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DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)

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I like the US Marshals gimmick, but who is playing them???


actually that will be revealed on the next TV show (right after Mayhem). It will be a couple of guys who are way over in the area and a nice little story to introduce them.


I'm really struggling big time finding any new talent to sign with us long-term, so having to rely on temporary trades to keep things hopping. My latest attempt was Bob Orton Jr who was not resigned by Mid-Atlantic. His screen showed he was worth $2,000 but even that wouldn't satisfy him (he was wanting at least $2500 - no way, no how! He was making $1400 before with them). I'm still scouring around for someone who the fans of Mid-South have at least heard of, otherwise they'll just stink things up. During the summer months, we'll be getting even more aggressive in finding some new talent


I know I'm missing something, but anytime someone loses they drop a level of popularity and a momentum grade. If this keeps up, I'll have to refrain from letting my main event stars fight each other or risk having a roster of C&D players. Maybe it's just too early right now to be doing too much and I need to build up a handful of guys more. (example is Butch Reed who is 5-2 and dropped from A momentum to B-. Heck even worse is the case of JYD who is 5-0 and dropped from A to B after winning his matches his matches against Volkolff and Matt Borne -- of course both of them dropped from a B to a C in the process -- UGH!). I'm only 2 months in so not going to panic but need to find a way to stem this momentum loss since I hear that is a key ingredient of the game

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Mayhem 1983


Our Memorial Day holiday show kicks off in fine fashion from the OKC Field House in Oklahoma City:


Skandar promo hypes his Devastation Inc. Stable of Kamala, Bill Irwin, and Kendo Nagaski. begins issuing warnings to all within earshot that this stable is one of pure dominance. "No one is safe," he suggests, "From the highest on the hill - to the ants who make it, know that we are the masters of the ship and we are the winds that guide it. Anyone who gets in our way will be pushed to the wayside, squashed and destroyed!!!." (C-)


Wild Bill Irwin backs up the words of Akbar as he superplexes Mike Bond in 6:32. Akbar looked good and it was a breakout performance by Irwin!



Mr Olympia cuts a promo with Jim Ross hyping his skills. "Terry Taylor thinks he can challenge the Neidhart's Raiders. I'll show him the err of his ways later tonight" (C-)


Bret Wayne Sawyer sticks his nose into Raider business boasting that he's also a rising star. Iron Mike Sharpe takes out the trash - he beat Sawyer in 1:51. (D)


JYD comes out trying to fire up the crowd to so-so success (C+). He's ready for Dick Murdoch!


Koko B Ware vs Tim Horner

Buddy Landell joins the broadcast team for the night. He and Jim Ross have good chemistry together. Koko B Ware beats Tim Horner with a missile dropkick in 4:53 (Ross tells us early on that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Both these men have a lot of fight, but the heart of Horner is the size of an evil giant!"


Tiger Conway said on his radio show he'd rather face guys his own size. Bill Watts heard the show and had a suitable opponent in mind. The sound of drums is heard --

Kamala pins Tiger Conway with the Ugandan Splash. 4:40 ©


Kamala continues to assault Tiger after the match (D); Butch Reed runs down to make the save (D+)

during the donnybrook that follows, Reed catches Kamala off-guard -- and he picks the big man up and bodyslams him!!!! Reed demands the $5,000 but Akbar scurries to the back saying this was not sanctioned (c-)


Reed vs Volkolff

Reed was fired up and made short work of Volkolff. 7:44 (Reed seemed off his game - D)


Mr Olympia vs Terry Taylor

Olympia is backed up by the full force of Neihart's Raiders - and backs up his words earlier tonight by pinning Taylor in 10:23! (D)


Rat Pack come out as a unit and hype up what they will do to Watt's washed up warriors. Ted Dibiase of course looks good while Borne suffers (however, Duggan improves his acting and Matt shows more charisma and improves performance skills. If they can do more work with Ted, they will only get better) C-


Rat Pack defeat Watts' Warriors in a brawl. 23:17 of action until Duggan nails Watts with his 3-point charge. Watts was exhausted, Duggan and Williams were both visibly tired. (C-)


