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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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...Eidenhoek: I hope you realise that on the longer, more rambly screeds, I zone out and stop reading.

Everyone does. Unfortunately for you, but fortunately for everyone else, the only diary picked to do this, that are not his own, is yours.


Look on the bright side: at least doesn't pull this kind of thing off in other diaries that aren't his.

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Everyone does. Unfortunately for you, but fortunately for everyone else, the only diary picked to do this, that are not his own, is yours.


Look on the bright side: at least doesn't pull this kind of thing off in other diaries that aren't his.


His is one of the few that I read [that has a significant amount of content in its matches that I read].

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His is one of the few that I read [that has a significant amount of content in its matches that I read].

That still doesn't explain your odd comments... then again, I don't think even Eidenhoek can stop Eidenhoek for doing what Eidenhoek does.

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"Giant Amongst Giants" indeed came from FCK. Ironically, he wasn't even the largest man on that roster. I believe I had Lead Belly of the Dirty White Boys billed as bigger.


Ryan Powell's render is pretty goofy. Again, I take blame. I just hated the original haircut so much. Not sure whether I did it before or after Zack Ryder woo woo woo'd his look. Might have been a rip off.


Fun show. I get a kick out of seeing 'low' ratings. Testament to storytelling over grade-baiting. Plus, as much as he sucks, there's a special place in my heart for Dan DaLay.

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Plus, as much as he sucks, there's a special place in my heart for Dan DaLay.


Love his render (especially that one), hate his skills... I've hired workers with less reason.


Sometimes you just have to work with that the game gives you. Runaway Train's still autopushing as a main eventer in my 18 month old SWF game because he keeps churning out good matches against my undercard - admittedly every single one of them is carrying him, but still... Getting DaLay over as 'the TCW invasion monster' should be a doddle in comparison.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.18)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 2,000





Steve Smith – Charlie Thatcher – Autumn Gleeson


  • Double J apply a serious beatdown to International Air. So far from Canada, with IA far from established, only part of the crowd care when Matravers goes down to the Wall Street Crash. (Rating: C)
  • Dean Waldorf tries his hardest, but he CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE and the Party's Over seals the deal. (Rating: B)
  • A hype video airs recapping the issues Frankie Perez perceives between himself and Rhino Umaga
  • This is followed fast by a hype video recapping the road to the Cornell/Hawkins World Heavyweight Championship match.
  • Johnny Bloodstone polishes off Sayeed Ali with a Bloodstone Mutilation, but holds it in almost long enough for the decision to be reversed. (Rating: B)
  • In intergender tag, Koshiro Ino and Suzanne Brazzle make very short work of Julian Watson and Tamara McFly, Ino pinning a somewhat hapless Watson while Tamara doesn't even make it to the ring. (Rating: C+)
  • Team KOBRA gather to salute Ino and Brazzle as the announce team once again go over Tyler's accusation that Jack Marlowe is being used as KOBRA's secret weapon.
  • Elimination Protocol went up against the Conquering Kings – and Kirk Jameson laid out Clark Alexander with the Bullseye to secure the win. (Rating: C+)
  • Global Tradition scored a rare win as they took on Masked Patriot and his randomly-assigned partner Chance Fortune. While showing determination, the youngsters fell, Fortune tapping to the Cross-Atlantic Stretch. (Rating: C+)
  • Another recap video ran next, with the last $10,000,000 Cornell needs stressed and Aaron Andrews wanting to wrestle Remo if the money comes through.
  • And another recap video, with the British Lions' plan to defend their title twice on consecutive nights.
  • Kate Dangerous took on the School of Tradition's Jaime Quine, getting a win off the Half Nelson Suplex. (Rating: B)
  • In the main event, Rick Law qualified for the Shot at the Top match, beating Jacob Jett when the Three Amigos, Stephanie Wade, Rhino Umaga, and Christian Faith surrounded the ring to prevent ELITE interfering. Law scored the victory with the Squad Car Slam. (Rating: A)


Show Rating: A

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And now there are just seven shows before the biggest moment of the professional wrestling year. Many of the matches for Malice in Wonderland are already set in stone, but there are still opportunities for the talented wrestlers here.


