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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Wait till she gets to the main roster....When the "Hollywood writers" get a hold of her character she will be giving Ric Flair lap dances, taunting Vince McMahon with towel scenes and her hugs will only be for "HLA" purposes....I hate the writers of the main roster.


I can name two reasons as to why this cannot, will not and probably won't happen.


1. The Hot Lesbian Action moments were only filler moments and gave us some of the worst segments in RAW history. Who still remembers when Three Minute Warning samoan dropped women in their underwear? You have to admit, ANYTHING is better than this; by a longshot.


Which leads me to reason number 2. The PG rating. How do you expect all these things to happen when this rating is been placed? Wouldn't towel scenes, lap dances and hugs being for HLA purposes go completely against the rating placed?

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Wow folks I was just saying of how much they dramatically change characters when they get to the main roster. Was not going to say all those things were literately going to happen but I just said the most opposite thing the Bailey character could stand for and it would not surprise me if were to happen.


I'm just saying the booking team tends to ruin characters....(ie Charlotte, The Ascension, Bo Dallas).

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Wait till she gets to the main roster....When the "Hollywood writers" get a hold of her character she will be giving Ric Flair lap dances, taunting Vince McMahon with towel scenes and her hugs will only be for "HLA" purposes....I hate the writers of the main roster.


Haha I had a giggle at this one, but yeah I dont have high hopes fot Bayley on the main roster. I will say the division is slowly improving.

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Wow folks I was just saying of how much they dramatically change characters when they get to the main roster. Was not going to say all those things were literately going to happen but I just said the most opposite thing the Bailey character could stand for and it would not surprise me if were to happen.


I'm just saying the booking team tends to ruin characters....(ie Charlotte, The Ascension, Bo Dallas).


Oh....you said the opposite.....how embarrassing....I'm gonna....yeah....*looks left and right and runs away from the forums, not to be seen until he remembers what hyperbole is....meaning, tomorrow*

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I'm finally watching NXT from last week... Chad Gable is way too damn good in the ring. He's so awesome. He and Gotch were working that arm spot for a couple minutes with some chain wrestling inbetween grabbing the hold and had the crowd hooked on every move! He's definitely my favorite guy in NXT!
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Just read a report that there's supposed to be 2 cage matches on tonight's Smackdown. My question is why! Gimmick matches are continuing to be buried. Maybe I like my wrestling a little old school. A cage match is an attraction used to build hype for a rivalry. Why are they giving it away on free tv? Better yet, why are we doing it when no feud on the roster has any reason to be in a cage? I really feel like the booking is the worst it's ever been, which is truly a shame because they have the best roster, in terms of talent that they've ever had.


I haven't posted here in a while so this may be a bit late. But in my opinion there's nothing wrong with a freebie here and there. A cage match is indeed used to blow off feuds or sometimes, are used in the midst of an enthralled feud. But it's a gimmick match that can be used for what it is, a special attraction.


I actually thought that they've been down on gimmick matches as of late, but maybe I haven't watched enough WWE programming(or NXT). This should mainly be a concern if cage matches being featured randomly on a weekly show happens on repeated occasions. Until then, if this is a one-off thing(and used for a justified reason) I don't think it's much worth splitting hairs over. There's nothing wrong with thinking old school, but this wouldn't be an indication of how bad(if at all) WWE booking has been as of late.

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I haven't posted here in a while so this may be a bit late. But in my opinion there's nothing wrong with a freebie here and there. A cage match is indeed used to blow off feuds or sometimes, are used in the midst of an enthralled feud. But it's a gimmick match that can be used for what it is, a special attraction.


I actually thought that they've been down on gimmick matches as of late, but maybe I haven't watched enough WWE programming(or NXT). This should mainly be a concern if cage matches being featured randomly on a weekly show happens on repeated occasions. Until then, if this is a one-off thing(and used for a justified reason) I don't think it's much worth splitting hairs over. There's nothing wrong with thinking old school, but this wouldn't be an indication of how bad(if at all) WWE booking has been as of late.


Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time WWE booked a cage match on RAW or SmackDown. (Other than last week's of course)


Other than that, that's probably what I would have said if I wasn't so lazy.

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I haven't posted here in a while so this may be a bit late. But in my opinion there's nothing wrong with a freebie here and there. A cage match is indeed used to blow off feuds or sometimes, are used in the midst of an enthralled feud. But it's a gimmick match that can be used for what it is, a special attraction.


I actually thought that they've been down on gimmick matches as of late, but maybe I haven't watched enough WWE programming(or NXT). This should mainly be a concern if cage matches being featured randomly on a weekly show happens on repeated occasions. Until then, if this is a one-off thing(and used for a justified reason) I don't think it's much worth splitting hairs over. There's nothing wrong with thinking old school, but this wouldn't be an indication of how bad(if at all) WWE booking has been as of late.


They have a history of booking them just to try to get a rating. There hadn't been one in a while on tv, but with every ppv being themed now, we have a waste of a gimmick match nearly every month on the main roster. I used to have a huge reaction when a wrestler or personality announced so and so would be fighting in a cage or hell in a cell or have a ladder match etc. Now it's just an, "oh we're having a cage match."


