. “We missed you too.”


The crowd roar approval, and Alex pauses, grinning.


He begins to pace. “You know already, in one month, the DeColt Family go head... To... Head... with the House... of... Stone!”


More approval. Alex cuts it silent with a gesture.


“What you don't know is this.


“Our TV connection is still refusing – Eddie, Dan, John, Joe, Jake, this is all on you, boys – to air new CGC programming. And we're missing out on our warm-up matches. We're missing out on the chance to make sure we're in tip-top fighting condition.


“So in the couple of weeks before Malice in Wonderland... the DeColt family ride to TCW. Steve will be putting his CGC Championship on the line!”


Still more approval.


“Ricky's bringing his tag partner along. The Canadian Golden Boys will be putting their CGC Tag Team Championships on the line!”


Only a hair more muted.


“And since Ryan Powell was coming along anyway, to make sure our fans get what they deserve, we asked him – and he'll be wrestling one on one, too, and his title will be on the line.


“Because we know CGC fans deserve it, and we can tell TCW fans deserve it. You're going to see why they call us DeGreatest Family in wrestling.


“Now... Jack and Marie are off having a quiet New Year together. And that's fine. And Steve – well, he's Steve. He'll be working out. And Ricky will be scouting tapes. So tonight, it's just me.


“And I normally leave this to Steve, but he'd never forgive me – but Toronto, do you know where we are?”


The entire arena bellow their knowledge. Alex raises his fist again, punching the air with every word.




The reverberations die away, and Alex grins. “That's all I got, guys. Hope it's big enough. ADC out!”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Sean McFly

The speed of the exchanges here is absolutely blistering. McFly has something to prove – and he clearly intends to use the American Tiger as the target to prove it against. On the other hand, Sean McFly. He's never been an easy target, he likely never will be – and historically, his weak spots have revolved around facing stronger men than he.


The Triple Threat isn't a stronger man – but he's willing to throw punches like one. Still, McFly has the younger man scouted. When Davis goes for his Fisherman's Suplex, it almost ends the match – but not the way Davis would have wanted, as Sean counters, spinning him out and hitting the Delorean Driver.


Whatever else you want to say about him, Newton kicking out of that is impressive. He comes back, as best he can, with a running blitz of innovative, full-speed offence, shifting styles second by second. The STF gets countered, too, and Sean finds his own second or third wind, eventually coming off the top rope with a diving cross-body.


It's just too bad for him that Davis is in position to roll it through. With a handfull of tights, both hands, and sheerest bloody determination he keeps McFly's shoulders down for three.

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Sean McFly

Rating: B+





Autumn Gleeson's winsome smile welcomes the viewer to the backstage interview area. Beside her stands Laura Huggins and a very focused looking Sean Deeley.


“G'day, everyone,” she begins. “We're right in the middle of one heck of a Pay-Per-View and I want to start by saying Happy New Year to all of you – but right now, my guest is preparing for a match, and he's up next.


“Sean – you said when you won the International Championship that you wanted to make sure the title was treated with the respect it deserves. You've been exercising a champion's prerogative we don't see often in TCW – the right to choose your challengers. And so far that's given you some serious challenges – but this Best of Seven series is proving to be tough for you. Two matches in and you're two-nil down.


“That has to affect how you're approaching tonight's match?”


Deeley nods. “I only want to put this title on the line against wrestlers I can respect,” he says. “Usually when a champion exercises their prerogative, they select people they're sure they can beat, and TCW overrules. So far they acknowledge that I'm doing my best by this title.


“I wanted to prove how much this title means. I wanted to resurrect the tradition of the Best of Seven series to do it. And Freddy – well, he seemed the right man to do it with.


“I've been beaten twice. You could say that I can afford one more loss, maybe, but I don't think a wrestler can afford to think like that, and I don't.