So let's see who's getting their chance this Saturday.


A Shot At the Top qualifier will open the night; Ryan Powell, current CGC Canadian and CGC Tag Team Champion, has asked to be entered into the draw as a way to balance out the ELITE contingent (Eddie Chandler, who qualified, and Jacob Jett, who last night failed against Rick Law). His opponent is Davis Wayne Newton, and this will be a real challenge for Powell as he faces a man who, for all TCW fans may not support him, remains one of our best wrestlers.


In tag team action, the New Wave - November title challengers who'll be challenging again on the first night of Malice in Wonderland - will clash with Danny Fonzarelli and El Leon. Many, including Rick Law, were surprised by Fonzarelli's recovery rate after his battle with Dan DaLay this past Tuesday - but has he recovered enough?


Giant Tana is also in action, and while you have to go some way back before the Samoan's last defeat, his singles competitor put himself on the map last month with an excellent performance in the World Heavyweight Championship match. It's Zimmy, of course, who's also expected to talk with Sammy Bach about the claims made by Troy Tornado and Jack Bruce earlier in the month.


In distaff tag team action, Tamara McFly unites with Generation Omega's Alicia Strong against Melody Cuthill and a newcomer who apparently goes by the name of Raven. Will McFly avenge an ignominious defeat last night?


Match five in the Best of Seven series, and this one could be the last! Freddy Huggins has three in the bag, and Sean Deeley only has one - the champion has his work cut out for him!


And in the main event, the original ELITE - Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler, unite against two of TCW's icons, Aaron Andrews and Tommy Cornell. Just how far will TCW have to go to turn this around?


Prediction Key:


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

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That still doesn't explain your odd comments... then again, I don't think even Eidenhoek can stop Eidenhoek for doing what Eidenhoek does.


Of course I can; read my WLW diary.




Eh, big deal. Conquering Kings have sucked ever since Seduction never got them that title shot. Or whatever. Remember when Frankie Perez took out Barry Kingman?


Dude...I think Barry Kingman might be the biggest chump of the diary. Danny Fonzarelli definitely is close, maybe ahead, but I'm giving it to the guy that never got revenge for Perez taking the Crippler name.


Which, amusingly, never really went anywhere. /shrug


I also forgot Jacob Jett wasn't already with the company, so that was...hell, with Jett's poor psychology, how the hell did you manage an A?!

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This is like, what... almost two years in, game time? I wouldn't be surprised to see Jett's psychology be at more than respectable levels by now, and remember that only one guy needs to have psychology for the purposes of carrying that side of things, and from what I recall (we got a screenshot of his stats a while back, I'm pretty sure), Rick's is quite strong.
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OK, guys, seriously.


There's nine shows left.


I don't mind the crazy comments and I don't mind the serious or the logical ones, but we're in the middle of wrapping up something I started close to three years ago.


At least until Malice Night Two is in the can, can we not get into bickering in here?

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OK, guys, seriously.


There's nine shows left.


I don't mind the crazy comments and I don't mind the serious or the logical ones, but we're in the middle of wrapping up something I started close to three years ago.


At least until Malice Night Two is in the can, can we not get into bickering in here?

I'm not bickering. I'm quite serious about what I'm saying. I just hate seeing darn wall of texts (that are separate thoughts that might or might not have any connection together or even to this diary) in one of favorite diaries of one my favorite writers. I couldn't care less if he did this in his own diaries. It's his world. But he has the habit of bringing his own world into others, without much considering if others want him to bring it. And as long as he doesn't consider other people's needs, I'm going to politely imply he does so. I don't mind the crazy comments so much, it needs to be in lower doses. Or at least, if it's got to be less wall of semi-related and unrelated sentences stringed one after the other, with no organization.


But considering I respect you, I will stop, for now.

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Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell

Powell is still new and thus untested but I´d say that DWN isn´t going to lose to him.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon

Pretty close to a squash.


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy

Doing more.


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven

Alicia is the difference maker here.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins

Deeley will at least win the next two matches in order to tie this up.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

Normally I would go with Tommy but I guess that ELITE guys are still rather new and thus likely need win this big in order to establish themselves.