Dick Murdoch gives a heart-felt speech about how he's waited for his chance, he's done everything that's been asked of him. Tonight, he not only gets to become North American Champ, but that will set the stage for him to face the World Champion on the 4th of July supershow (B-)


JYD vs Dick Murdoch

JYD vs Dick Murdoch - North American Title match. Buddy Landell pointed out that "JYD has been a great champion and Dick Murdoch is obviously the greatest brawler of all time, it must be said that neither of them can hold a candle to Nature Boy Buddy Landell." As the match wore on, Landell went from color commentary to ringside cheerleading. This served to distract both men but JYD took advantage when Murdoch turned and pointed his finger at Landell "you better get out of here boy if you know what's good for you". Junkyard Dog hits the Murdoch from behind with a knee to the back and makes the cover. Murdoch puts his foot on the rope, but Landell quickly knocks it off and the ref never saw it. JYD gets the win at 24:35 (visibly tiring by this stage) for defense #4


overall show rating was C -

main event couldn't pull us up after a parade of D matches early on. But that is enough to help our popularity


Elsewhere around the country:

WWF: Eddie Gilbert is taken under the wing of the Iron Sheik. They team to defeat Invader and Tiger Conway. He also has a big confrontation with SD Jones on the card


ICW: Ratamyus defeats Ron Garvin to retain ICW title (C+ match brings show up to a C rating)


CWA: Moondog Rex over King Lawler, Pyscho Ward defeat New York Assassins (C+ show)


Kamala finishes his tour of Mid-Atlantic. Teaming with one Man Gang, but losing to Sweet Brown Sugar and Mark Youngblood (losing some of his popularity in the region)


Tuesday Night Titans draws another big crowd for WWF to see Bob Backlund defeat Don Kernodle. Johnny Rodz hands Tiger Conway a loss. Garea over Gilbert, Samoans over Invaders. Sarge teams with Muraco to defeat Putski and Santana

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week 4 tv


The final show of the month of May


Show opens with announcement that the World Champ is coming!!! (C+)


Magnum TA over Koko b Ware with belly to belly suplex (8:07). During the match, Joel Watts comes and tells his dad Bill that he has a phone call. Bill is irate "Can't you see I'm a little busy here!!" Joel leans down and whispers in his ear…..Bill jumps up "IT'S WHO!!!! AND HE SAID WHAT!!!!!" Jim, fans, I'm sorry but I have to take this call. I'll be back as soon as I can.



Raiders attempt to get themselves over with Jim Ross interview (D- shows fans are still not impressed. They need to be looking for a new mouthpiece!)



JYD cuts a not as entusiastic promo as we're used to - he's not happy with Buddy Landel's involvement at Mayhem and wants Bill Watts to do something about it. Meanwhile, one more time with Murdoch tonight!



US Marshals get win over Iron-Anvil in 6:37. They tell Jim Ross they are here for title shots. Tell the Rat Pack to shine up the belts for us!! (D+ promo)

(D+ match)


Rat Pack vs Doc and Mr. Wrestling II: Matt covers Doc in a ho-hum match 18:20. Guys improve their skills in the match though (Ted his flying, Mr Wrestling performance, Doc technical)

match rating: C


Rat Pack tell Jim Ross they accept the challenge of the US Marshals. Marshals come out and Bill Watts returns. Bill looks at the Masked Marshals and tells them he knows who they are. He called boys and told me you were coming. Take off the hoods - the fans need to see who you are. They oblige - the masks come off and the Rat Pack are staring at Kerry and David Von Erich!!!! Fritz Von Erich has sent his sons to help out Bill Watts against the Rat Pack - and they will face off for the MidSouth tag titles at June Gloom!! (D+ -- not the kind of excitement I had hoped the Von Erichs would provide)


video hyping JYD vs Murdoch -- finally something to lift the crowd



JYD vs Dick Murdoch

JYD and Dick Murdoch battle to a wild 18:34 dcor. JYD was tiring at the end when Buddy landel made his presence felt - both men brawl around ringside and the referee reaches the 10 count. (I forgot to select "title match"- which there was some kind of reminder before you could hit "start show")

match rating: B


Total show rating: C+


our tv ratings continue to improve, but have not moved above .01 yet (wish the rating showed one more decimal pt especially when it's under .1 so you can actually see if you're making progress or not).

compare to WWF Championship Wrestling which waffles between .01 and .02 while their All Star Wrestling has improved from .14 to .24 over past 3 weeks (topping at .26 before the settling down to .24)

Their Tuesday Night Titans show dropped from .53 to .49 (8 weeks ago was .46). AWA has been solid at .53 (peaked at .56 for one show)

CWF is .02. WCCW rose to .06 but has dropped to .03 and trying to find some solid ground. Other regional shows are 0.00 or .01 like us.

