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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The rumor making the rounds is Wrestlemania will be on ESPN+ or some other BS plate form so Vince can make more money from it. If that’s the case it’s an easy skip for me I’m not paying extra for one event or potentially more. Heck that’s part of what keeps me from watching AEW ppvs I’m not willing to shell out 50$ to watch something that’s worth maybe half that price at best.
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Brock selling Claymores for Drew was great. Just like SD, a #1 Contender gets a rematch right after losing on a PPV LOL. At least Profits won. I like Moss but he shouldn't be beating Ricochet. A Mark Wahlberg cameo isn't going to make a potential Styles/Taker feud any better. Good to see a 3 women in a feud not involving a title. Giant spider toy LOL. I'm glad Asuka didn't have to lose to Shayna on Raw. Kairi and Shayna have good chemistry. Enjoyed Becky's commentary. Nice to see Andrade, Carillo, Rey and Garza getting lots of match time and killing it. That was Orton's best promo in years.
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- Nox vs King Kota Cage Match was great. Nox standing on top of the cage was scary. If she slipped with her bad luck... Smart use of Gonzales. I'm glad Dakota won which means she might get a title shot after Mania. Nox can get her heat back by beating Gonzales.

- Shotzi vs Chelsea was solid.

- I can't believe how much heat Grimes got.

- Era vs Burch & Lorcan vs good.

- Swerve vs Theory was good.

- I liked Unhinged Gargano intimidating Mauro but I still can't muster any hype for another match with Ciampa.

- Dream vs Strong Cage Match was good but I enjoyed them women's one better. The best part was Dream sacrificing the win to get his hands on Cole.

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- Bryan vs Gulak was a great Japanese style match you rarely see in WWE outside of NXT/UK. Shame Bryan didn't bust out Cattle Mutilation for the finish. Happy it wasn't on the kickoff show and they were given plenty of time.

- Carillo vs Andrade © was good.

- Tag Team Elimination Chamber was good. A bit sloppy with so many guys in the ring but they pulled off a number of fun spots.

- Styles vs Black was good. They even let Black win with a little help from Taker.

- Profits © vs Rollins & Murphy was good. LOL Owens.

- Strowman vs Nakamura, Cesaro & Zayn was OK. Refreshing to see someone not overcome the odds in a handicap match. Surprised Zayn won. I doubt he'll hold it long unless they freebird.

- Women's Elimination Chamber was OK. They tried but the booking let them down. Ruby being eliminated before she could brawl with Liv was stupid. Shayna winning was predictable. They should swerved us with a different winner then had Shayna injure the winner on a future Raw and take their place against Becky.


Only WWE can produce a solid PPV with a poor build and low hype.

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The rumor making the rounds is Wrestlemania will be on ESPN+ or some other BS plate form so Vince can make more money from it. If that’s the case it’s an easy skip for me I’m not paying extra for one event or potentially more. Heck that’s part of what keeps me from watching AEW ppvs I’m not willing to shell out 50$ to watch something that’s worth maybe half that price at best.


Not to shill AEW, but you can get them streamed for $15 bucks if you're willing to stream them.


I paid $50 for revolution, because i wanted to DVR it and feel that I got at least half of that value out of the tag match alone. It also doesn't hurt they aren't trying to sell me a PPV a month.


Re: WWE, I canceled my network sub after the blood money show, and since they helpfully put NXT on free TV really haven't missed it.


Was planning to reactivate for Mania, but now waiting until it's confirmed on the network for reasons listed here.

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Not to shill AEW, but you can get them streamed for $15 bucks if you're willing to stream them.


I paid $50 for revolution, because i wanted to DVR it and feel that I got at least half of that value out of the tag match alone. It also doesn't hurt they aren't trying to sell me a PPV a month.


Re: WWE, I canceled my network sub after the blood money show, and since they helpfully put NXT on free TV really haven't missed it.


Was planning to reactivate for Mania, but now waiting until it's confirmed on the network for reasons listed here.


