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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Dude you got some issues.

Like, I'm getting serious "you know how much I can lift, bro?" Vibes from you.


Like, the Dusty Rhodes bit beats your little theory into a pulp, yet you completely avoid it to push some weird narrative about Bret and Shawn? Like, I can understand when someone prefers one over the other, but to s*** on them both? That's new.


Also that Dean Ambrose pic is from 2016, here's one from his return:



Allergic to the gym? Man looks like he ate the gym.


Thank you, and if you want prove that being small doesn't mean in shape just look at Ciampa, Pac, and Murphy.








O, look guys, who to you probably aren't big enough, but are more in shape athletically speaking then most of the guys from the 80s and 90s.


Though Dat I will disagree with you on Strickland and Garza Jr. being the only guys who don't look like stars in NXT when Ciampa is still around.

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Ah that I might give you. Dream is established, as are Cole and Gargano. I'd have to go through the newer roster signings and see if there is anyone else that stands out. I remember watching some of their combine thing they did, and I say Jordan Omogbehin if can learn to work he is going to be this generations Big Show.


EDIT: So I would add:

Montez Ford that guy has IT.


Damien Priest (proof that not all indie guys are flippy vanilla midgets just saying)

Donovan Dijak

Cezar Bononi


As guys who look like stars which is a good mix of "in shape" and smaller guys.

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In shape does not mean ripped.




This is not a dad bod, anyone who has a physique like this clearly works out and he got even larger over time.


Dude, that's called personal preference, yours and apparently from half a dozen dudes that watched wrestling back in the day. Your opinion, regardless of how wrong or right it may be, does not represent mainstream audiences. Add to that the fact you did not refute one single argument made against your thesis and there is not much more to say about this.



You mean other than the fact that viewership and attendance is at an all time low and the WWE isn’t generating even close to the profit it was in the 80s and 90s when wrestlers looked tough and flippy do wrestlers hadn’t taken over.



And no, don’t point to articles about WwEs revenue, revenue does not = profit.


WWE generates record revenue because their expenses and reach is higher than ever before due to having money due to the boom periods.



What you meant to say is my opinion doesn’t reflect those of modern smarks who populate wrestling arenas with their Bullet Club and CM PUnk shirts, not mainstream audiences.

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Dude that's just an asanine statement, WWE have a lot of homegrown talent. Chad Gable, Charlotte, Braun, Alexa, Roman etc. That's in no way the problem.

The problem is the lack of consistent writing, their TV typically sucks but their events rule, because they can't write consistent television.


And wrestling ratings have been declining since literally THE DAY WCW died. The WCW fans didn't just switch over to WWF, they stopped watching. A lot of fans were lost when WWE changed their product because wrestling just lost popularity.


I'm just going to quote the last thing I said, because you've clearly been avoiding all counter arguments and continue to push your big guys=success narrative

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I'm just going to quote the last thing I said, because you've clearly been avoiding all counter arguments and continue to push your big guys=success narrative



This, this more then anything. We had a huge boom in the mid 90s-01ish. This was built on the back of well written angles (NWO, Austin vs McMahon) AND the in ring product of WCW with cruiserweights bringing in a revolutionary style. Wrestling requires a few things to work.


Well written stories that make people want to tune in (or show up depending on the era) each week. Well crafted characters that people can invest in. And a mix of wrestling styles. (Tag Teams, Spot fests, Hardcore, Technical, and Brawls.) When you have something for everyone, it allows you the most spread for fans to be attracted to your product. Which is one of the main reasons WCW thrived. As someone who lived through the Monday Night Wars, my group of friends flipped back and forth between Raw and Nitro. Because Nitro had an in ring product that the WWF couldn't touch, and had the nWo. While Raw offered an edgier product that made up for the lack of in ring quality.

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What you meant to say is my opinion doesn’t reflect those of modern smarks who populate wrestling arenas with their Bullet Club and CM PUnk shirts, not mainstream audiences.


No what we mean to say, is that your opinion isn't that of the mainstream fans. It is your specific opinion. The things that caused the boom in the 90s was the writing, plain and simple. Get some charismatic enough to carry the stories you want to tell and you will create buzz. To go back to someone I used earlier, did McGregor get buzz for MMA and some of the highest PPV Buy Rates because he is big? No, he did it off of his mouth and talents in the Octagon. Same with how Mayweather sells PPVs because he is unbeaten and can talk people into seats. If you can talk a big game and back it up, it doesn't matter what size you are or how in shape you look.


For that matter looking in shape doesn't always mean you are in shape. Case in point Scott Steiner, looks great, gets gassed in a couple minutes. Or the inverse, Daniel Bryan, doesn't look super in shape, can wrestle rings against most anyone and do it for long stretches of time. Who is more in shape?

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I mean, he is a troll you know, I was just enjoying feeding him.


So let's change the subject with a little question:

What is your favorite WWE/F Promo/Line/Angle/Whatever:

I'll start with my man, CM Punk (obviously), but not the Pipebomb, rather something from his in ring confrontation with The Rock, in which he quotes the Second God MC, Nas, and tells the most electrifying man in, ugh, "sports entertainment", that his "arms are too short to box with GOD"

It is so good. The whole crowd just drops silent. They don't boo nor cheer, so is Rocky, just silent.



Also, Paul Heyman's "the only reason you were world champion for year, was because Triple H wouldn't work Tuesdays" to JBL is a classic.

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I'm order

5) Y2J telling Stephanie that with her a SummerSlam is a quickie on a hot summers night

4) Rock's My Name's Billy promo

3) John Cena verbally destroying Big Show in a rap battle

2) Y2J's "I'm gonna get that dirty, greasy, disgusting beats, and I'm gonna get you too Rhino."