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Love the way you introduced the US Marshalls (Von Erich's) It got over with this fan despite your audience not popping through the roof...


Thats crazy the money Bob Orton is looking for... He just left MACW in my game as well and I was thinking about offering him a deal, but at this stage I cant afford it, as I'm losing money hand over fist, and in fact probably cutting some talent... However looking at the attendance WWF is getting in your game, I probably should go and resign Tiger Conway! Maybe he's the difference




Like yourcall on What Watts did after hearing he didn't like working with big guys

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Love the way you introduced the US Marshalls (Von Erich's) It got over with this fan despite your audience not popping through the roof...


Thats crazy the money Bob Orton is looking for... He just left MACW in my game as well and I was thinking about offering him a deal, but at this stage I cant afford it, as I'm losing money hand over fist and havent paid and in fact cutting some talent... However looking at the attendance WWF is getting in your game, I probably should go and resign Tiger Conway! Maybe he's the difference




Like yourcall on What Watts did after hearing he didn't like working with big guys


Well, Kerry and David never exactly lit it up on the microphone,so i guess I can understand the low grade, they'll probably need someone to help them out with their promos.


Orton is a top guy in the business right now...not as top as HE apparently thinks he is, but he's pretty decent though....shame he won't be reasonable.


Hmm...maybe since Kamala just killed him, you should have Watts announce Conway is "injured", seems like a Bill Watts way of explaining why he isn't around.

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That is awsome that you were able to bring in Kerry and David Von Erich! That should be a really good feud with the and Watts vs. The Rat Pack.


it will be short, alas, but hoping it will give me a little boost.


Originally Posted by Moderndaywarrior

Well, Kerry and David never exactly lit it up on the microphone,so i guess I can understand the low grade, they'll probably need someone to help them out with their promos.

David rates B's on the entertainment side, Kerry had a C mixed in with a B. Of course as we found out in Nobby's TNA diary, there could be some extra-cirrucular activities going on and their minds are not quite straight?


Originally Posted by Oldschool

Love the way you introduced the US Marshalls (Von Erich's) It got over with this fan despite your audience not popping through the roof...

Glad you guys liked this and are enjoying things so far.

I'm trying to include more stuff from WWF for you to compare. They are the only Cult that has not run a PPV yet (surprisingly). I'm not sure if Tiger is the answer or not (lol) but Vince has been pushing him hard here. Nobby turned around his TNA finances, the same formula will work for you. I just checked their current status - $2.7 million in the bank!! (holding steady over last month). On the small CW shows, they don't have a single star (Conway headlining). The big shows draw 7-10,000 every time it seems. (All-Stars 8-9K, Tuesday Night Titans 9-10k, Championship Wrestling 1-2K. End of month shows 10K solid. Everything has been in Tri-state or New England area.


When I saw the Tiger Conway radio show comments, I couldn't resist feeding him Kamala. lol. Just using what random events the game gives me. Injuring him out is a perfect Watt's approach!! (he's still a C in momentum, so I'll keep jobbing him out on the Sunday supershows for as long as I can - and hope to keep his "rub" to some of the lower mid-card guys from here on out),


Orton isn't the only guy who has a high self-worth. Ventura totally blew me off. He wanted more than $3,000, more than 15% merchandise, a main event title AND travel expenses. Figured that would all add to about 10k (gee). Dos Caras does not want to work in US (that's fine, he was a longshot but C rated popularity). SO I'm going to a different plan B - I was able to pay a "little extra" and pick up a couple guys who have very little if any popularity in the area - one will have a couple nice stories to star in. The other is one who will grow into a big name in the future, has lots of skills where I need them - so it will just be a matter of seeing if I can help get him over like he did in real life.


stay tuned, the stage is set for a fun month of June (and summer ahead)

Rat Pack vs Von Erichs. World Champ coming to town - so that sets up an epic match against whoever the North American Champ is at that time.

