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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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To me the Hair feature was the only one that for me didn't really make any sense... How will the game determine weather a worker likes to wear his hair short or long? And even more so, how cares? Of course this makes Hair vs Hair matches feel more special but in my view that really isn't enough to warrant a totally new stat for it.


I'm just hoping this won't add unnecessary strain on mod makers (I think stat can largely be ignored)...


On the other hand... who am I to complain when there were dozens of great features in the mix as well!


Hair is a simple yes/no attribute. Yes covers anyone who's hair would be considered long enough to be cut in a hair vs hair type match (popular in Mexico doncha know :)). No is obviously the opposite of that. The game itself keeps track of whether it is one or the other, it's not like you have to go around measuring how long people's hair is. :p

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Easier Job Seeking: It is now far easier for the user to get hired when he is unemployed, especially for low-level jobs. This is to stop players from being left out for long periods of time if they lose their jobs elsewhere.


By far the best new feature this year. Now maybe I won't have to start a new game everytime I get fired - which happens a lot!


Can't wait. It's like a second Christmas!

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The hair stat is mostly added to simulate Mexico and some old-school 70's and 80's era promotions. During that time there where a ton of hair vs hair matches and they where as big a draw as title matches. To this day Mexico still does a ton of mask vs mask, hair vs hair and mask vs hair matches and they have as much (if not more) prestige and popularity as title matches.
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Holy crap, that's a lot of new features!


Especially looking forward to masks, (the return of) floating titles, and wear and tear.


I haven't quite made my mind up in regards to the hair stat because I'm not 100% sure how it'll work in practise. I'm definately going to be having some hair vs. mask matches in Canada or Europe (really, everywhere but Mexico), though, just for the sheer novelty of it. :p

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Wow...so many features I suggested. So many features I argued against. So many features I rallied behind! So many features, period!


Wow...just...wow. I can't even look at '08 anymore. It just seems too primitive as I think about all the wonderful new features.


I'm upset that my regional stars aren't pushed better. I'm upset that I can't copy angles. I'm upset that I'm not playing 2010 RIGHT NOW :p

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Hair is a simple yes/no attribute. Yes covers anyone who's hair would be considered long enough to be cut in a hair vs hair type match (popular in Mexico doncha know :)). No is obviously the opposite of that. The game itself keeps track of whether it is one or the other, it's not like you have to go around measuring how long people's hair is. :p


That clears this up a bit... Thank you for your answer :) And I don't know much about Mexican wrestling (or wrestling in general to be accurate) because I've only followed American wrestling for a short period of time back in the day.


PS. Can you answer the question I asked previously? Here is the link for it: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=789936&postcount=2144

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#2: User Preferences


Different people choose to play in different ways, and so the new User Preferences has been introduced to maximise your ability to customise the gameplay experience.


Each player in the game has access to their own User Preferences screen, from which they can enable or disable any of the fourteen choices. Below are eleven of the fourteen (the remaining three refer to features yet to be announced, and so will be discussed at a later date):


- Show all stats as grades rather than number (see note 1 below)

- Owner goals are turned on

- Penalties for small rosters are turned on

- Penalties for repetitive booking are turned on

- "Perfect Show Theory" is turned on

- Characters can become stale over time

- Worker morale effects are turned on

- Momentum effects are turned on

- Time limits on negotiations are turned on

- Advance bookings cannot be deleted

- Industry and economy effects are turned on


#5: The Dirt Sheet


The ability to enable and disable The Dirt Sheet is one of the unannounced User Preferences mentioned in the second entry. It is disabled by default.


#10: Random Deaths


New to TEW2010 will be random deaths; these are occasional surprise events that are separate from the two types that are already in the game (drug-related deaths and natural old-age deaths) and can happen to anyone.


The frequency of these can be set via the Options menu, and includes the ability to completely switch them off, for those of a squeamish disposition.


As a special two-for-the-price-of-one Friday bonus, there is also a second, related addition to the game; gruesome "Kenny' deaths. These are Kenny-from-South-Park style fatalities, a nod to the old EWR series. If this is enabled, some of the above-mentioned random deaths will be of a bizarre nature. This feature can also be turned off via the Options menu.


#18: Regeneration


Taken from the WMMA series, Regeneration will feature in TEW2010. If set, a worker will regenerate when they leave the game world (via death or retirement); this means that their picture and basic details are used as the basis for a brand new rookie character who will appear a short time later. This potentially allows the game world to continue to evolve even long after the original set of wrestlers have all gone.


Each individual worker can be set whether they should regenerate or not via the editor.


The feature as a whole can be turned on or off via the Options menu.


Injury Frequency: Via the Options menu, the user can now select how often injuries should occur.


Pick one. You've got the Dirt Sheet, Random Deaths, Kenny Deaths, Regenerating Workers and Injury Frequency

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In addition to the original post on the matter, the extra user preferences are:


- Gimmick effects turned on

- Locker room morale effects are turned on

- "Dirt Sheet" match break down is hidden


The rest that have been talked about are seperate options in their own right that effect peopel beyond the user. :)

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to praguepride:


OK. I could have sworn I asked Adam whether or not the Random Deaths were one of the User Preferences, but Adam stated that they are not, since they are "turned on or off in Options menu, not User Preferences". And those all specifically state that they can be turned on or off in the Options menu, so it was my understanding that they were NOT a part of the User Preferences.


I guess I misunderstood, then, very well.

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