In regards to NXT, I believe the only gimmick matches they've had since I started watching (a few weeks before Bo Dallas lost the title) are 3 gimmick matches, and all 3 were for the title on one of the ppvs (special events, whatever you wanna call them). Bo Dallas v Neville and Kevin Owens vs Balor in a ladder match for the title and the 30 min iron man match for the woman's title. They've kept it special so it means a lot.

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Last cage match I remember was the one where Seth tried to get under it and almost got piked. O_O


Honestly that finish was really dumb....I called it in the middle of the PPV that Luke Harper and Dean Ambrose should brawl there way back to the ring to interrupt this match and get a conclusion on their match which in turn could have gave a protected finish to Seth.


The RKO being banned then having Seth use it was bad booking.


Interesting to see Sami Calihan asked to be released from NXT and is back in CZW. I'm setting up to watch him at Cage of Death


I agree he was being wasted on NXT as they were just jobbing him out when he was way too good for that.

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I agree he was being wasted on NXT as they were just jobbing him out when he was way too good for that.


He wasn't even being jobbed out, just wasn't being used at all beyond random house show appearances. I've never been a huge fan of his, but I definitely understand why he'd ask for his release. Same with CJ Parker/Juice Robinson.

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He wasn't even being jobbed out, just wasn't being used at all beyond random house show appearances. I've never been a huge fan of his, but I definitely understand why he'd ask for his release. Same with CJ Parker/Juice Robinson.


It was really weird how long they kept him off TV. Then when he FINALLY debuted, it seemed like they wanted to run with him. They gave him like 2 or 3 squash wins, but then even though he didn't do anything, it seemed like he got the dog pound treatment. Reminds me a lot of John Morrison's 2011. Was a pretty good contender, looked like he could be the new face, he challenged the top dogs (Owens), but then they just came to a screeching halt. Dude was then jobbed out until his release.

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Honestly that finish was really dumb....I called it in the middle of the PPV that Luke Harper and Dean Ambrose should brawl there way back to the ring to interrupt this match and get a conclusion on their match which in turn could have gave a protected finish to Seth.


The RKO being banned then having Seth use it was bad booking.




I agree he was being wasted on NXT as they were just jobbing him out when he was way too good for that.


Oh wow, I forgot about the Extreme Rules match. I was referring to back last year. :p

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It was really weird how long they kept him off TV. Then when he FINALLY debuted, it seemed like they wanted to run with him. They gave him like 2 or 3 squash wins, but then even though he didn't do anything, it seemed like he got the dog pound treatment. Reminds me a lot of John Morrison's 2011. Was a pretty good contender, looked like he could be the new face, he challenged the top dogs (Owens), but then they just came to a screeching halt. Dude was then jobbed out until his release.


I think he wasn't on TV much because he didn't have a real character. Didn't help that they gave him a hacker gimmick when he looked like a real life troll doll mixed with an edgy Flintstones character. Just never seemed to have a proper character and had a horrible look. Seemed like they were going to work out something with him and Zahra, but then Zahra got released. As much as I like Sami, I think he's just one of those guys who isn't meant for the WWE. Kind of reminds me of someone like Adam Pearce, Drake Younger, Jimmy Jacobs (Granted, a lot of these guys were near the end of their careers anyways). Guys who probably won't work as wrestlers, but will work well at other positions.

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I liked Owen's promo on SD!, which he capped off with "you look ridiculous". That was dry and hilarious.


Weird how the New Day didn't win the award. The Usos didn't do much, if anything.


Also watched Charlotte's promo at MizTV from several weeks ago. Now that was a bad promo. But I still like what they're doing with her and daddy. Hope she has a series of matches with Becky that are worth seeing.

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I liked Owen's promo on SD!, which he capped off with "you look ridiculous". That was dry and hilarious.


Weird how the New Day didn't win the award. The Usos didn't do much, if anything.


Also watched Charlotte's promo at MizTV from several weeks ago. Now that was a bad promo. But I still like what they're doing with her and daddy. Hope she has a series of matches with Becky that are worth seeing.


I don't pay much attention to the Slammys. The tag team of the year thing explains why. The USOs weren't even active for half the year because of Jey's knee injury. And fan reactions alone would say that Nikki Bella had no business even being nominated for Diva of the Year, much less winning it. I seemed to have forgotten the chants of "WE WANT NIKKI" at seemingly every televised show.


One of my bosses was at last week's show (he lives & works out of Minny) and said the crowd was pissed off at half of the "winners".

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They hid it well then. Nikki weaseled her out of negative crowd reactions by dedicating it to pretty much everybody. How cheesy and dull, and utterly worthless as a motivational note (if that was indeed her goal, but I assume it was just not to get ridiculized). They even had Paige break character somewhat just to support Nikki. That being said, no negativity towards Nikki. She's still miles better than what we had last decade (when I didn't watch the show for obvious reasons).


But let's not overreact. WWE uses these things just as an anchor point for their storylines and material. It's actually a lot like Owens says: people know they've killed it this year (like New Day). They don't need a physical award to prove that point.

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Now I may be wrong but I believe if WWE is a publicly traded company then all polls they make they have to announce the legitimate winners. Which makes sense because the majority of the audience is not voting for Owens or Paige or even New Day. So don't blame the WWE blame the six year old fan clicking on The Usos.
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