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DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)

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Hmm....by any chance are you running Vista on your computer?
no, I'm on regular old Windows XP


I don't need to wonder, because I was THERE! Me and my Dad went to ALL the big SMW shows held at the old K-Town Coliseum, and I remember that night. It was one of the best SMW Matches I ever saw, and I actually believed for a few moments there that Ol' Budro was gonna win it all. That was also the card I believe where the Undertaker made an appearance, and actually THREW HIS HAT to the audience...great times. Olympia, thank you for bringing back some AWESOME memories...and please don't end this story, I LOVE it




awesome - I was at that show too. Had backstage passes (must have been part of the "golden circle tickets" or something) so we ate dinner with Terry Gordy. Undertaker was there - he defeated Unabom (who gained even more fame later as "Kane"). Like you, I just "knew" Buddy would which was a great throwback to the old NWA World title matches when you "knew" your local hero would win the title that night. I often think that night was the last gasp of territory wrestling.


thanks for all the well wishes. I have a couple options and when I get home this weekend, I'll have time to work on this and get it going again. Either before or after the Tennessee - Alabama game.

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I was always frustrated with SMW when they had really good talent (like Al Snow) but used them to mainly put over the local guys that lived there (Rock & Roll Express). Business wise, it was the right thing to do since the local guys were staying with them and the other guys were passing through - and giving us some great shows while they did.


The "death" of SMW came at Fire on the Mountain in Johnson City after a hair vs hair match (Morton's hair vs the hair of lady manager Tammy Fitch). Brian Lee and Chris Candido won the match - the large crowd chanted for the hair of Morton (to the surprise of many I guess since they thought the fans would rally behind the babyfaces). The chant I personally started was "Rock and BALD". Morton got the clippers and cut some of Candido's hair (which was already very short - buzz cut look). Fans booed well into the next match and felt cheated. Future crowds in JC were half the size which hurt the company since this was one of their money towns (along with Knoxville).

I know SMW is listed as a possible future league in the DOTT mod. There might be a way to have a DOTT 1993 mod to supplement the 1983 mod (bring in USWA, ECW, etc. going against the big boys of WCW and WWE) - or one might be out there

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I am not sure if there is a mod from that time or not. I mean I love the real world mods but a lot of them have crap stats, bios that just seem off, or other things that just turn me off to them. That is why I stick with the C-Verse for the most part (even though I used to play with Real World Mods before) because the stats are where they are supposed to be.


I still love reading real world mods, I just can no longer play them.

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Great News!! I was able to get things working again this morning!!!! The game finally advanced past the point where it kept crashing, so I hope it will stay that way.


the interesting part of having to keep replaying that one tv card was watching the match ratings flucuate (D+ to C-) as did the overall card. I'm guessing that means it right on the border of those 2 grades and any random change could have affected it up or down a notch.

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June week 1 - Mid-South TV


Magnum TA vs Anvil Neidhart

Magnum catches Anvil with the Belly to Belly at 5:20 for the win



after the match, Jim Cornette comes out and says he's been watching all this with the Raiders. He'd like to offer his services to them

E (he has skills, but no one knows who is just yet. F popularity (1%)


Kamala splashes Art Crews, then applies the armpit claw to get a submission win.



video hyping Rat Pack vs Von Erichs



Raiders all come out with Jim Cornette and announce their new manager (all 4 improve their skills, but fans yawned at Cornette) C-


Buddy Landel makes his first big promo to hype his match against Dick Murdoch later in the show. He looked a little nervous C-


Butch Reed vs Koko B Ware

Butch Reed dispatches Koko B Ware in 6:56. These two do not click and bring down the mood of the crowd D-


Afterward, Reed challenges Kamala to a match - he wants the $5000 he thinks he won earlier ©. Kamala and Akbar come out to attack Reed and beat him to the mat (Kamala looked good!) D+

Akbar looks at the falled Reed and says they will gladly accept his challenge. Pick the time and place for your next beating! C-


Kendo Nagasaki puts TV TITLE on line against Mr. Wrestling II

Mr. Wrestling II defeats Kendo Nagasaki by DQ when Skandar gets involved. (it didn't show that this counted as a successful defense, and I know I selected the title)


video plays to hype the 3-way dance at June Gloom with Landel vs Murdoch vs JYD ©


Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landell

Dick Murdoch beats Buddy Landel by COR in 21:40. Cornette did not get too involved in the match being his first time out as manager.

match rating: C+


Overall show rating was C- which will help our popularity



(these were the original ratings. The final ones that finally went thru may have differed slightly, but I did not bother to write them down - since I never knew if it would work or not).

