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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Its Vinces way of not letting someone use their name to capitalize on WWE. But I wanna know whos the one trying to kill the Indy scene between HHH and Vince. Besides that the faster Vince no longer has control of WWE I think the better the company is. Also Kevin Dunn needs to go


I thought it was funny that Chyna gave the middle finger to Vince by legally changing her name to Chyna.....too bad her career went down (in more ways than one) after that move.

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The camerawork has gone downhill the last 1-2 years. Is it Dunn's fault or are all the best camera operators in NXT? The Royal Rumble match was particuarly bad because they kept cutting to Reigns. Probably the Vince/Dunn combo behind that.


That had me infuriated. Had the camera on him basically 2 entire minutes. Not like there was a Royal Rumble match happening for the strap!

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For one, it would be silly to debut him as a big deal on the main roster with a different name when the entire premise around him is that everyone knows who he is



Eh guess you are right there. Bet he didnt even have to fight as hard as Punk did to keep his ring name.


Im just glad to see him back! I can imagine good feuds with Kevin Owens, even Cena as a "battle of the faces of their company/former company"

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For one, it would be silly to debut him as a big deal on the main roster with a different name when the entire premise around him is that everyone knows who he is



Eh guess you are right there. Bet he didnt even have to fight as hard as Punk did to keep his ring name.

Im just glad to see him back! I can imagine good feuds with Kevin Owens, even Cena as a "battle of the faces of their company/former company"


Time have changed. HHH has even more input and influence now.

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Eh guess you are right there. Bet he didnt even have to fight as hard as Punk did to keep his ring name.


CM Punk wasn't an 18 year veteran when he signed with WWE, nor was he anywhere near as big of a deal. Punk is/was amazing, but when he signed he wasn't a major heel in the second biggest company in the world like AJ was in New Japan.

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" AJ Styles signed a multi-year contract with WWE which allows him to retain his ring name and various other trademarks.


The report notes the deal was signed last week, and allows WWE to use trademarks associated with Styles including the “The Phenomenal One” nickname and “The Styles Clash” finishing move name. WWE will also retain some of the rights to Styles’ name in regards to video once he leaves the company."


That's the reason AJ can use his name. He has a deal that benefits both parties by using his name.


Samoa Joe was different as he came in originally as an "Indy" guy like Johnny Gargano or Tommaso Ciampia. I know he's signed an exclusive deal now, but I guess Samoa Joe's name is worth something in the US market, same with Austin Aries where as Prince Devitt was less known to US audiences and so chose to go by the name Finn Balor.


Triple H said it himself, WWE are the victims of their own success as without territories, where do you bring in future stars from?

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That's a wrong conclusion imo. The fact was that the Rumble had a larger percentage of 'big guys' coming in. They basically exist to sweep the ring, but couldn't because there was no one to sweep. Just being in there and staying (because you can hardly give them a mere minute) makes for a boring Rumble. The buzzer goes off and it's "just another big guy". Obviously they don't like it.


It's pretty funny how they say Reigns is showing disrespect to their 'religion' - where are they going with this? - whereas the Wyatts basically ruined the rumble (from a realistic standpoint) and that's all good. It makes no sense. But I still liked RAW. The Golden Truth segments were hilarious, and even Rock's showing - despite the -


And I'm starting to see why Adam put repetitive booking in TEW. I never turned it off, but I thought it was ridiculous at first. Now I wish WWE booked a little different instead of just Sasha vs Becky, again. I love seeing both, but switch it up please. This is the third time in a month. :p

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What I find odd is that Darren Young is the first active competitor to come out of the closet but only Titus' good will things are covered....strange huh?


They made a huge deal out of it when it happened and the Prime Time Players were immediately put back together and on TV regularly for awhile afterwards. They made him the poster child for the Be A Star campaign for awhile. He had his moment and now it's Titus's. Eventually they'll move on to someone else.

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WWE should have some fun with it and have Goldust try to partner up with Young instead of Truth.


Also on Reddit someone gave the awesome idea that Truth should interupt a Taker promo and say he is going to end the streak.


Oh My God, if that happens, I'm going to crack up.

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That's a wrong conclusion imo. The fact was that the Rumble had a larger percentage of 'big guys' coming in. They basically exist to sweep the ring, but couldn't because there was no one to sweep. Just being in there and staying (because you can hardly give them a mere minute) makes for a boring Rumble. The buzzer goes off and it's "just another big guy". Obviously they don't like it.


I don't see why the big guys should exist only to sweep the ring. In this case, their purpose is quite apparent. All of them (besides Lesnar) are there to be swept by bigger/higher-tier monsters than themselves. Titus and Ryback were there to get tossed by the Big Show (the bigger guy). The older established monsters (Show, Kane, Mark Henry) were there to put over the new monsters that the WWE are trying to establish (Wyatt Family....especially Strowman). And of course the Wyatt Family in turn get swept by the Ultimate Monster (Brock).


It's not a particularly brilliant or groundbreaking concept (using established big guys/monsters to make another monster character to look even more unstoppable), but is it really any worse than the same old tired formula of "big guy comes in a toss a bunch of middle/lightweight midcarders"? In fact the latter would be exactly the kind of "repetitive booking" that you were talking about in the later part of your post, since they happen in every battle royal. :p


I actually think it helps someone like Strowman a lot more to have him throw out Big Show, Kane and Henry as compared to just throwing out the likes of Neville and Stardust.

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Just caught Styles/Axel on YouTube. First time I've heard Ranallo in WWE. Glad to hear someone actually CALL a match for a change.


It was also the first Styles Clash. They've been teasing it twice now and it's happening on Smackdown? A little underwhelming.


Funny how the McMahons reacted on the fans screaming their name. That was a little awkward. Maybe they insisted on him promoting WWE some more during his entrance, like a bannerman being forced to kneel for his new king.


I actually think it helps someone like Strowman a lot more to have him throw out Big Show, Kane and Henry as compared to just throwing out the likes of Neville and Stardust.


True, that. But fans get disappointed upon their entrance, and it carries to a minute or two unless a more exciting entrance comes along (at least in theory).


The exciting entrances were (correct me if I'm wrong): AJ, Zayn & Trips. That's one in ten. They were well-spread, but the beginning lacked some excitement.

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Does anyone get a Big John Studd vibe from Braun Strowman? They seem to have a similar look.


What I find odd is that Darren Young is the first active competitor to come out of the closet but only Titus' good will things are covered....strange huh?


I wonder if it is because Titus is someone who Vince normally pushes. Tall dude, big muscles, with charisma. I have had a feeling like the WWE would love to turn Titus into a breakout star.

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