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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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That was absolutely perfect, FC. Just the kind of thing I was looking for. Seems like you put a lot of thought into it, and it came across great. Nice work.

Thanks, though I really don't think much thought was necessary. You gave me a great overview, and all I had to do was run with it.


Hey, FinalCountdown, great job with the backstage report. Great addition to the Bash.

Which was, in turn, a great ppv. Nice job with everything, jw. Great dynasty you're running here.

Thanks; glad you enjoyed it. And agreed, it was a great PPV.

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels

-Not yet, Chavito...


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H

-Perhaps by DQ, when Tomko gets involved.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels

By DQ when Masked Man attacks him


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H

Needs to build more momentum as champion


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???

I know Carlito's on the way out and you should never go against the question marks, but I just don't see him losing the title before a PPV.


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

Just got back and is most likely kick major ass for the next couple of weeks.


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus


Michelle needs this more then Trish does

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shelton Benjamin


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus


Also, I'd like to say this is ties for my favorite ongoing timeline at the moment with acjrible's TWL and NoNeck's PWC.

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels - and -PUSSHH


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H - Tomko/Show interferes to give Edge the win.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ??? - Cheaply, to set up a fued to the next PPV.


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch - To remind us Kane is a monster.


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus - McCool is still very green at this point, and Stratus is a good worker.

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels

It'll be a close match but both men could be elevated and Chavo will be hurt less by the loss


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H

Through cheap shenanigans


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???

Carlito needs to learn some humility.


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

Super-monsters eat rednecks for breakfast


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

Bigger name, better in-ring, more history with champion, face vs heel

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LIVE from The Alltel Arena

Attendance is 10,000 (Sell Out)

The Announce Team for Monday Night Raw is:





In the Dark Match of the evening, Rob Conway picked up a victory over Eugene. After the bout Conway attacked Eugene before grabbing a mic and stating that his time is coming...




<object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_dgS4ChSiE?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_dgS4ChSiE?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object>


The opening video plays before the pyro explodes, and 10,000 fans rise to their feet, ready for another action packed edition of Monday Night Raw.


Ross: The landscape of Monday Night Raw has changed dramatically in the past 24 hours as we come to you live from the sold out Alltel Arena. I’m Jim Ross, alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler”. And King, we have a brand new WWE Champion.


Lawler: That’s right; “The Rated R Superstar”, with a slight distraction from The Big Show and the returning Kane, defeated John Cena for the gold. And as a result, John Cena will NOT get a shot at the gold so long as Edge is the champion.


Ross: And speaking of the champion, it looks like he has something set up in the ring right now.


The cameras get a shot of the ring, where a red carpet has been laid and a table with champagne on ice is sitting in the corner. And in the centre of the ring stands Lita, who has a microphone in her hand.


Lita: Ladies and gentlemen; it is my honour, my pleasure, my privilege to introduce to you the man who single-handedly ended the reign of that poser John Cena. He is your BRAND NEW WWE Champion; “The Rated R Superstar” EDGE.


“Metalingus” by Alter Bridge blasts through the speakers, and out onto the stage stands the new WWE Champion, the title belt draped over his shoulder. Black, white and red balloons fall from the ceiling as he heads to the ring, the fans booing him as he steps through the ropes and grabs the microphone from Lita. It took a while for the jeers to die down before Edge could finally speak.


Edge: Last night at The Great American Bash, one moment stood out above all others. After months of being held down and screwed over time and time again, “The Rated R Superstar” finally dethroned the “Face of WWE”, John Cena. I killed the cancer that was his farcical Championship reign. And now, thanks to me, he will NEVER get another shot at this belt so long as I hold it. And believe me; I intend to hold it for a very, VERY long time. For months John Cena has made a mockery of this title belt, of this company. He is nothing more than a low life, wannabe tough guy who has these sheep following his every word. A couple of cute catchphrases don’t cut it with me, John. I saw through you from the very beginning. But do you want to know what the biggest travesty was, John? Do you want to know what made me sick? This piece of crap Spinning Belt you had made for yourself. You basically took a crap on everybody who held this belt before you. And now it gives me great pleasure to do the one thing I’ve wanted to do since I saw you parade this belt around on your shoulder. Lita, let’s get this over with.


Lita headed to the outside and, from underneath the ring, she grabbed a trashcan and threw it into the ring and set it up next to Edge, the crowd sensing what was coming next.


Edge: John, your reign is over, and mine has now begun. So it’s only fitting that we say “Out with the old, in with the new”. Lita, take out the trash.


Edge handed the title belt to Lita, who promptly threw the belt into the trash, the boos ringing out (although there was a vocal minority who were delighted). Lita then reached underneath the table that was set up in the ring and pulled out a black bag, which she handed to Edge. Edge unzipped the bag and pulled out a familiar object...




Edge held the new championship high above his head before continuing.


