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The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'

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One thing one has to remember is that every match that you run is based on so many factors and involve random calculations in each and every match everytime a match takes place. Card positioning affects a lot.


Let me demonstrate. These are just grades out of my head just for the sake of this argument, the matches will have no chemistry nor 'off his game' notes.


Match 1 gets E+


Match 2 gets D+


Match 3 gets B-


The first match of the night will instantly drag the crowd's mood down and thus it affects straightly into the next segment(s), in this case the next match (A segment that is D- or lower will drag the crowd's mood and a segment that is B- or higher will raise it!). If match 1 was D in stead of E+, the second match could easily be C- because the crowd mood didn't go down but also due random calculations that takes place in every match. The main event which is B- will raise that crowd mood and affect the show's overall grade. However in this case the overall grade would be a 'high' C+ probably mainly because of the lackluster opening match.


Here's anothing thing: Don't just blindly stare at grades folks. TEW08 uses percents in everything (Momentum, popularity, skills, prestige, match/angle grades and the overall show grade). Which means that there can be such a thing like a 'low' C grade and a 'high' C grade, both of which are really close to another grade in percents but are still in the C range. Sometimes an overall show grade looks like that it wouldn't raise your popularity as generally if you are at D- pop at a region you need atleast D+ pop to raise your popularity in there but for example you just rised to D- in that region and you happen to have a 'high' D overall grade from the show, that would increase your popularity there due to the percentage difference being enough even though the grade difference is just one. ;)


About the wrestler's style affecting matches.. There might be some truth in that but if it's true then the effect wouldn't be that much and as I demonstrated in this post that the random calculations make it really hard to test this thing. If that thing is true that style affects match there would be of course a logical reason behind it and that would be that the fans don't like that style of wrestlers. That's why they are pushed as less in the roster in the first place.

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It's a nice feeling when you are right about something.






Kimitada Ohishi was featured in the news on Friday where it said that he's approaching retirement. On the next day on Saturday I was quite confused when I got an email about "New Goals" but then after looking the goals, I noticed that the goal about Ohishi and having his momentum on B at the end of
the goal has disappeared
just like I thought it would be. Not only that but he's changed from an active worker into a semi-active worker and is now pushed as Upper Midcarder as Munemitsu Senmatsu is now replacing him as a main eventer. Pretty cool, huh?








Kimitada Yanagita, 37

1500$ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract

Midcarder, Frustrated Golfer

Pop: E+


With 1500$ per appearance Yanagita is the most expensive worker on the roster on a PPA contract. Even Saionji Omura has 1,320$ but he's C+ pop and is made for this promotion. Yanagita has E+ pop all over of Japan but he's a performance god which we don't have that many on the roster and Yanagita now joins both categories: 'Show Stoppers' and 'Ring General' in place #3 in both, joining Kajahara, Wood and Century. Yanagita has B- to B+ in 'Performance skills' so we'll probably using him in tag matches. He also has C- in 'Brawling' and D+ in 'Hardcore' so he's actually useful apart from his performance skills. Some players are really strict in contract signings and don't really sign people who are quite expensive, I'm not like that because I know that even though we are losing money at the moment as much as about 5,000$ per show we won't be for long as when we get more popular in Kanto and soon we'll be making profit and we don't have to worry about worker's salaries anymore.






Chaos Demon #1, 32

800£ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract

Lower Midcarder, Sidekick

Pop: E


While #1 lacks pretty much any skills he has those two skills that make him really useful: 'Hardcore' in C- and 'Menace' in B. Of course the tag team experience of B with #2 is another great factor in Chaos Demons, always remember to add the tag team into the Tag Team menu!






Chaos Demon #2, 32

700$ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract

Midcarder, Maniac

Pop: E


#2 is pretty much a carbon copy of #1 just with better 'Hardcore' skill of C.






