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The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'

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Inspired by the Diary Preview Thread and Official Tip Thread (And other tip threads) I have finally decided to start my own 'Tutorial' diary, covering all aspects of the game TEW2008. I have chosen two promotions for this tutorial, GCG and WEXXV, as they have completely different products and they start at a very different stage of the game size and business -wise. I will run two
saves to avoid any conflict between the promotions and to keep things simple to myself when I don't have to bounce between two promotions in the same save. A question: Should I go straight edge or free style, meaning that should I add owner goals to these saves? What do you guys think?


Anyways, here are the two promotions:









GCG - Golden Canvas Grappling



GCG has a pure old school wrestling product heavily biased on performance and has a relative easy start in the game. While they start with one million dollars and have most of their own superstars on Written contracts, GCG has lots of competition from the rival promotions such as WLW (who tend to rise very quickly in size if they don't go bankrupt at the start), INSPIRE (due to PPA contracts which causes worker fatique if and when the two promotions have the same workers on their roster), BHOTWG (The old giant which bounces between Cult and National size + has a Hostility relationship with GCG) and the #1 promotion in Japan, PGHW (who happen to have a Working Agreement with GCG). When one reaches National status with GCG the National Battle will start if there are three promotions who are at National or higher. Sometimes there can be even four promotions in the Battle and someone must lose it in the end. The GCG part of this diary will concentrate on worker development, Loyalty in Japan, getting everything out of your wrestlers and putting on better and better shows and much, much more!








WEXXV - Warrior Engine 25

(Not the original logo but I prefer to use this one)



The other promotion that is going to get featured in this diary is WEXXV. Warrior Engine, the garbage promotion which has a completely different start compared to GCG. Having only 100,000$ in the bank, no TV or PPV deals and a sudden death danger if they jump to Cult rightaway, Warrior Engine is lots of fun
However with careful planning and making the right moves at the right time WEXXV is really easy to book and to survive with. This part of the diary will concentrate on surviving with the promotion, the business side of the game aswell as booking a popularity biased product and using your workers to their full potential.










I'll start with Product and Roster analysis for both saves and then cover different aspects of the game when we get to them in a "you can't cross a bridge until you get to it" -fashion. I'm hoping that myself and the active community of players can provide each and every reader something new, whether it's from understanding of the game to booking tips to other hints and guidance.




Welcome to The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'





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Or do Free Style and set yourself some "restrictive" goals but more realistic and less random then the AI does. Also if you want any help with this let me know as I would love to help and/or ad a third perspective with a 50/50 fed or using one or two american promotions.
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GCG - Golden Canvas Grappling - Product



Pure Old School Wrestling

Match Ratio -


Key Feature -
Traditional & Realism

Heavy -

Low -
Hyper Realism

Very Low -


Match Intensity & Danger -
90% & 20%

Women's Wrestling, T&A Levels, Face / Heel Divide -


Your current product definition:

... means that no managers or authority figures are required.

... will mean that the wrestlers are rated much more on performance than popularity.

... will mean that fans won't care about the wrestlers' characters or gimmicks.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks

... will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will want to see solid matches with clean finishes.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on high risk matches or highly risky angles.

... will prevent the promotion from getting TV slots on Mainstream and Risky / Cult networks.

... will make getting sponsorship quite tough.



Getting started:

When starting a game with a promotion, you have to know what you are getting yourself into. With GCG what you see is what you get: 100% long matches with Regular Wrestlers, Brawlers, Technicians, Puroresu -style workers. Modern, Hardcore, Lucha Libre and Daredevil and all Entertainment slides in the Product Appeal Definition are set to None (Apart from Mainstream which is on Very Low) so therefore you wont see a lot of Entertainers, Super Juniors, Cruiserweights, Luchadores, Psychopaths or Spot Monkeys in GCG. This doesn't mean that they are completely ruled out from the product, it means that they struggle more in terms of push status and probably don't have the skillset in order to get popular in the promotion and so on. But the exception confirms the rule as infact, due to their technical skills, there are many Super Juniors who can do really well in GCG even though 'Modern' is set to none.



As you can see the Match Intensity setting is at 90%. This means that the wrestlers will get tired and fatiqued more easily than in a less intense product which means that one can't run that many shows per week with GCG, I'd say two at maximum with the odd annual event on some week. Not only will the fatique take away from the matches, it'll also increase the danger of injuring your workers. While losing one main eventer due to injury is a setback, losing two or more is a disaster. Fortunately a lot of the workers have a relatively good 'Safety' and 'Resilience' skills which prevents them from sustaining injuries and I really haven't experienced that many serious injuries in all the time I've played TEW08.