Edge: THIS is the WWE Championship, and finally you people have a champion to be proud of, a champion that won’t make a complete mockery of this belt. And now the big question on everybody’s mind is who the first challenger to the belt will be. Well I can tell you one thing is for certain; it WON’T be John Cena. I made sure of that last night. So quite frankly, I...


Edge was suddenly cut off when

played, and out stepped Triple H, the fans on their feet at the arrival of “The Game”. Edge looked more than a little annoyed when Hunter stepped through the ropes and grabbed a mic.


Edge: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m kinda in the middle of something here. You better have a damn good reason to step out here and interrupt me.


HHH: Yeah, I have a good reason to be out here. You see, even after my war last night with Tomko, which I won by the way, my hearing is still pretty clear. And I could have sworn I just heard you say something about a challenger for that title. Well if you’re looking for a challenger, you just found one.


Edge: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up there, Hunter. What are you, General Manager all of a sudden? You think you can just make a match whenever you feel like it? Banging the boss’s daughter only gets you so far. Oh, did I hit a nerve, Hunter? Look, let’s face facts here; you don’t DESERVE a shot at this belt. You may have beat Tomko last night, but let’s be honest; beating him with a roll up doesn’t exactly strike fear into people’s hearts. We all know you were lucky last night. I think you need to spend less time worrying about me and more time worrying about what Tomko is going to do to you when he turns up tonight.


HHH: SCREW TOMKO. That jack off isn’t in my league. The fact of the matter is I want the WWE Championship....no, scratch that; I NEED the WWE Championship. I...


The two were once again cut off when Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff walked out onto the stage to confront the two.


Bischoff: That’s it, enough already. Triple H, as intriguing as your idea is, the truth is Edge is right; you’re not the General Manager of Raw, I am. And I’ve already got a match lined up tonight. My job as General Manager is to put on the best possible show that I can, even if it ruffles a few feathers in the process. And after a lot of thought, I think I have come up with a Main Event that every single person in the audience will enjoy. Tonight, we are going to crown a new Number One Contender for a shot at the WWE Championship at Vengeance. Because in tonight’s Main Event, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels will go one-on-one... WITH CHAVO GUERRERO.


The crowd came unglued at this huge announcement, the building almost shaking. Edge looked less than impressed, as did Triple H.


Bischoff: But since you two are so keen to get it on, I am making the match right now; in Non-Title competition, “The Game” Triple H will face “The Rated R Superstar” Edge. Now I suggest you two gentlemen go prepare for your match.


The crowd were on their feet after the big announcements made by Bischoff. Edge and Triple H stare a hole through the other before Edge finally leaves the ring with his title and his woman.


Lawler: What a match that should be between Triple H and Edge here tonight.


Ross: I agree, but I cannot wait for our blockbuster Main Event tonight; Shawn Michaels versus Chavo Guerrero for a shot at Edge’s WWE Championship in four weeks at Vengeance. What an absolute slobber knocker this one is going to be.


Lawler: I can’t wait.




Number One Contender for the WWE Woman’s Championship:


Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus


The feud that has been brewing between these two looked to finally come to a head in this contest, with both Divas intent on walking away with a win and a future title opportunity. Trish was clearly the favourite, and her experience advantage over McCool was evident. That isn’t to say McCool was a push over, and she was close on several occasions to picking up a shock win. A violent DDT by McCool in particular almost took Stratus out completely, but she was close enough to the ropes to break the count. The match went back and forth, and a Double Clothesline from both women sent them crashing to the mat. But the fans were stunned when from the back came VICTORIA, who was visibly limping after the beating she received at the hands of Mickie James at The Great American Bash. Victoria wasn’t alone however, as she held a steel chair in her hands. Victoria jumped into the ring as both women got to their feet. The official tried to stop her, but she pushed him away before delivering a shot to the spine of McCool. Trish got to her feet, and she suffered the same fate, the steel connecting with her back. The official was given no choice but to throw the match out.


Result: No Contest


Ross: What in the world is this about? I didn’t think Victoria would be in any condition to even be here tonight, let alone interject herself in this match.


Lawler: And it looks like she has something to say.


Victoria: If you think for one second that I’m finished with you Mickie, think again. There’s only one Number One Contender and you’re looking at her. Mickie, for once in your sad, lonely existence, show some guts and get your ass out here and just TRY to finish what you started last night.


Victoria didn’t have to wait long as Mickie came storming from the back, obviously thinking that Victoria wouldn’t be in any condition to fight back. How wrong she was, as the second she stepped through the ropes, she was sent tumbling back out when Victoria speared her through the ropes. Victoria put the boots to the Woman’s Champion as she quickly fled to the back, Victoria in hot pursuit.




The camera heads backstage, where we see General Manager Eric Bischoff is sat in his office, attempting to look busy as he checked his computer. That’s when the door burst open and in stomped WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon, his face red with anger.