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David rates B's on the entertainment side, Kerry had a C mixed in with a B. Of course as we found out in Nobby's TNA diary, there could be some extra-cirrucular activities going on and their minds are not quite straight?



David was pretty decent and probably would have gotten better,he's the one to keep a watch on......Kerry.....eh,he's probably beinging the segment grade down some... like or not he always was the second choice...he has a great look and all, but in the end he had neither the kind of in-ring talent to be able to get by on good looks and being able to really wrestle, or the kind of mic skill needed to be like a Hogan or Graham and get by on the force of his personality alone....IMHO it was The Freebirds (and in particular Michael Hayes), then later Gino Hernandez's ability to draw heat on ungodly levels that got the Von Erich boys over more than anything.

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you are correct that it was the wild heels (Freebirds and Gino) that helped make the Von Erichs and put them over the top. In a way, I'm going the opposite tact right now by using the hero Von Erichs to try and put over the mega heel Rat Pack - especially since I don't have any good face teams built up YET. I'm working on a couple though
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Month end stats


Pro Wrestling This Week with Bill Apter takes a look around the wrestling world and most notably this new phenomonon of showing cards on Closed Circuit TV. 3 major US promotions have taken to broadcasting their supercards across to fans in other arenas. Some have had more success with it as we'll see:


GCW gets .26 buy rate on month end PPV. B- rating as Larry Z defends National title over Tommy Rich. Mr Wrestling II over Buzz Sawyer. Road Warriors over Ole & Tbolt Patterson. Orndorff and Bob Armstrong over R.Garvin and Brett Wayne Sawyer (all B rated matches!)


AWA gets .37 buy rate for their month end show. Main event: Patera & Stevens defeat Hogan and Baron (C+). Bockwinkle makes first AWA title defense and defeats Wahoo (B+). Dick the Bruiser beat Da Crusher in a C+ undercard match


MAC gets .51 PPV for Clash of Champions: Steamboat & Youngblood retain world titles over Assassin and Dory Funk (B)> Ric Flair over Roddy Piper (A). Jack Brisco defeats Harley Race (C+)



PNW B rated show: Playboy Rose goes to no contest with Dutch Savage in B+ main event. (other matches are C-. But they pulled out the mega rating)

WWC also pulls a B show with Colon & Morales over Brody and Abdullah in B rated main event (other matches were C- and C+ but one main event gets the B rating)


FIRST A RATED SHOW!! AJPW lands double A co-main events: Jumbo Tsurta over Giant baba and Terry Funk defeats Stan Hansen. Also of interest, Harley Race beat Chavo Guerrerro (B+)


Exciting news as we finish 3rd in Regional Wars (behind WWC and PNW on the strength of their month end show). Big swings in the prestige levels as Central states falls 10 pts (and drops from 1st to 6th). WWC and PNW edge past us but we move up to 3rd. 5 leagues right around 40%. The 5 cult leagues all made slight advances, but WWF (80.1) is head and shoulders above the AWA (66). MAC (56) and GCW (52) lag behind

we moved ahead of GLOW in importance and are now #11 overall


In our second month, MSW continues to improve the balance sheet. We posted a profit of $81,145!! That puts $397,594 in the bank at month end. We sold an additional $960 in merchandise, but kept excellent cost controls on the back end as expense only increased $336!! Our popularity increased to D+ in the Midsouth region, but I don't think that's enough to try to book bigger buildings yet. We continue to sell out 2,000 but unless we are able to get at least 3,000 people into the bigger arena, I don't think it's worthwhile to upgrade at this time (don't want to show all the empty seats on TV).


With the Von Erichs in town and the world champion coming, I'm hoping we can pull off a B rated show soon - and maintain our prestige in the regional wars. Otherwise, it could be a slippery slope

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You Are Awesome!