Reading the product definition:

Pretty self explanatory here but I'll grab few things from the definition that needs a closer look. Notice how it says 'much more' and not just 'more rated on performance than popularity'. There are five different stages in the bias definition (Much more rated on Performance, more rated on Performance, equally biased, more rated on Popularity and much more rated on popularity) and so 'much more' means that the wrestler are really rated almost solely on their performance skills. However there are caps in this thing as you can't get really good grades with a completely unknown but skilled worker but once they reach the average popularity you can start to expect really good grades from them. We'll see about that later in the game when unknown but skilled workers are put into test.



No angles, no manager nor authority figures, no gimmicks. You can use unchained storylines filled with just matches if you'd like but those (unchained storylines) are really the only storylines you can use with this kind of product.



One thing that can really have a bad effect in your matches with GCG is none other than tainted finish. The match grade will be significantly lower should a match ever end up in someone interfering or cheating. Time limit draws however are encouraged and are pretty useful when putting two extremely talented wrestlers in a match without wanting either to lose.



With performance biased products long matches equals better grades. While the "Expected Match Lenghts" in the product menu are designed solely for AI, they give the player a nice preview of the lengths of the matches they should use. With GCG the Minor, Medium and Main Match lenghts are 15, 28 and 40min which is almost the same which I use when booking GCG.


When we get to the booking part I'll cover all these product definition things while booking the show to demonstrate the different effects of match lengths and different finishes, I might even throw a tainted finish in there just to see how bad the grade will be for the same match with good and tainted finish.







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WEXXV - Warrior Engine - Garbage Wrestling



Garbage Wrestling

Match Ratio -
90% (Changed to 70-80%)


Key Feature -

Heavy -
Daredevil & Cult

Medium -
Comedy, Risque, Modern

Low -


Match Intensity & Danger -
50% & 80%

Women's Wrestling, T&A Levels, Face / Heel Divide -


Your current product definition:

... will attract a very vocal fan base to the promotion's show

... will mean that the wrestlers are rated more on popularity than performance.

... will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks.

... will attract fans who expect gimmicks to be subtle and complex.

... will attract fans who respond well to high risk matches.

... will prevent the promotion from getting Afternoon, Early Evening, Evening, Prime Time, Late Evening TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent the promotion from getting TV slots on Mainstream and Sports Specific networks.

... will make getting sponsorship extremely tough.

... will mean that the 'young lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.



Getting started:

It comes pretty clear right from the start that staying on profit is the biggest goal with WEXXV. With little to no sponsorship money coming in nor the access to PPV deals at the start, the only thing Warrior Engine can do is just stay in one region and build up their fanbase solely on that very region. Going on a tour around Japan will kill the promotion pretty quickly due to poor popularity all around Japan and the possible danger of reaching Cult size. So my plan is just to stay in Kanto (and not in Tohoku as Tohoku is full of hotbeds which could take the promotion to Cult and we don't want that!) until reaching C- to C+ popularity in that region which will ensure the needed income when the promotion finally reaches Cult size. Getting to those heights is a no brainer as booking Warrior Engine is really easy, more on that later.


One of the biggest changes you can do with WEXXV's product at the start is changing the match/angle ratio to 80% or even 70%
, because the product is biased towards popularity we will need every single minute available to be used in angles. Especially with WEXXV as half of the roster have either awesome 'Menace' skill or have decent entertainment skills. More on that on the Roster Overview.



Reading the product definition:

The two promotion in this diary, GCG and WEXXV, are like day and night. The products favour completely different wrestler styles and types as with Warrior Engine you will want to have Psychopaths, Spot Monkeys and Entertainers and even Cruiserweights and Super Juniors. But most of all, you want people who have a high 'Hardcore' skill as the matches will get a big boost if the match is rated by 'Hardcore', as mentioned in the product where it says ".. will attract fans who respond well to high risk matches". This doesn't mean just 'Hardcore' matches: Cage, Ladders and Tables matches will do just fine also.
Do not underestimate the importance of high risk matches with a product that has 'Hardcore' set as Key Feature or Heavy in the product.
If you run just normal matches with no risk whatsoever, you will likely fail with the promotion and you won't get that far either in terms of match grades and workers gaining popularity.



Very vocal fan base: Not just vocal, very vocal! The fans will boo anyone who has poor performance skills, mainly Basics and Psychology. There are few workers on the roster who the fans will boo for a long time until they learn not to stink up the joint (PSW I guess has even more guys like that in their starting roster). Later we'll see who these wrestlers are and what we can do about the situation.



Gimmicks are subtle and complex so no mainstream stuff allowed. More on gimmicks later when we finally reach the Roster section.



WEXXV will not get any TV deals soon as you can see from the product appeal definition. And if we will, it'll be a Graveyard slot. And if we do get a TV-deal, it won't be for any Mainstream or Sports Specific network. The funny thing is that every TV station in Japan is either Mainstream or Sports Specific style



The Young Lion system is not active on Warrior Engine unlike on GCG which I forgot to mention. More on Young Lion system when we get to the GCG roster overview.



