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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I don't bet, but if I did I would put a substantial amount on Reigns. Wyatt has zero choice IMO, Jericho even less. The only announced participant that I think has a shot other than Roman is Brock, but I don't expect him to win either. I think the most likely winner other than Reigns would actually be HHH coming in at 29 or 30 to throw him out at the end, setting up Hs/Roman for Mania. I'd expect that we get that match regardless of who wins the Rumble.


And these really crappy RAWs are why I watch the Hulu version instead because it's only 90 minutes....One thing I think they need to do is bust up the Authority. They need to wrap up whatever Authority based plans and be done with them. They need to build heels away from Roman and immediately not give into temptation to feeding them to him. The League of Nations could have had so much more life and was perfect for going against Roman if done correctly.


WWE should have put Leauge of Nations against Roman one at a time per PPV after Survivor Series. If they made Shemus a smug guy who just dangled the title over Roman's head and never defended it but made Roman prove himself against each member they would had enough gas to get to Mania.

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One thing I think they need to do is bust up the Authority. They need to wrap up whatever Authority based plans and be done with them.


Agreed. Move on from the Authority and just have GM or Commissioner to put together cards. The Authority gimmick works in small doses but this time its been around since before WM 30 (I think).

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WWE should have put Leauge of Nations against Roman one at a time per PPV after Survivor Series.


I'd buy into that. Simple plan but effective if done just right. The entire stable will get main event exposure.


Lately I'm wondering why I actually subscribed. I'm thinking "NXT" but just for that? Now with the Rumble and Mania coming up I'm not so sure cancelling is the right time, but if the Road and the event itself disappoint, an hour after the post-RAW will be the exact time of my cancellation. Sometimes, interesting things tend to happen at that precise RAW. (I remember Paige's debut very well :p)

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Agreed. Move on from the Authority and just have GM or Commissioner to put together cards. The Authority gimmick works in small doses but this time its been around since before WM 30 (I think).


SummerSlam 2013 was the show in which it was formed.

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I'd buy into that. Simple plan but effective if done just right. The entire stable will get main event exposure.


Lately I'm wondering why I actually subscribed. I'm thinking "NXT" but just for that? Now with the Rumble and Mania coming up I'm not so sure cancelling is the right time, but if the Road and the event itself disappoint, an hour after the post-RAW will be the exact time of my cancellation. Sometimes, interesting things tend to happen at that precise RAW. (I remember Paige's debut very well :p)


Honestly Hulu puts up all the NXT shows so I never miss them. The only reason I would get the network is to watch Breaking Ground and PPVs. Since I use other web sites for those services the network is just not worth it to me.

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I still love WWE, even when it's bad. And it's been bad, I can't even lie.


What sucks is you know that one good Raw in 2015? When Roman had that one good match with Sheamus and won the belt and Mr McMahon came back?? The was in Philly. Where I live. I missed two Raws in Philadelphia in the last 10 years. This one. And the one that was the night after Punk and Daniel Bryan won their belts and had the celebration for their "old school indy" fans in philly lol.


I can not tell you the rage that crawled up my spine, especially after paying out the wazoo for that Royal Rumble last year...



Anywho, to me, the network is still worth it. I've been checking out on Raw lately. I fastforward through more than I ever have and I've gotten to a point where I haven't watched a minute of Smackdown in a solid 2 months. But I still watch the Network enough times per month that I can't get rid of it. To have that near-infinite library accessible from my phone, laptop, Xbox One, Ps4, etc.... $10 is an easy expense for the value i still get for it.


And the original content isn't awful either. Most of it is geared towards fans of the 90s anyway so it works perfectly for me.

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I still love WWE, even when it's bad. And it's been bad, I can't even lie.


What sucks is you know that one good Raw in 2015? When Roman had that one good match with Sheamus and won the belt and Mr McMahon came back?? The was in Philly. Where I live. I missed two Raws in Philadelphia in the last 10 years. This one. And the one that was the night after Punk and Daniel Bryan won their belts and had the celebration for their "old school indy" fans in philly lol.


I can not tell you the rage that crawled up my spine, especially after paying out the wazoo for that Royal Rumble last year...



Anywho, to me, the network is still worth it. I've been checking out on Raw lately. I fastforward through more than I ever have and I've gotten to a point where I haven't watched a minute of Smackdown in a solid 2 months. But I still watch the Network enough times per month that I can't get rid of it. To have that near-infinite library accessible from my phone, laptop, Xbox One, Ps4, etc.... $10 is an easy expense for the value i still get for it.