“I respect Freddy Huggins a lot. But this belt around my waist? What it stands for? I respect that much, much more – and I will be holding onto it. Tonight I pick up the first win – and I don't intend to lose again.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 0 – 2 Freddy Huggins

There's a fair amount of speed here, but it is, overall, a slower, more calculating match than took place previously. On the other hand, there's a lot more on the line for both men.


Deeley in particular plays it cool, and looks to wear down Huggins, focusing on the shoulder. It's clear from the off that he's setting up for the Sure Shot – and a lot of Freddy's counters to armlocks put brief overstress on his shoulder, such as the backward kick to break the hold which requires him to lean further into the pressure.


Freddy still maintains a strong challenge, and at points shocks the crowd with some remarkable athleticism, flipping backward off the ropes to land behind Deeley with a lungblower.


That lets him set up for the Huggins Kiss, but Sean has the move scouted. He ducks it. Furious, Freddy nails him with a bodyslam, catches him again with the HugginDriver – but he doesn't pin. He backs up and sets for the Kiss again.


Once again, Sean has the move scouted; he catches the foot, spins Freddy, and when the challenger has his back to him he grabs the shoulder and drags him down, locking in the Sure Shot – and forcing the tapout.

Sean Deeley defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: B+





Once again we go backstage with Autumn Gleeson, though the smile isn't nearly as strong as it was earlier; a little more fake.


“My guest at this time, the self-proclaimed Triple Threat of Generation Omega. Davis, you had arguably the biggest win of your solo career earlier tonight. We might say a thing or two about how, but no one can dispute that you won. Your thoughts?”



Davis smirks at the camera. “Like I've already told everybody, Davis Wayne Newton is a man of his word. I said nobody was going to beat me. Nobody's beat me. One month from now, I'm going to go into the Shot at the Top match at Malice in Wonderland. I'm going to win the Ticket to the Top, and a year after that to the day I will cash in my Ticket and become World Heavyweight Champion.


“You can – and should – believe that. Bottom line is that it's going to happen. I give my word on it.


“Meantime, Autumn, get with the program. You've kept saying you want a winning tag team; I'm thinking I might spend some of next year being a tag champion. I'll have time to kill. If you want to stick around with us, I'm sure Phil won't mind...” He grins. She flinches.


“Some would say,” she presses on, “that it's only through underhand tactics you won out tonight. What would you say to that?”


“Ridiculous,” he answers promptly. “You ask me, what did Sean McFly in is that Jeremy Stone can't train for anything.”


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpg

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Eternal Party

The styles of these two teams are almost precise opposites, but Eternal Party are at least comfortable going to the mat. On paper, this could be said to give them an advantage, giving them at the very least a chance to counter the Lions at the champs' game.


There is, however, a world of difference between the straightforward competence on the mat of Champagne Lover and the sheer blinding skill exhibited by Walter Morgan when it comes to hold, counter-hold and excruciating submission.


Edd is a different proposition; too unpredictable to be easy to counter. Meanwhile, Champagne Lover can pick up the pace and brawl – and the match does break down, at one point, into a fistfight between Lover and Merle.



Around when that's happening the New Wave are spotted making their way angrily down the ramp, steel chairs in hand, but again, the Blonde Bombshell gets in front of them. The three stage a standoff on the ropes.


By the time Walter Morgan is back in, applying a crucifix stretch only for Edd to attempt to lock in a simultaneous prawn hold, the Bombshell has managed to usher her clients backstage. The camera's also picked up Laura Huggins looking thoughtfully at the altercation on the ramp.


Eventually, Morgan manages to apply the Wigan Wrench on Edd Stone, forcing him after a long struggle to tap out.

British Lions defeated Eternal Party

Rating: B





Laura grabs a microphone even as the match is ending. While Ray Johnson raises her clients' arms aloft, she climbs into the ring.


She shoots a glance back at the entrance ramp and lifts the mic to her lips. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she begins, “the British Lions - still your World Tag Team Champions!”


Approval resounds. She raises a hand.


“In one month's time, Malice in Wonderland arrives. And for the second night of Malice, TCW wrestle in Britain for the first time. Merle and Walter haven't been there to wrestle for two years... and after tonight, chances are good that they're going to be champions there.


