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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<p>Big Show is a little underrated... unless you hate big man wrestlers. But aside from experience, name recognition with casuals and stature, he's not better than Reigns and neither are Kane or Henry for that matter. Those 3 rarely have highly-rated matches, unlike Reigns who had multiple highly-rated matches since he went solo.</p><p> </p><p>

Owens vs Big Show is a decent match-up to give Owens a win at Wrestlemania. I just think it's a missed opportunity not to make it a bigger match by giving Owens a better opponent who can last more than 10 minutes in the ring.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I actually stopped reading after the word "Reigns" because I knew what was following.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah...and it's going to continue and we won't be able to do anything about it. Well, you guys won't, because I'm out of this discussion for my sake (since I might be in the wrong here...I'll just ignore him and move on before I'm banned or something). He had no business bringing Reigns up this time, so I know it only gets better. Good luck, I guess.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Warhawk8492" data-cite="Warhawk8492" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't get all the Big Show hate, he is a legend a future Hall of Famer. Even at his current age he is a hell of a lot better than Roman Reigns. Chanting "Please retire" at Big Show is extremely disrespectful of a legend. I would rather see Big Show as champion over Reigns any day. Now would there be a possible more interesting feud for Owens? Yes but it could be worse. If Big Show puts over Owens it would make Kevin Owens look great.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't get the hate either, if he gets the right opponent he can put on amazing matches like at Extreme Rules easily MOTN to me</p><p> </p><p> As long as Owens does not get Dolph again it should be good whoever it is</p>
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not really WWE I guess but not worthy of a whole thread. Saw an indy pmrotion in Bay City and met Kevin Nash. Had him sign my KLIQ dvd, he'd never seen it so he signed it and the disc so he could look inside! guy I went to high school with is wrestling under the name Jake Something and was trained at the big ROH school I guess. Met a wrestler named Krimson who basically is everything I'd want in a gimmick myself lol. got some pics at the event if anyone cares to see them!
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not really WWE I guess but not worthy of a whole thread. Saw an indy pmrotion in Bay City and met Kevin Nash. Had him sign my KLIQ dvd, he'd never seen it so he signed it and the disc so he could look inside! guy I went to high school with is wrestling under the name Jake Something and was trained at the big ROH school I guess. Met a wrestler named Krimson who basically is everything I'd want in a gimmick myself lol. got some pics at the event if anyone cares to see them!


Could you show them or maybe PM them to me? I would be interested in seeing the pics. Did Nash strike you as a good person? Seems like he was nice, with the DVD signing and all.


As for WM, i think they still have some time to do something about the card. It's not that bad and Shane's return made the interest grow in general. I think we can have a decent WM, but i hardly think it deserves to be dubbed "The greatest Wrestlemania ever" as WWE is trying to do. Their lack of Cena just exposes their own weaknesses. They should have really put more guys over in case he got injured. We said this would happen if he ever got a big injury.

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I don't get the hate either, if he gets the right opponent he can put on amazing matches like at Extreme Rules easily MOTN to me


The hate comes from how wishy washy WWE is with characters and how overexposed everyone is. Big Show's been on TV for years and had some good matches and a ton of bad ones. Sometimes he's the easiest guy to beat, other time he's knocking out everyone with a single punch. Not to mention the face/heel turns he has had.


It's tiring to watch any of his feuds simply because it could be crap, it could be ADR vs Big Show, or it could be Big Show walking out and punching Kevin Owens and winning in seconds.


Big Show should be Marat Kholov rather than Giant Tana.

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I like Big Show in 2 roles only. Happy and chipper baby face or big monster heel (preferred). When he is the big monster heel and busting through people it is more believable in my mind. When he is losing to guys that aren't very over it ruins him for me.
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I'm legit starting to think you can't post one comment in this thread without mentioning Reigns.


One of my favorite past times is seeing how Warhawk connects things to Reigns in every post. I legitimately find it amusing, but I can understand why people might find it tiring, but you guys do know that there's a block button, right? :p


Anyways, this is one of the first times in recent history where WrestleMania seems like an absolute crapshoot IMO. For the past several years, I've been able to get a general feeling of how good WM will be just from the build up and card (except for last year's, which I thought was going to crap, and turned out fantastic). For example, IMO, it was easy to tell that a WrestleMania would be terrible (27), Okay but not WM worthy (25, 29) or good (28, 26, 30) But this is the first year since I started consistently watching in late 2008 that I can say I have no idea how it will turn out.