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It's good to be back. the next big monthly show was nicknamed June Gloom:


Here are the matches that are booked for that show:


Rat Pack (Dibiase & Borne) defend vs The US Marshals (David & Kerry Von Erich)


North American HW title match - 3 way rodeo

JYD © defends vs Dirty Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landel (w/ Jim Cornette)


Mid-South TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki (w/ Akbar) vs Hacksaw Butch Reed


the undercard:

Kamala vs Tim Horner

Mr Olympia vs Tiger Conway

Mr. Wrestling II vs Jim the Anvil Neidhart

Terry Taylor vs Wild Bill Irwin


Mr Wrestling II is out for blood after The Anvil's vicious attack on Magnum TA. He announced that he's been working out with the youngster and hopes his career won't be sidetracked by this Raider attack.

I'm excited by how much the heat improved over the month:

the 3 way rodeo went from D+ to C

Tag titles match went from D to C-

TV title match from D- to C

the 4 undercard matches stayed steady in the E range and doubt they move up in the last tv show. not sure if the HEAT factor plays any role in the actual match (better draw? better match/card rating?)


I have one more TV show before the big event, but wanted to make sure the matches were all posted for those wishing to place their bets (or make predictions)


and a little tease of events leading to one of the matches signed for Red, White, and Brawl (our 4th of July supercard). (and yes, the guy in the tag match is a very young HBK. His career certainally bloomed a whole lot more than his partner)


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First things first I am glad that you got everything sorted out and now everything is working fine!:D




Rat Pack (Dibiase & Borne) defend vs The US Marshals (David & Kerry Von Erich)


You said that the Von Erich's were on loan so I highly doubt they will win here, unless they get a D.Q. or count-out victory. Which I never seem to take into account...


North American HW title match - 3 way rodeo

JYD © defends vs Dirty Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landel (w/ Jim Cornette)


Love this match! JYD should win this match.


Mid-South TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki (w/ Akbar) vs Hacksaw Butch Reed


I have heard of Kendo but never saw him actually wrestle so I am going with the Natural.


the undercard:


Kamala vs Tim Horner


Poor Tim....:D


Mr Olympia vs Tiger Conway


Mr. Wrestling II vs Jim the Anvil Neidhart


Ah, Jim Neidhart is taken on my old rival from Oldschool's diary.


Terry Taylor vs Wild Bill Irwin


Not sure of this one as The Red Rooster has more upside but Bill Irwin is more established. I will go with Bill.

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Nice video....the interesting thing is the Dirty White Boys also wrestled under masks as The Grapplers,they were sometimes managed by "Fabulous" Don Carson...who earlier had a tag team with his "brother" Ron Carson...who appears on the show under the name we all know him as, Dick Murdoch.


Funny how everything came full circle.

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Rat Pack (Dibiase & Borne) defend vs The US Marshals (David & Kerry Von Erich)

I'm going double DQ with Duggan and KEVIN showing up ... I'm just guessing that Von Erichs wont win, but probably won job them out yet


North American HW title match - 3 way rodeo

JYD © defends vs Dirty Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landel (w/ Jim Cornette)

Definately some Mileage left in JYD's reign as NA Champ


Mid-South TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki (w/ Akbar) vs Hacksaw Butch Reed

This is the old "more Upside" pick


the undercard:

Kamala vs Tim Horner

Kamala is NA Champ & mid South Tag champ in my diary... Tim Horner isn't close to being ready,


Mr Olympia vs Tiger Conway

Tiger has a new role, its called jobber to the stars


Mr. Wrestling II vs Jim the Anvil Neidhart

Anvil will look good thanks to II, but there is no way he's getting a victory over him... I think


Terry Taylor vs Wild Bill Irwin

Taylor, but Irwin isn't all that bad... I could see Irwin picking up the win here, but I'll go with Terry anyways

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Rat Pack (Dibiase & Borne) defend vs The US Marshals (David & Kerry Von Erich) Rat Pack need to hold onto the titles to prove a good point.


North American HW title match - 3 way rodeo

JYD © defends vs Dirty Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landel (w/ Jim Cornette) I'd give the title to Buddy Landel with Cornette helping.


Mid-South TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki (w/ Akbar) vs Hacksaw Butch Reed

Nagasaki can have a great run with the title and is better than Reed.