There's really not that much to say about Warrior Engine until we get to the actual booking and highlighting the strenghts of the workers. In Warrior Engine anyone with good 'Hardcore' skill, good 'Menace' skill or good entertainment skills can get over really fast which we will see later when our psychopaths skyrocket to superstardom.





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Basic things when starting your game.



Business options:
  • Raise all your ticket prices by +4 using the "Change all prices by" -button at the bottom of the Business -> Finance -> Prices screen. The +4 add is the maximum raise that you can do without getting a warning about fans not turning up on your shows because of high ticket prices.

  • Change "Production System" adjustment to "Just In Time" in the Business -> Merchandising screen. I haven't really experimented with the Product Quality setting so if anyone wants to give their view on that one, please reply. I'll leave it as "Standard".


Production Screen

Business -> Production

Here we can see three different titles: "Event Distribution", "Release Quality" and "Music Usage". They are at default "DVD / Home Video", "Standard" and "In House". Pretty self explanatory here but if you need more info read the Help file that comes with the game or read the text from the screen. I'm not going to change anything here as these settings will do just fine for both companies that I'm playing with. Better "Music Usage" quality can boost your ratings to some defree but it is really expensive, especially the "Major Licenced" option.




Now onto the arranging your Touring schedule. I'm going to hold two shows per week with both companies and a bigger annual event with GCG every month when they are on tour as they can get the PPV deal rightaway. As we are in Japan in both games, there's no need to "Change Schedule" but it can be done if you'd like. We can easily see our 'Touring Months' from the button and remember, you can only change the touring months at the start of the month and when you have no 'Touring' contacts active. Also note that 'Touring' promotions don't have any House Shows no matter how big the promotions are.



Adding a 'Tour'

This has been asked several times over and over again. The only way that I can put it is that you just add as many weekly events as you'll like and continue to use the same names troughout the on-going tour.








So, with GCG the touring months are Dec-Jan-Feb, Apr-May-Jun and Sep-Oct. I usually arrange the touring months so that I'll have three three month tours but just for the sake of this tutorial, let's leave it this way as it is in the default. Note that the game starts in January 2008 so our first tour will only be two months long (Jan-Feb).



Note that GCG has it's annual event on Wednesday, Week 3 of January called "Parade Of Champions". So with this in mind I'm going to add two events for us, named "GCG Tiger's Roar Tour", (Fri) and (Sun) for their respective days as this schedule allows us to go into the big event with 100% healthy wrestlers as they have enough time to recover from the Sunday's show the last Sunday before the big event. GCG is just about to jump Cult and GCG's popularity is D+ in Chubu and D- elsewhere.



Schedule -> Add Event ->


"GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Fri)"

Medium (Usually when you reach D- popularity switch to Medium or when you gain more profit from Medium shows)


Held Weekly -> Friday


"GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Sun)"



Held Weekly -> Sunday



So now we have two weekly shows and one annual so that's nine (9) shows for us this month in January for GCG.













Scheduling WEXXV. We are choosing "Small" sized shows as WEXXV starts with E popularity in Tohoku and E- elsewhere.



"WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Wednesday)"



Held Weekly -> Wednesday


"WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Saturday)"



Held Weekly -> Saturday



Same concept when arranging your tours with another promotion, just different size and length when compared to the size of the promotion in question. We won't need an annual show so that's eight (8) shows for WEXXV at the start. When we will reach that D- to D+ popularity with WEXXV, we will hold a Medium sized show and see which (Small / Medium) sized show will give us more profit. WEXXV's 'Touring months' are Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar and Jun-Jul-Aug-Sep so that's two four month tours per year.






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Actually I would advise to run anual shows from the start as the prestige of the show will rise per time you hold it. You can make it a minimum cost throw away show if you like but I would advise to do it. It will also show you if you are running a profit and if so how large a profit on the schedule you would ultimitly want to be running. Plus if you don't make it a throw away show it gives you something to build towards.
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Roster Overview & Evaluation







I'll provide the 'Roster Overview', 'Creative Meeting' and worker images aswell so that everyone can get to know the wrestlers that are with GCG. I'll start with the basic information and then make an analysis of the worker and make a plan for the future for that worker. One thing really strikes me odd in this very save is the contract lenghts of the main event workers as they are extremely short. While the loyal workers will not leave us, their Written contracts will be changed to a lot more expensive PPA -contracts which could cause some trouble. Altough we are in a great risk of losing guys like Jimmy Cox and Pistol Pete Hall when their contracts change to PPA. As this is played on 'Straight Edge' settings, the owner Hanshiro Furusawa can also be a factor in the negotiations.. We will just have to wait and see. Here's the format I'm going to use:

Age, Style


Contract lenght


Analysis & Plan for the worker

Creative Meeting places























Jimmy Cox

35, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: C

8 Months, 3 Weeks


Cox is a reliable main eventer with pretty good skills all-around. He's below other main eventers in terms of skills and promotion's ace potential but while he won't probably win the World Heavyweight title any time soon, he's that kind of a stepping stone in the roster, used primarily to beat midcarders who aren't ready to rise in rankings and lose to those who are better than him.