McMahon: You better have a damn good explanation, Eric.


Bischoff: I don’t know what you mean sir...


McMahon: Cut the crap, Eric. What the hell do you think you are doing giving Shawn Michaels a Number One Contenders match? Are you out of your mind?


Bischoff: I’m sorry. I just thought...


McMahon: I couldn’t care less what you THOUGHT. Because whatever you THOUGHT, it ends now. That match will NOT be taking place tonight.


Bischoff: But sir...


McMahon: I said the match is off. Don’t push your luck, Eric.


Bischoff: Sir, your wife Linda already signed off on it. She gave the all clear. The match is already official.


McMahon: WHAT? You went over my head and asked Linda?


Bischoff: I couldn’t contact you. You wouldn’t answer my calls.


McMahon: You’re lucky I have other issues to attend to tonight. You better pray to god that Michaels loses tonight, because if he wins, you and I will be having another little chat VERY soon. And I guarantee....it won’t be pretty!


With that, McMahon stormed from the office, leaving Bischoff alone and in fear of what he has caused.


Ross: As much as I will love watching Chavo Guerrero and HBK get it on tonight, you have to wonder just what will happen should Michaels walk away with the win tonight.




We head into the locker room, where we see Michelle McCool with “The Idol” Aaron Stevens, who is trying to console her after what happened just moments ago.


McCool: Did you see that? I had her beat. I should be Number One Contender right now, Aaron.


Stevens: I know, honey. But you know what, things are looking up for us.


McCool: Looking up? Aaron, I just got screwed out of a title shot by that psycho Victoria. How the hell are things looking up?


Stevens: Follow me, I’ll show you.


Stevens led McCool out of the locker room, leaving the audience wondering what in the world he was talking about.




The jeers rang out loudly in the arena as the familiar theme of Carlito hit, and out stepped the Intercontinental Champion, who looked as smug as ever. The boos were deafening as Carlito grabbed a mic and entered the ring. His music cut off and Carlito waited for the jeers of the fans in the Alltel Arena to die down. But before he could utter a single word, the music of the WWE Chairman hit and down the ramp walked Mr. McMahon, strutting towards the ring, a blank expression on his face. Carlito looked utterly confused as McMahon grabbed the mic from the hands of the Intercontinental Champion.


McMahon: So I guess you’re wondering why on earth I invited you out here tonight. I guess you assumed I was here to congratulate you on defeating Shawn Michaels last night. But the truth is I’m not. Just who in the hell do you think you are? I give you a simple order; destroy HBK and eradicate him from the WWE. That’s all I ask of you. And you can’t even do that. Hell, if it wasn’t for that masked man who keeps shoving his nose in business that has nothing to do with him, you wouldn’t even be wearing the gold right now. You may have won last night, but in my eyes you failed. And if there is one thing I learnt with everything that happened with Shelton Benjamin, it’s that I will NOT tolerate failure. So I need a fitting punishment. And I think I have just the thing; right here in this very ring, you will defend your Intercontinental Championship. And your opponent.....is THIS man.


The crowd fall silent for several seconds before

hits, the theme song for “The Idol” Aaron Stevens, the jeers ringing out. But out on the ramp stepped Michelle McCool, who still looked a little banged up from her previous match with Trish Stratus. Carlito awaited the arrival of “The Idol”, but he didn’t have to wait long as Stevens came through the crowd and slid into the ring, the familiar steel chain wrapped around his fist. He spun Carlito around before sending him crashing to the canvas with a brutal right hand with the chain wrapped around it. McMahon calmly left the ring and pulled up a chair at ringside as Stevens beat Carlito severely with the chain, the blood flowing down the face of the champ. McMahon ordered the time keeper to ring the bell, and the match was on.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:




Carlito © vs. Aaron Stevens


You could barely call this a match, as the damage had been done before the bell even rang. Carlito was a bloody mess as Stevens stomped away at him viciously, Carlito’s body barely moving. Stevens beat on him relentlessly before finally lifting him onto his shoulders and hitting the Hollywood Star. The official begrudgingly made the three count, and just like that we had a new Intercontinental Champion.


Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Aaron Stevens


Despite Carlito not being well received by the fans, they couldn’t help but feel sorry for him after the beating he just encountered at the hands of “The Idol”, and the jeers rang out loudly as Aaron Stevens was announced as the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion. Mr. McMahon entered the ring, the title belt in one hand and a mic in the other. McMahon handed the gold to Stevens, who was joined by Michelle McCool and the two celebrated in the ring together. The three stood over the lifeless body of Carlito before McMahon dealt the final blow to Carlito.


McMahon: I said it before and I’ll say it again; I do NOT tolerate failure. And quite frankly you’re just not worth the risk anymore. Carlito, your services are no longer required here in the WWE.... YOU’RE FIRED!