Madman Boone, 31

500$ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract

Opener, Wild Man

Pop: F+


Boone on the other hand is really unknown in Japan but here's why it was a wise thing to sign him: C in 'Hardcore', B in 'Menace' and B in 'Selling' which pretty much means that no matter what he does he will get over and/or provide good grades, whether he's in hardcore matches, attacking people on menacing angles or making others look extremely good because of his supremy selling. For any US promotion he's a good signing with C- popularity, don't underestimate Boone folks!





The Second Show






I did the main event, another BBW deathmatch with Kajahara d. Peak, 10+8. No booking notes other than victor


The Opener, same match style, Wayne going over Ohishi, 10+8


Semi-Main event, Hardcore match with Century d. Lee, 4+2.



With 18 minutes left I then added 'the second angle' which is 'Monster Unleashed ver2', attacker Wayne and victims Ohishi and Kajahara, 9min.



The first angle is 'Ambush Singles Ver4' with catalyst Kajahara rated on Entertainment, victim Wayne and attackers Ohishi, Peak and Century, 9min aswell. It's not logical by any means and it doesn't have to be, I just want to test if this angle provides any boost in popularity for the wrestlers who aren't as popular but also to test if Kajahara is too popular for them to appear in the same angle. I'll be doing the show in the format I used with GCG, putting my own notes right after each segment as it feels much better than the format I used on the first show.. Let's run the show and see what happens!








Gareth Wayne defeated Kimitada Ohishi
in 10:08 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker. D+

Kimitada Ohishi has now switched to a Maniac gimmick. It has gotten an initial
rating. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The World storyline has continued with this match.

Nice opener and a good rating out of these two and notice how Ohishi's new gimmick earns B+ rating which is awesome. Kajahara at the announcing booth gives each match a big boost because of his insane entertainment skills.




Ryu Kajahara is in the ring, and calls out Gareth Wayne to face him. As soon as Gareth Wayne appears he gets jumped by Kimitada Ohishi, Doug Peak and Travis Century, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Gareth Wayne down and out. D

Ryu Kajahara came out of this looking excellent.
Doug Peak underperformed. Travis Century underperformed.
The World storyline has continued with this segment. Travis Century is learning to show more charisma.

Just what I thought: There's a huge gap between Kajahara and the rest of the roster in terms of popularity that it's actually
hurting the unpopular guys
while it makes Kajahara look fantastic. This is not the effect we want so we have to pay even more attention when putting guys in the same angles with Kajahara or any other popular main eventer.




Travis Century defeated Henry Lee
in 4:04 by pinfall with a Salvation. E

The rowdy crowd
made their dislike of Henry Lee pretty clear. Henry Lee seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Henry Lee is improving in Performance skills.

Not only did the crowd hate Lee beacuse of lack of performance skills, he also underperformed. Guess why I did put him against Travis Century? Because Century is a 'Ring General', someone who can carry the dead weight into a decent match. Notice which skill is mentioned in the 'Lee is improving' line. We cannot push anyone who lacks those vital performance skills and that's why we are going to use guys like Century, Wood, Yamanaka and Kajahara against those who lack the performance skills. This is the main reason we hired Yamanaka in the first place.




Kimitada Ohishi and Ryu Kajahara are in the ring. Out of nowhere, Gareth Wayne hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves both team mates completely destroyed. C+

Kimitada Ohishi
performed poorly
in this segment. The performance of Ryu Kajahara was fantastic. The World storyline has continued with this segment.

Again Kajahara looks too good compared to Ohishi (popularity C- or lower as he was defeated by Wayne earlier)
but not when compared to Wayne
(popularity D or more because he defeated Ohishi earlier)
and here's why
: Gareth Wayne was rated by 'Menace' in this segment which he has in 'B' and thus it makes him convincing enough so that he doesn't look bad at all when he attacks Kajahara who's at B+ pop. However Ohishi, now C- pop or lower, looks really bad when compared to Kajahara who's at B+, the gap is too big. On the other hand if Ohishi had been rated on Menace which he has on B there would have not been a problem in the angle at all. This same pattern applies to any angle: If a wrestler is being rated any of the different types (Menace, overness, entertainment, microphone, sex appeal) you have to make sure that the other workers can reach that same level, whatever the level is, so that no one performs poorly when compared to others.