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Franchise Player', #4 'Who's Hot'






Hiroyasu Gakusha

28, Regular Wrestling

Popularity: B-

5 Months, 1 Week


Gakusha is loaded with potential and he's pretty much guaranteed to be the next champion after Pistol Pete Hall, the current World Heavyweight champion, and Gakusha is indeed the one to carry the company until Hyobanshi learns more performance skills. Loaded with 'Star Quality' and great performance skills, Gakusha is one of the best workers on the roster. 'B' in 'Psychology' means that he will be able to carry anyone into a good match. Cox had his 'Psychology' stat in C+ just for the sake of comparison (the limit is in the 'B-' when one can carry other workers trough longer matches). Gakusha will be heading into a nice winning streak, probably losing only to Pistol Pete Hall.


Creative Meeting places: #3 'Franchise Player', #1 'Show Stopper', #2 'Ring General'





Toshiharu Hyobanshi

31, Brawler

Popularity: B-

2 Months, 3 Weeks


Hyobanshi is another potential company ace but not until he gets his performance skills to a higher standard as it is those average at best performance skills that really hold him back. He has B- in 'consistency' and C/C+'s in other skills under the performace category which is not enough for him to carry the company. Loaded with Star quality, Stamina and brawler skills he is one for the future without a doubt.


Creative Meetings places: #1 'Franchise Player', #4 'Show Stopper', #1 'Who's Hot'






Pistol Pete Hall

46, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: B-

5 Months 2 Weeks


Hall is the current World Heavyweight champion and will probably remain as such until we are ready to give the title to Gakusha. Hall is by far the best performer on the roster with A's in Basics, Psychology and Safety. He's also one of the best brawlers and the only bad thing in him is his C-'s in Selling and Stamina. Fortunately for us he seems to not be affected by his age at all since he's not listed in the 'Time Decline' list at all! Even the 33 year old Barry Griffin is on #5. This is great news for us but the bad news is that his contract will run out very soon, just like with all of our main eventers.


Creative Meetings places: #2 'Franchise Player', #4 'Ring General', #3 'Who's Hot'

Current World Heavyweight champion

















Yasuhide Tayama

26, Brawler

Popularity: C-

21 Months, 1 Week


Tayama is an interesting worker. Having a good tag team with rapidly aging Shotaro Ikina, he's going to end up going single in the near future. Tayama has several things common with Hyobanshi in terms of style and performance skills but I'll expect that within few years he will be where Hyobanshi is right now. Tayama is only 26 year old and thus he's in no hurry. Right now teaming up with Ikina is the best thing for him as he'll be learning those ever important performance skills from his veteran partner.


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Who's Not'






Jack Marlowe
(Jungle Jack)

32, Brawler

Popularity: C-

23 Months, 2 Weeks


Jack Marlowe, Jungle Jack, is a great worker. He's actually that great that before the year is over, he will be signed into a Written contract by a bigger company. I'm not going to write a lot about him because I have a feeling that he won't be staying with us that long.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Show Stopper', #5 'Who's Not'






Takayuki 2000

29, Puroresu

Popularity: C-

20 Months, 1 Week


Takayuki is one for the future: Boasting C+ to B- troughout his skill arsenal, he's like Hyobanshi without the physical skills or Star quality. He's one of the potential canditates for an eventual World title run after Gakusha and Hyobanshi. The only problem with Takayuki (aswell as Kuroki) is the youngsters extremely negative attitude, even more so in the case of Kuroki. With that in mind we don't want to push Takayuki too much too soon so that his head won't get any bigger than it already is. Being just 29 years old, he has the time at his side.


Creative Meeting place: #2 'Who's Hot"






Kiminobu Kuroki

28, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: C

6 Months, 2 Weeks


Our other part of the 'next generation of GCG pure-bloods', Kuroki is a black horse for future success. He has great performance skills but lacks the actual Brawling and Technical skills so while he can carry people trough matches, those matches are going to be quite dull if there's no one to actually showcase good brawling or technical skills. Kuroki is also extremely selfish, ruthless, pessimistic and manipulative, he's also antisocial and driven. I'd say he's one of the most poisoneus workers to have in your roster in terms of lockerroom attitude.We'll have to wait and see how active of a troublemaker he's going to be and then revaluate the situation with him.