1) Steiner Math, always Steiner Math

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I'm order

5) Y2J telling Stephanie that with her a SummerSlam is a quickie on a hot summers night

4) Rock's My Name's Billy promo

3) John Cena verbally destroying Big Show in a rap battle

2) Y2J's "I'm gonna get that dirty, greasy, disgusting beats, and I'm gonna get you too Rhino."

1) Steiner Math, always Steiner Math


Steiner Math was on Impact, this is WWE Discussion.

Don't try to fool me, I'm from a highly educated university

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Same here, it helps past the time on these 12 hour work shifts to mess with him. As for your question.


Jim Ross' sit down with Mankind. Those promos where amazing and got Mankind over to whole new level.

Jericho's debut against The Rock.

Austin 3:16

Andre's turn on Hogan

Michaels' turn on Jannety

Daniel Bryan's Yes! Movement take over (where the ring is full of fans)

Ciampa vs Gargano

The Nexus debut

Hart Foundation in 97 just everything they did.

Goldust vs Piper

Roberts vs Savage


If we count companies that WWE owns.


The Bash at The Beach nWo Debut

Cane Dewey

The whole Raven/Sandman feud

Terry Funk's return against Flair

The whole arc of 97 Sting minus the Starrcade match itself



To name a few.



Also "Your arms are too short to box with God" is a name of a musical from 1977. It was originally in a book by James Weldon Johnson called "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man." Since then it has been used in poems and songs.

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Also "Your arms are too short to box with God" is a name of a musical from 1977. It was originally in a book by James Weldon Johnson called "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man." Since then it has been used in poems and songs.


Huh. I guess you learn something new every day.

That's actually more impressive tbh.


Also, there's a massive lack of CM Punk on your list.

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Hi all,


Just a reminder to keep discussions polite and to remember that everyone is allowed an opinion on a subject. I also want to remind people that one of the rules is "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" as while it may be entertaining to you, it is one of the reasons that many users have grown to dislike the atmosphere on GDS.


HERE is a link to the GDS Forum rules for anyone who needs a reminder. I have no issues with people debating topics, but some of the debating was getting into insults, trolling and borderline shouting about opinions. All of which is unnecessary if you're having a good debate, and all of which makes things less fun for anyone reading along.


We want GDS to be a community where people can enjoy themselves and get away from whatever bad things are bothering them. Forum drama doesn't accomplish that, so let's all do what we can to make things better, thanks. :)


Also, less work for me is nice. :p

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I mean, he is a troll you know, I was just enjoying feeding him.


So let's change the subject with a little question:

What is your favorite WWE/F Promo/Line/Angle/Whatever:

I'll start with my man, CM Punk (obviously), but not the Pipebomb, rather something from his in ring confrontation with The Rock, in which he quotes the Second God MC, Nas, and tells the most electrifying man in, ugh, "sports entertainment", that his "arms are too short to box with GOD"

It is so good. The whole crowd just drops silent. They don't boo nor cheer, so is Rocky, just silent.



Also, Paul Heyman's "the only reason you were world champion for year, was because Triple H wouldn't work Tuesdays" to JBL is a classic.



A few off the top of my head:

*The Rock promo in Little Rock vs Angle & Regal (since the Rock is in Little Rock, the Rock is gonna tell you a little story with Little Regal & Little Angle)

*Brian Kendrick rapping at Cena

*I don't remember the exact promo but CM Punk "This isn't CM Punk talking to Triple H, this is Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque" cue mic getting cut.

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I mean, he is a troll you know, I was just enjoying feeding him.


So let's change the subject with a little question:

What is your favorite WWE/F Promo/Line/Angle/Whatever:

I'll start with my man, CM Punk (obviously), but not the Pipebomb, rather something from his in ring confrontation with The Rock, in which he quotes the Second God MC, Nas, and tells the most electrifying man in, ugh, "sports entertainment", that his "arms are too short to box with GOD"

It is so good. The whole crowd just drops silent. They don't boo nor cheer, so is Rocky, just silent.



Also, Paul Heyman's "the only reason you were world champion for year, was because Triple H wouldn't work Tuesdays" to JBL is a classic.


Pillman's got a gun.

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Crews I'd call a victim of that inconsistent writing you mentioned earlier. Dude's legit talented and with a good story and push, he could probably get over. However it just seems like WWE hired him simply to have him on the roster (which seems to be the case for a few guys on their roster it seems) rather then a desire to actually do anything with him.


I swear, I do not know what the hell the WWE did wrong with him. I saw him on a Dragon's Gate show a few years before he signed with the WWE and I thought he had star written all over him. He had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand just by using his charisma alone (Something I have only witnessed in glimpses in his time with the WWE. Granted I do not watch the product enough on a regular basis.).


I am just not sure what went wrong for him and who is at fault. But if he could just be like he was on that DG show I saw him at, I could easily see him as being a star.


What is your favorite WWE/F Promo/Line/Angle/Whatever:


1. Andre turning on Hulk Hogan.

2. Earl Hebner screwing Hulk out of his title.

3. Piper smashing the coconut on Snuka's head.

4. Austin 3:16 (Though to an extent it kind of annoyed me because I was an Austin fan going back to his time in the NWA. Once he cut that promo everyone else seemed to jump on the bandwagon. The same people who were asking me why I liked him, were now "huge" fans of his.).

5. The Austin/Bret double turn. I never witnessed that prior to that match (Or at least I do not recall seeing it happen. I am sure it did I just never personally saw a double turn up until that point.).

6. The whole Beauty and the Beast angle with George "The Animal" Steele, Miss Elizabeth, and Randy Savage.

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