Ryu Kajahara defeated Doug Peak
in 9:45 by submission with a Kajahara Claw. D+

Doug Peak was visibly tiring toward the end. The match deserved better colour commentary. The performance of Ryu Kajahara stood out as being good. Doug Peak is improving in Performance skills.

A nice D+ from our main event but notice what happens when Kajahara was wrestling and not on the announcing booth, the match deserved better colour commentary. I forgot to add anyone into the booth just for this match so it suffered from the lack of another guy in the booth as our announcer Yamazaki is only good in announcing. Another thing that you should notice is that Kajahara's performance stood out as being good but it didn't take away from Peak. One last thing, notice how Peak improved in performance skills.



Overall Grade: D+


D+ is all we need in order to get more popular and now we have actually moved from E- to E in Kanto, yay! A nice and well balanced show from which we learned a lot, didn't we?





Doug Peak: E -> E+

Gareth Wayne: D -> D+

Kimitada Ohishi: C- -> D+

Travis Century: E- -> E+

Henry Lee: E+ -> E


Wow, Century made a two grade leap by being in a D rated angle and defeating Lee who was at E+. Whereas Lee dropped one grade, Century went up two! Or the other way around, perhaps Lee was saved from a two grade drop by appearing in that angle?
  • After the event there was an incident involving Travis Century and Motoichi Arakida, our road agent. I chose 'Fatherly approach' and got 'I'll try not to let it happen again'.

After the show I also signed The Big Problem:





The Big Problem, 26

200$ + Travel Exp. PPA

Enhancement Talent, Enforcer

Pop: F-


He's very cheap yet extremely useful: You can't go wrong with A* 'Menace'. Another great thing about Problem is his decent performance skills which are just good enough so that he won't be hated by the crowd and of course his D+ in 'Hardcore'. This guy is going to be a huge star for us! Sadly he's 26 years old and not 25 and thus will not become automaticly Loyal to us.





NEXT: More shows with GCG I guess






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GCG has now signed a 12 month long PPV deal with Jade 237, a 'Very Small' PPV carrier.




GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Fri), Week 2

Medium, 2hrs




Julian Watson defeated Samoan Machine
in 5:50 by pinfall with a Tiger Claw DDT. D

Samoan Machine and Julian Watson just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

First negative chemistry of the night but atleast something was saved by the great commentary.



Hirokazu Yamanoue and Naonobu Murkami defeated SUKI and Mabuchi Furusawa
in 10:05 when Hirokazu Yamanoue defeated SUKI by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. C-

The announcing quality lifted the match. SUKI is improving in Performance skills.

Debut of Yamanoue whom we signed, more on that after the show. SUKI improves in performance, just what we wanted and the main thing we were after. The second thing what I looked for was a possible tag team chemistry with two of our younger stars, SUKI and Furusawa Jr. Should there had been chemistry between the two, it would have created an awesome tag team for the future.





Takayuki 2000 defeated Shingen Miyazaki
in 14:47 by submission with a Persian Deathlock. C-

Takayuki 2000 and Shingen Miyazaki don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Shingen Miyazaki is improving in Flying skills.

Nice opener ruined by yet another bad chemistry.



Yasuhide Tayama defeated Barry Griffin
in 14:42 by pinfall. D

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

I was wishing for Tayama to learn performance from Griffin but not this time.



Harumi Okazawaya and Masutaro Kataoka defeated Rhino Umaga and Namboku Makuda
in 10:28 when Masutaro Kataoka defeated Rhino Umaga by submission with a Sunrise Hold. D+

Masutaro Kataoka seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match.



Jimmy Cox defeated Eagle Kawasawa
in 14:52 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. C

Jimmy Cox is improving in Flying skills.

I was actually looking for an effect complete opposite, I wanted Kawasawa to learn technical skills and not Cox learn flying.



Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Shotaro Ikina
in 15:20 by pinfall with a Nova Bomb Redux. C

Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Shotaro Ikina don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Toshiharu Hyobanshi is improving in Technical skills. Shotaro Ikina is improving in Performance skills.