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Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell


DWN is winning at Malice, so he logically has to qualify to get there.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon


Not even if El Leon had his actual tag team partner.


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy


Tana is solid now, but Zimmy is better.


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven


Alicia is by far the biggest name here.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins


The Kiss obsession loses him this one.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia


I will cry if DaLay goes over Tommy Cornell. Do you want me to cry, PS?

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Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell


Powell made this easy with a lackluster performance alongside Deeley. Of course he's not winning, because of course DWN is winning the whole thing (or coming very close and setting up a storyline) -- but I don't know that Powell beats much of anyone without some buildup.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon


Danny Fonzarelli strikes again. (Well, he GETS struck again. Not sure if he'll actually manage any offense here.)


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy

Zimmy still needs a little more establishing. Tana (and Rhino, not pictured here) are looking vulnerable of late.


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven


I mean, probably, right?


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins


Deeley is not going to lose 4-1.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia


Ah, you wouldn't throw all this out to push ELITE. Especially with DaLay on the other side. This is one step too far.

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Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

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Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell

He did promise.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon



Giant Tana vs. Zimmy

Such a terrible shame. That's a future International Champion losing out, there...


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven



BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins

No shit.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

Hard to argue with these two.

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I'm not bickering. I'm quite serious about what I'm saying. I just hate seeing darn wall of texts (that are separate thoughts that might or might not have any connection together or even to this diary) in one of favorite diaries of one my favorite writers. I couldn't care less if he did this in his own diaries. It's his world. But he has the habit of bringing his own world into others, without much considering if others want him to bring it. And as long as he doesn't consider other people's needs, I'm going to politely imply he does so. I don't mind the crazy comments so much, it needs to be in lower doses. Or at least, if it's got to be less wall of semi-related and unrelated sentences stringed one after the other, with no organization.


But considering I respect you, I will stop, for now.


Ok. You know what annoys me just as much as Eidenhoek's posts annoy you? The snarky, obnoxious replies to his posts and the complaints about his posts. You are doing the exact same thing to me(and I doubt I'm alone) that he does to you that you hate so much. Look, there's a name at the top of every post - when you see "Eidenhoek" at the top of a post, scroll past that post. If PS wants to ask him to stop, fair enough. It's his thread. But it's not yours, so I don't know why you're so concerned about what somebody else is posting (especially when it doesn't seem to particularly bother PS) when it's so easy to avoid it. It should take you somewhere between a quarter of a second and half a second, depending on how long the post is. You have a choice to enter his world or not. I don't have that luxury, because I don't know which posts are off topic, useless gibberish until I start reading them. And I'd like to be able to read all the comments in the diaries I like, but I really don't want to read this nonsense. So consider this me politely implying that you consider other people's needs, and I've even added an easy suggestion to help you out. Thank you.


Sorry, PS. But this has been going on for months and somebody had to say something eventually. There's just no place on these boards for stuff like that.


Prediction Key:


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell

Losing this would make it a lot harder for him to win Shot At The Top and cash it in next year.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon

Poor Danny Fonzarelli. Or maybe I should say, poor El Leon for being teamed with Danny...


Giant Tana vs. Zimmy

I could see a draw/non finish of some kind, but I don't think Tana has quite caught up to Zimmy enough to beat him yet.


Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven

I'm glad you hired Raven, but no. Not yet anyway.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins (1) --- (3) Freddy Huggins

Deeley wins the next two to set up Match Seven at MIW.


Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

Could see a draw here too, but I can't see ELITE winning.

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Ok. You know what annoys me just as much as Eidenhoek's posts annoy you? The snarky, obnoxious replies to his posts and the complaints about his posts. You are doing the exact same thing to me(and I doubt I'm alone) that he does to you that you hate so much. Look, there's a name at the top of every post - when you see "Eidenhoek" at the top of a post, scroll past that post. If PS wants to ask him to stop, fair enough. It's his thread. But it's not yours, so I don't know why you're so concerned about what somebody else is posting (especially when it doesn't seem to particularly bother PS) when it's so easy to avoid it. It should take you somewhere between a quarter of a second and half a second, depending on how long the post is. You have a choice to enter his world or not. I don't have that luxury, because I don't know which posts are off topic, useless gibberish until I start reading them. And I'd like to be able to read all the comments in the diaries I like, but I really don't want to read this nonsense. So consider this me politely implying that you consider other people's needs, and I've even added an easy suggestion to help you out. Thank you.