Kamala vs Tim Horner

This should really be a simple sqaush match. Kamala is a huge person who should quickly get the job done.


Mr Olympia vs Tiger Conway

I think Mr Olympia should be given the win here before going onto better things. He's a good wrestler who can be aggressive enough.


Mr. Wrestling II vs Jim the Anvil Neidhart

Mr. Wrestling is a great mysterious character, and he's clearly the favourite to win this match. I think this match will go on for a while.


Terry Taylor vs Wild Bill Irwin

Terry Taylor should get the win here, putting Irwin away quitecomfortably. He can be a great talent for Mid-South.

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The Rat Pack vs. The U.S. Marshals

Rat Pack is probably the top heel group, so I think they'll retain to build them up.If this were non-title,my pick would be different though.


JYD vs. Dick Murdoch vs. Buddy Landell(w/Jim Cornette)

JYD has plenty of gas left in the tank;he can get a boost while Buddy gets a rub and Dick can be fairly protected from the effects of a loss.


Kendo Nagasaki(w/Skandor Akbar) vs. Hacksaw Butch Reed

If this were non-title I'd say Reed all the way;Reed is a bit "big" for the TV Title plus Kendo is a member of the same stable as Kamala so I see Akbar making the difference


Kamala vs. Tim Horner

For Kamala to "work",he needs to plow through the undercard;Tim,being small should be a good person for Kamala to crush.


Mr.Olympia vs. Tiger Conway

The "Tiger Conway Jobber Tour '83" continues....I like the selection of Olympia, he is good pick to build up since he definitely has the skills to do big things for you.


Mr.Wrestling II vs. Jim Neidhart

II is probably the #2 face so I think he'll take it,but probably get beat up after the match.


Terry Taylor vs. Wild Bill Irwin

Could go either way,I happen to think Taylor has a lot of potential though.

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Rat Pack (Dibiase & Borne) defend vs The US Marshals (David & Kerry Von Erich)

Rat Pack. DiBiase > Von Erichs :)


North American HW title match - 3 way rodeo

JYD © defends vs Dirty Dick Murdoch vs Nature Boy Buddy Landel (w/ Jim Cornette)

Oooo... er... Cornette to worm Landel to the title.


Mid-South TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki (w/ Akbar) vs Hacksaw Butch Reed

The Kendo Nagasaki? The one from British Wrestling in the 70s and 80s? If so. Him. :)


the undercard:

Kamala vs Tim Horner

Mr Olympia vs Tiger Conway

Mr. Wrestling II vs Jim the Anvil Neidhart

Terry Taylor vs Wild Bill Irwin

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The Kendo Nagasaki? The one from British Wrestling in the 70s and 80s? If so. Him. :)


Sadly,no it not is the same guy(though i was it was,the Kendo Nagasaki that appeared for World of Sport was awesome)


The Kendo Nagasaki here is a face painted "Mystical Oriental" type in the style of The Great Kabuki,he was a mainstay in the 80's in the Southern U.S.(esp. Texas),though he doesn't hold a candle to the masked man, he's actually a fairly competent wrestler.

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looks like a record number of predictions!! and as always some different ideas that I need explore (for this or future cards). Thanks guys!

Also thanks for the rookie nominations (not sure what "rules" I broke - hehe) I'm just out here trying to have fun and glad you guys are enjoying the ride too.


I hope to have the tv show (last one before the supercard) finished tommorrow (long week out of town for work - ugh!). Then June Gloom should be over the weekend

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Sadly,no it not is the same guy(though i was it was,the Kendo Nagasaki that appeared for World of Sport was awesome)


The Kendo Nagasaki here is a face painted "Mystical Oriental" type in the style of The Great Kabuki,he was a mainstay in the 80's in the Southern U.S.(esp. Texas),though he doesn't hold a candle to the masked man, he's actually a fairly competent wrestler.


Ball locks. :(


I go for his opponent then.

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June - week 2 - TV


Welcome to Mid-South TV

there were a couple dark matches to give some guys a little work:

Jim Duggan whips Mike Bond with the Old Glory Kneedrop. Match lacks pyschology, but Duggan comes out looking good



Kamala squashes Art Crews in 1:37.