Not to go to far into the weeds on AEW but 15$ probably would’ve been about what it was worth to me and that’s after seeing that tag match which while a fine match was not this blow away amazing match everyone keeps saying imo.


As far as the E I don’t have cable so I don’t get NXT which is the only WWE that I consistently enjoy so my subscription is worth it for that to me. I won’t cancel my sub if wrestlemania isn’t on there but I’m not gonna spend extra to watch it. If they start pulling takeovers I’ll cancel but I don’t see them going that far.

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<p>random annoyance from Raw. God do I hate how Vince just HAS to screw with NXT superstars to put his "stamp" on them with these nicknames</p><p> </p><p>

latest example: Bazler is now "the cage fighter?" (laaaaaaaaammmmme)</p><p> </p><p>

why, because Trips and NXT (or whoever) thought up the much better Queen of Spades?</p><p> </p><p>

Just like Nakamura "king of strong style? that's lame pal, he's uhhhh "the artist!" now</p>

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Shayna's nickname in MMA before the transition to pro wrestling was The Queen of Spades but Vince's nick name for her just reeks of WWE s---


I mean it reeks of Vince and Dunn specifically. in NXT they had no issue having her use Queen of Spades, because it's bad ass


I assume this convo went like this with the way Vince seems to book in his mid 70's (and admittedly has said he doesn't watch or "get" nxt)


Whoever: This is Shayna, one of our top NXT women stars vince.


Vince: hey Pal! err Palette, what do the call you?


Shayna: The Queen of Spades


Vince: That will never get over, what spades are you a queen of? of wait, isn't that a non PC term now Kevin? Spades?


Look, you fought in that MMA thing right.....so you fight in a cage. I got it Pal! your the Cage FIGhter!!!!!!


Also! you are now a Vampire!


(triple H weeps in the corner silently, hoping some day this man just lets him have the book so they can start to rebuild the younger fan base)

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I mean it reeks of Vince and Dunn specifically. in NXT they had no issue having her use Queen of Spades, because it's bad ass


I assume this convo went like this with the way Vince seems to book in his mid 70's (and admittedly has said he doesn't watch or "get" nxt)


Whoever: This is Shayna, one of our top NXT women stars vince.


Vince: hey Pal! err Palette, what do the call you?


Shayna: The Queen of Spades


Vince: That will never get over, what spades are you a queen of? of wait, isn't that a non PC term now Kevin? Spades?


Look, you fought in that MMA thing right.....so you fight in a cage. I got it Pal! your the Cage FIGhter!!!!!!


Also! you are now a Vampire!


(triple H weeps in the corner silently, hoping some day this man just lets him have the book so they can start to rebuild the younger fan base)


Heyman is responsible for the biting garbage

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<p>- Lee © vs Grimes was good. NXT bringing out Champions first is a bad trend.</p><p>

- Mia vs King Kota was solid.</p><p>

- KUSHIDA vs Mendoza was solid. Lucha kidnapping. King Cuerno about to debut?</p><p>

- Nox vs Purazzo was OK but way too short. I hate to say it but Deonna is not looking in good shape.</p><p>

- Era vs Broserweights © was great.</p><p>

- Fun tour of the Performance Center courtesy of Gargano and Ciampa!</p>

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Weird as it was, I enjoyed it more than every other SD this year. Hunter and Cole mucking around was fun. Cena & Bray are so good they can cut quality promos anywhere. They just needed to replace the Chamber replay with another match (like Gulak vs Nakamura) and use lumberjacks to make noise.
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Braun Strowman just said some stupid things, chief among them that WWE guys are not being paid right now because they are independent contractors and there are no shows. Huh.


They still get their Downside, which is admittedly low for some of the newer recruits in NXT. TV and PPV bonuses are probably up in the air right now.


He called Lance Archer the great value version of himself in reply to a tweet from an AEW fan that was dissing him. Tongue-in-cheek perhaps but still stupid.

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