Hey Olympia, it's great to hear from an old school fan who remembers the Knoxville Wrestling scene. My dad (who is 55) has told me of the exploits of Ron and Don Wright, Whitey Caldwell, Oni Wiki Wiki, Omar Atlas, Don Carson, et al.


I grew up with Smoky Mountain Wrestling, which was, is, and always will be, my favourite promotion. I never knew that Buddy Landell was in line to become NWA World Champ, I never saw that much in him, sad to say. Speaking of K-Town Wrestling, do you remember a manager named Homer O'Dell?


Now onto your diary...it is, in a word...OUTSTANDING! This is amazing, you are one of the best diary writers I have read, it sounds just like how a real show would be, and all the old-school trivia and comments are perfect. I like the length of your promos too, just right, even though I never got to see any UWF in the day, your writing just sucks me right in.


Anyway, keep this amazing dairy up, I am GLUED!



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Brian, dude thank you!! glad this little adventure has reached another avid fan. :)


I am sad to say right now I'm on hold with some technical difficulties, but I am certain they will get worked out. if for some reason, I have to reload (worst case?) then I can just re-run the events from last couple months and keep back to current. We'll see how it plays out.


As for "General" Homer O'Dell


he is one of those names that stand out from my time in Knoxville. I remember Buddy Fuller coming out of retirement to team with sons Ron & Robert against Homer and his team - same card that had Ron Wright vs Don Carson (after the infamous angle where Carson blacked Ron's eye).

Ron & Don were a team to behold! There is no one that compares in today's world. Ron worked the mike like an evangelical preacher and their matches were hardcore long before ECW. It's too bad there is so little footage of them around. I'm sure your dad has some great stories to tell.


And for Buddy Landell, a couple weeks ago I dug up an old interview he made in SMW right before his match against Shawn Michaels for the WWF I/C title. I'll find it again and post it on here. It really touched a chord with me then - and can change your perspective on Budro.

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I am sad to say right now I'm on hold with some technical difficulties, but I am certain they will get worked out. if for some reason, I have to reload (worst case?) then I can just re-run the events from last couple months and keep back to current. We'll see how it plays out.


Yeah I saw that in the other thread, and I thought that this was going to end. I am glad that you are going to go on even if this screws you up a little bit. The only thing that might happen if you have to start a new game is, you might not be able to sign some of the people that you have already.


What I mean is, I was playing as CZCW (in the C-Verse) and a bunch of guys that were willing to sign with me in one game were not willing to do so in another.

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Here is the interview with Landel to tide you over until I can get things fixed. Adam suggested to reload, so I'm going to try that when i get some time -bare with me during this unplanned "drama"

Interview with "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel

(Took Place in July 1995: Smoky Mountain Wrestling TV Show)

Note: Here is a file I dug up from my old computer I used during my Junior and Senior years in college. Enjoy! :)


On the last SMW TV show before their big Super Bowl card, Buddy Landel gave the interview of his career in the build-up for his main event match with Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels gave an interview before this talking about how 10 years ago Buddy Landel was a somebody and a young Shawn Michaels was a nobody, but now 10 years later Shawn Michaels, then WWF I-C champ, is a somebody and SMW's Buddy Landel is a nobody.


Interview done by Chip Kessler with Landel and Jim Cornette joined in progress. . . .


JC: I won't interfere in that match! Absolutely not! (smirking)


BL: That's right, Jimmy, you're not gonna interfere.



JC: I'm not?! (surprised)