The third and last bad chemistry of the night but atleast the guys learned something.



Gakusha & Kuroki defeated Coleman & Ferdinand
in 15:45 when Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Stuart Ferdinand by pinfall with a Gakusha Golden Bomb. C+

Kiminobu Kuroki was visibly tiring toward the end. Stuart Ferdinand was visibly tiring toward the end. Nathan Coleman is improving in Performance skills. Stuart Ferdinand is improving in Flying skills.

Surprisingly good match out of Coleman & Ferdinand mainly because of the quality opponents.



Pistol Pete Hall defeated Jack Marlowe
in 19:48 by pinfall with a Pistol Whip Lariat. B

Pistol Pete Hall was visibly tiring toward the end. This match lifted the crowd. Jack Marlowe is improving in Rumble skills.

Great main event.


Overall Grade: B-










GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Sun), Week 2

Medium, 2hrs





Eagle Kawasawa and Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Griffin & Bennett
in 7:48 when Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Henry Bennett by submission with a Furusawa Armbar. D+

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Barry Griffin is improving in Performance skills. Henry Bennett is improving in Performance skills. Mabuchi Furusawa is improving in Flying skills.

Nice match and a lot of learning.



Shotaro Ikina defeated SUKI
in 8:03 by pinfall with an Ikina Driver. D

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Shotaro Ikina is improving in Performance skills.





Jack Marlowe defeated Hirokazu Yamanoue
in 11:57 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. D+

Hirokazu Yamanoue and Jack Marlowe just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Hah, another bad chemistry note in another show.



Jimmy Cox defeated Julian Watson
in 13:52 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. C-

Masatake Hori and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Hanshiro Furusawa and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match.

Nothing from this match.



Naonobu Murkami defeated Namboku Makuda
in 12:37 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. D+

Masatake Hori and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Hanshiro Furusawa and Isei Deushi have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match.

Nothing from this either.


Harumi Okazawaya defeated Masutaro Kataoka
in 15:18 by pinfall with a Hurricane Harumi. Harumi Okazawaya makes defence number 3 of his GCG Openweight Championship title. C-

Guess what, nothing. Sigh..



Rhino Umaga and Shingen Miyazaki defeated Coleman & Ferdinand
in 14:46 when Rhino Umaga defeated Stuart Ferdinand by pinfall with a Rhino Charge. C-

What is happening!?



Pistol Pete Hall defeated Yasuhide Tayama
in 16:26 by pinfall with a Pistol Whip Lariat. C

Pistol Pete Hall was visibly tiring toward the end. Yasuhide Tayama was visibly tiring toward the end.




Hiroyasu Gakusha and Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Takayuki 2000 and Kiminobu Kuroki
in 21:23 when Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Kiminobu Kuroki by pinfall with a Gakusha Golden Bomb. B

Kiminobu Kuroki was visibly tiring toward the end. This match lifted the crowd. Takayuki 2000 is improving in Rumble skills.

FINALLY, TAKAYUKI 2000, HAS COME BACK, TO.. Hokkaido? No, he learned rumble skills. On yeah, great main event btw, was looking for tag chemistry between our main eventers.



Overall Grade: B-





The second show got a penalty because I had forgotten to adjust the push levels by inserting those unneeded guys to active roles such as my useless User Character and the crappy announcer of GCG which I did for the first show but not for the second because I pressed autopush button and forgot to manually do the thing again. We we had 25 people on the roster while the recommended amount was 26 minimum and thus I think that GCG might have lost atleast prestige or even popularity from that. It's funny how there's so many things to think about that I sometimes forget to point out some things or in this case forget to do stuff.





New Signings:





Hirokazu Yamanoue, 32

1000$ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract


Pop: E+


Hirokazu Yamanoue is a good solid wrestler, a guy who is never overly flashy but is always reliable. He also Pro Wrestling SAISHO's head booker. He has his 'Performance' in B and 'Technical' skills in C- so he's yet another performance overdozed veteran in our undercard.