And the original content isn't awful either. Most of it is geared towards fans of the 90s anyway so it works perfectly for me.


Agree totally on the Network. Like you, WWE has trained me that Raw will be an awful variety show, so I DVR and skip to the guys I like.


But the Network pays for itself just with NXT (only show me and the Wife watch each week without fail from WWE) and the PPV's.


I don't watch historical matches often, but it's nice that I can. And some of there original content (like Breaking Ground) have been very good.


Swerved would be better if they stopped letting Dolph host it and instead let Woods do it.

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I'm a fan of watching retro wrestling a lot (older shows and PPVs that can't be considered retro as well) so the Network is totally worth it for me. Countdown was my favorite original show, but that is gone, unfortunately. Still, lots of good original content and old content there. Loved watching the Pillman and nWo documentaries.
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Personally I love the network. I am 34 years old and have watch wrestling since the mid 80s. I took some time off here and there but for the most part have watched straight through. I have a 15 year old and a 9 year old son. They both love wrestling as well.


Like others on here I do not have cable so I watch the Hulu 90 min version of Raw on Tuesdays. Also I started watching back old RAWs with them. I had them start at the King of the Ring 96 where Austin starts his push. They love it it so far and to me it hasn't even got good yet.


I also watch NXT almost every week, Table for 3, Breaking Ground, and any of their documentary type shows. I dont watch the stupid shows on there but prefer the behind the scenes type stuff. Well worth 9.99 a month as I use it more than Hulu or netflix

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Does anybody think that Daniel Bryan could come back at the Royal Rumble? Apparently he hasn't had medical clearance yet but I just have a feeling that he may. Another scenario running through my head is The Rock winning the rumble and facing Reigns at Wrestlemania with The Rock blaming Reigns for getting booed last year, probably won't happen but in my head it seems like something they would do.
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Does changing your IP affect digital gaming?


Yeah, especially on Steam. If you use an IP from a different country, you face a perma-ban. Reason is they don't do a straight currency conversion, so switching to some countries actually gets you the games dirt cheap in comparison to your own currency.

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Ummm i didn't know there was a free hulu lol. I don't have cable tv so that and netflix is my cable :p


There isn't a free hulu, that I know of. Hulu Plus is simply "Hulu" nowadays.


I have Hulu and WWE Network, usually catch Total Divas and Raw on Hulu and everything else on the Network :)

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Does anybody think that Daniel Bryan could come back at the Royal Rumble? Apparently he hasn't had medical clearance yet but I just have a feeling that he may. Another scenario running through my head is The Rock winning the rumble and facing Reigns at Wrestlemania with The Rock blaming Reigns for getting booed last year, probably won't happen but in my head it seems like something they would do.


I don't see The Rock doing a heel turn unless he went full time.

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I'm almost positive that Hunter comes back at 30 in the rumble, wins, and Brock gets pissed and we end up with a three way at WM, after reigns someway works himself into a rematch.


Lets them end the authority (please god) if they want by having Hunter lose to Reigns, lets them get Brock in a WM main event, but not take a loss (since Hunter can take it from Reigns) and sets up a good feud after Mania, Brock vs. Reigns to try to give Roman more credibility.


Only thing is I assume you will need to pay Brock A TON of money to get the dates out of him to tell that story, which Vince may not want to do.

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Well, Brock IS working Fastlane, so I guess Vince was pretty successful.


oh I always expected Vince to pay for Brock during WM season. It's not a question of success or not, it's a question of Vince paying through the nose for a part timer or not. I think Brock loves to preform, he's just in a position where he can set his schedule, and demand a ton to work more dates. Which he should be doing, he's a smart business man and has the position in the companies plans to do that.


and Vince has shown he will do that, if the company needs it, which they do right now. Paying Brock for 3 months after Mania might be another story. We'd all love to see it, but we don't have to write Brock the check :D

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HHH is the favorite with Reigns behind him at #2 in betting. Ive been expecting HHH to enter at 30 with it being Reigns as a final guy because god forbid Reigns not look like a Superman/Rocks love child... So im thinking HHH comes out and takes out Reigns. How Lesnar fits into this im clueless. Maybe Wyatts cheat to take out Lesnar and they go at Fastlane and somehow continue it to WM
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