And with that, the three left the ring together to a chorus of boos, Carlito left bleeding in the centre of the ring.


Ross: Like him or not, Carlito didn’t deserve what happened here tonight. A sickening abuse of power if you ask me.


Lawler: Well, like it or not Carlito is fired AND we have a new Intercontinental Champion in Aaron Stevens.




The cameras head to the back, where we see “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels preparing for his big match with Chavo Guerrero. Michaels does not look happy at all, possibly because of the events that unfolded at The Great American Bash concerning the mysterious masked man. But Michaels was interrupted when he was approached by his opponent for the night, “The Latino Warrior” Chavo Guerrero. Chavo sat next to Michaels, who seemed almost oblivious to his presence.


Guerrero: Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to wish you luck tonight. I’ve always been a huge fan of yours, and after everything you have accomplished here in WWE, it will be an honour to get in the ring with you tonight. I just hope you don’t think I’m gonna give you an easy ride.


Michaels: Yeah, sure.


Guerrero: .... Is everything OK, Shawn?


Michaels: Is everything OK? That is what you just asked isn’t it? Is everything OK? For weeks I’ve been accused by everybody that I’ve hired somebody to watch my back whilst I’ve been injured. I never asked for his help, I never wanted his help. And then last night he costs me my match against Carlito, proving that I had nothing to do with him being here, and still nobody wants to do a damn thing about it. So I’m sorry if I’m not jumping for joy at the fact that you’re kissing my ass.


Guerrero: Shawn, I didn’t mean anything by it...


Michaels: Save it, Chavo. Save it for the ring. If that punk doesn’t show up tonight, I’m fixing to get my frustrations out on somebody else. And the way I see it, might as well be you.

Shawn stormed out of the locker room, utterly confused by the whole altercation. And sitting in the corner of the locker room, watching the whole thing unfold, was “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, who approached Chavo.


Flair: Don’t worry, Chavo. He’s got a lot on his mind with everything that’s happened the past few weeks. It’s nothing against you, kid.


Guerrero: I know, Ric. I just wanted him to know how much I’m looking forward to our match tonight...


Flair: And that was your first mistake. NEVER show weakness, Chavo. You want to show your opponent respect? Do it when the bell has rung and your hand is raised in victory. Chavo, tonight is your big moment. You get the chance to get out the shadow of your uncle. And at the same time, this is a chance to pay respect to him. You do that by beating Shawn Michaels tonight and going on to beat Edge at Vengeance. But you won’t do that if you show weakness. You need to be 100% focused on beating Shawn tonight. Do you understand?


Guerrero: I understand Ric....but why are you telling me this?


Flair: I like you, Chavo. I said last night that I’m looking for somebody to mentor. Who knows, it could be you. Good luck out there tonight.


And with that, Flair left the room, leaving Chavo to contemplate what was said by “The Nature Boy”.


Ross: Flair showing his support to Chavo there and a ringing endorsement by “The Nature Boy” will certainly do wonders for Chavo’s confidence here tonight.


Lawler: He is going to need all the confidence in the world if he wants to walk away tonight as the Number One Contender.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time; The Big Show. Now last night, some may say that you had a hand in helping “The Rated R Superstar” Edge walk away with the WWE Championship. But the big story was the return of “The Big Red Monster” Kane, who...


Show: Let’s just stop there, Coach, because there seems to be a HUGE misconception that I’m actually afraid of Kane. Let me tell you something; Kane does NOT scare me. All these mind games he’s been playing, they haven’t worked. And then last night he turns up; new music, new look, new attitude. But underneath it all he’s still the same guy I carried on my back for months. He’s still the same guy that I lead to tag team gold. And he’s still the same guy that I completely destroyed and put on the shelf all those months ago. All the games in the world won’t change the fact that I am the superior Superstar. I’m a GIANT, Coach. Do you know what that means? It means I do NOT get intimidated...


Show’s words came back to haunt him when the set behind him suddenly burst into flames, scaring the life out of both Big Show and Coach, who both bolted from the area, scared of just what might happen next.


Ross: I don’t care how big you are, if you have Kane breathing down your neck, you’re gonna be petrified. Especially with this new attitude.


Lawler: I wouldn’t call it a new attitude, but it’s certainly woken the monster inside of Kane that we all hoped and prayed had disappeared forever.




Much like the night before, the eerie music began to play as the monster arrived...


<object width="350" height="221"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8HC0THV3m4?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8HC0THV3m4?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="350" height="221"></embed></object>


Ross: Through Hell, Fire and Brimstone, The Big Red Monster returns to Monday Night Raw.


Lawler: Handicap match or not, I do NOT like Cade and Murdoch’s chances against this monster.


