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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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The title history one is pretty big. I remember doing twenty-odd entires for a fed for the GDSverse, and I could really understand why people dislike doing it. In terms of the game itself, it's a minor feature. In terms of mod production, I think this might just make a difference to the quality of some mods (I like title histories!)
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IIRC, for TEW08 they were released together as a standalone program a week before. I can't recall if previous versions did.


As for this past week's features, not to be critical, but I felt the previous weeks have been better weighted between utility and "blockbuster" entries, which is sad because I was excited about it being a "mod maker week". The better entries were at the beginning of the week (Hiring Rules, Multi-Contract Add), followed up by less interesting ones.


Less interesting? So, making what was probably the biggest timesink in the whole modmaking process painless was 'less interesting'? Judging by the suggestions forum, the title lineage simplification seems more desired than multi-contract add.


Man, tough crowd. :p


There are more than enough blockbusters to go around. I think Adam's just gettin' warmed up. :)

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Less interesting? So, making what was probably the biggest timesink in the whole modmaking process painless was 'less interesting'? Judging by the suggestions forum, the title lineage simplification seems more desired than multi-contract add.


Man, tough crowd. :p


There are more than enough blockbusters to go around. I think Adam's just gettin' warmed up. :)


But then again, once you get going, title lineage ain't that bad.


You just gotta do lots in one sitting because yes, it's a lot of clicks to get used to when you start. But there are ways to speed it up.


For one thing, you can put a "1" in front of the name of the title belt history you are mass editing so that it's selected by default in the editor.


You can copy and paste the name of the entry like say, if the first entry is "XYZ Championship #001" you copy and paste "XYZ Championship #0" over and over. It's a lot less time than writing it in for every entry.

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Less interesting? So, making what was probably the biggest timesink in the whole modmaking process painless was 'less interesting'? Judging by the suggestions forum, the title lineage simplification seems more desired than multi-contract add.


Man, tough crowd. :p


There are more than enough blockbusters to go around. I think Adam's just gettin' warmed up. :)


Well, for those of us who don't make mods, it is less interesting.;)

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Less interesting? So, making what was probably the biggest timesink in the whole modmaking process painless was 'less interesting'? Judging by the suggestions forum, the title lineage simplification seems more desired than multi-contract add.


Man, tough crowd. :p


There are more than enough blockbusters to go around. I think Adam's just gettin' warmed up. :)


Yes, it's less interesting, just because it's been frequently requested does not equal it being an interesting subject for conversation, especially when it's a change to a subject that many mod makers consider a low priority to begin with. Not saying that it's not a needed change (because, boy howdy, was it ever!)

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Mods are a big part of the game and adam is smart enough to relize that. I am not a huge mod guy my self *i play dott but that is about the only mod i play*. So this week was a bit of meh other then the hiring rules. Not everything is going to be shocking for everyone. I am sure everyone will get something that makes there jaw drop at some point *mine omg announcment has not been made yet eitehr*. I am sure it will come.
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Yes, it's less interesting, just because it's been frequently requested does not equal it being an interesting subject for conversation, especially when it's a change to a subject that many mod makers consider a low priority to begin with. Not saying that it's not a needed change (because, boy howdy, was it ever!)


Agreed. While definitely helpful to the modders out there and thus indirectly to all of us, the title lineage improvement and indeed the past week's journal entries in general were on geekbait. Nothing wrong with that but you aren't going to get quite the chatter about it you would about the personality matrix or drap and drop booking or something splashy like that.

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#16: Eras

Sounds like another great addition. This added to the Trends feature really seems to make it really different to play different years and scenarios, which again, is something that has been missing from TEW. Really good! Gosh, 08 is starting to feel like an ancient piece of antique right now. :D


And 08 is a great game!

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How do you mean? :p


Set mainstream and traditional to drop completely in USA eventually, then have things like pure, modern and realism rise through the roof (again in USA) somehow. I can imagine that meaning at least in C-verse we would enjoy countless hours of Puroresu on the TV by 2012 and SWF just being some other company :p

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Set mainstream and traditional to drop completely in USA eventually, then have things like pure, modern and realism rise through the roof (again in USA) somehow. I can imagine that meaning at least in C-verse we would enjoy countless hours of Puroresu on the TV by 2012 and SWF just being some other company :p

Hah, right. Personally, I'm going to love trying to book the WWF through the 90s boom period with the New Generation-style, family friendly product, despite that being vastly unpopular during that timeframe. :) I still found it somewhat more entertaining than the attitude era crash tv.

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Im very happy with everything im seeing show up regards this 2010 version of TEW, im so very glad its coming out.


I cant way to see what the 1970's data will play like under the current suggested eras function , i think this is going to keep us busy well into 2012 as i suspect the yearly updates for the game were too frequent in past additions and didnt allow for us to get the very most out of the game the way this last 2 years has let us milk TEW2008 for all its possibly worth.


I also didnt see the need to update 08 for the sake of doing it at the expense of some of the other awesome game's we saw Adam put out this last year in particular, but now i can see we have some real steps forward in the franchise im very excited, i just hope they dont try to re-invite the wheel too much as i felt 2008 was about as close to perfect as were going to get regards the core essence of the game.

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2010 seems like a dream game for past-set real world scenarios, especially with this addition.


Oh definitely. Imagine how those organic birth of wrestling mods are going to work now when you can create a Carnival era. DOTT bringing even truer territorial flavor. And like folks said before, the future scenarios as well. This could very well be the drag and drop booking of the modding world right here. Very cool.

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On a side note, going back to Dirty Deeds:


I just read an article about how WCW "leaked" that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title before it actually happened.


Raw was pre-taped while Nitro was live so the nitro announcers talked about how Foley was going to win the heavyweight title before it happened.


That's pretty big, and it kinda backfired on WCW because people switched channels to see Foley win :D

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On a side note, going back to Dirty Deeds:


I just read an article about how WCW "leaked" that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title before it actually happened.


Raw was pre-taped while Nitro was live so the nitro announcers talked about how Foley was going to win the heavyweight title before it happened.


That's pretty big, and it kinda backfired on WCW because people switched channels to see Foley win :D


Easy E was doing that pretty consistently up to that point, giving away the WWF's results before it aired (this was before the internet was as popular as it is today). The Foley backfire put an end to it, IIRC.

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On a side note, going back to Dirty Deeds:


I just read an article about how WCW "leaked" that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title before it actually happened.


Raw was pre-taped while Nitro was live so the nitro announcers talked about how Foley was going to win the heavyweight title before it happened.


That's pretty big, and it kinda backfired on WCW because people switched channels to see Foley win :D

Yeah, Bischoff specifically told the network to put Nitro on three minutes earlier than RAW so that he could give away the results and stop people from channel surfing. Damn sleazy, damn dirty but I gotta admit: damn clever.

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On a side note, going back to Dirty Deeds:


I just read an article about how WCW "leaked" that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title before it actually happened.


Raw was pre-taped while Nitro was live so the nitro announcers talked about how Foley was going to win the heavyweight title before it happened.


That's pretty big, and it kinda backfired on WCW because people switched channels to see Foley win :D


Read an article?


This is really starting to make me feel old. People are now finding out from articles about things that I experienced first-hand?


I would assume most people on this board remember that night pretty specifically? I want to say January 4, 1999... right?

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