Sorry, PS. But this has been going on for months and somebody had to say something eventually. There's just no place on these boards for stuff like that.


What he said. Lay off, man.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 2 January 2010


Live on CBA (Rating 14.70)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating )


Held at the Kettley Arena (Mid South)


Attendance: 22,009





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RyanPowell_alt2.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ryan Powell

A really good back and forth match starts the show off, with Newton and Powell both in position at various points to capitalise and advance.


Ryan shows some real persistence here – he's not willing to get pinned, and he kicks out a lot. When he rallies, he typically does so with a speed advantage, and that allows him to fight to the comeback surprisingly well and surprisingly frequently.



As time goes on, however, ELITE make their presence felt. Jacob Jett and Joe Money show up on opposite sides of the ring. Powell can't keep his eye on both of them, and he certainly can't keep one eye on both of them and one on his opponent.



Davis makes full use of this, attacking him viciously, weakening Powell and setting him up for the STF. In due time, Rhino Umaga and Rick Law make their presence known and ELITE exit- but the damage is done, and Newton forces the submission to advance.

Davis Wayne Newton defeated Ryan Powell

Rating: B





Backstage go the cameras. Jack Marlowe, “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith, and Mikey “the Dragon” James are walking with a purpose. A call comes from behind them. “Jack! Hey, Jack!”



Marlowe turns around, the trio stopping in its tracks, to look at the man hustling up behind them – Julian Watson.


“What do you want?” Marlowe asks sneeringly. Watson hesitates.


“I... look, man. We used to be friends... I know I wanted us both to go our own ways after the Syndicate, but -”


Marlowe has already half-turned away. “Save it, Jules.”


“Hey – no. Look, man... I just need some help. We used to be as tight as anyone. You know I can help out... you know it makes sense, right?”


Marlowe turns back. “Last night you lost in minutes. You had a tag partner, too.”


“I – well – she was-”


“She's good,” Marlowe interrupts. “Shoulda tagged out, bro.”



With that, the three Enforcers resume walking, leaving Watson behind. The camera goes with them for a few moments. They meet the Masked Patriot coming the other way, and the “Bulldozer” comes to a halt, locking eyes with the masked man, who tenses wearily “What do you three want?”


Brandon stares him down. “Lot of good men have worn those colours,” he says. “You earn them?”


“I'm going to. Every time I get in the ring.”


After a long moment, Smith nods. “Wear that mask with pride and honor.”


The Patriot nods in response and moves past them.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ElLeon.jpg

New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon

An entertaining display from the Wave, and Fonzie and El Leon certainly do their best to get some momentum going – but it's not nearly enough.


When the luchador proves a hard nut to crack, however, the Wave shift strategy. They isolate Fonzie - though a brief moment where he nails a Guided Missile of his own nearly changes that – and wear him down.


The victory swiftly becomes inevitable. A Guided Missile by Guide is the thing that eventually gets the win.


After the victory, Fonzie sits up in the ring, head stooped. The camera catches an image of despair on his face.

The New Wave defeated Danny Fonzarelli & El Leon

Rating: B+



The big screen comes to life. Yellow fills the screen, uniform, except for some handwriting;





The camera pulls back to reveal that to have been a Post-It note on a cardboard cut-out of Steve DeColt. This is surrounded by cut-outs of the other DeColts – including George. Edd Stone scribbles down another note and slaps it on Ricky.



The image cuts to JeriLynn Stone being locked in the End of Days by Kate Dangerous. Jeremy Stone, outside the ring, is watching carefully. “...OK, good. And now, counter.”


JeriLynn moves. At home, thousands of viewers pause their TiVos and rewind, checking that she didn't somehow phase through Kate's arm.


She didn't.


Jeremy nods. “Again, please.”


The two women nod, moving back into position.


A black hooded snake moves across rocky desert.


Jeremy Stone watches tape of the DeColts.



