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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I can't see Ziggler going anywhere else with his type of style. Where would he fit best other then WWE?


New Japan and especially ROH are more "sports entertainment" than they ever have been. Dolph can easily work their styles as evidenced by his post WM match with Bryan (free TV MOTY for me) that was a G1 style match. He's also much more polished than most wrestlers out there and it will show if he does leave (like Trent Barreta)


Though it seems like Bauer is the only remotely credible name and news sites seem like the same 20 sites that copy and past from the original single source

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I read that he was CONSIDERING leaving if things do not change. If he does leave, it would crush WWE. They might start chanting Ziggler instead of Punk and Bryan.


Don't get me wrong, Dolph is awesome, but he's nowhere near Punk or Bryan's level. That's mostly creative's doing, but crowds still aren't going to react to him leaving anywhere close to Punk leaving.

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Don't get me wrong, Dolph is awesome, but he's nowhere near Punk or Bryan's level. That's mostly creative's doing, but crowds still aren't going to react to him leaving anywhere close to Punk leaving.


Hopefully TNA get him and rename him Zolph Diggler or my preferred name Dolph Diggler


Also i read an article today saying Jack Swagger is on nearly half a million and have Sheamus as 1.3 Million, is that correct i always thought Swagger was on a really low contract

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I'll say this. I do believe Ziggler is a great athlete, one of the better athletes in the company today. And his mic skills have also come a very long way from when he first started.


The thing is though is that even if you do have the superstar look, even if you do have charisma and even if you're awesome in the ring in the same time; you're not going to be that multi-world champion everyone expects you to be.


That being said; there is nothing to be ashamed of his career overall, especially since he started out as Kerwin's caddy; then returned as a cheerleader, then returned once again as a someone who greets himself to people. I mean, he's realistically accomplished everything that he can do here, I know people are gonna say that they dropped the ball; but I digress.


Also, technically he won the world heavyweight title two times; so....yeah, he's already been a world champion.

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I know people are gonna say that they dropped the ball; but I digress.


His handling after survivor series seems like one of the most obvious dropping of the balls ever to me. It's right up there with TNA's handling of James Storm and Bobby Roode in 2012 and to a much lesser extent, Bret Hart in WCW.

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I read that he was CONSIDERING leaving if things do not change. If he does leave, it would crush WWE. They might start chanting Ziggler instead of Punk and Bryan.


No, it wouldn't. People don't chant for Ziggler now. He's a very solid hand, and I agree creative dropped the ball with him after Survivor Series, but he's never in his career been over like Punk or Bryan. It's like arguing that WWE in 2004 couldn't survive without Matt Hardy. It would hurt to lose a guy capable of very good TV matches, but it's not hard to find more of those on the roster or in NXT.

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His handling after survivor series seems like one of the most obvious dropping of the balls ever to me. It's right up there with TNA's handling of James Storm and Bobby Roode in 2012 and to a much lesser extent, Bret Hart in WCW.


For once I agree with you. The guy won the Survivor Series match only to take a back seat to Cena the next night

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Even though Ambrose makes more sense with his history with Rollins, Ziggler should really be in that position right now. He gets almost as good pop when he's in an interesting feud and has earned a place on the fringe of the main event.


While he wouldn't be missed as much on PPV, Ziggler would definitely be missed on Raw and Smackdown where he's one of the most consistent performers no matter his opponent. If he leaves Neville is an easy pick to take his spot as the battling babyface jobber to the main eventers.

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Oh just researched it I thought they were talking about Perry Saturn but they are acutually talking about.....





It's still sad but the only lucha libre I actually knew about was the ones featured in WCW and WWE so I'm sorry for his family's loss but this does not strike an emotional chord like Perry Saturn would have to me.


And further research has brought to my attention the actual deed that has been dealt...(Warning not for the feint of heart)



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Raw was bad. I enjoyed Sheamus vs Reigns, Bray mind games, Owens promo, Babyface Brock making the Authority look threatening again. That's barely an hour of content that was decent in a 3 hour show, which is pretty pathetic.


Swerved was more entertaining. Ziggler, Renee & Xavier were great.

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Raw was bad. I enjoyed Sheamus vs Reigns, Bray mind games, Owens promo, Babyface Brock making the Authority look threatening again. That's barely an hour of content that was decent in a 3 hour show, which is pretty pathetic.


Swerved was more entertaining. Ziggler, Renee & Xavier were great.


I didnt get to watch, sort of caught up with the youtube clips and website reading so my opinion isn't the most informed but this seems like a pretty good perspective to me. Obviously the WWE seem to be all about the 3 hour show now but it is a lot of time to fill. Absolutely loved seeing Heyman shout himself red though. He's amazing.

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You know what I just realized? Bad News Barrett debuted on Monday Night Raw on the day of my 13th birthday, December 2nd; 2013.


What a lousy birthday present that turned out to be.


And no; I didn't mean Perry Saturn thank god, I mean the lucha Perry. @everyone who was wondering.


His name wasn't Perry...It was Perro Aguayo Jr.

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You know what I just realized? Bad News Barrett debuted on Monday Night Raw on the day of my 13th birthday, December 2nd; 2013.


What a lousy birthday present that turned out to be.


And no; I didn't mean Perry Saturn thank god, I mean the lucha Perry. @everyone who was wondering.


Wow your young haha I think I started here when I was pretty young to though, 09 so I would have been 13.

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