“They want to wrestle the very best, for their titles, in their home country.” She smiles slightly. “I can't blame them.


“They've chosen the Machines as their opponents. But after tonight...” A shake of the head. “The New Wave are still unfinished business, and last night Edd Stone and his cronies kept us from finishing that here.


“So what I suggest is that on Night One, in the USA, the British Lions take on the New Wave. Whoever wins faces the Machines in London.” She looks to the Lions themselves. After a brief moment, they give slight nods.


“But understand this... we will be winning. Both nights.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChristianFaith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Christian Faith vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

A brawl, pure and simple – but when Christian Faith wants a wrestling fan to watch him, he really does know exactly how to go about it. The flash and flare of the early punches gets the crowd psyched, and that's before Remo manages to return fire – something Faith doesn't seem keen to allow.


He whips Remo to the ropes, and seems to wait – Remo comes off with a shoulderblock and Faith sidesteps! The supreme specimen staggers himself – big boot from Faith!


Early on, the Texas Outlaw seems to have this one in control, but little by little it seems to sink in that Remo won't be kept down. A volley of an almost-unprecedented nine Faith Hammers and a Leap of Faith to follow up – gets a long two.


Remo begins to rally, but Faith has the Destroyer scouted. A Lumbar Puncture gets a long two, but the biggest advantage Remo has – the huge Destroyer, one of the deadliest moves in TCW – seems to have been neutralised.



What clinches it, in the end, is surprising. Another series of Faith Hammers busts Remo open, and Eugene Williams is checking on him – when Jacob Jett nails a missile dropkick to the back of Faith's head. He staggers forward, and Remo sees opportunity knocking.


The Destroyer follows, and – as almost invariably happens – the three count is not long in coming.

Remo Richardson defeated Christian Faith

Rating: B




Faith slowly makes his way back to his feet, Remo standing atop the corner of a turnbuckle, arms raised, not so much celebrating as proclaiming his victory.


Down at ringside, Phil Vibert is suddenly antsy, nervous. Remo glances down, follows his gaze, sees Faith limping toward him.


He jumps down, turning, to face Faith.


There's a long moment of silence, the two men facing one another off, then Faith extends his hand for a shake.


Remo looks down at it, shrugs, and rolls out of the ring, face still impassive.



The camera briefly cuts to a spot backstage. Aaron Andrews has been watching proceedings on a monitor. As Remo walks away, the in-ring footage lingering on Faith's rebuffed face, Andrews turns away, shaking his head, apparently disappointed.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeriLynnStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JessicaBunny_Self3.jpg

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Serena Starr

Azaria takes great pains to remind everyone, as this match begins, that Serena Starr is undefeated, as is her fellow Leading Light; that last month, when Michelle Cox challenged JeriLynn, the best the champ could earn was a draw.


The contest starts out nicely; a good run of chain wrestling, with Stone having an answer for all of Starr's tricks, a counter to all her best efforts. In this early feeling-out stage, JeriLynn doesn't seem to be taking the fight back to her opponent much; it looks like she's much more interested in gauging what Starr can do before she goes to war.


Then Serena changes tack. It starts with a thumb to the eye, then a slap – and when she once again abruptly switches gear, hitting a dropkick followed by a short-arm lariat, a butterfly suplex, and then the setup for her big move, the twisting DDT known as the Nova – but JeriLynn counters! She powers out and goes for it.


A Stone's Throw gets two. Starr makes the ropes off the Stone Hold, and JeriLynn shrugs at the slowdown, going to the turnbuckle and setting up for the Girl's Best Friend – but Starr blocks that, turning it into a tower DDT into the ring. She goes for the pin, but Stone rolls out of the ring.


Starr follows, unleashing a beatdown but becoming aware that Ray Johnson is counting, sliding back into the ring at eight, leaving JeriLynn Stone down on the outside. She picks up the win, but doesn't take home the prize.