Champagne Lover and Gorgon attempt a stereo powerbomb on Edd Stone. This time, it connects. He lies there on the mat for a few seconds. “OK, so where do I go from here?” he asks.


“Figure out which is the stronger man and turn into them,” Gorgon says. “No one powerbombs you.” Is that reverence in her voice?


Either way, Edd considers it and nods. “Let's try it. Hurt me, guys.”


The snake rears up, flaring its hood, hissing.


Jeremy Stone and his daughter try another counter entirely to the End of Days. A few seconds later, JeriLynn stands up with her father now locked instead into the Stone Hold. Pain crosses Jeremy's face, but he doesn't lose focus. “Good,” he says. “Tighter... that's it. Sit down into it further – aaah! Yes. Well done, honey.”


As she releases the hold, a smile crosses his face.









The video ends and This Corrosion begins to play – a tune which hasn't been heard in TCW since Sammy Bach joined Darkwave. He comes out, alongside Zimmy, holding a microphone as he goes.


“Well,” he says, and closes his eyes, breathing in in satisfaction and that old almost post-orgasmic look, “I'm back.”


A moment later, the pair head down toward the ring. “So let's review,” Sammy grins. “I spent... ONE YEAR... working on this. I spent ONE YEAR with Jack... moving closer and closer to getting exactly what I was after.


“That's what Troy would have you believe... and the thing you have to ask is... what exactly was I after?


“He doesn't seem to have an answer for that, see. Why would I play second fiddle to a man who'd been champion somewhere else? Why would I linger in the background?”


He smiles complacently. “I think we should be told. I'm looking forward to hearing myself.


“Oh, I'm sure someone could put a case together... that I did this to target Troy, perhaps? He was champion when I supposedly started. Perhaps I got trapped into this. Perhaps it's consumed my focus for a year.”


Bach turns to face the hard camera, lowering his gaze, staring straight into it. His voice turns from amusement to cold fury.


“Perhaps Jack Bruce started as a plan, became a game... and turned into a weight around my shoulders. And perhaps, at Malice in Wonderland, I'll finally get him out of the way... and get back to what I want to be.






http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TanaTheMighty.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Giant Tana vs. Zimmy

After all that, Zimmy stays in the ring, waiting, as Tana makes his entrance. The big Samoan glad-hands the crowds around him, all smiles, all cheer.


And even as the match gets under way, even as Zimmy uncorks his new fury against the world around him, Tana stays confident and cheerful. He's big, he's clever, and he's not an easy conquest for any wrestler – and it seems like he wants to make absolutely sure that everyone appreciates that.


Zimmy starts to rally, but it isn't easy. He has to chop the big man down, and when the big man is capable of a palm strike that'll knock you on your ass, that's never simple.


Little by little, though, he manages it, and evades a Big Fat Samoan Squash. Off the ropes he comes and he connects with the Blood Rush – finally knocking the Samoan onto his back, and consequently allowing for the pin.

Zimmy defeated Giant Tana

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TamaraMcFly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Melody-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RavenNightfall.jpg

Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly w/ Phil Vibert vs. Melody Cuthill & Raven

The two women with the famous names unite well here, and while neither of them is the reason their surname is renowned in this sport, both make a case for it.


Melody, meanwhile, teams with newcomer Raven – and there's definite skill there, though there doesn't seem to be the kind of hunger for victory that the other side have.


The announce team turn, over and over again, to the comment Jack Marlowe made to Julian Watson earlier in the show, about tagging in Tamara McFly – and there's no question here but that she makes a compelling case that tagging out would have been the best thing he could have done.


Tamara eventually takes over entirely, putting Raven on the ropes and knocking her over them before setting up Melody to take the fall – and Alicia blind tags in, nailing a Strong Arm Tactic to record the win for herself.

Alicia Strong & Tamara McFly defeated Melody Cuthill & Raven

Rating: B





Backstage go the cameras again, and Tommy Cornell has ceased going over the accounts books. Casting his fate to the vagaries of chance, he is, instead, bent over a weird array of inch-high plastic figures on green felt spread over the commissary table. With Walter Morgan sitting across from him, two of professional wrestling's current top talents are taking time out to play Subbuteo.


English Premier League fans will see Morgan at the helm of his beloved Arsenal, while Cornell, of course, looks to take Newcastle United to victory.


