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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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HANNITY: Was your husband violent? And do you attribute it to the use of steroids?


MARSHALL: I tell you what. I know it was — contributed to the use of steroids, because I have seen the steroid rages. I have seen him being paranoid. I have seen his panic attacks. I mean, for three times, I'd seen him attack me — I mean, and at work people would know it, and they would cover the bruises on my face.

Whoops, I guess their check bounced.


Another reason the story did not spread like wild fire is because it came from Fox News. Fox News is the most biased news reporting station and are the tabloids of television. This was the same news station trying to convince us that George Bush was a good president for 8 years. If you were a Republican you are cast as a martyr if your a democrat you're hung out to dry and if they could not find anything on you they would run a speculation piece that makes it sound like you done something wrong.


You and me are not going to agree on this subject so I say we are done talking. We agree to disagree.

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Who is Ray Rice?



Edit: Never mind I googled it and watched the knockout blow on the TMZ website. But honestly he doesn't have star power so of course he got thrown to the wolves. Millions of people know who John Cena is and WWE would be willing to protect their cash cow. Randy Orton is no where near as popular and his demons were protected.


Ray Rice was a SB winning RB and was one of the biggest stars of the Ravens. Sure, he's not Manning, Brady, Rogers, ect, but I'd say he was a pretty flipping big star at the time. OF course he's disgraced now.

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I'm sure he was already going to be in considering the amount of cross promotion they have been doing this year, it only makes sense.


Curious because they are having a ton of old timers like Brutus The Barber Beefcake and Andre The Giant...They were even going to have a DLC package featuring Hulk Hogan...10 bucks says they just insert Terminator in the spot and call the story a "What If" angle.

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Damn. Quite possibly the two best talkers in wrestling history have both passed within two months of each other. We'll never see their like again.


You're right we will never see two guys that can talk like they can. For my money Piper was a lot better than Dusty as far as talking. Piper seemed to be able to cut a promo face or heel to where as Dusty's heel stuff doesn't compare with his American Dream stuff. But damn was Dusty the perfect face for Flair or what. Its kind of a shame that Dusty didn't get a big title run during the Horsemen era especially weird since he was their main and natural foil being the Common Man for their lavish, outlandish, arrogant characters.

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Wow, a lot of good seems to have happened in a month. Sasha + Charlotte = win for the divas (at least on paper, I should check the actual matches).


WWE should watch out about the sick kids treatment. Having them meet Cena is awesome, but send more jobbers like Stardust at them and they might actually feel like a loser. :p (No, I kid, it's still a very positive action).


And RIP Roddy. One of the best talkers ever. Always so full of energy. Great that Rousey gave him some credit after her match. The thing I remember most (bit too young for him) is a segment from TNA where he did a shoot speech. Good stuff.

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