Creative Meeting places: -





Actually I would advise to run anual shows from the start as the prestige of the show will rise per time you hold it. You can make it a minimum cost throw away show if you like but I would advise to do it. It will also show you if you are running a profit and if so how large a profit on the schedule you would ultimitly want to be running. Plus if you don't make it a throw away show it gives you something to build towards.


Point taken, I'll add an annual event for WEXXV. The reason why I probably didn't think about adding is that I didn't think that far..


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Roster Overview & Evaluation


















Barry Griffin

33, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: D

8 Months


Griffin is another solid veteran in the roster with good performance skills above all. Having a C -experience tag team with Henry Bennett, the two make up the ultimate jobber tag team of the company. They will be training our youngsters and losing to those who have better skills than them, simple as that.


Creative Meeting places: #5 'Time Decline' (Occasional signs)






Shingen Miyazaki

26, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: D

11 Months, 1 Week


Miyazaki is highly-rated worker, mixing up rumble and technical skills efficiently. However he's so hot of a prospect that we will lose him during this year to a bigger company because of his great skills.


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Hot Prospects', #3 "Ring Generals'






Nathan Coleman

36, Brawler

Popularity: D+

16 Months, 3 Weeks


One of the workers on the roster that I really don't like at all is Nathan Coleman. He, like any +35 year old veteran in the roster, has great performance skills but it's his really bad personality that bothers me as he's usually one of the most agressive troublemakers in the roster. He has a good tag team with Stuart Ferdinand but they really aren't championship material because they really don't have anything but the great performance skills. Coleman will be losing to more skilled midcarders and help out the youngsters.


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Time Decline' (Few years)






Stuart Ferdinand

43, Technician

Popularity: D

5 Months, 2 Weeks


Mr. Ferdinand is a performance god. B+ in 'Basics', 'Psychology', 'Safety' and 'Consistency'. Pretty much everything that I said about Coleman can be said about Ferdinand, minus the personality which is not that bad than what Coleman has. I'm really optimistic about Ferdinand and I hope that he can wreslter for us for atleast few years until finally retiring. Ferdinand is a prime example of that skilled veteran who servers as the basis for every promotion, providing others with hints and tips and sharing his experience in the performance skills.


Creative Meeting places: #1 'Time Decline' (11 years past his prime)





Eagle Kawasawa

25, Super Junior

Popularity: C

11 Months


The odd one in the roster, Eagle Kawasawa is not only the only one with a mask, he's also the only Super Junior on the roster.
Notice how his popularity is in C and yet he's a midcarder?
That's a perfect sample of product styles vs. wrestlers style. For instance, Jimmy Cox is a main eventer and he's got C popularity aswell but because Cox is a Regular Wrestler, he's been pushed as a main eventer. Kawasawa has some good performance skills but due to his skillset and style he won't really live up to any expectations in the promotion. He could hold the Openweight title but that's about it. Another good thing could of course be that he could train others in Aerial skills and most of all he's listed as #5 in Hot Prospects so perhaps we should hold onto him just to see what will happen in few years time.


Creative Meeting places: #5 'Hot Prospects' (Could turn into exceptional in-ring talent), #5 'Show Stoppers', #5 'Who's Hot'






Shotaro Ikina

42, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: C-

22 Months, 3 Weeks


The midcard is filled with prestigious veterans! Shotaro Ikina is a four time Tag Team champion with Yasuhide Tayama and they are the current champions aswell (forgot to mention that in Tayama's profile btw!). Ikina lacks any real wrestling skills like many other veterans but backs his game up with great set of performance skills. His main job is to teach Tayama when tagging with him and train other people on the roster aswell.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Who's Not', #2 'Time Decline' (~5 years)

Current Tag Team champion with Yasuhide Tayama






Naonobu Murkami

41, Puroresu

Popularity: C-

21 Months, 3 Weeks


The veterans keep on coming! What most people don't know nor believe is that Murkami is indeed a former World Heavyweigth champion for three years, from August '99 to April '02. Like many other veterans on the roster, he's loaded with awesome performance skills but nothing else. And just like any other veteran on the roster, his job is to go against youngsters, getting easy wins and losing to better than him.


Creative Meeting places: #5 'Ring Generals, #3 'Time Decline' (Few years)











Rhino Umaga

29, Brawler

Popularity: D

19 Months, 2 Weeks


Like Shingen Miyazaki and many others on the roster, Rhino Umaga is that kind of worker who's really skilled and loaded with potential but isn't Loyal to us nor on a Written contract and thus, sadly, will leave us eventually. Umaga is a quality worker just about to reach his prime and will have a great future ahead of him, no matter where he goes.


Creative Meeting places: #3 'Hot Prospects', #3 'Who's Not'






Harumi Okazawaya

33, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: D-

19 Months


Okazawaya is a weird worker. He's a midcarder, 33 years, but he isn't really that good in anything. He has good performance skills except 'Psychology'. He's also the current Openweight champion but not for long as there are better workers on the roster who might benefit from the title more than he does.


