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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<p>So... what's this I hear about a free version of the WWE Network? I've been (quite happily) paying my 9.99 a month for the Network for years now. Just a little curious about what I'm getting that this new free version I saw them mention tonight doesn't is all.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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- Candice vs Mia and the Mixed Tag were good. I love it when different storylines collide in the same segment. Makes the roster feel more connected and efficiently advances multiple feuds.

- Nese vs Swerve was good.

- Breezango entrance LOL. Triple Threat tag was good. I'm surprised Lorcan & Burch didn' win.

- Aaliyah vs Santana was OK. Time for Robert Stone to start from scratch.

- Hype women's triple threat promos.

- Grimes vs Reed was solid.

- Del Fantasma vs Maverick was MOTN.

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So... what's this I hear about a free version of the WWE Network? I've been (quite happily) paying my 9.99 a month for the Network for years now. Just a little curious about what I'm getting that this new free version I saw them mention tonight doesn't is all.




It's nothing interesting, you just get access to the talk shows, like the last 6 episodes of RAW and Smackdown, and random episodes of NXT. You do get some of the Documentary stuff, but nothing good, or recent, the best of's and the last 10 or so Takeovers. Plus w/e else the WWE makes available for back catalog PPVs, seems like a random grab bag. I was hoping they'd make the feed free, but nope.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Del Fantasma vs Maverick was MOTN.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It wa a missable show but still decent overall, with the main event worth watching (and the obvious, yet still emotional finish <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />).</p><p> </p><p> Also had a short kickass promo of Io Shirai. I hope she wins and Charlotte & Rhea could continue this feud on RAW.</p>
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<p>Priest vs Finn was match of the night in my opinion.</p><p> </p><p>

I was surprised that Kross dismantled Ciampa so easily. They much be really high on him. </p><p> </p><p>

Io winning was awesome. She's my favorite female wrestler right now</p>

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<p>Triple threat women's match was the MOTN for me, fun match and I love me some Io!</p><p> </p><p>

Priest vs Balor was surprisingly really good too, that was probably the match I was least looking forward to and ended up being a close second for my favourite match of the night.</p><p> </p><p>

I personally don't really see what other people are seeing in Kross but it is what it is</p><p> </p><p>

Not sure what they were thinking with the Cole/Dream match lmao, it was unwatchable for me. Terrible lightings, shaky cams, and nearly a dozen cuts per second made for a terrible viewing experience.

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gCKhktcbfQM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Bryan Mills jumps a fence"></iframe></div></div>

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- The set looked nice and the throwback commercial segments were fun but the intro song wasn't my cup of tea.

- Shotzi, Tegan & Mia vs Dakota, Gonzalez & Candice was good. I'm happy Tegan won. *** 3/4

- Priest vs Balor was great. I didn't care about this feud going in but the work-rate was top notch here. ****

- Gargano vs Lee © was MOTN. Credit to the other wrestlers for their choice of chants. Lee should drop the NA Title to Kross and move up to the main event. **** 1/2

- Dream vs Cole © Backlot Brawl was solid. It was similar to the Ciampa/Gargano empty arena match in that the in-ring stuff was fine but the "cinematic" lighting and unnecessary camera cuts were distracting. Cole's windscreen bump and the Lumis cameo were the best parts. *** 1/2

- Kross vs Ciampa was solid. Manhandling Ciampa made Kross look like a boss. Reminded me of the time Lesnar squashed Cena. *** 1/4

- Rhea vs Io vs Charlotte © was great but sloppy at times. Io winning was a pleasant surprise. Loved the streamers and confetti. Hopefully she has a decent reign and doesn't get called up until next year's Royal Rumble. **** 1/4

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When was the last time Rhea Ripley actually won a match? What are they doing with her? Good for Io, but man Charlotte needs to go away for me.


Io is my favorite modern female worker, but it's a shame she couldn't have pinned Charlotte. Charlotte doesn't need to be protected.


I keep hoping she takes a vacation. I've been sick of her for a couple years now.