Cornell carefully lines up a shot-





The surprise makes the shot go wide. Cornell's head snaps up, irked, but when he sees who it is he relaxes a little. “Aaron, hi,” he says. “Ready for the match?”


“I will be by the time we're on,” Andrews says. “There's no way Sean goes down quick tonight, and I'd be stunned if Huggins allows a fluke roll-up.”


In the background, Morgan nods his agreement with this assessment.


Cornell shrugs. “So what's up, Aaron?”


“I've found our last ten million,” the youngster says. “I'll have it in the account by morning.


“You can pick your seven, boss – except only pick six. I said I wanted Remo, and I still want Remo.”


Cornell stares at the youngster. “You found ten million?”




The company's owner gazes thoughtfully at his newer protege. “Aaron... what have you gotten yourself into?”


“Malice in Wonderland.”


Cornell sighs. “Get ready for the match, kid,” he says. “I'll do the same, soon as I show this Gunner fan how things really are.”


Morgan grins appreciatively. “Still two-one up,” he points out.





The video screen comes alive next. This time the tape recaps Rhino Umaga's rise to prominence, his battles with Champagne Lover, intercut with Frankie Perez' fall from grace in the same period, his fixation on being 'cost' the International Championship by Umaga, and the actions he took in response.









Christian Faith, backstage, is working a speedbag. His approach and style are idiosyncratic; he's laying in at least as many Faith Hammers as punches. Don't Stop Believing is playing in the background as the Supreme Legend goes full-on training montage – apparently without being aware that the cameras are even on him.



Sean McFly steps into shot. “I can see this is a bad time...”


Faith stills the bag with one powerful hand. “It could be worse. What's up?”


McFly nods at the speedbag. “Was that Generation Omega, for your match at Malice, or ELITE?”


Faith half-smiles. “I'm wrestling Generation Omega for my friend. Watching ELITE go to work is what took Ricky out. THAT is personal.”


Sean nods. “You know they'll want to interfere in your fight...”


“I've considered asking for a cage.”


“I have a different proposal.” McFly smiles. “Christian, I know you're already wondering why... because I know you.


“When I got into this sport, the big name in professional wrestling was Christian Faith. When I got my big break, you were there. You helped me out without even thinking about it; you inspired me. You stood up for the young guys. That youth initiative you ran the past year or so...


“You've given a lot to this sport wherever you've been. And now you're dedicating yourself to a fallen friend's job.


“I wanted to offer some support. I'll step up and take on your job so you can see to his; I'll wrestle ELITE – I'll fell the Giant.


“What do you say?”


There's a long pause. The music swells, and Christian reaches out to shake hands.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 1 --- 3 Freddy Huggins

Once again, both men build on prior matches. Fry is catching on to this now, and does a solid job of highlighting each counter as being the two men learning to handle one another.


Partly as a result, this fight runs longer than the previous ones, and honestly, that probably hurts it more than it helps.


These two aren't sure quite where to take the story past a certain point; nonetheless, they do their best, with Deeley catching the Huggins Kiss the second time, hitting a leg trap suplex, and locking down the Front Choke Clutch to ensure the victory.


“That makes two for the champ against three for the challenger, and Sean Deeley is back in the game!” Fry declares.

Sean Deeley defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: B+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DanDaLay_alt3jt-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddieChandler_Self1-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

Andrews starts for his side, Chandler for ELITE. The pair circle, close, and lockup – and Chandler immediately comes out of the lockup with a vicious armbar, using leverage to turn that into an abdominal stretch to really amp up the pressure.


Andrews does what he can. Planting his feet, he turns to the unusual strength he has for his size, countering the stretch into a big hip toss. Chandler hits the mat but comes up fast and fighting, only for Aaron to meet him with a spinebuster!


Aaron immediately covers, but a hair after the count of one, Eddie gets his shoulder up. Andrews looks frustrated, but gets right back to it, going for a suplex – which Chandler blocks, hooking the leg. He promptly drives a knee into Aaron's gut and takes him around and down in a fast neckbreaker.