Creative Meeting places: -

Current Openweight Champion






Samoan Machine

27, Puroresu

Popularity: D

22 Months, 1 Week


Just like Umaga and Miyazaki, Samoan Machine is sadly way too skilled for us and will probably head to BHOTWG like usual. He's incredible performer and will be headlining any major company in Japan within two years or so should he remain healthy and get a chance to showcase his skills properly.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Hot Prospects', #3 'Show Stoppers', #1 'Ring Generals', #1 'Who's Not'







Namboku Makuda

25, Technician

Popularity: D-

3 Months, 3 Weeks


Makuda is a weird case and is sort of a somewhat of a black horse for future success. He's not that bad, don't get me wrong, but he isn't great in anything yet. The good thing is his age and that he's loyal to us.


Creative Meeting places: -






Mabuchi Furusawa

21, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: E+

14 Months


Superstar. Company's ace. Owner's son.


Mabuchi Furusawa.


Only 21 year old prodigy who's already extremely talented technician. Great performance backed up by good technical skills and Star Quality, he will be skyrocketing to atleast Upper Midcard status by the end of the year, even if don't give him a lot of wins, he'll get purely over by his already good skills. I'm trying to for the soft push trough losses, trying to avoid creating a big ego for him. As this is a performance biased product, we can get really good grades out of him by just jobbing him to wrestlers who are already in their prime without pushing him too much.


Creative Meeting places:
#1 (And only) 'Next Big Thing'
, #1 'Hot Prospect' (Something extra about him, superstardom, exceptional in-ring talent, etc.)









Julian Watson

25, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: E+

24 Months, 1 Week


Watson is a fine brawler who tags alongside Jack Marlowe. However, just like most midcarders, he's loaded with potential and available to anyone to sign him and just like so many other youngster, he'll be signed to a bigger promotion within this year.


Creative Meeting places: -






Henry Bennett

33, Regular Wrestler

Popularity: E+

2 Months, 3 Weeks


See Barry Griffin or any other veteran with performance skills but nothing else.


Creative Meeting places: -




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Roster Overview & Evaluation








Here's the Roster Overview of WEXXV. One thing that really catches one's eye right from the start is the age of the main event workers on the roster: 51, 60 and 50 year old, Ohishi, Omura and Kajahara are by far the oldest main event trio in the game and twenty years past their prime. With the Warrior Engine overview I'm going to concentrate in the ways of getting the workers over, concentrating on their strenghts and the way to book the workers effectively. Let's start from Main Event.



Age, Style


Contract lenght


Analysis & Plan for the worker

Creative Meeting places



























Kimitada Ohishi

51, Brawler

Popularity: C

5 Months, 2 Weeks


Ohishi is a veteran heavyweight with a long career behind him and is pretty solid brawler. With just five months left in his contract and his retirement approaching, I'm not sure if it's wise to sign him to another contract or just job him to oblivion in the next five months. I'm pretty much leaning on the latter option. Altough he has good 'Menace' stat (B) so he will produce good angles even after he's been jobbed to others. C in 'Hardcore' is another good factor in Ohishi as long as he's active.


Creative Meeting places: #3 'Franchise Players', #3 'Show Stopper', #5 'Who's Hot', #3 'Time Decline' (16 Years)







Saionji Omura

60, Psychopath

Popularity: C+

24 Months, 3 Weeks


19 years past his prime, Omura is the 'Terry Funk' of Cornellverse. Like Ohishi, Omura also has 'Menace' in B while his 'Hardcore' skill is in C-. He will retire from (active) wrestling within few first tours but given the length of his contract it's good to have him around even if he's not an active wrestler as he's got good entertainment skills (C-, C+, B- in the first three) which makes him a natural in the announcing booth, if he doesn't leave wrestling completely. We'll job Omura to the youngsters aswell, given his age and rapidly approaching retirement.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Franchise Player', #2 'Who's Hot', #1 'Time Decline' (19 Years)







Ryu Kajahara

50, Psychopath

Popularity: B

22 Months, 2 Weeks


The youngest of the main event trio, Kajahara is a wrestling god, atleast when the WEXXV is concerned. He's the 'Tommy Cornell' of this promotion and the most entertaining man in all Japan, period. 'A' stat in 'Microphone', 'Charisma' and 'Acting', backed up with B in 'Star Quality', this man reeks of success and popularity. Kajahara is the cornerstone of the promotion and rightfully so. However, here's the funny part: As the Owner of the company he has a 'Creative clause' in his contract, thus making him untouchable in terms of losing a match if he doens't want to. However we can always try to screw up the booking notes and see what we can do about this. In my Warrior Engine games he actually loses about 1 in 25 matches but in the end that's not a major issue since 1.) just going against a superstar like Kajahara gives the opponents a boost 2.) Making him an 'authority figure' of sorts boost everyone's popularity in angles. We don't need him to lose at all actually but the losses will boost the other wrestlers popularity by leaps and bounds. The best thing about that is that it doesn't harm Kajahara at all because even if loses a grade or two from his popularity, he will immediatly bounce back because of his entertainment skills. With correct booking, he will advance a grade each show (from B to B+, B+ to A in just two shows, for example).