Serena Starr defeated JeriLynn Stone when Stone could not answer the count of ten

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg

Art Reed vs. Matthew Keith

Each man hesitantly approaches the other in the early going.


Art goes after Matt’s left arm, getting an armwrench into a wristlock, hurriedly reinforced into a full-on standing armbar.


The hold stays locked in a surprising length of time, but in the end Keith centres himself properly, plants one foot, lifts the other up over the hold – three quick kicks to the head, firing only from the knee but it's enough.


The hold breaks and Keith follows up with another kick, this one hard to the chest. Reed makes his way back to his feet – Matt charges – Art sidesteps, rolling his opponent down into a crossface. The hold stays for a few moments, but Matt handstands forward.


He comes back off the ropes – Reed meets him with a hip toss – dropkick as Keith regains his feet – Art covers – ONE – NO!


Matt rolls clear. A trio of chops to the chest gets followed up when he hits the ropes and nails a big boot; he keeps going, off the ropes again, legdrop and a cover – ONE – NO!


Reed stops a punch, steps back, jumps for the dropkick only for Matt to catch the legs in mid-air. He looks to tie up in a clovercleaf – Reed counters it into a small package – ONE, TW- Matt out again and immediately kicks Reed straight in the face.


They split apart and circle again. Keith hits the ropes, coming in fast – he eats a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Reed, who keeps him braced for a moment, emphasising the back strain. A suplex follows, and Reed whips him to the corner – running charge – Matt sidesteps, leaving Art hanging up from the top rope by his knee after a flying kick.


Keith boosts him up and over the top rope, letting him tumble to the floor. As Reed recovers, Matt makes his way onto the apron and swings a low kick at Reed's face, using the height differential, but Art ducks it – grabs Matt's foot, yanks – the ring apron effectively jawbreakers Matt on his way down!


Reed nails a back suplex before rolling Matt back into the ring and sliding in after him. He goes for the Dread Lock, but Keith blocks it, rolling him into a kimura – but they're close enough to the ropes for Reed to hook one with an ankle, forcing the break.


Matthew's to his feet first. The prodigal Keith peppers Reed's torso with stiff kicks, but eventually Art catches one – spins him round – hops to the second rope – enzuigiri!


Punches are exchanged in the centre of the ring. Matthew starts to get the better of the exchange but Art ducks one and nails a superkick. Cover! ONE, TWO – NO!


Reed drags Matt back to his feet and hits a neckbreaker. He covers – Matt powers out, snagging Reed by the leg, pulling him in – sets for the Neutron Plex – Reed pops out and down the other side!


To the ropes – tornado DDT! Reed measures Matt, waiting – bulldog! Cover! ONE, TWO – NO!


Matt blocks the next charge by getting his boot up, catching Reed in the throat. He tries a German – holds the bridge – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Art gets whipped to the corner. Running dropkick by Matt is sidestepped. DARK MATTER!


Reed takes a moment to recover, rubbing feeling back into his throat, then makes the pin – ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! Another Dark Matter attempt – countered! Matt rides it down into a Katahajime choke!


Somehow, Reed squirms clear, kicking the last of the way free. He comes back with an enzuigiri, but doesn't cover, falling back to recuperate. Keith comes up with a roaring lariat, then goes to the top rope. He comes off with a soaring knee drop, but Reed rolls clear, grabbing Matt from where he lies prone and face down to nail a double-chickenwing suplex – holds on – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Keith dropkicks the knee out from under Reed, looks for the ankle lock – Reed rolls through – Dread Lock – no! He can't get it on! He can't get it on! Keith elbows free! NEUTRON PLEX! Cover! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Keith looks for the Proton Lock, but Reed has that scouted. He flips it clear – running neckbreaker! BLOODSTONE MUTILATION! He has it locked in! Matt struggles – he seems to be fading...


No! Somehow, he gets an arm clear – shifts position – rolls him up into a cradle! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! Reed pops out!


