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(Download) 1999 Mod

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Over the past several weeks, I've been working on an October 1999 mod for TEW08. Within the past few days, I finally finished it. I hope you guys enjoy it since I spent a lot of time on it. :)


The time period is one of the most historic in wrestling history, so I knew it would make for an interesting mod. Enjoy!



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I said this in the data info for the game, but I used the 1997 Montreal Aftermath mod as a basis. That's a good mod and easy to build off of.


I never messed with graphics, but if you download the previously mentioned mod's picture pack, then you'd have them for say 85% of the workers and most of the fed.

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Holy awesomeness batman!

No more than a week ago I was watching some old footage and thought to myself, "A 1999 mod for TEW would be better than porn. I really should make 1..."

then I thought, "But I haven't got a clue where to start, and outside of the top 3 I am clueless, so maybe I shouldn't do this....please please please someone make a 1999 mod"

and now, here it is, so THANKS!

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I will add to this as I go along and notice things.


You have Tina Ferrari in the data twice, once as a free agent under her real name and once in the WWF as Ivory.


Title histories are incomplete.


Were Shane and Steph really unemployed at this time? Should they not be under contract with WWF?


X-Pac is set as a main eventer, did he ever really reach that level?


The Hardcore title is missing from WWF, Al Snow should be champ.


The Accolytes are not a tag team and Farooq is heel whilst Bradshaw is face. I believe they were teaming by this point and were in the Ministry of Darkness (also not in the data)


A lot of profiles are wrong or have spelling mistakes, dates wrong, etc. For example, check Kurt Angle, I am sure he didn't debut in 1995 when he signed for WWF in 1998...


Jeff Jarrett didn't leave WWF until October 16, 1999.


Miss Kitty should be in WWF.


That is all for now, will post anymore that I find.

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For the some of the bios, you'd have to talk to Michael Melon. ;) I changed around a chunk of his bios (And altered bios for almost everybody in the WWF, WCW, and ECW, their promotion profiles mainly unless their regular bio was REALLY out of date), but some of them I did notice mistakes (I know there were a few workers who had crazy debut debuts, Kurt Angle I guess I missed, unless he was counting when Kurt Angle briefly appeared in ECW in 1995? Eitherway, I'll fix 'em as I see 'em.


Title histories I tried to add, but I figured most wouldn't really care or notice. I see you proved my theory wrong. ;)


Shane and Steph aren't in? Really? Sorry I missed that one... I could have sworn I even altered Shane's bio.... I'll add them in.


Jeff Jarrett is one of those guys who departure was big at the time and inevitable, but in the game there is no true way to simulate that. I did the same thing with Taz; It was big news at the time, but in the game WWF would never give him a chance to sign unless he got extremely over in ECW. In the long run I think this was a better option but I can understand views otherwise.


Miss Kitty will be added and duplicate Ivory will be deleted.


Thanks for the help. I realize there are probably errors here and there, but if you guys help me notice them and point them out in this thread, I'll fix them and update the files. :) Thanks a lot and sorry for the confusion.

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Things like the title histories and the bios that I mentioned aren't a big deal. They are nice to have, but it doesn't affect the game in anyway at all if they are not there.


What you have said about Jeff and Taz makes a lot of sense actually. Although this does lead to a new feature that would be nice in any future TEW, future contracts.


My last post may not have seemed this way (sorry), but I (and I am sure/hope others) really appreciate your hard work. With all mods there are a few mistakes here and there, but it is obvious a lot of work went into it and all in all it is actually very good.


I will have another look through it a bit later and will post anything else I notice.

Just for an idea of time frame, when will you be looking to do another release?



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No, I understand completely where you're coming from; If anything I want you to help me fix all the errors so it's more playable and enjoyable for all of those who would want it.


Releases are hard to say; My brother's in town so TEW won't be played too often, but at the same time I want to fix all of the errors and tweak some stuff sometime soon. I say a week or two at max, but the more errors that need fixing that are found the better, and a release will come faster. I also want to add a couple more feds and workers and such anyway.

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The teams are in there, just not "assigned" to a promotion. I'll edit them.


The reason mentioned workers have short contracts was because it was early and I was wondering how to stimulate them being upset with WCW at the time. I'll probably just make their contracts longer since they all left on a "fluke" of sorts rather than a contract expiry.


Thanks and keep them coming guys. The more errors you find now, the faster 2.0 will get released and the more complete it will be.

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ah...that is what I intended with the contracts. It might be worth giving them a once-over because I didn't check them all, but I am sure that Benoit and Guerrero at least had 2-3 years on the contract, when in reality it should be more like a year (or less) I think.


Cheers! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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Thanks man, I really appreciate it.


The only thing I can think of besides the usual errors is if you can think of any workers from that time period that aren't in the game. I'm going to be adding more wrestlers (Even if they don't debut for a few years) gradually but obviously I'm bound to miss a key few.

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Well I'm glad you enjoy it. :) Not finished just yet though.


I plan on adding Ultimate Pro Wrestling (Had guys like John Cena, Samoa Joe, etc in it), Osaka Pro Wrestling (Run by Super Delphin), and Steel Domain Wrestling (Had guys like CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Ace Steele, etc in it), updating the major title belts' histories (If anybody wants to help I'd REALLY appreciate it and give credit), adding more workers and gimmicks, and so forth. My relatives leave Saturday so then my focus goes to the data again.


Keep the errors coming. :) The more found, the better the data will be in the end!

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I plan on adding Ultimate Pro Wrestling (Had guys like John Cena, Samoa Joe, etc in it), Osaka Pro Wrestling (Run by Super Delphin), and Steel Domain Wrestling (Had guys like CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Ace Steele, etc in it), updating the major title belts' histories (If anybody wants to help I'd REALLY appreciate it and give credit), adding more workers and gimmicks, and so forth. My relatives leave Saturday so then my focus goes to the data again.


I could do the title histories for major American belts, maybe even Japanese belts (Wikipedia is your best friend). If at all possible.

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