Kimitada Yanagita, 37

1500$ + Travel Exp. Touring Contract


Pop: E+


Unlike with WEXXV where I signed Yanagita aswell, he's not nearly as important. Just like Yamanoue, he's another performance freak lost in the midcard, putting more talented people over.








  • Owner Goal #3: Mabuchi Furusawa must have reached at least C- grade momentum when the time expires. Importance: High. Expires: 18 months.

As I had once again predicted correctly, Mabuchi has now reached D- level or 'Respect' and thus is no longer classified as a 'Young Lion' and immediately the owner goal came because Mabuchi is the son of the owner, Hanshiro Furusawa.







Two Questions:




  • Question #1:
    Now that Mabuchi is no longer a 'Young Lion',
    should we start pushing Mabuchi Furusawa?
    Mabuchi is 21 year old superstar in the making, his performance skills are B / B- / B- / B / C- and his Technical skills are B- / C+ / B-. Star Quality is at B and Stamina is at C+. His behaviour right now is 'humble, ruthless, manipulatice & mercenary'. His contract expires in ~14 months.

  • Question #2:
    What do you guys think of the 'schedule' of the diary, ie. should I continue doing the promotions week by week or month by month? Meaning that I'll do complete month just GCG (the rest of January) and then do the January with WEXXV. Then play February in the GCG save and then continue to WEXXV's Feb. Feedback is always welcome and I'd really like to thank you guys who nominated this one to this month's Rookie DOTM and to everyone who reads this diary and/or has commented. This diary is so easy and fast to do that I'm enjoying every minute of doing this

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Question 1 - push him! Maybe not a monster push, but I wouldn't at all mind seeing him move up the card.


Question 2 - I'll honestly keep reading with either format. The GCG stuff interests me more then WEXXV, but I think its whatever is going to be easiest and most fun for you.

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Q1. With regard to the owner goal, is it just a case of hitting that momentum at some point between now and the time limit, or does he have to be there at the expiry point? If the latter, push him later. If the former, push him now and try and get him relatively over now before you forget :p (I'd also like to know the answer generally - I can never work it out myself...)


Q2. I'd say week by week - that way you don't get too wrapped up in one game.

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I'd say week by week but because of the difference between the two companies than anything else. This is an incredibly useful thread, and made even more so by the fact that you are running two very different tutorial games - an entertainment company as well as a performance based company. This way, people who are more interested in one than the other won't come into it and go "oh great, now I've got a month's worth of shows to ignore until he gets to my stuff". I think that by running one week and then the other, you're keeping both sides happier. We're an impatient bunch you know.
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Mabuchi Furasawa doesn't need to be pushed to the moon yet. GCG at this time should be about Hyobanshi and Gakusha.


As I haven't played performance based promotions much, I would like to have you play each game for a couple of weeks and post results.


This is a great idea, and I'll be following it as long as you continue it.

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Thank you everyone who commented :) Few things:


* The goal was about him reaching C- when the goal expires, so we won't have to have him at C- or higher momentum before the goal is over. We just have to make sure that he's indeed at C- or higher momentum when the goal end in 1½ years :p


* Hyde Hill made a good point about the skill improvement not always showing and he's right on that. Sometimes the improvement is so small that the game's road agent notes won't say anything about it. On top of that, the wrestlers learn their skills outside the ring aswell 'on their own' when they are 'training', browsing trough old videotapes and such.


* As far as Mabuchi Furusawa goes.. I'm leaning on between pushing him and pushing him slowly rather than not push him at all. Because this is a tutorial, I would actually want to see if he really does develop an ego if he's pushed hard because I really haven't seen that happen in my games. I would actually be looking forward to that just so that I can say 'This is what happens if you push your young/egomaniac stars too hard or too early' :D

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Wow, this is such an eye opener.


It really makes me realize what I've been doing wrong with angles this whole time.