Matthew Keith screams in frustration. Reed is crouched, stalking him, looking for another Dark Matter – but Keith kicks him in the sternum, jolting him upright – whips him to the corner – running back elbow!


With his body blocking Reed's from sight of the ref – ASIAN MIST! A kick to the side of Reed's head – Matt grabs the front facelock, runs around the ropes, swinging DDT! Cover! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Keith pounds the mat with closed fist twice. Reed is halfway back to his feet – another kick to the chest by Matt! Another! Throat kick! PROTON LOCK! Keith keeps the pressure tamped down just as hard as he can. After almost thirty seconds in the hold, Reed taps!

Matthew Keith defeated Art Reed

Rating: A*




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpg

Wolf Hawkins © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Brent Hill


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Eric Tyler vs. John Anderson vs. Zimmy

All six men in the ring to begin with. Hawkins sticks to one corner as Andrews and Zimmy size each other up – lockup between those two young men – Andrews overpowers Zimmy, shoots him off the ropes – Zimmy takes the opportunity to nail Anderson with a running leg lariat!


Hawkins hits Hill from behind with a high knee off that distraction – and Eric Tyler grabs Wolf from behind, snapping him down into a backbreaker! He keeps it locked in as a hold!


Andrews spares a glance for that, then turns back to the fray – and Zimmy is already on him with a discus punch! Anderson helps Hill up and the two Machines retreat to adjacent corners, watching the action. As Azaria points out, the elimination rules really do favour them waiting their time.


Meanwhile, Tyler is facing trouble. Hawkins has a hand free, and he's using that well to punch his way out of the hold. Zimmy manages a go-behind on Andrews – German suplex attempt, but Andrews blocks it – elbows free – German from Aaron – ZIMMY LANDS ON HIS FEET! INVERTED DDT BY ZIMMY! COVER! ONE, TWO – NO!


For a second there the Darkwave man looked like he was going to change the face of the matchup.


He's still aiming to capitalise; as Aaron recovers, Zimmy hits the far ropes, obviously looking for the Blood Rush – he meets Anderson on the rebound, Anderson hitting a snap release overhead belly-to-belly! Zimmy lands with a crash and Eric Tyler scrambles to the cover! ONE, TW- NO!


Without Eric occupying him, Hawkins faces Hill, who locks up and tries for a snap suplex. Wolf slips out, landing behind him, and goes for a Full Moon Rising, but Anderson blocks it, catching the leg and spinning him round to set up a stereo suplex by the Machines.


Andrews puts Tyler down with a spinebuster and calls to the Machines, seemingly wanting to direct traffic. Brent and John exchange looks, their expressions bursting simultaneously into smiles.


They pull the champion up and whip him toward Aaron, who nails a spinebuster – and a second later, Zimmy comes off the middle rope, smashing Andrews head-first into Hawkins' midsection with a blockbuster.


Sam Sparrow goes to make the count while John Anderson moves to tussle with Zimmy, Hill going after Tyler simultaneously by that same almost eerie unspoken consent. Andrews is technically pinning Wolf – ONE, TWO – NO!


Hawkins gets the shoulder up, and he and Aaron roll apart, taking their time to rise. Meanwhile, abruptly, the Machines release their lock-ups, switching opponents by stepping past each other, both men nailing dropkicks to put their partner's opponent down.


Eric Tyler is, somewhat surprisingly, up first. Wolf Hawkins sees an opportunity – he catches him with the Full Moon Rising! Tyler staggers forward – Aaron Andrews is waiting – GAME BREAKER! COVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Elimination #1: Eric Tyler is eliminated.


Brent Hill goes after Zimmy, but the powerbomb attempt gets countered. The Darkwave man sends Hill crashing to the mat with a rana, then pops up to superkick Anderson. He covers – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


In the meantime, Hawkins and Andrews have closed again. They exchange punches in the centre of the ring – Wolf whips Andrews to the corner – Zimmy sees his opportunity – Zimmy charges across the ring to nail the Blood Rush on Andrews! Cover! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO! Aaron gets his shoulder up literally at the last possible moment.


