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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Triple H vs. Reigns has very blatantly been the plan since before the Rumble, so I'm not sure how you could have expected any different result.


idk i figured them may make a change considering they don't want people to boo the main event of mania and they don't have have mitb to fix it this time, i mean why tease the fans with someone they actually want and then have the guy they want us to like beat the guy we actually like, supriseing, no, doesn't make it less stupid.

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The majority of the fans cheer for Reigns and at every show you can see countless shirts of his in the audience. This whole "everyone hates him" thing is getting ridiculous. There is a vocal minority that boo him, but he gets cheered a lot and gets good reactions.


i disagree, there was a period where people cheered him, but sinse the rumble his best reactions have been a small pop followed by lukewarm reaction all round, and that's at his best, at his worse... did you hear tonight?

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While I agree with Jaysin it should be noted that the next shows up to Wrestlemania are traditionally very smarky. Even though I personally like Reigns I believe he is going to be booed out of the building in the next few weeks. Get ready for either HHH or Ambrose to be ridiculously over.
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While I agree with Jaysin it should be noted that the next shows up to Wrestlemania are traditionally very smarky. Even though I personally like Reigns I believe he is going to be booed out of the building in the next few weeks. Get ready for either HHH or Ambrose to be ridiculously over.


this as well, I'd also like to note that i don't hate reigns, i think he's not bad and has improved quite a bit however his mic work, although better is still awful and people have made it clear that shoving roman down peoples throats is only gonna piss them off more, i think cena's great, but i hated it when he was superman, however at least he rose to that point over time, with roman wwe just put roman there immediately and refused to understand that maybe iff he had some actual stuggles getting to the top, people wouldn't hate him so much.


also there are just so many people that are more entertaining than him.

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That was one of the worst PPVs in a long whiel. I just want to know who is deciding on these Main Events... Like seriously anyone with a brain knew 6 months ago what was going to happen. Why the hell does WWE keep going with this BS garbage booking that no one wants to see? Who the hell cares about Reigns vs HHH? WE ALL KNOW THE DAMN ENDING ALREADY!!




But besides that Wyatts get buried hard. They are done. Lesnar looked like trash by getting teamed on all match. Terrible booking on WWEs part. There goes the Wyatt vs Lesnar storyline. Wyatts are a joke now. They are done. WHO THE HELL BOOKED THIS DAMN PPV!

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I thought the PPV as a whole was pretty lackluster.


ADR vs. Kalisto - ADR set up his finisher what seemed like 30 times over the course of the match.

Becky/Sasha vs. Naomi/Tamina - Not bad, nothing great.

KO vs. Ziggler - Same, pretty much

Titans vs. Wyatts - What the hell did this accomplish? What do Big Show/Kane/Ryback gain by winning? The match wasn't great either.

Charlotte vs. Brie - Sloppy.

Styles vs. Jericho - Another decent match, but nothing great.

New Day Cutting Edge Peep Show - What do you do to make a semi-entertaining segment with two entertaining groups better? Call out the void of charisma known as the League of Nations, apparently.

Axel vs. R-Truth - WTF is this doing on PPV? For a second I thought I somehow slept until Raw.

Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Lesnar - I thought the match was just starting to get kind of interesting with Ambrose introducing the chair, then Reigns abruptly won. I definitely would've preferred an Ambrose victory here, but meh, Roman's always going to be the choice, I guess.


On top of that, the network was terrible. It was constantly freezing/stuttering/going to terrible quality. I really wish I watched the Walking Dead instead.

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I thought the PPV as a whole was pretty lackluster.


ADR vs. Kalisto - ADR set up his finisher what seemed like 30 times over the course of the match.

Becky/Sasha vs. Naomi/Tamina - Not bad, nothing great.

KO vs. Ziggler - Same, pretty much

Titans vs. Wyatts - What the hell did this accomplish? What do Big Show/Kane/Ryback gain by winning? The match wasn't great either.

Charlotte vs. Brie - Sloppy.

Styles vs. Jericho - Another decent match, but nothing great.

New Day Cutting Edge Peep Show - What do you do to make a semi-entertaining segment with two entertaining groups better? Call out the void of charisma known as the League of Nations, apparently.

Axel vs. R-Truth - WTF is this doing on PPV? For a second I thought I somehow slept until Raw.

Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Lesnar - I thought the match was just starting to get kind of interesting with Ambrose introducing the chair, then Reigns abruptly won. I definitely would've preferred an Ambrose victory here, but meh, Roman's always going to be the choice, I guess.


On top of that, the network was terrible. It was constantly freezing/stuttering/going to terrible quality. I really wish I watched the Walking Dead instead.



Funny. Tonight was the best connection ive had from the network in a long while.

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Only real issue I had with the PPV was the fact that Charlotte completely no sold the fact that Brie Bella had her in a single leg boston crab. Gets up, figure 8, walks away as if nothing happened. Really hope they put the belt on either Sasha or Becky at WM. Say what you want about Reigns but at least he knows how to sell a move.
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Funny. Tonight was the best connection ive had from the network in a long while.