David Von Erich makes a taped promo about his skills and how that will he and Kerry defeat the Rat pack at June Gloom. "This is about family boys. My brother and I have trained our whole lives for this moment. Dibiase and Borne have proven to be a couple of rats. Back at my daddy's ranch in Denton, we used to shoot rats for target practice and that's what is gonna happen Sunday night. Just going to be more target practice and the Von Erichs will add the Mid-South titles to our growing trophy shelf." (David is B rated on the skills needed for this angle, but it comes across as D- rated, so it's not Kerry that's been bringing them down)


Dick Murdoch beats Brett Wayne Sawyer with the Texas Brainbuster. He's looking good for the upcoming rodeo match against JYD and Landel for the North American title (good psychology between these two) C+


Speaking of North American title, JYD comes out and cuts a spirited about the upcoming match. He gets the crowd going (B-)


JYD defeats The Anvil with his Big Thump powerslam in 5:05. (North American title defense # 6 for Junkyard Dog)

C+ despite a lack of selling


Boyd Pearce interviews Butch Reed about his upcoming match for the TV title against Kendo Nagasaki. Devastation Inc. stablemate and Kendo ally, Kamala runs out to attack his hated rival Reed - Boyd tried to get involved and stop Kamala and paid for it dearly!! Kamala delivers the Ugandan Splash on the helpless Boyd!!! sad moment as the legendary and long-time Mid-South announcer is stretchered out. Jim Ross is mortified: "Is this the end of an icon???!!!!"


Magnum TA uses the Belly to Belly Suplex to defeat Nic. Volkolff.


While he is celebrating the big win, Jim the Anvil Neidhart runs in and clocks him!! Anvil tells Magnum to keep his nose out of Raider business as he stomps on his arm before security can restore order.

E+ -- magnum is hurt badly during this attack.


Rat Pack make their 3rd title defense as they dispatch of Dr Death Steve Williams and Tim Horner. Horner submits to Ted's dreaded cobra clutch at 7:48. Doc was way off his game while Dibiase looked awesome (and helps to improve Doc's technical skills)



After match, Rat Pack make promises they are ready for anything the Von Erichs have to offer - as you just saw. " I'm sick and tired of these young punks taking pot shots at us, so I called my good friend Austin Idol in Memphis and asked for help. He said he'd send us a suitable bodyguard to watch our backs. The Von Erichs say you used to shoot rats for target practice, well gentlemen, somehow I don't think you’re going to see this pack of rats coming. Instead of our belts on your trophy shelf, we're going add your hides to ours. This match might not be for the faint of heart because we're going to do whatever it takes to keep this gold around our waists." (Borne improves charisma and performance skills)



TV Main Event for the TV TITLE

Kendo Nagasaki defends vs Hacksaw Butch Reed

preview of a match signed for June Gloom

Butch Reed vs Kendo Nagasaki: TV title - You just cannot keep Hacksaw Reed away from Butch Reed, the hatred is so high as Reed has been the only man to ever slam the giant (albeit with a surprise attack). He runs in and attacks Butch again in this match. Reed mans up and recover from what amounts to a 3 on 1 attack situation when you consider Akbar at ringside. The match spills to the floor where Reed turns the table on the odds - he is held by Kendo and Kamala charges.....Reed powers free and Kamala runs over the TV champ!!! Reed rolls back into the ring and the champ is counted out. 15:18 (why does this not count as a title defense? He shows having 4 title matches, but only 1 title defense - if that's the case, Ric Flair wouldn't show any title defenses of his NWA World title back in the day, lol)



C rated show improves popularity, .01 rating


funny how the show opening promo by JYD carried the show and despite last 3 segments being C-, the total show rates a C. Getting "ripped off" by "game" though as an offstage Kerry Von Erich was reduced by one match (he was just mentioned by Ted Dibiase as was David, but Kerry's 3 match contract was reduced by 1. David's remained the same. bummer, that screws up one idea I had).

Something else I will have watch for next time to see if it was a glitch or one time deal, but I usually get $7500 in tv money every show, but this time I got double that ($15,000). I hope it's the new trend so I can continue to load more stars into the show. I spent more money on workers for this one but still made my largest one night profit to date ($10,500)


anyone wanting to throw out ideas on the bodyguard? He is already signed, sealed, and delivered - but your suggestions may give me ideas for something else down the road.

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So is this the end of Boyd Pearce? I know there was some chemistry issues and his pay was high and Jim Ross can do the same job, so could this be the end of the really bad blazers on Mid South wrestling...


I've had the same issues with title defenses when it comes to Muraco, but I want to say Backlund taking a CO loss did coutn... I'll have to go back and check, but Ive wondered the same thing..


