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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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7 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Are they ever actually going to explain who Dexter Lumis is for those of us who didn't watch NXT (which, looking at the ratings, is a lot of people)?

Isn't it better to show, not tell?  He's clearly your loveable stalker/serial killer person who wants to do [REDACTED] with The Miz.  Obvious sarcasm aside, I've always been entertained by Dexter Lumis but explaining his character wasn't a strong suit in NXT either 😛 

2 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

I'm still confused as to why they bill him from Recluse. It's not a tough guy town, it's a post office and two or three trailer parks.

I think that part is entirely down to him being a "loner", which is another word for recluse in English and the town name is just picked to go with the character :)

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7 minutes ago, Derek B said:

I think that part is entirely down to him being a "loner", which is another word for recluse in English and the town name is just picked to go with the character :)

I get that part lol. It just bugs me because I grew up about half an hour away from the actual Recluse (yes, it is a real place) and because of that I can't picture someone like Dexter Lumis being from there. And it has nothing to do with me being jealous because I always wanted to be the guy billed from Wyoming who became a wrestling star.

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On 10/4/2022 at 2:21 PM, Jaysin said:

If all this White Rabbit stuff ends up being Joe Gacy, people are gonna be salty 😂

At this point, the ARG stuff is so good that it can't be anybody else but Bray, because I don't trust anybody else to pull this stuff off inside that company. The clincher was the Ovaltine gag. I am just waiting to see what Bray is gonna go with for a character off of this thing. My guess is he's going for a Mad Hatter from Batman video games character here and he's gonna use a hallucination gimmick of some kind(mist, spray, pill). Which they can actually do well now with the AR tech they have so far only used for entrance stuff. 

Also makes sense considering they have hired a comic book guy to take over creative.

We'll see. 

Edited by Makhai
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I only watch the events, but never had any issues with Jimmy Smith on commentary. Kevin (Egan) Patrick does MLS play-by-play, so I am sure he will do fine. (I know that one doesn't necessarily prepare you for the other, but he has some experience in the rest of the company...and I trust the current regime to know what they're doing). Makes sense to make the move now with the "season premieres" being this Friday and this coming Monday.

Back to 2 man booths for both Raw and Smackdown (Patrick and Graves/Cole and Barrett respectively). Guessing Smackdown will have a temporary 3 man booth when McAfee gets back?

Too bad Booker T is the new color commentator for NXT - never been a fan of his work in that regard, but maybe it will be better. Can we get Mauro back somehow? No hate on Vic Joseph, as he fits the WWE mold, but Mauro just made things sound special.

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On 10/4/2022 at 8:47 AM, Matt_Black said:

Are they ever actually going to explain who Dexter Lumis is for those of us who didn't watch NXT (which, looking at the ratings, is a lot of people)?

You mean NXT ratings back from when he was there or Raw ratings?

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1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

I only watch the events, but never had any issues with Jimmy Smith on commentary. Kevin (Egan) Patrick does MLS play-by-play, so I am sure he will do fine. (I know that one doesn't necessarily prepare you for the other, but he has some experience in the rest of the company...and I trust the current regime to know what they're doing). Makes sense to make the move now with the "season premieres" being this Friday and this coming Monday.

Back to 2 man booths for both Raw and Smackdown (Patrick and Graves/Cole and Barrett respectively). Guessing Smackdown will have a temporary 3 man booth when McAfee gets back?

Too bad Booker T is the new color commentator for NXT - never been a fan of his work in that regard, but maybe it will be better. Can we get Mauro back somehow? No hate on Vic Joseph, as he fits the WWE mold, but Mauro just made things sound special.

I'm guessing the Mauro bridge is burnt. And I definitely hope Barrett sticks around for the long haul even after McAfee returns - he is excellent! Booker isn't the most thorough analyst but he is just hilarious and a name casuals will recognize which is probably a good way to go for colour of a brand introducing so many new characters to fans.

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53 minutes ago, Dawn said:

I'm guessing the Mauro bridge is burnt. And I definitely hope Barrett sticks around for the long haul even after McAfee returns - he is excellent! Booker isn't the most thorough analyst but he is just hilarious and a name casuals will recognize which is probably a good way to go for colour of a brand introducing so many new characters to fans.