Usually I see people complaining about it on Twitter, and it's completely fine for me. Tonight it was just awful, and was especially was acting up toward the end of matches. For me, right when AJ hit the Styles Clash, it froze, and recovered as Jericho was tapping to the Calf Killer.

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I thought the show was pretty darn good. Liked every match. The ending was predictable but I find it kind of childish to hate a product because you feel you outsmarted it lol.


We all knew Roman was going to win. A big blow off between Roman and Triple H makes sense. It's always made sense. I do think having Dean win would have been the more fun, creative move but we have to stop crying every time the guy we like doesn't win. Dean's getting more TV time than ever now and he's finally stepping out of the "Roman's little Brother" role.


Dean Ambrose fans saw their favorite wrestler get some serious character development tonight, assuming creative follows through.

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I thought the show was pretty darn good. Liked every match. The ending was predictable but I find it kind of childish to hate a product because you feel you outsmarted it lol.


We all knew Roman was going to win. A big blow off between Roman and Triple H makes sense. It's always made sense. I do think having Dean win would have been the more fun, creative move but we have to stop crying every time the guy we like doesn't win. Dean's getting more TV time than ever now and he's finally stepping out of the "Roman's little Brother" role.


Dean Ambrose fans saw their favorite wrestler get some serious character development tonight, assuming creative follows through.


I agree with you with almost everything here, the story makes sense. Its been leading up to Roman vs HHH from the beginning. This is the payoff that was always intended. But why would you book Roman against the two top babyfaces in the company? Why? It could easily of been Roman vs Sheamus vs Bray. Roman is someone I want to get behind 100%. But he is being booked horribly. He isn't the John Cena character they want, he is more like a Goldberg, a silent bad-ass.


Heres the thing, fans want to get behind Roman. I truly think that, but they are making it hard for us to like him. You're right though, Dean stole the show in this program. Him vs Lesnar at Mania is a must.


Wyatts losing the match I have no idea why that happened. How can fans take them seriously if they lose to Ryback, Big Show and Kane? They are meant to be a serious faction. This is going to make Bray look even weaker and if he goes against Lesnar he is only going to look worse.


Great intentions from Fastlane, horrible execution and ideas.

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Del Rio vs Kalisto - Good match with lots of bumps. It deserved better than the pre-show. Del Rio overused the double foot stomp. At least Ranallo got to call one match.

Team BAE vs Team BAD - Good match. Way better than the usual garbage divas tag matches.

Owens vs Ziggler - Great match considering the lack of story. Nothing fancy, just Owens fighting viciously and Ziggler putting on a selling clinic.

Wyatt Family vs 3 Big Guys - I fast-forwarded to the end to make sure the Wyatts won. Instead Ryback won for no good reason with a botched finisher :mad:

Brie vs Charlotte - OK match. Brie did better than expected. Charlotte's no ring general so they should avoid putting her in long matches with weaker opponents.

Styles vs Jericho - Good match. Jericho sold the hell out of the Calf Crusher. Shame they didn't protect the Styles Clash. AJ's next feud should be with Owens.

Cutting Edge Peep Show - Mildly funny segment. Instead of Enzo & Cass debuting we got New Day turning tweener, presumably so the League of Nations has someone to fight at Wrestlemania :confused:

Axel vs Truth - Should have saved it for Raw.

Ambrose vs Reigns vs Lesnar - Good match. Could have been longer. They should have at least done an NXT-style double pin on Lesnar so that Ambrose got the Wrestlemania main event match he deserves.


Verdict: Above average "B" PPV. All the matches that mattered delivered except Charlotte vs Brie. There were a couple of head-scratching booking decisions but that's par for the course with WWE.

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It's crazy that people legitimately believe a PPV with a couple head-scratching booking decisions is an above average WWE PPV nowadays. And I'm not even saying they're wrong. It might honestly be above average for a WWE PPV at this point.


To continue to try and get Reigns over as the face of the company (hey, maybe the third year of doing this will be the charm), they booked him in a match with two more popular babyfaces. Then they had him eat a kimura and three chair shots before immediately hitting the spear and winning. How did the WWE possibly think that would work with the fans? It's so incredibly tone-deaf it's unbelievable.


The Wyatts losing was nearly just as bad. And why was there no followup to the Wyatts and Lesnar from the Royal Rumble? And it looks like Ryback injured Harper. The most overrated big man just injured the most underrated big man just weeks before WrestleMania. Awesome.


The Edge & Christian segment was confusing. They were antagonizing the New Day, then they were joking with them at the expense of the League of Nations? And it served no purpose other than a 10-minute commercial for E&C's new show.


And that R-Truth/Axel segment would have been disappointing for Raw, let alone a PPV.


Other than that, not bad.

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Roman is someone I want to get behind 100%. But he is being booked horribly. He isn't the John Cena character they want, he is more like a Goldberg, a silent bad-ass.


