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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I wonder about this statement every show they keep dragging out the Piggy James segments. No, she isn't a size 0 so OMG SHE MUST BE FAT. I think its just a shame that they parade around a perfectly fine sized woman as fat, which could have some influence in effecting some younger girls in the crowd.


Isn't that... part of the point in the storyline though? Unless I haven't followed it well. Bunch of heel girls acting like snobby b*****s and picking on another claiming to be 'fat', when really everyone sees she isn't really fat, it's just the girls taking the piss. So through that, Mickie advocates the "we are all women" schtick.


I like the storyline. Some people saw the bowl-dumping segment angle last week as going 'too far' - IMO that's them getting complacent and being synonymous with WWE not going out of their cocoon as much.


Edit: Mickie accepts herself as she is, her going to Anorexics Anonymous or anything of the sort would defeat the purpose of the angle... I think.

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If this had a decent ending, it might work itself out, but this is WWE and well, they don't get things worked out properly a lot of times.


This being said, I don't always see Smackdown, and I'm sure I've probably missed a segment or two but have any other divas just told Mickie she's fine? It seems like every diva that I've seen get dragged in all just seem to go, "Yup, you're fat."

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This being said, I don't always see Smackdown, and I'm sure I've probably missed a segment or two but have any other divas just told Mickie she's fine? It seems like every diva that I've seen get dragged in all just seem to go, "Yup, you're fat."


Maria came out on Mickie's side last week, but as the face contingent on Smackdown right now is Mickie and Maria, and Maria's Apprentice contract apparently blocks her from appearing on other TV shows during it's run (or at least while she's in it) then she's going to vanish again soon.


As for Mickie going to AA, well, this is WWE. Besides, if the heels get to her, she could go down that route in the storyline. Again, done sensitively, this could end up being WWE's very special episode on eating disorders.


Done improperly it's 'Molly's got a big ass' all over again.

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I think HBK will win the way they have been building up the SD storyline since he has beef with both Mysterio and Taker, so if WWE goes the obvious no twist route I think it has to be HBK but maybe they will throw a wrench in there and Punk or something win since he is gaining momentum with this cult (as much as i dont like it)


The only thing that I dislike about the Rumble is how every year they make such a big deal about the big guys "oh my god how is Kane not going to win, hes so big!" and every year people just team up and throw the big guys over, so i kinda wish one of the big guys would win for once even though none of them are really being pushed right now

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I think HBK will win the way they have been building up the SD storyline since he has beef with both Mysterio and Taker, so if WWE goes the obvious no twist route I think it has to be HBK but maybe they will throw a wrench in there and Punk or something win since he is gaining momentum with this cult (as much as i dont like it)


The only thing that I dislike about the Rumble is how every year they make such a big deal about the big guys "oh my god how is Kane not going to win, hes so big!" and every year people just team up and throw the big guys over, so i kinda wish one of the big guys would win for once even though none of them are really being pushed right now


Didn't Undertaker win it a few years ago?

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While Takers big he's not a dangerous larger than life monster though, I'm talking about the guys who they push as indestructible monsters who should legitimately win, Big Show, Kane, Khali, Mark Henry,


A wrestling zombie who in every big match has a moment where he gets hit with a huge move which seems to kill him only to sit up and appear damage free isn't a dangerous larger then life monster? I do know what you are saying, though I think the only real difference is that Taker is built for life so they don't need to put him in domination matches to remind people that he is dangerous.


Hmm, taking Taker out i guess the last one to do it would be Yokozuna, which was a long time ago.

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I get what jester is saying: the guys like Khali, Show, Henry, etc...their size IS their gimmick.


The reason they get hyped around this time is because of how big they are, not how over or popular they are (and that really does separate Taker from Kane, Show, Khali, etc because he's over regardless)


So yeah, other than Taker, it's been ages since one of those 'giants' won.

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Taker and Cena get gimmicks that make them out to not be as strong as their pushes. "How can Cena win this time?" turns out, pretty much the same way he won EVERY time they said that. Taker's never touted as "the" man to eliminate. I don't think there's ever been a time when people ganged up on him in the way they do to Big Show, Khali, etc.
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I would really like Kane to win the Rumble and win the WWE Title from Sheamus at WM. Kane doesn't get the credit he deserves, and plus, I personally think that it would be a good match.