I'm stumped on the bodyguard??? Since its from Memphis, could it be Uncle Elmer or repackaged Stan Frazier??? Or perhaps The Rat Pack bodyguard could be a bad @ss in the Joe Pesci type mold, maybe its Bill Dundee???

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Pro Wrestling This Week


a look around the world of Professional Wresting

Hulk Hogan defeats Takada, Andre the Giant, and Inoki to win NJPW League title. Andre beat Ricky Steamboat in his first round match (all C matches)

Jumbo Tsuruta makes a heel turn. Dusty Rhodes and Mr Wrestling Tim Woods both announced their retirements


Bob Armstrong was injured, but is expected to work thru the pain of his sprained ankle (match vs Tommy Rich in HCW)


upstart HCW ventured off the reservation - travel to Fredrick MD in front of 57 fans for a card. Muraco was the star as he teamed with Hawk to defeat Hayes and Irwin.


5000 fans attend WWF Cape Cod taping of Tuesday Night Titans. Atlas & Putski team to defeat Wild samoans in main event (D+). Morales over Sarge (B rated). Atlas and Sarge brawled (B-)


Dory Funk Jr defeats Giant Baba to begin his 4th reign as NWA International champion (B rated) - also in japan, Hulk Hogan defends WWF international title over Rusher Kimura (C-)


WWF All-star wrestling show on same night draws 5,000 in Ithaca to see Don Muraco defeat Tony Atlas (B rating). Invaders defeat Putski and Santana

Central States: Roger Kirby defeats Bruiser Brody (B+ match) C rated show as everything else was D's

ICW - Rip Rogers teams with Ratamayus to defeat Randy Savage and Ron Garvin in C+ match and headline a C rated show. Poffo & Wiengeroff defend the ICW tag titles over Broomfield and Whatley

AWA - Hogan defeats Ventura. High Flyers retain AWA world tag titles. B- rated show in front of 8324 in Kansas

WWC turns in another B- show as Colon teams with Morales to defeat Abdullah and Brody.

PPW: Maniac Mark Lewin beats Kevin Sullivan in main event. Kevin Von Erich over Jerry Lawler, Rocky Johnson tops Bad News Allen

GLOW: Hollywood & Vine defeat the Fijis. Tammy Jones is the GLOW champ and defends over Col. Ninchukta. Cheerleaders defend Glow tag over Headhunters after Susie Spirit brawls with HH Mina before the match (sorry - these bring back memories from college - lol)


Looking at Mid-South Wrestling

Rumors abound as to who Universal Heartthrob Austin Idol is sending in as the new bodyguard for Ted Dibiase and the Rat Pack. Many wonder in awe what would happen in Bruiser Brody came in to fill the role - we have it on good authority that Brody does not want to work for such a small promotion at this time. Others look around the Memphis area to see what possible allies might be available. Bill Apter reports that Plowboy Frazier is on the shortlist, and if not him could be someone from that genre.


Looking ahead to the June Gloom supershow. The dream match between Mid-South Tag Champs Dibiase & Borne vs former WCCW America tag champs (and current Texas HW champion) David & Kerry Von Erich. The 3-way Rodeo for the North American Title all have the fans abuzz

the other most talked about match features Ugandan Giant Kamala against the EVIL GIANT Tom Horner.

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just for the record, I messed up. :eek: That caveat "Card Subject to Change" has never been more true. I ran my June Gloom card tonight, and found out GCW was running a show at the same time (so I lose the services of Mr Wrestling II, Tim Horner, and others). I made some quick adjustments, and most will even fit within the storyline. Luckily these were all low "heat" matches and when I made the change on the advance booking card, it didn't change very much. Everyone was there for the main events. and since I made those adjustments I didn't receive any messages about irate fans. whew


I'll post the thrilling results from that card later - it's bedtime. But wanted to apologize to those who made their predictions. I'll have to pay closer attention to that in the future - I'm usually the only one with shows on Sunday, but this particular one was very crowded.

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Rumors abound as to who Universal Heartthrob Austin Idol is sending in as the new bodyguard for Ted Dibiase and the Rat Pack. Many wonder in awe what would happen in Bruiser Brody came in to fill the role - we have it on good authority that Brody does not want to work for such a small promotion at this time. Others look around the Memphis area to see what possible allies might be available. Bill Apter reports that Plowboy Frazier is on the shortlist, and if not him could be someone from that genre


My guess would be more along the lines of Lord Humongous(if you don't already have him).

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