Handicap Match:


Cade & Murdoch vs. Kane


Despite both Cade and Murdoch being allowed in the ring at the same time, it made no difference whatsoever, as Kane completely decimated his opponents. Murdoch was almost cowering in the corner as Kane landed blow after blow on him. Cade tried to help, but he ate a Big Boot for his troubles, sending him to the outside. From there it was all but over when Kane drilled Murdoch with a brutal Chokeslam. Kane made the cover....but he pulled Murdoch up at 2! The crowd were eating it up as Kane looked to send a direct message to The Big Show, driving Murdoch head first into the canvas with an earth shattering Tombstone Piledriver. Kane made the cover and got the pin, gaining his first victory since his return.


Winner: Kane


Ross: Oh, what a return. Kane looks more vicious, more violent and more dangerous than ever. And considering the things we have witnessed him do in the past, that can only mean trouble for The Big Show.


Lawler: Never mind The Big Show, this spells trouble for every superstar on the roster. Kane just sent out a warning shot to everyone in the back, and you know that they all heard it loud and clear.




Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, after the events of last night’s Main Event, John Cena will not receive a shot at the title as long as Edge is champion. Now we have tried to get a word with John Cena about what is next as far as his future in WWE goes, but unfortunately we were unable to contact him. However we did receive an E-Mail earlier this afternoon from Cena which stated that next week he WILL be in attendance and he will address several issues, including what the future holds for him here on Monday Night Raw.


Lawler: Well John must have a lot on his mind, it is not like him to miss a show and I honestly thought he would be here tonight.


Ross: Well hopefully we will get all our answers next week on Raw.




As the cameras panned the wild crowd in the Alltel Arena, a video began to play for the fans in attendance, as well as to the millions watching on T.V...


<object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGRbV0TXz-Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGRbV0TXz-Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object>


Ross: What in the world? You have got to be kidding me! This is huge!


Lawler: The next generation of The Harts will make their début on Monday Night Raw! I never thought I would see the day that a member of the Hart family would be on WWE T.V again, let alone a whole group of them.


Ross: I cannot wait for this one. This is gonna be amazing.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen I am joined at this time by the WWE World Tag Team Champions JTG and Elijah Burke; The Brooklyn Soldiers. Now gentlemen, you requested this time to speak...


JTG: You’re damn right we requested this time. I’m getting tired of those punks Haas and Striker jumping us. I thought we proved that we were the better team. I guess they didn’t get the message, so it looks like me and my boy Elijah are gonna have to throw down with you boys one more time.


Burke: Charles, Matthew; it’s high time we settle this thing, brothers. A Street Fight obviously didn’t get the message across to you, so maybe it’s time we took drastic action. In four weeks time we have a Pay Per View entitled Vengeance. And what an appropriate name, because that is what we will gain. We are throwing the challenge out there; The Brooklyn Soldiers versus Charlie Haas and Matt Striker, one more time for the World Tag Team Championships. But since we beat you in our back yard before, we are going to make you an offer. You boys pick the stipulation, any match you want, and we will put our gold on the line and prove that we are the better team. We look forward to your response, gentlemen. But make no mistake; these Soldiers are prepared to go through ANYTHING to win this war.


JTG: You picked the wrong men to mess with, boys. This time, we take you punk ass bitches out....permanently.




Non-Title Match:


Edge vs. Triple H


Despite his boasts earlier in the night, Edge clearly didn’t have the confidence of a champion in the early going, as Triple H beat him from pillar to post. Edge struggled to get any kind of offence in on “The Game”, and a Running High Knee Strike to the face was almost enough to put Edge away, but he managed to kick out at two. Edge did finally manage to gain the upper hand when an attempted Spinebuster by Triple H was reversed into an Impaler DDT, which gained Edge a close two count. From there, the match was open with both men getting equal amounts of offence, neither man quite doing enough to keep their opponent grounded. That is until an attempted Missile Dropkick from the top by Edge was side stepped, and “The Cerebral Assassin” took a page from his old mentors book, locking in a Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Edge was writhing in pain, close to the brink of tapping out to the hold. But he was saved when the official was distracted by Lita, who was screaming at him. The commotion was enough to make Hunter break the hold, standing up to question Lita. But the distraction cost him when Tyson Tomko sprinted down to the ring. The Game spun around just in time to feel the Big Boot from Tomko, almost knocking him out before retreating to the outside. Edge slowly got to his feet, and was relieved to find Triple H down on the mat. But he didn’t want to take any chances and he waited for Hunter to rise to his feet before delivering a bone crunching Spear. Edge hooked the leg, the official made the count and the bell was rung, Edge picking up a tainted victory over “The Cerebral Assassin”.


Winner: Edge


Ross: How in the hell can Edge be proud of that? He just got handed a victory thanks to Tyson Tomko. And he calls himself a worthy champion.


Lawler: You don’t have to like it JR, but it got the job done, and Edge has defeated “The Game”.


Ross: And now what in the world is going on?