I'm not fond of giving him the World title however as he's above that (Very much like The Undertaker in WWE) so when going against a champion, the matches will be non-title as there's a huge risk of him winning the match with the title.


Creative Meeting places:
#1 'Franchise Player', #1 'Talk The Talk', #1 'Show Stopper, #1 'Ring Generals', #1 'Who's Hot'
, #2 'Time Decline' (18 Years)











Hiroshi Morisue

29, Psychopath

Popularity: D-

16 Months, 1 Week


Morisue is the new breed of extreme in WEXXV and will be one of the main event stars before the year is over. While D+ in performance skills for the most part, he's got B- in 'Consistency' and thus is a reliable worker and he actually has C- in 'Stamina' and 'Hardcore', making him able to have good matches. But that's not all as his most important skill has to be B+ in 'Menace' which will be the one thing that will get him over in the promotion. Expect to see Morisue rise in rankings quickly, going from D- to atleast B by the end of two tours if we are lucky. With Battle Sakata the two make up the best young team, Brothers In Vengeance, of the promotion (I'm excluding Wild Things, the tag team of Ohishi & Omura) and I'll probably give them the tag team champsionships sooner than later.


Creative Meeting places: -







Munemitsu Senmatsu

22, Brawler

Popularity: C

14 Months


The current WEXXV Warrior's Heart champion (Warrior Engine's world title), Senmatsu has been given the biggest push in the promotions history as it reads in his bio, "Whether WEXXV are creating a new star or are destoying the promotion by betting everything in an unproven rookie remains to be seen". Guess which one we are going for? Yes, the first one because Senmatsu is one for the future with his A in 'Menace' and he has overlooked entertainment skills (C, C-, D+ in first three) which will get better rapidly if we are lucky, making him even better of an all-around worker who can do entertainment and menace based angles and the ability to have a nice match against someone who can carry him into a good match.


Creative Meeting places: #3 'Who's Hot',







Gareth Wayne

34, Brawler

Popularity: D

19 Months, 2 Weeks


The gambler, John Doe, 'The True American' Jorge Washington, whatever you want to call him, Wayne is lacking focus in his career. Winding up in Warrior Engine may have been the best thing that has ever happened to him however as he's a perfect fit for the company. B in 'Menace' and C in 'Hardcore' will keep him in the upper midcard or even main event category for years to come and who knows, maybe he'll get even better? With those skills it's easy to be succesful in Warrior Engine as we'll find out later in the game. Wayne has also got some underrated performance skills which makes him a quality opponent for the other guys who don't have those skills.


Creative Meeting places: -




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Roster Overview & Evaluation








Age, Style


Contract lenght


Analysis & Plan for the worker

Creative Meeting places














Matsudaira Morioka

35, Puroresu

Popularity: E+

23 Months, 1 Week


Now here's a guy I really don't care about. For starters he's in a wrong promotion as he has nothing, and I mean nothing, that could make him a star in the promotion. But wait, that's not all: He's also getting old, he lacks some vital skills and msot of all he hasn't got that one thing which would set him apart. His wrestling skills range from E- to D and his performances skills aren't much better. When his contract runs out, it will not be renewed. I don't even care that he tags with Mamoru Nagahama, their team Naga-Mori still sucks.


Creative Meeting places: -






Larry Wood

39, Psychopath

Popularity: E+

6 Months, 1 Week


From a jobber (Morioka) to a superstar, it never seizes to amaze me how Larry Wood never got his chance to shine. His stats are incredibly awesome and to me he's one of the best workers in the game, period. A* in 'Menace', A in 'Star Quality', B in 'Hardcore', this monster is a hardcore icon. Words can't really describe how much I love Larry Wood. Expect him to take the World title from Senmatsu and lead Warrior Engine to new era, to never before seen hights.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Show Stoppers', #2 'Ring Generals', #5 'Who's Not', #4 'Time Decline' (5 Years past his prime)






Mamoru Nagahama

32, Technician

Popularity: E+

4 Months


Nagahama is like Morioka 2.0: He's much better in every way but stil isn't that great. But he has atleast something good in him: His entertainment skills (C, C+, C) make him a mainstay in the promotion and he will probably end up being a midcard mainstay. He's not that old either so time will tell if he ever becomes anything. He kind of looks like The Rock doesn't he? It must be the people eyebrow.