I really want to re-start RIPW to change a few things, but I'll settle for just altering how I proceed from this point on and blaming Eisen for all the mistakes I made earlier :D

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Thank you everyone who commented :) Few things:


* The goal was about him reaching C- when the goal expires, so we won't have to have him at C- or higher momentum before the goal is over. We just have to make sure that he's indeed at C- or higher momentum when the goal end in 1½ years :p


* Hyde Hill made a good point about the skill improvement not always showing and he's right on that. Sometimes the improvement is so small that the game's road agent notes won't say anything about it. On top of that, the wrestlers learn their skills outside the ring aswell 'on their own' when they are 'training', browsing trough old videotapes and such.


* As far as Mabuchi Furusawa goes.. I'm leaning on between pushing him and pushing him slowly rather than not push him at all. Because this is a tutorial, I would actually want to see if he really does develop an ego if he's pushed hard because I really haven't seen that happen in my games. I would actually be looking forward to that just so that I can say 'This is what happens if you push your young/egomaniac stars too hard or too early' :D


I'd definitely godpush Mabuchi in the tutorial just to see if a ego develops. All I know is that in my games, he winds up being Main Event even if I slowburn him.

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WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Wednesday), Week 2

Small, 1Hr

Ryu Kajahara has a microphone, and tears into Battle Sakata, telling him that he is going to get easily beaten in their upcoming match. B+

This segment lifted the crowd.

Nothing special here, just the normal Kajahara promo which always levels him up one grade.



Larry Wood defeated Kimitada Ohishi
in 10:01 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. D-

Kimitada Ohishi was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Kimitada Ohishi is improving in Performance skills. D-

Ohishi is retirering at a fast pace so he's getting jobbed again to Wood but this match brought the crowd's mood down so it's red colour for the segment!



Ryu Kajahara is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Hiroshi Morisue hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Ryu Kajahara completely destroyed. B

The World storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Morisue's random attack on Kajahara works as always.



Kimitada Yanagita defeated Hiroshi Morisue
in 4:09 by pinfall with a Yanagita Crush. E

Hiroshi Morisue and Kimitada Yanagita just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Ouch. Wished for a slightly better match grade, atleast a D- but no, the bad chemistry notes seem to follow us from the GCG save to this WEXXV save.



Ryu Kajahara is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Larry Wood hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Ryu Kajahara completely destroyed. B+

This segment lifted the crowd.

Kajahara is getting beaten again, this time by Wood.



Ryu Kajahara defeated Battle Sakata
in 10:15 by submission with a Kajahara Claw. C

Ryu Kajahara came out of the match looking good.

Wasn't expecting a C from this to be honest but I guess Sakata's performance skills added into the match or it was just Kajahara's insane popularity that made the match.



Overall Grade: C-


A C- overall is nothing to be ashamed of as we are still at E popularity in Kanto. The three angles were each 6min long.












WEXXV Bloodbath Tour (Saturday), Week 2

Small, 1Hr


Saionji Omura is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Chaos Demon #1 hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Saionji Omura completely destroyed. C+

Debut of Chaos Demon #1 and his gimmick 'Sidekick' gets a B+ rating!



Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Madman Boone
in 4:28 by pinfall with a Release Powerbomb. Munemitsu Senmatsu makes defence number 2 of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart title. D-

Munemitsu Senmatsu seemed off his game tonight.
Munemitsu Senmatsu could use something to freshen his character up.
The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

I honestly can't remember if I have added the 'Release powerbomb' into Munemitsu's moveset but it really doesn't matter in the end. Madman Boone's gimmick 'Wild Man' gets an astonishing B+!! Senmatsu's gimmick on the other hand needs changing but it's rated as B+ so we are in no hurry of changing it right now as we can still get good grades out of him. Altough we have to pay attention to it in the future if the message changes to something else, like 'desperately needs a gimmick change', etc..



Saionji Omura is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Chaos Demon #2 hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Saionji Omura completely destroyed. C

Chaos Demon #2's gimmick was 'Maniac' and it scored a tad disappointing C perhaps due to it's difficulty. Well, he's on a Touring contract so we can change his gimmick if and when he returns to us in the next tour! Yet another benefit of a 'Touring contract.
A nice C grade out of this segment is nothing to be ashamed of.