Chandler shifts Andrews into position for a crossface hold, torquing the neck back hard. He's no Jason Azaria when it comes to the minutiae of the wrestling world, but even Duane Fry can tell this is set up for the Fabulous Stretch.


Aaron just about twists clear. Back to their feet, both men trade punches; Aaron gets the better of the exchange and runs Chandler down with a lariat. As Eddie rises, he hits another, and calls for a third – only to eat a European uppercut instead. Chandler promptly puts him down with a lariat of his own.


Eddie locks down a front facelock, pulling Aaron back to his feet, and nails a DDT before tagging out. DaLay steps over the top rope with a smirk.


Aaron rises to his feet and swallows, wary. He raises both fists. DaLay grins – and charges. Aaron ducks him, peppering him with punches that DaLay doesn't quite ignore. But he does aim a punch of his own; Andrews ends up knocked on his ass.


Dan hits the far ropes and, lumbering slightly faster, aims for his characteristic big boot to a seated opponent. Andrews clearly hasn't scouted ELITE; he goes down off the kick.


DaLay steps on Andrews' chest, looking for a quick victory -


Tommy Cornell comes off the top with his patented chop-to-the-head, the Three Inch Shrink. DaLay falls back a step and the count is broken.


Cornell hits five two-handed Blade Chops to DaLay's chest in quick succession. Again, the giant among giants yields another step.


DaLay unleashes a punch, and Cornell goes down. Again, the giant among giants hits the ropes; Cornell rolls clear of the boot, however – and Andrews chop blocks DaLay's other knee out from under him.


Tommy smiles, but waves Aaron out of the ring. He goes to work on DaLay's leg – lifting it from the giant's prone position, then falling back, still holding it, toward DaLay's head, wrenching the hop. Back up, he drops a knee into the thigh, then DDTs the leg into the mat.


Then DaLay punches him in the head.


The big Canadian turns onto his chest, braces the injured leg against the floor, and with a guttural roar pushes himself back to standing. His face is a rictus of hatred as he turns to face the grounded Cornell.


He stomps over to the company boss, and in a clearly deliberate gesture places the injured foot on Cornell's back – then steps forward, putting all his weight on it. He wobbles slightly, and steps forward quickly, but he's still standing. Glancing across to Chandler, the duo share a grin.


DaLay hoists Cornell back to his feet. Holding him close, he headbutts him once, and Cornell goes limp. He spins Cornell around, evidently looking for a German suplex, and as he lifts for it Tommy comes back to life, springing up and slithering around, locking in a sleeper hold, staying firmly on the big man's back.


DaLay struggles. He can't get leverage to pull Cornell off, though he clearly wants to. He turns and struggles toward his corner, where Eddie Chandler is waiting – perched on the top rope.


A double-foot stomp to DaLay's chest sends him crashing backward to the mat, with Cornell his shock absorber. The hold is broken, and as DaLay rolls to one side, Chandler scrambles, applying the Fabulous Stretch, eyes wide with glee.


It's easy to see why; at this stage, it wouldn't take much to get a victory over Tommy Cornell and, more than that, an indisputable victory by submission. He torques back hard – only for Aaron Andrews to pull him off, much to the crowd's roared approval.


Aaron hammers Chandler with punches, scooping him up onto his shoulders for the Game Breaker, but Chandler twists clear, planting Andrews with a DDT. Once again he scrambles for a cover – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Aaron has the fighting spirit needed to make it back to his feet. They lock up, and this time Andrews gets the upper hand. Go-behind – German suplex – bridged – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Chandler meets Aaron with a backdrop. Running legdrop to the back of the neck and he's back to working for the Fabulous Stretch. With DaLay on the outside again, Eddie whips Andrews toward him and Aaron crashes face-first into a big boot, careering backward. Eddie slams into him from behind with a lariat.


He goes for the Fabulous Stretch, but Andrews elbows out. Whip to the ropes – spinebuster! Aaron pulls him back up – sees DaLay making to enter the ring – Eddie Chandler gets hurled head-first into DaLay's groin! The Giant among Giants falls from the apron!


Game Breaker attempt – blocked – spinning side slam by Chandler! Once again he looks for the Stretch, but this time it's Cornell making the save. Rough Ride – countered! Chandler shoves clear, and immediately grabs referee Sparrow.