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Ideally Charlotte would do the 1v1 job on NXT TV to Io but it doesn't look like that is happening. I bet Vince told Hunter you can have Charlotte in NXT for Mania and beyond but she has to win the title and can't be pinned or submitted. Hunter's probably doing the best he can to work around it.
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Charlotte may not have taken the pin (which wouldn't have hurt her), but she sold very well for both Io and Rhea. I would have preferred seeing Io pin Charlotte so Rhea could have the gripe that she "didn't lose" that match, personally, but what we got was good enough to get the title onto Io, which is likely where it belonged.


And I think they're sold on Rhea. They gave her the Mania match against Charlotte, then a feud where she acquitted herself very well. I wouldn't be too surprised to see Rhea go to Raw to continue feuding with Charlotte while Io got to dominate the NXT women's scene for a few months.



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<p>Keith Lee vs Gargano was MOTN imo, but overall a good show other than the Backlot Brawl. Seriously, I was thinking the whole time that even without the horrible camerawork, if it was filmed like a normal No DQ match, it would still be way below what I expect for a Takeover match, let alone an NXT title match.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, who challenges for the title now? Loomis doesn't seen credible enough imo. Keith Lee would be perfect, but he's North American champ, and Ciampa would be ok even though it's a repeat, but he just lost in record time. Who knows, I guess.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Wrestling Century" data-cite="Wrestling Century" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Keith Lee vs Gargano was MOTN imo, but overall a good show other than the Backlot Brawl. Seriously, I was thinking the whole time that even without the horrible camerawork, if it was filmed like a normal No DQ match, it would still be way below what I expect for a Takeover match, let alone an NXT title match.<p> </p><p> Also, who challenges for the title now? Loomis doesn't seen credible enough imo. Keith Lee would be perfect, but he's North American champ, and Ciampa would be ok even though it's a repeat, but he just lost in record time. Who knows, I guess.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After reading the results for last night's NXT it seems that Keith Lee, Finn Balor, and Karrion Kross are going after Cole's title.</p><p> </p><p> There's a rumor that Cole's contract is over in August and he has yet to resign. The next couple of months should be interesting to say the least.</p>
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After reading the results for last night's NXT it seems that Keith Lee, Finn Balor, and Karrion Kross are going after Cole's title.


There's a rumor that Cole's contract is over in August and he has yet to resign. The next couple of months should be interesting to say the least.


You have to think that he's headed to AEW with the treatment he's gotten from Vince, and how they've pushed Brit. Most of the top guys who've been in NXT for years now are guys with ZERO main roster potential, know it, and are working for a 1/10th of what they're worth since the USA deal. With the company in belt-tightening mode, I can't see them competing with what AEW would offer and these people are layups for Main Event billing over there. If AEW are smart you make Adam, Gargano, and Candace offer that they won't get from Vince and clear out their roster of guys like Shawn Spears and the Dork Order to make room.

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No he didn't. He signed a contract in 2017. I tried to find more information and it looks like he has at least 18 months left on his contract.


Britt started this flair up on the AEW podcast series. And the NXT core guys (Devitt, Dream, Cole, Gargano, Chiampa) have been very upset since the TV deal saw them get no pay bumps. From the sounds of it, they're all out the second their contracts are due, which has been the rumor since they got it. I doubt that has changed. You can also see the noticeable work rate drop in most of these guys as well. Maybe Brit has some inside knowledge on how they can get out of the deal(The radicalz tried forever to get out of their WCW deals), maybe she's just playing fast and loose with the term "soon" who knows.

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- Roddy has PTSD.

- Lee & Yim vs The Garganos was great fun.

- Breezango video package... nice. Robert Stone has lost the plot. Punching above with Rhea your weight buddy LOL.

- Grimes vs Balor was good.

- Kacy vs Dakota was solid. As much as I want Kacy to get a push I want an Io vs Dakota title match more. Carter should be on TV more often.

- Thatch Style.

- Fantasma finally showed his true colors. I wish they had let him keep his name and mask, though. About time Mendoza got into a good storyline. I'm glad Wilde ditched his old look.

- NXT women finally getting in on the Tag Division action.

- Lumis vs Cole was great. They set up a lot of feuds for Undisputed Era on this show.

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No he didn't. He signed a contract in 2017. I tried to find more information and it looks like he has at least 18 months left on his contract.


He signed a new one after that - reportedly last year - hence the at least 18 more months left on his contract. His contract would be up this year if he signed in 2017 because prior to 2019 WWE didn't sign developmental/NXT guys to more than 3 years.

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