Fair enough on the Booker front. I know Mauro is still doing MMA and boxing, but maybe Trips can work his magic once Mauro's contract is up. If not, oh well - it was fun to listen to him during the black and gold era but we move on. (Not as if we haven't already, right?)

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4 hours ago, Dawn said:

I'm guessing the Mauro bridge is burnt. And I definitely hope Barrett sticks around for the long haul even after McAfee returns - he is excellent! Booker isn't the most thorough analyst but he is just hilarious and a name casuals will recognize which is probably a good way to go for colour of a brand introducing so many new characters to fans.

Mauro is locked down with Showtime/Bellator. He'll probably be doing the Paul-Silva fight this month. 

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7 minutes ago, Dawn said:

That. was. AWESOME!

The ending? I thought so, too. Was it 6 different characters they had (the pig, the rabbit, etc)?

Definitely a fan of him removing the mask. As cool as the mask is, it doesn't allow for any emotions to be shown - eyes are super limited in it as well. They did enough to get the people buzzing, and guessing on Monday we will get a little more information.

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1 hour ago, James The Animator said:

Honestly, this year is the most excited that I’ve been for WWE since I first became a fan a decade ago and everything was still new to me. Cody came back this year, we saw the payoff to the White Rabbit teases last night, Vince is out, etc. I feel like there’s been a real tonal shift this year since Royal Rumble, which I remember many people hated. I’m genuinely intrigued to see how the Judgment Day storyline ends, or what happens between Sami and the Bloodline. Frankly, it makes me want to do a current-day RW save!

If the Judgment day storyline doesn't end with Finn or Priest going over Edge, it will further reinforce why I dislike Edge and his spear so much in this latest run.

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4 hours ago, James The Animator said:

Honestly, this year is the most excited that I’ve been for WWE since I first became a fan a decade ago and everything was still new to me. Cody came back this year, we saw the payoff to the White Rabbit teases last night, Vince is out, etc. I feel like there’s been a real tonal shift this year since Royal Rumble, which I remember many people hated. I’m genuinely intrigued to see how the Judgment Day storyline ends, or what happens between Sami and the Bloodline. Frankly, it makes me want to do a current-day RW save!

Please do it!

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On 10/9/2022 at 12:14 AM, Matt_Black said:

As long as we get the Firefly Funhouse bits back. Those were solid gold every time.

I would prefer that the Firefly Funhouse was retired and this new gimmick was just let be what it is without having to shoehorn a bunch of his previous gimmicks into it to sell merch. I'm fine with the going through his previous gimmicks idea to pad out the reveal so the crowd got a full theatrical entrance. 

But that should be the long and the short of it. I don't want Bray Wyatt's greatest hits. I want a fresh act, in a gimmick he can actually work a real match in. For as wacky as The Fiend thing was, it couldn't go anywhere, it couldn't build up wrestling matches. It was just a stream of consciousness thing on TV that happened. Almost killed his career. 

Edited by Makhai
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2 hours ago, Makhai said:

I would prefer that the Firefly Funhouse was retired and this new gimmick was just let be what it is without having to shoehorn a bunch of his previous gimmicks into it to sell merch. I'm fine with the going through his previous gimmicks idea to pad out the reveal so the crowd got a full theatrical entrance. 

But that should be the long and the short of it. I don't want Bray Wyatt's greatest hits. I want a fresh act, in a gimmick he can actually work a real match in. For as wacky as The Fiend thing was, it couldn't go anywhere, it couldn't build up wrestling matches. It was just a stream of consciousness thing on TV that happened. Almost killed his career. 

I am glad you were able to express that so well. The mask he came out with resembled the one from the movie The Black Phone I thought. Glad he took it off though. It worked to keep the mask on Kane. Never saw the same appeal of it on The Fiend.

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11 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Would we say Judgment Day has actual heat or X-Pac heat? Because it's really tough to tell.

Actual heat. They've been booked really well since HHH took over. I don't know if the direction he's taken with them is my cup of tea compared to what they first were, but I can't complain about heel stables being well booked after years of Vince fumbling the bag with those.

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