BL: I'll tell you why. I'm very glad to hear Shawn Michaels' comments regarding the career of Buddy Landel. But let me give you a brief little autobiography of Buddy Landel. You see, I spent my whole career saying I was from here and there, but the truth is I was born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. I grew up on Ron Wright. I've been a wrestling fan all my life, at the tender age of 17 I quit high school football my junior year to wrestle. It took me 5 or 6 years to get to the top. When I was 23 years old, I was wrestling Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Everyone said I was to be the next world heavyweight champion. But the problem was this: in that time I'd been introduced to drugs and alcohol and the truth of the matter is this. I was an alcoholic and drug addict in denial. Drugs and alcohol cost me my career. By 1985 I was fired from that position as National heavyweight champion, #1 contender to the world title. I spent the last 10 years wandering around professional wrestling like the magazines say like a vagabond or gypsy. Being hired and fired, being in denial, up til about a year ago. I became my own worst enemy. I had to look at my wife, my children, my family and drive up and down the road while everyone else was in jets and limousines. I was drifting with nobodies. Drugs and alcohol had taken my life. I'd even thought about suicide. But I came to a point to where I needed help and I got down on my knees and I asked for God to help me and help me He did. You see, I was looking at myself in the mirror and asking, "Would I ever measure up to what I used to be?". And a year ago, I came back into pro wrestling weighing 260 pounds. I defeated my own worst enemy a year ago and that was Buddy Landel. Now, this last year in pro wrestling, I've lost all that weight and I'm back on top. I've beat everybody in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. And I'm proud to be in SMW and SMW is affiliated with the WWF. The SMW Heavyweight Title is so prestigious the holder gets a chance at the WWF Intercontinental Title. Shawn Michaels, I'm gonna tell you something. I've been up and down since I turned 17. I've been on top. I've seen my wildest dreams. I've got it back and I'm feeling better everyday. And I tell all them pencil pushers to stay out of my way. You know Chip, a lot of people. . . this is the big deal about Buddy Landel, I've got dozens of friends just as long as I'm buying. When the money runs out, that's when the people left me. Everybody wanted to be on the Buddy Landel bandwagon until the money ran out. God forgave me, my family forgave me. Everybody in Knoxville, TN knows Buddy Landel is a hometown boy. I love the city and I'm proud of it. But on Friday night, August 4th, Shawn Michaels, I'm in the best shape of my career. I'm 33 and I've held more titles than you've had years in the sport. I'm not taking anything away from you. You're voted the sexiest man in wrestling, that's great! Friday night, Aug. 4th, brother, at the Super Bowl of Champions, I'm coming in a tip-top shape because it's my hometown where it all began. I'm gonna become the next WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Bank on it.


This was a fantastic interview. As a heel doing a face interview he broke character and did a shoot interview in a serious tone while still pushing the show.

Note: in case you're wondering, Landel lost the match that night and ended his association with Jim Cornette.

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Sorry to here of the technical difficulties, hope you get everything straightened up.


HOWEVER, We still have Old Schools diary to read (Just had a pretty good show), that are unbelievably realistic as well.


I'm really loving these DOTT diary's.


so glad we have OldSchool's WWF reports. And somewhere, GCW and ICW are lurking - and way overdue for an update. :-)


the good news/bad news update on my situation is I am able to get back into the game, just still getting a run-time error when I try to advance. This weekend when I get back home, I'll try again and if it fails, I'll start afresh and just quickly try to replay my first 2 months (match/card ratings may improve or get worse, but think it should average out to what I had overall). Once I'm caught back up, then I'll bring the fresh new action.

I refuse to let a little problem like this stop what I started -- if I were 3 years into it, then it could be a different story and I'd just have to sell out to the Titan Tower. ;) thanks for understanding

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so glad we have OldSchool's WWF reports. And somewhere, GCW and ICW are lurking - and way overdue for an update. :-)


the good news/bad news update on my situation is I am able to get back into the game, just still getting a run-time error when I try to advance. This weekend when I get back home, I'll try again and if it fails, I'll start afresh and just quickly try to replay my first 2 months (match/card ratings may improve or get worse, but think it should average out to what I had overall). Once I'm caught back up, then I'll bring the fresh new action.

I refuse to let a little problem like this stop what I started -- if I were 3 years into it, then it could be a different story and I'd just have to sell out to the Titan Tower. ;) thanks for understanding


Hmm....by any chance are you running Vista on your computer?

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Note: in case you're wondering, Landel lost the match that night and ended his association with Jim Cornette.


I don't need to wonder, because I was THERE! Me and my Dad went to ALL the big SMW shows held at the old K-Town Coliseum, and I remember that night. It was one of the best SMW Matches I ever saw, and I actually believed for a few moments there that Ol' Budro was gonna win it all. That was also the card I believe where the Undertaker made an appearance, and actually THREW HIS HAT to the audience...great times. Olympia, thank you for bringing back some AWESOME memories...and please don't end this story, I LOVE it



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