Tomko was already back in the ring, mounted on Triple H and delivering hard right hands to the skull of “The Game”. Tomko then began to put the boots to Triple H, and before long Edge joined in the beating, and the two laid waste to “The Cerebral Assassin”. The fans were in an uproar, angered by the beating that was being dished out. But the roof almost blew off The Alltel Arena when Smackdown’s Batista burst through the curtain, looking to get revenge on Edge for the beat down he gave him on the previous edition of Friday Night Smackdown. Edge, sensing trouble, immediately bolted from the ring. This left Batista toe to toe with Tyson Tomko, the building rumbling. Tomko however thought better of it, and he quietly left the ring, the crowd upset that they never got the chance to see “The Animal” get his hands on “The Rated R Superstar”. Triple H was now semi-conscious as Batista extended his hand to his former Evolution member to help him up. Hunter thought about it before finally accepting his help, the crowd on their feet.


Ross: Triple H is a lucky man. I hate to think how bad things could have gotten had Batista not showed up here tonight.


Lawler: Well one thing has become apparent tonight; Edge now has a HUGE target on his chest. It looks like everybody is gunning for the new champ.




Number One Contender for WWE Championship:


Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


To say the crowd were hot for this one would be an understatement, as every person in the audience was on their feet to see this battle. It seemed Michaels wanted to make amends with Chavo after what transpired earlier in the evening, extending his hand for a handshake. But Guerrero took “The Nature Boys” advice, and he hit a boot to the gut and followed up with a Brainbuster, almost picking up a huge early upset win. From then on it was all out war between both individuals, both men giving everything they had to walk away as the victor. Out in the crowd, the camera got a shot of the mystery masked man, who was watching the match from afar. And what a match he was witnessing, as Michaels hit a Clothesline to try to knock Chavo to the outside. But Guerrero stole a page from Michaels’ book, skinning the cat and coming back into the ring, catching Michaels’ head and hitting a Head Scissors, sending Michaels to the outside. Guerrero followed up with a Slingshot Cross Body to the outside, landing hard onto HBK. The fans were going crazy as the two brawled on the outside. Chavo looked to hit a Diving Senton from the ring apron, but Michaels side stepped it and Guerrero was sent crashing hard onto the mats. HBK threw Chavo back into the ring, where he took control. Michaels looked to keep Guerrero grounded, and he hoped that a Modified Figure Four would do the trick, but Guerrero was able to reach the ropes. HBK decided on a different tactic, choosing instead to wear Chavo down by beating him down, with boots and chops connecting hard on “The Latino Warrior”. The tactic seemed to work for a while, and Michaels almost had Guerrero beat when he delivered a Diving Elbow drop from the top, but it was only enough to gain a two count. The crowd were fired up as Michaels began to tune up the band, ready for Sweet Chin Music. But Chavo managed to grab the foot of Michaels before delivering the Three Amigos Suplex. Chavo made the cover, but Michaels JUST got his shoulder up at two. Chavo looked to the skies, and the crowd knew instantly what was about to happen. Chavo climbed to the top and pointed towards the heavens, but Guerrero’s plan came crumbling down when Michaels sprang to his feet with a kip-up before coming off his feet and delivering a huge Sweet Chin Music to the jaw of Guerrero, who went tumbling to the outside. Michaels was down and exhausted in the ring, but that didn’t stop the appearance of the masked man, who jumped on the apron to distract the official. But this tactic may have back fired, as on the outside Guerrero was being brutally attacked by the new Intercontinental Champion Aaron Stevens, who had come through the crowd and clearly still had a score to settle with “The Latino Warrior”. Stevens lifted Chavo up and delivered a sickening Hollywood Star on the outside. Meanwhile in the ring, Michaels was getting to his feet when he spotted the masked man on the apron. Instinct soon kicked in, and for the first time ever, Michaels managed to get to the mystery man, hitting him with Sweet Chin Music and sending him crashing to the mats surrounding the ring. Michaels was about to head outside to finally deal with the masked individual when he saw that Chavo Guerrero had been rolled into the ring. HBK had a choice to make; get his hands on the masked man or earn himself a title opportunity. Michaels went for the latter, and as Chavo slowly got to his feet he was quickly sent down again with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels finally made the cover and picked up the win and the guaranteed shot at Edge’s title at Vengeance.


Winner and Number One Contender: Shawn Michaels


Ross: What a match we just witnessed, but it was somewhat tainted thanks to interference from Aaron Stevens as well as that unknown masked man.


Lawler: Interference or not, you can’t take away the fact that both men put everything on the line to get the win here tonight. Both men deserve credit for that.