Shane McMahon vs. Taker? That could be an entertaining overbooked match like Shawn vs Mr. McMahon at WM22, or another incredibly bizarre (and/or bad) WM matchup for The Undertaker like Giant Gonzales, Big Bossman and Mark Henry.


Triple H vs. Reigns? I think that this will be a good match, but it will have a WM22 situation where Triple H is being cheered over the intended Face.


Ambrose vs Lesnar? We could have another Hart vs. Steve Austin, or we could have another pointless Lesnar Mania match that doesn't really do anything for either man, like Lesnar vs. Triple H at WM29.


And that's not even getting into the matches that we don't know. Y2AJ vs New Day could be a good match that's a lot of fun, but League of Nations vs New Day seems like pointless filler. KO vs Big Show doesn't sound good at all, and the match they had on Smackdown didn't show me that they had any particularly good chemistry with one another, so it would be a shocker if it is anything more than passable. The Diva's Title match could be good, if they give it enough time.


I'm interested and entertained, and I don't have a clue of what to expect on this year's "Road to WrestleMania", and it feels like this is the first time that has happened in years.

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I'm so far not impressed with the build at all....There is going to be only 3 matches on this card I'm going to be hyped for (The main event is definitely not one of them) and that is not enough to fill a 4 hour show. I'm probably the one guy on the internet who hates HHH but he caused me to not watch RAW for a year and a half over his reign of terror crap in the 2000s.


I'm trying to stifle my hate for the man because I don't want to sound like a broken record but the only position I can even stomach HHH is a role of putting over younger guys (with that man's ego it's not going to happen) or him being the suit (and he is running that in the ground because he has been on screen as a suit since 2011).

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I'm so far not impressed with the build at all....There is going to be only 3 matches on this card I'm going to be hyped for (The main event is definitely not one of them) and that is not enough to fill a 4 hour show. I'm probably the one guy on the internet who hates HHH but he caused me to not watch RAW for a year and a half over his reign of terror crap in the 2000s.


I'm trying to stifle my hate for the man because I don't want to sound like a broken record but the only position I can even stomach HHH is a role of putting over younger guys (with that man's ego it's not going to happen) or him being the suit (and he is running that in the ground because he has been on screen as a suit since 2011).


Triple H has given us NXT. All his sins have been forgiven.

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I'm so far not impressed with the build at all....There is going to be only 3 matches on this card I'm going to be hyped for (The main event is definitely not one of them) and that is not enough to fill a 4 hour show. I'm probably the one guy on the internet who hates HHH but he caused me to not watch RAW for a year and a half over his reign of terror crap in the 2000s.


I'm trying to stifle my hate for the man because I don't want to sound like a broken record but the only position I can even stomach HHH is a role of putting over younger guys (with that man's ego it's not going to happen) or him being the suit (and he is running that in the ground because he has been on screen as a suit since 2011).


Sounds like you and Warhawk will have the greatest time watching the main event. :p

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I'm so far not impressed with the build at all....There is going to be only 3 matches on this card I'm going to be hyped for (The main event is definitely not one of them) and that is not enough to fill a 4 hour show. I'm probably the one guy on the internet who hates HHH but he caused me to not watch RAW for a year and a half over his reign of terror crap in the 2000s.


I'm trying to stifle my hate for the man because I don't want to sound like a broken record but the only position I can even stomach HHH is a role of putting over younger guys (with that man's ego it's not going to happen) or him being the suit (and he is running that in the ground because he has been on screen as a suit since 2011).


He put over Curtis Axel on a Raw... a clean win to Axel. HHH does have an ego and history of burying talent. But the man since becomming more behind the scenes has done great things for WWE

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He put over Curtis Axel on a Raw... a clean win to Axel. HHH does have an ego and history of burying talent. But the man since becoming more behind the scenes has done great things for WWE


I completely forgot he lost cleanly to Axel. Didn't Axel beat Cena cleanly as well?