As Tommy rebounds off the ropes he catches a kick to the back of the head by Jacob Jett. Joe Money is climbing in to follow up as Maverick pulls Andrews out of the ring, locking in the Deadly Silence on the outside!



TCW answer back fast. Christian Faith, Sean McFly and Rick Law hurtle down the ramp. DaLay cuts off Law, and the two exchange punches, but that leaves McFly to try to break up the Deadly Silence.


Meanwhile, Faith slides into the ring, interrupting Money before he can hit the Wall Street Crash. A series of Faith Hammers stagger ELITE's tag specialist, and Faith promptly punches Chandler off Sparrow. The ref looks shocked, but turns to take in the rest. He sees the Deadly Silence outside and does the only thing he can; he calls for a double disqualification.

Aaron Andrews & Tommy Cornell fought Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler to a double disqualification

Rating: A*





Backstage, Johnny Bloodstone sits with his head bowed and his hood up, looking away from the camera.


“I always wanted to be a professional wrestler,” Bloodstone says. “Always, as far back as I can remember. I always wanted to be... no. I wanted to be the champion.


“I wrestled at high school. I wrestled through college. I found myself a guy who was willing to train me while I was at college – and every Friday lunchtime I got in my car and I drove six hours to reach his school. I drove back every Sunday night.


“I'd get in at three in the morning and my first class was six hours later, and I couldn't lie down anyway because my body was bruised and in pain. For four years I did that with every weekend. I paid five hundred bucks a month. Four years. I worked flipping burgers and hustling tables every spare hour I had in college to afford it. My roommates thought I was crazy.


“None of them could stand me more than a year. They didn't understand. They wondered why I wasn't even looking at girls. Then they wondered if I looked at guys. Then they realised that I would rather drive six hours to spend a weekend learning to hurt people, learning to fight through pain. That I'd put everything else out of my life.


“I always, always wanted to be a champion. I wanted it enough that everything else fell away.


“After college I'd learned everything Kenny O'Quinn had to teach me. He got me a match with a local company.


“I was a wrestler. But I was still so far from my dream. I got maybe two matches that year. Three the next. And I wasn't a champion. I was stocking shelves and pretending I gave a crap what computer customers wanted and occasionally I got to pin some nobody, to make him tap...


“I remember the moment I realised this was going nowhere. I was wrestling some kid in someone's back yard, and I knew – I finally knew – that no talent scout would come to that company. Nobody I fought could come close to giving the kind of fight I could use for a demo tape.


“I'd never be hired anywhere that counted. I'd never be a champion.


“I don't remember the rest of that match, but I know somewhere in there I broke that kid's arm in three places.


“I quit my job. I sold everything I had. What didn't go on paying that kid's insurance went on gas. I drove from Arkansas to Battleford in Saskatchewan, because the Internet told me that was where the Stones were having tryouts.


“I got to the tryout. So did sixty-seven other guys. It lasted an hour. So did I. So did three other guys.


“I trained in the House of Stone for a year. And then I had the chance. That name got me a chance with the same man who gave Rick Law his big break.


“It took three years, but I became a champion there. And it wasn't enough.


“I was the second level champ in Number Three, maybe even Number Four, in America. I went back to Canada and I got a new job with the people who trained me. It took me another year, but I became their champion.


“That was it. That was what I'd wanted, since I was very little. The anger went a way for a while, then. And then I called home, and my brother didn't care because he couldn't see me fight. He didn't think it counted.” His face twists into a snarl. “I still... wasn't... there...


“And then I met Her.” Instantly, his face softens. “I wasn't angry anymore. I was focused. I discovered life outside wrestling. She rediscovered a passion for wrestling. And we came here, perfect together... and I was world champion in Number One, less than a year ago.


“Now I don't have that title. I don't have her. And since the Three Kings was over it's felt like I haven't been able to do anything right.” He turns to the camera, staring coldly into it. “I am better than this. I have grown up my entire life wanting to be champion. I have felt what it is to be champion. And I will be champion again.


“I have to be.” His jawline trembles for a second. “This is my life. This is what I do. This is all I do.


“Be the best, or be broken.”


Show Rating: A

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