Yeah that's not happening


And it would be a f'n awful match


EDIT: I didn't want to sound rude, but KANE? In 2010? It's just sof ar from being realistic...and neither man is a good enough worker to carry a WM main event. An acceptable midcard braw? possibly. But Kane vs Sheamus to headline the biggest PPV of the year? I can hear the stock dropping.

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Yeah that's not happening


And it would be a f'n awful match


EDIT: I didn't want to sound rude, but KANE? In 2010? It's just sof ar from being realistic...and neither man is a good enough worker to carry a WM main event. An acceptable midcard braw? possibly. But Kane vs Sheamus to headline the biggest PPV of the year? I can hear the stock dropping.

I agree, but only half-way. Kane's one of those big workers, like Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader, who can put on pretty good matches with good workers without looking like they are being carried all the time.


If Kane was to face, let's say, Chris Jericho or Shawn Michaels, it could and would be a great match. But against Sheamus? No. Kane might not need to be carried, but he can't carry anyone else.

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I see Triple H winning, going on to challenge Sheamus. Then somehow at the February PPV HBK screws Undertaker out of his title, maybe to Jericho? Edge? Then we can get something like


HBK vs Taker - Grudge rematch because Michaels wants it and Taker wants revenge

HHH vs Sheamus - WWE Title

Jericho vs Edge - World Title

Batista vs Cena - Raw vs Smackdown

Mysterio vs Punk - Cuz it sounds good

McMahon vs Hart - Cuz Bret is back

Kofi defeats 5 others to win MITB


Orton is the real only wild card here. Being a top star in the company he has to have some sort of head liner match but all the big stars are tied up. I just don't see Orton vs Dibiase being that big of a match for wrestlemania. But the problem is I can not picture anyone else being at that level except maybe the Big Show but that doesn't make any sort of sense either.

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HHH wins who is Cena going to face at WM?


Yeah, that's why Cena is going to win. They're clearly setting up HHH vs. HBK at WM, or maybe even HHH & Vince vs. HBK & Bret. Cena will go after Sheamus. The only other possibility is Batista, I forgot about him. Cena or Batista. Either way, they're both going to face their respective brand's champion so it doesn't really matter who is standing at the end.


Batista vs. Taker, Cena vs. Sheamus, HHH vs. HBK, Vince vs. Bret, Jericho vs. Edge, Orton vs. DiBiase...Punk wins MITB again? I could see it.

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I just don't see sheamus holding the belt till Mania and with the way he's being pushed atm I'd rather he didn't. I kind of like the idea of him pulling out an amazing match with Trips out of nowhere but I just can't see it happening.


At Mania I'm thinking


Michaels-Taker (World Title on this or the match below, if they do the rematch I'd really like the belt involved)


Cena-Batista-HHH (WWE Title, three men saves them building up a real storyline lol)


Orton-Ted maybe


MITB: kofi/morrison/christian/big show and others

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I'm going to call it now Triple H to eliminate Shawn Michaels to win the Royal Rumble in the same place he won the 2002 Royal Rumble to take on the WWE Champion Sheamus.


Yeah, same here. I can see HHH/HBK at the next pay per view. Killing off DX could be hard for WWE, but they seem set for the occasional reunion/merch shilling spot regardless of what else they might be doing.


As for the Mania card, something like this is how I imagine it:


Jericho/Edge - possibly. If Edge is fit, this would be good. If not, why not Jericho/Christian? That would pave the way for an eventual feud between Jericho/Edge, with Christian caught between the two.


Undertaker/Michaels - Almost certain, with Hart/McMahon in their corners.


Sheamus/HHH - Yeah. This one might as well be advertised now.


Legacy triple threat - Or possibly Orton/Dibiase, but Legacy are imploding slowly, and the only question is what Cody Rhodes gets out of it all.


MITB - Kofi to win this. Can't see any other outcome. Would very much love for this match not to have Kane/Henry/Khali in, please WWE. Let the lightweights go nuts. Ideally, this'll be Kofi, Miz, Morrison, Mcintyre, Bourne, Tatsu and (why not?) the Hart Dynasty. As much as Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy excel in MITB, having a few new guys in there can't hurt.


Diva match - Who can say? There may even be two. How about Gail/Maryse and Mickie/Beth/Michelle?


Mysterio/Punk or Mysterio/Matt vs. Punk/Gallows - A bit of a stretch, but Mysterio is a third wheel in the main event scene on SmackDown, so who knows?


Cena/Batista - Otherwise they're left off the big show :p Their only other match wasn't too bad, if memory serves, and it's been a while since that one, so why not?

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