Saionji Omura defeated Chaos Demon #1
in 10:01 by pinfall with a Collapsing Piledriver. D

Saionji Omura was really off his game tonight. Saionji Omura was visibly tiring toward the end. Chaos Demon #1 got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren't impressed. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Chaos Demon #1 gets the hatred of the crowd upon himself due to his decent performance skills. I'm sure that with just a little bit of learning in 'Psychology' which is at D now he'll be accepted by the hostile Warrior Engine fans.



Ryu Kajahara is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Munemitsu Senmatsu hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Ryu Kajahara completely destroyed. B

The World storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.



Ryu Kajahara defeated Chaos Demon #2
in 9:44 by submission with a Kajahara Claw. C-

Hah! In your face, a
C- out of Chaos Demon #2 who's at E popularity in the region!
. Yet another perfect example of what a good hardcore skill and quality opponent can do. #2 has C in 'Hardcore' which really boosted the rating. Had it been in, let's say, D-, the match would have scored probably D or even D-.



Overall Grade: C-


Yet another great C- overall grade. Chaos Demons and Madman Boone debuted succesfully, gimmick ratings B+, C and B+ which is really good. Let's see how we did in popularity changes this week!





Kimitada Ohishi:
D+ to D

Larry Wood:
D to D+

Kimitada Yanagita:
E+ to D-

Ryu Kajahara:
B+ to A

Chaos Demon #2:
E to E+


Four guys went up in popularity and only one fell one grade down. Imagine what this will be like if and when we are able to use the whole roster?



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FIN, taking just a few things I learned from this thread, I've bumped up my fed 2 letter grades a show.


I think I've always been afraid of "Worker X was starting to tire" notes so I made my matches super short (usually 6-10 minutes because the roster has terrible stamina). These short matches were not only making my write-ups a pain because I'd have 15 segements to write in a 2 hour show, but was seriously selling my workers short. Now that I'm giving them longer matches they're really starting to shine with better match grades.


Case in point, I was able to pull a C match out of Leo friggin' Davis just by letting him run a bit longer. Granted that was his opponent carrying the match, but still that was rather impressive.


Thanks again, FIN.

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If you sign them at 25 years of age they instantly become loyal to you? I never knew this!


In Japan only where the option 'Loyalty' is set 'On'. Check it out in the main menu: Editor -> Edit Database -> Database Info -> 'Worker Loyalty' is set as Active in Japan, aswell as Young Lions. :cool: Loyalty can also be achieved if the worker has worked for you for a certain number of years and/or if you have made him a star and/or depending on your actions when there's incidents in the locker room depending on their personality. In my Cornellverse '97 save with BBW, Tiger Fuyuki came 'Loyal' to me after I had fired a worker he disliked over an incident they had. :p


Praguepride, awesome to hear that!

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Thanks. Never noticed that in the editor. Anyways looking forward to the next shows. Oh by the way, say I'm using SWF and I'm booking there tv show. What would be an appropriate match time to get decent results. Like praguepride, I never knew the times had any effect.
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Thanks. Never noticed that in the editor. Anyways looking forward to the next shows. Oh by the way, say I'm using SWF and I'm booking there tv show. What would be an appropriate match time to get decent results. Like praguepride, I never knew the times had any effect.


I'm not sure but I think that Praguepride's promotion was biased on performance and thus long matches equals grades for him, just like in GCG that I'm running. With SWF, which is heavily biased on popularity, the thing you need to do is not long matches, it is long angles. The WEXXV part of this diary covers that aspect of the game, getting people over by angles. The more biased the product is towards popularity the less time you need in matches and vice versa.


If you like you can post a show you've booked to this thread or PM me and we'll figure out what's going on. Remember to post the minutes used for each segment and the grade it got.

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Out of curiosity, is there a way to change the chemistry between guys. If Mean Jean Cattley and Rip Chord have bad chemistry, is it always going to be that way or can it change over time and get better, or even worse if you use them together? Or will it always stay bad if it's bad at the start, or if it's great will it always stay great?
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