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BHOTWG: "The Era of Immortals" (C-Verse '75)

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Diary History Shortcuts



Sep '75

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Tuesday, Week 2, September '75




All Japan Sports

Magazine HQ





.. What now. I could identify that voice from a mile away. My boss Hayashi.. Shouting for me. I slowly walked to his office with a frown on my face. I had a feeling of what was coming.




That's Hayashi-san. No one knew his first name so we all just called him boss or Hayashi-san. He was the shortest men in whole company, yet the most indimating of em all.



What's this Keiji? I asked for four pages, instead of these two you have written. What's wrong with you, can't you do a simple job? Answer me!







Shut up!


I pleaded for more interesting assigments. “
.. I would be more interested in baseball, football or next year's olympics. I have no interest in doing these media, entertainment polls and articles. It's not me, it's not my stuff.


Alright. I tell you this. You will pair up with Jin Shiozaki for the next.. Month or so. You will be doing puroresu articles from now on


No.. Hayashi-san, please no.. Don't. He's a goof. I don't like him and puroresu isn't even a real sport! It's fake!

To a lot of people it is real. And it's a great thing that the wrestling scene has been revitalised over the decade and the dark age is over.


But.. I don't even know the.. What, promotionsis that what they are called? Or.. Wrestlers. They aren't even real wrestlers.


No but's, no if's. You will do this with Jin or you're fired.



Fired!? .. From Japan's biggest sports magazine. What a nightmare this is..



Jin, come over here!


Meet your new partner, Keiji. I ordered him to work with you on your puroresu articles





“ ..
Hayashi-san, I appreciate the offer but I don't need a partner. Even less someone like him. He loathes wrestling and everyone here knows it.


.. It's not real wrestling.


Yes it is!


Jin.. It is not.


Stop it, right now. Jin, Keiji.. I've arranged tickets for you for BHOTWG Quest Of Honor event that will be held here in Kanto next Friday. You two will go there and do a four page article of the event.


Will do.
, Jin left the room in a hurry. I stared at the ground, shaking my head in doubt. Counted to ten and then, with a calm voice, told Hayashi, “
This is not going to work. Honestly. Jin and I.. We just don't click.


Boss comforted me, telling that “
You will. I'm sure. This could do good for you.. Something different, you know. Now, go on and prepare for the event.




I left the Boss's office and saw Jin in full speed, doing something by his desk.




What are you doing?


I'm searching for the complete roster list of BHOTWG.. Where it is.. ..Here!


Now. Take good care of it since I've updated it regularly.. If features the latest signings, movelists, characters and such. Don't lose it.




Jin handed the file to me as if giving me a briefcase full of money.






I headed for my desk, browsed the pages with apathy, before throwing the document to the bin.





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Okay, probably not the most unique backstory.. but still, it's pretty good :D


OOC: You'll see. Even though there's the "I know where this is going" in there, it's not that easy. I have a lot, lot planned for this backstory. It will evolve over the time :rolleyes:

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OOC: You'll see. Even though there's the "I know where this is going" in there, it's not that easy. I have a lot, lot planned for this backstory. It will evolve over the time :rolleyes:


You can never know what your fellow Finnish people are planning, but I mostly meant the "originality" of the backstory. Still, I am following as of always (except I didn't post a single post in your GCG thread :eek:)

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And another FIN diary. I swear, you're just trying to go for some sorta zany "most diaries of the month with a different promotion" record.


Seriously, I'm loving the way this started. I've been tempted to start a 75 diary myself, but have sadly been stuck loving EWA.


Someday, WBW (or QUEST!), someday...


Definetely be reading this, as I have with all your diaries, FIN. I just wonder if you're gonna keep BHOTWG straight, or if you'll give into your likely temptations and introduce maybe a little of your trademark Japanese Garbage Wrestling into the mix.


Hey, there's been worse ideas.

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Sugiura's Journal

Wednesday, Week 2, Sep '75








I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept rolling from side to side, trying to find the best position in order for me to go to sleep.


Found it after three hours.