Zimmy, frustrated, vaults to the top rope, looking for the split-legged moonsault – Hill catches him on the shoulder – twisting off-the-shoulder powerslam! Hawkins DDTs Hill as he pops up on his knees!


Wolf ducks a swing from John Anderson at that point. He sets for the Wolf's Call – Andrews chop blocks his leg out from under him! WOLF STILL LANDS COVERING ANDERSON! ONE, TWO, NO!


Hawkins is up, just about. Andrews charges from behind – BLUE THUNDER BOMB BY HAWKINS! ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Andrews somehow kicks out again. He and Wolf once again go punch for punch. Meanwhile, Hill drags Zimmy to his feet – snap suplex. He picks him up again and whips him toward Anderson – dropkick by Anderson! AMMO DUMP!


Hill jumps to the top rope. Wolf Hawkins promptly whips Andrews into that corner, sending the Machine tumbling from the top to faceplant on the canvas.


“That's twice Wolf's saved Zimmy,” Azaria says. “Whether he's right or not – he thinks the Machines are the bigger threat.”


John Anderson looks to prove that, grabbing Wolf and setting up for the Ammo Dump. He plants his feet, though, and straightens up – then arches back – leaving Anderson's shoulders pinned to the mat! ONE, TWO – NO!


Hawkins kips up and sees Aaron Andrews perched on the top rope. He promptly grabs Zimmy and moves him in the way of Andrews' flying cross-body. ONE, TWO – NO!


As Aaron regains his feet, Wolf blindsides him with a spear. Both men crash into the turnbuckle.


Anderson and Hill pick themselves up. They look around, seeing Zimmy groggy, and move in. Stereo suplex on Zimmy, and Wolf Hawkins is busy boosting Andrews onto the top turnbuckle. Zimmy blocks the Ammo Dump again, twists clear, and whips Hill into Anderson.


Hawkins goes up to the top rope alongside Andrews. He's looking for the Solo Spanish Fly – but Andrews is ready for him. They exchange punches as Zimmy nails the Blood Rush on Hill.


Andrews blocks a punch by Hawkins and hip tosses him from the top turnbuckle!


With Hill on all fours, rising, Zimmy seizes his opportunity. He chases across the ring, stomping on Hawkins' midsection, leaping onto Hill's back, and soaring to catch Andrews, poised precariously on the top rope, with a Blood Rush.


Andrews flies backward, not landing in the ring but coming to rest amidst the fresh wreckage of the announce table he shatters on the way down. The crowd bust out the chants of “HO-LY-****!”


Meanwhile, Anderson pops up behind Zimmy, staring daggers at the back of his head. The Darkwave man turns around – boot to the gut – AMMO DUMP! COVER! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Elimination #2: Zimmy


Andrews hasn't stirred on the outside as Anderson helps his tag partner to his feet. The two of them look at their former stablemate, Wolf Hawkins, as he uses the ropes to pull himself back up.


Anderson charges, and Wolf drops down, taking the top rope with him. The man known as the Human Arsenal sails over the top and lands on a departing Zimmy, adding more injury to injury.


Wolf Hawkins is alone in the ring with Brent Hill. Hill closes in – dropkick! Both men back to their feet – superkick by Hill! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


The champion is still in this. He makes it back to his feet and ducks a lariat. Hill almost entirely evades the Full Moon Rising, but catches it barely, between the shoulderblades. It forces him down to hands and knees – and Hawkins flips forward into a Kingman Roll! The pin is good! ONE, TWO, THREE!


Elimination #3: Brent Hill


John Anderson is slowly recovering on the outside. Hawkins rolls onto his back, alone in the ring, sucking in air as he looks to recover.


He seems to have the time; Aaron Andrews still isn't moving, and it's around now that Mayhem Midden calls for an EMT or two to come down and check up on his welfare.