I'm right there with you here. I think making Roman a high-fiving hero is a huge mistake. We're seeing a little bit more of an edge to him here and there though, and his promos have been way shorter so maybe they're going in this direction moving forward.

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Common sense told me that it was going to be Roman vs. HHH but I find myself feeling blah about it. I really think Dean should be the guy to carry the company not Roman. This isn't the smark in me....this is the guy who is starting to get bored with direction. I didn't even bother watching last night because I knew I wasn't missing anything. The only match I would have missed was the Wyatts losing....why would they lose that match again? This has been an extremely bland build for me....I don't even know if I want to even watch Mania at this point.


It looks like it's going to be HHH vs. Reigns with Reigns going over. Dean vs. Lesnar probably having Lesnar going over to keep Lesnar strong. Most of the rest of the card doesn't really matter at this point.





See if the main event of mania led to this....it would have been great.

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My problem isn't so much with H3 V. Reigns at WM, though I personally have limited to no interest in that. I've just resigned myself to the fact that until Roman gets a lengthy title reign, the rest of the roster is going to functionally be sitting there going "do you have anything for us to do?"


So fine, give him the strap for longer than a few weeks. Here's my problems with how we got there:


What is literally ANY other WM story line right now? WE have 41 days, and we know the M/E (which has been apparent for months) and nothing. No fueds have been built up between anyone else.


Owens? he's IC champ, but what's he doing? One hopes it isn't ambrose again. I guess it could be AJ Styles, Sami would feel FAR to rushed now.


The Divas? I guess it's going to be Chralotte v. either becky or sasha, but why haven't we done ANYTHING to build that beyond sasha coming down after a title match, and charlotte blowing her off?


What's going on with the tag division? anyone going to build a fued with New Day? it it really going to be the league of nations, with the New Day doing a quasi face turn, which ruins thier entire gimmick?


AJ? see above, but are we really doing nothing with this talent?


And what's dean doing? I've heard rumors of a Dean Brock match, but who wants to see that now? you booked Dean as a loser in this triple threat to keep Brock strong, so why should I buy that a guy who got in exactly 2 offensive moments last night, one off a low blow from behind, another from a chair shot from behind, could beat Brock? Every time you had Brock look in Dean's general direction last night, you booked him to get destroyed or have to cheat.


And why would you ruin any credibility the Wyats had with that awful tripe last night? Kane, Big show, and Ryback are the team to push in 2016 huh?


My problem isn't Reigns winning, it's the amount of time we've wasted to get to this point. Now they have 40 days to build the rest of the card, the card for a WM that COULD make you a ton of stars.


But it won't if you do no groundwork, and just throw stuff onto the card at this point.

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My problem isn't so much with H3 V. Reigns at WM, though I personally have limited to no interest in that. I've just resigned myself to the fact that until Roman gets a lengthy title reign, the rest of the roster is going to functionally be sitting there going "do you have anything for us to do?"


So fine, give him the strap for longer than a few weeks. Here's my problems with how we got there:


What is literally ANY other WM story line right now? WE have 41 days, and we know the M/E (which has been apparent for months) and nothing. No fueds have been built up between anyone else.


Owens? he's IC champ, but what's he doing? One hopes it isn't ambrose again. I guess it could be AJ Styles, Sami would feel FAR to rushed now.


The Divas? I guess it's going to be Chralotte v. either becky or sasha, but why haven't we done ANYTHING to build that beyond sasha coming down after a title match, and charlotte blowing her off?


What's going on with the tag division? anyone going to build a fued with New Day? it it really going to be the league of nations, with the New Day doing a quasi face turn, which ruins thier entire gimmick?


AJ? see above, but are we really doing nothing with this talent?


And what's dean doing? I've heard rumors of a Dean Brock match, but who wants to see that now? you booked Dean as a loser in this triple threat to keep Brock strong, so why should I buy that a guy who got in exactly 2 offensive moments last night, one off a low blow from behind, another from a chair shot from behind, could beat Brock? Every time you had Brock look in Dean's general direction last night, you booked him to get destroyed or have to cheat.


And why would you ruin any credibility the Wyats had with that awful tripe last night? Kane, Big show, and Ryback are the team to push in 2016 huh?


My problem isn't Reigns winning, it's the amount of time we've wasted to get to this point. Now they have 40 days to build the rest of the card, the card for a WM that COULD make you a ton of stars.


But it won't if you do no groundwork, and just throw stuff onto the card at this point.


EXTREMELY well said! I agree with you 100%. Their starting to become a bit like TNA booking when it comes to PPVs. No real build for pretty much anything. I felt last year's card was a little rushed, but after Fast Lane we had pretty much confirmed Roman/Brock with the match w/ Bryan. Haitch/Sting with the confrontation angle. And Bray/Taker with the casket angle. Now we literally know nothing about this card. They missed a bunch of opportunities here, Sami in particular. I really have low hopes for this Mania, and will also be sad because it's a year since AJ left the company. :(. Oh well, still got Alexa. :p

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