Laying on the bed sideways, I had one foot over the edge of the bed while having my left hand under the pillow, with my body resting comfortable in an awkward looking twisted position.




I couldn't get the yesterday's meeting out of my head. Suddenly I was dropped into this completely new scene, having to do a report on a purofesshonaru resuringu event.. Couldn't care less. I'm just going to relax this whole time and let Jin do all the work. After all, he knows everything about it while I haven't got a clue.




To my amusement I ran into an ad of the actual event while shopping for croceries today. There were few so called wrestlers wearing masks.. Some wrestlers were American, I could tell for sure. The main event was between this legend called Master Kitozon and his protege Seison Yamanaka.. It was for Kitozon's Burning World Heavyweight championship or something like that. I have to ask Jin about the basics when I meet him by the Tokyo Civil Stadium. I got to know atleast something, even thought I'm still not interested in the event.


Can you imagine, sitting trough a three and a half hour show? I'm going to be so pissed off..




Thought of the day:


I hate children. While I was doing my usual tour around the marketplace, there seemed to be kids everywhere I went. Whether they were fighting, screaming or just looking goofy and confused, they begun to annoy me, big time. They're not even complete yet, they are still growing and learning. I can never give credit for unfinished work. Have you ever taken a good look at one of those creatures? They are ugly and repulsive.


Children are not special. If they are, is every adult a special then too? And if not, where goes the line between being special and not being special?













Quest Of Honor


Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno


Bishimi vs. Elemental


Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani © vs. Black Serpent Cult


Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada


Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson


Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon © vs. Seison Yamanaka



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Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno


Bishimi vs. Elemental


Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani vs. Black Serpent Cult


Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada


Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson


Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon vs. Seison Yamanaka


The big about kids being incomplete work and not giving credit for an unfinished job... awesome... Thus far, FIN, this is definitely all kinda awesome.

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The big about kids being incomplete work and not giving credit for an unfinished job... awesome... Thus far, FIN, this is definitely all kinda awesome.


OOC: Thanks BP, much appreciated! Sorry to all you readers for me not filling the storyline information nor the wrestler pushes and such as it's part of the diary. If Keiji doesn't know something, you won't either. :p


About the journal part (The writing in Japanese actually says "Sugiura's Journal" and the writing in the poster actually says "Quest Of Honor"!).. The diary will be divided to (Keiji) Sugiura's Journal, AJS articles, the actual happening in the office and few other segments aswell which I won't yet reveal. I will be updating the first post with the links to these segments, partly for my own usage but to others aswell if you want to go back to a certain segment or part of the diary. I have now updated the link to "Frustrated." in the first post. :)

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I'm loving the style so far Fin. Hopefully you won't get burnt out on this one.


Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno


Bishimi vs. Elemental


Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani vs. Black Serpent Cult


Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada


Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson

Going with the "youth" of the match in this one


Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon vs. Seison Yamanaka

The Master isn't losing on the first event

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Quest Of Honor

Edo Phoenix vs. Akahashi Kuno

I hope that the rasta fella wins, as he is one of my favorites of 1975 mod. Then again, I am also sad to see, that you have already signed Edo Phoenix.


Bishimi vs. Elemental

Elemental is way better, way more popular and way more important, thus will, or if he won't, he should pick a win here. Oh, and Bishimi is still a young lion.

Burning Japanese Tag Team

Izumi & Takani vs. Black Serpent Cult

Please post who the champions are, just for the readers, because anyone else, who doesn't know the champions might just skip the predictions, because they don't know who is/are the champion(s). Going with the champions, so that they defend the titles. Black Serpent Cult should be under tour contracts if I remember right, so they are going to lose.. Hopefully.


Robbie Gordon vs. Noriyoshi Sanada

Robbie Gordon with "A*" Brawling picks up the win, pretty simple.


Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson

Both are main eventers, so I am also going to with youth.

Burning World Heavyweight

Master Kitozon vs. Seison Yamanaka

The student ain't going to beat the master yet, but I hope you will give Seison a reign, as he is also, one of my dear favourites.

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