Anderson returns to the ring, and you can see the regret and frustration on Hawkins' face as he makes his way back to his feet to answer him. The Human Arsenal regards his former stablemate for a long moment, then turns to watch the EMTs arrive – and Hawkins does the same thing.


They both migrate to the nearest rope to watch as the EMTs rule Andrews unfit to compete further tonight. Anderson actually leads the crowd in a round of applause as the ring announcer makes it clear that he will not be returning to action.


Elimination #4: Aaron Andrews


Hawkins doesn't join in, but as the stretcher appears, being led hurriedly down the ramp, he gets back to action. A hard series of chops – he sets for the Wolf's Call – Anderson elbows free!


The pair are driven a couple of paces apart – crisp dropkick by Anderson! The Human Arsenal points to the turnbuckle! He goes to the top rope – Hawkins is up faster than he expected, grabs the rope and shakes it. Anderson keeps his balance – Wolf grips the rope in both hands and jumps up and nails him in the head with a kick!


Somehow, the Human Arsenal still doesn't fall. Hawkins seems fired up now, sensing the end is near. He scrambles up there – SOLO SPANISH FLY! Hawkins crawls to the cover! ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


How Anderson kicked out, Hawkins obviously isn't sure – not at all. He pulls him up – Wolf's Call sets up again – Anderson twists out – AMMO DUMP! COVER! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Anderson shakes his head, but he scrambles to the top rope. KING OF THE HILL – MISSES!


Hawkins takes a moment to regain his feet, then assesses the situation. He goes for a variant on the Minnesota Cloverleaf – but Anderson manages, somehow, to make the ropes – and Wolf drags him back to the centre of the ring!


Sam Sparrow is close in, checking whether Anderson wants to submit or not. He can be seen shaking his head – his hand finds Hawkins' ankle – DEADLY HEEL HOOK! Marc Speed, the 'Third Machine', might be on the injured list, but his finishing move is alive and well – and might crown a new TCW champion!


Hawkins has had to break the Cloverleaf from the pain. He's gone through a month of hell. Anderson grapevines the leg, and Wolf has to crawl... foot by foot... but he makes the ropes! Sparrow breaks the hold and once again, Hawkins finds himself pulling himself up by the ropes.


Anderson regroups and charges. Wolf braces the damaged foot on the bottom rope and uses that for takeoff velocity, meeting him with a desperation Full Moon Rising. He collapses, clutching at his leg, and eventually rolls to cover – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Both men separate and, this time, both men reach the ropes to pull themselves up.


The Human Arsenal boots the champ in the gut. Once again he goes for the Ammo Dump – but Wolf manages to twist clear. His bad knee gives out and he drops, but he grabs Anderson's waistband – pulls him closer – and with one arm on the top rope, the powers up. WOLF'S CALL! Hawkins collapses on Anderson! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews, Brent Hill, Eric Tyler, John Anderson and Zimmy

Rating: A*





Davis Wayne Newton and Joey Minnesota arrive through the crowd, climbing into the ring to help their stablemate the champion to his feet. Of Wolf And Man is thundering through the Olympic Stadium speakers as Sparrow hands Hawkins his belt, which – leaning on Minnesota – he raises into the air with an aura of triumph – and then his gaze falls on the entrance ramp. The satisfied smile fades into a flat-out snarl, and the camera turns to see why.



Tommy Cornell is standing there staring his former protegee down. Behind him, smiling, chain wrapped around his fist, is the Bloody-Handed God, Eddie Peak.


“That's all we have time for, guys,” Azaria calls into the mic. “From everybody at TCW, Happy New Year!”


Show Rating: A*

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A Wolf clone in the final segment!?


Great PPV, just excellent, especially the main and semi main events. I knew Frankie couldn't be all good...


I'm curious to see where the Invasion element is going to go. ELITE getting in was fairly obvious, of course, but that's some interesting new talent onto the roster. (Though 'talent' is probably a dubious way of referring to DaLay...). I'm definitely pumped up for the home stretch.

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