Agreed on HHH's change since doing more backstage stuff. I'm hoping the Shane stuff is leading to Vince walking away and HHH running the show.

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Sounds like you and Warhawk will have the greatest time watching the main event.


LOL did you miss my rant of Hunter winning the Rumble? I'm surprised nobody hung me out to dry then.



He put over Curtis Axel on a Raw... a clean win to Axel. HHH does have an ego and history of burying talent. But the man since becomming more behind the scenes has done great things for WWE


I wouldn't call that clean by no means as he was "shaking cobwebs" out on the outside and was considered a count out victory for Axel. All he was doing was selling the after effects of his match with Lesnar.



Triple H has given us NXT. All his sins have been forgiven.



He might have rebranded FCW to NXT but it's the road agents and trainers writing that fantastic masterpiece every week. All Hunter does is oversee the operation and give those atta boy speeches! He has heavy influence on the direction but he leaves most of the booking to good old Tensai.


Hunter is one of the main writers on RAW and Smackdown so I'm pretty sure the guy isn't doing the booking of NXT as well. You can also tell by the quality and consistency of the writing that he isn't the one making all the decisions.

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I see Triple H as an O.K. person now that he has become a part-timer. I expect him to make Reigns look dominant.


depends on what you put in backstage rumors. Rumor has it that Trips ain't the biggest Reigns fan. Hunter certainly has played "babyface" trips this feud so far too, and seems to be enjoying the cheers.


Tonight should be a big night for WM. Should being the key term.

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LOL did you miss my rant of Hunter winning the Rumble? I'm surprised nobody hung me out to dry then.





I wouldn't call that clean by no means as he was "shaking cobwebs" out on the outside and was considered a count out victory for Axel. All he was doing was selling the after effects of his match with Lesnar.






He might have rebranded FCW to NXT but it's the road agents and trainers writing that fantastic masterpiece every week. All Hunter does is oversee the operation and give those atta boy speeches! He has heavy influence on the direction but he leaves most of the booking to good old Tensai.


Hunter is one of the main writers on RAW and Smackdown so I'm pretty sure the guy isn't doing the booking of NXT as well. You can also tell by the quality and consistency of the writing that he isn't the one making all the decisions.


While Hunter's involvement in NXT might be overblown by the IWC, he (with Regal's help) deserves a lot of credit for all the Indy and New Japan talent he's signed the last few years. That after having to convince Vince to give him free reign with NXT. Not to mention the upcoming Cruiserweight show.

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He might have rebranded FCW to NXT but it's the road agents and trainers writing that fantastic masterpiece every week. All Hunter does is oversee the operation and give those atta boy speeches! He has heavy influence on the direction but he leaves most of the booking to good old Tensai.


It's been confirmed in several places that Triple H and Ryan Ward are the ones who write NXT TV. They are also the ones who do smackdown weekly


HHH doesn't need to be there but once a month to go over the television as they tape 4-5 episodes in a sitting.

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It's been confirmed in several places that Triple H and Ryan Ward are the ones who write NXT TV. They are also the ones who do smackdown weekly


HHH doesn't need to be there but once a month to go over the television as they tape 4-5 episodes in a sitting.


Isn't Ryan Katz(GQ Money/Fabian Kaelin) heavily involved in the writing process as well? That's what I've read for awhile anyway. I've definitely read that Triple H and Ward are the main writers, but I've read somewhere that Katz was pretty involved.

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I wouldn't call that clean by no means as he was "shaking cobwebs" out on the outside and was considered a count out victory for Axel. All he was doing was selling the after effects of his match with Lesnar.


Yeah it wasn't clean at all. Triple H had him completely beat, then had concussion symptoms as part of a really tasteless angle in 2013 (even in 2013 we knew concussions were pretty bad, and a chronic problem for certain wrestlers), so the match was a no-contest/unofficial countout where the focus was all on the angle. Then Trips tried to have a re-match to beat up Axel to show how tough and cool he was, but Vince had them ring the bell twice, awarding the match to Axel without him doing anything. Pretty much the opposite of "putting someone over."

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