Creative Meeting places: #1 'Who's Not'






Koichi Kajiwara

32, Brawler

Popularity: E+

9 Months


The 'King Of Deathmatches' champion Kajiwara is a weird case. No wrestling skills, no 'Star Quality' nor entertainment kills but he has D- in 'Hardcore' and a nice C+ in 'Menace'. Like with Nagahama, time will tell if he ever becomes anything before his career is over. Right now he's another mediocre brawler in Warrior Engine. If Nagahama looks like The Rock, Kajiwara looks like that


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Who's Hot'






Henry Lee

38, Psychopath

Popularity: E+

11 Months, 2 Weeks


One half of the 'American Psychos' with Doug Peak, Henry Lee is another ex-DAVE psychopath. However he has great entertainment skills (B-, B+, B) and D+ in 'Hardcore' but he doesn't speak Japanese yet so we won't be able to use his entertainment skills until the end of the year so Lee is a long time investment for us.


(np. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - 1995 - Murder Ballads - 03 - Henry Lee)


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Talk The Talk', #2 'Who's Not'














Doug Peak

28, Brawler

Popularity: E

17 Months, 2 Weeks


The other half of 'American Psychos', Doug Peak is one for the future. Even though he's nowhere near the greatness of his big brother Eddie Peak, he's still a good worker for any hardcore promotion with his B- in 'Menace' and C- in 'Hardcore'. Right now he's yet another low midcarder but in few years he will become even better and perhaps in five years could easily main event the promotion, who knows? Another good thing in Doug is that he has a long contract so even if we push him during the first year it won't have any effect on our finances.


Creative Meeting places: #2 'Hot Prospect', #3 'Who's Not'






Battle Sakata

31, Brawler

Popularity: E

11 Months, 1 Week


From a bunch of bad wrestlers to a good one, Sakata is an exception in the Warrior Engine roster. Teaming up with Hiroshi Morisue in Brothers In Vengeance, Sakata is clearly the solid part of the tandem with his good performance skills (B, C-, B, B, C) and he has nice brawling and hardcore aswell in his arsenal. But right now he doesn't have that one skill or area of skills which would get him over so we'll see. Right now his main task is to teach Morisue and others more performance skills.


Creative Meeting places: -






Travis Century

44, Brawler

Popularity: E-

Touring contract (2 months)


Century is just like Henry Lee with better performance skills. Sadly retirement is approaching quickly but that doesn't mean that we should not use him: He's got good performance skills and C- in 'Hardcore' and B- in 'Menace' so we will still get good grades out of Century until he retires. Just like Lee, Century doesn't speak Japanese yet but when he does, we can start using his good entertainment skills aswell!


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Show Stopper', #3 'Ring Generals', #4 'Who's Not', #5 'Time Decline' (first signs)








Zeshin Makioka

21, Spot Monkey

Popularity: F+

6 Months, 2 Weeks


Makioka is probably the worst worker in the whole roster. C+ and B- in ,Flying Skills' and nothing else to brag about just isn't going to cut it. He isn't menacing nor entertaining nor does have a decent 'Star Quality'. He will be the resident jobber of the roster for years to come, if we are even going to renew his contract.


Creative Meeting places: #4 'Hot Prospects'






Taheji Konoe

21, Brawler

Popularity: E-

19 Months


Konoe resembles a young Gareth Wayne to me in some ways. C in 'Brawling' and in 'Hardcore' he's better than average brawler and his 'Star Quality' of B is not bad either! He teams up with Munemitsu Senmatsu, the current Warrior's Heart champion and while the two make a good team I'm kind of reluctant on making them an active team due to their huge different in popularity and the fact that the team would just hold Senmatsu behind. Konoe is really young and already talented, he will surely be Warrior Engine's top stars in his prime. Just like in Doug Peak's case, the huge contract is always a good thing.


Creative Meeting places: #3 'Hot Prospects'









Kinji Akamatsu

24, Brawler

Popularity: F+

12 Months, 1 Week


Perhaps the second worst worker on the roster, Akamatsu lacks any kind of performance and wrestling skills but he has decent entertainment stats right from the start (C-, C-, C) which should get him atleast atleast some exposure. One can't forget that he's only 24 years so time is on his side and we are in no rush of pushing him anywhere for few years or so. Last but not least, he's the #1 'Hot Prospect'


Creative Meeting places: #1 'Hot Prospect'



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I'm not normally a fan of diaries that concentrate more on the mechanics of the game over the telling of a good story but this is presented in such a way that it actually makes this sort of diary interesting and I might pick up some tips to be a better player.


It reminds me of those Strategy Guides you can pick up in Computer game shops.


I'm with NoNeck there should be one of these for every single Cornellverse promotion :D


Hope you stick with this project, as it's really good what you're doing here.

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