The crowd were on their feet, applauding both individuals for their efforts. Michaels looked to the outside to finally get his revenge, but the masked man had disappeared. Michaels was annoyed at not being able to reveal the identity of the masked man, yet at the same time he was elated that he was now officially the Number One Contender. Guerrero slowly got to his feet, his face etched with frustration and anger at the interference of “The Idol”, and looked across the ring towards Michaels. Chavo had clearly won the respect of “The Heartbreak Kid” who looked to shake the hand of “The Latino Warrior”. But Chavo shocked Michaels when he pushed his hand away and looked to leave the ring. Michaels would not stand for that, spinning Chavo around and shouting at Guerrero. That’s when something inside of Chavo snapped, and he took Michaels to the mat with a Double Leg Takedown. Suddenly, the two were rolling around on the canvas, beating each other with lefts and rights as the crowd went wild, “Let them fight” chants ringing out. Officials and Road Agents flooded out to the ring, attempting to pull these two warriors apart.


Ross: This, ladies and gentlemen, is what the quest for the WWE Championship does to a man. Chavo has snapped.


The show faded to black with both men still tearing each other apart, officials desperately trying to contain the two of them.








Dark Match:

Rob Conway over Eugene C+


Main Show:

No Contest between Michelle McCool and Trish Stratus C

Aaron Stevens over Carlito to WIN WWE Intercontinental Championship C

Kane over Cade & Murdoch C

Edge over Triple H B+

Shawn Michaels over Chavo Guerrero B-


Show Rating B-




Doe-Bomb - 4/5 (Total= 4)

jstarr187 - 3/5 (Total= 3)

The Final Countdown - 3/5 (Total= 3)

KrisKatana - 3/5 (Total= 3)

Kijar - 3/5 (Total= 3)

pauls07 - 3/5 (Total= 3)

Hashasheen - 3/5 (Total= 3)

TheKenwyne - 3/5 (Total= 3)

Nobby_McDonald - 2/5 (Total= 2)

Jingo 1/5 (Total= 1)

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I love Carlito, so seeing him go is a stress, but he's such a backstage problem its unbearable. Nice to see Stevens get a push like that.


Talking about backstage problems .. Cant wait to see what you do with Teddy Hart and the rest of the Hart Dynasty.

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Talking about backstage problems .. Cant wait to see what you do with Teddy Hart and the rest of the Hart Dynasty.


Honestly, I can't say I haven't forgotten about my past projects. I've been thinking a lot of new ones though, since the old ones have been deleted (in my data anyways), including 2006 (either WWE, TNA, or a custom promotion) or the start of 2011, I think.


Sorry to disappoint though, I usually pick up a ton of indy stars like Teddy and Jack Evans.


Having a bolstering roster ruins my chances at playing a game, 'cause I usually use the editor to cheat so I don't run out of money (O.o)


Running a dynasty like this, you got any tips for keeping a long term dynasty, or just game in general running? I haven't found anything useful in my near-million attempts.

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Honestly, I can't say I haven't forgotten about my past projects. I've been thinking a lot of new ones though, since the old ones have been deleted (in my data anyways), including 2006 (either WWE, TNA, or a custom promotion) or the start of 2011, I think.


Sorry to disappoint though, I usually pick up a ton of indy stars like Teddy and Jack Evans.


Having a bolstering roster ruins my chances at playing a game, 'cause I usually use the editor to cheat so I don't run out of money (O.o)


Running a dynasty like this, you got any tips for keeping a long term dynasty, or just game in general running? I haven't found anything useful in my near-million attempts.


There really aren't any hints or tips I could give for keeping a long term dynasty going. I was just lucky enough to have a few core ideas that I thought could be interesting, and as I went along, new ideas would pop into my head to the point where I now have a ton of ideas ready to use when I need them, so I have a few long term plans, and the rest are ideas I have stored away. Also, you have to enjoy it. I appreciate all the praise and comments I receive obviously, but if you're not into what you are writing yourself, then it becomes a chore and you may as well quit. As for keeping a game running long term....well, I'm not entirely sure how I've done it myself! I feel I've been lucky with how well my game has gone. There's nothing I can point to specifically that I have done to keep it going without losing money or dropping to cult, which is a problem a lot of people seem to have. Sorry I couldn't really help any more :o

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<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/carlito.jpg"ALIGN="left">



Despite everything that has been reported over the past several months regarding Carlito's future in the company, there are some that have voiced opinions that state that Carlito's job security is safe within the company. As you will recall, Carlito was "fired" from the company on Monday Night Raw, leading many to speculate that he was legitimately fired from the company because of the problems he has caused recently. However, as of now there have been no reports on WWE.com reporting his release from the company, and he is still being advertised to appear on house shows. Is it a work, or is he gone? We will keep you updated on this story.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/TripleH2.jpg"ALIGN="left">



According to an article posted on pwinsider.com, Triple H caused MAJOR embarrassment to the company after The Great American Bash when he had a full blown, profanity-laced argument with Vince McMahon himself concerning his match with Tyson Tomko. What made it worse was that it was witnessed by a competition winner who had won a Backstage tour to meet with several WWE Superstars. Here is what was posted by the winner himself, going by the screen name Cattle_Mutilation_Mark:




"I can’t recite what was said word-for-word, because this site does not tolerate excessive profanity. But suffice to say that Triple H was none too pleased about beating Tomko with a roll-up on the PPV, rather than something decisive like a Pedigree. And he let his father-in-law, Vince McMahon himself, hear about it—with a profanity-laced tirade. He only let up when he spotted me watching on, and his face froze as he realized I’d overheard everything. He left in a hurry, and a mortified (Dean) Malenko got me out of the building as fast as humanly possible. I guess “The Cerebral Assassin” is still looking out for his own best interests first and foremost, even though he (and Stephanie) will likely be running the entire empire someday."


It is unknown what action, if any, will be taken against him.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/BookerT.jpg"ALIGN="left">



Booker T has shown interest in returning to the WWE. In a recent interview, Booker T said that while he is busy with other projects, he would love to return to the company in some capacity, preferably in the ring. Booker was released from his contract not long after Wrestlemania when his feud with Bobby Lashley came to an end. There was word that Booker was on bad terms with McMahon after his firing, however he is now thought to be on good terms with the company, and there have even been rumours circulating that the two sides have already been in talks over a possible return in the future, although this is merely speculation at this point.


---Other News---


Shelton Benjamin has bust up with ECW Original?

Samoa Joe to return to ROH?

Kurt Angle causing upset within the ECW Locker Room?

Mae Young in sex tape scandal?

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There really aren't any hints or tips I could give for keeping a long term dynasty going. I was just lucky enough to have a few core ideas that I thought could be interesting, and as I went along, new ideas would pop into my head to the point where I now have a ton of ideas ready to use when I need them, so I have a few long term plans, and the rest are ideas I have stored away. Also, you have to enjoy it. I appreciate all the praise and comments I receive obviously, but if you're not into what you are writing yourself, then it becomes a chore and you may as well quit. As for keeping a game running long term....well, I'm not entirely sure how I've done it myself! I feel I've been lucky with how well my game has gone. There's nothing I can point to specifically that I have done to keep it going without losing money or dropping to cult, which is a problem a lot of people seem to have. Sorry I couldn't really help any more :o


Thanks, I'll take bits and pieces from that. I guess the real problem is that in cases like WWE, there's an entire writing team. I'm just one 14 year old kid who loves wrestling and understands it in all aspects... Too much to swallow, cause I'm no Freddie Prinze, Jr.

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ECW enters The Hammerstein Ballroom for the final time in some time for another action packed show. Two more Television Title Tournament matches will take place this week. And this week it's all about the ECW Originals as Nova goes head to head with one half of The Impact Players, Lance Storm. And in the second tournament match, "The Man Beast" Rhino has been granted a place in the competition, which he demanded since he was the last ever ECW Television Champion. But he will have his hands full when he goes one on one with Jerry Lynn.Also, Shelton Benjamin will clash with Sabu one last time, with Benjamin stating that if he wins, he wants a restraining order that prevents Sabu from coming within 20 metres of him unless it is in an officially sanctioned match. And in the evenings Main Event, ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam will be in Non-Title action against "The King of Old School" Steve Corino, who is sure to be joined by his personal Bodyguard Luther.


Plus, Kurt Angle will be in action as he continues his hunt for Raven. Gregory Helms will also see competition inside the ring as he looks to build momentum before his Television Title Tournament match next week. And "The Living Legend" Terry Funk will be in the building, and will be looking for answers after the shocking actions of Mick Foley last week towards Tommy Dreamer. You won't want to miss a single second of the action this Thursday Night, make sure you watch ECW on F/X


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

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Thanks, I'll take bits and pieces from that. I guess the real problem is that in cases like WWE, there's an entire writing team. I'm just one 14 year old kid who loves wrestling and understands it in all aspects... Too much to swallow, cause I'm no Freddie Prinze, Jr.

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please take this without offense, but to understand the business in all aspects you need to be in the business, and also if you haven't study your history wrestling is just the past few years sadly right now our best years are behind us in this business. again no disrespect just a helping voice, and if you intend to join the business the best advice i can give you, is keep your mouth shut and eyes and ears open

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino - via DQ after Luther clobbers him.


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin - The continued rise of the new school ECW.


Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards - Poor Stevie.


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino - In the original ECW, it'd be Lynn. Now, it's gotta be Rhino.


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova - Splat.


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri - I like Helms' c0cky persona, and Tajiri often feels a bit gimmicky and one dimensional (I'm JAPANESE - FEAWR ME!!!)... so push Helms, basically.

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Kurt Angle vs. Stevie Richards


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rhino


ECW Television Title Tournament:

Lance Storm vs. Nova


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

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